Chapter 10: An ancient pervert mummy

We see Y/n at the school gym where we see him in his gym uniform and doing some boxing as he dose some quick blows as he punches the punching bag. He thought he was alone as he train on his own when he heard someone also doing some boxing and looked over to see Koneko doing some boxing and it seems she doesn't know that Y/n is here.

Y/n sees this and walks up to her while she is in the miff of her training. Soon he appoch her from behind and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Never suspect to see you here.

Koneko stop and turn to face Y/n while he give her a smirk and ask her.

Y/n: (smirk) So how's things with you?

Koneko: Good, your lucky your not Issei otherwise I'll might kick him between his legs.

Y/n: (chuckle) Yeah I don't blame you. Say are you usually doing this alone?

Koneko: Yeah, just need to think about somethings. You?

Y/n: (smirk) Eh sometimes, you know to a small girl you are one tough girl.

Koneko: Thanks.

Y/n: (smirk) But how's about we see how strong you really are?

Koneko knows what he ment and seconds later they were in a fighting ring as the two stare at each other and then Y/n rushed up to her and swing paunch but Koneko moves her head and grab his arm and lifted him over and Y/n slammed onto the ground.

He then rolled away and get up and quickly blocked Koneko's blows and punches, then Y/n swings a kick but Koneko dodged it and then move around him and spin her leg, kicking Y/n's leg and costing him to fell onto the ground.

Before Y/n can have a chance to get up, Koneko sat on him and she look down at him and then tell him.

Koneko: Looks like I'm stronger.

Y/n: (smirk) Think again.

Then he turned her over and now Y/n was on top of her, grabbing her arms onto thr ground as she struggle to break free but he was too strong. He give her a smirk and then said.

Y/n: (smirk) Didn't suspect a boy to pinned you down?

Koneko: No.

Y/n smirked at her as the two stare at each other for a bit and then Y/n tells her.

Y/n: (smirk) Your not only small and strong but your also cute as well.

Koneko: (little blush) Sh-shut up.

Y/n: (smirk) Wait? Was that a blush? Are you blushing?

Koneko: (blushing) N-No.

Y/n: (smirk) Well it's alright to blush, especially serious people like you can blush.

Koneko doesn't say anything and kept blushing even if she try to but still her heart for some reason starts to skip a beat of how close they really are and she felt kinda hot, either the room theie were in or....something else.

Rias: (smile) You two seem to have some fun?

They look over to see Rias smiling at them and Y/n let's go of Koneko and the two climb out of the ring and apoorches her.

Y/n: (smile) Yo Rias, yeah we were just seeing which one of us is stronger ain't that right Koneko?

Koneko: (little blush) Y-Yeah.

Rias: (smirk) Glad to hear that. Say Y/n are you interested helping us out on a certain job for us?

Y/n: (smile) Sure what's the job?

Rias: A professor by the name of Nishiura wants our help on a coffin that may contain a Mummy.

Y/n: A Mummy? Sounds interesting, what dose he want our help for?

Rias: He believes that the spirit of a ancient Mummy is still within the coffin and he wants us to check it out.

Koneko: It could possessed either one of us.

Y/n: Well let's not let that happen.

Rias: (smile) Agree, let's meet up with the rest and head to the professors place.

(Hours later)

They arrived at the location and the pkace they arrived in is a museum that contained many artifacts in the past. We see Issei looking at one of them for a bit and then let out a sigh.

Issei: This is soo boring! Not only we're in a boring museum in the middle of the night but there is no naked sexxy statue girls.

Kiba: (smile) Come on Issei.

Asia: Look at that Y/n!

The two apoorched a case of jewellery from long ago, Asia is amazed by them while Y/n likes to see her amazed. They move on and soon they met up with Nishiura who came out of the storage room and runs up to them.

Nishiura: (smile) I'm thankful you all came just in time.

Y/n: (smirk) We're always on time. So can you show us this mummy?

Nishiura: Sure thing, follow me at the back.

They enter the storage room and soon they arrived at the coffin along with a stoned wall with a circle in the middle while three triangles around it as Y/n looks at it and then turn his attention towards the coffin.

Nishiura: My boss wants me to study on the Mummy before putting it on the museum but I'm afraid that a spirit inside might possessed me so I summon you all here to deal with it.

Rias: (smile) You made the right choice professor.

Kiba: So how can we do this?

Y/n: Well to start we can open it and see.

Issei: You sure it's a good idea?

Y/n: Probably not.

Disbite that he opens the coffin and there was a wrapped up mummy as Y/n looks at it and says.

Y/n: Looks dead to me.

Issei: Really? Let me see.

Rias: Be careful Issei.

He was close and turns to Rias when suddenly an eye open and stare at Issei and immediately Issei starts to gasp and step back a bit while the rest stare at him in worry.

Y/n: Yo Issei you alright?

He then stop and then he start to chuckle and then he turn to everyone eyes with red eyes and then said.

Unas: Your "Issei" is no more, I am Unsa, a priest who performed ceremonial!

Y/n: Unas? Shit Issei is possessed isn't he?

Akeno: (smile) It seems like it.

Rias: (smile) Well Unas my name is Rias and you will let my pawn go.

Unas: (chuckle) If you wish me to free your pawn then you will help me bring me back to life.

Rias: How?

Unas: (smirk) See tat stone wall, it's a spell that blocks me of returning to more physical body, help me complete all three tests and your pawn will be freed while I will have my body again.

Y/n: Okay so what is the first test then?

Unas: (smirk) The first is to have your leader to dance for me while also wearing this!

He pulled out an Egyptian stripper style like outfit which surprised everyone apart of Rias who sigh and said.

Rias: I suppose i don't have a choice do I?

Y/n: (shocked) Your not serious right?

Rias: (smirk) Relax and besides you might like my moves.

She winked at him ans seconds later she is wearing the outfit and she start to dance. She dance like the Egyptians have danced while everyone watched as Unas have a pervert smile.

Y/n: (thought) I'm starting to think this guy is just like Issei. No one he died, girls must have beaten up thid pervert to death or something.

Still she completed the first test as the first triangle disappeared and then Unas tells them all the second test.

Unas: (smirk) Now the second test is for me to kiss the most cuties girl in this room.

Y/n: You have to be kidding me? Is there no like "challenging a person to combat" or " battle someone who is stronger?"

Unas: (smirk) You fool there is not! Besides I like this young cute girl.

Koneko realised he is talking about her which Y/n realised it as well and then smirked and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Yeah go ahead and kiss her, i dare you?

Unas: (smirk) If you wish, I've been looking forward to this moment in my whole lif-

Then Koneko punched Unas in the gut which he was not suspect that while Y/n laughed.

Y/n: (laughter) Man that was funny, nice one Koneko!

Asia: I hope Issei isn't-

Then Asia tripped on a wire and fell and accidentally touched her lips on Unas cheeks which break the second test.

Y/n: Oh come on that doesn't even count! It was on accidentally not on purpose!

Unas: (chuckle) Still I am one way of finally be given a body again!

Y/n: (thought) This guy is seriously starting to piss me off. Let's hope the last test is something not pervert.

Unas: (smirk) Then final test is to allow me to grab that black hair girls boobs!

Y/n: (thought) Are you kidding me?!

He was about to grab Akeno's breast but suddenly he stopped and it turns out to be Issei fighting him as he stumble back while they can hear Issei speak.

Issei: I won't let you do that!

Kiba: (surprised) Is that you Issei?!

Y/n: (smirk) Nice work Issei, I knew you will be strong to fight off Unas somehow.

Issei: I won't let you teach Akeno's boobs........because I wish to touch them as well!

Y/n:.........Aaaannndddd here's my faith of you going down the toilet.

Issei: Shut up! You also have the sexxy girls so they allow you to touch them! Now it's my turn!

Y/n: Really Issei, just really.

Unas: No! This one is mine, you don't deserve it!

Issei: Screw off! I'm gonna grab them, not you!

Unas: No I am!

Issei: No I am!

Unas: No I am!

Issei: No I am!

They continue to argue to each other while Y/n just let's out a sigh while he shake his head.

Y/n: This is the most stupidest thing I have ever seen.

Koneko: You and me both.

After a while they tripped and landed on Akeno's breast with her making a surprise yell and the third test is done.

Issei: (thought) This is the most amazing thing I ever have in my whole life!

Seconds later there was a loud boom and everyone was sent flying out of thr room and land hard onto the ground. They look over to see Unas step out while having g hid body again while Issei is free and stood with them as they get up.

Y/n: Okay their buddy how's about you leave this place and never return.

Unas: (smirk) Ha! Now I have a body again I can finally start by ruling this world and have all the ladies I want!

He laughed while he summon long white straps as they fly towards the but quickly Y/n cuts them all up as he step forward and then he let out a chuckle.

Y/n: (smirk) You being ruler? Be real, do you honestly think people will listen to weak man like you? Tch, get real you don't even look as threatening then I thought to be.

Unas: (anger) How dare you mock me! You shall pay for mocking me!

Y/n just smirked while he lower his head and quickly fashes over and kicked Unas onto thr ground and stomp his foot onto his chest while he have the tip of his blade at his face and now Unis scared as Y/n look down at him with a evil like smile.

Y/n: (smirk) I wonder if you die a second time? Maybe that will kill you for sure without possession anymore people?

Unas: (scared) N-N-No please! I-I-I can make your wishes come true, how's about that? Huh?

He stare at him and turn to Rias which she smirk and nodes to him which he node back and turn back to Unas and said.

Y/n: (smirk) Sorry but I think I'll pass, Bye~!

Unas: (scared) Wait no no! You can't do this! No No! NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!


Y/n lay on the couch within the occult research club as he let out a long sigh while Rias is sitting on her desk and looked over and smiled as she ask.

Rias: (smile) Seems your tired?

Y/n: Well who knew that ancient mummy turns out to be a huge pervert.

Rias: (smile) Yeah but the job is done either way.

Y/n: Yeah I guess you right.

Y/n sighs for a bit and seconds later Rias walks up to him and then lay right next to him on the couch and cuddle with him.

Y/n: Rias?

Rias: (smile) Just wanna feel your body and it's pretty warm. I might sleep here for a bit.

Y/n: (little blush) You serious?

Akeno: (smile) Is that so?

Then Akeno and Asia came into thr room and over heard what Rias said and then said.

Akeno: (smile) In that case I wish to join in as well.

Asia: (smile) Same!

Before Y/n know it both Akeno and Asia join in with Akeno laying on the right side, Rias on the left and Asia on top of him. They felt his warm body all while he can feel their breast pressing all around him. Disbite that it felt kinda nice.

Y/n: (thought) This ain't so bad. It felt like I'm inside of a sandwich.

Then he realised the three of them fell asleep as they snore lightly and gently around Y/n which made him yawn a bit and before he know it he too fell asleep all while Kiba and Issei were looking through the cracked door as Issei gets really jealous and said.

Issei: (anger) No far! I swear it's all that Egyptian guy fault I'm sure of it.

Kiba: (smile) Don't worry Issei I'm sure you'll find someone soon enough.

Issei: You really think so?


Issei: Well?

Kiba turns and walks off, not knowing what to tell him all while Issei gose after him and asking him if he will and then Koneko appear and looked into the room to see all of them asleep while she had this strange feeling within heart.

Koneko: (thought) Is this what love feels like? Is this what this strange feeling really is? Dose that mean i love him? But...dose he love me back?

There were many things going around her head which was not like but she shakes it off and walks off to get some sleep and maybe these thoughts and feelings might go away but unknown to her, it doesn't.

To be continued...............................................

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