My brothers screaming woke me i groan then roll out of bed angrily i grab my essentials then head to bathroom to take shower.
I come out the shower and I get a text from someone I look and I see it's jimin
I peep out the room and i see that my mom is gone and i look outside and both of their cars are gone i roll my eyes
I sigh then grab my bookbag then i go to see what jayce is doing "come on were leaving" we walk out to his car i get in the passenger side and jayce sits in the backseat as were driving i feel jimin grabbing my hand he slides his fingers in between mine and i frown up at him , he's smirking while looking dead at the road i feel my face getting hot i roll my eyes and bite lower lip then look out the window.
We arrive at school , i walk behind jimin and a girl looks at me with a dirty glare and i look at her with my bitch face as I'm walking to my locker i see ariella trying to hit jungkook he has her wrist in his hand i start laughing because of how hard she's trying to get out of his grip i open my locker then grab my books. "Having fun jungkook?"
"I love messing with her shes a fireball" jungkook says as he leans in to kiss her
"I dont shit!" She turns her head to the side and jungkook attacks her cheek with multiple kisses
"You guys are cute" i say while closing my locker
"Yeah so are you and jimin" she says while poking my arm
"No no we're not a thing don't start with me"
Jungkook scoffs while putting his arm around ariella "you like him he likes you , soon you'll be a thing, trust me just you guys are scared of love"
"Yeah you would know" ariella says while playing with his fingers "we'll talk about this later okay sweetie?"
Jimins POV
I'm sitting in history not doing the work that the teacher left us so instead i turn and look at yoongi he sits up then grabs his blanket and rolls it up into a ball and lays on it facing my way "is there ever a time when you don't sleep?"
"Yeah, when I'm in the bathroom"
"Wow you probably fall asleep while shitting or peeing"
"You're probably right"
Taehyung taps my shoulde and i turn around and look at him "hm?"
"So are you and yasmine a thing now?, you know since you kissed her" he smiles while playing with his hair
"Now we are not a thing , I'm takingnit slow" i smile while smiling
"Slow? You kissed her in front of everyone"
I cover my face in my hands i start chuckling then i sigh then look at taehyung "in front of everyone?"
"Everyone" he says with his eyebrow up
After that class i walk up to yasmine's locker and she's looking in her locker i smile then lean against the locker next to her she closes her locker and she jumps and hits my chest and I chuckle then look at her from head to toe.
Then I smile slightly "you look good Yasmine, let's go you ready?" I start walking until she grabs my forearm I turn around and she smiles a little
"My brother ?"
I nod my head "yes I know I'm going to drop him off I'm not going to leave him there"
I drop her brother off and she comes back wearing a different pair of shoes and a beanie she gets in the car then sighs
"You alright?" I say while looking at her
"Yeah yeah I'm fine" she says quickly
"Look if something happened in there and you're not okay we don't have to go anywhere we can just sit in the park or whatever"
She smiles and kisses my cheek "I'm fine now lets do you said you wanted to hangout so amaze me buddy"
I drive up to the place and she looks at me with a confused face "you're taking me to me to an old place?"
"Hm if that's what you think" I say I get out the car then open her door and help her out "but what till you see the inside"
"What's in the inside?, jimin what is this place?" She says while catching up to me I open the door and she walks in and I walk in behind her and close the door I turn on the lights and she gasps then turns around
"Is this whole arcade to you?"
"Yep my dad built it for me and whomever I bring here, you're the first person" I say as I walk past her
"Well isn't that sweet, do you live with your dad?"
I scoff and stand in from of her "nah he never was apart of my life that much he thought if he took care of us he'd wouldn't be able to live his life which was to drag race and get money so now he's doing some illegal shit with jungkooks stepdad so yeah that's my life"
She sighs then steps forward and smiles slightly " I'm sorry I had a dark past with my dad that I'm not ready to open to anyone"
I hug her by her head then kiss it "then don't open it but don't beat yourself up for it either"
"Anywho lets get to playing games!" I say while walking over
"I do"
We start bowling and she misses the pin and I start laughing really hard she pushes me hard then I fall in the chair "you suck at bowling Yasmine"
"Man whatever"
I stand up then I grab the bowling ball and bowl "this is how you bowl" i say while stepping in front of her i roll the ball and i get a strike then i turn around and smirk at her "it's been done, thank you"
"Show off" she says while folding her arms the sits down she looks to her left and sees a bunch of nerf guns she gets up then pulls one out she examines it for a while then she turns around and shoots one at me i frown up and start walking towards her.
"Oh you wanna have a nerf battle?"
"It's nerf or nothing show me what you can do little man" she says with an evil smirk upon her face
"Alright darling, game on" i grab the gun then look at her "you better hide when i count to ten" i turn my back towards her I hear her little footsteps walking away and I smirk I finish counting to ten then I turn around and start looking for her . I lean against the wall peaking out to see if I see her but I don't , I hear something fall and I hide behind something I see her and I shoot her then run somewhere else .
"Fuck you jimin!" She says but I can hear the laughter in her voice
"You wanna try ?" I say while laughing a little
"No bitch I'm good" she says in a serious tone .
I get up from my place then I start walking as I'm walking I bump into something I turn my head around quickly and I see Yasmine falling I grab her by the waist but I fall with her too so now I'm hovering over. I can see her face getting red and I licked my lip then look in her eyes
"Um this is awkward ima just-" she starts getting up and I hold her wrist with one of my hands then I look into her eyes and smile.
"You're really beautiful Yasmine" I say softly I start to lean in to kiss her until I hear someone call my name
"Jimin?" The persons voice sent chills down my spine and automatically I knew who it was I get up then I pull Yasmine up to her feet then I wrap my arm around her waist
"I see you got you a girl hm son I'm proud, but what happened to the girl I picked out for you?" He says softly
"Dad, she isn't the one for me and we're not dating either" I say while clenching my jaw
"Hm a fuckbuddy?"
I start to step forward and beat the shit out of him but I feel Yasmine holding onto my arms and my hand I sigh then look at her then him "in my defense she's way better than the girl you chose she was in it for that money and this woman right her I like her she isn't some toy or a game and just like my best friend told me I may not know it now but she may be the one, so excuse me"
I grab Yasmine's hand then intertwine my fingers in between hers then walk past him but before I walk out I hear him say something
"Just when I thought you'd make something out of yourself, you'll never be successful in life" he chuckles
"Yeah and selling drugs and making deals will "
I walk towards my car with Yasmine then I drive to her.
I pull up in her driveway then I lean against the window and play with my hair , then I feel her hand on top of mine then I look at her and she's smiling
"Are you okay?" She says softly
"Yea I'm fine"
"Why is your dad like that?" She says then she pulls away "sorry I shouldn't have asked that" she starts to open her door and I pull her back by her hand
"No it's fine I trust you , my dad just thinks that he should control my life and make him proud he wants me to follow in his footsteps and be like him but I wouldn't dare be like him"
"Hm , that's sad but you're doing pretty good for yourself right now I'm proud of you and many more people are proud of you" she says while looking at me and she smiles.
"Thank you in trying to do good make amends with what I did wrong in life" after I say that I look her dead in the eyes and smirk softly .
"That's good I'm glad" she nervously chuckles
I place my hand on her cheek then I caresses her cheeks softly I see her face getting red and I smile "Yasmine I really do like you and I wanna protect you in every way possible and be yours but you intimidate me in the best way but I'm also scared myself because I feel like I'm going to hurt you"
"Does it make you feel better if I say that I'm scared to give you my heart cause im afraid I won't treat you right?" She says nervously
I smirk then sigh "I guess we'll have to find out soon or later"
Authors note:
WOOOOO he moving on up I see! Lol I'm so excited for this and I'm ready to see what happens to these two, and his dad , why was he even there? They kept getting interrupted whenever they're about to kiss it's sad lol but whatever
Love youuu and see you in the next chapter .
~ooo ooo pick me pick me! If theirs any grammatical errors just let me know right here🙊
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