Chapter 3: The Rating Game!

It's night of the Rating Game and everyone is waiting in the clubroom getting ready. Kiba was sharpening his sword, Koneko was putting on her fingerless gloves on, Akeno and Rias are drinking tea, while Issei and Asia were sitting on the couch, when they heard the door open, with Sona and Tsubaki walking in, followed by Y/n and Boa.

Sona: Sorry if we're interrupting anything.

Boa: We just wanted to come wish you all luck.

Rias: No worries, Sona, Boa. Come in.

Akeno: Glad you guys could make it.

Issei: It's nice to see you Y/n-Sensei.

Y/n: Y/n-sensei, huh? I kinda like the ring of that.

Boa: Please don't inflate his ego even more...

Y/n: My ego is not that big.

Everyone: Yes it is...

Rias: I assume Sona and Tsubaki are here to broadcast the game to the other families who are going to watch?

Issei: Broadcast? So we're going to be watched huh?

Rias: That's right.

Sona: It's Rias's first Rating Game. I wouldn't miss an event like this for anything.

Y/n: Plus, Me and My peerage helped train these rascals, I wanna see ours and their hard work pay off.

Rias: Well, I'll try and make it interesting for you.

Suddenly, the familiar white magic circle appeared and Grayfia emerged from it.

Grayfia: Its almost time. I hope your ready for this my lad.y.

Rias: Yes, we're ready when ever you are.

Grayfia: In a few moments we'll use this magic circle to transport you and your team to the battlefield.

Issei and Asia looked at Grayconfused.

Issei: What battlefield?

Boa: It's an alternate space created for the game, because it's not real you will have full authority to do some damage and even burn it to the ground if you wanted, just like we did during our first rating game....

Y/n: Ah jeez... We really did destroy that place....

(The Aftermath of Y/n's First Rating Game, Colorized, 2022.)

Sona: We'll be in the student council room in a boradcast booth, calling the game. We'll be cheering you on. Good luck.

Rias: Thanks a lot. Just try and keep the play by play fair.

Y/n: I'll make sure she does.

Boa: He means, that I'll be making sure she does.


Sona: Enough you two, but if I was a betting girl, I'd say you're going to beat that scumbag seven ways from Sunday.

Sona, Tsubaki, and Boa walked out, as Y/n was about to walk out, he turned to them.

Y/n: Make sure to put your training to the utmost use, and remember Rias.

Rias: No matter what happens.

Rias/Y/n: You'll/I'll come save you.

Rias: Thank you big brother.

Y/n: Anytime, little sis.

He then walked out of the room and Grayfia spoke up.

Grayfia: There's something I forgot to mention.

Rias: And what might that be?

Grayfia: The Great Devil King Lucifer will be watching the game.

Rias looked at Grayfia shocked, before gaining an annoyed expression.

Rias: Oh, my other brother dearest...

Issei and Asia look at her in surprise.

Issei: Wait, you mean to tell me that your other brother is the Devil King ruler of the Underworld? Does Y/n have a title too?

Kiba: Yes, he is. His title is Lucifer. His real name is Sirzechs, although he goes by many names. During the war our leader died and Sirzechs took the throne and led us through a dark time. He saved the Devil Kingdom from ruin. As for Y/n, he as a single title, and it feared throughout the Underworld. They call him, Yonko Maou.

Issei: The Demon Emperor?

Kiba: Yes, he is one of four.

Asia: Four?

Koneko: Yeah, Y/n's a member of the four strongest devils in the underworld.

Issei: Who are they?

Rias: Currently there are 2 open spots for a Yonko. The only other active Yonko besided Y/n right now is this man.

She pulls a photo of a man with red-hair.

Rias: This is "Red-Haired" Shanks.

Issei: He kinda looks like he's in your family Rias.

Rias: You would be incorrect on that, Shanks is not part of the house of Gremory, he just happens to have red hair like the Gremory family, he's also the one who helped trained Y/n and is Uta's father.

Issei and Asia are shocked.

Grayfia: This man is on par with Lucifer and the other Devil Kings. 

Suddenly a magic circle appeared.

Grayfia: It's time everyone.

Rias: Alright, everyone. Let's go.

Everyone stepped onto the magic circle with it starting to shine, as everyone was teleported to the battlefield. Issei and Asia looked around and saw that they were still in the club room.

Issei: Did I screw it up?

Grayfia: Your attention please.

Everyone heard Grayfia through a loud-speaker.

Grayfia: Welcome everyone, my name is Grayfia and I am a servant of the house of Gremory. I will be the referee of this match between Lady Rias Gremory and Lord Riser Phenex. The battlefield will be Kuoh Academy. Each Team is given their own home base. Lady Rias, your team will be in the Occult Research club headquarters in the old school house. Lord Riser, your home base will be the principal's office in the new school house. Pawns will be promoted if they make their way to the opposing team. Good luck to all.

Issei: So if we get to their home base right off the bat, we get promoted. Normally, I would want to rush in, but Katakuri-sensei said to wait for the right moment.

Rias: I see you took your training seriously, Issei. 

Issei: I had no choice, every time I was a pervert, Katakuri and Yamato would beat the crap out of me, I've realized something, while the female body is nice to look at, It shouldn't be my main focus in life.

(Suprise, I'm making an actual smart Issei, I wanted to do my own spin on Issei for this story.)

Koneko: Wow... Who are you and what have you done with Issei.

Issei: I'm still me, and while I'll never stop being a pervert, I'm going to keep those thoughts to myself.

Akeno: *giggles* I like this new Issei.

Kiba: I have to agree.

Issei: Now, I believe it's safe to assume, Riser will be moving his pawn into our terrioty right away.

Kiba: So, we need to keep enough players nearby to make sure that doesn't happen.

Issei: Exactly. What if we secure the gym first?

Kiba: It is close to their home base and isn't that far from us, it would serve as the perfect distraction.

Akeno: It's also in the middle of the battlefield.

Issei: Which is why we need it first to get the advantage.

Akeno: Correct.

Rias: Good call. This is our best chance right now.

She then looks at Issei and Koneko.

Rias: Koneko, Issei, can you two handle getting into the gym and locking it down.

Issei: Of course.

Koneko: No problem.

Rias: Alright then, let's go.

Everyone: Right!

(With Y/n, Sona, Boa, and Tsubaki)

Sona: So Y/n, who do you think will win this rating game.

Y/n: As one of the Yonko Maou, I have to keep my vote neutral, this fight could go either way. But as the older brother of one of the particpants, I want my sister to kick KFC's ass.

Tsubaki: Rumor is that you acquired Ravel's piece from Riser's peerage.

Boa: That is correct, Ravel is now a reserve bishop of the L/n peerage. 

Y/n: We can explain the details behind the acquirement of my fiance later

Sona: I assume you also wish to root for Riser since he will be your future brother-in-law no matter the outcome of this game.

Y/n: Oh heavens no, off the record, Ravel says that she wants Rias and her peerage and these are her words and not mine. "KNOCK HIS ASS UNCONCIOUS."

Tsubaki: Interesting words coming from her.

Y/n: It was quite funny, but for now I believe some action is about to happen at the gym.

Sona: Then let's get to that action.

(At the gym)

Issei and Koneko met up and they manage to sneak their way into the gym.

Issei: This is quite the good replica of our gym.

The two of them stop and look at each other.

Issei: You feel that too right?

Koneko: Yeah, we got company.

Suddenly, the lights turned on and Issei and Koneko could see four of Riser's pieces waiting for them.

???: Smells like Gremory filthy, still not as bad as L/n though. Come out, come out where ever you are.

Issei: I guess being stealthy is out of the question.

Koneko: Yep.

The two of them walked out from behind the stage and were met by two girls with green hair carrying red and blue bags on their backs, a girl with a red robe holding a staff, and the girl with the martial arts outfit who had "tried" to attack Y/n.

???: What do we have here? She us a pawn and a rook. But it doesn't matter who she sends you'll lose all the same.

Issei gave a light chuckle.

???: What's so funny?

Issei: Didn't you get your leg broken by Y/n-Sensei?

She glares at him.

???: Believe me, that won't happen again.

???: But I think it's only right if we introduce ourselves before we fight. I'm Mira and I'm a Pawn.

???: I'm Xuelan, a Rook.

???: I'm Ile and I'm a Pawn.

???: I'm Nel and I'm also a pawn.

Koneko: That rook shouldn't be a problem for us.

Issei: Perhaps the old us, but the new us, not so much.

Koneko: She's got the skills of a queen.

Issei: We were trained by a Yonko Maou and his peerage, we need to make them proud

He then activated his boosted gear.

Ddraig: BOOST!!!!

Issei: I'll deal with the rook, you think you can handle the pawns?

Koneko: Yeah, I can. Let me know if you need help.

Issei: Then let's do this.

Koneko then jumped towards the pawns and started to fight them, as Issei and Xuelan started to stare each other down.

Xuelan: That L/n got lucky last time. I can assure you things will be different.

Issei: You just can't accept that Y/n-Sensei was better.

Issei and Xuelan both rushed at each other, Xuelan throwing multiple punches and kicks, but Issei used his Observation Haki to dodge with ease, this started to annoy her.

Xuelan: Damn it! Stand still!

Issei: No, I don't think I will.

Issei then proceeded to grab her arm and punch her hard in the stomach, sending her skidding back as she smirked.

Xuelan: You're not bad, I see that L/n taught you well.

Issei: It wasn't just him, I had man teachers during the last 10 days, now let's see how good you really are.

The two then ran towards each other, Xuelan was on the offensive, pushing Issei back with a barrage of fast strikes. Issei then used his Haki to block one of her strikes. 

Ddraig: BOOST!!!!

He pushed her back and delivered some fast kicks to her thanks to Ddraig's boost, he then kicked her in the side of the head, sending her flying and landing on her back.

Xuelan: Who the hell are you?

Issei: My name is Issei Hyoudou, Pawn of Rias Gremory, Disciple of Y/n L/n, and THE RED DRAGON EMPEROR!

Issei then looked over at Koneko.

Issei: How are you holding up Koneko?

Koneko: I'm good.

Issei saw that Koneko had Mira in a full nelson, with some of her clothes being ripped. He then saw Lle and Nel sneaking up on her, he then quickly boosted.

Ddraig: BOOST!!!!

He touched all 4 of the enemy pices and grabbed Koneko.

Koneko: What was that for?

Issei: This!

He then snapped his fingers.


The four pieces where then covered in red/green lightning as they screamed in pain before fallig to the ground in pain.

Koneko: Nice, where did you learn that?

Issei: Something I came up with, had some help with it though.

Rias then spoke up over the ear pieces.

Rias: Issei, Koneko, what's your status?

Issei: We just finished up.

Koneko: All of them are down, should be ready for that.

Rias: Good work, you two. Akeno is in position and she's ready to go. You two need to get out immediately.

Issei: Right.

Xuelan: Hey! We're not done yet!

Issei: Yes, you are.

Issei then coated his arm in Haki and rushed her before jumping up and delivering a punch to her head sending her to the ground.

Issei: Now stay down. Let's go Koneko.

The two of them ran out of the gym just in time, the two of them jump back from an explosion caused by Akeno to destroy the gym.

Akeno: Boom!

Issei: Not bad Akeno.

Koneko: They don't call her the Priestess of Thunder for nothing.

Grayfia: 3 of Riser's Pawns and 1 of his Rooks have retired.

(Back in the Broadcasting booth)

Sona: And four of Riser's pieces have been retired.

Tsubaki: Quite the incredible move from Rias's pawn. It seems as if both him and Koneko know Haki, did you give them the ability Y/n?

Y/n: I did, I sensed great potential within Rias's rook, knight, and pawn, so I gave them all the ability to use Haki, they can use Observation and Armament to a very high degree, but not yet Conqueror's, but that Red Dragon Emperor, he might unlock it quite soon.

Sona: On that note, let us continue with this rating game.

(Return to the field)

Rias: Riser still has us outnumbered, and we need to give Akeno time to recover-

Akeno: No need for that Rias, that attack barely took anything out of me, thanks to Boa's training my stamina has increased dramatically.

Rias: That's fantastic, let's continue with our plan then just in case.

Issei: Right.

Koneko: We need to get to the fields, Kiba's waiting for us there.

Issei: I suggest we get moving and back him up.

The two began to walk off, but suddenly Issei's senses went into overdrive.

Issei: Koneko, wait!

Without warning and almost faster then Koneko could react, she was hit by a massive explosion, sending her flying into the air being able to barely block with some haki, but it wasn't enough and she went flying.

Rias: Issei! What happened to Koneko!

Issei: She was caught off guard, she looks to be farely okay, but she's injured a bit.

Issei rushed over to Koneko.

Issei: Hey, you alright.

She weakly looked up at Issei.

Koneko: I-Issei?

Issei: Yeah, it's me, we are gonna get you to Asia okay??

Koneko: I'm sorry... I just wanted to serve Rias well... I let down Franky-sensei and Jinbe-sensei... I even let down Y/n...

Issei: No you didn't, just hang on for a bit, I'm going to get you to Asia.

Koneko then started to scream in pain, as she started glowing, disappearing from Issei's arms.

Issei: Koneko? WHO DID THAT?!

(In the broadcast booth)

Sona: Oh no...

Tsubaki: Koneko...

Boa: That poor girl...

They all turn to see Y/n clenching his fists.

Y/n: Damn it, that Haki should have protected her... something doesn't feel right about this rating game...

(Back with the Rating Game)

???: Haha.

Issei looked up to see Riser's queen laughing.

Grayfia: Lady Rias's rook has retired.

Issei's red/green aura then begin to flare up.

Issei: I'll make you pay for what you did!

Rias: I need you to calm down. When someone can no longer fight, they're taken to a location to be treated for their wounds. Koneko isn't dead, so please. I need you to focus.

Issei's aura slightly calmed down, be he still glared at Riser's queen when she started to speak.

Yubelluna: Stand down, little boy. No matter how much you struggle you can't win.

Akeno: Well, this is exciting.

Akeno then flew done in front of Issei.

Issei: Akeno?

Akeno: Issei, I can handle this trash. You go on ahead okay? Don't worry, I'll make sure she pays for what she did to Koneko. Besides, I've been meaning to put this fighting style into action.

Akeno then changes into a new outfit.

Yubelluna: I see, you must have trained under The Devil Empress, Boa Hancock.

Akeno: I did, not let's deal with this.

Akeno then disappears and appears in front of Yubelluna and delivers a series of kicks coated in lightning sending her flying.


Issei: She has this.

He eventually made it to Kiba who was fighting off 8 of Riser's pieces.

Kiba: Nice of you to join in.

Issei: Sorry about taking in, had a run in with Riser's queen.

Kiba: I heard about Koneko, she fought with all she had.

Issei: Yeah she did, now let's defeat these ladies for her.

Rias then came over the ear pieces.

Rias: Issei, Kiba, can you hear me?

Issei: Loud and clear.

Rias: Good, I'm launching a sneak attack on their base with Asia. I need you two to keep the rest of his pieces busy to buy us time.

Issei: Are you sure?

Rias: I'm left with no choice. I wanted to this with Akeno, but now she's dealing with his Queen, so I need her there.

Kiba: But don't you think it's risky for the king to leave the base?

Rias: With any luck, Riser is thinking within the same lines. Here's hoping I can take him by surprise. If we can attack him strong and hard enough, we might just be able to take the fight out of him and win.

Issei: If you are going to do this you are going to need help.

Kiba: Then you go help her.

Issei turned to Kiba.

Issei: You sure?

Kiba: Yeah, I've been waiting for the right moment to unleash my attack, and now seems better then ever. You mind lending me some power?

Issei: Yeah I gotcha.


Issei then put his gauntlet on Kiba's shoulder.


Kiba then glowed green before turning towards Riser's pieces.

Issei: You be careful alright?

Kiba: You too.

Rias: Kiba...

Kiba: Trust me president. I won't let Law and Brook's training go to waste.

Issei: Kick their asses.

Kiba: Will do.

Issei then ran back to the club house and Kiba looked on.

???: Do you really think you can take on all 8 of us?

Kiba then looked on at the pieces not saying anything. He then began to walk towards them. He summoned a single sword in his hand.

???: Is he really going to attack us with that flimsy weapon?

Kiba: You should never take your eyes off your opponent you know.

The 8 pieces suddenly see Kiba gone from infront of them.

Kiba: Or else you might regret it.

They turn around to see Kiba walking away from them.

???: H-How did he?

???: No matter, he's distracted.

???: GET HIM!

The pieces then all jump at him.

Kiba: Three-Verse Humming:

Just as the pieces are about to hit him, he sheathes his cane sword.


All 8 of the pieces fall to the ground screaming in pain, all of them vanished.

Grayfia: Lord Riser's 5 Pawns, 2 Knights, 1 Bishop and 1 Rook have retired.

Kiba then falls to one knee panting heavily.

Kiba: I suppose my time is over, That move took all my power for that many people, I hope you all can win this.

He then falls to the ground with a smile on his face as he disappears.

Grayfia: Lady Rias's 1 Knight has Retired.

(In the broadcasting booth)

Sona: It seems Rias's knight used too much power in that move, Y/n isn't that the same fighting style as your Knight Soul King Brook?

Y/n: It is, it seems as if Brook taught him it, but unfortunately Kiba's body was not fully ready for it, it's quite fortunate he managed to take out as many pieces as he did, an incredible showing none-the-less.

(Back at the Rating game)

Issei was running to return to Rias when he heard an explosion behind him and he saw Akeno falling from the sky.

Issei: Akeno!

Issei jumped into the air and caught Akeno before she could hit the ground.

Issei: Akeno! Stay with me!

Akeno looked at Issei with a smile.

Akeno: I'm sorry that I wasn't strong enough... Forgive me Boa... Y/n...

Grayfia: Lady Rias's queen has retired.

Issei looked at his arms, Riser's queen was hovering behind him laughing.

Yubelluna: I've gotta admit, she was a good opponent. But she wasn't good enough, even with Boa's traning.

Issei: You bitch....

Yubelluna: What did you say?!

Issei then turned to her and glared at her.

Red/green energy then began to emit from him as Riser's queen found it harder to breathe.

Yubelluna: This energy... it's just like an emperors!

(At the Broadcast booth)

Sona: He's done it hasn't he?

Y/n: He has and while it's in infant stages, Issei has unlocked Conqueror's Haki, he is now on track to become the strongest Red Dragon Emperor in history.... Let's see what he will do next.

(Back at the Rating game)

Yubelluna: No matter, time for you to retire.

She then shot magic shots at Issei as she stood there glaring at her, he then dodged all of them. completely shocking her when he even reflected one away.

Issei: I'm done being nice.

Yubelluna: W-What?!

Issei: You hurt the people I care, you hurt the people my sensei cares about, I'll make you pay for what you did!!!

He then jumped high into the air at her and delivered a massive punch to her face.

Grayfia: Lord Riser's Queen has retired.


Rias was fighting Riser while Asia was trying to support with elemental magic, but both of them were starting to get tired out since Riser just kept healing any damage they hit him with. Riser started to smirk at all of them.

Riser: You can't beat Riser. Riser can heal from any injury!!!

As Riser was laughing, they heard the announcement that Akeno was taken out.

Grayfia: Lady Rias's Queen has retired.

Rias and the others heard the announcement and all looked completely shocked.

Riser: Looks like your Queen has lost. Now my dear Rias, tell me what chance do you have no-

Grayfia: Lord Riser's Queen has retired.

Riser then looked shocked.

Riser: WHAT?!?!

Rias: It looks like my pawn has defeated your queen.

Riser: No matter, I still have one more ace up my sleeve.

Suddenly, strings shot out from behind Riser and went straight for Asia and she closed her eyes. She opened her eyes to see Issei standing in front of her, impaled by the strings, coughing blood.

Rias/Asia: ISSEI!

Issei: G-God this hurts. Who the hell did this?

Suddenly, the three of them heard an evil laugh.


The laugh is revealed to be a man with blonde hair, wearing pink sunglasses, a white unbuttoned shirt, and a pink fluffy cape, with strings emitting from his fingers.

???: The little sister of Straw Hat Y/n... I'm going to enjoy torturing you and your peerage.

(I already have an idea for one of the remaining Yonko Maou spots, who would you guys like to see taking the final Yonko Maou spot, it must be someone from either One Piece or DxD, and no Lord Buggy is not an option since I already have a plan for him later on. Recommend them here.)

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