Chapter Sixty-Seven: Joe, Saturday

A birthday present, Lauren called it. For a woman who had everything she needed, it was the only thing she wanted, and what was good about it, according to her, was that they could all go in on it.

When Lauren said they, at first she meant Al and him. That was where the problem lay. Joe didn't want to go in on this gift with Al. Lauren was very convincing, though. She'd told him before that this was a fantasy of hers, and as it was the only thing she wanted, she wanted him to seriously consider it.

There was very little Joe denied his wife, but he still couldn't picture giving her this gift with Al contributing. There were details about the act of giving that made him uncomfortable. When he told her what they were, she told him to suck it up, that she and Rachel had once given him the same gift together and it hadn't bothered him greatly. He admitted this was true, but qualified it by saying she and Lauren were more comfortable going in on this gift together because they'd given each other this gift many times. Joe and Al had never exchanged this gift, and even Al admitted, when Lauren asked him about it, that he'd also feel uncomfortable about it, but only because Joe's contribution would be much greater than his and he didn't want to feel like he wasn't giving as much. When Lauren assured him she'd consider his contribution as important as Joe's, he felt a little better about it, and asked only that their contributions never made contact with each other.

Joe still needed more convincing, though, and when Lauren finally asked Rachel if she'd go in on it too, and Rachel said yes, that finally did it. Somehow, all three contributions evened things out when the gift giving occurred, and when Rachel and Lauren started things off, it was sufficient to get him going even with Al in the room, but Joe still had to look down instead of straight ahead while it was happening. 

The view was much better looking down, anyway. His wife's lovely back, with its cherry blossom tattoo, stared up at him as he took her from behind on all fours. Lauren grunted in ecstasy, her voice muffled by what was in her mouth, which Joe had no desire to see. Below Lauren, Rachel was busy feasting on her breasts. She must have felt like her whole body was one big pleasure centre; he felt it quivering in his hands where they rested on her hips.

It occurred to Joe that Rachel's legs were touching his, and one of his hands sought its way between them. Why not pleasure both of them at once? he thought. Al couldn't stop him from where he was, not while his contribution was in Lauren's mouth. No, he wouldn't look, he'd focus only on what he was doing to the women.

"Oh, my God! Fuck yeah!" Lauren cried. "This is everything I ever wanted! Happy birthday to meeeeeeee!"

Rachel only cried out in response, her legs squeezing his hand between them as he fondled her. Both women's moaning grew louder, more frantic, until they both came with shudders.

He held out as long as he could, but eventually he came too, and Lauren sighed in satisfaction. "Okay, switch up," she said. "Al, condom on." 

Joe slid out of her and stood back while Rachel slid off the bed and Al lay down, and Joe turned his head away while he heard a condom package being opened. "Come around to the side of the bed," Lauren said. "I want to eat you while I ride Al in reverse cowgirl."

She certainly had an itinerary for tonight, and as Joe did as she asked, she rewarded him with her warm mouth.

"Come on, Joe, don't look away," Lauren said as she began bouncing. "Look at what Rachel's doing."

He looked, and when he saw Rachel between Lauren's legs, he couldn't really see Al's contribution, so that was all right, and it did look kind of hot, this scene, something out of a porn video. His wife was remarkable. She was taking them both on like a champ, and with Rachel licking her clit, she must have felt like the gift just kept on giving.

Speaking of videos, they were recording their own. This was one for posterity, a birthday memento, also per her request, but the old digital video camera, which had recorded their kids growing up, would be locked away where the kids, who were at Lauren's parents' house for another aikido lesson, would never see it, the video stored there and on no other device, taken out only for her review at a later time.

The only thing that bothered him about his wife's stellar performance was the sound of her hips slamming against Al's; it was the sound of Al's contribution, and that was almost as bad as the sight of it, and with Lauren's cries getting louder and louder, their sound waves travelling up his shaft from her mouth, he was embarrassed to feel himself deflating. He closed his eyes and concentrated on remaining hard for her, because he didn't want to disappoint her, but this was torture; only half a year ago he was ready to kill Al for even the possibility that Lauren had slept with him, and now here he was, sharing her with him as a birthday present to her.

Finally, she came, either from Al's contributions or from Rachel's, and after Al came himself, with a sound Joe wished he didn't have to hear, Rachel sat up and said, "You've convinced me, Lauren. Now I want to give it a try."

Suddenly the tables had turned, and Joe didn't need to concentrate on maintaining his erection anymore. "It may take us a while to... you know," he said.

"That doesn't concern me," Rachel said as she grabbed him, and Joe felt a hot spike of satisfaction when he saw the look on Al's face as he watched his wife take Joe in hand. "You're here to make me come," she said. "That's my reward for participating tonight. All I need is for you to be hard."

She seemed pleased with what he had on offer already, as she was already slipping one of his magnums on and offering her backside to him while she began working on Al after pulling off his condom.

Lauren mimicked Rachel's earlier action and slid herself underneath her, sucking her nipples while Joe thrust himself into her. Because Lauren was shorter than Rachel, he couldn't repeat what he did to Rachel before. He didn't feel too bad about it though; he thought he'd given Lauren enough tonight, and his whole body was focused now on Rachel, hearing her muffled cries, feeling her legs shake as she opened herself to him.

"Jesus, Rachel," Al breathed. "I never thought watching Joe fuck you would turn me on, but it is. Is this how you feel when you watch me with Lauren?"

Joe didn't see Rachel answer, because he would have had to see where her mouth was. "If you mean pain and pleasure mixed, my love, then yes."

Joe smirked as he pounded her, feeling extra satisfied when she groaned, "Goddamn, you're so deep!" Still, he hadn't been able to finish by the time Rachel came with a full body contortion.

"Switch up," Rachel said, panting. Joe turned his head away as she lay herself down on her back and put her legs on Al's shoulders. She slipped off Joe's condom and put him in her mouth while Al started thrusting, and Joe worried for a moment that she would gag in this upside-down position. She guided him, though, keeping control, knowing her own limits. He looked up briefly to see Al with his arms around Rachel's legs, bracing them against his torso as he thrust vigorously, as if he had something to prove. Rachel seemed pleased with his effort in any case, and she began rubbing herself in time with Al's thrusts. This was fantastic, and Lauren made it even better when Joe discovered she'd slithered herself between his legs and began working on him from below.

Rachel came so hard, with her rubbing and Al thrusting, that she arched herself up and nearly did a backflip on the bed. Joe slipped out of her mouth, and he looked away too late to avoid seeing Al's contribution slipping out of her too.

"Holy shit!" Lauren exclaimed. "Damn, Rachel! I'm glad I got that on camera, because I'll be rubbing off to that later."

"Jesus, fuck," Rachel said, laughing in disbelief. "That had to be the best fuck I've ever had!"

"Really?" Al asked hopefully. "And it was with me?"

"Yeah, you win, are you happy?" Rachel asked, playfully smacking his sweaty chest. "But it was all of it, getting it from both ends, you know?"

Lauren sat on the bed beside Rachel, panting along with her. They looked at Al, then at themselves, then at Joe, who was trying not to look at Al. 

"We're all sweaty," Lauren said. "Wanna shower?"

"Think yours is big enough for four?" Rachel asked.

"Only one way to find out."

"Uh, I don't know if I want to be in such a tight space with Al," Joe said.

"You two haven't come again, right?" Lauren said as if she hadn't heard him. "We can finish up in there."

"I'm in," Al said.

"Of course you're in," Rachel said.

When the three of them went to the bathroom, Joe sighed in defeat and said, "I'll just turn the camera off, will I?"

"Bring it in!" Lauren called back. "We'll leave the door open!"

Joe shook his head in disbelief. She really wanted this all on tape. "What if it steams up the lens?"

"We'll take the risk!"

Joe shrugged and lifted the camera and tripod and brought it into the bathroom, where Al, Rachel and Lauren were already washing each other's hair under the shower spray. He looked through the lens and positioned the camera for the best view, and realized he wanted to be in there too; they were lathering each other up now and getting frisky, and he didn't want to miss out. If he put at least one of the women between himself and Al...

"Get the condoms!" Rachel called.

He did, and he slipped one on and handed one of Al's to Rachel, who handed it to Lauren. He saw where this was going, and he was newly optimistic at the prospect of finishing inside Rachel tonight.

He wondered if the camera caught what happened next or if it had already steamed over. He might have liked to see it, if only to relive the feeling of Rachel in his arms, wet and soapy, held up in the air again as he thrust himself deep inside her, just like that time in their townhouse, which neither of them had ever told their spouses about, although it seemed unimportant now. Al had Lauren in the air too, and the two women were laughing and holding hands, back to back, joined together in triumph as their men fulfilled their every desire.

Joe tried not to attach any significance to the fact that he and Al came almost at the same time. Instead, he put Rachel down as gingerly as he could, and she brought him to her for one last, deep kiss, then whispered in his ear, "How's your back this time?"

He chuckled, and he couldn't stop, because Rachel had perfect comic timing.

Lauren, still up in the air because Al was still fucking her after coming, looked over at them with eyebrows furrowed, smoothing her wet hair back to see them better. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing," he said, shaking his head but still laughing.

Lauren frowned as she ground herself into Al's groin. "What did she say to you?"

She didn't wait for an answer, though, because she was coming again, and she clung to Al, squeezing him like a vise. Suddenly Joe wasn't laughing anymore.

Later, after they'd dried off, disposed of all the used condoms and turned off the video recorder, they dressed and all pitched in to change the sheets, all except for Lauren, whose birthday made her exempt from chores. Al and Rachel offered to pick up the kids, leaving Joe and Lauren in their bedroom, husband and wife alone at last.

Lauren sat on the newly made bed, opened the viewing screen of the recorder, and started the video from the beginning. 

"You're already watching it?" he asked in disbelief.

She smiled and bit her lower lip, still looking at the screen. "I want to see how it looks from the camera's point of view. While you're in it you can only see so much. For example, I want to see how it looks when you're fucking me."

"Just when I'm fucking you?"

"No," she said coyly. "When you're fucking Rachel too. And I also have to see Rachel's super orgasm. I didn't have a good view of it from where I was."

"It was pretty incredible. I've never seen anything like it."

Lauren looked up at him and sighed in disappointment. "Did she upstage me? On my birthday?"

"Of course not," Joe said firmly, because that was the only right answer. "You were awesome. In fact..." he sat beside her and put his hand on her leg, "I don't feel like I had enough time with you, and it's your birthday..."

"Shush, I'm watching," she hissed. "Watch with me."

She found Rachel's acrobatic climax and played it over and over again. 

"Fuck," Lauren breathed, sliding her hand into her pants.

"Hey," Joe said in indignation. "If you're that turned on I can help you out, at least."

She blinked and looked at him. "Oh. Yeah. Okay." She paused and pulled down her pants. "You haven't gone down on me yet tonight. Go at it."

She picked up the video camera again and pressed play. Joe sighed in frustration but did as she asked. It was her birthday, and he did enjoy eating her pussy. He must have done a good job, or maybe her arousal was aided by her replaying Rachel's launch into space again and again, but her contortions as she came were almost as energetic, and she stopped the recording and said, "Thanks, babe, you just capped off the night."

He made to unbutton his pants, but she put a hand over his and said, "Joe, the kids will be back soon, and do you think you'd be able to again before they do?" 

He thought about it and said, "Okay, maybe not."

"And anyway, haven't you gotten enough action tonight? You got to fuck Rachel twice."

"I was hoping you wouldn't notice that. I wanted to make it up to you."

She grinned, her dimples popping, and threw her arms around him. "Baby, I know how hard this was for you tonight, and I love you so much for getting over your squeamishness about Al. This night was one for the ages, and you couldn't have given me a better birthday present, even if you had Rachel more than me tonight; you and I have our whole lives together, you can make it up to me another night, just the two of us."

He squeezed her tight and said, "Good, because that's what I still like best, what we had before they came back into our lives."

Lauren stiffened in his arms, but if she worried he was edging close to regret about reuniting with them as he had in the past, she didn't say anything. He didn't regret it, not really, but what happened tonight couldn't happen again, or at least not too often, or else why even have a marriage? They'd stopped seeing the marriage counsellor after they had their night with Sunny and Tej a month ago, and she'd sat them down at their next meeting and told them that if they were going to keep on this path they were doomed to divorce. Lauren had taken the huff and walked out, and Joe had apologized to Penny and followed after her. After tonight, he was worried that Penny might have been right. 

As if the fates were hammering the point home, both their phones pinged with texts.

Joe thought at first one of them was Rachel or Al texting them about delays in picking up the kids, but he already heard them coming through the front door, calling out that they were back. He picked up his phone and saw, to his surprise, that it was Joanie.

What are you doing tomorrow night?

His heart beat fast in his throat. Was Joanie forgiving him? Did she want him back? If she'd walked in on them and seen what happened tonight, she wouldn't ever want to see him again.

"Uh-oh," Lauren said. 

He turned to her and said, "What is it?"

She held out her phone. He held out his.

On hers was a text from Tej.

I don't suppose you'd like to do another exchange, would you?

"Jesus," Joe said. "Does she want to... with me... again?"

Lauren read Joanie's text and said, "I think I might have created a monster."

He sighed and said, "No. We have."

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Now, let's wrap things up in the next chapter, with Al and his newfound family, a new kitty, and an old girlfriend with a new proposition, by clicking on "Continue reading."

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