The small group of Dynamis, Tsubasa, and Kyoya dropped off Una, Sarah, and Tess off at a hospital near the barren land. The three were now trudging through the land, searching for Ike with the sun beating down on them.
"Tithi!"Dynamis cried, spotting a form in the distance.
Tsubasa's head snapped up as the Jupiter blader rushed forward, falling the ground besides the fallen boy.
"Tithi? You okay?"Dynamis whispered as the purple/pink-haired boy stirred.
"Dy...Dynamis?"He slurred, and Dynamis tugged him against his chest, checking the boy for injures.
He looked up at Tsubasa and Kyoya. "Yes, it's me, Tithi. The stars called me to you."He soothed, then glanced back up at them. "Leave me, go find Ike." His eyes hardened at the name.
"Tithi's not the only one who crashed."Kyoya commented from his crouching postion over two bodies.
Tsubasa crossed over, and gazed down at the two collasped bodies. One was a Greek, with spikey white hair as Variares DD was clutched in his hand. The other was pale, dressed in brown clothes. His red hair fell around his shoulders.
"Bao and King."Kyoya muttered, then stared at the sky. "And I think I know who attacked him."
Tsubasa squinted at the sky, spotting a black feathered form. "What the...?"
An angel swooped into view, his shaggy brown hair just barely falling into his eyes. A golden head-piece curled his head, with a golden staff. He was clothed in black, and had feathered black wings sprouting from his back. A bow appeared as he aimed a blue arrow at them.
"Watch out!"Tsubasa hissed as the arrow flew past Dynamis' head, missing by about an inch.
Dynamis stood, eyes flashing. "Go. I will deal with them."He dropped something, and the two other bladers watched as another blue arrow dissvoled; It had been buried in Tithi's stomach.
Tsubasa gave a nod of thanks to the Jupiter blader as the lavender haired teen launched his bey. "Let's go!"He said to Kyoya, who nodded.
Kyoya growled as Ike came into view. The blue-haired teen was lazily sitting on a rock, watching a battle between Mario and Kenta.
"That little..."Tsubasa hissed. Kyoya lay a hand on his shoulder, motioning for him to be quiet as he took Leone out of his belt.
"LET IT RIP!"Ike staggered backwards as the full force of the combined power of Eagle and Leone plowed into him. His cape bellowed and he lowered a hand as Ike peered at the two.
The swordsman narrowed his eyes. "I thought your were on my side."
"Never."Kyoya snarled, and Tsubasa jerked his head at Kenta. "See him? He's with us, as much as I don't like it.
Kenta groaned, "Seriously, Kyoya..."
Ike's eyes gleamed. "And?"
Tsubasa took a step forward. "Ike, killing your makers won't do anything. You're in the real world. Killing someone is a crime, all it does is get you in jail."
The swordsman grimaced as he staggered backwards again, as if the Eagle user's words were a hard blow. "Lies!"He spat, heaving his heavy sword with one hand.
"Try me."The teen said angrily. "I stand with my friends. So many of your allies already went down-I took Marth down myself."
His eyes widened as Ike crumbled to the ground in alarm. "Dang the controllers..."the swordsman growled, glancing up at where man was jabbing buttons.
"I..."He wheezed. "I suppose...back up!"
"What?"Kyoya blinked, and Tsubasa leapt back as fire began to rage around Ike's sword hilt and his hand.
The wind stepped up a notch, a sandstorm swirling around Ike. As the swordsman jabbed his sword into the ground, a shockwave shuddered across the land.
~2 weeks later~
"I would like to see Una, please."Tsubasa said to the nurse.
The lady looked at him. "Una Arashi?"
Kyoya grunted. "Tess Rixen and Sarah Kikamaru, too."
"Come right this way."She said, walking down the hall.
Tsubasa glanced at the Leone User. "You realize almost everyone is here."He said as they followed. Tsubasa jerked his head as they passed the room with Bao in it.
"Yeah."Kyoya muttered, and the nurse gestured to a room. He peeked in, seeing Sarah's unmoving form on the bed.
A black haired 7th grade rushed in, who went by the name Ryoma Echizen. ""Cuse me."He muttered as he shut the door.(#PurpleKoalaShipping)
"Una is this way, and Tess is the room across from her."The nurse said, then briskly went back to the desk.
The Eagle user glanced at the ever-green haired teen. "I'll see you later, then?"
Tsubasa quietly shut the door behind him as he spotted Una's familair colored hair. "Una...?"He murmured gently.
The blonde didn't hear him. The heart-beat thing went steady, not showing any signs of Una being awake.
The silver-haired teen took a seat near her bed, watching her quietly. An idea popped in his mind, and he wondered if it would wake Una up. Most likely.
Quietly, he bent over the Storm Eagle user's motionless form and gently kissed her on the mouth before Una jerked and he flinched back.(#ToastEagleShipping)
"Are you awake?"He whispered.
Una sat upright in her bed, heart hammer. Her fingers were pressed to her mouth. " was just a dream."She muttered, then blinked at him. "How long was I out?"
"Two weeks."It was okay if she thought it was a dream, Una had gotten up, and that's all that mattered.
Kyoya gazed down upon Tess' sleeping face. The girl had her arm broken by Kirby's hammer, and it was in a cast. Sarah had been worse, she was going to have to walk around on crutches.
Tess suddenly thrashed, shrieking. Kyoya placed a hand on hers, and she calmed down. "Kyo...Kyoya?"She whispered, her eyes fluttering open.
The Leone User's voice was gentle. "I'm here, go back to sleep."Tess weakly shook her head, and he blinked, confused.
"Not...on this bed...with you."She slurred, then crawled into his lap.
Kyoya was stunned for a moment as her head lay against his shoulder. But his arm slowly crept around her body, careful not to touch her broken arm.(#BudderLionShipping)
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