Chapter 7: Omphalos, The Realm of Y/n! What's wrong with Kiba?

Right now, Y/n is sleeping in his bed, he wakes up feeling something on his chest, he pulls up the covers to see Erza sleeping on his chest. He smiles and gives her a peck on the forehead.

(Oops silly me, did I forget to mention Y/n and Erza are together?)

Erza then begins to wake up and looks at Y/n and smiles.

Erza: Good Morning~

Y/n: Morning to you as well.

Erza sighs happily.

Erza: You know, I've been thinking. We've been together for the longest time?

Y/n: I think for at least 5 or 6 decades? Back when we were in Fairy Tail.

Erza: I'm really glad I met you, you saved me from my inner despair.

Y/n: I'm glad I met you too, you really are My Titania~

Erza: Are you are My Emperor~

Y/n: You wanna take a quick shower?

Erza gives him a lustful smirk.

Erza: You know it.

Y/n: Nice.

Y/n then picks her up and carries her to the shower, the two then have a nice and long shower, let's just say, thank god for Soundproof Barriers. After the shower and getting dressed, the two of them saw Asia standing outside Issei's room.

A/n: (Y/n and Erza moved in with Rias, Issei, and Asia on the orders of Sirzechs.)

Y/n: Good Morning Asia.

Asia: Morning, Big Bro.

Erza: When did this start?

Asia: Y/n reminds me of my other big brother that helped raised me, he was the only one who fought against my exile from the church.

Y/n: Oh do you remember what he looked like?

Asia: He had blonde hair and a burn scar.

 Y/n freezes in place and thinks.

Y/n: A burn scar? Could it be?

Erza then puts a hand on his shoulder.

Erza: Something wrong?

Y/n regains his composure and smiles.

Y/n: I'm fine, well we better head down, I'm itching to get breakfast started.

Asia: I'll be down to help you shortly, I need to wake Issei up.

Erza: Very well.

The two then walk down the stairs, once they reach the bottom, they hear Asia Scream.

Asia: Whatever I'm taking my clothes off too! I swear I'm not going to be left out anymore!

The two Yonko look to see Asia take off her shirt and run into Issei's room.

Y/n: That boy is gonna have a lot of girls after him.

Erza: Like you are one to talk Mr. "Fairy Tail Harem King".

Y/n just smirks at her.

Y/n: Don't hate the player babe, Hate the game.

Erza smirks back.

Erza: Fair enough, now let's get cooking.


After the chaotic morning Y/n and Erza made their way to the Academy, Y/n was wearing the Male Uniform along his Straw Hat, while Erza was wearing the Female uniform with shorts and leggings underneath. Sona then walked up to them.

Sona: I swear, you and that Straw Hat Y/n, you refuse to go anywhere with out it.

Y/n just shrugged his shoulders and they both smiled as Erza spoke.

Erza: Good morning Sona.

Sona: Good morning to you as well, Erza.

Sona then looked at Y/n.

Sona: Y/n, I need some help moving some things, the rest of the council hasn't arrived yet, Could you help out?

Y/n: Sure. You gonna be okay on your own Erza?

Erza: I survived fighting my own mother, I'll be fine.

Y/n then gave her a peck on the lips and she blushed a bit and smiled.

Y/n: Take care then.

Y/n and Sona then left. But as they were walking Sona asked Y/n a question.

Sona: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah, what's up?

Sona: I've always wondered this, but do you have any familars?

Y/n then smirked and grabbed her hand before pulling them into a nearby empty classroom.

Sona: W-What are you doing?

Y/n didn't say anything and snapped his fingers.

The two were engulfed in a bright light and once Sona opened her eyes, she saw herself somewhere else.

Sona: W-Where are we?

Y/n: Welcome to Omphalos, the home of my familars.

(This scene is completly related to ANOTHER story in this Multiverse, I have like 10 different universes planned for this...)

Sona: Y-You can make realms?

Y/n: Oh yeah, I learned it on one of my travels, some guy named Gilgamesh taught it to me?

Sona: THE Gilgamesh?

Y/n: Eh? He kept calling me the Strongest Mongrel he's ever faced.

Sona: ....

???: P-Papa! Y-You're back!

Sona and Y/n turn to see someone running at them. She has dark blue hair and blue eyes, what surprises Sona are the wing-like appendages on her head, and avian feet.

(Ain't she adorable? She was so adorable in XIV and I decided to include her in this story cause she's so damn cute)

Y/n: There's my little shooting star.

The girl runs and jumps into Y/n's arms. He hugs her and she hugs back.

???: I m-missed you so much Papa!

Y/n: I missed you too Meteion, now where is your sister?

???: I'm right here father.

Walking up to them is a girl who looks exactly like Meteion. Instead she of the dark blue colors, she has black colors.

Y/n: Ah there you are Tsuki, how are you today?

Tsuki: I'm fine father, it's good to see you again.

Y/n then headpats her and she gives a very small smile.

Y/n: Good to see you as well honey.

Sona looks on with her mouth dropped.


Y/n: Hmm? Oh yeah, these are my daughters Meteion and Tsuki.

Sona: You and one of your wives had kids?

Y/n: Not exactly, they are adopted but I love em like they are my own.

He then sets Meteion and kneels down to her level with her sister.

Y/n: Meteion, Tsuki, this is Papa's friend Sona.

Meteion runs up to Sona and smiles.

Meteion: Hello, My name is Meteion, May we please be friends?

Sona squealed in delight and picked up the little girl and hugged her.

Sona: Of course I'll be your friend.

Tsuki then taps her on the leg and Sona looks down at her.

Tsuki: Greetings my name is Tsuki, it's a pleasure to meet you.

Sona: Well aren't you well mannered.

Tsuki: My mother Robin made sure I had manners, unlike my father.

Y/n then falls to ground with anime tears.

Y/n: Why are you so mean to your papa Tsuki?

Sona then sets Meteion down and she runs up to her papa and pats his head.

Metetion: D-Don't cry Papa, I still l-love you!

Y/n then hugs his daughter and peppers her face with kisses.

Y/n: At least one of my children still loves me!

Metetion giggles at the affection.

Sona: So why do you have an entire realm for your familiars?

Y/n: Oh yeah, cause I have 12 of them.


Y/n: Yep, speaking of them.

He looks at Meteion and Tsuki.

Y/n: Honey? Are any of your Uncle and Aunts in?

Tsuki: I believe Aunt Menphina is here.

Y/n: Is she now?

Y/n's eyes are then covered.

???: Guess who?

Y/n gives a small happy sigh and smirks.

Y/n: Must be Menphina?

Y/n turns around to see one of his 12 Familiars, Menphina.

(Gotta include this BANGER of a song)

Menphina: You guessed right, what brings you back to Omphalos? I thought you wouldn't be picking up Meteion and Tsuki for at least another month.

Y/n: Sona over here asked about you guys, so I thought I would bring her here. Where are the others?

Menphina: Everyone else is out watching over Eorzea, I had today off, so I'm watching over these two little angles.

She then notices Sona and walks over to her.

Menphina: You must be Sona Sitir, it's so wonderful to meet you. Your sister talks a lot about you.

Sona: My sister has been here?

Y/n: Yep, she's one of only 4 other people who have acess to Omphalos besides myself and my peerage.

Sona: Who are the other 4?

Y/n: My mother, Sirzechs, Shanks, and Erza.

Suddenly a red portal appears.

Y/n: Speak her name and she shall come.

Erza then emerges from the portal.

Erza: I had a feeling you guys would come here. Come on Y/n, we've got that ORC meeting we need to get ready for.

Meteion: M-Mama Erza!

Erza: There's my adorable little blue bird.

Erza then picks her up and peppers her with kisses. Tsuki then walks up to her.

Tsuki: Hello Mother.

Erza then pats her on the head.

Erza: Hello my little raven.

She then looks at Menphina.

Erza: Have they been any trouble?

Menphina: Not at all, we've all a blast taking care of them.

Y/n: I really must thank you all for that.

Menphina: We are your familars Y/n, it's our pleasure.

Erza then sets her daughter down and gives her a kiss on the forehead and does the same with Tsuki.

Erza: We will back soon, I promise.

Y/n: Hold on.

Y/n then grabs Sona's hand causing her to blush before it glows for a few seconds.

Sona: W-What did you do?

Y/n: I put the Symbol of Omphalos on your hand, you can snap your fingers when you think about this place and you shall arrive. But for now, you should return back to the Student Council.

Sona: I will.

Meteion and Tsuki then run up to Sona and hug her.

Meteion: Please come visit soon Aunt Sona.

Tsuki: It would be nice.

Sona hugs them both

Sona: Of course I'll visit.

She then looks at Y/n and gives a small smile and snaps her fingers disappearing.

Y/n: Well we should be going.

Menphina: I believe the next shift is Azeyma's so she should be here when you return. I'll see you soon again.

Y/n: Aright.

Meteion: B-Bye Papa! Mama!

Tsuki: Farewell, Father, Mother.

Y/n and Erza smile at the two and snap their fingers before returning.

Erza: So when are you going to tell Rias about that place?

Y/n: I plan on telling her actually today at the meeting at Issei's house.

Erza: She's going to go crazy when she finds out she has nieces.

Y/n: Yeah she is.


After the school day was over, everyone made their way to Issei's house and in the basement that Y/n and Erza had helped the family finish everyone was sitting on the couches. Rias then spoke up.

Rias: Well then, let's begin our regular meeting. This month contract numbers are in. Akeno, 11.

Akeno: That's right.

Erza: Impressive.

Rias: Koneko had 10.

Y/n: Nice job.

Koneko: Sounds good.

Rias: Kiba had 8.

Kiba: I did.

Rias: 3 for Asia.

Asia: Yay!

Y/n: Nice job, little sis.

Kiba: No way, that's impressive.

Akeno: Good for you Asia. You should be proud of yourself.

Koneko: Especially since you're new to contracts.

Asia: Thank you so much!

Rias: And Issei had... 15!

Issei: HUH?!

Y/n: 15?! Nice job bro!

Issei: T-Thank you Sensei!

Rias: You keep up these numbers and you will be a high ranking Devil in no-time. 

Issei: So I'm in first?

Rias: Not exactly.... Y/n and Erza had 30... each....

Y/n and Erza fistbump.

Y/n: Of course we did.

Erza: We are just that good at these.

Issei: I'll surpass you Sensei!

Y/n: I know it will happen one day, can't wait.

Suddenly Mrs. Hyoudou came in with snacks and books full of Issei's baby pictures.

Issei: Mom!!!

Everyone grabbed one of the books and his mom handed Y/n and Erza a book so they could see.

Akeno: Wow, he's butt naked in this picture. So small and so adorable.

Koneko: The bare naked truth about Issei's tiny past.

Y/n: HAH!

As everyone was looking through the pictures, Y/n and Erza noticed Kiba's face get very serious.

Kiba: Issei, do you know about this picture?

Issei looked over at the picture Kiba was looking at and it was him and a kid with chestnut hair.

Issei: Oh that was a kid who lived down the street from me. We used to play together all the time. But they had to move after one of their parents got a job overseas. I use to think they were a boy... she was most likely a tomboy though... I think her name was Irina, can't 100% remember.

Kiba: One more thing... Do you remember this sword....?

Issei: Can't say I do, I was 5 at the time, I'll let you know if I do remember though.

Kiba: I guess anything is possible....

Y/n and Erza looked at each other and talked mentally.

Y/n: I knew this day would come....

Erza: Things are about to get really rough...

Y/n then decided to clear the air.

Y/n: Attention, I have a present for everyone.

Rias: What are you talking about?

Y/n then snaps his fingers and disappears.


Erza: He'll be back.

Y/n then reappears a few seconds later with Meteion and Tsuki.

Y/n: Rias, I want you to meet your Nieces.

Meteion: H-Hello, my name is M-Meteion.

Tsuki: Greetings, my name is Tsuki.

Everyone (minus Erza): EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH?!


After introducing Rias to her nieces who she loved with all her heart at literal first sigh and Issei breaking down in tears and cheering after Meteion called him Uncle Issei, Y/n received a contract and teleported to the location. Y/n saw he was in a very expensive looking apartment and he smirked.

???: Oh you must be the devil I summoned.

Y/n turned around and saw a man with black and blonde hair in a robe.

Y/n: I didn't so my client was going to be some dusty old Crow. How have you've been Azazel?

Azazel: I've been good Straw Hat. Been a while since we last talked, why don't you have a seat so we can talk?

Y/n: Sure.

Y/n walked into the living room and looked around.

Y/n: Nice place you got here Crow.

Azazel then comes out with a tray of alcohol.

???: Thanks. Would you like something to drink?

Y/n: You got any Sake?

Azazel: Of course I do.

HE then hands Y/n a bottle of Sake which he starts to drink.

Y/n: Damn that's some good quality shit. So why did you call me here?

Azazel: I'm afraid you arn't going to like my news.

Y/n: As long as it doesn't make me shatter this Sake bottle, we should be fine.

Azazel: Kokabiel is in town.

The sound of a bottle is then heard. Azazel turns to see Y/n angry with his hand bleeding. Y/n then glares at Azazel.

Y/n: You better not be fucking with me Azazel? WHY THE FUCK IS HE HERE?

Azazel: He wants to reform Excalibur... He's officially betrayed the Grigori and now he wants to start another War.

Y/n then slams his hand on the table.


Y/n then begins to have a flashback.


Y/n is seen holding a girl with green hair and glasses in his arms. She is bleeding heavily and breathing heavily as well.

Y/n: Come on Monet hold on just a bit longer, Chopper is on his way! He will heal you up good.

Monet: I-I'm sorry Y/n, he was too strong for me... 

Y/n: Don't blame yourself, he started the fight, you did nothing wrong.

Monet then slowly grabs Y/n's cheek with her bloody hand and he begins to cry.

Monet: Thank you for letting me join you on your journey. I'll never forget you... You were... my first... friend..... Tell the girls... I love them...

She then goes limp as Y/n's tears continue to fall more. He then screams into the sky.

Y/n: KKKKKKOOOOOOOKKKKKKKAAAABBBBBBIIIIIEEEELLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(End of Flashback)

Azazel: I can never apologize enough, I should have killed him then and there, but he went missing after that...

Y/n sighs.

Y/n: I don't blame you... It was never your fault, but you do know if I see him, I am killing him, you know that right?

Azazel: I know, that's why I've made the order that no-one is to interfere in that fight.

Y/n then stands up and looks at a shadow in the corner of the room before looking at Azazel.

Y/n: I suggest you warn The White Dragon Emperor of one thing.

Azazel: What would that be?

Y/n: My student will end the cycle of the Dragon Emperor's killing each other, My student is on track to become the strongest Red Dragon Emperor.

Azazel: I'll let him know. Thanks for coming anyway....

Y/n: See ya Crow.

Azazel: See ya.

Y/n then teleports away.


Y/n had gotten a phone call that there was a stray devil that had to be dealt with. He eventually arrivied.

Rias: Over here, Big Bro.

Y/n walked over to everyone.

Rias: Sorry I had to make you come out.

Y/n: It's fine...

Y/n looked at the building and could tell the Stray was there.

Issei: Already checked, I feel him in there.

Erza: So do I.

Rias: It's going to be dangerous to fight inside. Asia can you wait at the rear?

Asia: Yes Ma'am.

Rias: Akeno, Erza, and I will be waiting outside. So Koneko, Big Bro, Issei, and Kiba will draw the enemy out so we can take care of it.

Akeno: Makes sense to me.

Erza: A good plan.

Koneko: Right.

Y/n: You got it.

Issei then activated his Boosted Gear.

Issei: I'm on it.

Rias looked at Kiba who was spacing out.

Rias: Kiba?

Kiba: Yeah, right, got it...

Issei: Then let's do is.

Issei and Y/n and the others made their way to the entrance of the warehouse.

Y/n: Issei, open the door... with style?

Issei smirks.

Issei: Is there any other way?

Issei thenb coated his hand in Haki, making a claw with his hand and smashed the door down. The five of them walked in and started to look around.

Y/n: Damn it's dark in here.

Y/n and Issei continued to walk and then stopped. They then both looked up.

Y/n/Issei: Above!

Suddenly a devil with White hair jumped down in front of everyone.

Issei: Bring in!

Koneko: Here it comes, get ready, Kiba.

Kiba doesn't say anything and just spaced out.

Koneko: Kiba!

As Koneko was distracted, the devil lunged towards her.



Y/n jumps infront of Koneko and delivers an attack to the devil.

Issei then jumps at the devil.

Ddraig: BOOST!

Issei then appears in front of the devil and punches him hard in the gut.

The devil stumbled back. Issei then looked at Kiba.

Issei: The hell is your damn problem, stop spacing out and HELP US!

Kiba then came back to his senses, he goes to attack, but the Devil barely blocked his attack and sent him back.

Issei: Damn, Kiba!

The Devil attempts to slam a sword onto Kiba, but Y/n charges in and blocks it with his three swords.


Y/n then sent the devil through the Warehouse wall and chased after him with one final attack.


Y/n then coated his swords in Armament Haki and was engulfed in a purple aura. He then flew himself at the Stray Devil who looked on in fear.


Y/n then slashes the Stray Devil, killing him instantly as the body then disintegrates. Y/n then sheathes his swords.

Y/n: May you rot forever.

Issei: Nice job Sensei!

Akeno: That poor creature's heart was already lost at this point.

Erza: Could barely call him a devil anymore.

Issei: A fate worse then death...

Akeno: Now you should see why that was such an emergency subduing order.

Asia then ran up to Y/n.

Asia: Are you hurt anywhere Big Bro? Do you need to be healed?

Y/n then chuckled and gave Asia a pat on the head.

Y/n: I'm fine Asia.

Suddenly, everyone heard a slap and they all looked over and saw Rias had slapped Kiba.

Rias: Think you got it together now? With a mistake liek that, you put everyone in danger.

Kiba: I apologize.

Rias: What's the matter Kiba? You're not acting like yourself.

Kiba: I'm fine, I'm just having an off day. Now, if you'll excuse me.

Kiba bowed to Rias and started to walk away.

Issei: What's wrong with him?

Y/n then spoke to Erza mentally.

Y/n: I have news.

Erza: What is it?

Y/n: Kokabiel is in town...

Erza's face turned into one of anger.

Erza: What did you just say?

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