Secret Disclosed.

No one's POV

Their jaws hit the polished marble floor as they drank in the view in front of them.
Had the entire universe garnered all it's talents into creating a perfect feminine face - of delicate beauty and ferocious will - this would be it.

Everything was mesmerizing about her. She was lean. Muscular. Fair complexion. Sharp, small nose, big, almond shaped eyes tightly shut in pain with perfectly curved, strong brows adorned her heart shaped face. Her faded red lips were full. Her thick wavy chocolate brown hair reached past her slim, curved waist.

They drank in everything. Her perfect delicious curves, painfully heaving chest and tensed muscles. Her glowing body was covered with a thin layer of sweat mixing with blood from the nasty gash on her flat belly.

They were enjoying the beauty in her pain.

"She's gorgeous, man! I want her!" Clint whispered.
"Nay! She'll warm my bed. Stay back you all!" Thor smiled strangely.
"Oh no brother! She's mine and only mine." Loki smirked, stepping a step forward but Tony pushed him.
"No one will touch her! She's made for me! I need her!" Tony announced.
"Ha! In your dreams Tony! I'll break my virginity with her!" Steve said, grinning sickly.

Bruce and Nat stood shocked. Terribly shocked. Then they both noticed something. Their eyes were glazed as they continued to drool over the failing body of Rose who was in a sports bra and a three quarter length pant.

Wasting no time, Nat slapped them each, hard. The glaziness disappeared, leaving the boys confused and clueless. "Ow! It hurts Nat!" Thor said as they rubbed their own cheeks.

"Enough time has been wasted! She has lost enough blood. Tony bring the blood bag. B+" Tony still looked confused.

"NOW!!" Bruce yelled. He broke into a run.

Bruce picked up a syringe and inserted the needle in her arm, sedating her. "Nat kick them out of the room, now. The nurses must have arrived."
"Alright Bruce! Just... Save her." Nat said before pushing the boys out.

"Hey! But why did you slap us?" Steve asked as soon as they were out of the infirmary. Nat shook her head. "Afterwards." Three nurses rushed into the room followed by Tony with a blood bag. And then the door closed.

Loki kept staring at Bruce and the nurses tending Rose, through the glass wall. His head was throbbing. Too much revelation for today.

"Loki." Nat nudged his shoulder. "Don't look at them. Come with me." He turned towards Natasha. She had tears in her eyes.

"She will be fine, right?" He asked, nervous. Natasha nodded.
"Then why are you crying?"
"I just don't know what to say to her when she wakes up. The day has been a hell for her. Too much!" Nat sniffed. "She's too good to deserve such a fate."
Loki nodded and gave her a side hug. "I know... I know..."

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No one talked. All were worried about the girl. They knew she will survive but what will they say when she wakes up?

Bruce entered the room with a tired look and sat beside Tony and Clint.
"How is she?" Thor asked, looking at Banner.

"Stable. Thanks to Loki's magic for clotting her blood. Or else she would have lost much more blood." He smiled at Loki who nodded his, accepting the praise.

"But there's nothing to hide! Why did she cover her body like that? She's far from the word ugly!" Tony slammed his glass of wine on the table.

"And Natasha, care to tell us why did you slap us?" Steve asked, glaring at her.
"Do you have the guts to hear it Rogers?" Natasha asked, glaring back.
"What do you mean?" Steve asked, standing up.

Natasha looked at Bruce who just sighed. "Tell them Natasha. They should know about it."

She nodded. "Did you all noticed the faint glow coming out from her body?"
They all slowly nodded. "If what I'm assuming is correct then this might be the reason why she hid her body." Nat said, as if telling herself.

"Natasha. Say it clearly. " Clint said, turning to face her.

"You all wanted to bed her. You all were turned on by that glow."
The boys looked confused. "W-what do you mean?" Tony asked, a bit shocked hearing her statement.
"Jarvis. Play their audio tracks."
"Alright ma'am."

After they headed their respective lines, they sat silent. Faces ghastly white and voices chocked up. The most affected ones were Tony and Thor.

"This must be a foul play! I-I can't say something like that! To my sister! What trickery is this Natasha?" Thor yelled, his voice shaking.

"I said that? I? N-no no no!" Tony muttered, unable to look into someone's eyes. "She's like a daughter to me! How-how can I forgive myself? Oh no no."

Bruce got up and rubbed his back. "It wasn't your fault, Stark. Calm down now."

"He's correct. All of your eyes were glazed. You all were in a daze. Hypnotized. " Nat explained.

"Well, she didn't hear those words, right?" Steve asked softly.
Bruce shook his head. "No. And we shouldn't say her about it."

Clint nodded his head. "I agree. If this is the reason for her covering herself then it would be better she stays unknown to those vile words. It can affect her and our relationship."

"I'm nervous." Thor muttered.
"We all are." Steve added.

Loki was silent throughout the conversation. He got up slowly and walked away. Thor saw him leaving and excused himself to follow him.

"Loki! Where are you going?" Thor asked, stopping him.
"Just to take a peek at her."

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Loki stood outside the PACU , hands crossed over his chest, staring silently at Rose's unconscious figure through the glass wall. He was so silent that Thor thought he had fallen asleep, standing.

"Brother, it has been twenty minutes we are standing here." Thor nudged his arm.

"Thor... Let's enter the room. I want to see her closely. " Loki said softly, his eyes still glued on the figure inside.

"We can see her from here. And Natasha has strictly forbidden everyone to enter until she wakes up."
"Please Thor. Just for a minute."

"...Loki. Is everything alright?"

Loki turned to look at Thor who had a smug look on his face.

"Everything is fine Thor. Why do you ask?"
"Because you're caring for her a lot. Are you sure that... everything's fine with you?" Thor grinned making Loki blush, very slightly.

"It's nothing like that, you oaf! She's my best friend. Of course I care for her!"
Thor smirked. " Mhmm..."

"You stand here with your moronic smile. I'm entering." Loki pushed open the door and walked in, Thor following his suit.

Rose was tucked under a thin blanket. Some strands of her uncombed, lustrous hair scattered on her calm, bewitching face. Her right hand was on her chest, channeled for blood supply.

"Isn't she beautiful, brother?" Thor whispered near Loki's ear.
"Very beautiful..." Loki replied dreamily but snapped his head towards Thor when he realised that what he had asked.

"For Valhalla's sake, shut up Thor!!"
"Ok! Ok!" Thor laughed. "I'm leaving brother. Come as soon as you're finished." Thor left, winking at him. Loki rolled his eyes.


He sat on a chair beside her and took her channelled hand in his. She had  artistically long slender fingers as if belonging to a pianist or a surgeon. He looked closely at the IV and frowned. "What's this? This might have hurt, right?" He asked to the sleeping form. He sighed, sadly. "You did a great job dear. Although it was... quite a mess but still..." He brushed away the strands of hair from her face.

He placed his right palm on her left bandaged arm. "I'm not a healer like you but I can fasten the healing process." He removed his hand after finishing.

"I don't even know why am I talking to you! You can't even hear me!" He gently removed the blanket and did the same for the wound on her belly. He touched her rosy cheek gently and poked at it with his finger. "Your cheeks are so soft!"   

What the hell are you doing, Loki??

Loki gulped. "Umm... I'm here with you till you wake up." He hesitated before kissing her forehead. "Just get well soon."

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It was noon when Rose woke up. Her eyelids felt heavy. She felt so tired and weak. A soft groan escaped her lips.

Where am I?

She opened her eyes and blinked rapidly as she took in her surroundings. The last thing she remembers was that she was in between a fight. Was it over? Is she back at the tower? Why couldn't she remember properly?

She tried to sit up but a sharp pain shooted through her lower abdomen, causing her to gasp. With some effort, she turned her head at the right side to find Loki dozing off on chair. His mouth slightly open. She smiled softly.

He's so cute!
Alright. I'm back in the tower but why the hell am I in the infirmary room?

She extended her hand to nudge Loki but stopped when her eyes fell on the IV. And then at her fair hand. Her eyes went wide as she ran a hand over her face and hair. It's her real body! She sat up shrieking, making Loki jump so hard that he fell down from the chair.

"Rose you're awake -"
"STAY AWAY!!" She screamed.

"Ceiling man! Call rest of the team!" Loki yelled as he got up. "Rose, listen to me. Calm down!" Loki cooed, trying to pacify her but was startled when he noticed her eyes. They were a stunning shade of aqua blue with swirls of violet! Like a storm was brewing beneath them.

Rose tried to rip off the channel when Loki grabbed her hands. "ROSE! Rose! Listen to me! Don't do-" He was interrupted by a kick and a scream. She was glowing orange again.

As soon as the Avengers entered the room, Rose shrieked again and tried to hide herself, covering her body and face with the blanket. Shaking violently.

"Rose! Kid! Please calm down! Just hear us once!" Tony pleaded, trying to step near her. Rose looked back at the IV and before anyone could stop her, she ripped it off. "Rose, try to breathe. Don't hyperventilate! You'll reopen your stitches." Bruce yelled.

"NO! No no no! Don't look at me! Please! Stay away! Away!" Rose wailed, covering herself and trying to squirm away from their reach.

"Pudding! No one is going to hurt you! Let me help you please!" Loki stepped forward but she flung him away with a swipe of her glowing hand.

She was shocked. "L-Loki! I-I am sorry!"   

What did I do? What's happening to me? What is this orange glow?

She shot up from the bed and that proved to be a wrong move. She felt a stabbing pain and clutched her lower abdomen only to find blood seeping out slowly, staining her white hospital gown red.

"You're alright kid! Fine! Perfectly fine! Just let me come near. Ok?" Tony said softly as Rose swayed slightly. She felt lightheaded and nauseous. Seeing Tony approaching her, she started to back away. "No no no. D-dont come near me. Let me go! I'm not safe f-for you!" She shuttered, her breathing laboured.

"Sssh! I got you. I got you kid."
"Don't! No no! NOO!" She screamed and a huge orange energy rushed out from her body blasting away Tony and slamming him on the wall.

Gasps were heard as everyone except for her, rushed to Tony's aid.
He didn't move.

"I-I didn't mean to... I..." She could see the fear on each of their faces. She tried to step forward but the room seemed to tilt right and then left. She clutched her head, groaning in pain and tried to focus but before she could utter a word, she felt her world go black. Loki rushed forward and catched her limp body before she could hit the ground.

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This time when she woke up, it was night. She opened her eyes only to be met by a familiar green ones. She yelped, bolting up and startling Loki too.

"Hey hey! Take it easy dear! Ssh! Ssh!" He cooed, his hands over his head in surrender. Rose shifted back, away from him.

"Why were you watching me like that?" She asked nervously.
Loki smiled shyly. "Ehehe! Just... nothing."
Rose dropped her gaze on the blanket, trying to remember everything.

The fighting. Meeting Ripper. Revealed himself as her father. Revealed about her mother. Unlocking of her new power.

But what happened after it? She couldn't remember it properly. Everything was blurry and hazy and muffled. She tried to concentrate but gasped when a shooting pain erupted from the back of her head.

"Rose?" Loki shook her breaking her from her daze. "Is it paining?" He pointed to her belly. She stayed silent, avoiding his eyes.

"You believe me, right? That I won't hurt you?" Loki asked softly. She looked at his tired face and nodded slowly.

"Then believe me that you're safe. Are you in pain? Any discomfort?" He asked leaning a bit towards her. Rose shuddered, quickly shaking her head and shifted away from his touch.

"Thank the Norns!" Loki exhaled, missing the uncomfortable signs she was giving out.

"Where is Mr. Stark?" She asked him, her voice low. Loki avoided eye contact.

"Jarvis! Where is Mr. Stark?"
"In his room, Rose."
Rose tried to get down from the bed but Loki stopped her. "Rose. Not now. Rest please." She ignored him and got on her feet, swaying slightly.

Loki grabbed her hand. "Why don't you listen to me? You're hurt and weak! You need to-" 

"Will you take me there or I'll walk to his room myself?"
"Rose don't-" 
"Yes or no."

Loki sighed defeated. He nodded and wrapped his arm around hers securely and teleported to Tony's room.

The room was dimly lit. Rose freed herself from Loki's wrap and stepped near the bed where Tony lay sleeping. One look at him and her hands shot up to cover her trembling lips, muffling a sob. Stark's head was bandaged.

Tears of guilt welled up in her eyes. "Mr. Stark!!" She squeaked, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Oh no! What have I done? I'm sorry! Sorry!" Loki placed a hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

She sobbed and lifted her white glowing hand to place on his forehead when Loki caught it. "Rose. No. You are weak. Don't use magic." Rose shook her head. "Shut up Loki. Please let me do it! Please!"

She's too stubborn...

Loki let go of her hand and she placed it on his forehead healing it. "I hope you will forgive me..." She wiped her tears and leaned down to kiss his forehead. She staggered and Loki caught her, steading her balance.
"Room?" He asked.
Rose nodded. "Room..."

Her eye colour...

Yayy!!! Her true form is revealed!! You enjoyed it? I hope you do so!😊 Comment and vote and let me know about your views... I'll update soon! Till then Bu-Byee!!🥰😘

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