Dang it!

Rose POV

After we entered aunt's home, I was flanked with questions. Aunt was not angry but a bit upset. Loki has been a great help to me. Whenever I found myself stammering, he jumped in and gave in the false excuses on my behalf.

After showing them my true form and getting expected remarks, everything was quite again. Now, I'm sitting with Pom on my lap and Loki beside me, while Aunt left to cook something for us to eat. Lucy has just left for her work.

I was feeling restless. Very restless. I took deep breaths but my heart was still racing like I have just ran a fucking marathon. And whenever I feel restless, something bad happens soon in the future.

Loki patted my back for comfort, sensing my sudden silence and the growing restlessness and nervousness dimmed a bit.

I don't know why but I feel a strange sensation when I'm around Loki. When he smiles or laughs, my lips turn up too. When he frowns, my heart clenches. It's surprising how I open up myself to him, spilling all my secrets easily. I love the way he cares for me. The way he protects me. The way he makes things easier for me.

But... but that's what BFFs do, right?

God knows, why can't I place our relationship in the category of friendship. Because I don't feel the same with Steve. He's my bestie too...

No. The way my mind takes on a different side when I look at his bright, twinkling emerald gemstones like eyes...it can't be only friendship. It's something more. But what?

"Rose?" I snapped back to the reality when Loki nudged me. "Are you alright?" He asked worried, making me smile.

"Why do you ask?"
"Because you zoned out for a long time."
"Oh that's nothing." I tried to shrugg it off.

"Your lying skills are awfully bad dear." He chuckled, making me roll my eyes. "I just feel restless. That's it. And I feel... something bad is gonna happen." I breathed out a deep sigh, hoping the heaviness will vanish but it didn't.

"As I told you before, you worry too much. And you're an empath. Why don't you calm down yourself?" He suggested, stroking Pom's fur, who was happily napping on his lap now.

I snorted. "I can't use my powers on myself."
Loki clicked his tongue. "Oh! I forgot that! How stupid of me."
"Stupid people talk stupid." I grinned.

"Did you just call me stupid?" He asked, edging closer to me, his right brow raised.

"Isn't it obvious prince?" I teased. He glared playfully at me and then sighed.
"Don't call me that."

"What?" I asked, a bit confused.

" Prince." He huffed, turning his face away. "I'm no longer a prince. I've been stripped off of the title... Serves me right." He shrugged, a sad smile on his lips.
My heart flipped.

Damn it Rosebelle. You've got an extraordinary talent of hurting people.

Without a second thought, I curled my finger under his chin and turned his face towards me. "You are every inch a prince, Loki. The most graceful and regal person I've ever met in my whole life. Trust me, you're more Princy than Thor. And you are now changed and as good as an angel. If your king dad can't see it then I swear by the name of Jesus, I'll whip his ass." I finished, patting his cheek gently.

His eyes were full of wonders and emotions that made my knees shake. He took my hand in his and instead of kissing my knuckles, he kissed my palm.

His lips are sooo sooft!!

I bit back my squeal and managed not to blush.

"Thanks Pudding. You-you...it means to me a lot." He smiled brightly.

"Finished your gossips, children?" Aunt entered with two bowls of hot spaghetti. Pom leaped up from Loki's lap and landed on the table, eyeing the bowls of spaghetti.

"This is yours, the spicy one." Aunt handed me the black bowl, "And the less spicy one is for my sweet muffin." She handed a green bowl to Loki who beamed, smiling. She leaned down to kiss his forehead.

"Where is my kiss?" I whined. Loki stuck his tongue out at me. Aunt laughed and then kissed me next.

"I wish you two always stay like this, together. A perfect couple." Aunt sighed happily.

Loki chocked on his spit and started coughing while I failed to control my blushing. "Aunt!!" I exclaimed, embarrassed. "There's nothing like that. We're just friends!" I turned to find Loki smiling, his ears red.

"Really? Then....oops?" She wore her flower hat and picked up her walking stick and purse.

"You're going somewhere?" Loki asked, putting just the fork in his mouth. He's so adorable sometimes.

"Yes, my sweet pie. I need to buy some cat food."

"You could have told us. We would have bought that." I offered.

"Correct." Loki added, giving a string of spaghetti to Pom, who mewed loudly thanking him.

"No no. I have some other works too. If you leave the house before I return, lock the door. You know right where to keep the key?"

"Under the dahlia pot." Loki and I chimed together.

"Good." She threw the key towards Loki who failed to catch it and it hit his nose. "Oh! Sorry darling! Are you okay?"

Loki nodded quickly. "Yes aunt."
"Yes aunt."
"Alright! Bye children!"
"Byee aunt!"

As soon as she left, Loki let out an ouch making me laugh. "Don't laugh." He glared at me. " Hahaha! Sorry!"

After finishing the spaghetti, I got up to keep the bowls in the sink. I returned to find Loki creating illusions of fishes and troubling poor Pom.

"Loki!" I smacked his arm. "Stop it!"

"What? I'm just having some fun!" He whined and Pom leaped on my lap, licking my hand as a sign of gratitude before yawning and dozing off. "Stop having fun. I need to ask you something."

He became serious and attentive. "What?"

Should I ask him? No no. No need.... But I want to ask him... But what if he feels offended or something? No no... Yes, I'll ask but -

"Huh?" Damn! I should stop zoning out like this.
"You wanted to ask something?"
"Ah yes yes... Only if it is not a problem for you..."
He smiled. "C'mon. Out with it."

Ask it! C'mon!

"Have you ever loved someone? I mean except your mother and Thor?" He looked taken aback at my question.

"Why-why are you asking this question so suddenly?"

I shrugged at his question. "I just wanted to know. I mean after getting to know you so better I'm sure you have dated someone before. And by the way... you're so good looking..." I trailed off, grinning like a stupid when I realised how odd I sounded.

Dang it Rosebelle... You're no good....shit shit shit!

Loki stared at me, quizzically and then sighed. "Well... I had many women drooling over me. Not more than Thor but more than Fandral. No, stop. Don't ask me who's Fandral. I won't say you now." He raised his hand to stop me from speaking.

I huffed and he continued. "But the thing is that I've never cared about them and their relationships. I...I was just, not interested in them. My sole focus and concern was on my image in front of fath- Odin... I wasted all these years of my life, trying to please him. Trying to be his good son , just like Thor. I never got the time to enjoy my life as Thor did because he had nothing to worry about. He had everything that he and... I wanted - father's attention and affection."

I felt bad for him. I just wanted to know about his love-life but he trailed off to his daddy issues.

I placed my hand on his clenched one. He stopped to look at me, his eyes glazed and face blank. "Loki. You can never be like Thor. Never. Because you are Loki. If Thor is the sun then you're the calm and cool moon. Never anymore try to change yourself to somebody else. Trust me, you are better than Thor in many, many ways. Those who can't see that, leave them for they are fucking blind. And your Allfather is one of those fools."

Loki's eyes widened and then I realised that I was snarling. "Oh... sorry."
Loki sighed. "It's-it's ok, pudding."

Thankfully, he continued again but this time he was straight to the point. "But then I met a girl and fell in love at the first sight. She was beautiful, haughty, regal and cunning. Neith... And she preferred me over Thor. Within a very few days, I started courting her and it seemed like she was made for just me."

I couldn't help but feel a strong pang of jealousy at how smitten he sounded.
But I didn't stop him and he continued.

"I was angry at Thor, mother and Odin because they didn't like her. They said she's not good enough for me. To challenge them, I did something I shouldn't have done..." He looked glum now and my heart dropped to my stomach at his next words. "I bedded her and then got secretly engaged."

"You- she I mean...she is your fiancee?" I tried my level best to sound casual and I don't know if I achieved it or not. "She was my fiancee..." He added, quietly.

"Why? How? What?" The questions tumbled out in a flow. Loki sucked in a sharp breath.

"Can you just stop asking these questions?" He snapped so suddenly, that I
jumped in my seat. His once bright eyes were now darker. "I-I... I am s-sorry..." I muttered quitely, avoiding his gaze.

I had crossed my line. I was ashamed and... hurt. You deserved it Rose...

Then suddenly, he grabbed my arms and hugged me. I was shocked by this sudden movement and failed to hug him back and then I realised my mistake.

"Hey hey... Please forgive me Rose. Please. I didn't mean to snap at you. I'm really really sorry." He sounded so desperate. He must have thought I was angry as I didn't hug him back. So without wasting further seconds, I wrapped my hands around him. "It's ok, dear. Don't say sorry. I'm not angry."

He pulled back. "Really? Trust me I didn't mean to be rude. This topic is one of those I tend to avoid and... Sorry." He sighed, guilty.

Well, it made me feel more guilty than him. "No. It was my fault actually. I shouldn't have asked that much questions. And... can we drop the matter?" He nodded quickly, a small smile on his face.

"I think it's late. We should leave now." I said as Pom stretched and jumped out of my lap. "Yup." He nodded and we got up.

"Byee Pom!" I scratched her behind her ears and she mewed loudly, rubbing her body against my and Loki's legs.

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"Rose, are you okay?" Loki asked, as I leaned against a wall, heaving. My restlessness  has doubled up and my stitches are throbbing.

"Yes... yes just taking a break." I answered back, my breathing heavy. "Are you sure?" I nodded and after taking a deep breath I started walking again.

Then suddenly, Loki grabbed my hand and we stopped abruptly.

"Wait here." He said as he walked away, across the street, towards a candy shop.

"Joy!!" I groaned.

I stood at the same spot for five minutes when suddenly I felt like I was being stared at. I turned my head and looked around. My eyes fell on two man in black coat and hat. I couldn't see their faces because of their mask but their uncomfortable stare was directly at me.

Oh God! Something is wrong...

One of them muttered something on their phone and then started walking towards me. I looked around again to check if it's me whom they are coming at but found no one except me on the street. The street was eerily deserted.

Ok Rose... Find that stupid candy monster and stay near him. Keep calm..

I started walking towards the candy shop. I turned again and found them following me and that's when my eyes fell on something that made my heart skip some beats. Thanks to my good eyesight- it was a symbol on the side of their coat. A unique symbol filled with nothing but vibes of terror and misery.

A red skull with eight tentacles.

They have found me...

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Loki POV

"C'mon! Do it fast!" I grew impatient at the mortal. He was taking so much time to pack my precious stuffs. Finally he handed me the big packet and eyed me curiously. I ignored him and handed fifty dollars. "Keep the change."

I was about to step out of the door when someone crashed into me. "Watch your step fool... Rose?" I steadied a stumbling Rose.

" W-we need to get out of here." She stammered, repeatedly looking back.

" Why? What's the matter?" I asked but instead of answering me, she grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the shop. 

"Will you just tell me what's going on?" I asked again when she dragged me to a corner.

" Ssh! Do you see two men there wearing black?" She whispered, sweat beads appearing on her hairline. I peaked out and found the men she was talking about. " Yes. So what?"

" They are Hydra's."
" What!?"
" And we have to kill them." She said, determined.
" They are here to spy on you, right?" She hummed.

I conjured up my beloved daggers and vanished the bag filled with candies.

" Stay here. I'll be back in a minute." I assured her and headed towards the men who became alert seeing me. It was a blessing that the street was completely deserted. The men aimed their guns at me.

" Who are you?" One of them asked.
" Your king." I smirked and the next second, he was on the ground, dead, my dagger buried in his chest.
" You want to ask something?" I asked, stepping forward towards the other man who started backing away. With a flick of my hand, his gun disappeared.

" We don't need you. We need K-74. Just hand our experiment to us. Hydra will forgive you all." And it was enough to piss me off.

" Experiment, huh?" I launched my dagger at him but he cleverly dodged it and threw a can at me. The can rolled and stopped near my feet.

" Really! A can?" I scoffed. " Foolish mortal-" 

"LOKI!! MOVE AWAY!" Rose screamed from behind. I was about to turn around when some white gas started to come out with a fisss sound.

"What the *cough**cough* hell *cough**achoo*" I had mistakenly inhaled some of that damned white gas and now my lungs, nose, throat and eyes are burning like anything. Suddenly someone grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the white, torturous mist.

" Loki! Oh Jesus!! Sit down. Let me see." She pushed me down and started wiping my face. I still couldn't open my eyes. "What was the need for the dialogues? Why didn't you just killed them?"

" What *cough* was the *cough**cough* fun in that?" I argued, coughing and sneezing. I felt her warm, soft hands on my eyes and nose and in the next moment, all the burning and irritation vanished into nothing.

" Open your eyes." I did so, and blinked slowly before adjusting my pupils.

Rose sat in front of me, kneeling, with tear filled eyes. " I'm so so so sorry Loki. I'm extremely sorry. Please forgive me..." She sniffed, hugging me.

"Hey! I'm *cough* fine! Give a pause to your sorries."

She pulled back, her face now stricken with fear. "Loki... One has escaped."

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After vanishing the dead body, we hurried to reach the tower. As soon as we stepped inside the living room, there were two surprises waiting for us.

Fury stood with a concerned looking Avengers and Thor had Hugnin and Munin on his each shoulder.

" We seem to have missed a lot of things." I mumbled.
" Yeah. It seems so." She nervously whispered back.

Oh! So two surprises!! What's Mr. Pirate doing here? And the Ravens?
Answers in the next chapter. If  you liked it then don't forget to comment and vote!! I'll update soon!! Take care! Bu-Byee! ♥️🥰

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