Chapter Twelve
Mr. Lang and I met at the bottom of the huge tower. He breathed deep and began climbing
"Uhm, Mr. Lang? Would you like me to shadow travel us up?" He nodded quickly and we linked arms and with a gust we arrived at the 20th floor. Glen, who seems to have changed her tone, wandered over to us, fist bumping Mr. Lang and hugging me.
"So let's get started!" She said, rubbing her hands together we followed her to one of the many tables, this one wasn't set up with computers or laptops. This one simply had grey leads emerging from the centre of the table.
"Okay, your first task can take you as long as you want," she handed me what looked like a Nintendo DS. It was black.
"Uhm?" I raised my eyebrows "are we playing Mario cart or something?" She laughed and pulled out her own, it was matte and a tropical blue shade
"These devised are DS's modified for our use. Each of the AMA kids gets one, I still use the one I was given when I started out." She waved her own DS in my face.
"So what do you use it for?" She smirked and opened hers.
"You build your spirit!" There was some sort of animal on her screen and after pressing a button. It was projected from the bottom screen into the air above, becoming a metre high moving embodiment of the image on the device.
"Woah!" Was all I could say, I stood up and was face to face with what looked like a type of sabre toothed tiger.
"What is it?" I asked, walking round the tabled to get a better look. The beast was a masterpiece.
"This is Tigerlilly! She's what's know as my spirit. Has Lang here told you about tournaments yet?" She looked towards Mr. Lang, but I shook my head
"Okay, well after you join a segment, you may be chosen as one of the strongest or most powerful to become part of a team of three student who became Teamers and one Teamer Captain, who usually the Head of the segment, like me, Anna, Sidney, Mike and Geoffrey. The three Teamers will fight Teamers from the other segments and the Teamer Captains fight each other, it's always winner vs. winner. Until we have one left. Whichever segment the winning Teamer comes from is awarded Cup and Title of Head segment. We are currently holding it!"
"So how do these spirits tie into the Tournament?"
"As we don't have any physical powers, out school governors decided we would be able to create computer models which we would control to fight for us. But we have our rules. First, our spirits are only allowed four powers in total, which can be used as many times as one wants, that is until it's life runs out of course.Second, each attack or hit that is directed at your spirit, and that actually hits, cause damage. Each spirit begins with 100% life each move your opponent makes toward you will effect your spirit, some more than others. Thirdly, powers that your spirit has must be taken from one, and only one, segment of your choice. They must also be powers that exists in that segment, you can't just create random powers. And lastly, you can order sequence attacks at which will be linked together as one move, you can link only two moves together to do this"She looked at me wearily "got that?" I nodded
"Think of your spirit as a Pokémon, but you only have the one." The image of a small pixel creature made the idea of spirits clearer.
"I'm going to show you how Tiger here works in a tournament situation." She clicked a button which turned off the projection and then beaconed me to follow her to a small podium with a column which was about chest height. If I didn't know better I would have expected her to make a speech. She put her DS on the column and attached a wire. After clicking a few buttons on the device Tigerlilly appeared a few metres in front of the podium. It was huge, twice the size that the projection had showed, and those fang like teeth looked pretty scary close up. The creature leaped and ran in circles all as Glen stood at the podium continuously clicking buttons. After giving me a pretty awesome demo, she smiled and unplugged the DS but only after patting the Tiger like animal on the head and saying goodbye.
"Now I've changed my mind a little about what I want you to do. This is pretty unconventional for a beginners assessment but I'm giving you and I an hour to create a spirit and then once the hour is up, well battle our spirits." She smiled at my shock, "you okay with that?" I nodded slowly, closing my mouth and shaking my angst out.
Just as I settled myself across from Glen at the table with a pad of paper to my right and the black DS to my left, a shortish redhead ran to Glens side, thrusting a tablet under the Heads nose. Glen laughed and patted the girl on the back
"That's amazing! You going to have to show me in detail later, cause I've got the new genius with me!" The redhead looked up and blushed
"Nico, this in my trainee Chai Lang." Chai lowered her head to me and I waved "you see, if you join us Nico, you'll probably be working quite closely with Chai and I." With that Chai left the table and Mr. Lang set the timer and we were off.
To begin with I had been terrified. What of I couldn't do it? What I'd they'd been wrong? But it seemed after really thinking about the task it seems obvious what I had to do. The software was easy to manipulate and I seems to understand the programming really well. I guess it was all the years of playing video games at the Lotus that did it, but I had an eye for programming. But the end of the hour I'd produced a hell hound. I'd focused mainly on the Athletes segment, he could shadow-travel, had a wicked pounce, could out run Henry Gelding, and had a supersonic bark, like one of the girls I'd battled when I was training with the Athletes, I could still hear the ringing from that girls scream in my head. As the buzzer rang Glen put down her DS and looked at me
"Ready, kid?" She smirked and I just laughed
"Abso-frigging-lutely!" And we both made our way over to the two podiums which were about 10 meters apart. I plugged in my device. The hellhound appeared with a quick flicker in front of the podium. He was huge, he turned his head and looked back at me as if to confirm and I nodded. I looked over at Glen who had produced a small purple deer-like spirit. I laughed,
"My Hell hound is going crush that!" She smirked again
"Oh yeah, we'll see if your dog stronger than my Bambi when we get fighting!" Something told me that her first weapon was underestimation. The look of her spirit was enough to make even the noobs, like me, cocky.
"You start Nico!" So I ordered my hound to pounce and bite. He did so brilliantly, even Mr. Lang looked suitably impressed by the way he leaped into the air. It was on connection with Bambi that caused the problem, as soon as hellhounds paws touched Glens spirit, he froze and fell to his knees. My 100% life lowered to 66% I winced as hellhound wined, flickering back to his original spot.
"It's okay boy, we can still do this!" He turned back to Bambi and Glen and growled. Glen took her attacking turn, her Bambi closed it's eyes and sent out a purple ray from the white dot on its forehead, I order hellhound to jump which worked at first but then upon his landing, he caught the end of the second purple beam. 66% lowered to 54%.
I became determined to win this fight, simply because I knew I could. My spirit was strong, he was better than Bambi and I knew it. I ordered my attack as a shadow travel and then a close range bark. Glen looked smug before hellhound disappeared into shadows. Herself and the Bambi looked and turned full circle to try and see where he went only when they looked back at me, did I release him from the shadows just behind the Bambi and he barked. The crowd of AMA's that had gather covered their ears. When the deer collapsed, Glen looked shocked, her gaze moved from her spirit, which was struggling to get back up, to me. Hellhound flickered back to his starting place as I awaited an attack. I knew that the move must have lowered bambi's life percentage to the twenties or below as the spirit was now glowing with a red ora. Glen looked mad, as she typed in her order. It happened to quickly for me to react to. Bambi was looking straight at my hellhound which was on the ground, writhing in pain. I looked to the screen of my DS and saw my life quickly lowering. I closed my eyes, knowing I'd lost. When I heard gasps, I went to unplug the device when I saw that the attack had stopped leaving hellhound with 2%. My eyes lit up, it wasn't much but it was enough to pounce and possibly defeat the Bambi. So I typed in my last order and whispered a preyer before pressing enter. Glen was expecting me to just give in, she was looking at the crowd when my hellhound flattened her spirit. When her screen flashed red, she looked back at the DS, then at her Bambi and then to me. I was breathing hard I typed in my restoration code and my life percentage went back up to 100%. I ran from my podium and hugged my hellhound. The crowd erupted in cheers and clapping, Glen ran over and hugged me, then hugged the spirit. &
"That was... Oh my god! You have to join us! There's no argument! I mean you just beat me... ME! The head of the segment! OH MY GOD! That was the very best fight I've ever had!" Mr. Lang wandered over clapping aswell.
"Wow! I've never seen anything quite like that!" He shook his head, patting my hellhound as he wrote on the clipboard. "I can't give you anything other than a ten. That was the most incredible battle I've seen in years!" I was stunned. I could hardly find the breath I needed to supply my brain, there was nothing left for words. So instead I went and unplugged the hellhound sat at my programming table. The crowd followed. Glen took the seat next to me, and I spent the rest of the afternoon describing the ways I used the software and how I hacked it to allow me to process certain characteristics. They were astounded.
*/ Authors Note\*
So I guess Nicos a really great gamer!
This leaves only the Mentalists try outs, let's just imagine what's gonna happen there...
AND OH MY GOODNESS! Can I thank you all for 10k reads on my first book! I just can't believe it, it's so amazing thank you so much! This is a great milestone in my wattpad career!
Also thanks for the 1k on this one! Can't believe how many reads my scribbles are getting!
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you
Until next time
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