Chapter 2 - First Contact
The ship was blasting alarms on every speaker. Crashed due to the interference from whatever was between the portals interfering with the sensors and shutting the ship off. Fenris couldn't get it up and running in time. Standing in front of the wreckage, the Hunter sighed. At least it wasn't either of their ships. They were given one that was expendable due to the risky nature of the mission. After noting the damage, he heard it...
"Oh SHIT!" he cried, diving out of the way of a swing from the Burning Maul.
"Why must it be that any ship I get into with you ends up crashing?!" Ignis asked, angrily pointing at the Hunter.
"I CAN'T AVOID EVERYTHING SHOT AT US IGNIS!" Fenris shouted, his voice just a few octaves too high for normal.
"Well, could you at least have better seating conditions, my head is still throbbing from hitting the ceiling." Ignis started looking around at the area surrounding the two guardians.
"Not that time. I couldn't even mod the ship let alone change seats. Trigger, where are we?" Fenris asked, only for his Ghost's explanation to be interrupted by a voice.
"It's surprising to see some people worth our attention. What do you think?"
"They probably only barely have access to their Sacred Gears. Still, they have more potential than even the Boosted Gear. They could be a threat," the only guy in the little trio of whatevers said, either not caring or not realizing they could be heard.
"Yo! As you probably know, we're not from around here and wouldn't mind making a couple of new friends. Wanna help some Guardians out?" Fenris asked, not bothering to hide the fact that he was armed. Not that he really could with the Pulse Rifle on his back.
"Or if you'd rather just perma-die then we can arrange that for you. Pretty sure none of you are Guardians. Speaking of, you there, in the bushes. Nice effort hiding, but not enough to surprise a Hunter. Now get out before I blast you to ashes." A girl in what looked like some sort of weird Japanese schoolgirl uniform walked out and her white hair stuck out like a sore thumb in the dark. Still, she was pretty good at hiding, only moving when the wind blew the bushes.
"A devil without her master? Well this ought to be easy..." the shorter and more childish of the three original visitors laughed, flying towards the schoolgirl. A large wall of fire suddenly rushed between them and halted the winged interloper from attacking.
"You, little girl. What's going on here and what's your name?" Fenris asked, striding up to the white-haired girl so casually it was almost easy to forget about the wall of fire.
"... Koneko. And fallen angels are investigating the rip in the-"
"The fabric of the universe? Yeah, we were investigating that too."
"But before we get to that, I feel like I should introduce these 'fallen angels' to what happens when you piss off an already angry Sunbreaker..." Ignis's Hallowfire Heart started glowing a familiar orange-red before he burst into flames with the Burning Maul in hand, "HE GETS FIRED UP!" Fenris picked up the little girl and ran a bit, only for an explosion of fire to hit him and for the body and armor to go up in flames. Koneko was fine. Fenris, however, was literally ashes. Trigger popped into existence and rezed him in a brief flash of light, only for the Hunter to gasp and cheer.
"I HAVEN'T FELT THAT ALIVE SINCE SHAXX TOLD ME HE RAN OUT OF MEDALS!" Fenris laughed, Kokenko both startled and terrified of the sudden shouting and the kind of power someone had to wield in order to be revived from literally nothing but ashes.
"What kind of monsters are these guys?!" the taller female of the fallen angels asked,
"THE KIND YOU SHOULD FEAR HARLOT!" Ignis yelled, in a very Shaxx type of tone, before leaping at the fallen angels. Fenris pulled out the Outbreak Perfected and started firing, the SIVA nanites spawning from the little fallen angel girl swarming the larger fallen angel who had insulted them earlier. Then a couple potshots at the male's leg put him down hard, the nanites boring into his skin painfully. The little girl behind him was shocked and frankly a little worried. This lightly armored human brought two fallen angels to the ground like it was nothing.
"ZAVALA! FINALLY! Comms had cut out just after we entered the portal and it shut off all systems on the ship. Getting back may be more of a pain than we expected. Met up with some of the locals and one attacked this little girl and pissed off Ignis. You know how that goes. I got caught in the blast and protected the girl, so she's safe. Feel like some higher-ups of the two we killed are going to come looking for answers when we send their third back to them in critical condition. I feel like coming here might have been more of a waste of time than I anticipated given how weak they are. I'll keep in touch," Fenris said. The jovial tone he had earlier was gone and replaced by a serious tone that was held in stark contrast to what he would be normally.
There was a small pause before Fenris looked over at the pedophile looking fallen angel and stood up.
"Now you're going to tell us what we want to know, or I'm going to ensure you wake up in a cold sweat with phantom pains from what I do to you. Now, what's the deal between fallen angels and these devils?"
Whilst Fenris was interrogating the fallen angel, Ignis was still in a rage slamming the Burning Maul on the two dead fallen angels. "THIS. IS. WHY. YOU. DON'T. PISS. OFF. A. TITAN!" could be heard between hammer fells.
"IGNIS! WOULD YOU CALM DOWN AND USE YOUR BRAIN FOR ONCE! I can't hear him over the sound of your screaming and hammering!" A small explosion sounded as Ignis's shield went down. The interrogation went fairly smoothly and Fenris just knocked him out with a strong boot to the face. He turned to the little girl and she nodded, corroborating the story. At least, for the most part.
"So, you've got a master I assume? Let her know what happened. See you around," the Hunter said, patting the loli's head and walking over to Ignis. The two began walking away, only to be stopped as Koneko called out to them.
"But what do I call you two? And how will I find you again?" she asked.
"We're Guardians. And I'm sure we'll run into each other again. If there's one thing we can't stay out of, it's trouble," Fenris laughed, waving her goodbye. His more jovial tone came back almost as quickly as it disappeared. But with his back turned, he didn't even notice the look of awe and shock being replaced by a one of joy. Likely certain she'd get more head pats. Now that they have themselves established as capable fighters in this world and that people know who they are, word of mouth is going to attract many people.
"And now we wait. Hopefully, we can contact Zavala again and see about getting another ship. Maybe I can mod the hell out of this one," Fenris sighed, trying to relax a little as he walked. After all, they didn't have what it took to permakill a Guardian. While he wasn't stupid enough to think they weren't being followed or tracked, he was at least sure whoever's did track them had orders to observe first and only attack when provoked.
"So what did you think Ignis?" Fenris asked, chuckling a bit.
"I think that there was a cat nearby..."
"I like cats. Well, I say we try to find someplace to dig in and get comfy because I doubt they'd send any more ships after us. Besides, Ikora knows we can handle ourselves and The Colonel... is a chicken. I think we'll be juuuuust fine."
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