Chapter 15: A wizard hunt
It was a nice day at the park as we see Issei in his gym clothes and running around the circle, training all awhile we see Roberto watching him training so he can get stronger in future battles.
He is making sure Issei will not get distracted on anything while he is training his balls out all awhile we see Y/n, Alex, Eydis and Alice relaxing by the tree as Y/n was telling the two how he fought Riser and kicked his ass and win the Rating games with no problem so far.
Alice: (smile) That was some work you did to defeat him.
Eydis: (smile) Yeah and you show him not to mess with you or Rias and her peerage.
Y/n: (smirk) You should have seen his face when I beat the shit out of him, he was all scared and doesn't wanna die. Hahahaha! (Sigh) I love when cowardly villains do that.
Alex: Well just glad he won't bother you or Rias ever again. How is she by away?
Y/n: (smirk) Let's just say she's doing fantastic after the match and we celebrated together and did...."other things." But enough of that crap, how is things with you guys?
Alex: Same as always.
Eydis: (smile) Yeah it's lucky you had some fun while we sit around the castle and train every day.
Roberto: Training is a good way to be stronger, faster and more alert in battle.
Eydis: Whatever.
Alice: Say Y/n, you got any plans today?
Y/n: Not really why?
Alex: Well we got word of a mysterious wizard kidnapping people from the woods. Maybe you can join us to investigate it.
Y/n: (smile) Sure as long I have something else to do then I'm in. What about Roberto? Does he wanna join?
Alex: Yeah I think he's doing alright here. Anyways let's go.
The trio exit out of the portal and enter the dark forest as they look around and it seemed to be creepy as they look around and they couldn't see or hear any wildlife out here.
Alice: Hhm I feel darkness all around us.
Eydis: This is creepy.
Alex: We must stay focused at all cost. Who knows what's here.
Y/n: Yeah let's move out.
And so they make a journey through the dark and creepy forest as they look around for anything but there was nothing but themselves and the slince all around them.
They kept on moving for a while and realised this forest is very long so they stop and look around while Eydis sighs and sat down on a stump.
Eydis: Damn it how long is this forest?
Alex: It seems this forest is endless. Who knows how long it might be.
Y/n: Guess that explains why people disappeared in these woods.
Alex: It seems so.
Alice: If this wizard is here, he must be controlling the forest.
Y/n: You really think so?
Alice: Not too sure but normally we should have walk into a lake or a open field by now. But it seems there is nothing but trees all around us.
Eydis: (sigh) Which means this is gonna take us forever. Can this get any worse-
Then she was pulled and then lifted upside down by some vines as they immediately turn around to see hee upset down while she yells in shock while more vines appear around them.
Alice and Alex pulled out their swords while Y/n summon his The screams of triumph axe and that's when the vines attack them which they start to cut them up all awhile Eydis is trying to cover up her skirt while also swinging hee sword on her other hand.
Eydis: Let me go you pervert vine!
She then cut the vine that is grabbing her leg and she fell and land hard onto the floor while the rest continues cutting up the vines but more and more keep going.
Y/n: Everyone duck!
They get down as Y/n ready his axe and then spins 360 which cost not only the vines around them to be cut into millions of pieces but the trees around them gets cut and fell hard onto the ground. Y/n smirks to himself as everyone gets up and look around to see the area is clear.
Alice: Good thinking Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) Thanks.
Alex: Everyone, come and look a this.
They walk over to Alex who is kneeling down in front of one of the cut down trees as he touches his hand onto the tree and they noticed the skin of the trees are moving, almost like it was literally alive.
Alex: These trees are indeed controlled so which means you are right Alice. This forest is alive.
Y/n: And this wizard is responsible for it for sure.
???: (distance) Help! Help! I need help!
Eydis: Did you guys hear that?
Y/n: Same. Let's check it out.
They follow the calls and soon they find three fallen anegsl being caught by vines and cannot move.
Y/n: (shocked) Holy shit! Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner. What are you three doing?
Mittelt: Don't ask that dumb question and help us down!
Y/n nodes and then cuts all the vines with his axe which they land onto the floor and get up.
Raynare: Thanks. Thought we be done for.
Y/n: (smirk) Your welcome.
Alice: What are three Fallen Angels doing here?
Kalawarner: We found ourselves in the woods and we walked here for hours. Then these vines ambush us and captured us.
Mittelt: Yeah we try to escape but they just tight us mors and more. We couldn't do anything to escape until you four show up.
Y/n: (smirk) Well good to see you three after a long time.
Raynare: Same here. Say, what brings you and your friends here?
Alex: We're investigating a wizard that maybe responsible for all of this.
Raynare: A wizard huh. Well we did saw a cloak figure in the distances before we were caught by those vines.
Alice: Where did he go?
Mittelt: Somewhere South, we'll show you there.
Alex: Very well then. Lead the way.
(Hours later)
They arrived at a open field only to find nothing around them. They try to see anything but there was nothing around them.
Eydis: Okay this has to be where he is.
Mittelt: But where? There is literally nothing here.
Y/n: (smirk) You never know. He may have his hut or house invisible or something. Let me check.
Y/n takes a few steps while he has his arms straight out to see if the wizards hideout is invisible and it wasn't long for him to touch something that feels like a door.
Hefinds the door handle and then opens it and sees what seems like a large room filled with boxes of dark spells or demonic magic.
They walk inside and make their way through the building and it wasn't log for them to find the wizard having a hoof over his head while pouring down blood of his victims into cauldron as he sense them here so he spoke in a echo dark like tone.
???: I see that you have come to end me. Stop my plans of finding what I am seeking.
Y/n: And your gonna tell us what that is?
???: Finding out the truth of our souls. Devil, angel, fallen angel, humans and all beings souls. I wanna know all about them and maybe learn how to make a perfect soul.
Eydis: Man you are crazy.
???: I've been called many names. But none does not stops me of achieving my goals once and for all.
Mittelt: Enough talk! Time to fight!
Mittelt charges towards him but he quickly turn and sent Mittelt back with a simgal blast which cost her to crash ont the ground while the others pulled out their weapons while the cloak figure says.
Soul keeper: I am the Soul keeper. I study the souls of beings and experiments them in hopesto create a perfect soul. I will not allow any distractions so you all will must be gone from my sight.
He then sent out a blast to sent some back apart of Alex and Y/n as they stood there ground and then they charge towards him as they swing theie swords at him but he dodges every swing as he leaps back and throws objects at the two but they slice them up in half.
Y/n: (smirk) Is that the best you got?
Soul Keeper: No. This is.
He then summon red demonic like souls that camelia from the ground and surrounded on everyone as they all roared at them. Alex tries to swing at one of them but his blade go's through their bodies.
Alex: Crap! My blade won't touch them. Any ideas?
Y/n: Well if my fantasy video games taught me is to target at the one who summon them. Kill him and his army is gone.
Alex: Right. We'll hold them off while you get him.
Y/n: Roger that!
Y/n leaps over while Alex and the others hold them off as Y/n lands in front of the Soul Keeper ans swing his blade at him but he dodges them. He then shot out red lighting at him but he blocksthe bolt with his sword and then he fired a shot from his Dark-Striker pistol which hits Soul Keeper shoulder and he can't move his left shoulder while Y/n charges towards him but he summons a magic shield ti block his attack.
Y/n: (smirk) Is that the best you can do?
He then summon his spear and opens up a portal below him and the appear behind him and then stabbed him with both his sword and spear as the Soul Keeper groans in pain while he demonic souls faded away.
Soul Keeper: You will pay for this. Your souls is nothing but pure darkness.
Y/n: Yeah, Yeah just shut up and die.
He then ripped Soul Keeper apart into two as he fell onto the ground. Seconds later the whole place starts to fall apart so they make their escape and turn back to see the whole building appear only to be fallen apart and became rubble.
They stare at the now destroyed building as Y/n puts away his spear and sword while he said.
Y/n: Well that's over and done with.
Alex: Indeed. With the wizard now gone, innocent souls will now be free.
Eydis: (smile) Yep all thanks to us.
Alice: (smile) Thanks for coming with us Y/n.
Y/n: (smile) No problem just glad I got some small action.
Raynare: (little blush) Yeah and thanks for saing us......again.
Y/n: No problem. So where are you three going now?
Kalawarner: Well wehave been trying to find q place to call home but no such luck.
Mittelt: Yeah and I'm getting sick and tired sleeping on the streets.
Y/n: That sucks. Say, how's about you three stay at my place?
Raynare, Mittelt and Kalawarner: Really?
Y/n: (smile) Sure. You can stay at my place for a while or in full time if you want.
Raynare: Well we don't have a choice in hand so sure. Why not.
Kalawarner: We be happy to live with you.
Mittelt: Just as long I can sleep in peace.
Alex: Well let's head back. Our job here is done.
Alex opens a portal and they go through as they return back home and rest up. However after the portal closes we see the torn apart bodies of the Soul Keepee as his body started to move and then his torn apart body gets up and starts to fuse together once more. Soul Keeper let's out a heavy deep breath while heis filled with revenge as he turns away and then said.
Soul Keeper: This ain't the last time you see of me. I will have my revenge.
He then turns around and walked into the forest and disappeared as the fog came rolling in as he will one day havehis revenge apon Y/n and his friends.
To be continued.............................................
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