2. A No Named Loser
Several weeks passed since (Y/n) showed up, killed police, and refused to elaborate. He became the talk of the town. Though no one knew his name. In fact, even he didn't know what to call himself. So he was currently sitting on his couch staring at a laptop on his coffee table.
It was a Google Doc titled: potentially badass names. He let out an exasperated sigh and rubbed his face.
(Y/n):"Bro this is so fuckin' stupid... Like, I feel like I should know my own goddamn name! Like I know it's on the tip of my tongue! Hambo! Help me out here."
Sorry but I can't exactly intervene.
(Y/n):"It's not intervening if you give me a name."
That's still outside my jurisdiction.
(Y/n):"Then what is in your jurisdiction, huh?"
Narrating. That's it.
(Y/n):"Whatever. I'm going on a walk to get some inspiration."
He closed his laptop and grabbed his keys, phone, and wallet. He went to his room and walked to his wardrobe and lifted up the bottom panel. It had a duffel bag which housed his costume. He contemplated on it for a bit and chose not to wear it. He put the panel back down and closed the wardrobe.
He left his apartment and locked the door. Right when he stepped outside he saw Inko stepping outside as well.
Inko:"Good morning (Y/n)."
(Y/n):"And a good morning to you too, Inko."
He flashed her a smile that made her blush a bit.
(Y/n): Heh, I'm such a sexy beast.
Inko:"Are you heading out?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. I need to go for a walk to clear my head."
Inko:"Having troubled thoughts?"
(Y/n):"Something like that. You off too?"
Inko:"Yes. I'm headed to the station to head somewhere to visit a friend."
(Y/n):"Want me to walk you there?"
She blushed even more as he kept a grin on his face.
Inko:"Oh! I-I... I'd love that. Thank you!"
(Y/n) then whispered to you.
(Y/n):"MILF hunting 101: be sure to play the good boy act."
She shuffled to his side and wrapped her arm around his and the two began walking together. He was relatively tall. He stood at 6'2". They chatted idly before he dropped her off at the station.
Inko:"Thank you so much (Y/n). I'm so happy to have you as a neighbor."
(Y/n):"Aww Inko! You flatter me so!"
She giggled and looked at him a bit before the train showed up.
Inko:"I'll see you later. I hope whatever us troubling you goes away soon!"
He waved her off as she stepped onto the train and watched it go away. He then started rubbing his hands together.
(Y/n):"I am ever so closer to- Ahem! Never mind that. Anyway, author man, where do I go?"
Wherever you want.
(Y/n):"Alright. Transition!"
He punched the screen as things faded to black.
* * *
We now see (Y/n) at an appliance store looking at the smart fridges. He was messing with one that had an LCD screen with a drawing application and chose to draw a dick. With veins, pubic hair, and semen squirting from the tip. Even though he is supposed to be finding a name.
(Y/n):"Hey I'm working on it! You know, back in high school they used to call me The Fridge."
(Y/n):"Yeah. It's because I had the sauce and the juice! But yeah I need a cool name! I figured taking a look at the brands of machines I'd get some inspiration."
That's like going to Target and seeing a bottle of soap and calling yourself Ajax.
(Y/n):"Only a fucking dumbass would call themselves something like that. Ooh! I got it! Captain Cool."
Not a fan. That would work on a hero that uses ice powers.
(Y/n):"Damn. Hmm..."
He kept walking down the aisles before seeing a display TV playing the news. A news reporter was talking about how a quirkless boy was found dead in a community pool. Saying that he died by suicide. (Y/n) stood still and watched the news play continuously. His face was blank and not a single word escaped from his lips.
Behind him, two women passed and started whispering to themselves on how men really were weak if they just killed themselves off like that. They giggled to themselves and walked away.
(Y/n):"Those fucking bitches..."
He smacked the TV with the bottom of his left fist and cracked the screen. The display was ruined and not much could be seen on it. However, only two words could be seen. Dead and pool.
(Y/n):"Heh, looks like the Fates themselves decided on my name. Deadpool. Captain Deadpool."
(Y/n):"Right. Just Deadpool then. DP for short. Not to be confused with the wonderful beverage Dr. Pepper. Not sponsored, but I would like to be! Hit us up Dr. Pepper!"
He walked out the store as an employee made it to the aisle (Y/n) was at just a moment ago. He looked around and threw his hands up frustrated.
Employee:"Dude! What the fuck?!"
(Y/n):"Right Hambo, time to spread the word of the lord. Me! Haha!"
He sprinted back to his apartment like a madman. He got there in record time and reached in his wardrobe. He grabbed his suit and stuffed them into his backpack and slipped it over his shoulder.
* * *
The new face in town, now known as Deadpool, was sitting in a lounge chair on top of a building. (Y/n) lifted his mask up a bit so he could sip from a straw. He was currently enjoying a Capri-Sun.
He then saw a set of three black SUVs blazing down the road as sirens were heard in the difference.
(Y/n):"Oooh. Somebody's in trouble. Luckily little ol' me took a part time job working as a teacher's assistant. I know how to set dumbass kids straight."
He cracked his knuckles before watching one of the vehicles getting closer to the building he was on. He got on the corner of the ledge and stared down. Inside his head, he heard an eagle cry and he swan dived downwards.
His body was steadily approaching the first SUV as some men in suits inside listened to some music.
The beat was starting to pick up and the lyrics started to play.
The sun is shining in the sky
There ain't a cloud in sight
And at that moment, (Y/n) crashed straight onto the vehicle and the driver freaked out. He began swerving the vehicle as the other men yelled at him to calm the fuck down. He finally got his head straight and the others looked up at the roof of the car. It was dented with a large shape.
Men 1:"The fuck did that?"
Men 2:"I don't know! That's why I started freaking out."
A red gloved punched through the passenger window and grabbed the passenger and yanked them out the car. The door came completely off as (Y/n) hopped in and guns were immediately pointed at him.
(Y/n):"Oh my God! I love this song. Turn that shit up!"
He reached for the volume knob when a bullet flew straight through the back of his hand.
(Y/n):"Fuck! If you don't like the damn song then just say so!"
Mr. Blue Sky
Please tell us why
You had to hide away for so long (so long)
He jumped straight into the back and punched the two men in the back across their faces. He took one of their guns and shot them in their guts as blood splattered all over the blaxk leather seats. His hand healed back up and the driver was hyperventilating.
(Y/n):"Hey you, with the pretty face."
Welcome to the human race
He reached over and yanked the steering wheel to the right side and made them crash into a guard rail. Glass shattered and the airbags went off leaving the driver completely stunned. He felt a cold liquid trickling down his face and tried to remove his seatbelt.
(Y/n):"Here, let me get that for you, honey."
He cut the belt with a Bowie knife before dragging the driver out the vehicle.
(Y/n):"What're you boys in such a hurry for?"
Man 2:"We...we..."
(Y/n) then busted out into laughter leaving the guy confused.
(Y/n):"Ha! You said weewee! Dude, you are a riot. I'm not gonna kill you for making me laugh. Just tell me what you boys are up to."
Man 2:"We're helping our boss get away after a kidnapping."
(Y/n):"A kidnapping you say? Thank you for your time. Have a good day."
He helped the man up and dusted his shoulders off for him. The scared driver just chuckled awkwardly before he got a pat on the back. He then started to book it before (Y/n) shot him in the back of the head.
(Y/n):"We never shook on it! That's the first rule of making a deal during a life or death situation! Now that just leaves the other two motorized vehicles."
He began pacing back and forth on the street and tapped his foot.
(Y/n):"Hey Hambo. Help me out here."
On your left."
(Y/n):"Wait the reader's left or-"
He got blindsided by the second SUV and was laid out on the hood of the car like a deer. The driver slammed the brakes and (Y/n) was sent flying a few yards. His body was like a tumbleweed blowing in the wind with the way he just rolled along the ground like an idiot.
(Y/n):"Dude...whose side are you on?"
He got up as his scrapes and cuts healed. He shook his body and five guys-
(Y/n):"Burgers and fries-"
Stepped out the vehicle with guns pointed at his dome.
Man 3:"You some hero or are you here to steal our score?"
(Y/n):"Are you blind? Do you see the carnage right over there? You think a hero would cause that shit?"
Man 4:"...He's got a point."
(Y/n):"Thank you. And as for your second question, it depends on what you're gonna do with the victim."
Man 3:"Boss wants her for some pleasure."
(Y/n):"Ah. Then the answer is no. I am a gentleman. Albeit one that kills, but that just makes me a unique gentleman. Plus I have a hottie next door waitin' for me."
Man 5:"Then we'll just kill you and take her too. Hahaha!"
They all laughed and this pissed (Y/n) off greatly. He unsheathed his katanas and spun them in hands.
(Y/n):"Want to run that by me one more time?"
Man 6:"He said-"
With no hesitation, (Y/n) sliced his head right off in the blink of an eye. All the goons were shocked before acting quickly and trying to gun him down. He jumped away and hid behind their car. They split up as 2 went left and the other 2 went right.
They went around and saw that he wasn't there.
A gunshot rang out as the last three aimed their guns above the car.
Man 4:"GUH!"
One of them was suddenly whacked in the head with a tire. His body crashed into the car and he slumped down. The remaining two saw (Y/n) across from them where the previous SUV was destroyed. They quickly started to shoot at him as he jumped into the air and threw his knife right at one of them.
He went down as the knife lodged itself in between his eyes. The last guy dropped his gun and reached in the car for a shotgun.
(Y/n):"Listen here, mister! No one, and I mean NO ONE, makes a pass at Ms. Midoriya. That's MY MILF, got it?"
The man said nothing and blasted (Y/n) right in his left leg and he fell to the ground. The sound of an engine was heard as the last SUV pulled up. This time two guys hopped out. The driver and the passenger.
Man 7:"This the guy who was making all that racket?"
Man 8:"Look at him on the floor."
They laughed as (Y/n) covered his leg to keep his healing a secret.
Man 5:"Guy was talking about how none of us should be making a pass at some bitch in his life."
He walked over and kicked him in the face. The other two laughed and started walking back to their car. This was the opportunity he needed as (Y/n) yanked the shotgun out the guy's hand and shot right at his dick. One shrill scream was heard as the man went down instantly. The men turned around and met their end right when he shot them down.
(Y/n):"Easy clap. Let's see what's behind door number 3!"
He walked to the car and ripped off the door and was suddenly shot in the chest repeatedly. He fell over and went limp as a man in suit put his pistol down.
Man 9:"You're safe now Mr. Slime."
Beside him was a man in his late 40's with a greasy face and a wart on his right cheek as round as golf ball. As big as one too. He had a horrible comb over and wore a dark purple suit. He used a handkerchief to wipe away some sweat.
Slime:"Good. Scope out to see if he has any backup or if the police are any closer."
He nodded and got out and walked around carefully.
Slime:"Now, for you my dear."
He then looked over to his side and licked his disgusting lips.
Girl:"Don't touch me! You fucking creep!"
She tried to run but he gripped her small forearm and held her tightly.
Slime:"You shouldn't speak in such a way. You might turn a man off that way."
She tried to break free and tears fell from her eyes.
Slime:"You're such a beautiful girl. I especially love them young. Once they turn 13 they're really ripe."
He began laughing heartily and upon hearing the word 13, (Y/n) kicked himself up off the ground. Slime saw and freaked out right as (Y/n) walked into car and kicked Slime right in his face and made him break the window behind him. The glass shatter alerted the bodyguard as he ran over and got behind (Y/n) who kicked him and hopped out the car.
The girl was confused but her arm was free so she ran out the car and stood off to the side and watched (Y/n) beat the snot out of the bodyguard. He then dragged Slime right out.
(Y/n):"So you're a pedophile huh?! When your squad said you kidnapped someone I assumed it was an older woman. But ho boy you got yourself a literal child. For that, I got something special for you!"
Slime:"P-please no! I'll pay you! Just let me go!"
(Y/n):"Ha! Good one. Kid, look away and cover your ears. This pig's about to squeal!"
The girl nodded and did as he said as (Y/n) grabbed another knife from his belt and dragged the criminal away to cut up certain parts of him and carve his name into his skin. After everything was finished, (Y/n) walked back out and tapped the girl's shoulder. She turned and looked at him fearfully.
Girl:"Who are you?"
(Y/n):"Call me Deadpool, kid. And now we wait for the fuzz to show up."
Girl:"I've never heard of a male hero."
(Y/n):"Because they aren't real. Like Bigfoot or the Easter Bunny."
Girl:"But you-"
(Y/n):"Look, I am a lot of things. But a hero is not one of them. You see these dead guys? I did that."
Girl:"Oh... But still you have a quirk. You were shot in the chest and you're healed."
(Y/n):"Yeah. But I'm not cut out for that hero nonsense."
Sirens were heard and a set of police cars showed up.
(Y/n):"Finally! Kid, you're gonna help me out."
He put a gun up to her head as all the cops stepped out and had their guns aimed at him. And finally there was a man in a brown suit who looked worried.
Dad:"Kari! Sweetie!"
Dad:"Sir, please! I'll give you anything! Just return my daughter to me!"
(Y/n):"Sure thing. Give me some money and tell the po-po to buzz off."
Dad:"Of course!"
(Y/n):"You hear that? I'm returning the girl."
They walked slowly together before he pushed her to her father. They hugged each other tightly as the man looked at him.
Dad:"Sir, I'll pay you handsomely. Tell me your name."
(Y/n):"It's Deadpool! Scream it from the rooftops. But hey, I'll also kill some guys for you as a gig too. Refer me to your friends."
Dad:"So you aren't a hero then... I guess the bribery and destruction was a clear sign. Very well. Officers return us to my company. I will reward this gentleman as agreed and you must leave him be."
They frowned but agreed and left.
* * *
The man and daughter were sitting across from (Y/n) as he was gifted a large briefcase with so much Yen. He laughed and shook their hands.
Kari:"Wait Deadpool, thank you."
(Y/n):"Don't thank me. Like. Ever. I wanted to partake in some tomfoolery and I did. You just so happened to get rescued and I got paid for it."
Dad:"Deadpool, you have great potential to be a hero, but I will respect your decision and refer you to my business friends."
(Y/n):"Bitchin'! Bye now!"
(Y/n) left and changed back to a normal 18 year old boy and went back home.
A week passed and (Y/n) got a package at the door. He went to get it and took out what he ordered. He used the money he earned from inadvertently saving a girl to buy some stuff. They were some strange helmets he displayed on some shelves.
They weren't just replicas or fan-made ones but the actual helmets made for the show. (Y/n) let out a sad sigh and sat at the edge of his bed.
(Y/n):"Thank you so much for being a huge part of my childhood. Rest in peace Jason. You did the show a great justice for being a part of it."
A/n: I was shocked to hear about his death a couple of days ago and I won't forget him. Dino Thunder is my favorite season of Power Rangers plus his white tiger and green dragon outfits from the original are absolutely badass. Rest in peace Jason David Frank.
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