Fallen kidnapper...Two Angels... And A Gear Taken Away..

With Issei and the rest of the peerage...

Issei was in the shower naked while Rias who was also naked was healing all of the wounds that had thanks to that Freed guy. The brown haired boy had a perverted smile on his face as he saw Rias push her breasts on his back. She then used her magic to cover up all of the injury's on his body.

Issei's mind: Last time when I almost died, this must be what she did to bring me back.

The red haired devil latched her hands off of the boy and stood up from the ground.

Rias: Alright Issei, you're all set.

Issei: Thanks a lot.

He awkwardly covered his small genitals and ran out of the bathroom. This made Rias giggle.

15 minutes later... Akeno was wrapping bandages over Issei's legs as Rias and the rest of the peerage (except for Gohan who still isn't back) was next to her. The red haired female crossed her legs.

Rias: You need to relax, at least till you get back at your full strength back. I also want to tell you that the light power that stray exorcist used on you was very strong, you're lucky Gohan was able to sensed your energy when he did.

Issei tilted his head in confusion.

Issei: A... Stray exorcist..?



Issei: A... Stray exorcist...? I'm not even sure I know what that term means.

Kiba: A ton of them got kicked out from the church, and for lack of options, many became servants of fallen angels.

Issei: Wait... You can't actually be saying Asia's in the same camp as that Freed dick?

???: That might be the reason why he knows her so well.

Everyone looked up to see the saiyan-hybrid.

Kiba: That didn't take you long.

Issei: What happened to Asia? Is she okay!?

Gohan: She's fine, right after you guys left. I kinda ran into Kala and the other two fallen angels from before.

Issei: Wait, how did you deal with them while having Asia?

Gohan: I threw her.

The rest of the peerage gave the boy a strange look.

Issei: Uh... Threw her?

Gohan nodded his head.

Gohan: Yup, threw her up in the sky while I took down the two fallen angels. Kala wasn't doing anything so I didn't hurt her. After I took care of those two, I caught Asia and dropped her off to the park.

Issei let out a relief exhale.

Issei: Phew... Thanks for protecting her man.

Gohan: Anyways, what were you guys talking about? It seemed pretty important.

Rias: We were discussing that the nun works with those fallen angels you taken care of.

Gohan: I see, so are we going to do something about it? like try to stop them?

Rias shook her head.

Rias: No, we shouldn't.

The brown haired boy got up.

Issei: What, Why?!

Rias: It's best that we don't... End of story. Now if you excuse me, I have paperwork to due.

With that the red head left the room. Issei got up and walked by the door until he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned to see Gohan.

Gohan: Don't worry, she'll be fine. If something were to happen to Asia I will come by her aid.

Issei nodded and walked out the door.

Gohan: I understand how you must feel Issei...

Mini Time-skip brought to you by chibi Gohan eating a banana..

It's been two days since the meeting with Freed... Gohan was sitting at a park bench enjoying his day off

Gohan: It is really nice out, guess it was a good thing I took a walk earlier.

He then looks to see kids playing with each other in the playground. A smile forms around his face as it reminds him of when he was a kid.

Gohan: Man... Things have changed since I was a kid.

He then looks to his left to see Issei on his ass.

Gohan: Hm, Issei's here too?

He gets up from the bench and walks over to the brown haired boy.

Gohan: Yo Issei! You alright?

The brown haired boy got up from the ground.

Issei: Eh? Your here too Gohan?

Gohan: Yeah... Are you following me because where ever I go, I see you... Are you following me?

Issei: No way dude! It's not like that. I came here to train!

The saiyan-hybrid tilted his head.

Gohan: Train... In a park?

Issei: What's the problem with training in a park?

Gohan: Isn't there a gym in the town that you can go to.

Issei: Yes but I didn't want to go there...

Gohan facepalmed...

Gohan: You don't make any sense.

???: Hey Gohan, hey Issei.

The two boys turned their heads to see the blonde nun.

Gohan: Asia, you're here too?

The nun nodded her head.

Asia: Mhm, I wanted to take a stroll around town today... The weather was nice and I thought it might be nice to get out and enjoy the day

Gohan: Oh okay. Hey, why don't we hangout together since we're all here.

Asia smiled and Issei pumped his fist in the air.

Asia: That sounds like fun.

Issei: Sweet! This is going to be aw-


The two boys heard a grumbling noise.

Issei: Was that you Gohan?

The saiyan-hybrid shook his head.

Gohan: Surprisingly no... It wasn't me.

The two boys then looked at Asia who had a slight blush on her face. Gohan chuckled.

Asia: S-Sorry.

Gohan: No need to say sorry Asia, why don't we get something to eat.

Asia smiled.

Asia: That sounds like a really good idea.

Gohan: Issei you coming with us?

Issei: Hell yeah dude.

Time skip brought to you by Gohan making DOUGHNUTS.

Gohan and the others were walking around the town to look for a bite to eat.

Asia: That place looks like a nice place to eat.

The nun points her finger at the restaurant.

Issei: That's a burger restaurant, you sure you want to go there?

Asia: I don't know what a burger is but I want to try it.

Gohan: Then why don't we head inside.

The trio walked into the restaurant.

Gohan: Why don't you guys sit down while I order the food.

Issei: Sounds like a plan.

The two then go look for the seats while Gohan orders the food. Once Gohan orders the food, he waits for it for about 17 minutes.

Worker: Here is your food sir.

Gohan: Thank you.

The Saiyan-hybrid pays for it, grabs the food and walks towards his two friends that were sitting in a table.

Gohan: Alright you two, I AM HERE!

Issei: About time.

Gohan placed the tray of food on the table and passed the food to the other two.

Gohan: I didn't know what you guys wanted to drink but I ordered vanilla milkshakes.

Issei: Ah sweet! Time to dig in.

Gohan: You said it!

Just as the two were about to dig in to their food, Asia tilted her head.

Asia: Uh.. Isn't there supposed to be a knife and a fork to eat this in?

Gohan choked on his spit while Issei started laughing making the blonde Nun embarrassed.

Gohan: You're supposed to eat it with your hands Asia. Let me show you how you're supposed to eat It.

The saiyan-hybrid grabbed his burger with his hands and placed it close to his mouth.

Gohan: And then what your gonna do next is this...

He opened his mouth wide and bite into the burger. He swallowed the food that was in his mouth.

Gohan: See..*munch* thats how you eat a burger.

Asia: Oh.. Alright, if you say so...

She then picks up the burger with her hands. Before she can do anything else she looks up at Gohan with a small smile and a little blush on her cheeks.

(Aw isn't she the cutest?)

She then looks back at her food and takes a bite out of it.

Asia: Ish sho yummy!

Gohan did his Infamous Son grin while Issei continued to devour his food. Asia then takes a sip of the vanilla milkshake and stops instantly because...

Asia: AAAAAAH! My brain feels really cold!

Gohan chuckled.

Gohan: Try drinking it slower Asia.

She nodded her head and slowly drank her drink.

Asia: It tastes so sweet and delicious!

Gohan chuckled.

Gohan: Hehehe glad you like it.

Issei: Hey after we finish why don't we go in the arcade thats not too far from here.

Gohan: That sounds like a pretty cool idea Issei.

Mini time skip brought to you by chibi Asia sleeping on Gohan's arm.

The three were walking to the arcade until both Issei and Gohan felt something strange.

Gohan's mind: I'm sensing two high power levels... Better check that out.

Gohan looked at Issei while the boy looked at him. The two nodded.

Gohan: Oh man I forgot I had something to do today.

Asia: Oh really? Do you really have to go?

Gohan saw that she held a sad smile. He brought his hand and placed it on top of the nun's blonde hair.

Gohan: Don't worry, we'll continue this some other day.

Issei's mind: What the hell!? I'm supposed to be getting the girls not him!

Asia frown then changed to a smile.

Asia: Okay then, I'll see you later Gohan.

Gohan waved and ran off. He ran towards the direction the two energy signals were coming from. Once he was close by, he saw the people with white robes covering their whole body and something that they were carrying. The two beings sensed a power nearby them.

???: Xenovia, do you feel that?

???: Yes I do, it feels powerful.

???: Does this mean we found the person that has the excalibur?

???: Don't know.

Gohan's mind: What are they talking about...?

???: It seems like the energy is...

The person looks at his direction and points at him.

???: His direction!

The other one looks at his direction.

???: So it must be him.

Gohan: Eh? What the heck are you talking about?

Both of them takes off the white robes off its body to reveal a girl with orange twin tails and another one with blue hair with a green highlight. The oranges haired girl grabbed a string that was around her arm and it turned into a sword while the other pulled hers from her back.

Irinia and Xenovia

Gohan: What the?! Those are some tight suits.

???: Time to perish!

The blue haired girl lunged at Gohan and tried to cut him down but ducked, avoiding the slash.

Gohan: Woah that thing is pretty sharp lady, you might poke someone's eye out if you don't be careful.

The other girl then followed up and slashed Gohan's Gi.

Gohan: Aw come on really?! This was the only one I had!

???: Quit you're bickering and let me correct you in the name of God.

The two tried to cut him down but he keeps backing away without attacking them.

Gohan: Can you two please chill out! I haven't done anything to you girls yet.

???: You're pretty fast fallen.

Gohan: Miss I really think you must be mistaken because I'm no Fallen angel and I don't have this Excalibur that you are looking for.

???: Stop lying!

The blue haired goes to slash him with her sword again only for it to get blocked by Gohan's hand.

Xenovia: I-Impossible.

Irina: No way... He blocked it with his fingers.

Gohan: Can you two listen for just a second. I'm not trying to hurt you!

The blue haired female stopped and listen to what he said.

He then let go of the sword which dropped on the floor as the two girls just stood there in shock.

Gohan: Listen, if I was a Fallen angel would I do this...

He starts hovering off the ground as the two. They noticed that he doesn't have wings to fly.

Gohan: See, don't the Fallen angel and devil's have to use their wings to fly.

???: He's right Xenovia.

The other girl scoffed and placed her sword away. The boy landed on the ground.

Gohan: So if you don't mind me asking, what are your names?

The oranged haired girl spoke up.

Irina: My names Irina and this is Xenovia, what's your name?

Gohan: The names Son Gohan, man you two are really good with swords.

Irina: And your good at dodging.

The boy scratched the back of his head.

Gohan: hehe yup, learned from the best.

Small flashback. . .


Piccolo throws a punch at the Saiyan-hybrid but he dodges it.

Piccolo: Finally!!! You've mastered it!

Flashback end..

Irinia: We're sorry about before, we really thought that you were the guy were looking for... Please God, forgive us for our sin!

Gohan: No worries, nothing really bad happened. That honestly felt like a small warm-up.

Xenovia: A warm-up?

Gohan nodded his head

Gohan: Yup, I just wanted to know if you guys were a threat or not and it seems like you two are not.

Irina: Yeah...

Gohan was about to say something until he felt Issei's energy go down a bit. He also felt another energy signal that was higher than his...

Gohan's mind: Looks like Issei's in trouble, I gotta go help him.

Gohan: Hey uh sorry, I can't talk for long. I forgot that I needed something to do, good luck on finding whatever your looking for!

Irina: W-wait!

She tried calling him but the boy didn't listen as he flew in the air and blasted off in Issei's direction.

Irina: Oh man, he left... He was kinda cute too.

Xenovia: Come on Irina, we still need to look for the Excalibur.

The twin tailed girl nodded and grabbed her things.

Xenovia: We'll come back to this town later.

Irina: Okaaaaay!

With Issei and Asia... 5 minutes before Gohan came

They were still hanging out with each other since Gohan had to do something until they heard a familiar voice.

Raynare: Well Well, If it isn't the little bitch and the Nun...

Issei: The only bitch I see is you Yuma.

Asia: L-Lady Raynare.

Issei: Oh right... She's a fallen angel.

Raynare: So the Rumors about your downward spiral into the wickedness of devildom are true... And I had such high hopes. Don't even try to run, Asia.

The nun ran behind Issei.

Asia: Begone! I want no part of the evil you and the other angels are up to..!

She then looked at Issei.

Asia: I had to run away, I just couldn't be around them anymore!

Issei: It's fine, I'm glad that you left. You were too good for them anyway. Those good-for-nothing-has-been-wanna-be angels were all a bunch of dicks anyway.

He then looks at his ex-girlfriend.

Issei: What the hell do you want Yuma!

Raynare giggled.

Raynare: Hahaha.. I'm not here for you little boy, though, I guess we could finish what we started, couldn't we?

Issei's eyes widen.

Raynare summoned a light spear out of thin air.

Raynare: Let's... have... fun.

Her wings sprouted from her back as Issei started getting nervous.

Issei: A spear of light... Shit... Damnit Gohan, how long is it going to take you to come back.

Raynare: Gohan...? Where is he Issei? He needs to be killed for what he did to my comrades before.

Issei: He's right up your ass Yuma!

Raynare sighed, she then threw the spear at him but he quickly grabs Asia and move out the way.

Raynare: I always hate to see someone die a virgin.

Issei: Sacred Gear!

Issei called upon his Gear as a light shined on his arm. The light died down to reveal a gauntlet on the left side of Issei's hand.

Issei: It work!

He then heard laughing and knew it was Raynare.

Raynare: Hahahaha! Is that really all you got..?! It's nothing more than a twice critical. Coming up short, like your dick!

Issei: Fuck off! At least I actually have balls unlike your saggy ass.

A tick mark appeared on Raynare's head as she created another light spear from her hand.

Raynare: You are going to regret saying that.

Issei: No I won't because it's true, girls don't have male parts... unless your a futa which is totally weird as shit...

The two girls started getting creeped out by Issei's perversion. Asia let go of him due to her being embarrassed and creeped out.

Raynare: Why the hell do you know that!

Issei: I have my ways.

Raynare: You are such a freak. No wonder why you're still a virgin. If I known earlier I would've told Kalawarner to be your date.

Issei: Screw you lady!

Raynare: Enough of that topic, give me the girl and I might let you go for free.

Issei: Not a chance bub, I'm keeping her with me. If I can't take care of my friends, then what good am I!

The fallen raised her eyebrows. Issei raised his hand.

Issei: Come on now, show me what you're made of Gear!


Issei: I-It's working!. I have the power!

Suddenly he was stopped through the stomach by a light spear.

Raynare: My God! He-man did it better, did you really think I was gonna let you charge your attack.

Issei fell on the floor while blood spewed from his stomach.

Issei: T...Thats.....Bullshit....Your always....supposed to....let the....main character...charge his at...attack.

Raynare: But you aren't the main character in this story.... That other boy is.

Issei: That's full of crap...

Asia ran over to his side

Asia: Oh no, Issei!

Raynare: Your sacred gear can't get the job done. If I were you I'd get used to that.

Issei: Damn it...

He then looked over to Asia healing him.

Issei: What are you doing?

Asia: I'm healing you, silly.

Issei: Wow.. That's handy.

Issei's mind: This is awesome. It's like the pain's gone away completely.

Within a couple of seconds the wound was gone.

Raynare: Now, Asia, be a good little girl and come with me. Your healing power is far more rare and infinitely more valuable to our kind than his Sacred Gear would ever be.

Asia: I knew it, all of you were just after my powers.

Raynare: How about you and I make a deal...? If you agree to come with me then I won't murder your friend.

Issei: Like hell thats going to happen!.

The fallen threw another light spear at him causing a mini explosion to occur around the area.

With Gohan...

He was still flying over towards Issei's direction until he saw a pink explosion.

Gohan: Crap... He must be in trouble... Better hurry!

He used his Ki to speed up.

Not even 2 minutes and he already arrived to the area Issei was in. He saw Raynare holding Asia in her arms while Issei was in the water trying to get up.

Raynare: What did I tell you, you weren't going to win anyway!

Issei: Give her back!

Raynare threw another spear of light at the boy.

Raynare: Die!

Asia: Issei No!

Gohan lifted his arm towards the spear and fired a Ki blast causing it to explode and causing the area to go in smoke.

Raynare: What is this?

Everyone looked up in the air to see the saiyan-hybrid.

Gohan: Let the girl go, Raynare.

Raynare: So you're the one that beaten up my comrades.

Gohan: Yeah, and you are going to be next if you don't let Asia go.

Raynare: Sorry honey, but you are not the one who tells me what to do.

Gohan: I won't ask again.

He raised his hand making a blue ball of Ki. Raynare starts to get nervous but it suddenly turns into a grin.

Raynare: Even if you try to kill me, you have to kill her too and I'm sure you don't want that do you.

Gohan: Tch..

Asia: Please Gohan, just leave me.

Gohan: Asia...

Raynare smirked in victory. Gohan slowly lowered his hand.

Gohan: Fine...

Raynare: Thanks for listening Gohaaan~

She then blows a kiss at him and disappears.

Gohan descended to the ground and ran towards Issei.

Issei: Damn bitch.

Gohan: You alright Issei?

Issei: I'm fine. Let's go back to the ORC.

Gohan nods.

Gohan: Right.

Time skip brought to you by chibi Gohan wearing an apron while cooking for a chibi Koneko.

Back in the ORC building...

Almost everyone was at the clubroom except Gohan and Akeno since Gohan was at the shower and Akeno was 'in the kitchen'...

With Gohan...

The saiyan-hybrid was taking a nice bath until he was jumped by a naked Akeno. She was pushing her breasts on the boy's back while trying to keep him still... (She's sexually assaulting him)

Akeno: Come on Gohan~ I know you want to~

Gohan: Get the hell off me Akeno!

Back to everyone at the clubroom..


Everyone turned their heads to see Rias slapped Issei in the face.

Rias: Let me try one more time: if I say 'don't,' you don't! You have to forget about Asia. You are a member of the Gremory Family now!

Issei grunted in response.

Issei: Tch... Fine. Then maybe it's time you released me from your household because I refuse to just let her go!

Rias: I'm sorry, but I can't do that.

Issei: Of course not, I'm your precious pawn. Can't do it without your most important piece, can you?!

The red haired girl raised her voice.

Rias: That's enough, Issei! Pawns are important. They're not the weakest piece in the game by any means.

The said red head started leaning on her desk.

Rias: Do you remember when I told you that my 'evil pieces' have the same attributes as their chest character?

Issei: Yeah, but so what, what can a stupid pawn do?

Rias: In this chess game.. Quite a bit. If a pawn advances deep enough into the enemy's territory, it can be promoted to any other piece beside the the King.

Issei: So does that mean eventually I can have all the same powers as everyone else?

While the two were talking, Gohan and Akeno came into the room.

Gohan: Don't do that again Akeno.

Akeno: Tehe, no promises~

Back to Rias and Issei's conversation.

Rias: Yes, but only if the master declares the place enemy territory. Say, for example, the fallen one's church. Now let's talk about your Sacred Gear.

Issei: I remember, it doubles my power, is that right...?! Yuma said, uh... I mean the Fallen angel told me.

Rias: Just feel.

The red head placed her hand on the side of the reborn devil's cheek.

Rias: Any Sacred Gear works in direct correlation to the current feelings of its owner... Or, to put it another way, the stronger those feelings are, the more powerful your Sacred Gear will become.

Issei: Woah, that's cool as hell.

Akeno walked next to Rias and told her something in her ear. The tomato haired girl nods her head.

Rias: Something has come up. Akeno and I have to step out for a moment. Gohan we'll need you to come with us.

Gohan: Eh? Um okay, just let me get my Gi real quick.

Gohan runs into another room and quickly puts on his fixed Gi that Akeno fixed for him.

Gohan: Alright, I'm ready.

Rias: Alright, let's go. Remember Issei, a single devil cannot defeat a fallen angel by himself

The three students left the clubroom.

Gohan: Where are we going?

Rias: We're going to stop that ritual those Fallen angels with Asia that's in the church.

Gohan: Yosh! (Alright!) Guess I'll see you two there.

Rias: Right.

Gohan ran out to the exit while Akeno and Rias summoned a transportation circle beneath their feet.

Back to Issei..

Issei: Guess we'll have to see about that, won't we?

Issei walked to the door.

Kiba: You going my prince?

Issei: Quit calling me that! And yes I'm going, there's no way I can just leave her there, so there's no point in trying to stop me.

Kiba: Your gonna get killed.

Issei: I'll deal with that when I'm at that point. All that matters is getting her out of there.

Kiba: That's very brave... but very stupid, too.. It's suicidal.

Issei: It's none of your damn business!- huh?

He saw the blonde knight grab his sword from the holder.

Kiba: I'm coming with you.

The brown haired boy raised an eyebrow.

Issei: Huh?

Kiba: Weren't you listening...? The President basically said you get in that church, your promoted. But she also said you wouldn't be able to do it on you own.

Issei: Yeah..

Kiba: So we're gonna back you up, and there's no way in hell we're gonna let you go in there without us so you might as well save your breath, dude.

Issei: Koneko too?

Koneko shrugged her shoulders.

Koneko: Meh... I don't have anything better to do right now.

At the church... Mittlet was on a branch of a tree keeping watch.

Mittlet: Ugh... Standing guard is the most boring thing ever!

Suddenly she heard a very familiar voice.

???: Oh it's you again little girl.

A tick mark appeared on her head and she saw the saiyan-hybrid waving at her.

Mittlet: I said I am not a little girl!

Gohan chuckled at her and patted her head. Her cheeks flared into a pink color.

Mittlet: I hate you so much!

Gohan chuckled and continued to pat the girls' hair. On the outside it looked like she wasn't enjoying her head getting patted but in the inside, she loved it a lot.

Suddenly a red circle appeared from the ground and Rias and Akeno popped out of the circle.

Mittlet: Great now the devils' are here!

Rias: My servant sensed that you were nearby... but I seems like Gohan is already taken care of you.

Gohan: Hehehe yup.

Rias: Since you were guarding this area, your people must be worried about an attack.

Mittlet: Like I'll ever tell you jerks!

She was then hit in the head by Gohan.

Mittlet: OWWIEE!

Gohan: Listen young lady, that's not how you act when someone's trying to ask you things nicely.

Mittlet: Grr...Leave me alone!

Suddenly a light spear was coming down Gohan's direction.

Rias and Akeno: Watch out!

Gohan looked up to see the incoming projectile. He deflected the light spear with his hand causing it to shatter to pieces.

Donaseek: Seems like we meet again boy.

Gohan and the three girls saw trenched coat fallen angel... But Gohan's eyes widen as he saw the man holding up an injured Kalawarner in his hands.

Mittlet: Hey! Watch where you shoot that I could've died! And why is Kalawarner beaten up!?

Gohan: What have you done with her Donut man!

Donaseek: I found out your little girlfriend pretended to be on our side, so I put her ass to sleep.

The man threw the blue haired girl at the devils. Akeno caught her and placed her down gently on the ground.

Akeno: Oh my~ You certainly have been going at it with her I can see all of the damage she's done to you.

Gohan: You bastard... I'm going to defeat you.

Gohan stares at the man with anger in his eyes as his Ki starts flaring.

With Issei, Kiba and Koneko...

The three were hiding behind a couple of trees in front of the church.

Issei: Alright, what do we do?

Koneko got up from her spot and walked towards the entrance

Issei: Koneko, What are you doing?!

Koneko: They know we're here.

The small girl raised her leg and bursted open the church door. The three walked into the building to see nothing but the darkness.

Issei: Man, this place is creeping me the hell out.

Suddenly the trio heard clapping from the distance... It was Freed.

Freed: So... We meet again! Glad you can make it.. I bet I'm a sight on for sore eyes, huh?

Issei: Yeah, right!

Freed: Here's the thing, I pride myself on the fact that I never have to battle any devil more than once and yet here you are just rubbing it in! If there's one thing, I won't abide, it's being mocked by maggot devils in the house of God.. So whaddaya say..?

He pulls out his gun and sword of light.

Freed: Let's finish this!

He then places his gun near his mouth and he likes the gun.

Freed: The thought of tearing away and eating your flesh and eating it piece by piece makes my mouth water.

Issei: Okay this guy is certainly a pedophile! Tell me where my friend is?

Freed rolled his eyes.

Freed: Oh right... The devil loving whore of a Sister.. All you have to do is go down to the basement, she's right beneath the altar we're currently standing on.... But first your gonna have to deal with me!

The excorsist dashed towards the three.

Back to Gohan...

Gohan was straight up beating the absolute living shit out of the trench coat man. Rias, Akeno and Mittlet all had a shocked expression on their faces. They didn't expect the saiyan-hybrid to do this.

Gohan: HAAAA! Take this!

Gohan hit the man so hard, that almost all of his bones cracked and sent Donaseek to the ground.

(Hyorin does some amazing dbz fight animation)

Mittlet: S-So f-f-fast... N-No wonder why he took me out so fast.

Rias: I didn't expect him to be this fast.

Akeno licked her lips.

Akeno: So rough~

They then see the saiyan-hybrid place his arms towards his hips.

Gohan: Ka...me..

Akeno: What's he doing?

Rias: I don't know?

As the two girls watched the saiyan-hybrid, they didn't noticed that the blonde fallen angel had escaped and was fearing for her life.

Mittlet: No way in hell am I dealing with that! He's too scary!

Gohan: Ha... me...

With Issei and the others...




Kiba and Freed's sword clashed together.

Kiba: You're quick.

Freed: Well you're not so bad yourself.. Of course that only makes me want to kill you even more.

He pulled his gun towards the devil's face. Kiba quickly ducked before Freed shot his gun and backed kicked his face sending him a few feet away. Suddenly the ground started shaking causing everyone to lose their balance.

Kiba: What was that?!

Koneko: Don't know.

Freed: Aw shit... stuff is happening outside.

While Freed was distracted, Issei dashed over to the exorcist.

Issei's mind: Now's my chance to get a good hit!

Issei: Time for a promotion!

His sacred gear shined as a rook piece was know on the green part of the gauntlet.

Issei's mind: As a rook, its power is an unparalleled defensive strength.

Freed looked at the incoming Issei.

Freed: Ah...Crap baskets...

Issei reeled his fist and launched it at Freed's face sending him at a wall.

Issei: That's for what you did to Asia, man that felt really good.

Freed got up from the ground and took out two swords of light.

Freed: You bitch!

He jumped towards Issei but was hit by a bench thanks to Koneko.

Freed slowly got up and backed away.

Freed: I'll be damned if a bunch of devils are going to get the best of Freed Sellzen!

And with that he ran off.

Issei: He's gone.

Kiba: Let's not worry about that...

Koneko: Guys...

The two boys looked at Koneko to see a hole on the floor.

Koneko: It goes down from here

The three entered the basement to find around a hundred people with light swords.

Issei: Well shit...

Back to Gohan and Girls...

Gohan landed on the ground and walked towards the two girls.

Rias: Didn't know you had this much power Gohan?

Gohan rubbed the back of his head.

Gohan: Hehe to tell you the truth, this isn't.... Hey where did the other Fallen angel go?

Akeno: She was so scared that she ran away. I was thinking about killing her later.

Gohan: Leave her... She'll change her ways.

Akeno: Fine.

Rias: Anyways... You should help Issei, I'll call the other two off since I know you can handle things.

Gohan: Right. Take care of Kala for me.

Gohan dashed off to the church leaving the two female devils to themselves.

Rias: What an interesting boy.

The red haired girl's cheeks turned into a pink color. Akeno seemed to notice.

Akeno: Rias your blushing

Rias: N-No I'm not!

The black haired girl giggle.

Akeno: Whatever you say but I call dibs first~

With Issei...

Issei and the trio were fighting the goons

Raynare: Come on devils is that the best you can do!

Kiba: Shoot, there's too many!

Issei: Damn you Raynare! Let Asia go right now!

Raynare: Nope, not until that sacred gear is mine... which already is hahahah!

She powered up a machine to the max which was taking Asia's Sacred Gear much faster rate.


Asia slumped down and her green eyes turned lifeless.

Raynare: Hahahaha! It's all mine!

Raynare grabbed the two rings that were on Asia's hands and placed it on her.

Raynare: You can take the girl, she's useless now.

Issei ran towards Asia and grabbed her but as he grabbed her she threw another light spear causing him to dodge out the way.

Issei: Damn it!

Raynare: Did you honestly think I'll let you get away with this?! Ha what a joke!

Issei was so angry that he didn't realized that his gear changed its form. He now had claws that covered his fingers.

Suddenly the wall on the right side got blasted away surprising everyone. They saw Gohan enter.

Kiba: Gohan's here.

Koneko: It's about time..

Gohan: Koneko, Kiba I'll take care of the rest of this for now.

The two devil's nod their heads and ran back to Rias.

Gohan: Now... How to deal with you...

He looked at Raynare as she flinched. He slowly walked towards her.

Issei: Gohan, she took Asia's sacred gear! Now she's dead.

Gohan: Damn her... She'll pay for what she done to her. Get her upstairs while I deal with Raynare.

The boy nods and runs away.

Raynare: oh no you don't!

She tries to throw another light spears at Issei but her hand gets grabbed when Gohan appeared right in front of her.

Gohan: you make me sick.

He crushed her hand making her scream in pain. She tried to force him to let go of her but it wouldn't faze him. He then punched her in the face making her spit out blood but without letting go of her hand.

Raynare: Grk

Gohan: you killed an innocent person for your own selfish desires!

He punched her again making her spit more blood

Raynare: Gaah!

Gohan: How cruel can you be?!

He then let go of her hand and kneed her chin sending her to the wall. She gasped for air.

Raynare: i-impossible! No mortal should possess this much power!

Gohan walked up to her and slammed her to the ground causing a dent to the ground.

Gohan: You know why I have this power... It's because I train, unlike you who steals it. To tell you the truth this isn't even my full strength. If I was you would've been dead like that man in the trench coat.

Raynare: You killed my other comrades... Damn you.

Gohan: I only killed the man, Kala is going to be staying with me since she cares about me... I spared Mittlet because I know she can change her ways and become a good person...But that man who I believe was called Donaseek... I tried to spare him but he wouldn't change, even when I gave him multiple chances he denied them, so I had to kill him

The fallen angel tried to get up but her hair was pulled up by the Saiyan-hybrid. He then grabbed her hand forced remove the sacred gear that was on her hand. After he got the sacred gear, he dropped her on the floor.

Gohan: You honestly deserve death for what you've done but since I'm a nice person I'm going to spare you. I better not catch you doing bad stuff or I will put you down for good.

The teen walked away from the injured fallen angel. The girl slowly got up and created two light spears.

Raynare: I'm not.... Going to let you get away.... With this!

She threw the light spears at him.

Gohan turned around to see the spears as he gathered energy from one hand.

Gohan: YOU IDIOT!!!

Gohan fired the Ki blasts which completely disintegrated the spears. The fallen angel screamed for her life as the blast engulfed her entire body.

With Issei and the others....

Rias' peerage were still in the church. Issei (with Asia in his hands) figured out that his sacred gear was really powerful and was the strongest. As they continued talking the ground shook.

Issei: What the hell was that?!

Rias: it must be Gohan doing that.

Issei: Gohan's doing that!?

Akeno: Yeah, he did that to the other fallen angels earlier.

Issei: So that's what the shaking was when we fought Freed.

After a couple minutes... They saw Gohan walk up from the basement. He looked at the group with a smile on his face.

Gohan: I got back her sacred gear.

He walked over to Issei, the boy placed Asia on a bench and grabbed the rings. He gently placed the rings on each hand.

Gohan: There. Back in good hands.

Rias: indeed, now issei back up for a moment.

Issei: oh uh.. sure.

The boy backed up a few feet while Rias summoned a magic circle. She then grabbed a bishop chess piece and placed it on the blonde nun.

Gohan: Wait you're turning her into a devil?

Issei: And what does that piece.

Rias: The bishop is the healer of the game and yes she'll become a devil like us.

Issei: Oooh okay.

After finishing her ritual, Asia's eyes opened up.

Asia: I'm... Alive?

She turned her head and saw Issei and Gohan. She jumped up from the ground and gave the two boys a tight hug.

Asia: Guys I missed you so much!

Gohan and Issei: Asia.... You're squeezing us..

Asia: Oops tehe...

She then noticed the others with around her and Kalawarner lying on the bench unconscious.

Asia: Am... I a devil now?

Gohan nodded

Gohan: Yeah, you are.

Asia: Oh... That's fine.

Gohan and Issei: Eh?

Asia: I said that it's fine with being a devil, as long as I can stay with you two. I'll know we'll be okay.

This made everyone chuckle...

The next day... Gohan walked into the club room after an early morning workout.

Gohan: phew... Guess I went a little overboard with the training today. Maybe an energy drink will do.

As he was walking into the kitchen, he smelled something good. The smell was bacon.

Gohan: man does that smell good.

He walked into the kitchen to see kala in nothing but an apron cooking and immediately covered his face. She turned around to see the boy and a smiled appeared on her face.

Kalawarner: Darling!

She ran over to him and gave him a big hug while pushing her breasts on his chest.

Gohan: K-Kala?!

Kalawarner: Do you like my outfit Darling? I thought it would help make your morning go a little better.

Gohan: Er... Yeah it looks good and trust me, my morning is going great.

The long haired girl noticed that he had a blush on his cheeks and giggled. She then removed his hand from his face and gave him a kiss on the lips which made Gohan blush a bit.. The touching moment was then interrupted by...

Asia: Gohan!

The two broke the kiss and turned their heads to see Asia and Rias.

Gohan: No wait Asia we were just talking!

Rias: Talking by seeing you two kiss eh? Gee you are such a bad liar, Gohan.

Asia: it's okay, I know she's prettier than me, I'm not jealous at all. Maybe your not interested in small breasts... Oooh I swear I shouldn't be saying these things at all!

She then tried to pray.

Asia: please God forgiv- Oooow!

Rias: Sorry Asia, but as a devil your praying privileges have expired.

Asia puffed her cheeks.

Asia: That makes sense... But I'm glad that I turned into a devil.

Gohan: Wait Asia, your joining the school?

Asia nodded her head.

Asia: mhm, Rias wanted me to join.

Gohan: Oh cool

Gohan smelled something.

Gohan: Hey is it me or do I smell something burning?

Kalawarner: Wait, something is burning?

Everyone turned their heads to see fire.

Gohan, Asia, Kalawarner and Rias: OH NOOO!

To be continued....


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