5: Introduction Andrew

Andrew's Pov

Great. Again I'm starting at a new school. I got kicked out of other schools cause of me getting into fights. I hope I make a better first impression at this school. I decide to avoid taking the bus this school year. That's where mainly fights begin, someone notices the new kid on the bus and picks on them. 

I head out and start walking to school. I put my head phones on and listen to some music. As I am starting to cross the street, I look to see a motorcycle. Wait it's about to run into me. I dive onto the sidewalk as the motorcycle swerves to avoid hitting me. They turn their head. I couldn't see the persons face cause of the helmet they were wearing. Well that was interesting...

I finally reach school. I see the motorcycle that almost hit me was parked in the parking lot. So this person goes to this school. I head to the front office to get my locker number and my class schedule. The lady at the desk seemed very bored with her job. I get my schedule and head to my locker. I find my locker. Though I don't have anything to put in it yet, I do the combination a couple of times. 

I decide to head to my first class early. As I head to class I run into a girl with short bright pink hair and her eyes were red. She had a pink shirt on with a red heart in the middle, and a cape that was covered in hearts. "Oh I'm sorry," I said. 

"so you're the new kid," She said. I gave her a shocked expression, "I know everyone in this school and I mean everyone, and how your book bag isn't full, I could tell you're new. Mara Mainelli," she said. Before I could say anything she skips off. I just shrug my shoulders and head to math class. No one was in there so I decide to listen to some music. I play the song "All You Need to Know" by Griffin. Not long I started to sing aloud. 

I soon see a girl with light brown hair look down as she walk quickly to her seat. I stop singing and I just look at her. I pull out my sketch book and I draw in it. Soon other students started to walk in chatting with each other and so on. A few minutes pass and the teacher soon walks in and begins his lesson. 

I continued to draw since they were just going over homework. The kid next to me tapped my shoulder and handed me their math book, "Its better to know you are and what we're learnin if you want to pass," said the kid. I take the book and follow along. The girl who had walked in not long after I did, raised her hand. The teacher calls on her.

"The answer is simply 11," she said and she explained how she got that answer. Dang she's smart. The teacher says that was correct. Soon people start to whisper Show off or Know it all. I clench my fist in anger. I look through the book and see a problem that was difficult. So i raise my hand to ask if i could do that problem. I tell the teacher that i can solve the problem. I go to the chalk board and solve the problem. Everyone was stunned on how I solved the problem, so was the girl with the light brown hair.

---Next Class---

Art Class. I know I will do great in this class. I walk in and see the girl who was in my first hour class. She sat in the back in the corner. I decide to sit next to her. I pull out my sketch book and continue to draw. I look up to see her staring. "Um can I help you miss?" I asked. 

"What um no, uh," She looked like she was just broken from a long thought. Embarrassed she looks at the ground. Other kids come filing in and the teacher, gets the class's attention. 

"Good Morning class, Today we have art projects. each of you will be working in pairs," Said the Teacher," The Project is that you must draw your partner and the paint it. Drawings will be turned into me once you finished them. They will be returned to you once I looked at them." 

Kids soon started to get into groups of two. Most of them skipped asking me or the girl next to me. She quickly raises her hand and says, "Um. Mr. Martin. sir?" 

"Yes Miss Myers?" said Mr. Martin who was the teacher.

"Am I able to work alone?" she asked.

"I'm sorry Miss Myers, I would let you if we had a odd number of kids today, but since we have a new student that makes it an even 12 students," said the teacher, "How about you pair up with Mr. Dawn, he's new and can learn a lot from you." He nods his head in my direction. She looks at me and looks back at the teacher. She doesn't bother arguing about it. 

I look down at my sketch book and see that the whole time I've been drawing the girl next to me. Soo I head up to the front of the room and hand it to the teacher and head back to my seat. I whisper to the girl, "Pretty picture for a pretty girl," she rolls her eyes and mumbles under her breath something about me being like the guys at this school. 

"You know I prefer to work alone," she whispers back in a somewhat sassy tone. 

"well that doesn't mean you should at least try working with someone," I whisper. trying to actually make a better impression. 

"Ugh," she said and turn towards the wall. 

"woah, Chill Ice Queen," I whisper, I use the name I hear people call her. For reasons I don't know why. Her grip on her pencil tightens. 

"Don't ever call me that you here me, Never call me that," she snaps in a whisper. I think I crossed the line.

After a bit the bell rings. Mr.Martin stops me before I leave the room and hands me back my sketchbook. "Try a more realistic approach. I want you to try and get Miss Myers to have some fun while doing this. And what I mean by realistic, draw her in a place where she would naturally be, and your partner will have to be there for you to draw in, have a Nice day Mr. Dawn." said the Teacher.

--- Lunch Time --- 

I head to the cafeteria and run into a girl with purple hair. "sorry," she said. 

"No its my fault," I respond. 

" You the new kid right," she said.

"How does everyone know that," First it was that mara kid, then some guy with blue hair, and now this girl. 

"You're not a jerk like the ones over there," she stated, "Lillian Johnson by the way."

we talk for a short bit, but in that time I was able to get the girl who is my art project partner, Crystal Myers. Also found out that Lillian is her best friend. As I sit down I see Crystal walk up to Lillian. It looks like they were bickering over something.  I decide to stay out of it, though Crystal looked cute when she was mad. Wait what am I thinking. She's just some random girl who goes to my school. 

---After school--- 

As I am leaving school I see Crystal at her locker. I was about to talk to her about meeting up for the project, when some jock comes up and talks to her. She looked annoyed at the person. I clench my fists in anger as the guy keeps her from leaving. She finally leaves as a teacher comes around the corner. Lucky timing. I ran outside to talk to her, but by the time I got there she was gone. Well then I guess I should head home. Lets hope tomorrow will be easier...

(A/N: yay andy. Hope you ppl enjoyed it. I will be updating more often soon. I wont have as much stuff than I normally do soo yeah. Comment, Follow, vote. Love yall)

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