Chapter 1: You think I'm just a human?
It was the middle of the night within the dark and creepy forest as we see a large and abandoned mansion that seems to be abandoned but we can see a car that looked to be new and then we cut inside the mansion to see a teenage boy and teenage girl exploring around the abandoned mansion as the teenage girl have gotten the creeps about this mansion and asked her boyfriend.
Teenage girl: Um you sure this is a good idea to be here? I'm getting a feeling that someone will jump at us any second right now.
Teenage boy: (smirk) No worries babe, this place is left abandoned for thousands of years. No one hasn't even been here.
Teenage girl: Guess so.
They move to the living room that is filled with nothing but dust as they look around for a bit. Then the teenage girl looks down to see something red as she bend down and it looks fresh and I almost looks like blo-
Teenage boy: (smirk) So shall we start?
She looks over to see her boyfriend have his pants off while she looks away and tells him.
Teenage girl: One second thought, can we go somewhere else instead of here.
Teenage boy: Look if we wanna be together we gonna do this. Besides your parents hates me and they won't accept us being together.
Teenage girl: Yeah at first I didn't understand why but now I realise why. You always take risky things, never listen to me and take me to many places that we're not allowed to be in. I'm starting to question our relationship eight now.
Teenage boy: (anger) Jesus fucking christ! All I wanted is to have fun with you and now you doubting our relationship?!
Teenage girl: (anger) Well maybe you should-
Suddenly something dropped onto the ground at the other room as the two turn and stare at the open door that is filled with darkness. The two look at each other and the back to the door when suddenly a hand touches the floor and then another which fear struck them as a man crawl into the room with all four's and slowly look up at them with his neck snap and crack, then he open his mouth to reveal sharp teeth as he lend out a roar at the two.
Teenage boy: (scared) Holy shit! What the fuck is that!
Then the "man" leaps and lands onto the teenage girl as she scream and trying to get it off of her. She hopes her boyfriend will help but she only sees him running away from the mansion. She struggled more and more as the "man" slowly lowee his head towards her's as he snap his teeth as she lend out a scream thinking this was it for her.
???: Oh no you don't!
Suddenly a person came out from behind and grabs the creature and pulled the creature away from her and then tossed him away, crashing into the wall. The Teenage girl breaths heavily while she looks over to see a mysterious person wearing what looks like a bounty hunter outfit with a pistol on his holster as he turn to teenage girl and helps her up.
???: You alright ma'am?
Teenage girl: Y-Yeah.
???: Perfect. Listen get out of here while you still can and....probably not hang out with people like your boyfriend there next time okay?
She nodes once more and then makes a run for it while the mysterious man watch her leave and once she is out os his sites he turn to see the creature land on the floor and lend out a angry like roar while he just chuckle and pulls out a sword out of his back and then rest his blade onto his shoulder.
???: (smirk) Alright then, let's dance.
Then creature launches towards the mysterious man while the mysterious man charges at the creature while he pulls his sword back and then once close and swings his sword at the creature and everything turns black.
(Next day)
It was a bright and sunny day as we look and see Kouh academy, a private school that was a private school for female students but soon the principal decided to allow male students into their school and now it is a private school for both male and female students now.
We then cut to a classroom as we see many students writing on their papers while the teacher watch them all doing their work until the bell rang.
Male teacher: Okay class hand me over your papers, your all dismissed for today.
The students stood up and grab their bags as they hand their work to the teacher while they leave class. The teacher looks through the work and see most students got wrong answers while some have some mistakes. But then he smiled to look at one work that is all right as the last student leaves class and then his teacher calls out.
Male teacher: (smile) 100% again Y/n. Keep this up and i might give you extra work.
Then Y/n smirked and turns while he says to the teacher.
Y/n: (smirk) Oh please remember last time you give me extra work.
The teacher chuckled while he node to him as Y/n leaves class. Y/n is well know to be one of the smartest students eveyr in Kouh academy and all girls seemed to have eyes on Y/n due to his charm, personality and how cool he is. On the other hand most guys doesn't like him because how much attention he is getting from the girls which Y/n ignore because most of those guys are just perverts or creeps.
Speaking of which we see Y/n taking a walk outside as he walk by the girls changing rooms as he can hear girls getting changed in there.
Then he hears something else so he make his walk around the building and peaks over to see the trio of perverts peaking through a small hole watching as the girls were getting change.
Y/n: (thought) Not those three again. Do they never learn? Well guess duty calls.
He very remembered the trio of pervert which their names are Matsuda, Motohama and Issei. Matsuda and Motohama were looking through the small hole while saying.
Matsuda: Damn look at those legs!
Motohama: Yeah and the size of those breast! They are huge like a watermelon!
Matsuda: Yeah no kidding!
Issei: Hey let me have a turn! It's no fair you two have a peak while I'm not.
Motohama: You just need to keep on eye on anyone if we are caught. You can swap later.
Issei: That's no fair and besides there is no way nonone ain't gonna walk around the corner and saw us here peaking through a small hole where the girls are changing.
Y/n: (smirk) Wanna bet?
Then the trio froze and turn to see Y/n as he smirked while he crackle hid knuckles and then ask.
Y/n: (smirk) to take this the easy way or the hard way?
Issei, Motohama and Matsuda:....Oh crap.
We see the trio tied up and they were in the middle of a group of girls that Y/n explained to them and they start to beat them while two other girls named Murayama and Katase bows to Y/n while they say.
Murayama: Thank you for stopping those perverts looking at us whioe we changed.
Katase: Yeah thank you Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) No problem girls just remember to call me if those three every get you any trouble. Later!
He make his leave while the girls wave goodbye to Y/n and then go back of beating up the perverts as Y/n continue his walk around the area and then find himself walking up to an abandoned building as he looks at it and it seems like it it was been there for a long while.
Y/n: Jeez seems like this place it hasn't been touched in sometime. Wonder what was this for?
He walk around the building and scanning around when his eyes land on someone on the second floor window looking down at him.
The two stare at each other as Y/n seen that student before. Her name is Rias Gremory as he stare at her and then guve her a friendly smirk with a singal node and then make his leave. Rias watched him leave and she too leave the window as Y/n make his way back to the main school and head make his walk to somewhere to pick up something..
(Sometime later)
At a small vehicles repair shop we see a man fixing up a motorcycle bike and he is almost done and soon he stood up and breath in a sigh when he heard a knock at his garage door and turn to see Y/n.
Y/n: (smirk) Yo Taru how's things with you?
Taru: (smile) Ah it ain't my favourite customer. Very good kid, you?
Y/n: (smile) Same Same. My bike ready to go?
Taru: (smile) Yep. Your bike is all repaired and fixed. I added some upgrades to it so it can more faster and more tougher.
Y/n suspect his motorcycle bike and see it is working fine as always as he reach into hie pocket and pulls out soke cash and tossed it towards Taru as he catch it.
Y/n: (smile) Keep the change. You deserve it.
He grab his motorcycle helmet on the table behind him and then climb onto his bike while Taru is surprised how much money Y/n has and ask him.
Taru: Say kid, I know it may not be my business but where did you get this kind of money?
Y/n: (smirk) Let's just say....I have a lucky and cool part time job.
He puts on his helmet and then starts up the engines and then rides off while Taru shrugged it off and enter his store while Y/n ride his motorcycle bike around the city fora joy right.
The sun was setting down as he rides through the three way whne he noticed Issei talking to what looks like another female student on a bridge above him as he rides under the bridge watches through the reflection of his mirror as the two chatted while he rides off as he suddenly have a bad feeling about this but he can't do anything now as he continues to ride off back home.
(Two days later)
We see Y/n walking through the halls of school while he is talking to someone on ther line of his phone as he ask the female voice from the other end.
Y/n: So you thing she was hired to kill him?
???: (phone) It looks like it. According to records, she was banished along with the others many years ago. If I'm correct and hopefully I'm not, she might not be alone.
Y/n: But why him? He only looks through girls locker rooms, looking at porn magazines while watching hentai like anime crap. Why would they want him dead?
???: (phone) Not too sure but it appears she must have erased everybody's minds who ever saw her.
Then he stopped to see Issei and his trio of perverts on the talking at the middle staircase as he lend against the wall and overhear their conversion.
Issei: You guys don't remember me introducing Yuuma to you guys?
Matsuda: Nope doesn't ring a bell.
Motohama: Sorry man can't remember you introducing us to her.
Issei: Look I have her phone number, I can show you guys right now. (Look through his phone number) What? I can't find it.
Matsuda: You must have dreamed it man.
Motohama: Yeah I sometime dreamed I have a girlfriend that I thought she was real.
Issei: Oh come on guys it's true, why can't you believe me!
Y/n keeps on looking at Issei for a bit until the women at the other end ask him.
???: (phone) You okay Y/n? Can you hear me?
Y/n: Sorry yeah I'm okay but I think I know the reason why they are going after him and I think it's because he has something within him.
???: (phone) Like a sacred gear? Isn't he not a human?
Y/n: Maybe but there could be more to truth to hij then just being a pervert. I'll call you back, thanks for your help.
???: (phone) No problem. Be safe.
The call ends as Y/n glance over to Issei one last time and then walk off.
At the park we see Issei walking up to a fountain where he last saw Yuuma as he looks at the reflection of the foundation and flashes of her appear in his hear as he continues to stare at his own reflection when Y/n calls out from behind.
Y/n: (smirk) So this is where your date with Yumma ends? Nice location to be in.
Issei turn to see Y/n as the two stare at each other and then Issei ask him.
Issei: what do you want? Here you mock hoe I have a dream girlfriend.
Y/n: No. I'm here because I believe you.
Issei: (surprised) You do?
Y/n: Yeah but for a reason. Listen Issei don't go wondering around on your own. It's too dangerous for them to see you.
Issei: Them? Who's them?
Y/n: Just some people that wanted you dead but I think it's because what is inside of you. Listen, head home and never go out on your own for a while.
Issei: Fuck off man your not making any sense!
Y/n: Trust me Issei, you do not wanna know who she really is or the people she has. All I do know is that they will do whatever they can to harm you and those around you and it's best you leave before they will find you.
Issei: Hey man you better stay out of my business man. Plus how do you know about Yuuma?
Y/n: You mean Raynare.
Issei: Huh?
Y/n: (sigh) Yuuma was just her human name. You either forgot about it or what but her real name is Raynare, she's a fallen angel that was banished form heaven and now who ever is in charge is probably targeting you because of your Sacred gear.
Issei was just confused and was about to say something when suddenly the sky turn dark as the sky was changed into a purple.
Issei: (shocked) What is going on!
Y/n: Best you leave Issei before they-
???: Looks like your still alive.
They turn to see a man wearing a suit with a long coat along with a hat as he came out of the darkness of the woods.
Y/n: Shit! Issei get out of here now!
Issei: Don't have to tell me twice!
He makes a run for it while Y/n turn but immediately the fallen angel flies over Y/n and gose after Issei instead.
Y/n: Oh no you fucking don't!
He chase after him while we cut to Issei running away but then the fallen Angel block his way which cost Issei to stop.
???: I thought Raynare killed you but guess you must have survived somehow. Seems like I have to kill you instead.
Issei turns to make a run for it but then he was immediately stabbed by a glowing spear as he fell to his knees. He lend out a groaned while the fallen angel pulls out the spear and says to Issei.
???: I don't care how your still alive but no matter. I'll put you out of you misery.
He pulls back his spear while Issei thinks this was it for him and then Fallen Angel was about to strike at him when suddenly Y/n leaps over Issei and strike a kick at the fallen angel.
The fallen angel stumbled back while Y/n land on his feet in front of the injured Issei as he stood up straight and say to the Fallen Angel.
Y/n: (smirk) So do you always wear that clothes around public because if so, then parents might bring their kids close when ever they see you.
???: (anger) You dare to mock me human!
He tossed the spear towards Y/n back he catches the spear while he smirks at him and then he breaks the holy spear in two ahich which Issei and the fallen angel.
???: (shocked) What the hell?! How do you do that?!
Y/n: (smirk) What you think I'm justa normal human living as a normal life? Well the truth is, I'm not a normal human....never was.
???: (shocked) Then you must be a devil then!
Y/n: (smirk) Devil? No, no I'm not. I'm actually what you call....
He snap his fingers and suddenly his clothes changed as a magic circle appears above him and then gose downward while gose through him as his clothes changed in front of their eyes.
He now is wearing his bounty hunter outfit as he pulls out his pistol and finished up his sentence by saying.
Y/n: A Nephilim.
???: (shocked) What!? Your a Nephilim?!
Y/n: (smirk) Well half human and Nephilim but yeah, I'm a Nephilim. So...let's start shall we?
The fallen angel was shocked by this but he charges towards Y/n but he aims his pistol and fires his pistol which hits him in the arm which made the Fallen Angel scream and then Y/n leaps up in mid air and strike a kick at him in the left side of his cheek which cost him to land hard on the groun.
He stood up on one knee and try to lift his arm but he can't feel it.
???: What did you do with my arm!? I can't move!
Y/n: Give it 35 minutes and you can move your arm. Your actual lucky my Dark-Striker Pistol can only fire one bullet at a time because I would have shot both of your arms or legs.
???: (anger) You pay for this!
He summons his holy spear and charge towards Y/n which he slide his pistol and summons a spear snd blocks the Fallen Angels strike.
The two clash at each other and then when the fallen angel was about yo strike at him, Y/n taps the end of his spear twice and then a void opened below him and he jumps in which cost the fallen angel to miss his slash. The void closes as the Fallen angel looks around for Y/n and then he appears behind the fallen angel and grabs him by the neck from behind as the fallen angel struggles to break free but Y/n was too strong.
He then falls back and then slammed the fallen angel onto the ground as blood spilled put of he fallen angel and then he kick Y/n off which he was sent flying but he land on his feet and looks up to see the Fallen Angel slowly getting up.
Y/n: (smirk) Alright I think I'm done with this. See you around Mr Creepy man.
He taps the end of his spear twice and this tike avoid appeared below the fallen angel and he slowly gets sucked into the void and as he gets sucked, he calls out to Y/n.
Dohnasek: The names Dohnaseek you little shit and this ain't the last time you see of me!
Then he was completely sucked into the void and the void closes as Y/n breaths in a sigh and walks over to Issei and once there he see Issei unconscious but alive.
Y/n: (sigh of relief) Good your alive. Now, how I'm going to explain the hospital about this?
???: I can take it from here.
Y/n turns to see Rias as he stood up and says with a smirk.
Y/n: (smirk) Rias Gremory. I guess you must be the one that saved Issei from Raynare?
Rias: (smile) That's right. I'll heal Issei up and have him as a devil and be apart of my household.
Y/n: (smile) Well if you females in your club, warn them about his pervert things.
Rias: (giggle) I will.
Y/n smirks and turns to make his leave but then Rias ask him.
Rias: (smile) You know, I be happy for you to visit us so we can get to know more about you. I believe we never met a race who is a Nephilim.
Y/n: (smirk) Sure thing. Well best I get going now, catch you later.
Rias (smile) Same to you and thanks.
Y/n: (smirk) No problem. Just doing my job.
The sky turns back to normal as Rias smiled as she watched Y/n disappeared into the forest and hopes she can get to know more about Y/n, his scared and his race tomorrow along with the rest of her household members but for now, Y/n heads home to enjoy his sleep after his job being completed.
To be continued................................
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