Unit 11 Unit 12
baby it heihi, accident it eksidanti
baseball cap n 'helsh�:l kiep adventure it ad'ventJ /
beautiful adj hlu:tttl amazed udj )'nteizd'
bloom v blu:nt blouse it !blauz:'
bout it bu:t
bright adj bran championship is t$empisnfip;
cloudy adj klaodi
changing rooms it pl coast it kaust
treind3iq ru:niz cool udj ku:l
chewing gum it tfu:nl ,cg.snt corner it "kxno
choose r tju:z
degrees n pl !dCgri:zi
cigar it sl'q)u:
driving school is %'dralvui sku:l
cloud it klaud
dry udj drat
coat it :knot
credit card it "kredit ku:d excitement it rtk'sattm,)nt/
cry v krat feel sick I• lia 'sik;
dark ndj du:k float r tloot
dress n dyes foggy udj Ins
forever ails t:s:r'eva
eat v /i:t/
forget r l 'i)et
lair (hair) adj /fei fresh air it fief ea
fresh adj lfrep full-time ndj ',ful'talm/
good-looking ndj god'lokikj garden shed it qu:dn 'led,
grey adj grei golf n :quit
guest is Test grow up r grao tp;
hair it hey lion is ''latan
hall it hu:f
handsome adj hansom, motor racing it r'n1aot3 reisin
hat it hxt nervous udj "113:vOs:
hill It hd parachute it "p.ersf u:t/
jacket it 'd3xkit pyramid it pir inud/
jumper it 'd,3sn1p, race s rein
laugh r lu:f racing circuit it reisin ,s3:kit
long adj Intl racing driver it Ireisin ,dialva
record it rekxd
musician is mju:'ztrn
retire r rl'tas s
pay r pet
pram it pram sale ndj sell
sky diving it !'skal daivip:
rainbow it 'reinhau; sneeze 1' sni:L
roller skates it pl ''raolz skeits star 1'I'V) it stu:
run r % / n • sunbathe r s.snheii
shake (hands) s Jeik swimming costume it
shiny adj 'Jauti "styI inI I) ,knstju:ini
shirt it 13: t, top marks it pl 'tnp nm:ks
shoe it Ju: trouble it 'trshl
short ndj j.:t tulip n 'tju:llp
shorts it pl J.):ts
silly ailj .Ili view it yjtl:
size n sa¢. weather it 'we0:)-
skateboard it skenha:d %vindsurting it 'wlnds:i:lip
skirt it sk3:t windy ndj 'wlndi
sky is skat
snijle v small
smoke s smock
sports car it spa:Is ku:
starry adj 'stu:ri
suit it su:t:
sunglasses n pl 's.uullu:siz.
!1ti:J3:t/ T-shirt is
talk s ta:k
?I P/
trainers ." tremai
Irv on r tral no
umbrella it sm'hrelb
whose? Aron hii:z'
140 Word list
Unit 13 Unit 14 seat it /si:tr
secretary it "sekr,tri
annoyed adi ','n,id!' abroad adr br,:d/ serious adi 'swri,s
arrive i )'rwv.! airport it i'c,p,:t: suitcase it ''su:tkets,
badly adr 'bxdli ambulance driver it tractor n 'trickt,,
behave r bi'hei% .cnthj,l,ns draiv i trolley it troli
behaviour it ht'heivi' announcement it ' i'naonsnl,nti
burglar it 'ha:gl, arrival hall it )'ratvl ,h,:l
carefully adr ''ke,f:.ili! hoard v h,:d'
change (= money) it ltfelndg' hoarding pass it ;'ha:dnj pu:s!
boat ride it r'b,ot raid
depart t' di'pu:t
business class it "hizn,s ,klu:s,'
elephant it elit:'nt call it k,a'
explain v ik'spletn
certificate it s,'utik,t
fast adi' lil:sl check in r ',tfek in
fluently (lilt, tlu:�)ntli! check-in desk it tfek in desk
fortunately adr t;xtf,n,t(j: competition it 'kutltp,'tifll/
generation it Oenzt'reiJn crown it 'kraon/
gold medal it "gaold 'nledl/ dawn it da:n
grass it gru:s delay t' di'let/
guitar it gi'to: delayed p/) ,di'leid;
leather it let's, departures board it
marathon it "nixi-A,n di'pu:tf,z ,h,:d/
migrate v mat'greit departure lounge n
moon it mu:n /dt'pu:tf, ,laond,y
double-decker bus it
pin t' pin
d,shl dek, 'hnsi
platform it 'pl.etfa:nu
dressmaker it dresmeik v
please t' pli:z'
engineer it enct)Cni.v
quietly adr 'ksyat,llj
flag it flicq
return ticket it !n't3:n 'tikit,
flight n :flail
ridiculous adi 'ri'dikjalas!
rude adi ru:d gate (in an airport) it /geit/
give up (= stop) t' l,giv '.sp
sheep n fi:p' grandson it 'yren,s,%n
shout r Taut.
Greece it qri:s
slowly adi' ''sl,oli,
station it Stelfn' heart attack it /'hu:t ,,t,ek
support (a team) r !s,'p,:t honeymoon it Ilmlimu:n
horn (on a car) it lixii
tell a lie r tel , Tar,
Hungary it !'hnpy,ri
timetable it tatnltetbi
typical adj ''tipikl jewels it pl /'d5u:,lz
jumbo jet it 'd,-.smheo
untidy adi 'nn'taidi jump v smp;
weigh t' 'wet,
last call it lust kxI
well-behaved adi l,wel hl'helvd.,
let (sb) down )= disappoint) v
whistle v wisl
let 'daoni
wolf it wolf
lottery it !'Int,ri
worrying adi '55.sriln loud adi 'laude
luggage it %T%gid-
lung cancer it 'lm) ,kirns.)'
marmalade it nml:ni,letd/
millionaire it nulj,'ne,;
miss v 'mis
niece if 'ni: %
now boarding nao 'h,:diq;
pack (a hag) i pick'
passenger it plesind3s/
passport control
'pu:sp,:t k,n'tr,ol
pipe (to smoke) it pap
pneumonia it nju:'m,unta
remind v ri'nrnd
rheumatic fever it
lru:'niicuk 'ti:v,,
Word list 141
Appendix 1 Appendix 2
Base form Past Simple Past Participle
he was/were been Verb + -in g
become became become like
begin began begun love swimming
break broke broken enjoy
bring brought brought hate cooking
build built built i f nish
buy bought bought stop
can could been able
catch caught caught
choose chose chosen Verb + to + infinitive
conic came coupe
cost cost cost choose
cut cut cut decide
do did done foret g
drink drank drunk promise too g
drive drove driven need
eat ate eaten help
fall fell fallen hope
feel felt felt try to work
light fought fought want
find found found would like
fly flew flown would love
foret g fo rgo t fo rgotten
get got got
give gave given Verb + -ing or to + infinitive
go went gone/been begin raining/to rain
grow grew grown start
have had had
hear heard heard
hit hit hit Modal auxiliary verbs
keep kept kept
know knew known ran
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned could g o
leave left left shall
lose lost lost will arrive
make made made would
meet met Met
pay paid paid
put put put
read /ri:d/ read /red/ read /red/
ride rode ridden
run ran run
say said said
see saw seen
sell sold sold
send sent sent
shut shut shut
sing sang sung
sit sat sat
sleep slept slept
speak spoke spoken
spend spent spent
stand stood stood
steal stole stolen
swim swam swum
take took taken
tell told told
think thought thought
understand understood understood
wake woke woken
wear wore worn
win won tvon
write wrote written
142 Appendices
Phonetic symbols
Consonants Vowels
I / p; as in pen /pen/ 23 ii:i as in see si:
2 /b/ as in big /big/ 26 /i/ as in his 'hiz/
3 /t/ as in tea / ti:! 27 /i/ as in twenty 1 tweet!
4 /d/ as in do /du:/ 28 /e/ as in ten (ten!
5 /k/ as in cat /Let! 29 he/ as in stamp !stamp/
6 /g/ as in go /goo! 30 /a:/ as in father 'ta:Oo!
7 /17 as in four !fa:/ 31 /n! as in hot hnt/
8 /v/ as in very /'veri/ 32 /;o:/ as in morning 'mD:nip!
9 is/ as in son /snn/ 33 /o/ as in football futba:I/
10 /zi as in zoo /zu:/ 34 !u:/ as in you ju:
II /1/ as in live Aiv/ 35 /n/ as in sun snn/
12 /m/ as in my /mat/ 36 /3:/ as in learn 13:n!
13 !n/ as in near /tua/ 37 /a/ as in letter /'leta/
14 /h/ as in happy /'hxpi/
15 /r/ as in red 'reds
Diphthongs (two vowels together)
16 !j/ as in yes jes/
17 /w/ as in want /want/ 38 /ei/ as in name /neim/
18 !0/ as in thanks /Ozepks/ 39 /au/ as in no /noo!
19 /a/ as in the Ad;)/ 40 /ai/ as in my (mat!
20 /j/ as M she/fl:, 41 /ao/ as in how /hao/
21 /3/ as in television /'telivi3n/ 42 /w/ as in boy /bai!
22 /t$/ as in child /t f atld/ 43 ha/ as in hear Alto/
23 /d3/ as in German !'d 33:man/ 44 /ea/ as in where /we.)/
24 /i)/ as in English /'tiiglif/ 45 /ua/ as in tour /toa/
Phonetic symbols 143
LILLJ�� ILa IL1L111113 lrlll,lllliIIclll! 1111 V1ILVj� 1J1J 1 1
v r iuui un unuciv.
Crowther & S Carter/Euro Symbol), 58 (Bob Thomas/
p40 'The jet settler' by Andy Lincs. The Mirror, CoVer
wedding), 58 (Bruce Ayres(Thanksgiving, James
March 1999. O Mirror Group Newspapers.
Randklev/Christrnas tree), p59 (Andrew Olney/gii'l &
p48 'Refugee's daughter hailed as new Picasso' by
cake), 64 (Phil Schofield/fisherman, Martin Rogers/
Nigel Reynolds. The Daily Telegraph 1 2 March 1996.
man & laptop, Walter Hodges/girl on computer.
Telegraph Group Ltd.
Michelangelo Gratton/girl on leach), 64-5 (Marl
p48 'Shy 10-year-old piano prodigy' by David Ward.
Andrew/message in bottle), 71 (Wayne
h T e Guardian 23 September 1997.0 The Guardian.
asteP/Sha111IY11r tribe eating, Yann Lavma/China
p87 'What a wonderful world'. Words and Music by woman & child, David Baird/strawberry crates). 72
George David Weiss and George Douglas O 1967 (Martin Barraud/Sally). 73 (Timothy Shonnard). 79
www. oup com/e1t
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