1. Dramatically Awful Entrance
It was another day in the city of Musutafu, Japan. Citizens were going about their business, riding the bus, going to work or school, or just enjoying the warm sun. Friends greeted each other on the street and laughed together. This was the peace that every citizen knew and loved.
At least, that's how it may have looked on the surface. Beneath it was a disgusting cesspool of discrimination between the strong and weak. The strong being 80% of females having a strange and unique power, dubbed Quirks.
Due to the females having only power, the status quo completely shifted. It would be hard to find a woman not so conceited since they have a quirk. Men could have the ability to obtain one, but it was mostly a recessive gene that remained dormant. Men were now the weak ones and often times publicly humiliated.
Though, there were those that opposed this treatment. Such as the heroines of this world. They would shame women for acting out like this. Yet there were plenty that had entire chambers of men used for pain and pleasure for those willing to pay an arm and a leg for it.
Villains monopolized this market and spread it to the far corners of the globe. And due to this corruption, some men even decided to turn to a life of crime. Their belief was that if society didn't want them, then they'll make it regret letting them live.
But this was grown men being driven to insanity. Younger men would often commit suicide by constantly being abused and mistreated by the super powered females in their class. Even the bodies of children were beginning to pile up.
But despite all this, there was still a bright light that shined all across Japan. This was the symbol of peace and justice! All Might! A-
?:"Enough of all that exposition shit!"
Huh? Who said that?
?:"Here, let me help."
A red gloved hand pushed something and changed the view to show off a masked person.
So you're the one who interrupted me?
(Y/n):"Indeed I am! Allow me to take hold of the story eh?"
Why should I?
(Y/n):"Because the fans love me!"
You have no fans. Especially not in this world. People don't even know who you are.
(Y/n) slumped forward and let out a sad sigh.
(Y/n):"Yeah, you're right. BUT!"
He suddenly perked up as an exclamation mark appeared above his head.
(Y/n):"But I've got a plan. I'm gonna show this world how big of a Chad I am!"
Really now? You don't even have a quirk.
(Y/n):"Aw shucks. I'm more quirky than you know. Here, watch this."
He lifted up a pistol to his head and swiftly pulled the trigger. The sound echoed throughout the empty building he was in as his brain matter and blood splattered across the floor.
His body was sprawled out on the floor in a strange position.
There was pool of blood leaking from the hole in his head. Within a minute, he stood up groggy.
(Y/n):"Fuck... See! Quirk proven!"
So you got a healing factor then?
(Y/n):"Yup. Pretty busted one too! Which is why I'm gonna show off to all these ladies heheh."
Well, you do you.
(Y/n):"Thank you uhh... What's your name?"
I'm Hambo. The narrator.
(Y/n):"That's a dumb name. But whatever floats your boat. Onward Hambo! Do a scene transition!"
Out in the streets
(Y/n) was in an alleyway leaning against a wall wearing a large tan trench coat and hat.
(Y/n):"Ah, what a beautiful place to deal some drugs. Let's get a move on."
He began walking out and followed along with a crowd of people that didn't seem to notice his brightly colored outfit. It seemed as though the coat kept him hidden from the public eye. Soon, the ground began rumbling. The citizens took notice and one turned and gasped.
Woman:"Look! It's Mt. Lady!"
Everyone turned and gasped to see a large woman running through the streets. She was seemingly chasing after a woman as big as her with rhino horns on her face.
Mt. Lady:"Get back here!"
Mt. Lady grabbed the other giantess by her arm and spun her around. When Mt. Lady turned, her large rear was facing towards (Y/n) and the crowd.
(Y/n): *whistle* "Hot damn. Time to put the moves on her."
He walked out from the crowd and began running across the street. He jumped onto a fire escape of an apartment complex and began climbing up. He flipped himself onto the roof and reached behind his back to grab a set of binoculars. He looked through and watched Mt. Lady and the villain holding each other in a grapple. He lowered his vision and watched their giant breasts pressing against one another.
(Y/n):"Ohhhh yeah~"
He tossed the binoculars aside and began jumping from roof to roof.
(Y/n):"Time to impress the ladies!"
He jumped off the last roof and jammed two katanas into the left thigh of the villain. She yelled out in pain and looked down to see him dangling there.
(Y/n):"Hey. You look horny."
Ah, I get it.
The villain was shocked and was suddenly punched across the face and was stumbling backwards.
The giant woman fell down and began transforming back to a regular size. Because of this, (Y/n) was falling down to the ground as well with his katanas still lodged in the woman's thigh.
(Y/n):"Welp, you win some and you lose some."
He quickly yanked them out and woke her up. She yelled out in pain before they were caught by the heroine.
Mt. Lady:"What the? Another villain?!"
(Y/n):"Eh. I'm kind of in the gray area."
Mt. Lady used her other hand to reach out for (Y/n). She held him in her grip as she gave the rhino lady to the police.
(Y/n):"I wonder if this will awaken something in me."
Mt. Lady:"Just who are you? Some punk ass guy trying to be a villain? I've thrown plenty of you in jail. What's one more?"
(Y/n):"Hey! I'll have you know, I'm a badass! Just watch!"
He stabbed his katanas in her hand caused her to flinch in pain. She opened her hand and (Y/n) quickly made a dash up her arm and sliced her cheek.
Mt. Lady:"OW!"
She grit her teeth and slapped him away. (Y/n) crashed straight through an office building as the employees ran away in fear. (Y/n) rolled along the shattered glass on the floor and wiped himself off.
(Y/n):"Damn. Babe's got one serious backhand. But mine's better."
He shook off any glass and dust before heading towards the elevator.
Mt. Lady touched her face and saw blood on her gloves.
Mt. Lady:"Tch! That asshole ruined my face. He is so gonna pay."
(Y/n) walked out the elevator and saw police cars outside the building. A police officer then spoke into a megaphone.
Officer:"Hands in the air!"
(Y/n):"Who you talkin' to?!"
Officer:"You! Do this peacefully and we won't hurt you."
(Y/n):"What am I getting charged with?"
Officer:"Assualt on a pro hero and destruction of property."
(Y/n):"Hey! That bitch slapped me into the building. If anything, she should be the one paying for damages."
Mt. Lady:"What did you say?!"
Mt. Lady was back to her normal size and had a bandage on her cheek to stop the bleeding.
(Y/n):"Easy there love, let's talk this over a cup of Joe eh?"
Mt. Lady:"Like hell!"
(Y/n):"Can't say I tried."
Officer:"If you do not surrender, we will have to take you in by force."
Well (Y/n), what's the plan here? He looked up at the ceiling of the building, but was clearly talking towards me.
(Y/n):"Well, one way or another, I'm getting my name out there."
(Y/n) grab two pistols from his side and raised them up.
Officer:"Don't do th-"
It was too late as the sound of gunshots rang out and the body of the police officer fell down.
(Y/n):"Whoops, my finger slipped."
This caused the other police officers to act fast and fire at him. (Y/n) laughed and jumped behind the receptionist's desk and look at his hands.
(Y/n):"Welp. Time to show the world what I'm made of!"
He jumped over it again and began firing back at the police.
Officer:"Mt. Lady, get some backup heroes for us!"
She nodded and turned giant and ran off to get help from other pros. An officer began calling in for backup but was cut off by a bullet flying through their head. (Y/n) dodged and weaved the bullets with ease and laughed while shooting back at them.
The police were completely dumbfounded by his ability to fight back with ease.
(Y/n):"Come on guys! It's no fun if you're not trying."
He started gunning down more cops with ease and decided to mess around by jumping onto a chair and put away one pistol.
(Y/n):"360 no scope. Check it!"
He jumped off the chair and spun in a circle as he pulled his trigger. The bullet crashed through a store window several meters off the nearest police officer.
(Y/n):"Come on man, don't use meters. You and I are Americans! ...Probably. Not too sure about the reader. Let me know what country you're repping in the comments."
He then got close to the screen and whispered.
(Y/n):"It helps boosts a story's chances of being on the front page."
Suddenly loud footsteps were heard as Mt. Lady came back with several other heroes by her side.
Heroine 1:"You vile fiend! You will be stopped here and now!"
(Y/n):"Will I now? Those guys sucked ass. Worse than the American police!"
Political commentary? Really?
(Y/n):"Shut up asshole."
Heroine 2:"Who is he talking to?"
Mt. Lady:"Probably backup. We better be on our guard!"
(Y/n):"Backup?! I need no backup. I can solo this entire verse! Bring me All Might! I'm sure the readers are dying to see how the Muscle Mommy looks like."
Suddenly, his watch started to beep which caused him to roll up his left sleeve. And he had a neat watch. Not even gonna lie.
(Y/n):"FUCK! Alright. Ladies, I hate to just hit it and quit it, but ya boi has to split. Ooh! I dropped some fuckin' bars. I should get a record deal. Buh-bye!"
He grabbed a flashbang and pulled the pin before chucking it at the pros and ran away. It went off and blinded them as (Y/n) kept running. He ducked into an alleyway and began to strip out of his costume.
(Y/n):"Hey! Shoo! Shoo! Let a man get some privacy!"
Drama queen.
One change of clothes later
He walked out the alleyway wearing some casual clothing.
(Y/n):"Channing Tatum? Seriously?"
He's a handsome man.
(Y/n):"I agree, but why not use Ryan Reynolds? He's just as handsome, if not more so."
That would've been an obvious joke/choice.
(Y/n):"Ah fair."
He had a backpack slung over his shoulder as he wore the two straps like a dork.
(Y/n):"Now why you gotta hate?"
He made it back to some apartments and reached his door. He began to unlock the door as his neighbor opened their door.
Inko:"Oh! Good afternoon (Y/n)!"
(Y/n) looked at you and raised his eyebrows several times before turning his attention back to the woman.
(Y/n):"Ah Ms. Midoriya, a good afternoon to you too!"
Inko:"Please, I already told you to call me Inko. Will you be joining us for dinner?"
(Y/n):"Oh I don't want to be a burden."
Inko:"It's perfectly fine! I don't mind the extra company."
(Y/n):"You're too good to me. Thank you Inko. I'll be over."
Inko:"Wonderful! I'm off to grab some ice cream for dessert."
She put her shoes on and walked off and waved at him. He watched her walk away with his eyes glued onto her rear.
(Y/n):"She wants me."
He walked into his apartment and shut the door behind him. The inside of his apartment was pretty simple. It had all the essentials. A light brown leather couch, a coffee table, a flat-screen, a modern gaming console he stole, and a cardboard cutout of Ryu in the corner.
Yeah. The essentials.
(Y/n):"Oi! Ryu is like a modern-day talisman. He wards off the demons. Especially the sleep paralysis kind! I rest easy knowing Ryu hits those foul creatures with a Hadouken."
He walked into his kitchen and grabbed something to drink out of his fridge and a slice of cold pizza for a quick snack as he waited for dinner time. He turned on his TV and switched to a channel that was about to play his favorite show. This was his reason for leaving the fight so early.
(Y/n) walked into Inko's apartment and saw her daughter sitting at the table already.
Izuki:"Oh, hey (Y/n)!"
(Y/n):"Izuki my man."
Izuki:"I'm a girl."
(Y/n):"My wo-man. It's been a minute since we talked. Where have you been?"
Izuki:"Oh! I uh...I've been working out..."
He looked at her arms and noticed that she indeed put on some muscle.
(Y/n):"Got those gains girl! You trying to get into that school right? U.A.?"
Izuki:"Yeah! I won't give up!"
(Y/n):"Because that's your ninja way? Respect!"
He sat down beside her as they all had dinner together. They chatted about random things oblivious to the fact that (Y/n) killed several officers of the law. He then twisted his body to look at you while still in the chair.
(Y/n):"Spoiler warning. This is an important detail. Also this was a bit of a test chapter. Let Hambo here know what you thought of the story. It would mean a lot."
To be continued...
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