I roll out of my bed then press the screenlock to see if i got any notification i have two messages from 'baby🔐💙' one from 'ariella🐠💘' and a few twitter notifications and a few snapchats from people i go to my messages and i read ariella's message first
After i text jimin
I smile and roll my eyes then walk towards the bathroom , i put my hair in a bun cause i washed it yesterday before i met jimin's parents which i thought was a little to soon but maybe his mom bought it up in a convo. After my 20 minute shower i walk to my closet and think about what am going to wear if he told me to wear some comfortable shoes that means i should go casual so I grab my black hat and my crop top and a my plaid shirt then my ripped jeans. I put on my socks then my only pair of expensive but comfy boots. I smile at my outfit
Then I get a call from jimin I answer then I start walking towards the door "hello baby you ready for this?"
"I'm scared of what you're doing Jimin you're fucking crazy"
"Crazy for you, but come to the mall baby"
"Alright jimin"
I arrive at the mall and I see that it's empty I push open the door and the lifts turn on I hear jimins voice on a speaker "hey baby , you're probably wondering what's going on but just know it's nothing bad I wouldn't dare do that to you , and do you see all those balloons? You have to pop them and find a card in there , once you find that card it will lead you to your next destination each room has some balloons pop it and go to the next place come and collect me baby, the needle is right next to you I love you"
I look to my right and I see the needle so then I start popping random balloons finally I find the card and I pick it up and read it.
"This place reminds me of your sweet personality when it comes to people you love let's just hope you won't get stuck in a sticky situation love you"-jimin
I think then I realize what he's talking about , it'sugar. I walk into It' sugar and then I see a guy holding a huge bar of chocolate my favorite chocolate Hershey's with almonds in them I walk over to the guy and he smiles "it's pretty sweet that he's doing this, this one is a keeper"
"Yes indeed he is" I start poking more balloons then I finally find the card
"I've always wanted to go to a castle do you? I mean you should go you are a princess -jimin
Castle? Princess? I start thinking then I look at the back of the card and see a hint and it says "this place is full of sparkles" It then hits me
Disney store
I walk into the Disney store and the lady smiles at me brightly I smile back then walk up to her "please tell me it's not a lot of stuff in there"
"Oh you'll see when you get home, it's cute" she says while handing me the bag then she hands me a needle "good luck , this is really cute. Would you like a big carry tote?"
"Please, knowing this crazy fucker he may drop me off to many stores before I can find him" I chuckle a little then she hands me a tote I put all the bags in there then I start popping balloons I finally pop the balloon with a card in it I pick up the card then I sigh "round 3"
The card says "damn every time I cuddle with you I just play with your hair and inhale your scent you're so beautiful"
"Bath and body works" I go up the escalator then walk in bath and body works , the guy smiles at me then he hands me the bag "he got you some good scents in there honey damn"
"He's special" I chuckle
"Shoot I know girl I wish I had a man like that, is it y'all anniversary?"
"Well we've been together for a month now and I don't know if he knows but I do and I have something planned for him as well.
"Aww how cute , goals you guys are my otp"
"Thank you" I say while putting the stuff in the tote
"Here's the needle, go ham!"
I giggle a little then start popping balloons I have trouble on this one because he put so many but finally I find it I pick up the card then I start reading it
"I've always imagined you in these but it's to early so I got something else for you"
I frown up then look at the hint "que pinga?" I look at the hint and it says
"It's something every girl has and you look good in, another hint you own them and you have most of all their products"
I hand the guy the needle back then I start walking "is he talking about Victoria secret?" I walk towards Victoria secret and a lady is standing there with a smile
"Here he bought some cute stuff , you should hold tight to him cause I know a lot of girls that will treat him unfairly"
"Yeah I'm not letting him go, ever" I place those bags in the tote then she hands me the needle and I pop the first balloon and by luck it had a card in it
"Ima give you this one punk rock place , the area is the last place then you're close to getting me hurry up mario!" I smile then shake my head I start walking towards hot topic then a guy hands me a Bag and a needle I start popping the balloons then I pick up the next card
"Time to chow down, this place has good cake but don't be fooled by the name they sell food as well"
I turn over the card and look at the hint "the cake is made with cream cheese"
Jimins POV
I fix my tie then lean against the counter waiting for my princess to walk in any moment , this is our one month anniversary and I wanted to do something special for her. So what's more special then sending her on a scavenger hunt and spoiling her with a million of gifts. Finally she walks in and she covers her mouth I can see happy tears in her face fuck she looks so beautiful. Even in casual clothes. Yeah she looks good in a dress but I wasn't going to make her walk around the mall in heels I'm not evil .
"You're such a stupid pretty boy" she says while punching my arm
"Your stupid pretty boy" I cup her face then kiss her the kisses start turning into a sloppy make out session. I pull away before I pound her on this table.
"Sit down baby" I say whole pulling out the chair for her
"Jimin , this food looks good"
"Oh trust me it's good"
After we finish eating dessert comes and she stops sipping her coke then looks at me
"Yes baby?"
"Ima explode, but fuck I wanna try cheesecake for the first time"
"Dive in" I smile while eating my cheesecake
I watch her as she scoops it up then she eats it she smiles brightly then goes on for another scoop "this is so damn good"
"So are you"
I see her cheeks turning red and I just smile she's so cute when she gets embarrassed, I love embarrassing her cause I see that smile that wants to creep out but it doesn't because she wants to swallow her pride she's the most beautiful girl I've ever met damn.
"You're just full of surprises aren't you?"
"You can say that"
Yasmine POV
We walk out of the mall and I grab him by the tie then I lean against the car. Then I whisper in his ear "give me your car keys baby" I smirk slightly
"Where you taking me?, you red room?" He hands me his car keys then he lays his lips on my neck then kisses them softly
"No I don't but maybe I'll build one just for you"
"Hm okay"
I drive up to this amusement park that was empty as of now and I get out then look at him he gets out then we walk in the place.
"You're taking me to a closed amusement park? How cute"
"Yeah but this park means so much to me, because when I was little my mom and dad used to take me here, before they separated from each other"
I sit on the bench and he sits next to me And wraps his arm around my shoulder "so we would come here and have so many laughs we've had that day, ate corn and elephant ears played on the bumper cars but then she just started to turn sour out of nowhere hurt me hurt everyone around her even the ones whom did nothing but love her back it took me a while to Realize that she isn't a mother she's nothing but a gold digger" I bawl my fist up then I feel tears going down my face
"She never really cared about me, she was just there for the money and just being fake happy , would fight with my dad all the time then one day she moved out and bought me and my brother with her , in literally a couple of days or so she got a new boyfriend and she's been really horrible to me ever since"
I feel his hand grab my face and wipes my tears "well baby I care about you and I don't give a fuck about her , I love you and you only you bring out the best in me at all times you changed me into the man I wanna be yeah you're difficult at times and very stubborn but I wouldn't want anyone else to have you but me" he says while caressing my cheek then he kisses my neck
"I love you too jimin" I pull him in for a kiss then he starts smirking through the kiss I hug him by his neck then he keeps kissing my neck I get yo slowly then I walk over towards the machine that lets put fireworks for a 25 cents I look in my pockets and find it then I put it in the machine. I pull jimin by his tie yet again and I start making out with him he cups my face and grabs my ass with his free hand I start blushing hard then the fireworks starts to shoot in the sky he pulls away then he looks at me
"Well happy one month anniversary baby" he says while holding my hand , I look at him with a frown and then I tilt my head at him "what? You thought I forgot? Nah I can't baby not with a girl like you, you wanna go home?"
"I love you jimin, do you mind if I sleep over at your house?"
He smiles " nah I don't mind"
Jimin POV
We make it home and I change my clothes then lay in bed scrolling on Instagram then I feel someone sitting on my waist and kissing up my chest I screen lock my phone then look down at her then kiss her
"You had a good day?" I say while playing with her hair
"It's always a good day when you're here okay" she says while taking her tiny chubby fingers into mine.
"Goodnight baby"
"Good night princess"
One month with this girl man it was a roller coaster just to get her but man am I grateful for that roller coaster , thank you for never giving up on me.
Authors note:
They're so cute I love them lol man it's been a month for them that's so crazy , I hope they stay together too cause it really was a hassle for the both of them lol , this was supposed to come out yesterday but I feel asleep right before I did the author note , a bitch was tired as hell😂 but just know I type my ass off just to try to realize a chapter a day and I love you all byee💜💜
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