learn respected
I hope everyone had enjoyed reading the last chapter as this one is going to be the longest one so far yet.
I'm glad everyone is enjoying this as I am writing it.
You are always welcome to leave me your thoughts and tell me what you think until then enjoy reading this chapter.
Learn respected
Both look up and saw the hole, "I cannot believe we falling down here."
"I'm sure there's another way out of here hiccup," Jun said as something in the pond.
Hiccup noticed something was coming towards them, "Jun... There's something in the water."
Jun look over and saw something was coming to them, both quickly back up and then it jump out, it was a purple fish.
"Oh fish?" Jun said as she giggle a little out of relief but then the fish went away and a bigger one was coming, "oh now a... bigger fish?"
Both had no interest of being close to this bigger fish so they quickly got of the water onto the rocks.
Then it's head rise out of the water revealing it with a dragon, it was red with a very long neck, golden horns, a beard and a mustache along with your fins with yellow and Orange eyes.
"Whoa amazing looking dragon," hiccup said as it reminded him of the monster nightmare.
Suddenly another one appeared right beside the redhead dragon except it was blue, with smaller ear fins and horns.
"Huh?" Hiccup was getting confused could this actually be a two-headed dragon of different colors?
Well his guess was right because quickly after the second head dragon appeared it rise out of the water to reveal it was a two-headed dragon.
It had a golden body with One Wing red the other blue, Jun was amazed at the dragon appearance, "beautiful."
"That is one amazing dragon," hiccup said as he never seen a dragon with multiple colors before, blue, red and gold this was honestly amazing looking dragon.
The dragon was flying around and what surprised hiccup in Jun the most was that it was bringing hot fire and water that can turn to ice and miss.
It kept hitting its head on the ceiling causing some of the rocks on the ceiling to fall down.
And now the pond was now more dangerous than ever, "come on!" hiccup and jun were running around trying to not get hit by the falling rocks.
Soon after everything had calmed down when the rocks stop falling they heard someone's voice from the hole.
"Hey June! Hiccup! Are you both?" Both look up to see thunder and Tom along with toothless.
"We're fine, just a little stuck of not finding way out of here," hiccup said as the hole they fall into was too small for their dragons to fly in and rescue them.
"Don't worry thunder and toothless Will blast the hole open wide enough to get both out," tom explain to them.
"No Tom don't, there's a two-headed dragon down here, if you make the opening more bigger it could cost the whole entire ceiling to collapse and kill us all down here," Jun explain.
"Then how are we going to get you out there?" Tom ask.
"I think this is my destiny Tom, it wasn't just your chart I look at I also look at mine," Jun said as she believes this dragon was meant for her to tame.
"Jun I'm not so sure about this remember how you did with the other dragons?" Tom reminded her what happened a few minutes ago.
"Please Tom you and Hiccup manager to tame your own dragons, I need to do this too, I know we have a bigger reason for us coming to the Fisher and to find this place," Jun said as tom sigh.
"All right then, we'll get the other dragons away from here but be careful," tom said as he and thunder left but toothless stay.
"Don't worry about it just go help Tom and thunder, we'll find a way out of this," hiccup said as toothless did what he was told and left them.
Both hiccup and Jun went to look at the dragon who was flying around, "so Jun I think we should..."
"Hiccup I no you're trying to help but I must do this alone to prove that I am a dragon rider like you and Tom," Jun said as she step closer to the poad.
"Jun I really think you should let me hel..!?" hiccup was trying to finish but got caught off again.
"Hiccup I must do this, don't keep arguing with me with this," Jun said as hiccup cross his arms.
"All right but be careful," hiccup said as he still didn't trust her.
Jun look up and start speaking out loud confident voice, "oh mighty dragon of the crystal pool, I am Jun Wong, I demand you to come to me, together we can escape this prison, hear me and obey."
The dragon landed and the blue head fire Miss onto the rock that Jun was standing on and the red one shoot fire causing the rock to explode.
Jun falling onto the ground next to hiccup, "are you sure you don't need my help?"
"Okay it seems commanding it like a wizard doesn't work in real life like it does in the storys, It seems I'm going to have to try a different approach with this dragon," Jun said as she got up and walk back to the dragon.
'now what her plan this time?' hiccup thought as he watch.
Jun took off her necklace and show it to the dragons, "behold my great beast my priceless treasure," it got the dragons attention as they came over to Jun, "that's it now so come to me and become my servant, I reward you wit...!?"
Hiccup got annoyed and smack his hand to his head as he just saw the dragons ate the necklace.
"HEY! STOP THAT!" Jun got angry as they swallowed it, "you're not supposed to eat it," Jun was now getting chased by them, "WHY IS ANY OF THIS WORKING!?"
Hiccup roll his eyes and just look at the hole and wonder what Tom, thunder and toothless were doing as Jun got pick up by the two-headed dragon and kept getting tossed around by them back and forth.
"PUT ME DOWN I'M NOT A TRUE TOY!" Jun yell as they through her into the pond, "I'm trying to help you! you need to listen to me!"
Both dragons grow as they were getting angry.
Jun start running and hid from them, she looked down and she couldn't tame a dragon, she went to sit down on the other side of the pond.
Hiccup came over to Jun and sit next to her, "I don't understand a hiccup, I thought this was my destiny, I was sure my chart was the same as Tom's."
"Jun you will never be able to tame dragons like that it's..." Hiccup got caught off by Jun.
"I just wanted to be like you guys after everything I believe in it and yet everything I know doesn't work it never does when it comes to me," Jun explain as hiccup look down and then raises his head back up looking at her.
"Jun, look I get it how that feels," hiccup said as Jun just look away sigh.
"No you don't, like I said many times before, my things I'm crazy, everyone back from my town thinks I'm a weirdo, No friends and i try to fit in But because I'm different they don't like me," Jun said as hiccup look down and depressed.
"I do, my father was always disappointed in me because I wasn't the son he wanted, everyone treating me so badly because I was not like them, all I just wanted was to be like them and no matter how hard I tried nothing work, eventually my father disown me," hiccup explain As Jun look at him with shock.
"Hold on you got disowned by your own father? I thought you didn't remember where you came from?" Jun said as she remember hearing about him not remembering where his parents were.
"I did but I had no idea where was I, I honestly did not know how me and toothless got here but then later on I slowly remember along with toothless helping me," hiccup explain.
"Where are you from really? Do you really remember where you came from?" Jun ask him.
"I always remember where I was from but I didn't know how I got here, until toothless was able to tell me," hiccup said as Jun still had questions.
"What do you mean? Are you telling me you can speak dragon?" Jun ask.
"More like toothless can speak human," hiccup said as he laugh a little.
"Dragons can talk!?" Jun said as she was definitely surprised if that was true.
"Well just toothless, you see the truth is I'm not from this time period, I travel into the future," hiccup said but now Jun didn't believe in that.
"There is no way you are from the past, are you?" Jun ask.
"Look around Jun, we're in some Crystal cave we're flying dragons that people have for a long time believe they were just stories and not real," hiccup started, "look I came from 1,300 years ago back in the viking era."
Hiccup started explaining his story, after he was done explaining Jun was just shocked, "whoa so hold on a minute? You came from a viking tribe, you are known as runt of the litter and useless by your own people and you were son of the chief!?"
"Where dragons always fight us, where I shot down a Night fury but no one believed me, where I always forged weapons and make new a vengeance that always just messed things up, eventually getting exiled and killing the Red death and somehow a portal open up that led me and toothless to come here, yeah that's just basically the whole entire story I just told you," hiccup finish up.
"Well I'll admit I'm surprised you put your in danger like that in the raids but it was definitely worth it knowing what would eventually become friends with a dragon, I mean that's pretty cool that you were able to do that, but you're not useless or anything before that," Jun started, "I am sorry for saying that you didn't understand earlier."
"Look it's okay I don't hold grudges," hiccup said as Jun just look at him confused.
"I honestly don't get it how you're not able to, you really are not useless, you forge most of the weapons for 2 years and everyone believe it was gubber, no one really appreciate the good things you did for them, I mean now that I think about it, you always felt like you got to do more because you just wanted to be accepted," Jun said as hiccup smiled.
"Finally someone who gets me well except for toothless he... Well then I never told him about my problems," hiccup said as Jun laugh.
"I'm guessing you're not that open talking To Your dragon, but you are amazing master of a Night fury," Jun said hiccup look a little bit annoyed again.
"Didn't you listen to anything I sent into my story when I was talking about toothless? I'm not his master neither is Tom with his dragon, you really want to know what you're doing wrong here how come you can't tame this dragon?" Hiccup ask her.
"What am I doing wrong? I tried to command it, I try to offer it treasure and I know I can help but it just has to listen to me, but it clearly doesn't see me worthy of being its master like those wizards," Jun said as hiccup shook his head.
"All of that is the problem, you believe dragons are mindless beasts that you can command and control as if they're nothing more but servants to obey orders," hiccup said as he point to them, "you see them? That dragon is something you don't control he or she is someone you earn trust and befriend."
"Trust and befriend?" Jun ask him as she never heard of a story like that before.
"Jun, I had just told you my story of how I tame toothless, I couldn't kill him because I saw myself, scared, hurt and alone, I couldn't bring myself to finish the job so I let him go and since I spare his life he did the same thing, when I found him in the cove later on I realize he couldn't fly so I brought him food and he shared it to show his gratefulness that I fed him and not leave him to starve, I slowly earn his trust as time went on by Mercy, kindest and help in need, he could no longer fly because of me so I build them and you tell him as time went on we both learned to trust each other and became friends as we formed a bond together, he listened to me and I listen to him, I'm not his master Jun, I'm his friend, brother and Rider not his master and he's not my servant, he is a Night fury the dragon of the night," hiccup finally finish.
Jun look at the dragon, "you're right, now I realize what I'm doing wrong," Jun got up and walk over to the dragon.
Jun what is your idea now?" Hiccup ask as Jun didn't answer.
Jun was a few steps away giving a dragon some space as the two-headed started growling.
Jun stop and bow down, "I'm sorry for how I treated you to," she raised her hand up while keeping her head down, Both stop growing as this was a surprise to them.
Both came down and sniff her hand, both tire press their nose onto it but both start arguing who should do it for us, Jun look up, "hey don't worry, you have two heads I have two hands."
Jun raise her other hand up as they allow themselves to be petted, "I'm sorry for what I said earlier I was wrong, you don't want to be command by a wizard or trick with treasure, you want to be respected and Revere, do you?"
Both nodded as Jun can see they definitely do you understand her.
Now that the dragons were calming down she was able to get a good look at them, huh? Now that I got a better look at you two you both reminded me of the stories My grandmother used to tell me."
Both of the dragons look interest in hearing what she saying, Jun look at the blue headed dragon, "you are the Moon, cool, quiet and thoughtful," she turned around to the redhead dragon, "and you are the Sun, hot, fiery and soulful," the dragon stand up high, "together you create balance, "I am Jun Wong, I am humble by your majesty and ask for your humble and friendship."
Both dragons brought their heads down, they allowed Jun to get on top on the blue dragon head.
"Like the stories of My grandmother used to tell me of Wu and wei of Maximus the... FIFTH!" They threw her back into the water and started laughed, "all right Wu and wei is something you strive for but never achieve," they pick her back up but this time she was on wei head.
(Just To Make This Clear With Everyone, wei is the redhead dragon and Wu is the blue headed dragon)
Hiccup was smiling as she actually had done it, she came and befriend a dragon although there was something going in his mind, 'it was that quick she's a natural.'
Just done another earthquake sort of happened and the rocks were all coming down, hiccup was running around trying to Dodge them.
Both of the dragons notice and quickly ran to save hiccup, Wei grab him and put him on Wu head.
"Jun I'm proud of you, you tame a dragon!" Hiccup said as Jun smiled.
"I'm happy to hear that from you hiccup but right now we have more important things to worry about like get out of this cave!" Jun started, "we need to put our heads together and find a way out!"
"The hole up there!" Hiccup pointed up.
"Hiccup it's too small we won't be able to fly through," Jun said but hiccup wasn't finished.
"No, remember when Wu and wei combine their blast to cost the rock you were standing on to explode?" Hiccup said as Jun realizing what hiccup was suggesting.
"All right then, let's do it then," Jun said as they fly up to the hole.
"Wu you go first please," jun ask as Wu fire up freezing the rocks, "wei you're next," wei fire at the Frozen Rocks and it explode as fly out of there.
"Yes, we made it out of there, nice job Jun and Wu and wei," hiccup said as tom came in flying with thunder and Luna.
"Hey you guys made it out," tom said as they fly over to them.
"Tom, thunder and Luna I would like you to meet wu and wei," Jun said as tom smile.
"Amazing dragon Jun," tom said as hiccup was wondering something.
"Hey where are the those ummm gembreaker dragons? Also where is toothless?" Hiccup ask as tom pointed down.
"He's right there, we were able to take care of those gembreakers I also learned of a new ability Night lights have they can go invisible when they fire and run into it, he never told me that but then again he don't talk like toothless," tom explain.
"Wait you also know toothless can talk? Do you know hiccup is also from the past?" Jun ask as tom look over to hiccup.
"You told her?" Tom asked.
"Yeah we had a long talk, it's a long story," hiccup said as toothless roar.
"Hello what about me down here?" Toothless ask as they all came down and Hiccup got off Wu and jump on toothless.
Sorry bud by the way I told..." Hiccup got cut off.
"I know I could hear you all from up above, anyway that doesn't really matter there's something I got to show you guys as I was running by," toothless said as they all went flying to wear toothless one of them to go, "look at this."
A humongous hole that was large and a complete circle in the wall, "this is not a natural form hole."
"You're right bud, it definitely is not," hiccup said as he could not believe the size of it.
"Do you think someone had already found this place and drilled down here?" Jun ask them.
"I don't know maybe?" Tom said as he didn't know it for sure.
"Or it could be from another dragon," toothless said as everyone look at them.
"You really think another dragon could have done this?" Hiccup ask his dragon brother.
"During the time I spend with the Night lights I heard stories of them talking about some other dragons and one of them was known as The fault ripper," toothless said as everyone was curious.
"The fault ripper?" Hiccup said as that had to be a new dragon that was not in the books he read.
"What is The fault ripper exactly know to do?" Jun ask.
"What I had learned is that these type of dragons are big and can dig tunnels by spinning very quickly but this dragon is very dangerous," toothless explain.
"Where we supposed to do then bud, we can't just leave it alone if it's dangerous it might try to come..." Hiccup got caught off.
"I had already talked with Luna about this and we decided that she will go look for it and make sure it's not going anywhere out of the Fisher, if these other humans seize it you know this corporation will discover the hidden world from it," toothless explain.
"You know toothless I could help too," hiccup said but shook his head.
"What about us toothless?" Hiccup ask as he wanted to help.
"You, tom and Jun are not getting involved until it's needed, we can't have you three running off for who knows how long and let other people back at the Fisher noticing your all missing and Hiccup I know you but please this is something that must be done until Luna finds it, we can't let go into the Fisher and get out for everyone else to see it," toothless explain.
"All right toothless I understand," hiccup said as Luna went off on her mission as the rest we're flying out but Tom heard something before they were out.
"Hey do you guys hear that?" Tom ask as they started to hear something too and they look down to see a small blue gembreaker was on the ground and struggling to fly.
To be continued.
"Okay guys I got to be honest I did not expect this chapter to be this long but I got to say I did enjoy writing it.
Now a few things I got to be honest with you about, I honestly hated the design of Wu and wei simply because it just looks like they put a Chinese dragon that looks like a plastic toy and it doesn't really fit into the show style I mean when you look at its eyebrows and beard it really just looks plastic and not real hair.
I mean I think they could have tried with the elements of How to train Your dragon style in it.
I get where they were going for and honestly I like the name and the meaning behind it and what there was idea here but I feel like they could have done a lot better with the two-headed dragon.
Now besides that I wanted this chapter to be focusing around Jun and hiccup relationship as when they were talking together it was supposed to of them bonding and help them to understand each other.
Hiccup learning that Jun in a way is like him and Jun learning the truth about hiccup and learning how to become a dragon rider.
I made the decision for Luna to go just so we won't have a bunch of dragons besides the ones that will have riders.
Anyway other than Jun Wong, hiccup we'll start forming relationships with D'Angelo and Alex as well.
The last thing I want to say here is who do you want hiccup to be with?
Jun x hiccup
Alex x hiccup
Astrid x hiccup
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