I Am Castiel
Hello, this is almost the first fanfic I've written, English isn't my first language either, so if you find any grammar mistakes, please let me know. As you might also know, I don't own any of the characters from Supernatural, in this chapter, I only made up Kirsten and Eric. Please, if you like this chapter, I'd be happy if you vote and share this story. Well, I hope you enjoy!
Dean was just about to get up from his chair and head out of the cafeteria, but something small, barely noticeable, in the corner of his eye, just in time, had prevented him to leave. He hesitantly turned his head toward the particular glimpse that had caught his attention, and there Dean stood, dumbly, his eyes wide with hopefulness. He quickly sat back down on the chair at the small table, he rested his elbows on the table in front of him and hid his face in his hands, he sighed deeply and ran both his hands through his hair to try to sort his short, sandy colored, perfect hair out.
Dean clenched his jaw and decided to finally wave his hand toward the waiter, his gaze on the floor, the opposite side of the table from the waiter, to get him to come and get Dean's order. Dean put his hands in the pockets, while he waited for the waiter to come.
Dean hadn't even noticed, a few minutes later, that the waiter, with tousled, dark, almost black hair, bright blue eyes, light pink, perfect lips, had approached a few seconds ago and was ready to take Dean's order, and Dean would have kept his eyes on the ground, and not noticing the waiter in front of him, until he had cleared his throat, making Dean quickly shoot his gaze up to him, from the ground.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't notice you there." Dean apologized the waiter's wait, even though he hadn't waited there for too long. And there he stood, Castiel, the most beautiful boy Dean had ever seen. Dean had lost the attention to listen to the words Cas just had said, while he admired Cas's features. It had been too long since they had seen, and Dean was highly surprised at himself for remembering him.
"Hello? I asked for your order?" Cas repeated, slightly annoyed. Dean loved Cas's voice, he wasn't used to it, as it was, a really long time since they've last met. His voice now, was amazing, it was deeper and it fit Cas's teenage character.
"What?" Dean said, snapping out of his unconsciousness and back into reality, he started to feel his ears becoming warmer, and he tried to keep himself to blush in front of Cas, "Oh, right. I'll get something for both of us." Dean smirked, getting into the mood where he's denying all the nervousness and just getting flirty. Dean wondered for himself if Cas still remembered him.
Cas stared at him, he asked himself if he had heard right, but as the denying boy he is, he told himself he was just being messed with. Cas shifted his feet where he was standing with his notebook to take the orders, before shaking his head, "I'm not hungry, so, no. I wouldn't be eating with you even if that'd have been a date." Cas snapped, immediately regretting the harshness he used toward the boy.
Dean felt his heart sink, he felt his smirk fall into blankness, but he held it up into a sly smile, and chuckled it off, "I'm glad you still have that twinkle in your eye." Dean winked, he saw Cas freeze, making Dean smirk.
"What do you mean 'still'? I've never met you, not even seen you here around." Cas reasoned, pondering at the mystery, ignoring the harsness in his tone.
"So, you don't remember me, huh? Well, I remember you. I'm Dean, We met in middle school, or something." Dean stated, trying to make Cas remember him, but Cas only tilted on his head, squinting his eyes at Dean. He could figure that Cas didn't believe him, which made Dean feel a knot in his stomach. "Come on, you got to remember me, we were best friends!" Dean scolded. Cas might not remember Dean right away, but he should still remember his name. The boy in front of Dean looked like he was hesitating a long time before answering,
"I didn't have any friends when I was younger, only an imaginary friend, called Dean..."
- Eight years earlier -
Castiel never really liked people, anyone really. And it made it only worse to be in crowds with lots of people he didn't know.
It was never easy to talk with anyone for Cas. He was shy, didn't talk much, especially not to new people. But he did talk. It wasn't often, but he talked. He talked to anyone, really. The only problem was, that he couldn't be heard. He was invisible for everyone.
It wasn't a big of a problem, really. He didn't mind not being responded to, he just wanted to be noticed. That was the only thing he wanted, he wanted to be heard, he wanted to be visible. But most of all, he wanted a friend.
Every night, he would pray to the angels above, he would pray to the angels that he was sure of existed, that he believed in. He always knew there were someone up there, angel or not, who was looking down on earth and who was protecting everyone and keeping them safe.
But, how is that a slightest possible? To have someone who protects you, when so many, everyday, dies? So many innocent people, dying everyday.
Castiel was only ten years old by now, he didn't think he had lived long enough for his parents to leave him, it was too early, Castiel wasn't prepared for his parent's death, they were the only people who actually took their time to talk with Castiel, and they cared and loved him. But they didn't know about Castiel's problem, though.
They got killed onboard a train, the train slipped out of the track and crashed somewhere. Castiel didn't know precisely, no one wanted to tell him the last part, but by their facial expression, he understood that it would be a horrible death. Maybe the train fell off the edge of the bridge and maybe down into a river and they drowned or died in the crash.
Castiel sat on an airplane, on his way to new York, all the way from California, Malibu. He leaned back in his seat and glances out the window, which was placed right next to his seat. He gazed at the different shaped clouds that were underneath where they were flying. It was beautiful, the sight. Castiel had always wanted to view the world, but his parents couldn't afford that, and he didn't mind, really. He was just happy enough to be in such a good family.
Castiel gazed back on the book in his lap he was reading, it was an old book, but it was thrilling and Castiel actually enjoyed reading it. He remembered the time when he got that book, it was at Christmas eve and the whole family sat on the floor besides the Christmas tree, ready to claw off the paper around the gifts, with the choke-full stomachs they got after forcing all that Christmas food while barely not being able to eat a bite more.
- Flashback -
Castiel, the five year old boy, sat in the couch in the living room in their first home in new York, it was near Christmas and the snow was pouring down, and everywhere, it was white by all the snow.
Castiel was reading an easy book, made for little kids, in silence while the others werein thekitchen, doing their things which Castieldoesn't want to waste his time on. Castiel suddenly heard loud noises and shuffling, coming from the front door, could it be a miaow, he heard?. Castiel jumped off the couch and ran towards the front door, leaving his homework behind, and there was Anna, his big sister, in a cap, gloves, thermal pants, a thick jacket and boots, with other words, winter clothes, and she was standing in the doorway with a wide smile on her whole face, with a pitch black little creature with only one white spot on its right paw, snuggling up in Anna's arms.
"A kitten!" Castiel squealed, delightedly, he had now his hands in the air with a wide smile.
"Do you want to hold her?" Anna asked, walking closer to Castiel and getting ready to give him the kitten in his arms.
"Can I?" Castiel questioned, quietly. Anna nodded with a certain look before gently placing the kitten in Castiel's outstretchedarms.
Castiel immediately pranced over to the kitchen, where the others of his family were. "Mom! Look!" Castiel squealed with a smile as the kitten started crawl up to his shoulder and claw softly on his ear.
Castiel's little brother, Gabriel, who was only three years old by then, started having a miserable cough fit, just when Castiel and the kitten approached, and Castiel's whole expression changed to a frightened one.
"Get it out." Castiel's father yelled. Cas hastily nodded and stormed out of the house with the kitten, and hesitantly put it down on the cold ground.Howcould he forget that Gabriel, who he was loving so much as a brother, was allergic?
"I'm sorry, Pawie, but you can'tlive with us. Gabriel might gonna cough himself to death." Cas said, nervously, as he petted the little, black kitten. A little mew escaped the kittens mouth and it hesitantly paced away, as if it understood.
Castiel didn't even notice a small tear escaping his eye, at first, and he quicklywiped it off, and he went insidethe house again to see if Gabriel had stopped breathing and had to be send to the hospital, which he was hoping was not the case, 'cause he was caring very much about his little brother. He arrived the kitchen, and found Anna being scolded by bringing the kitten home.
- Flashback end -
Cas rested his chin in his palm with the elbow resting at the edge at the window as the images of the flashback played around in his mind.
Castiel remembered Pawie, the cat used to come back to his house from time to time, and Castiel used to stand ready by the doorframe to give her a small bowl of milk, which Pawie happily received, then quickly pacing away, not disturbing the other part of the family.
Castiel smiled back of the memories, unfortunately he will never get a cat, or any pet for that case, because Gabriel was still allergic. Of course Castiel felt sorry for him, but it started to become boring for Cas. Of course he didn't want Gabriel to be in pain or anything, but Castiel really wanted a pet. A pet who would be his best friend.
Castiel didn't even notice when he was starting to doze off when Anna, who sat on the seat besides him, shook him. "We're here, now." She stated, happily. "We're getting off the plane." She squeezed Cas' shoulder excitedly, before the three of the siblings, the left of the family, got up from their seats and stepped out of the plane, receiving a whole different atmosphere from the one in California, where it almost always was hot all day long. But Castiel has lived in a long time before, in new York, so he should be used to this slight chilly weather.
It took some hours with the plane to get here, but because the time difference is a whole difference here in new York than in California, it's already dark out and evening.
"Finally you're here, kids! We've been waiting for you all day." Castiel's aunt, Kirsten, exclaimed as the three siblings stood in the door frame, entering their aunt's and uncle's house, where they will now be living. "I'm so sorry about what happened to your parents, I miss them innerly." Kirsten stated, keeping her hand over her chest, with a look of pity in her expression, before she welcomed the children with a warm hug.
Kirsten could be a bit hyperactive in some occasions, but she knows how to take care of kids, she was very nice and beautiful and young. She had brown hair, the length of it wasn't any longer than down to the shoulders, and she had clear green, wide eyes.
"We got two rooms ready for you, one is larger and the other one fits for one person. I think Anna should need a bit more privacy. I suppose you two boys could deal with sharing room?" Castiel's uncle, Eric, questioned with a smirk. His voice was deep and calm, while his hands were almost the doubled size as Cas'. Eric's hair was short and almost black, as it was a very dark brownish color.
Eric would sneak his hand around Kirsten's waist and pull her close until there was no space between them. Kirsten would chuckle and snuggle her face against Eric's neck while he would give a light kiss on her head.
They were the perfect couple, that is.
The young couple showed the adopted kids to their new rooms, where they will now on live in until they find an own home and move out.
Castiel dropped his luggage on the floor as he slumped down onto the soft bed and buried his face in the pillow.
"I know it's hard now, but mom and dad are happier now." Gabriel came in inside the room, right after Castiel did, he tried to smile at Castiel, even though he knew he couldn't see his face, but Gabriel's voice was soothing and reassuring.
Castiel raised his head up from his pillow, and sat up straight with crosses legs, his elbows laying on his thighs, and his jaw resting on his palm, as he kept holding his gaze away from Gabriel's eyes, "They shouldn't have died." Castiel's voice cracked with sadness. He switched his stare, now staring Gabriel dead in the eye, meanwhile Gabriel could see hurt in Castiel's eyes, and it teared him apart.
Their parents were on their trip, home from their friend's wedding, and they were on their way back, to Castiel and the others, as they had a babysitter, someone Castiel didn't know, probably one from their mom's friends. They couldn't see them one last time, they didn't even know that their parents had died until Kirsten and Eric had informed them, and all the three kids had gotten so broken, even the babysitter had cried with them, a little. She was probably a good friend of his mom's.
"I know, just, don't think about it. They want you to be happy." Gabriel smiled, sadly. It wasn't easy for Gabriel, either. He was the youngest of the three, and he was trying his best to console his older siblings.
Castiel broke his stare, as he sniffed, wiping off under his nose with the forearm of the sleeve, before sighing, "I'm sorry, Gabe. I should be the one to comfort you in this." Castiel mumbled, looking down at his hands.
Gabriel stayed silent, he couldn't find the right answer, because now, he actually agreed in what Castiel had said. Gabriel only chuckled it off, before flopping down on his own, new bed. He thought it wasn't as fluffy and cozy as the old one he had at his old home. Gabriel kicked his shoes off and changed into his night suit, before jumping up from the bed to head towards the bathroom to brush his teeth. Castiel sighed, before following suit, before getting into bed to read something from his old book he got from his parents.
The two brothers fell asleep an hour later, in their new beds in their new room, in a new home. A real home, and it felt good. Of course he missed his parents, it wasn't long ago when the train accident happened, and every night, he could hear faint sobs in the other room, where Anna lived, and he could also hear Gabriel sob for himself, when he would think he was alone in the room.
Of course, Castiel would cry. It wasn't often, but he did cry, occasionally. He wasn't the type to cry often, he would hold it in, and suffer inside, than let it out. But, of course he couldn't always do that. He only had Anna and Gabriel left. He loved them, and he knew that they loved Castiel, too.
Castiel woke up by the alarm clock ringing in his ears. He fluttered his eyes open, slowly, and reached over the bed table to turn off the annoying alarm sound. He groaned and rubbed his eyes with the fist before struggling with the sheets, tangled in his legs. He decided to just kick the sheets off the bed and down on the ground into an out spread pile of cloth. He sat up slowly in bed, as if that was the most exhausting thing, which it was in this precise moment. The sun shined between the curtains and into the room, making Castiel's eyes sting, and Castiel had to cover his eyes with his forearm to get used to the light before opening his eyes.
"Gabriel, time to get up..." Castiel slurred by the lack of good night sleep. He had a fight with himself of trying to get out of the precious bed before he noticed Gabriel tossing and turning in his bed before sitting up in his bed with his eyes still closed, and by then Castiel had already gotten himself with his feet on the ground with his bum still hunched on the bed.
"People should not be forced to get up in the dawn." Gabriel mumbled, before dragging himself up from the bed and towards the door, and heading towards the bathroom.
Castiel sighed in drowsiness and nodded for himself of agreement by what Gabriel had said. He forced himself up with all his strength up from the bed and dragged himself to the bathroom.
Castiel was leaning against the car which was parked at the parking lot by the new school, with Anna and Gabriel. A new school, which meant; new lifestyle, new people, new opportunities, new teachers, a new life, and for Castiel, that was exciting.
Kirsten had driven them to the school, and the car he was leaning against was hers, who was in the school, looking for the principal and papers to fill in. She said he didn't have to follow inside, so he didn't.
He saw Kirsten walking up to the car, so he immediately pushed himself away from the car, to not getting scolded of scraping the car, not something he would do, and not something he would think she would scold him for.
"Children, I've done everything to get you into the school. Get going!" Kirsten joked as she got to the car, shooing away the kids, who instantly started walking towards the school building. "Have fun, kids!" She called after them, and with that, they replied with a wave and a smile before disappearing behind the door.
"Don't worry, Castiel. It's going to be much better now, you're getting a fresh start." Anna reassured him with a smile and a pat on his shoulder. Castiel wasn't so sure about that. Sure, everything is going to be different now in new York than in California, but that doesn't mean that the people here doesn't think the same way about him.
"Yeah, sure." Castiel mumbled, not really convinced by the reassuring from Anna.
"I'm going to show Gabriel his first class, and then walk to mine, can you make it without me?" Anna asked, brushing her fingers through her hair, trying to sort out the knots, without much success. "Call me if you die." She joked, trying to ease up the mood.
"Yes, I'll make it. I'm not going to die." Castiel responded, rolling his eyes dramatically, and that was enough for Anna to get convinced, and she left with Gabriel with a goodbye, leaving Castiel to walk around and try to find his first class, and not many minutes later, he found it, opened the door and didn't walk more than in the doorway.
"Hello, finally!" The teacher exclaimed, clasping his hands together, before walking towards Castiel and whisked him inside. "This is a new student, as you can see. This is Castiel Novak, I want all of you to be nice to him." He demanded. Castiel could only stand where he stood, shifting feet and just nervously let his eyes wander around in the room, avoiding any eye contact. "You can sit beside Dean winchester, the desk in the center down to the back." The teacher patted Castiel's shoulder lightly, before he waddled off to his seat and set down.
The boy, who Castiel now perceived as Dean, was now looking at Castiel, and Castiel turned his head to face him, and he could swear he saw a vague smile, tugging on the unite end of his lips, and Castiel couldn't help but to feel his own lips, curl up into a small smile, but he quickly brushed it off. He idolized the boy's green, wide eyes. They were really special, as if they were made with real emerald, but that wouldn't be possible, but those eyes were really something, they looked valuable, and Castiel got the feeling that the owner was just the same precious.
"Hey," Dean said, resting his elbow on his desk, letting his hand halter over the edge of the desk, inwards his stomach, while his head was directed towards Castiel. Castiel, on the other hand, had his hands on his lap, trying as hard as he could to concentrate on the teacher, who was describing a new chapter in math. Castiel also noticed the big written name on the whiteboard, and he caught the time teacher's name, more correctly, his surname, as Mr. Shurley.Before Castiel could react, he felt a finger poking his cheek, "I said, hey," Dean repeated, and he chuckled lightly at Castiel's shocked expression; he had his mouth in a little O and he nervously scratched behind his ear of anxiety, before repeatedly closing and opening his mouth, as if trying to say something that refuses to get out in words.
"Oh, you said hey. I'm sorry, I didn't hear you. Hey." Castiel said quickly, in a quieted voice, to not getting attention from Mr. Shurley.
Dean chuckled again, he didn't get any reason to why he wouldn't mess with the confused boy a little, "Hey."
"Hey." Castiel responded automatically, quickly, once again.
Castiel cleared his throat, adjusting the glasses on his nose, before inhaling a deep breath, "He-"
"Can you shut the fucking up, I'm this close to killing both of you idiots." A boy hissed from behind them, who was unknown to Castiel, while the boy attended to do a gesture with his thumb and forefinger, pulling them close to each other, only keeping a small space from them, while he said the word 'this', and squinting his eyes at the thumb and forefinger, as if the space between them was very hard to notice.
"We're trying to have a proper introduction." Dean blamed, over dramatically shakily, putting his hands in front of him in defense while trying to keep a terrified expression. Thumbs up, one score to Dean. Applause.
Castiel rolled his eyes, before turning his head, which he hadn't realized he'd turned to the boy behind him, and then towards Dean, and he was now facing the book in front of him. He put his elbow on the desk and rested his jaw in his palm in exhaustion. This class was going to extend slow.
The class finally ended, with Castiel not even trying to do any work in his book when he had a hysterical boy sitting beside him. He had ascertained that Dean was not any good in math, and that he was more like a troublemaker, and that was things Castiel had found out by himself.
"Hey!" Castiel heard an awfully familiar voice behind him when he was right outside the classroom, trying to escape, that didn't work out as good as he intended to. Castiel turned around and was now facing Dean, and he realized that Dean was right behind him, inches were apart their faces.
Castiel felt his skin up to his ears heating up slightly, "Hey." He responded, not bothering to back off from intruding Dean's personal space.
"Hey," Dean repeated, before clearing his throat, his cheeks slowly getting more and more red. "Personal space?" He smirked, putting his hands on Castiel's chest to make him walk backwards.
Castiel blinked with a blank face, his face was even warmer by now, "Oh, yeah, sorry." He apologized awkwardly. He turned around and started walking to his next class, but before he could take anymore steps than, maybe not even four, he felt a hand on his shoulder, and knew instantly that Dean hadn't considered to leave him be, which Castiel was getting slightly irritable of, but at the same time, thankful. Because he hadn't had a friend before, and that is what he wants the most, a friend, but he can't let himself trust anyone, especially not a troublemaker.
"I didn't mean to you to leave," Castiel stopped in his tracks, and turned around. Dean smirked, dropping his hand from Castiel's shoulder. Castiel felt a warmth disappear when he did so.
Castiel crinkled his eyebrows together, "I have a class," he accused, jerking his thumb in the direction to the new class behind him, the only problem was that he had no idea where it was being held.
Dean remained silent, a small grin playing on his lips, "So, you know where you'll be heading?" He challenged. Castiel nodded, hesitantly. "Show me, then. It's actually the case that we have the same class, now." He clung. He had obviously decided to keep onto Castiel. Dean placed his hands on his own hips, staring at Castiel, craving to receive an answer from him. It's more like he's staring into his soul, if you'd ask Castiel.
"I-uh... sure," Castiel nervously tapped on his lap, before pointing in the direction of where he guessed the classroom was, and began walking towards it, with Dean obediently following, right behind him with a small smile on his lips.
After about three minutes of walking and trying to find the classroom, Castiel finally gave up and confessed his doubt, "I have to admit, I don't know where we're going." He said dumbly. Dean laughed.
"Yeah, I kind of figured that out," He breathed, patting Castiel's back for reassuring.
Castiel glared at Dean, "Why didn't you correct me, then?" He complained, staring into Dean's eyes with irritation.
"I- you wanted to show me, and I let you do your best, and that didn't work very well. My fault." Dean defensed, tensely, with a smirk.
Castiel sighed, "just show me where it is," he demanded, with a blank expression. Dean obeyed, before starting to pace towards the direction of where he was certain of where the class was. He glanced behind him to check if Castiel was following, and he was, with his head hanging low and staring down on the ground while he walked.
After about one minute later, they found the classroom just in time, and they sighed in relief when they revealed that the other kids weren't even on their seats, and the teacher hasn't even approached yet.
The lesson went by quickly, this time. It ended with a few review of what they've learned through the handicraft, it turned out he kids had learned how to sew. The rest of the day flew by at a slow pace, and when the school day ended for the middle schoolers, Castiel shouldered his bag from the clothes hangers by the door in the classroom, and this time, he didn't have enough time to avoid Dean, the annoying boy, Castiel now had decided to name him in his register, until Dean had knocked Castiel on the head with his knuckles, playfully, "hey, I've never asked, why did you change school? I know some people aren't very fond of that question, but I'm just questioning, cause I'm curious. You don't have to answer if you don't feel comfortable with it, but I'm very glad you've moved to this school," Dean rumbled, nervously scratching the back of his head.
How could a, probably, popular boy be cheerful of Castiel swapping school to the one he's in? And why was Dean being so nervous around him in these occasions?, Castiel kept thinking in his head. "It's okay, I don't mind you asking, but no, I would like telling you, but not now, at least somewhere else," Castiel propounded with his small voice. He was still, of course, not over the death of his parents, and it wouldn't be more pleasingly telling anyone about it. He really misses them, and of course, he can't tell some random boy about it. Dean wasn't a random boy, though, but he can't bring himself to trust him enough, not yet.
Dean nodded understandingly, with a small relieved smile, it was hard to notice, but Castiel did, making him smile, too, it was also small, barely noticeable. It was probably the first time he'd smile at Dean, now. Well, the first time he'd smiled at anyone, for a long time.
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