Chapter 5: The Boob Chimera!
Right now, Issei was chasing after a Stray Devil who was running down the hall.
Issei: You can't run from me forever!
As he closed in on the Stray Devil, he attempted to out maneuver him by jumping over him by jumping over Issei and towards the fire escape.
Issei: No you don't! SORU!
Issei disappeared and then reappeared behind the devil, tackling him outside, slamming his head down into the ground leaving a giant crater, as Rias, Y/n, and Erza walked up followed by Kiba.
(Y/n's Facial Expression, include the scar on the left eye.)
Rias: Good evening, Stray Devil. We've been ordered to exterminate you.
Erza: After abandoning your master, you ran wild to fulfill your own selfish desiries with no regard for decency.
Y/n: Your crimes warrants nothing but death. In the name of Duke Gremory and the Yonko Maou's L/n-Gremory and Scarlet.
Akeno: Oh my, you're done already.
Issei looked back to see Koneko and Akeno walking up.
Issei: Ah Koneko, Akeno-senpai.
Akeno: We're all done too.
Rias: Good work.
Y/n then saw Koneko holding a bug.
Y/n: That the familar?
Koneko: Yeah it was pretty weak... Wasn't even a challenge for me.
She tossed it to the ground as it melted away.
Issei: That is the familar? I'm actually disgusted.
Akeno: The bug kept coming at my boobs for some reason.
Rias/Erza: Your boobs?
Koneko: It was a bug like Issei-senpai used to be.
Y/n: Hey at least he ain't like a bug no more, made sure of that.
Issei: I'm standing right here you know...
Koneko: It's a compliment, you've changed for the better.
Issei: I'll take what I can get.
Everyone then heard Asia walking up, panting.
Asia: Everyone...
Issei then ran up to her, checking her for injuries.
Issei: Are you alright? Did you get hurt?
Asia was blushing at how close Issei was.
Asia: Y-Yea... Koneko and Akeno protected me...
Rias, Erza, and Y/n then looked at the Stray Devil.
Rias: Now, Stray Devil, it's a checkmate.
Erza: Or are you deterimned to continue fighting.
Y/n then began to put his hands on his swords.
Y/n: I really hope you pick the fight option.
Stray Devil: No, I surrender. I'm aware I stand no chance against the daughter of the famous Gremory family, much less against two of the Yonko Maou.
Erza: So my crowning as a Yonko as already made waves, that's lovely...
Y/n: Ah calm down Erza, you'll get used to the popularity.
Erza: Please don't talk to me about popularity, it's already bad enogh at the academy, all those boys staring at my upper chest, it gives me shivers.
Y/n: Yeah all those girls keep looking at my... well you know.
Erza/Y/n: *sighs* I hate being popular...
The Stray Devil looked at Rias's and Erza's boobs, smirking.
Stray Devil: I see you two have a fine pair of bo-
He then freezes in place as he turns to see Issei and Y/n glaring at him, with their aura's flaring.
Issei: You wanna finish that damn sentence, you damn pervert?
Y/n: I really hope you do, cause I'll show you a fine death if you do.
Erza: You can calm down Y/n, it's fine.
Rias: Akeno, restrain him and send him to the Underworld.
Akeno: Understood.
Akeno then restrainted him, as a magic circler appeared under him.
Akeno: I really would've enjoyed it far more had you resisted.
Rias: GO and submit yourself to the verdict of the Underworld.
Stray Devil: Of course. I've done everything I needed to.
The Stray Devil then vanished as Y/n and Erza looked at each other and spoke to each other mentally.
Y/n: That was suspicious right?
Erza: It was... We should keep an eye out.
Y/n: Agreed
Two days later after the Stray Devil was taken down, everyone is now walking through the forest near town, looking for the experiment he had created which was targeting girls from the school. Perona was also with the group.
Issei: SO that rumor about the girls suddenly getting sick is because of this creation?
Rias: That's right.
Erza: Our biggest problem is the traces of magic in those girls.
Issei: That is concerning, I'm assuming it's bothering you three?
Rias: It is greatly.
Y/n: So I assigned Koneko, Kiba, and Perona to search in secret.
Perona: It was super easy because of my ghosts.
Kiba: I must admit, it did make everything a lot more simple.
Perona: My ghosts ended up finding this.
Everyone then walked up and saw a giant plant with a rose on top. Y/n then gave Perona a headpat which she melted into.
Y/n: Nice job Perona.
Perona: Praise me more!
Y/n: Later...
Asia: Is that a plant Goblin?
Rias: No, this is...
Suddenly, the rose bud started to open, as the head of a Dragon began to emerge from it.
Y/n: Reminds me of a dragon.
Akeno: This must be the one Grayfia was talking about.
Rias: That saves us some trouble.
Erza: That's good.
Y/n: Everyone hide!
Everyone then hid behind the trees near the Chimera, and saw two girls walking up.
Issei: Is that Katase and Murayama?
Y/n: What are they doing here?
Erza: You two know them.
Y/n: They introduced me to the Kendo Club on the first day.
Issei: They also used to beat me with Kenod Sticks back when I used to peep.
Both Katase and Murayama walked up to the Chimera, as it's tendrils opened up and began sucking on their boobs, sucking energy from them.
Y/n/Erza: Oh that is just wrong...
Asia: I-It's moving.
Akeno: It's sucking out their life energy.
Issei: Damn it!
Rias: Hold on, Issei.
Issei: I wasn't going to jump in, I know they arn't going to die, The Previous Cases confirm that.
Rias: Huh, well that was not the response I was expecting.
Issei then smirked at her.
Issei: I'm just full of surprises~
Rias blushed at the statement, Asia pouted in Jealousuly, while Y/n, Perona, Kiba, Akeno, and Erza chuckled at the situation, Koneko just didn't care.
Rias: L-let's just wait and see what's going to happen.
After a few minutes, the Chimera finished sucking Katase and Murayama's energy, as they began walking away.
Issei: They look even more in a daze, but they're alright.
Kiba: It seems to put a spell on the targeted girls and made them come here every night.
Akeno: And it sucks out their life energy for noursihment?
Y/n: It would seem so.
Rias: In any case, since we've found it.
Erza: That means it's luck as run out.
As everyone walked out, the Chimera looked back at them, and immediately attack them with it's tendrils, which everyone dodged.
Rias: Don't let your guard down. Commence attack!
Akeno: Okay, President.
Rias proceeded to blast the tendrils, as Akeno, who changed into her outfit inspired by Boa, destroyed some with her now improved lightning magic, destroying the tendrils. Tendrils began to go after Perona who just smirked as she pulled out a ghost, and swung it around burning away the tendrils.
Y/n: Come on Erza, Issei, Koneko, Let's do this!
Erza: Let's go!
Issei: This is gonna be fun.
Koneko: I'll kick it's ass.
Y/n then pulled out his three swords, one in each hand and one in his mouth. Erza then transformed into a set of armor.
Issei then summonded the Boosted Gear.
Ddraig: BOOST! x5
The four of them rushed the Chimera, Koneko and Issei leaping infront of them, grabbing the tendrils and ripping them off, while Y/n and Erza slashed it in the face, causing it to scream in pain. The two then spoke to each other in their minds.
Y/n: Must we hold back against this?
Erza: We have orders from your elder brother and my father, we need to let them get stronger, they won't if we one-shot everything for them.
Y/n: Yeah your right, let's at least try to have some fun with this?
Erza: But of course.
Kiba: A threat to the peace of the school needs to be brought down!
Issei: Let me help you out Kiba.
Kiba then rushed in, freezing multiple tendrils solid, Issei then boosted against before charging at the frozen tendrils shattering them with ease.
Issei: I thought this creature would be smart.
As everyone continued taking out tendrils, new ones just took their place.
Y/n: It seems as if they are regenerating.
Erza: How troublesome.
Rias: It's recovering faster then we can damage it. It's full potential has been brought out. The air and soil of the human world along with the life energy of the students must provide the optimal conditions for it.
Asia: Will everyone be alright?
Suddenly, without warning, multiple tendrils shot up out from the ground, grabbing the girls, except for Erza and Perona who had managed to dodge.
Rias: W-What is this?
Erza: Watching this is actually disgusting...
Koneko: This again...?
Akeno: Oh my, these tendrils are perverted!
Issei: How did you two not get grabbed?
Erza/Perona: Skill issue.
Y/n: I can't believe it's using them as shields.
Kiba: Which means we can't attack recklessly.
Suddenly, acid started leaking from the tendrils, melting their clothes.
Akeno: Oh my, this is a problem.
Koneko: I don't like this slimy stuff...
Perona: Part of me is glad that isn't me right now...
Asia: Slippery stuff is eating away my clothes!
Rias: The slippery... slimy fluid... it seems to melt clothes!
Kiba: Can't you use your powers to fight back?
Rias: I can't! I can't get my destruction magic to start! Koneko, can't you break free with your powers?
Koneko: It's just too slippery...
Kiba: Is that gooey fluid making it impossible to use magic? At this rate...
Issei: Yeah this isn't good, they are gonna be naked.
Y/n: That's not good at all.
Rias: Is it weird I'm still expecting Issei to perv out?
Everyone (including Issei): Not really no.
Suddenly, the Chimera, let Koneko and Asia go, Issei ran up and caught Asia as Y/n caught Koneko.
Rias: Why did it only let Asia and Koneko go?
Suddenly, the tendrils began sucking on Rias and Akeno's boobs, making them moan.
Akeno: I-It's focusing it's attack on my boobs. It's extracing my life energy from them.
Rias: W-What an indecent movement.
Issei: This Chimera is just disgusting...
Issei then noticed he was holding an almost naked Asia in his arms, he quickly set her down and handed her his coat.
Issei: S-So you don't get cold.
Asia blushed at the gesture at put on the coat, which was now ever since Issei's growth spurt, very big on her.
Asia: T-Thank you.
Y/n then looked at Koneko and handed her his coat.
Y/n: Don't want you getting cold.
Erza and Perona then noticed her gain a small blush, causing them to chuckle.
Koneko: W-Whatever, thanks.
Kiba; Now I remember. The girls who were reported sick all had plump chests.
Issei/Erza/Perona/Y/n: Oh don't tell me...
Rias: C-Can you four do s-something?
Rias began to moan again, when suddenly Grayfia called.
Grayfia: You're a high class devil lady. Don't let out obscene screams like that.
Grayfia turned at glared at Y/n.
Grayfia: You and I will speak later with Boa.
Y/n: I'm so doomed...
Rias: Grayfia! Stop aruging with Y/n and report any updates!
Grayfia: Okay. The Chimera draws life energy out of big breasted women.
Rias: I know that! I'm being subjected to that as we speak!
As Rias continued moaning, Grayfia just looked at her, before looking at the Chimera.
Grayfia: And it has another special ability.
Perona/Erza: Special ability?
Suddenly, fruit in the shape and looks of boobs started growing from the tendrils.
Grayfia: Women who eat the fruit produced by this Chimera, no matter how small their breasts are, will develop voluminous breasts instantly.
Issei: You are kidding me right?
Y/n: I hate this thing...
Grayfia: That Stray Devil said... "If all women in the world get big boobs, not only cna they all live in comfort,m but men's dreams can also rage flight! Small breasts are a cadinal sin! I'll make the entire world big breasted! Boobs and Peace!" end of quote...
Akeno: Oh my!
Y/n: That damn bastard!
Erza: I swear all stray devils are perverted idiots...
Issei: Just be glad you weren't here for the nipple lasers...
Erza: I'm sorry did you say Nipple Lasers.
Suddenly, Koneko picked up an entire tree, looking at the Chimera furiosuly, while Perona summoned a giant AND RIPPED AF ghost.
Koneko/Perona: Small boobs are a sin...? Small boobs are cruel...? I'll crush it all...!
(In terms of Y/n's peerage Perona has the smallest boobs. Ravel has the smallest overall.)
Y/n: Oh no... not again....
Koneko started to violenty beat the Chimera with the tree while Perona's ghost began to punch the shit out of the Chimera.
Erza: This isn't even the maddest I've ever seen those two.
Y/n: Oh yeah, I remember that incident.
Y/n: How many times do I have to explain that I don't care what size Perona's chest is, and besides all boobs are great, big or small, it's never about the outside, it's about the inside.
As Koneko continued to beat the Chimera with the tree, Kiba attempted to free Rias and Akeno, Issei then decided to help out.
Issei: I'm tired of this damn thing...
Issei then coated his hands in Haki, slamming them into the ground.
He launched the Chimera into the air, allowing Kiba to freeze the fruit, as well as freeing Rias and Akeno, as Y/n and Erza slashed the Chimera with ease, causing it to drop to the ground.
Rias: Issei, if you finish this, I'll you do anything for the rest of the night.
Issei: I'm going to decline that offer Rias.
Rias: WHAT?!
Issei: I don't need those kind of rewards anymore to do my job, I was going to finish it anyway, as long as you are safe, that's my greatest award.
He then rushed to the Chimera and created a claw his hand.
Issei hit the Chimera and sent it flying back in a large explosion of red/green fire, killing it.
Rias: That was...
Asia: Amazing...
Y/n: That's my pupil for ya, he's turned into a real fighter now. He's now fully overcome his perverted ways.
Koneko: I thought I was going to have to plant me a dumbass tree...
Issei: We could always ask where Riser is.
Everyone laughed at the joke and ebegan to walk away.
Koneko and Perona then looked at their chests and then at Y/n, who looked at them and smiled and patted them both on the head.
Y/n: By the way, yall should really stop worrying about your apperances, I think you both are adorable just the way you are.
Koneko: He really doesn't care about my chest...
Perona: He really is...
Perona/Koneko: Perfect for me...
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