I ran out of the training room, making sure to knock Ge on my way out
"Nico! Wait!" I head his voice yell up the stairs. But he knew better than to follow me, or maybe he just couldn't be bothered.
I slammed my door and fell to my bed. I had no idea why I was crying, but the tears didn't seem to want to stop. I rolled over and felt around in the draw to find the mirror.
"Will Solace" I sobbed but nothing appeared in its reflection "WILL SOLACE!" I yelled but still nothing, I sat up and my reflection was clear. I was alone, more alone than ever. It's like the last six months with Reyna and Will at camp had never happened. My health was once again an issue, my on and off depression as seemingly come back, hitting me so hard it knocked the wind out of me. That's when I'd had enough, screw what my father said, I wasn't going to stay somewhere that was making me feel like shit, I imagined the underworld palace and began to shadow travel. But the usual rushing sensation didn't happen, I opened my eyes to see my left hand slowly flicking I not black ash, in its wake leaving only a faint shadow of where my hand had been. I stopped immediately. This was my final straw, I was leaving tomorrow and that was that!
I began angrily throwing clothes in the trunks and luggage. I'd filled about one and half bags when I heard her
"Nico?" It was definitely her, I turned to see glowing figure
"Bianca?" Her face shone the way it used to when she was still with us.
"Hello Nico." Her voice personified kindness in a way I'd never heard before or would hear again
"Bianca!" I collapsed into her tender arms, "I need you, B!" She smiled
"That's why I'm here." I looked up to meet her sweet eyes "I'm here to tell you what to do!"
"Really?" It was a sort of disbelieve, my sister had finally come to help me
"Nico, you need to understand that Geoffrey's actions do not reflect those of his segment."
"But Bianca, he betrayed me!" I argued
"But what did you do to Will?" I lowered my graze, what had I done to Will?
"You must attend tomorrow, for the tournament, simply for the support of your segment, you owe them that much!" I nodded, sitting on the end of my bed, which was currently covered in clothes
"Also, I have sworn not to release any information, but you must wait Nico. Great things shall happen in the new year to come, but you must wait the year out here. You must try your best and continue to work hard Nico!"
"But Bianca-" I beg to whine
"No, Nico I promise you, you must stay here!" And with that she was gone, and I'd lost my sister forever. Every time I heard her name, or she came up in conversation, it would feel the same way when she left: a heart wrenching, piercing pain.
I ran hurriedly down the board stone stairs cursing at myself. I was late, overslept. After pacing my floor until early morning, I'd tried to get as much sleep as I could before the tournament. I pounced off the last step and landed face to face with Geoffrey.
"Well, well." He turned and smirked at the group of mentalists who were standing in the usual rows in front of him "if it didn't our favourite little Yankee rouge!" They all laughed. He turned back to me and tightened my terrible attempt at a rushed tie
"Your very late, Nico!" His voice has a sense of annoyance in it, I ignored him and walked to my spot in line behind a small wildly curly haired ginger girl.
"Now, Mentalists!" Ge's voice boomed throughout the cavern "as you are all aware, today it tournament day!" A chorus of chatter and whispering broke out "MENTALISTS!" He yelled and it died out immediately "so I have chosen those of you that either need to prove yourselves to the segment-" almost everyone turned and laid their eyes on me, I gulped "or those of you that have shown extreme talent these last few weeks" the eyes didn't leave me
"In order to win I have chosen some of the most talented Mentalists at this school. You should be very honoured to be chosen for the December edition of the Tournament of the Segments. The Teamers are Lilly Spouse, Xander Kventil, Daisy Daniels and Nico di Angelo" I felt the weight of the entire segment drop on my shoulders. I hesitantly made my way to the front along with the other three. Ge paced behind us
"As I have chosen four, it means that I will be transferring my Teamers Captain title to one of the Teamers stood before me." He picked up the pile of Mentalist varsity jackets began handing them out one by one until only one was left, the captains.
That's when I noticed I was the only one without a jacket.
"Nico di Angelo, will be-" Ge began, smiling at the rest of us
"WHAT THE FUCK, GE!?" I yelled and I swear everyone stopped breathing
"Nico, was that really-" Ge began turning to look at me when I grabbed his wrist and pulled him into the stair well,
"Nico, hear me out okay-"
"Hear you out!? Geoffrey, this is my first gods damed tournament, and your putting me up against the fucking best of the best!"
"Nico you need to prove that you've got what it takes to be in this segment-"
"Prove myself? Your the one that had to fuck me to get me to join this segment! You make me a Teamer to prove myself, YOU DONT MAKE ME FUCKING CAPTAIN!"
"Nico, please, I find your language crude-"
"You know what I find crude is that you are sending a fresher into battle against the Pros!" I spat at him and turn away to connect my head with the cold wall, it seemed to help
"Nico, your better than any fresher will ever be! Heck, your better than some of the Pros out there, I know you can do this! Which is exactly why I want you to be captain today!" I turn to look at him
"This is about Glen isn't it!" I laugh because I should have seen it before
"Glen? Of course it's not!" But he wasn't being very convincing
"You hate that she's beating you and that your almost on the cutting line. You hate that I can beat her and you can't-
"SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP NICO!" He was really yelling now, his finger protruding into my face "THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH GLEN, GLENDA HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS, THIS YOU AND FUCKING ME!" But I laughed in his face
"Stop trying to convince yourself," I grabbed the jacket from his arms "I'll do the tournament, but you've not only ruined out chances of winning, you've ruined the prospect of us!" I pull the jacket on over my shirt chuckling bitterly "you know" I stopped to laugh at the ground at my own stupidity "I've been thinking all week about to break it off with Will." I looked back up, deep into his eyes and in my own head I heard his voice, thinking 'what? He would have don't that for me?'
'Yeah, I would have done that for you, Ge! But you had to go and mess around with that french bitch!' I thought, letting him hear it
"Stop it!" He warned out loud "Mathia and I are only friends-"
'What? Friends that kiss each other?' My telepathy was on fire! I hated him and his constant control but as I turned to walk out he grabbed my shoulders and kissed me, his tongue ran around my mouth sending ripples through my body. I hate that he had that affect on me
'Use that in your fights' he thought as he held my face to his, our foreheads touching, eyes interlocked.
"Do me a favour after the tournament-" I asked out loud
'Anything' he thought
"Don't ever come close or talk to me again!" I pulled harshly from his grasp and strolled confidently into the cavern, rubbing my hands together
"Teamers! Listen up! I'm your captain and despite being a Fresher I expect the same respect that you would give to Geoffrey!" I called and the entire segment reformed into their rows, looking awkward after hearing Ge and my domestic
"Understood?!" I yelled, a little too loud
"SÌ CAPTAIN!" They called back and I grinned at their Italian adjustment
"Good! Then let's go and destroy these sons of bitches!" I threw my hands up and they cheered back, pumping their fists. The Teamers lead the segment up the stairs side by side with me
"Oh and by the way" Lilly, the ginger girl that had stood in front of me, turned to say "your no fresher Nico!" She patted my back and I smiled at her
"Thanks Lilly!" I held my fist up and she bumped it and we carried on up the stairs to the tournament hall.
Once we where there, the rest of the segment filed into stands that were split around the room, into five. One for each segment. The Teamers and I stood on our attacking floor. Each segment had two attacking floors, on which their two attacking Teamers fought. The other two, known as defenders, would fight their opponents on their attacking floor. I decided that since I was pretty good at what I did, I'd give the attacking floors to two of the others
"Okay, Daisy and Xander! Your on the attacking side and Lilly and I'll take the defending positions?" I looked to Lilly for confirmation, she nodded as did the others.
We split up, Daisy and Xander headed to their floors, as Lilly and I stood at the ends, ready to head to our opponents. The leader board showed the list of first fights
Glenda Parker vs. Nico di Angelo
I was the first on the list, against Glen. It could be worse, I continued to look down and see who the rest of my teamers were up against. Daisy had the athletes, Xander had the spell casters and Lilly was with the Environmentals. I sauntered over to where Glen stood chatting with her other Teamer, only nothing me when I coughed next to her
"Oh hi Nico, your not standing your own ground?" I shook my head "ah, I see! Your too confident to be an attacker!" She laughed "well let's test you shall we?" We both moved into position, her podium up and ds device plugged in. There was a three second count down for all the matched to begin, the crowd chanted along as Glen frantically typed in orders and set up her spirit.
"One, GOOO!" The crowd yelled
But my eyes were drawn to the huge double-barrelled doors of the hall opening, to reveal Will's blond hair in a group of large puffer coats, hiding orange camp t-shirts.
'Will?" My arms dropped and I stepped off the attacking floor
*/ Authors Note\*
Is Will really back?
Comment it you think it's really him!
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