Confessing < 8 >
"EXCUSE ME!!!" Shouted Sharpay. The whole school could hear her scream. Ryan read the pink form. "Call-backs for the roles Arnold and Minnie next Thursday, 3:30Pm" he inhaled. "Ryan and Sharpay Evans, Gabriella Montez and Troy Bolton." He then smiled. "And Ryan Evans and Abigail Bolton" Miss Darbus wasn't kidding. "Is this something of joke?? They didn't even audition!" Sharpay said stomping her heel on the floor. "Maybe we're getting punked" "What?" "Maybe we're being filmed right now. Maybe we'll get to meet Ashton!" The wildcats laughed behind him. "Oh, shut up Ryan" Chad then laid his hand on Sharpays shoulder. Still laughing he asked. "What's wrong??" He looked at the form and his smile disappeared. "What??" He looked at the siblings before Sharpay angry stomped away. Ryan was still in shock. He and Abi doing the audition?? On one side he liked it, a lot but on the other side he didn't want to meet Sharpay's wrath.
Sharpay was pacing in front of the drama table. "How dare she sign up!! I picked out the colours for my dressing room" Kelsey looked up from her work before writing further. "And she hasn't even asked permission to join the drama club" Sharpay glared at him. "You don't go to say anything. You signed up with Troys sister! You have to learn the rules. All of them." "What rules?" Asked Ryan. Sharpay glared at him again before walking back to the railing. She looked down at the whole cafeteria. The basketballers, the nerds, the skaters all of them. Today Abi was sitting at the basketball table trying to avoid Sharpay.
Abigail's PoV.
I was sitting at the sports table. Chad hadn't talked to me the whole day so I guess he knows it. I swallowed a bite of my sandwich as I heard singing from behind me. I turned around to see Zeke singing.
"You can bet
There's nothin' but net
When I am in a zone and on a roll
But I've got a confession
My own secret obsession
And it's making me lose control~"
Everybody started mentioning everyone.
"Everybody gather around~"
He then told us. I would be lying if I wasn't curious
"If troy can tell his secret
Then I can tell mine
I love to bake!"
Everyone was shocked.
"Scones, struedel, even apple pandowdy."
Hmmm I love that. Maybe he can bake me some.
Everyone got mad at him.
"Not another sound!"
They sat back at the table. Zeke leaned over so he was looking at all of us.
"I hope to make the perfect creme brûlée"
I smiled and nodded at him while the others stood up again.
"No, no, noooooooooooo
No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you wanna be cool
Follow one simple rule
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo~"
They pushed Zeke next to me in the bench. I gave him a pat on his knee letting him know I liked it. He smiled at me but was still down. How could they be like this??
"Look at me
and what do you see? ~"
Sang a girl from the brainiac table.
"Intelligence beyond compare
But inside I am stirring
something strange is occurring
It's a secret I need to share~"
"Open up, dig way down deep"
She got up
"Hip-hop is my passion
I love to pop, and lock, jam and break!"
She did all kinds of moves. They looked totally cool!!
A ginger nerd stood up to.
"Is that even legal?"
"Not another peep"
"It's just dancing
and sometimes, I think it's even cooler then homework!"
Everything is cooler then homework
all the nerds got up and danced around with their books.
"No, no, noooooooooooo
No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
It's better by far
To keep things are they are
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo"~
She pouted and sat down.
Then on the other side of the cafeteria a skater started speaking.
"Not you too!"
I think is name is Ripper, just talked more.
"Listen well,
I'm ready to tell
About a need that I cannot deny"
All the skaters sat next to him
"Dude, there is no explanation
For this awesome sensation
But I'm ready to let it fly~"
"Speak your mind you'll be heard~"
"If troy wants to be a singer
Then I'm coming clean
I play the cello"
Wow a cello never tried that one before.
"Awesome! What is it?"
He then did an air cello. The boy next to him gasped.
"A saw??!!"
"No dude, it's like a giant violin!"
"Not another word!!"~"
Shouted the other teens
"Do you have to wear a costume?"
"Coat and tie"
Just let him be proud of it guys...
"That's uncalled for!"
"No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you wanna be cool
Follow one simple rule
Don't' mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo~"
Sang the teens again.
"No, no, noooooooooooo
No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
It it's better by far
To keep things are they are
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quo"
Everyone started doing crazy things. Ripper even got a cello. I just sat at the table and looked at everything. Sharpay started pacing by the railing.
"This is not what I want
This is not what I planned~"
Everyone stopped doing what they did and sat back at their spots
"And I just got to say
I do not understand
Something is really~"
Ryan sang with her
"Something's not right~"
Sharpay cut him off.
"Really wrong"
They then sang together. I looked at Ryan and he looked at me. He looked sorry but didn't stop singing.
"And we gotta get things
Back were they belong
We can do it~"
The dancing continued and the misunderstood teens stood on the tables.
"Gotta play~"
Ripper did the air cello
"Stick with what you know~"
"We can do it!"
"Hip- hop hooray!"
Shouted the brainiac girl
"She has got to go~"
That's so mean!!
"We can do it!"
Sang Sharpay alone
"Creme brûlée” Zeke showed us the crème Brule but Chad hit it out of his hands. It landed right on me making my shirt soaked in creme brûlée.
"Keep your voice down low"
Zeke mouthed sorry and I nodded, I was not mad at him I was mad at Chad. He did this.
"Not another peep
Not another word
Not another sound"
"Everybody quiet!!!"
Shouted Sharpay.
I stood up and tried walking away but I couldn't because of the teens. So I was bumped and everything until I was back at my spot.
"Noooooooooooooo, no, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
If you wanna be cool
Follow one simple rule
Don't' mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status quoooooooooooo~"
I then saw Gabriella walk past she stumbled to. I gave her a small smile and leaned my head in the table. Everyone sat back down and started dancing at the table.
"No, no, no
Stick to the stuff you know
It it's better by far
To keep things are they are
Don't mess with the flow, no no
Stick to the status
Stick to the status
Stick to the status quo~"
Everyone went quiet so I stood up again and walked away. I passed Troy who talked to Chad. He looked stunned as I ran past but I was not stopping. I went into the nearest woman toilet and tried cleaning this stain. I couldn't help but cry a little as I tried cleaning it. Why was everyone so mean? Can't we just be our self’s?? Apparently not...
Troy PoV.
Chad pulled me away just as Abi ran past us. "What was that??" Why was she crying?? Did something happen?? "What's up? Oh, let's see. You mist free period workout to audition for a heinous musical and now suddenly people are confessing." He pulled Zeke to us. "Yeah, and Zeke. Zeke is baking, creme brûlée “it sounded nice.”What's that??" "Oh it's creamy custard with a caramelised surface. It's really satisfying" I noticed that the cup he was holding wasn't filled with creme brûlée anymore. "Did you eat it all??" He shook his head. "No it fell...." "On what??" He looked at his shoes. "Abi...” He whispered. That's why she was crying he dumped into her. I started walking closer to him so he backed away. "Chad smacked it out of my hands" he pointed to Chad. I blinked and turned to Chad who was looking at us. "You did what?!" "Don't you see what's happening here, man??" He tried changing the topic but I wasn't going to forget this. Zeke then ran away. "Our whole team is coming apart because of your and Abigail's singing thing" Abigail sang to?! I sat down at a table and he did to. He pointed to something. "Even the drama geeks and the brainiacs suddenly think they can talk to us." When did he become such a dork?? "Look the skaters are mingling" I looked to it and saw Zeke talking to Ripper. "Suddenly people think they can do other stuff, stuff that is not their stuff" I glared at him. "Like throwing creme- thing over my sister??" He glared straight back. "You aren't keeping your head in the game!!" He then walked away.
Abigail's Pov.
My shirt was finally a bit cleaner as the bell rang. As I started walking to class I bumped into Zeke. My frown went to a smile. "So you can bake" he smiled and nodded. "Can I sometimes try your creme Brûlée?? I mean not on my shirt" I mentioned to my shirt. He nodded. "Still sorry" "hey no prob, it wasn't your fault" I then waved at him and want to class. As I dumped my bag on the floor next to my table Troy walked up to my table. The teacher wasn't here so it was no problem. "Are you alright??" I nodded. "Yeah, just a nasty stain" he smiled at me and sat next to me. "So you sing??" He said in a teasing way. I hit him in the shoulder. "You can to. It's nice to do something different" he smiled and nodded. "Is it alright if I take Gabi to the roof today??" "Yeah that's alright just don't touch the roses. They are new" I help the science club with it after school. It's fun. "Thanks" the class then started.
After school I went to my room and explained to my mom why I got a stain on my shirt. She started cleaning it so I went upstairs to read a book. When it was 5 o'clock I went outside to train some more.
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