Chapter 11: Facing my old Nemesis

It was a foggy and rainy day within what seems like the rocky mountains where we see Eric, Alice, Alex, Eydis and Y/n walking through a small canyon as Eric has called apon Y/n to inform him that Abbsy ans his forces are making their move and now we see them, trying to find him and his forces and stop him before it's too late.

They can't see anything due to the fog around them as they continue on walking and continue on searching for any signs of Abbsy but there was nothing so far.

Y/n: Man this fog really doesn't want us to find this dickhead or his dickhead forces.

Eric: Indeed, we need to be careful, he may spring a trap on us.

Y/n: You think we should call in some back up? The five of us might be suicide.

Eric: (smirk) Your afraid?

Y/n: Well i figure you be the smart person and have more then five people with us against this threat.

Eric: True but unfortunately the others are kinda busy with some things but they ensure us that more will cone to aid us in our battle.

Y/n: Let's hope so.

Eydis: (smile) Besides we got this! We can beat them before the others arrive.

Alice: (smirk) Agree plus you faced him before, you can beat him again.

Y/n: Guess that's true. Well let's hurry things up, I promise to make some delicious dinner for the girls.

Eydis: (smile) Sounds yummy!

Alex: (whisper) Wait! Look up!

They look up to see some guards on top of the canyon which they hide and watch them as they walk through the walls of the canyon and soon they were out of sight. They leave their hiding spots as Y/n whispers to Eric.

Y/n: (whisper) Where those his men?

Eric: (whisper) Seems like it and it must be close, come on.

They continue on moving but this time they make sure the guards will not noticed them above them. They noticed more guards patrolling the top canyon as they hide and waited until they were gone and they keep moving. Soon they see an exit of the canyon and once through they see a hill up ahead which they kneel down and down below there was nothing but fog but soon the fog cleared up and it show a massive camp with many dark warriors and evil knights gathering theie weapons, armor and everything they needed, like they are ready to go to war.

Alex: Looks like we found theie base.

Eydis: So we attack them?

Eric: Too risky, there is too many of them. We will be outnumbered.

Y/n: Any ideas?

Eric: (smirk) Figured you have one.

Y/n: (smirk) Glad you ask.

He pulled out some C-4 and hands them five each until Alice points out.

Alice: But there is too many of them. We will be spotted within seconds.

Y/n: (smirk) Why else I don't have a C-4. You guys plant some bombs while I lower out my Nemesis and his followers.

Eric: Okay, good luck.

Y/n: (smirk) Dude, luck is always on my side.

Eric node and the four heaf off to plant soke bombs while Y/n slide down the hill and the next thing we see what two guards standing in front of the entrance when they spotted someone approaching them.

Male guard 1: Hold it right there! Who gose there?

He stop in his tracks as he raised his hand while he show his face to the which they immediately recognised him as another guard called out.

Male guard 2: The Dark slayer has come! The dark slayer has come!

Soon all the Knights rush out of the camp and they immediately surrounded Y/n as they ready their melee weapons, bows and crossbow as they form around Y/n all while he just smirked and then called out.

Y/n: (smirk) How's about you show me where your leader is so I can see him.

Soon footsteps can be heard as a group of knights move away and allow theie leader step into the circle as their leader sees Y/n and let's out a sigh and then said.

???: Ah the dark slayer, we have meet again.

Y/n: (smirk) Warlord Abbsy, nice to see your alive and not in a wheelchair after our last fight.

Abbsy: I was lucky to survive our last battle and after healing and training myself, I am ready to take my revenge. I was planning to sent my forces to go and find you but it seems you find your way here.

Y/n: (smirk) Figure I can see my Nemesis after a long time and maybe beat you up once again.

Abbsy: Yes but here is the thing, disbite your heroic things, the people of the world still sees you as a monster because of your families history and past.

Y/n: That was years ago.

Abbsy: Still, some have not forgotten about it. The last time we met I offer you to join me and together we could have ruled the world, now I will offer one last chance to join me and rule by my side.

Y/n: Just like before I refuse to join. I make my own way of life and not always a dark Knight that threatening anyone I see who has not done anything wrong. Now here's the thing I want you to do, stand down, lower your weapon and disband your army or I'll make you.

Abbsy: You thinm you can threatening me? I would like to see you try!

He charge towards Y/n but Y/n quickly transform into his armor and sword and blocks Abbsy strike with his sword.

Y/n: Your making a huge mistake Abbsy! Stand down now or I'll have to beat you up again!

Abbsy doesn't listen and strike powerful blows at Y/n but Y/n managed to block his blows and then push Abbsy back. Then Abbsy dashes behind him and swing his sword but Y/n turns around and blocks him with his sword, the two warriors lock blades and then clash theie blades while Abbsy army watched this going on. Y/n quickly dodges Abbsy's swings and when he gose down for a swing, Y/n grabs his blade and then strikes a punch that crack Abbsy helmet a bit and made him stumble back.

Abbsy: Nice punch, but you have no match against me!

He stabbed his sword into the grounr as the floor beneath Y/n dark black and dark shadow arms came out and start grabbing him and holding him as they start pulling down underground as Abbsy watched as Y/n is being dragged underground but only for Y/n to sent out a blast, sending Abbsy and his forces back a bit as Y/n leaps up in the sky and then came down and strike a sword slash at Abbsy, the two lock blades until Y/n leaps over and land behind Abbsy and swings his sword at him but Abbsy pulls out another sword and blocks his strike.

He then pushed Y/n back as he turn to face him and hold both swords and then he charge towards Y/n and the two clash blades, sparks come out from theie swords as they dual, they keep dualing for what seems like hours while Eric and the others are seen plannting some explosions around Abbsy's camp and once that they leave the area while Y/n and Abbsy enter another blade lock once more but this time Y/n headbutt Abbsy, costing him to stumble backwards and then Y/n strike a kick sending him flying back and land onto his butt.

He sat up only to have a blade pointed at his neck as Y/n is looking down at Abbsy as the two stare at each other as Y/n says with a smirk tone.

Y/n: Looks like I've won this dual Abbsy. Game over.

Abbsy: You think you have won? Well no matter, I still have my army and the weapons we needed to stage an attack. If you can not join me then you will die here and now by my forces.

Abbsy forces start to approach Y/n until he chuckles a bit and then ask Abbsy.

Y/n: (smirk) Sorry but I gonna ask you one thing?

Abbsy: And what would that be?

Y/n: (smirk) What weapons or what gear?

Suddenly there was a huge explosion at their camp as Abbsy and the others turn to see their camp was up in flames as their gear, weapons and everything is destroyed within the explosion. Abbsy is shocked by this as Y/n lower his blade down while Abbsy turn to face Y/n as the two stare at each other and then Abbsy gets up and tells Y/n.

Abbsy: This ain't over Y/n. One day.....I will kill you along with your friends.

Then he make his leave along with his forces as they disappeared from sight as Y/n changed back to his normal form as Eric and the others walked up to him.

Eydis: (smile) We did it!

Alice: (smile) Nice work.

Alex: You think they ever gonna come back?

Y/n: (smirk) They lost this battle, doesn't look like they ain't gonna return anytime soon.

Suddenly a gate portal open and then Artoria, Teresa, Mordred, Jeanne, Igris and Roberto appear out of thr portal as they were ready for a battle but was surprised to see the battle has already won.

Artoria: Looks like the battle has already won.

Eric: (smirk) Yep. What took you so long?

Artoria: (smirk) just some busy stuff. Glad to see all of you are alright, especially you Y/n, thank you.

Y/n: (smirk) Hey no problem.

Roberto: So what should we do now?

Igris: There is a chance they may return to rebuild this camp site stronger then ever.

Artoria: Agree. We form a base of opinion here so they will not return.

They all agree and once that was over and down with, Roberto takes Y/n back home while the rest will build a small base in case Abbsy and his forces may return.


We see Y/n back home and sat down at the dinner table with Modeus, Loremaster, Justice, Lucifer, Manlina, Ceberus, Judgement, Pandemonica Zdrafa, Asia and Ikaros as Y/n tells them all what happened with Eric and the others.

Y/n: (smirk) And that's how I defeated my Nemesis.

Modeus: Wow that was really hot.

Asia: (smile) I'm so glad you managed to defeat him and stop him from harming anymore people.

Lucifer: (smirk) I wish I was there to see the action.

Zdrade: (smirk) Yeah must be very badass!

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah it was, still just glad I can be home and not worry about no Nemesis ever again.

Justice: (smirk) You can say that again!

They all agree and they have their dinner and after that they all went to bed. Y/n is seen laying his bed as he let out a yawn and was about to go to sleep when there was a red flash so he open his eyes and look over and to his surprise he sees Rias there as he ask her.

Y/n: Oh hey Rias, what brings you he-

Without a word, she get onto bed with him and wason top of Y/n as she unbutton her uniform, exposing her bra which Y/n is caught off guard by this as he ask her.

Y/n: (surprised) Um Rias? What on world are you-

Rias: Please have sex with me.

Y/n: (surprised) Huh?! Seriously? Why?

Rias: Just please! I don't want him to marry me.

Y/n: Him? Whose "him?" Issei? I understand why since he is a perfect and I think he doesn't shower. Trust me, I should kno-

Rias: Not him......its.....its complicated.

Y/n: Rias, you don't usually act like this. Are you-

???: There you are Rias, I have been looking for you.

They looked over to see a female maid appear beside their bed as the female maid look at the two two then she tells Rias.

???: Rias, you must know that your gonna to be married by the son of the Phenex family.

Rias looks a bit disappointed for some reason as she leaves Y/n's bed and button her uniform and then tells the female maid.

Rias: Yes, I'm very aware of that but I wish to not marry him.

???: It's not my decision Rias. I'm sorry, now come on, your parents are waiting.

Rias: Of course.

Y/n was confused as Rias turn to him with a face that looks like she needs Y/n's help and soon the two disappeared as Y/n sat up from his bed and wonders to himself.

Y/n: (thought) What the fuck was that all about? Who was that maid and what is the Phenex family? Is that another group of family or peerage? Still Rias looks like she wants me to help her with this family. (Sigh) Can't do anything about it now, best I'll ask her tomorrow and hopefully she'll tell me what's going on.

He let's out a yawn and then lay down and them falls asleep all while we see what looks like a phoenix bird standing on top of Y/n's Wall and spying at Y/n before the bird flies away with a hawk and then it burst into flames and disappeared from sight to return back to his master.

To be continued..........................................

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