War's Hold [One-shot]

I was talking with Sarah, and she mentioned I couldn't do any...non-fanfiction writing, or else its not as...good.(Hmm. I wonder how she said that without insulting me.) So, I, being the fierce Rio I am, took that as a dare. So. Something original. Here ya go, Sarah.

"Stop it, Dad." I whimpered, falling to my knees.

The king's arm dropped, the hidden dagger still slick with Capixion's blood. "My dear Victoria, it's for your own good."

I raised my grey eyes, the steely look in them gone. "Dad, they're my friends. Aren't friends for everyone's own good?"

"Of course, dear, but these aren't normal friends." With that, the King of Squenia left the room, leaving me with my dead friends.

Pulling myself over to Capixion's body, I flicked away a black strand. "I'm sorry..I brought this u-upon you..."I whispered to the motionless shape-shifter.

I lifted my head as someone groaned. "Terran..."I uttered, rushing over to the fallen teen.

"V-Victoria...?"His voice was scratchy, but his ice blue eyes glimmered softly as he spotted me.

I opened my mouth to speak, but not till something rough seized my neck. I gasped for air, fingers clawing at Terran's hands curled around my throat. "You didn't stop your father from torturing us..from torturing me." He hissed in my ear. "Die...with us."


"TERRAN, NO!"I shrieked, bolting upwards.

"Pardon, my princess?"Someone asked in the doorway, and I turned my head from staring outside the window in my royal bedroom.

Terran seemed fine- Grinning like usual, his dark ginger, almost sandy-colored hair messed up. " Nothing.."I murmured, wondering what my 'bodyguard' would say if I said that I had a dream where he was choking me. "Just a bad dream."

Terran shifted side-to-side. "Princess, someone, erm, the water nymph is asking for you."


"I do believe that's her name." Absently, he fiddled with his sword in his hilt. "But first, the queen."

The Queen. My mother who despised me. Technically, I'm not even supposed to go outside alone, much less into a forest. But I did anyway- meeting a range of magical creatures. I now considered these creatures my friends, but the problem was that my country was at war with them, trying to banish the group from our forest. The wonders of being an eleven-year old.

"Of course." I muttered, slipping out of bed. "Terran, privacy, please?"


"Dear, its for you own good."

I thrashed in the guard's arms. "For my good? That's all you say to convince me these days!"I. shrieked.

The Queen stared down at me, her grey eyes like silver. "Take her away. Battle-train her,"She ordered, "She will be fighting against this...fantasy group."

~4 years later~

15 years old. I now stood on a barren battlefield of what was once my home. Medusa took me as her second-in-command.

That's right, I said Medusa. She was the leader of this...training thing. Turns out she didn't want to just slay the mythical creatures, but only my home kingdom.

I stood on the battlefield, stormy eyes peering out of the grey helmet.


My dagger twitched in my hand as I glared across me at the enemy. "Come and get it, Buddy."I snarled.

He circled me, aqua eyes narrowing. Tufts of spikes jutted out of his helmet, but I couldn't tell if he was human or not.

"Mmmph!"I protested as something hard smashed into my back and pinned me to the ground. "Flithy,"I spat, "Two on one."

Someone was still on my back. "Take the helmet off her."He commanded, and the blue-eyed boy I was facing eariler ripped my helmet off.

"Victoria."Someone breathed, and I squirmed.

"What is it? Kill me already!"I growled, my breath rattling.

There was a thunk as another helmet hit the ground. I glanced up. "Dr-Drake?" I stuttered.

Drake fiddled with his wrist-band. "Victoria, what are you doing?"He hissed, eyes hardening. "You left us for four. Dang. Years!"

He didn't look all the different, besides the glasses he just had slipped on. His hair used to be blonce, now it was darker, but I'd recognize the style anywhere.

I jerked my head, "Can you get your buddy off of me?"

He chuckled, a low growling sound. "Sharp tongued as ever when you're mad. Eh, Terran?"

Terran?I held my breath as the person on me got up. I turned, facing into those ice-blue eyes that had protected me from the ages seven to eleven.

He was nineteen now. "Terran."I whisped, my voice cracking. Softly reaching out to hug him, he cringed.

"Victoria..."He mumbled, "Where'd you go?"

I blinked at him. "M-Mom ordered people to take me away to train."

He growled, "Your mother threw me out."


Terran sighed. "I'm not...human, Victoria."Cue the stare I gave him. "I was born in a volcano. I can control lava."

I cocked my head, my black hair spilling over my shoulders. "She couldn't do that, sh-"

I was cut off by an angry voice. "Are you guys just gonna sit around and talk with the enemy, or what?!"

I turned to glare at the teen aproaching. He was brown haired, with red highlights spiking up the sides. I couldn't see his eyes, they were covered by dark sunglasses.

"Be quiet, Bloodfire!"Drake snapped, "She's not the enemy, at least anymore."

Bloodfire?I peered at the teen. I haven't ever seen him, he was probably an addition to the geam after I was taken.
I swiped my sword at another monster, my blader cutting into its shoulder. Terran lunged from behind me, his foot landing hard on its chest.

"It's...the...war, its almost over..."I panted, looking at the fallen bodies. One such was Everest, motionless as the dagger finally took her life, buried in her neck.

"At a price." He said emotionlessly.

I shoved my saord back in its shealth. "We need to defeat Medusa now."

"True."He grinned, "And we're ready to-BLOODFIRE!"He yelled.
The cinders of Medusa crunched under Terran's feet as he rushed to his friend.

"Medusa released her gaze on him..."I sighed, kneeling by the now stone Bloodfire. "But what happened to Medusa?"

Terran sadly picked up a fallen pair of sunglasses. "Bloodfire...Bloodfire was Medusa's son, but his father was a lava born, like me. Once you gaze into his eyes, you burn to ashes."

It was now seven years later. Terran and I were now married. But we've lost so many people that day...Bloodfire...Capixion...Sprig, Everest...Drake...so many.

War had a hold over my life, and it always will be, no matter how peaceful it is.

~Ta-da! I know it probably sucked.

Picture-Drake...RIP Drake.

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