Halloween Part 2
Calvin didn't want to ruin his first Halloween with Noah so he decided to wait until tomorrow to tell Olivia.
Maybe I can coax them into talking to mom? But I don't get how this could have happened? Darrell is always so careful with his daughters, especially after his wife passed away...and then he started having money problems...oh nonononono! Darrell please tell me you didn't!...But if he did that would explain why-nono D-Darrell's smart! He knows better than to do something like that!...Then again there was that one time Jasmine told me they were close to having to leave school because their dad couldn't afford it...then out of nowhere...(gulp)...he suddenly has more than enough money to pay for everything.
Calvin snapped out of his thought when he felt a hand on his shoulder. It was Bella.
"Calvin, you ok." She whispered as she walked next to him.
"Huh? Yeah I'm ok...I just..." Calvin turned away unsure what to say.
She tightened her grip on his shoulder as he turned back to see the fear and anger in her eyes.
"She's going to find that bastard right?"
Calvin gave her a reassuring smile.
"I know she will."
Calvin had always kept up with Olivia's cases or at least what he could find in the papers, it always made him so happy to see her succeed, to see her put the bastards in jail, to see her save the victims. He then turned and smiled down at Noah.
To know she's still giving a home to those who need it.
"Calvin! Carry me!" Noah shouted cheerfully tugging on his sleeve, Calvin chuckled in response before handing his pups' leashes to Bella then bending down to pick up Noah and set him on his shoulders
"Sure thing little bro!"
"Only just met and he's already your little brother." Rebecca giggled
"Jealous." Calvin playfully stuck his tongue out at her.
"With this little cutie. Definitely!" She laughed, patting Noah's head, resulting in a giggle from the child.
"You're taking him Trick-or-Treating later, why are you buying him candy?" Junior laughed as he stood in the candy aisle of a bodega with Calvin picking out a couple bags of assorted candy.
"I'm a big brother now! I have to make sure my little brother gets the most candy, heh even if it means cheating a little." Calvin chuckled a little as Junior just gave him a knowing smirk.
"You're hoping he's going to share with you." He said bluntly
"That too." Calvin scratched the back of his wig, it was starting to get itchy. Junior just shook his head.
Only just met and he's already spoiling him.
"I'm gonna grab a couple drinks then I'll meet you at the register." Junior pointed to the freezer as Calvin headed to the front.
"Alright." Calvin turned the second Junior disappeared and only took two steps forwards before he heard a voice.
"Hey Pinkie!" Calvin froze at the voice behind him
Nonononono! Anyone but her!
"Mind grabbing that on the top shelf for me?"
Without saying a word or making eye contact he quickly grabbed the item and shoved it into her arms before walking off.
Just ignore her! Just ignore her!
"HEY! Ya got a problem Pinkie?!" she shouted after him
Don't turn around! Don't turn around!
Not wanting to be near that woman a second longer Calvin rushed to the register, paid for his stuff and walked outside. But before he could get to the safety of his group he was grabbed by the shoulder from behind.
"Hey Pinkie! That was a real shitty move! You've got a problem or something?!" she shouted trying to turn him around.
"Please let go!" He said quickly
"Not until you apologize Asshole!"
"I'm sorry ok! Now please let me go!"
"What?! You can't look me in the eyes?!" After failing to turn him around she walked up in front of him forcing Calvin to now stare into the eyes of Vivian Arilss...
...One long pause later...
"C-Calvin?! Wow, I hardly recognized you."
Geez I wonder why! Calvin's fist clenched as he tried not to look her in the eyes.
"Hey 'son' what's the matter?" she tried to sound concerned, Calvin's eye twitched as he felt anger build up inside, as he looked up to give her sickly sweet smile.
"Oh! So I'm your son now." he growled through gritted teeth.
"Hey now! Is that anyway to talk to your mother-" She was interrupted as Calvin growled at her.
"My mother is Captain Olivia Benson. Not some junkie who abandoned her own son for drugs!" he almost shouted the last word.
"THAT BITCH IS NOT-" again she was interrupted
"You're the Bitch! You abandoned me at the precinct with nothing but a damn letter! Even before then the only times you showed the smallest bit of affection for me was after your damn pills made you happy!" Calvin was glaring at her tears streaming down his cheeks.
"You never loved me! Olivia was the only person in my whole life who ever treated me like I mattered! She treated me like her own and for once in my life I was happy! AND YOU TOOK THAT AWAY FROM ME! And all out of petty revenge! Because Olivia refused to break the law for you! Because your girlfriend died and as always you blame everything on her! You even used me as a damn bribe! And yeah I know about that! The only reason you took me back was just to get back at Olivia!" Calvin's voice started to choke and he didn't care that people were watching. Finally he was going to tell her exactly how he felt.
"I cried and I screamed begging for you not to take me away! I was in tears begging to stay calling out to her! And you just tore me away from her from the only real mother I've ever had! If you really loved me you never would have done that! If you truly cared about me you would have let me stay! And if that's not the worst part you fucking lied to me! You looked me right in the eyes and told me you were going to get help!" He looked her up and down in disgust, she looked just the same as always.
"Well, it was either a shitty rehab or you went right back to what you do best." once again looking her right in the eyes.
"Dumping your son on others while you go out and get high off your ass."
Vivian was speechless...
"You never were and never will be my mother, you don't deserve that title."
"Hey Calvin what's with all the-" Junior had just stepped out the store and the second he saw Vivian and a crying Calvin he rushed over grabbed Calvin by the arm and started to walk away.
"Calvin let's go!" and cast a strong glare at Vivian before turning the corner.
"You ok Calvin?" Junior was rubbing his back, Calvin hugging himself as the two made their way back to the group.
"Yeah Junior, I'm fine I just...I was really hoping I'd never see her again." Calvin sniffled as he wiped away his tears trying to hide the fact that he'd been crying.
"You sure-"
"Yeah man really I'm good...Just not today ok...I just want to have fun today get to know my new little brother and you know...make up for lost times." Calvin smiled as he put Vivian far far away in the back of his mind, forgetting about 'then' and trying to only focus on 'now'. Junior gave a small smile patting his shoulder.
"Alright buddy. Just talk to me whenever you're ready."
"I will thanks man."
...Candy Time...
"Trick-Or-Treat!" Noah shouted excitedly holding out his Jack-O-Lantern candy bag, as Elsa squealed at his adorable costume.
"Aww! Well if it isn't a little Lightning McQueen! Here you go sweetie." Dropping a handful of candy in his bag.
"Thank you!" Noah skipped back down the steps to his brother and went up to the next house.
...After literally filling up his whole bag...
The group were now at a Halloween carnival, with many games, rides, and even a Trunk-Or-Treat, but Noah's bag was so full already that Calvin had to carry it for him.
"BOOYAH! On the first try!" Jay shouted receiving a stuff Jack Skellington from the pyramid toss
"How do you do that?!" Zeke raised an arm legitimately confused. Everytime they go to a carnival, arcade, ect, no matter what game he plays Jay always seems to win. No joke it confuses his entire group how he is good at every single game he plays.
Zeke was released from the hospital last week he was dressed as a mummy per Lloyd's suggestion as he thought Zeke's cast would blend in more with a mummy costume. Zeke did not regret that decision as he looked awesome. Zeke is African American with long spiky pitch black hair and heterochromia with the right eye being blue and the left red. When they met up Noah gawked and told Zeke how cool his eyes look.
"Seriously dude!" Junior exclaimed
"Are you like a wizard or something?" Calvin joked holding Noah in his arms who was holding the vampire plush from The Nightmare Before Christmas, Calvin had won that for him at the balloon pop game.
"Are you hiding something from us?" Bella playfully joked she was holding the scarecrow bear from Hellfest. She won that off the beanbag game which had all the plushies from that movie. Calvin himself also had one; it was the orange and black one Tyler had throughout the movie.
"Be real with us brotha! How are you so good?!" Rebecca had a scarecrow bunny. Jay just laughed as they went on to play more games.
"It's called 'Talent' people!"
He now had the visor of his helmet lifted up showing off his dark red eyes as he had it down most of the day. That is due to the fact that Jay has severe photophobia, in fact it's so severe that even the smallest bit of sunlight can cause him extreme pain. He wears special glasses that block out sunlight that he needs to wear at all times. There was one time he and Calvin were walking to campus and some rude asshole very roughly slammed past him knocking his glasses right off. Calvin freaked out when he curled up on the ground screaming in pain. He had his hands pressed hard against his eyes and when Calvin pulled them apart to see how bad it was he nearly had a heart attack when he saw blood coming out of his friend's eyes! But now that it's pitch black out there's no need to worry.
"Oh Calvin! Let's play that game next!" Noah pointed to another carnival game.
...Some hours later...
"AND NOW TO FINISH OFF THE NIGHT!!! OUR ANNUAL COSTUME CONTEST!!! AND REMEMBER LIMIT IS 5 PEOPLE PER GROUP!!! YOU HAVE 20 MINUTES TO GET TOGETHER WITH A GROUP!!!" The announcer on stage spoke to the crowd as many started running to find a group.
"Sorry Bella, Cal! You'll have to find your own group!" Jay grinned as both stuck their tongues out at him.
"HEY NATSU AND LUCY!" Both heard a voice behind them and because of their costumes assumed they were the ones being addressed turned to see a group of three dressed as Erza, Gray and Wendy.
"WANNA JOIN TEAM NATSU?!" 'Gray' was the one shouting
"YOU BET!!!" Bella replied excitedly, grabbing Calvin by the arm and dragging him over to the group.
"Hey there! My name's Bella Warner, this is my friend Calvin Benson and his little brother Noah."
"HEY! Forget about me! Not cool!" Zeke ran over giving Bella a playful pout trying to look hurt.
"Opps! Sorry Zeke, I got a little excited." She apologized.
As the other three proceeded to introduce themselves a woman came up behind Calvin and politely tapped him on the shoulder. He turned to see her with three other moms and all four of their kids were dressed as 'Cars' characters, Mater, Chick Hicks, Doc Hudson, and Cruz Ramirez. Calvin smiled a bit as he already knew what she was going to ask.
...After the costume contest...
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE RESULTS ARE IN!!! FOR THIRD PLACE WE HAVE THE THUNDER LEGION!!!" Everyone clapped as the annoncer handed them their gift cards to a very popular pie bakery.
"FOR SECOND PLACE!!! WE HAVE THE OG MONSTER!!!" A group all dressed as 5 of the classic movie monsters, Frankenstein, The Mummy, The Wolfman, Dracula, and of course The Invisible Man. Each received a Halloween themed goodie basket.
"AND NOW FOR OUR FIRST PLACE WINNERS!!!...THE CARS KIDS!!!" The whole place erupted in cheers and shouts of congratulations, while Calvin just smirked.
Of course the group of cute little kids dressed as talking cars would get the most votes.
But what shocked him and everyone were their prizes, each kid received...A BRAND NEW NINTENDO SWITCH LITE!!!
Lucky kid! Calvin had to hold back from laughing as the other groups frowned on what they missed out on.
...After the carnival...
Noah and the other kids were all jumping up and down squealing, their new switches in both hands. Calvin was exchanging names and numbers with the other moms as the kids seem to really be getting along.
"And your mother's name is Olivia Benson, right?" one of the moms, Maria, asked.
"That's right. Tell her Calvin gave you the number, we met at the Halloween carnival and Noah really got along with your kid. And you'd like to set up a meeting and playdate."
"Got it! Thank you!" She shook his hand and as they were about to leave Calvin just happened to look up and notice another woman with her kids heading their way...a woman with a very 'interesting' haircut.
Calvin quickly picked up Noah, putting his brand new switch in his candy bag and before turning to leave gave the mothers a knowing smirk.
"Karen incoming." Before turning and quickly walking off.
"Excccccuse me!"
...At the Apartment...
Calvin knocked on the door a couple times...but received no answer, realizing she must still be out, pulled out his phone ready to call when a voice spoke up behind him.
"Oh hello Noah!"
Calvin turned around to see a nice looking old lady smiling at them...well mostly Noah.
"And who is this sweetie?" She was talking to Noah but looking at Calvin.
"Um, Calvin Benson?"
She gave him a very suspicious look, she obviously didn't believe him.
"I didn't know Olivia had another son? And how come I've never seen you before?" She crossed her arms.
"W-well I haven't exactly been around lately..." Calvin cringed realizing that sounded all kinds of suspicious. The lady drummed her fingers as if she was waiting for a better excuse.
"Look, why don't I call my mom and you can ask her yourself?" Calvin held up his phone dialing his mom's number as the lady continued to glare at him...
Olivia gave the old lady, now Mariska Meloni, a brief explanation about Calvin, and she apologized quickly before gladly letting him in with the extra key Olivia gave her. Before hanging up Olivia told him she'll most likely be home late and to put Noah to bed in an hour. Calvin set all their things on the table, took Stella and Luna off their leashes and tutus before telling Noah to get into his pajamas.
"We can watch a movie and eat some candy before bed." Calvin said as he started to take of his costume and Noah gave a peppy 'Ok!' as he ran to his room to quickly change.
Calvin was now wearing some baggy pants and a plain white T-shirt, he had brought a small bag with a change of clothes as he was not planning to walk home in his costume or if he ended up needing to spend the night he'd have some comfortable clothes to sleep in as well as foldable water bowls for Stella and Luna. After getting his girls their water he wrote down each of the moms' names and numbers as well as their kids' names before writing on top...
'Friends Noah made at the Halloween carnival'
Noah came back out in his Jack-O-Lantern pjs and he and Calvin sat on the floor in front of the T.V. the candy bag with most of its contents speared over the table. They didn't have to worry about the dogs trying to eat the candy as Luna hates sweets. Calvin had brought them some carob covered biscuits one day and while Stella loved them, Luna took one sniff and said 'Nope', plus both were more focused on the nice rawhide bones they got from one house.
"How about The Nightmare Before Christmas?" Calvin suggested unwrapping a bat shaped chocolate and popping it in his mouth before taking the remote.
"Yeah!" Noah cheered as Calvin switched on the T.V.
'It was a long time ago, longer now than it seems. In a place that perhaps you've seen in your dreams.'
Halfway through the movie Noah was now sitting on Calvin's lap nibbling on a chocolate bar while Calvin had Tootsie Pop in his mouth, Stella and Luna had moved to sleep on either side of them.
I should hate him? Calvin couldn't help but glance down at Noah from time to time.
I should be mad? a small smile on his face.
I should be jealous? Calvin ruffled his hair a little.
After all...he's living the life I've always wanted...but...I feel the exact opposite. Why is that? Could it be, because...
While watching Noah with a smile on his face Calvin could've swore he saw himself for a second...then it dawned on him and at that moment he realized why he was so accepting of Noah, why he's so quick to call him his little brother.
Because he's just like me...
...When Olivia gets home...
It was a little after 10 when Olivia stepped through the door and what she saw made her heart melt.
Oh My God!
Calvin was sprawled across the couch asleep with Noah fast asleep on his chest, both covered by a large blanket, Stella and Luna cuddled up together on the floor, Stella on her back.
Olivia felt a tear run down her cheek seeing both her boys together before walking over and giving them both a soft kiss on the forehead.
"Goodnight babies."
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