Chapter 2: The Monster's Training!

[Right now, Rias, Akeno, Asia, Y/n, and Boa are watching Issei struggling to walk up the hill.]

Rias: You're almost there. Just a few more feet.

Akeno: Visualize Issei!

Issei: C-Coming...

Boa: Are we really sure he's the Red Dragon Emperor?

Y/n: Yeah he is, the aura is defitinely draconic in nature.

Asia: Rias? Should I go get some of those bags for him?

Rias: No, he needs to learn to carry that much on his own.

Kiba: On your left.

He then walked past Issei with a bag bigger then his.

Issei: Seriously?! Did they give you a bag of feathers?!

Koneko then walked past Issei with a even bigger bag.

Koneko: Move it.

Koneko then walked up and stood next to Y/n, and he just began to chuckle.

Koneko: What's so funny?

Y/n: How many snacks did you bring this time?

Koneko pouted and was about to punch him, but he caught her fist.

Y/n: I was just kidding ya know.

Boa: Darling, you really need to get better at reading people...


After Issei finally made it up the hill, everyone made their way to the top of the hill and the training location, which was a beautiful mansion.

Asia: Wow!

Rias: Alright, guys before we head inside, Y/n did you bring them?


The Doors to mansion open to reveal a group of people. Y/n turns to the ORC.

Y/n: This introduction is mainly for Issei and Asia since the other ORC members have met my peerage before. Let's start with my queen. 

Boa then walks forward.

Boa: My name is Boa Hancock, a queen in the service of Y/n L/n-Gremory.

Y/n: Alright, Franky, Jinbe! You two are up next!

Two men then stepped forward, One had blue hair and sunglasses and was wearing nothing but a Hawaiian shirt and a speedo, he also had massive arms.

Franky: YOW! What's up Gremory Peerage, name's Franky and I'm a Rook!

Next up was a massive man who wasn't human, he had blue skin and webbed hands, also the tatoo of a sun on his chest and two white fangs sticking out of his mouth.

Jinbe: Greetings, my name is Jinbe, I'm a Rook in service to the L/n-Gremory Peerage.

Issei was about to speak up, but was interrupted by Y/n.

Y/n: Jinbe is a fishman, he's from a place called Fishman Island, it's very secluded from the rest of the world since it's mainly underwater. Alright, next up are my two nights, YO TRAFFY, BROOK!

Y/n is then bonked on the head by a man with a sword. The man wears a white hat with black spots and has black hair, he looks kinda irritated.

Trafalgar: I told you to stop calling me that! Anyway, the names Trafalgar Law, I'm this idiots knight.

Y/n: I'm not an idiot! Your just smarter then me!

Trafalgar: That's exactly what idiot means!


Trafalgar: ANYTIME, LET'S GO!

The two are then interrupted by a voice.

???: YOHOHO, You two and your bickering brings joy to my heart... Wait a second, I don't have a heart! YOHOHOHO, SKULL JOKE!

Issei and Asia turn to the voice and both of them are terrified, somehow standing behind them is... a literal living skeleton with an afro.


Asia: H-How?!

Brook: Ah it's simple, my sacred gear is called the Yomi Yomi No Mi, I was basically given a second chance and then a second chance again when I became Y/n's knight. My name is Brook.

Issei and Asia were still in shock at the living skeleton, however they eventually just accepted it a few minutues later.

Y/n: Cool, now on to my next pieces, now where is-

He is interuppted by someone's face appearing in front of his, but upside down, she has red/white hair and purple eyes. She is currently laying on top of his head, her face Infront of his.

Y/n gives a smile at her.

???: Hi, Hubby!

Y/n gives her a small peck on the nose.

Y/n: Hello, Uta, can you introduce yourself?

Uta smiles and gets off of Y/n's head.

Uta: Hi ya! My name's Uta and I'm Hubbys Bishop!

Issei: Dude, why does she call you hubby?

Y/n: Ah that's simple, I'm married.

Asia: But aren't you engaged to Riser's sister?

Y/n: Yep, I have 7 wives, all of which are in my peerage.

Issei: Man out here being Tengen Uzui.

Y/n: Boy you know it! I am the God Of Flashiness. Now bo-

He is interrupted by two arms emerging from his arms and covering his mouth, he slowly turns around to see someone smiling at him. This woman has black hair and blue eyes.

???: I'm sorry about him, he sometimes can't control himself, My name is Nico Robin and I'm a Bishop in service of my husband's peerage.

She then turns to Y/n.

Robin: Now are you going to calm down Honey?

Y/n nods and the hands uncover his mouth.

Y/n: Okay, time for my pawns. Come on up guys.

8 figures then stand foward, however Asia notices one and immediately picks them up and holds them close. They arn't human and look like a reindeer with a blue nose.

Asia: Who's this? He's so huggable!

Chopper: Let go of me! I'm not some of kind of plushy! My name is Tony Tony Chopper and I'm Y/n's pawn and the doctor of it!

Suddenly a very tall man wearing a scarf bends down to Asia's level and pats her on the head.

???: Could you please put down our trusty doctor, he's not the biggest fan of strangers hugging him.

Asia quickly sets him down gently.

Asia: Ah I'm so sorry Chopper.

Chopper: It's fine, you didn't know.

??? then turns to the ORC.

???: My name is Charlotte Katakuri and I am also a Haki User on about the same level as Y/n.

(In this Fanfic Katakuri has the Advanced Conqueror's Haki like Luffy does in Wano.)

Issei: I thought Haki was a trait of Y/n's family?

Y/n: It is, but I can also allow other people I deem worthy to use it, most my peerage can at least use one kind of Haki because of the pieces, but there others in the Underworld who either I or my Mother have given Haki to, however there is also a Family in the Fallen Angels and a Family in the Angels that can use and give Haki, there are even those who can steal Haki, but we can worry about that later, who wants to go next.

A girl with orange hair and orange eyes comes foward.

Nami: Hello, my name is Nami and I'm a pawn in my husband's peerage. If you want to know my power, that will cost you 1000 Dollars!


Nami: You are just jealous I make more money then you do Usopp!

The man with the long nose named Usopp then sighs.

Usopp: Sometimes it's just pointless, Anyway, my name is Commander Usopp and I control over 1 mill-

Y/n's Peerage: DON'T LIE TO THEM!

Usopp sighs.

Usopp: Fine, my name is Usopp and I am a pawn in Y/n's peerage as the marksman expert.

A girl with pink hair and black eyes pats Usopp on the shoulder.

???: See now was that so hard Usopp. I didn't even have to use my ghosts on you!

Usopp: You know those don't even work on me, Perona...

Perona: Oh right... Anyway, my name is Perona and I'm a pawn in Y/n's peerage, and yes I'm one of his wives. Also, Y/n I have a gift for you. NOW CARROT!

Y/n: Oh?

The girl named Carrot who was blonde hair and white bunny ears then proceeds to bite Y/n on the ear.

Carott: GARCHU!

Y/n: Ah, Hi Carott.

Issei then looks confused.

Issei: Dude, doesn't that hurt?

Y/n: Not really, made out of rubber.

Asia: Made out of Rubber?

Nami: Oh let me show you.

She then proceeded to walk over to Y/n and pull on his cheek. It extended far more then any normal cheek pinch.

Nami: See, he's complety made out of rubber?

Issei and Asia both look on in shock, but they are suddenly consumed by the shadow of someone who towers over them, they both look up to see a woman with white hair and green tips wielding a giant club looming over them.

(I know Yamato sees himself as a man, but for the sake of this book and since Oden never "existed" like he did in One Piece, Yamato is female in this story.)

Issei: JEEZ! You are tall!

Asia: So huge...

Yamato: Thanks, the name's Yamato, I'm a pawn in service of Y/n's peerage. Nice to meet ya two.

Y/n: Alright that should only leave-

???: Damn, saving the best for the last? You really do care Y/n.

The ORC and Y/n's peerage turn to the sound of the voice coming from the roof, the figure jumps off of the roof and uses fire to land, the man wears an orange hat, has black hair and black eyes.

Ace: Sup folks! The name's Portgas D. Ace or as I'm also known as Fire Fist Ace, and we're gonna be training your asses for 10 whole days!

Y/n: Ah yes that.

Rias: I assume you have a Training Regiment for us?

Y/n: We do, but first, Issei! Kiba! Koneko! Get up here, I got a gift for yall!

The three look at Rias who nods and they walk up to Y/n. He then sticks his hand out as his Yellow Magic Circle appears in his hands, Koneko, Kiba, and Issei are then consumed in a light. Once the light dies down, Koneko glows a light blue, Kiba glows a dark blue/dark purple, and Issei glows red/green.

Issei: What the hell was that?

Y/n: Oh I gave you three the ability to learn Haki, considering each of your fighting styles I believe Haki would benefit you three the most, Rias and Akeno have already started to learn Haki and Asia wouldn't benefit from it, not because of her strength but because of her sacred gear, Haki would actually be harmful to her.

The ORC members look shocked.

Y/n: But don't worry Asia, I've got a plan to make you stronger.

He then suddenly rushes away and combes back with a white board labeled "Y/n's Training Plan"

Y/n: Alright, so first off we got Issei. You will be training with Yamato, Ace, and Katakuri, these three will be teaching you how to get better with your Haki and Hand-To-Hand Combat, and trust me this training will be brutal.

Issei: I'll do anything if it means Rias doesn't have to marry Riser!

Y/n: That's the spirit!

Y/n: Next up is Asia, I'm going to have you train with Uta, Robin, Nami, and Perona, these four are excellent magic users and will help you learn different types of magic. We also are going to have Usopp assisting with helping you learn to aim those long range magic attacks.

Asia: Right!

Y/n: Kiba, you will be training with Law and Brook, they will be teaching you their own sword styles and even how to infuse your Haki with your sword strikes.

Kiba: Of course.

Y/n: Koneko, you will be training with Carrot, Franky and Jinbe. They will be teaching you how to infuse Haki into your punches and even their own fighting styles.

Koneko: Cool.

Y/n: Akeno, you will be training with-

Boa then steps forward. 

Boa: You'll be training with me, there's something I've been meaning to try with you and trust me it's going to be painful.

Akeno: I look forward to it~

Boa sighs.

Y/n: And that leaves Rias, you will be training with me, and if you remember our training as kids.

Rias gulps in fear.

Y/n: Eh I'm sure you'll be fine.

Chopper: What about me boss?

Y/n: You my Reindeer Pal are going to be moving between each group as the doctor, if anyone gets too injured we are gonna need your fantastic medical expertise to fix em up quick.

Chopper then began to dance while blushing.

Chopper: Stupid idiot, it's not like I enjoy your compliments.

He then gets a serious face.

Chopper: I'll do it!

Y/n: Good! Now let's get to training folks, we got 10 days to get prepared to kick KFC's ass!

Everyone: Right!

Y/n: Heh. Let's go!

9 Days Later!

It's been 9 days since training started for everyone and big strides had been taking.

Issei had improved the most, he was now able to use Observation Haki, but sadly was unable to achieve the future sight with it, he also currently did not posses the ability to unlock Conqueror's Haki, his Armament Haki was coming along nicely, it wasn't as advanced as his three teachers but it was noticeable enough to increase his damage, he managed to complete a new move of his own called Dragon Shot, which was a red beam of energy, he found a way to infuse it with haki which nearly blew up a nearby mountain. Overall, Katakuri, Yamato, and Ace were proud, but they told him to keep using their training methods, he also nearly died several times but thanks to Chopper and Asia, he didn't.

Asia was a prodigy when it came to magic, Robin had decided to teach her some of the Fish-Man Karate moves Jinbe had taught her and she caught on quickly. Uta had taught her some basic elemental magic, while Nami taught her some extra moves with it much like her Clima-Tact, Usopp helped her with her aiming of her magic attacks and she was incredible with it and was nearly a perfect shot. Overall, her teachers were very proud of her and told her to keep training.

Kiba's training went perfectly, he was able to unlock his Armament Haki and his Observation Haki, he was also able to copy Law and Brook's sword styles with ease, he was even able to use his sacred gear "Sword Birth" to replicate their swords and use it as a distraction during battle, his speed also increased thanks to Brook, as now Kiba could attack so fast, it looked like he just walked past someone. Overall, for the first time ever Law was Impressed and Brook just made a Skull Joke about him being so proud he could die, even though he already had died.

Koneko's training was perhaps the best training of her life, her speed even as a Rook was almost on Par with Kiba's if not Kiba just a bit faster. Franky and Jinbe each tought her some of their moves, she was actually a prodigy when it came to Jinbe's Fish-Man Karate, and thanks to her Armament Haki her moves were even more powerful then before. Franky gave her the biggest SUPER of his life and Jinbe gave her a smile and a nod saying that he was proud.

Akeno's training with Boa went just as Boa had expected. Every strong Haki infused kick Boa delivered to Akeno, she moaned. Eventually, Boa just accepted it and kept on with the training. Akeno managed to pick up a few of Boa's moves and combine them with her lightning. Akeno's haki also got stronger and was pretty strong. Boa despite all of Akeno's moaning during their training was proud none the less.

Rias and Y/n had the most intense training. Rias kept firing balls of Power Of Destruction at Y/n, but we would either Kick, Slash, or Punch them away with ease. He explained to her how she needed to stop using so much energy in a single attack, he explained her that since her PoD was so potent, she should instead try to hit her opponent with rapid smaller attacks and infuse them with haki, she did this and ended up creating even more powerful blasts in a tiny package, nearly destroying several trees with one the size of a pea. Overall, Y/n was proud of his sister, but he knew deep down... there was a chance Riser would still win...


Rias outside on a balcony, looking at the moon, when her brother came up behind her.

Y/n: You still up Sis?

She turned around to see her brother a bit surprised.

Rias: Y/n? You're still awake?

Y/n: Yeah, Uta kicks a lot in her sleep and ended up kicking me out of the bed.

Rias giggled at this.

Rias: This is actually the perfect time brother, I wanted to speak to you.

Y/n: Oh? What about little sis?

Rias walked up to her brother and hugged him, which he returned.

Rias: I have to thank you. For what  you did and said to Riser before. I never got a chance to thank you.

Y/n: You don't need to thank me little sis, I was just doing my duty as your big brother. Besides, these last few days have been really fun, reminds me of when we were kids.

Rias: Yeah it does, say can I ask you one more thing?

Y/n: Sure.

Rias let go of the hug and looked into his eyes.

Rias: Do you think we can win?

Y/n sighs.

Y/n: Yes and No. You guys have grown considerably stronger, but there is still the numbers advantage and experience, but I honestly think you guys stand a really good chance of winning.

Rias: W-What happens if we don't win?

Y/n: Then I'll come and save you.

Rias: You Promise?

Y/n: I promise.

Rias hugged her brother one last time.

Rias: T-Thank You Big Brother, for everything. I love you.

Y/n gives a smile and hugs back.

Y/n: I love you too sis.

[Chapter End]

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