Chapter 10: A Punishment! The Four Horsewomen of Beating Y/n's Ass!
Currently, Y/n, Issei, Koneko, Kiba, and Saji are all disguised as Priests walking down the street and then Y/n speaks up.
Y/n: Ya know, I once had a dream where I had become a priest, then I met a man named Alucard, we had a lot of good fights. Then I drove a nail into my heart and became a Tree, I think. Speaking of that, yall ever watched Boondock Saints? It's a good movie.
Issei: No....
Saji: Are we sure he is a Yonko Maou?
Koneko: Trust me, he is. He might be as dumb as a brick sometimes, but his battle knowledge and power is top tier if not one of the best in the underworld.
Y/n: So I was thinking we should go somewhere without people.
Kiba: I was thinking we could to that place where we killed Viser.
Y/n: Viser?
Issei: Remember that story I told you about the girl with lazer nipples?
Saji: That was actually true?!
Konkeo: Yeah, that was back when Issei was a perv, he thought she was pretty.
Issei: She was for like 2 seconds, then she showed the lower half and nobody wants that shit...
The five of them started walking forward and Y/n and Issei felt a presence with Koneko and Kiba feeling it a bit after them, the recognized it as Holy Power, Saji eventually felt it as well.
Y/n: We got company...
Issei then looked up and saw someone standing on the roof.
Issei: Above!
The figure jumped down and was revealed to be someone Y/n and Saji didn't know, but Issei and the others did, he clashed swords with Kiba, before jumping back.
???: I've been meaning to thank you for earlier.
Kiba: Thank me for what?
Y/n: Is that the Stray Priest that tried to hurt Asia?
Issei: Yeah that's the psychotic bastard. His name is Freed.
Freed: Oh, hi! If it isn't the little midget and her friends.
He then looked at Y/n.
Freed: And a Farmer?
Y/n: For god sakes, just because I have a Straw Hat doesn't mean I'm a Farmer!
Koneko: We should be careful with that sword. It's powerful.
Y/n: Hold on! This feels...familiar?
Issei: I know what you mean, this is an Excalibur!
Issei then took off the priest outfit and summon Shusui and the Boosted Gear.
Ddraig: BOOST!
Y/n: I'll let you guys deal with this, he's not worth my time.
Y/n took a step back and took off his priest outfit and Koneko and Saji did the same.
Freed: Oh, my, my. Five of you in one night. I'm overwhelmed by my own popularity!
Kiba: Don't get too excited. I'm your only opponenet.
Issei: No he's not.
Issei walked up next to Kiba and looked at him.
Issei: Did you already forget our pomrise? I refuse to let you do this alone.
Kiba looked at Issei and smiled.
Kiba: Right. Let's do this together.
Issei: You got it.
The two then lunged at Freed from the sides, but he disappeared, and they missed their attacks.
Freed: Did you two really think you could beat me?
As Freed was speeding around them, Issei stood still, sensing where Freed was going to strike, he then easily countered Freed's attack with his own.
Freed: When the hell did you learn how to use a sword?!
Issei: Trade Secret.
Freed: Now that's just unfair.
Issei then slashed Freed at lightning speed sending him back.
Issei: Life's unfair bitch.
Freed: Some people call this sword the Heavenly Excalibur Rapidly, but I don't. I call it the super fast sword.
Freed: Shut up! I'm good at killing filthy fucking devils, not naming swords!
He disappeared once again so, as Issei and Kiba chased after him, they clashed with him. The three of them mvoed so fast, they looked like blurs, to everyone else but Y/n, who saw them normally.
Saji: Man, he wasn't kidding. He's moving then Kiba, but how is Issei keeping up with them?
Y/n: Trade Secret.
Saji: Not you too....
Koneko: Worst day ever...
Koneko then pulls out a phone and started to call Xenovia and Irina, which Freed noticed.
Freed: Aww, feeling left out? Don't worry, there's plenty left over for-
He is then hit with an attack from Issei.
Issei: Shut up and fight!
Ddraig: BOOST!
Y/n: Saji, Sona told me you had a sacred gear, why don't you slow him down for us?
Saji: Right! Line up!
Purple energy started to form around Saji's hand, as a hand brace appeared.
Y/n: Oh, the Absorption Line? Very nice indeed.
Saji: Thanks, Line go!
Saji then shot out a blue energy line out of the brace, as it wrapped around Freed's leg, making fall on the roof.
Issei: Huh, did not know you had a Sacred Gear too, Saji.
Saji: I'm just full of surprises.
Saji then pulled on the line, keeping Freed held down, as he tries to cut it off, but couldn't.
Freed: Damn it, this must be another one of those Dragons...
Issei: Huh, a fellow dragon, well that is quite the unexpected surprise.
Ddraig: BOOST!
Kiba: Issei would you please let me finish this?
Issei: Yeah sure.
Issei then pats Kiba on the shoulder.
Kiba then glared at Freed.
Kiba: Get up...
Freed then kept trying to cut the line.
Freed: Why can't I get this thing off?!
Kiba then slammed his sword into the ground.
Multiple swords shot up from the ground from both sides and went straight towards Freed. And he attempted to keep destroying them. Suddenly a voice spoke up.
???: Sword Birth, Huh.
Kiba: Who's there?
A man then walked out of the building.
???: A Sacred Gear that cna grant invincible power based on the users ability.
Y/n: Huh, this is strange. He doesn't have a Little Timmy glued to his crotch, PROGESS IS BEING MADE FOLKS!
???: Oh, one of the fabled Yonko Maou, one of the 8 strongest devils in The Underworld.
The man then looks at Freed.
???: Oh, Freed. Looks like your use of Holy Swords can still use some brushing up, can it?
Freed then looked down at the man.
Freed: Look, It's old man Valper.
Kiba then looked at him shocked then glared at him, which Y/n noticed.
Koneko: He's the Mastermind behind the Holy Sword Project.
Y/n: OH SHIT!!!!!! KIBA DON'T!
Valper then looked towards Kiba.
Valper: The one and only.
Freed: One and only what, old man? Make yourself useful and get this lizard tongue off me!
Valper: You need to put all your energy into the blade of the sword.
Freed: Oh, is that all it takes? One energy cocktail coming up!
Freed then poured his energy into the blade and it started to glow.
Issei: Ah shit!
Freed's energy then flared up and he cut the line on his leg.
Freed: It's making sense now. If I figure out the perfect way to use the Holy elements, I can continue to gain power. I like this game.
Freed then looked towards Kiba.
Fred: I have an idea. Why don't you all just stand there and become pray for my sword!
He then lunged towards Kiba. Xenovia then appeared and blocked his strike.
Y/n: Nice of you to show up Nova.
Xenovia: Nova?
Koneko: He gives Nicknames to everyone, don't worry about it.
Issei then kicked freed in the face, knocking him away, as Irina appeared as well, and threw her cloak away, ready to battle.
Saji: Irina? What are you doing here?
Irina: What? What do you mean? You contacted us, so we came to help, duh!
Saji: We did?
Y/n: Yeah we did....
Koneko: Yeah, good to see you're paying attention.
Xenovia: You are both traitors! You hear me Freed Selzen and Valper Galilei! I condemn your souls in the name of our God!
Suddenly, Kiba came down and tried to slash Freed and almost got him, but he jumped out of the way.
Valper: You're done.
Freed looked at Valper confused.
Freed: Huh?
Valper: All you had to do was get rid of those vermin from the church who had snuck in. Easy. But, there they are, with Holy Swords and you're outnumbered. Time to pull back.
Freed: Aww, so soon? Well, see ya!
Freed then threw a flash bang and both Freed and Valper disappeared, as Xenovia and Kiba ran after them
Xenovia: Let's go, Irina!
Irina then ran along with Xenovia and Kiba. Issei then jumped down and was about to run after them.
Issei: Come on, we have to catch up!
Rias: Goodness. What have you gotten yourselves into?
Issei stops dead in his tracks, as they looked back to see Rias, Akeno, Sona and Tsubaki, as Issei and Saji were scared shitless.
Issei: R-RIAS!!!!!
Saji: SONA!!!!!
Erza: I wouldn't be laughing if I was you mister.
???: I had to close up shop early because of you.
???: I can't believe I had to take a break from my writing for this.
???: I can't believe you would do this Y/n-sama!
It was then that Y/n stopped laughing, he slowly turned around and was met with 4 women. THE 4 HORSEWOMEN OF BEATING HIS ASS!
Y/n: ERZA!!!!
Y/n: LUCY!!!!!
Y/n: JUVIA!!!!!
Rias: I'm sure this will be a lively story. I can't wait.
Sona: Whenever you would like to start explaining, I'm ready.
Y/n then looked at Issei and Saji.
Y/n: Issei, Saji, it's time I teach you another of the L/n famous tactics.
Issei: W-What's that Sensei?
Y/n: It involves using your legs.
Saji: Then what?
Y/n: Then we-
Issei: AH JEEZ!
Saji: AW CRAP!
Y/n then attemps to run away followed by Issei and Saji, who easily get caught. Suddenly, a whip wraps around Y/n's ankle, he slowly turns around to see Lucy standing there with a whip.
Y/n: M-Mercy?
Lucy: Sorry Babe, no mercy for you!
He is then dragged away.
Sometime later everyone was inside the abandoned building, while the others were explaining the situation. Y/n was...
Y/n: Why am I in a cage and tied up?
Mira: Because you will just run away again.
Y/n: No I won't.
Juvia: Yes you will my love.
Y/n: Yeah I would....
Suddenly, they all heard a slap and saw Sona spanking Saji.
Sona: I think you need more time to reflect on your actions!
Saji: AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! I'm sorry Sona! I beg your forgiveness!
Sona: Not yet. Not until you've had 1000 spankings.
Y/n: Is that what's gonna happen to me?
Erza: Honey, you will be LUCKY if that's all you get.
Y/n gulps in fear.
Issei: She's' using her powers to spank him?! No way! What's Rias going to do? And if Y/n is in fear of his punishment... Oh my god... I'm going to die....
Rias: Issei, Koneko....
Issei: Y-Yes?
Rias then hugs the two of them.
Rias: What is wrong with you kids? All you do is make me worry.
Saji: What?! How come they get hugs and I get an ass beating?!
Sona then spanked Saji again.
Sona: That's them, this is us!
Saji: What about Y/n?!
Lucy: Oh don't you worry about him, he's going to be punished thoroughly~
Y/n: My ass and pelvis are going to die tonight...
Rias: Alright, Issei. I need you to bend over please.
Issei looked at Rias shocked.
Issei: What?! I thought you were going to forgive us!
Rias: That's not how this works. A master is responsible for disciplining their servants.
Erza: Much like how wives are supposed to discipline their husband when he's acting like a complete dumbass!
Rias then looked at Koneko.
Rais: Koneko, no sweets for a weak.
Koneko looks at Rias shocked.
Koneko: What?!
Y/n: That's rough buddy...
Juvia: Y/n-love, no meat and sake for a week.
Mira: Babe, we are doing this because we love you.
Rias: You heard me. If I catch you eating any sweets, I'll add another week.
Lucy: The same goes for you too honey, you can only eat/drink the meat and sake WE give you.
Y/n: I hate you girls...
Y/n's Wives: We love you too!
Koneko: I don't want to live in a world without sweets....
Y/n: I don't want to live in a world without meat and sake...
Rias: Now, Issei!
Issei: Y-Yes?
Issei: AHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
Suddenly Y/n's cage is opened and Erza drags him out while opening a portal.
Y/n: Eh what's going on?
Erza: It's time for your punishment.
Lucy: I hope you are ready.
Mira: Because we have the stamina.
Juvia: To go all night~
Y/n gulps in fear and sweats.
Y/n: Please don't break my butt and pelvis again...
Y/n's Wives: No Promises~
Y/n then begins to get dragged through the portal.
Y/n is then finally dragged through the portal as it closes.
[End of Chapter]
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