Things got worse
Things got worse
The next day after the concert, hiccup Look awful as his eyes were all red from tears, It was obvious he was crying all night.
Toothless and Kalda keep him comfortable throughout the night.
Even though what happened, hiccup still had to go to work today, so he got up and left.
When hiccup arrived, everyone who was working at forge mumble under the breath when they saw him.
"I'm surprised that he's still here?"
"If he really a blasphemy, Then why would hel allow him to be in our tribe?"
"It make me feels worst that he's been working among us, i hope Nithe gets rid of him."
The sound of a hammer everyone heard, Everyone look over and saw Nithe, It was obvious he wanted everyone's attention.
"I heard what you all been saying about hiccup, Whatever your opinion is, I do not want to hear it, nor I do not want it to come out of your mouths, especially during work, Now get back to work all of you," Nithe told them all.
When work was over, hiccup notice a plate of food was given to him, It had a note on it and said, "from Nithe, eat up lad."
Hiccup eat up, The food was delicious and deftly had save him some time from going to the great hall to hear more bad things about him in his life.
Hiccup went back home, toothless was not hear as to hiccup best guess it was took wanting to go back home.
On the road back to hiccup home, he saw a group of people gathering around Mildrew talking about hiccup.
"That runt has caused so many problems for many in the Hairy Hooligan Tribe! He has been cursed by the gods, For what he has done to his own mother, For what he has done to his father name, For all the pain and trouble he has cause to his own people!" Mildew continue on.
Mildew pointed over to hiccup, "look, Do you see the blasphemy!"
Hiccup stop as everyone was staring at him, "Mildew! IM NO BLASPHEMY!"
"LIES! YOU LIE TO OWN PEOPLE! SO MANY TIMES BEFORE!" Mildew yelled as Tell the people about how much pain and trouble hiccup had caused again and rebrought up hiccup own mother.
Hiccup ran away as he didn't want to hear anything more about this, He ran up the hill back to his small home, he didn't see toothless.
Hiccup look around but couldn't find him, When hiccup was about to give up and go back inside He heard footsteps and turned around to see frida.
Frida had a mix a worry and angry on her face, "hiccup, You need to come with me now," With a snap of her fingers they were teleported to Mildew old home and it was on fire.
"What happened here?" Hiccup ask and look around to see a bunch of old people looking mad at him.
"Hiccup..." Frida said as she pointed over towards toothless chain up.
Hiccup looking confused, "Why is toothless chain up?"
"I'm sorry, hiccup, but many people said toothless came to Mildew house Along with a few other old people homes and burnt them down," Frida said as hiccup Look worse than before.
"No... They're wrong toothless wouldn't do that! He's a good dragon," hiccup Said but Frida Shook her head.
"I'm sorry, But there is a large of proof that proves he did it, There were footprints only footprints.I could belong to a night fury, The way how the damage from the fire was definitely confirmed It was from a dragon using plasma blass," Frida explains.
Hiccup still deny it but hel then appeared, "hiccup, there is still a Investigation going on, I'm sorry but until this Is cleared up , your dragon will be put in a cage."
"But... but hel, I know toothless wouldn't do this," hiccup said as hel look down sad.
"I'm sorry, hiccup, but if it was toothless who did it then he'll have to leave the tribe," hel said before The guards took toothless back to dragon academy with a special lock that was fuse with magic.
Hiccup could only stay there and watch his brother in wings be lock up, "bud, I knew you didn't do this, I just know you didnt."
Nithe came to see hiccup, "Are you okay?"
Hiccup Not even looking up at him as he was sitting on the floor next to the cage looking depressed, "No, I know toothless didn't do this and now they're going to take him away And when they do, they'll take them to the coldest part of helheim where he freeze forever."
Nithe look sad, "He really does mean a lot to you lad, doesn't he?"
Hiccup nodded.
Nithe walk over and use his magic to unbind the lock, hiccup Look up surprised, "Then please, go and take him away from here."
Hiccup got up, "you would do this for me, why?"
"Because I know how much this dragon means to you, I don't really know if toothless, did it or not, but There's no reason why you should be hurt more Then you were back in your old tribe," Nithe explains.
Hiccup gave him my hug, "thank you, Nithe, Thank you for everything," After all that hiccup got on toothless and fly off.
Nithe watch hiccup until he vanish into the dark sky.
Later with hel
Hel was walking over to dragon Academy, She noticed the cage was open and toothless was gone, "Oh no!?"
With hiccup
Riding endlessly in helheim eternal darkness sky, hiccup had no idea were to go But it was not going back to the Kingdom of helheim.
To be continued...
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