remembering is painful
This chapter will contain blood and violence, so be worn as this is not going to be an easy chapter.
remembering is painful
Hiccup eyes widen as he was back in berk, he was in the killing ring and was facing the monster nightmare.
He was trying to show everyone that dragons were far more than what they have believed.
He wanted to prove to all of them that everything they have known about dragons was wrong.
All was going well until his own father yelled to stop the fight and hit his hammer on the iron bar.
Scaring the monster nightmare and to make matters worse toothless had came and tried to save him.
Hiccup had tried to calm down toothless but all the Vikings gather around and circle them, restraining both dragons.
When it was all done, Stoick turn around and faces son with anger and rage unlike anything before.
So did all the vikings as this was nothing what hiccup had done before.
"Hiccup what were you doing with that dragon!? The unholy offspring of lightning and death!" Stoick demanded as how he saw hiccup being right next to that devil made his blood boil.
"Please Dad don't hurt toothless, if you mad at me then take it all on me but don't hurt toothless!" Hiccup beg with those big eyes of his and that only seem to make everyone angry.
Astrid back away from the crowd of vikings.
Gubber was confused as he didn't understand what was going on with Hiccup.
The other teens thought this was funny.
Stoick and the rest of the Vikings just look more angry, Stoick approach his son, "you gave a name to that devil!? What have you been really doing all THIS WHOLE TIME?!"
"I... I told you I couldn't fight dragons, toothless has been sharing me with all his skills," hiccup explain as he even went over what he had done over the past month he's been with toothless in the cove.
Everyone could not believe at the fact that hiccup was telling the truth that he shot down a Night fury at that last raid but that didn't change anything.
He hide the fact he knew where the night fury was and he was taking care of it all this time.
"So let me get this straight! You been helping this Dragon heal, giving our food that we work so hard to get! Only for you to hand it over to the enemy of ours!" Stoick yelled as he got more furious.
"Dad, you don't understand when I saw him, I saw myself in his eyes, he was scared and everything, he doesn't deserve any of this," hiccup try to explain and make stoick see reason but it only seemed to make stoick more mad.
Spitloud and another Viking had grabbed hiccup by his arms and hold him down to his knees, "those dragons have killed hundreds of us! Out of one of those hundreds was your own mother! This is what you do to her MEMORY!? Does not even make you sad or angry?" Stoick stomp his foot down that almost caused an earthquake for hiccup to feel, "I am going to make you understand why we Vikings will never be friends with these devils!"
Stoick took an Ax and went over to toothless.
Hiccup struggle trying to break free from his uncle's grip but couldn't as he yelled to his father, "PLEASE DAD! PLEASE DON'T HURT TOOTHLESS!"
Stoick not listening and went over to the Night fury, he put his foot down on toothless head, hiccup close his eyes.
Stoick look back, "I want you to see look!" A group of Vikings came over to hiccup and forces eyelids to open up.
Tears were streaming down as hiccup was forced to watch the ax come down on toothless head.
Decapitating his best friend and who he would call brother in wings.
"No... NO.... NOOOOO!" Hiccup scream and cried as it was such a painful sounds many of the Vikings were covering their own ears.
Stoick went so far to even kill the monster nightmare, seeing it be decapitated just like his best friend who accepted him for who he was.
"TOOTHLESS!" Hiccup cried out.
Stoick did not and was not going to accept this, "you still cry for that devil's name! You threw in your lot with these things! You're no viking and you're no son of mine!"
Tear still continue to leak out as hiccup was forced to watch the next words his father would say.
"You are a traitor to us and you are a BLASPHEMY! One to all of the gods that can never forgive!" Stoick turn away.
"Get him out of my sight! put him somewhere in the dungeon where I never have to see his face again and LET HIM ROT!" The Vikings took hiccup away as the chief demanded.
Hiccup was still crying as everyone was screaming at him.
By the time the Vikings got to the cells hiccup was thrown into the worst one and the door was slam shut leaving him in the complete darkness im the cell.
Only for it to open up momentarily for two Vikings to come and strip him of his clothes.
They hold him down remove his fur boots, his fur vest and his green tunic, they even had to make it worse when they got the chains onto his risk and ankles before leaving again.
Hours have passed with his thoughts, hiccup had lost literary everything, his best friend toothless, he was the only one that truly accepted him for who he was and would never abandon him and died for it.
And now not only lost the best thing that had ever came to his life a friend that hiccup was proud to called brother in wings, he lost his father, now being basically disowned, he lost his tribe, he lost his title, he lost his right to be called part of this tribe, then again it doesn't even matter he was never even a part of this tribe to begin with because he was different from them all.
So what if he wasn't big like them? So what if he wasn't strong like them? So wasn't that he believe in peace instead of always war and fighting?
He gets to be outcasted like this all just because he wanted to end the war by making peace and finally bring dragons and vikings together.
Hiccup felt so heartbroken at the fact his own father wanted to show an example by killing his own friend right in front of him just to make a point!?
It doesn't matter because now his life is over and he had no one to blame but himself, if only he never choose to stay here and left when he had the chance.
Maybe things could have been better for everyone but it was too late now.
Hiccup had woken up when he heard the door open, hiccup saw his uncle spitloud and unchain him.
Hiccup was too scared and couldn't do anything as he was being taken outside against his will, as he was dragged out roughly.
It was dark as it was night time and by the looks of it the snow was just coming down, the snow wasn't even supposed to come here by another month.
"Helheim is waiting for you traitor," spitloud said as he took hiccup to The killing ring.
The only thing different was everyone had torches lit as they were circling around being incomplete silent but had the face of complete hatred towards hiccup.
Even the inside of the ring had torches lit up on the walls and in the center there were two poles that were made out of stone.
They were carved into the symbols of the tribe, skinny Handcuffs were connected to them with a small rock in between them.
Stoick was there in wearing a complete black Viking outfit with his Viking helmet, he even had a gold chief belt on.
Hiccup had heard about this and was never allowed to see it but when he knew his father was wearing those clothes it meant he was preparing for an execution.
He was always forced to stay inside and never see it, but now with a big gulp hiccup can only hope this was just some type of joke but that can Is only being if this was just a nightmare but it was reality.
"Formally Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, formal son of the chief and formal heir to Berk, you are brought here to answer for all of your crimes, for the crimes against your people and against the Æsir, you have given yourself no choice but to be punished by the blood eagle, judgment of the gods and sacrifice to Odin!"
Hiccup went completely pale as he have heard of the blood eagle before but never thought he would be one of those people who would get it.
"My brother, Spitloud, chain his arms to the poles and force him onto his knees on the stone," Stoick order his brother and his brother did so.
Hiccup said nothing as he was being chained, these chains were specially customized for him, they were tight on a skinny arms and they hold him in place.
"Tell us was it really worth it? Knowing what you have done?" Stoick ask hiccup in a cold voice.
Hiccup gain the guts to say it, "you vikings don't understand it, this is a pointless war that's been going on for 300 years, and you're to stubborn to find a way to end it by peace!"
It only made all the Vikings angry and yelled again but only this time hiccup didn't care to hear it.
He looked down as he knew no one would listen, no one was going to try to stop this because if they did then they would be punished as well.
Gubber wasn't going to save him.
Astrid wasn't going to stand up for him.
He had no one and his own father was going to be the one who takes his life the same person who gave him life now was going to take it.
Hiccup could cry but he had no more tears left in him to do it.
Hiccup soon felt a blade going into his bare back, just by the side of the spine, where it bit into his flesh.
Hiccup tense beneath, but Hiccup did not cry out, Even no sound, apart from the occasional sharp intake in breath.
Stoick made two more cuts, one each along the highest and lowest rib.
Hiccup felt himself being peeled of his flesh from his back, Hiccup gritting his teeth, trying to hold back a scream.
Hiccup only knew one thing, this was his last chance to get into valhalla, the blood eagle was a test and judgment.
As long he did not scream and suffer in his silent and do not cry, hiccup would get a spot in Valhalla.
This was his last chance to get to see his mother, his mother valka died as a warrior in battle, if he goes to helheim then he will never get a chance to see her ever again.
He knew he had to be strong more than ever to get a place in valhalla, to be seen worthy of going there by Odin law.
'i... I must be strong for you mother!' hiccup though as he had to be strong more than anything now.
Not only if this succeeds with him going to valhalla it could even prove that he was right these vikings and maybe peace among dragon vikings could still happen.
His death could be seen that he was right and that they were wrong about him, he could even be having a real viking funeral after this and not just be buried in the dirt on the other side of the island where traitors were buried.
Hiccup felt something sharp on one of his ribs and he knew it was a bonesaw, hiccup hold back his screams and hold back his tears.
'I have to be strong... I have to be strong to go to valhalla!' hiccup thought as he was shaking at the thought of losing to this fate.
Hiccup was shivering as he felt a large hand grab onto the rib, being forced to pull it out.
It was only getting harder to hold it back and then the rib was pulled out, "AAAHHHHH!!"
hiccup screams in pain and agony could be hear all the way up to valhalla.
Tears flooded as hiccup had realized he had lost his last chance now to see his mother and the Vikings will always see that they were right.
Hiccup already knew what they were going to do to his body after this, they'll just dump him in a hole on the other side with along with the other traitors with no grave with his name and be forgotten in history.
All the vikings were cheering as they were enjoying the scene, hiccup was full of rage, heartbreak and so many emotions, 'this is what they do to someone who is not even a man yet?'
It only got worse as each rib was pulled out and to take the form as the blood eagle, when it finally got done with all the ribs with the bonesaw from each one and from each one being pulled out.
Hiccup with the amount of blood he lost gain the strength to say this as he felt his father put his large hand on hiccup lungs, "you... have the power to finish me off... but know this... dad... you kill the only... The only... one that... KNOWS WHERE THAT BLOODY DRAGON NESS IS!"
Hiccup shouted those last words to be heard, Stoick eyes widen, "where is it? TELL ME!"
It was already too late as the lungs were already removed and Hiccup was already panicking but at the same time gave out a disturbing laugh.
Dying with a smile on his face as he knew Astrid would never tell, knowing what they would do to her, she would definitely take that secret to her grave.
Hiccup relax as his eyes closed and then death took him.
Heading his way to helheim that would take him nine days and nine nights.
Flashback over
Hiccup gasp as he was back in the throne room, tears were coming down his eyes as he could not believe it, "my... My own father... Had me executed by his own hands?"
Tears were running down his eyes after memory all that was so painful.
It was hard to accept it, it was hard to accept the fact when it happened, "how can I even live myself now knowing that!?"
"You do realize you're already dead right?" Hel ask as she kept calm by all of this.
Hiccup snapped at her, smacking her hand and he scream, "how are you so calm about this! I just went through a horrible painful memory of the most painful way to go, my own father took away my chance to ever see my mother in death! She's in Valhalla while I'm forever trap here in helheim... Those stubborn Vikings they were also stubborn! IF I EVER SEE THEM HERE I WILL HURT THEM AND PUT THEM THROUGH ALL THE PAIN THEY PUT ME THROUGH! I WANT TO HURT THEM! I WANT THEM DEAD AND IN THE MOST PAINFUL WA...!"
Hiccup was suddenly hit by the back of the neck knock him out cold.
Hel grab him before he can hit the floor, looking at the man who knocked out hiccup, it was none other than the most beloved god himself that was loved by all, Baldr.
"Did you really have to do that to the poor lad?" Hel ask him as she got onto her feet.
"I didn't want to but that lad had to calm down before he could have become a very hateful and vengeful spirit, those are not really good to keep around and I don't really want to let hiccup become one of those things, especially now no one can know about what happened to him," Baldr said as she nodded.
"Yes it was a mistake to let people know like what happened to Kalda, I remember back then I used to allow everyone to know what happened and used to allow people to get away treating people like him horrible, after that I vowed I would never allow that to ever happen again," hel explain as she looked down in shame.
She had regretted what happened to him Kalda, for a long time but that was how things in helheim work.
However knowing all the pain it was causing and all the poor souls that were brought here it eventually got to her with guilt and it was even thanks to Baldr that got her to change it.
"You know this poor lad does kind of remind you of yourself when you were young," Baldr said and that caught the goddess of death by surprise.
"Me and Hiccup are nothing alike, he's a mortal and I'm the goddess of death," hel made a point to realize but he shook his head.
"That's not what I meant, you and him were treated as outcast all because you both were different from the people you were around, eventually Odin himself could not stand you and send you to helheim to be a prisoner forever," Baldr explain.
"I did choose to come here, your father made me the ruler of my own realm out of the nine that exists," hel told him but he still shook his head.
"You know it wasn't an actual choice though, he would have sent you here either way, in some way he's also like your brothers," Baldr told her and she looks surprised by that.
"You know me my brothers have no relationship with each other as we were separated when we were very young," hel explain as it was true.
"I know that's not true because of those two symbols you carry on each side one that's a snake while the other is a wolf, The 8 legged horse and the 2 children that was curse and the other was murdered, you do keep the memory of your brother's right on you," Baldr explain.
Hel had enough of this conversation and teleport herself out of the palace and took hiccup back to his hut.
"I'm sorry hiccup, but you would have realized the truth and even though you can't hear me, I have seen death so many times it does no longer phase me as it once did when I was a young goddess," hel said before leaving him alone in a dead sleep.
To be continued
Okay guys wow I really did not expect the story to be actually that long.
I'm honestly very surprised.
Over 3,000 words
I'm impress
Anyway let me know what you guys think down below in the comments.
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