making new friends and going to school part three
As of today I have watched dragon the nine realms season 2 and I must say I really did enjoy it.
To all those who have see season 2 I'm glad you did it was really great.
Anyway I hope everyone here has enjoyed watch after because here we're on to the next.
As well I hope you guys all love this next chapter.
making new friends and going to school part three
Later on that same day Olivia give hiccup a laptop and notebook and pencils and here he's been learning a lot of things with the laptop.
Olivia put him on documentary websites that were filled with history along with many other things to learn about, hiccup was watching ones that had to do with electricity, evolution of cameras, evolution of Phones, evolution of cars and many others that are in this today world.
Hiccup what's blown away or what people have here as hiccup kept learning new things.
The next week that's exactly what he was doing, he would mostly stay on that laptop besides going to breakfast lunch, dinner, using the bathroom, sleeping and sometimes taking a break as his eyes hurt just being on the laptop all day.
Hiccup would also spend some time talking to Olivia and tom.
By today though things were going to be different from how they used to be this week.
Olivia and hiccup we're both sitting down together on the couch as there was something important that needed to be explained.
"All right hiccup now that you're here I have something to tell you," Olivia started as hiccup look at her.
"Is it something serious?" Hiccup ask as he do not know what it was going to be about.
"Well yes and no, it has been over a week since you've been here, it was easy for me to allow you to stay here by yourself, I have to go back to work and now that Tom is going to school, I can't just have you staying here by yourself, you have learned things pretty quickly with the documentaries I have put you on to help you learn and everything but you need to be around other kids around your age and can't just be staying in your room all day, so as for starting tomorrow, you and Tom will be going to school together," Olivia explain to him.
"What school? Is it just like the academy?" Hiccup ask.
"Why yes it is, and that's also the reason why you're going, I expect you to be on good behavior as well take care of yourself while you're at school and do a good job," Olivia said as hiccup did understand.
"All right I understand," hiccup said as Olivia hug him.
"Good now take care, I have to go to work," Olivia said
Later at early night
hiccup was resting on his bed as he heard Tom and Olivia argue but could barely hear it.
Hiccup went back to resting until he heard he heard a loud roar coming from outside.
Hiccup quickly jump out of bed and look to see there was nothing out there, hiccup got out of the room and saw no one had the TV on.
Everyone must have been sleeping already, hiccup went outside to look out and still saw nothing.
Hiccup look down and felt upset as that war sounded just like toothless roar.
"Where are you toothless?" Hiccup said to himself as he went back inside to his room and headed to bed.
Hiccup dream
Hiccup was walking in an old cave where he could hear a loud roars coming from everywhere.
And soon he saw something fly over him.
Hiccup look up to see several other dragons flying over his head, several of them all look like toothless but in different colors.
They all circle around hiccup as the cave start to lit up with beautiful crystals everywhere was shining now.
Hiccup soon saw other dragons flying around the area and it was nice to see them all.
One of the night furies came down and Hiccup notice half of its tail fin was gone and then he realized as he look up at the Night fury.
"Toothless?" Hiccup said as he put his hand up and before toothless could put his nose on hiccup's hand......
He woke up, this made hiccup upset.
By morning
When morning came, Olivia knock on his door to wake up hiccup.
Hiccup was already up and dressed as he went to eat breakfast with Tom and Olivia before heading off to school.
Hiccup made himself a bowl of cereal as he was sitting down next to Tom.
Tom was looking at his mother who look a little disappointed in him.
"Hey Mom can I ask you something?" Tom ask as he sounded a bit nervous.
"Sure what is it?" Olivia said as she look at tom.
"What would happen if we actually discover something down the Fisher?" Tom ask.
"Like a new mineral?" Olivia said.
"Yeah, um a new mineral or a plate or a new animal maybe?" Tom said as kept looking at his mother waiting for an answer.
"Discovering a new species? That would be incredible," Olivia said looking happy.
"We could study it right? You and me we can figure what it is where it came from?" Tom said as he started to sound excited.
"Imagine the science," Olivia said.
"It would be awesome," tom said as he look more excited.
"The Rakke Corp would be very relieved too," Olivia said as tom stop smiling.
"The Rakke Corp? What do you mean?" Tom ask.
"Well, they invested a billing dollars in this expedition, they're expecting us to find something pretty big, a new species would go a long way," Olivia explain.
"So you're saying whatever we might find would end up being a prophet The Rakke corporation of Doom," tom said looking down sad.
Both hiccup and Olivia we're looking at him confused.
"That's pretty dark boyo," Olivia said as tom turn his head away from his mother.
"I thought we were here for science not The Rakke corp," tom said.
"What's this really about?" Olivia ask.
"Okay listen when I was..." Tom started but was interrupted with the Olivia phone ringing.
Olivia answer it, "this is Doctor Kullersen, yes may I agree, lights are the problem, I will be right there, got to go The Rakke corp wants a update immediately," Olivia left the house as hiccup was curious to know what happened.
"Tom what were you about to tell her?" Hiccup ask as tom look at hiccup.
"It's hard to explain, last night I was trying to get my drone out of the Fisher that fell and well... Never mind about it, you wouldn't be able to understand, follow me we got to go to school now," tom said as he got his backpack on the shoulders and left.
At school
Hiccup and Tom went to the building that was close by to their house and it was the same one hiccup was been taken care for before he went to live with Olivia and tom.
They both walk into the room which was quite nice, hiccup saw three other kids.
A girl that was wearing glasses, braids in her hair tie together with USB charging cables.
A boy who who had more of a muscular build, black hair styled into a flattop, and brown eyes. He wears a dark green vest with multiple pockets
The last one was a girl that had purple eyes and black hair kept in a bun, she mostly wore a purple and black clothing.
Hiccup was still getting used to all the new type of songs people wearing here.
He took a seat right next to Tom as Tom was sitting next to the girl that had the purple eyes.
Hiccup honestly to him this reminded him of dragon training him and the other teens all being here but now he was with brand new people he never met before besides Tom.
The door open and Angela Came in, "welcome class, today we have a brand new student, hiccup would you please stand up and introduce yourself?"
Hiccup stood up and started, "I am hiccup and I..." Hiccup had no idea what to say next.
Angela came over to him, "it's all right to be a little shy hiccup."
"No I'm not shy it's just I don't know exactly what to say next?" Hiccup explain.
"Tell us a little bit about yourself, anything that you like or dislike so the class could get to know you a little bit better," Angela explain as hiccup took a deep breath.
"All right I am hiccup, I like reading, forging, learning new things that interests me, I don't like being treated bad because I'm different than others, I'm still a bit confused of where I am but I'm still learning," hiccup explain.
Angela was impressed that he is starting talk more open to everyone here, "okay now that's done how about you all get to introduce yourself to hiccup, D'Angelo how about you go first?"
Hiccup watch as he saw the other boy walk up and stand right in front of the class, 'D'Angelo so that's his name.'
"My name is D'Angelo, I like falling the rules, my family, taking care of hurt animals, even love eating potatoes, I don't like animal cruelty, I don't like bullies especially ones who pick on those who are smaller than them," D'Angelo explains as hiccup wish there were other people like him in Bark as back at that time everyone pick on hiccup because he was small and skinny like fist bones.
"That's good son, now how about Alex come up here next," Angela said as Alex who was wearing the glasses look very shy and nervous.
"I am Alex, I like being inside and on my laptop, I don't like when things go my way," Alex says as she quickly went back to her.
Hiccup notice how shy nurse she was quickly saying it so she get back to her seat, honestly the one thing if he was more like her is that his father wouldn't be so disappointed with him causing trouble if he would just stay inside during the dragon raids.
"Okay Jun you're next," Angela said as hiccup was curious to know what she was going to say.
"I am Jun and I love many things, magic, Legends, mythology, tarot cards and I even love astronomy, for the things I dislike well I keep those things to myself," Jun said as she went back to her seat.
Hiccup was interest of those things you said, magic and legends and the other things were interesting to know about, 'could she be a sorcerer's or processing to be one?' hiccup though.
"All right now all that's left is Tom, please come on up," Angela said as tom came right up.
"My name is Tom and my likes are a lot, I like exploring, adventuring as I have done a lot of that with my mom around the world, I don't really not like anything but except for some things but those things I keep to myself as well too," tom said as he went back to sit down.
Hiccup did remember at the table he seemed to not like The Rakke corp and definitely was hiding something.
"All right now that we have introduced each other to hiccup let's get started with class today," Angela said as she went on teaching them for the day.
Somewhere else in a dark cave
A pair of green eyes open looking sad, "where are you hiccup?"
A pair of blue eyes also open up looking at the green ones, "don't worry we'll find your writer as I already had his sent on another boy I found, maybe he can help us."
"I hope so," the green eyes close up back into the darkness.
Another pair of blue eyes open up, "Don't worry we promise we will find him for you, after all we fury dragons have to stick together."
To be continued
I hope everyone enjoy that chapter.
Now that I have done part 3 I can finally start doing more things on here.
All three parts were supposed to get hiccup to know a little bit more about this world he was in and how he's adapting to it.
Part one and two were mostly about him learning how things work in the house along with the things and it's.
This one was mostly from seeing how friends are as well he is Will keep continuing on learning how this world works but it's not going to be in parts no more.
A few of you have asked where is toothless and well I gave you some of a guess.
Also there are a few ideas I have for this fanfiction but I'm not sure yet.
Anyway I hope you all enjoy this as I did making it.
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