Town and country words
1 Find these words in the picture. Which things do you usually
i f nd in towns? Which in the country? Which in both? Put the
words into the correct columns.
wood park museum church cathedral farm bridge car park port factory field theatre
night club lake village hill mountain cottage building river bank tractor
2 Complete the sentences with a word from exercise 1.
1 Everest is the highest in the world.
2 The Golden Gate in San Francisco is the longest in the USA.
3 The Caspian Sea isn't a sea, it's the largest in the world.
4 Rotterdam is the busiest in Europe. Ships from all over the world stop there.
5 The Empire State in New York was the tallest in the world for over 40 years.
6 A church is much smaller than a
3 Write these words from exercise 1.
/wod/ /'Otat3/ /fu:m/ /'vilid3/
'fAtori/ /'kntid3/ /fi:ld/ /t13:t.f/
T 10.7 Listen and repeat.
4 I)o you prefer the town or the country? Divide into two groups. Play the game. Which group can
Continue the longest?
Group 1 A walk in the country Group 2 A walk in the town
Continue one after the other. Continue one after the other.
SiI went for a walk in the country and I saw a farm. S1 I went for a walk in the town and I saw some shops.
S2 I went for a walk in the country and I saw a farm S2 I went for a walk in the town and I saw some shops,
and some cows. and a cathedral.
S3 I went for ... S3 I went for ...
80 Unit 10 • Bigger and better!
Directions 2
Listen to the directions to the lake. Mark the route on Inc y 0 Q
snap. Then fill in the gaps.
'Drive Park Road and turn . Go
the bridge and the pub. Turn
up the hill, then drive the hill to the
river. after the farm and the lake is
right. It takes twenty minutes.'
2 ®' ' Complete the text with the prepositions. Listen to Norman
talking about his drive in the country. Check your answers.
along down into out of over past through under up
Norman drove
the garage,
the roadand,
the bridge.
Then he drove
111„ the pub,
the hill, and
the hill.
I N Al--2�
1c Next he drove
O O Z a the river,
� ,,{1'',
�0 8
t hhd eege,
and the lake!
6wvi i f
3 Cover the text. Look at the pictures and tell Norman's story.
4 Work with a partner. Student A Think of a place near your school. Give your partner
directions, but don't say what the place is!
Student B Listen to the directions. Where are you?
Unit 10 • Bigger and better! 81
1 1 Looking good!
Present Continuous • Whose? • Clothes • Words that rhy me • In a clothes shop
STARTER V 1 Look around the classroom. Can you see any of these clothes?
a hat a coat a jumper a shirt a T-shirt a dress a skirt a jacket
a suit trousers jeans shorts shoes trainers boots t
2 What are you wearing?
1,111 gearing byre jeans )�nr're ��earnr a dress.
What is your teacher wearing?
nd a 10111t, T Blurt.
Tellthe class. i
Present Continuous
1 Look at the photographs. Describe the people.
• is tall • isn't very tall • is pretty • good-looking • handsome
Who's got...?
fair hair eyes
Becc-a's got dark hair and brown eyes.
2 What are they doing?
• is smiling • is cooking
• is talking • is standing up
• is writing • is playing
• is laughing • is running
• is eating • is sitting down
3 \VVhat are they wearing?
Rudis wearing a brows: T-shirt.
82 Unit 11 • Looking good!
1 Am/is/are + adjective describes people and things.
She is young/tall/pretty.
2 Am/is/are + verb + -ing describes activities
happening now.
Complete the table.
You learning English.
He/She sitting in a classroom.
We listening to the teacher.
This is the Present Continuous tense. What are the
questions and the negatives?
3 What is the difference between these sentences?
He speaks Spanish.
He's speaking Spanish.
lop.* Grammar Reference 11.1 and 11.2 p132
Flora and Toni
Who is it?
1 \Vork with a partner.
Student A Choose someone in the classroom, but
don't say who.
Student B Ask Ye'slNo questions to find out who it is!
Has she.tot fair hair?
2 Write sentences that are true li)r you at the moment.
I 1/wearing a jacket
I'm not wearing a jacket. I'm wearing a jumper.
1/wearing jeans
I/standing up
I/looking out of the window
We/working hard
1/chewing gum
Tell a partner about yourself.
Unit 11 • Looking good! 83
Who's at the party? Whose is it?
3 ® Oliver is at Monica's party, but he doesn't know
anyone. Monica is telling him about the other guests. Listen 1 Find these things in the picture.
and write the names above the people.
a baseball cap a bike a football roller blades
trainers a dog sunglasses a radio a skateboard
an umbrella flowers
4 Listen again and complete the table.
Present Continuous Present Simple
Harry He's sitting down and He works in LA. 2 ® Listen to the questions. Complete the
he's talking to Mandy. answers with his, hers, or theirs.
Mandy 1 Whose is the baseball cap? It's
Fiona 2 Whose are the roller blades? They're
George 3 Whose is the dog? It's
Roz and Sam Practise the questions and answers with a partner.
Then ask about the other things in exercise 1.
5 Work with a partner. Look at the pictures of a party from 3 Give something of yours to the teacher. Ask and
your teacher. Don't show your picture! There are ten answer questions about the objects. Use these
differences. Talk about the pictures to find them. possessive pronouns.
mine yours his hers ours theirs
In my picture four
people are dancing.
84 Unit 11 • Looking good!
who's or whose?
1 Choose the correct word. Compare your answers with a
1 I like your / yours house.
2 Ours / Our house is smaller than their / theirs.
3 And their / theirs garden is bigger than our / ours, too.
4 My / Mine children are older than her / hers.
5 Whose / Who's talking to your 1 yours sister?
6 This book isn't my / mine. Is it your 1 yours?
7 'Whose / Who's dictionary is this?' 'It's his / him:
8 'Whose / Who's going to the party tonight?' 'I'nm not.'
9 'Whose / Who's dog is running round our / ours garden?'
2 T 11.3 Listen to the sentences.
If the word is Whose? Shout 1! If the word is Who's? shout 2!
What a mess!
3 IM The house is in a mess!
Complete the conversation.
Listen and check.
A is this tennis racket?
A What's it doing here?
B I'm tennis this afternoon.
The Present Continuous can also describe activities
happening in the near future.
I'm playing tennis this afternoon.
We're having pica for dinner tonight.
4 Make more conversations with a partner.
I these football boots? / John's / playing football later
GRAMMAR SPOT 2 these ballet shoes? / Mary's / going dancing tonight
3 this suitcase? / mine / going on holiday tomorrow
I Complete the table.
4 this coat? / Jane's / going for a walk soon
Subject Object AdjectivePronoun
5 this plane ticket? / Jo's / flying to Rome this afternoon
I me my mine
6 all these glasses? / ours / having a party tonight
You you
He his
Check it
She hers
We us our 5 Correct the sentences.
They them
1 Alice is tall and she's got long, black hairs.
2 Whose ... ? asks about possession. 2 Who's boots are these?
Whose hat is this? 3 I'm wearing a jeans.
Whose is this hat? It's mine. = It's my hat.
4 Look at Roger. He stands next to Jeremy.
Whose is it?
5 He's work in a bank. He's the manager.
3 Careful! 6 What is drinking Suzie?
Who's your teacher? Who's = Who is 7 Whose that man in the garden?
041- Grammar Reference 11.3 p132 8 Where you going tonight?
9 What you do after school today?
Unit 11 Looking good! 85
What a wonderful world!
1 Look out of the window. What can you see?
Buildings? Hills? Fields? Can you see any people?
What are they doing? Describe the scene.
2 These words often go together. Match them.
Can you see any of then in the photos?
shake clouds
babies roses
sunny hands
starry trees
blue day
red night
white cry
green bloom
flowers of the rainbow
colours skies
3 Read the song by LOUIS Arnistrong.
Can you complete any of the lines?
Many of the words are from exercise 2.
4 ® Listen and complete the song.
What do you think?
Make a list of things that you think arc
wonderful in the world. Compare V()[11
list with a partner.
86 Unit 11 • Looking good!
what a w
I see - of green of green
red r ed too
I see them see them me for me and you
a and think to nd I think to mysel m yself
whata wonderful w f orld khwm�
I see of blue
and of white
the bright day
and the dark night
and I think to myself
what a wonderful world.
The of the rainbow
so pretty in the sky
are also on the
of the people going by.
I see friends shaking
saying, 'How do you do?'
They're really saying
I you.'
I hear cry
I watch them grow.
They'll much more
than you'll ever know
and I think to myself
what a wonderful world.
Yes, I think to myself
what a wonderful world.
Unit 11 Looking good! _97
Words that rhyme
1 Match the words that rhyme.
red list white beer
hat mean near wear
kissed shoes night
green said
that hair
rose flowers
whose bought
short half ours pay
2 Write two of the words on each line according to the sound.
Vowels Diphthongs
l /e/ red said 5 /a:/ I /al/ white 4 /ea/
2 /x/ 6 /u:/ 2 /ia/ 5 /au/
3 /t/ 7 /n:/ 3 /et/ 6 /ao/
4 ; i:/
T 11.6 Listen and check.
3 Can you add any more words to the lists? Practise saying the words in rhyming pairs.
Tongue twisters
4 ® 'longue twisters arc sentences that arc difficult to say. They are good
pronunciation practice. Listen, then try saying these quickly to a partner.
1 Four fine fresh fish for you
4 I'm looking back,
To see if she's looking back,
To see if I'm looking back,
To see if she's looking back
at me!
5 Choose two tongue twisters and learn them. Say them to the class.
88 Unit 11 • Looking good!
In a clothes shop
1 Read the lines of conversation in a clothes shop. Who says
them, the Customer or the ,hop i' istant?
Write C or SA.
a â�' Can I help ,You? 9A
h â�' Olt yes. I like that one much l)Ltk. (,,in I try it on? C
c â�' £39.99. How do you want to pay?
d â�' Yes, please. I'm looking for a shirt to go with my new
e â�' Blue.
f â�' Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.
g â�' OK. I'll take the white. How much is it?
Ii â�' (:an I pay by credit card?
i â�' What colour are you looking liar?
j â�' No, it isn't the right blue.
k â�' No, it's a bit too big. Have you got a smaller
I That's the last blue one we've got, I'm afraid. But
we've got it in white.
m â�' Well, what about this one? It's a bit darker blue.
n â�' What about this one? I)o you like this?
o â�' Is the size OK?
p â�' Credit card's fine. Thank you very much.
2 Can you match any lines?
What about this one?
Do you like this?
No, it's not the right blue.
3 Work with a partner and put all the lines in
the correct order.
Listen and check.
4 Practise the conversation with your partner. Make more
conversations in a clothes shop. Buy some different clothes.
Unit 11 • Looking good! 89
Life's an adventure!
going to future • Infinitive of purpose • The weather • Making suggestions
STARTER 1 How many sentences can
10 you make?
when I was a student.
I'm going to Florida next month.
I went to Florida in a year's time.
two years ago.
2 Make similar true sentences
when I retire.
about you. Tell the class.
When I grow up ...
going to
1 Rosie and her teacher Miss Bishop both have plans for
the future.
Read their future plans. Which do you think are
Rosie's? Which are â-ºMiss Bishop's? Write R or MB.
1 I'm going to he a ballet dancer.
2 0I'm going to travel all over the world.
3 0I'm going to learn Russian.
4 0I'm going to learn to drive.
5 0I'm going to open a school.
6 0I'm not going to marry until I'm thirty-five.
7 0I'm not going to wear skirts and blouses.
8 0I'm going to wear jeans and T-shirts all the time.
9 0I'ni going to write a hook.
toI-I'm going to become a TV star.
® Listen and check. Were you correct?
2 Talk first about Rosie, then about Miss Bishop. Use the
ideas in exercise 1.
Rosie'c going to be a ballet darâ-ºcer.
She isti't going to ...
Which two plans are the same for both of them?
They're both going to ...
90 Unit 12 - Life's an adventure!
3 ® Listen and repeat the questions and
ansWers about Rosie. Questions about Rosie
1 With a partner, make more questions about Rosie.
Is she going to be a ballet (lancer?
'T'hen match them with an answer.
I Why/she/learn French and Russian?
1Vhats slitgoing to do? 7 -ravel all over the world.
2 When/marry?
3 How many children/have?
4 How long/work?
• 5 What/teach?
1 The verb to be + going to expresses future plans. Answers
Complete the table. a Until she's seventy-five.
h Iwo.
I c Dancing.
d Not until she's thirty-five.
He/She going to leave tomorrow.
e RecaLlse she wants to dance
in Paris and Moscow.
2 ® Listen and check. Practise the questions
What are the questions and the negatives?
and answers with your partner.
2 Is there much difference between these two sentences?
I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm going to leave tomorrow. Questions about you
11111,* Grammar Reference 12.1 p133
3 Are you going to do any of these things after the
lesson? Ask and answer the questions with a
I watch 'F V
Are you going to watch TV?
Yes, I mn./No, I'm â-ºtot.
2 have a coffee
3 catch a bus
4 eat in a restaurant
5 meet some friends
6 cook a meal
7 go shopping
8 wash your hair
9 do your homework
4 'MI the class some of the things you and your
partner are or are not going to do.
Were both going to have coi
in going to catclr a bus, but Arma
isn'I. She's going to walk hone.
Unit 12 • Life's an adventure! 91
I'm going to sneeze! Infinitive of purpose
We also use going to when we can see now that 1 Match a country or a city with an activity. \Vhat
something is sure to happen in the future. can you see in the photographs?
S What is going to happen? Use these verbs. Holland visit the pyramids
Spain fly over the Grand Canyon
have sneeze win jump be late kiss rain fall Moscow see Mount Fuji
Egypt see the tulips
Kenya walk along the Great Wall
India watch flamenco dancing
07 China take photographs of the lions
d% i t Japan sunbathe on Copacabana beach
the USA walk in Red Square
Rio visit the Taj Mahal
I It 2 You
2 Miss Bishop is going to visit all these countries.
She is telling her friend, Harold, about her plans.
Read their conversation and complete the last
Miss Bishop First I'm going to Holland.
Harold Why?
Miss Bishop To see the tulips, of course!
3 1 4 They
Harold Oh yes! How wonderful! Where are
you going after that?
Miss Bishop Well, then I'm going to Spain to ...
Listen and check. Practise the conversation
with a partner.
5 She 6 He
1 With the verbs to go and to come, we usually use
the Present Continuous for future plans.
I'm going to Holland tomorrow.
X I'm geing te Se to Holland tomorrow.
She's coming this evening.
X She's this evening.
7 He 8 They 2 Do these sentences mean the same?
I'm going to Holland to see the tulips.
I'm going to Holland because I want to see the
6 Put a sentence from exercise 5 into each gap.
I Take an umbrella. The infinitive can tell us why something happens.
2 Look at the time! for the meeting. I'm going to America to learn English.
3 Anna's running very fast. 0-0- Grammar Reference 12.2 p133
4 Look! Jack's on the wall!
5 Look at that man!
6 It's due next month.
7 There's my sister and her boyfriend! Yuk!
8 '0h dear. :\aatt 'IilkN. %'nLI!
Listen and check.
92 Unit 12 • Life's an adventure!
1 Work with a partner. Student A is Harold, Student B is Miss
Bishop. Ask and answer questions about the places.
Harold Why are you going to Holland?
Miss Bishop To see the tulips, of course!
Harold How wonderful!
2 Talk about Miss Bishop's Journey. Use first, then, next, after that.
First she's going to Holland to see the tulips. Then she's ...
Why and When?
3 Write down the names of some places you went to in the past.
Ask and answer questions about the places with a partner.
Why did you go to England?
Fell the class about your partner.
4 Write down the names of some places you are going to in the
future and do the same.
When arc you goiâ-º>�? !n two weeks' tine.
Check it
5 Tick (âœ") the correct sentence.
I â�' Is going to rain.
â�' It's going to rain.
2 â�' Do you wash your hair this evening?
â�' Are you going to wash your hair this evening?
3 â�' She's going to have a baby.
â�' She's going to has a baby.
4 â�' I'm going to the Post Office to buy some stamps.
â�' I'm going to the Post Office for buy some stamps.
5 â�' I'm going home early this evening.
â�' I'm go home early this evening.
6 â�' I opened the window to get some fresh air.
â�' I opened the window for to get some fresh air.
Unit 12 • Life's an adventure! 93
Living dangerously
1 Match a verb with a noun or phrase.
have sick
win an accident
feel in water
float top marks
get a race
2 Which of these sports do you think is the most dangerous?
Put them in order 1-6. 1 is the most dangerous. Compare
your ideas with a partner and then the class.
â�' skiing â�' football â�' motor racing
â�' windsurfing â�' golf â�' sky-diving
3 Look at the photos of Cleni Quinn and Sue Glass. Which of
their sports would you most like to try? Why?
Work in two groups.
Group A Read about Clem. Group B Read about Sue.
Answer the questions about your person. Check your answers
with your group.
I What happened when he/she was a child?
2 What job did he/she do when she/he grew up?
3 How did he/she become interested in the sport? Clem Quinn was always interested in
4 Why does he/she like the sport? flying. When he was five, he tried t(, !I\
5 Does lie/she think it is a dangerous sport? by jumping off the garden shed with i
6 Does he/she teach the sport? golf' umbrella, but when he grew ill) h,.
7 What are his/her future plans? didn't become a pilot, he became a taxi
driver. Then 20 years ago he did a
8 When is he/she going to stop doing it?
parachute jump and loved it. He
9 These numbers are in your text. What do they refer to?
decided that being a taxi driver in
5 6 20 100
London was a lot more dangerous than
4 Work with a partner from the other group. Compare Clem jumping out of a plane, so he moved to
and Sue, using your answers. the country to learn parachute jumpin;
and sky-diving. He is now a full-time
teacher of sky-diving. He says:
'I love sky-diving because the world
1 Group A You are Cleni. Make questions about Sue. looks so good - blue sky, green fields,
I Why/not like driving? white clouds. You float through the air.
2 Why/Julian Swayland take you to Brands Hatch? it's like floating in water. You can see
3 Why/do well on the motor racing course? forever, all the way to the French coast.
4 Why/stop motor racing? The views are fantastic. You can forget
all your worries. People think it is
5 What/do next year?
dangerous but it's very safe. Football i,
Group B You are Sue. Make questions about C.leni. much more dangerous. Footballers
often have accidents. When did you I, ,t
1 What/do when you were five?
hear of a sky-diving accident? Next Jul.\
2 When/do your first parachute jump?
I'm going to do a sky-dive with 1 00
2 Why /move to the country'
people from six planes. That's a record.
3 Why/love sky-diving? I'm never going to retire. I'm going to
4 What/do next July? jump out of planes until I'm an old
2 Work with a partner from the ()ther group. Interview each man.'
94 Unit 12 • Life's an adventure!
Sue Glass had a car accident when she
was eight so she didn't like driving.
When she grew up this was a problem,
because she got a job with a car
company. Then six years ago she met
Julian Swayland, a racing driver, and
she told him she was afraid of cars. He
wanted to help, so he took her to
Brands Batch, a Grand Prix racing
circuit. He drove her round corners at
100 mph and she loved it. Then she
heard about a special motor racing
course. She did the course with five
men and was anwved when she got top
marks. She says:
'I think I did well because I listened to
everything the teacher said. I needed to
because I was so afraid. The men often
didn't listen. The best moment was my
first championship race. I didn't win
but I came fourth. I beat 20 men. I love
the excitement of motor racing but it's
a dangerous sport and I'm always very
frightened. In fact I stopped doing it a
year ago, because I got so nervous
before each race, I felt really sick. I'm
not going to race again, I'm going to
teach other people to drive. I'm going
to open a driving school next year.'
Unit 12 • Life's an adventure! 95
The weather
1 Match the words and symbols.
sunny rainy windy snowy cloudy foggy
Which symbols can the following adjectives go with?
hot warm cold cool wet dry
2 [M Listen and complete the answers.
'What's the weather like today?' 'It's and
'What was it like yesterday?' 'Oh, it was and
'What's it going to be like tomorrow?' 'I think it's going to he
The question What ... like? asks for a description.
What's the weather like? = Tell me about the weather.
Practise the questions and answers. Ask and answer about the weather
where you are today, yesterday, and tomorrow.
3 Work with a partner. Find out about the weather round the world
Student A Look at the information on this page.
Student B Look at the information from your teacher.
Ask and answer questions to complete the information.
What was the weather
like in Athens?
Athens ... S 18
Berlin ... R 7
Bombay ...
Edinburgh ... C 5
Geneva ... . -
Hong Kong ... S 29
Lisbon ...
London ... R 10
Los Angeles ...
S = sunny
Luxor ... S 40
C = cloudy
Milan ...
Fg = foggy
Moscow ... Sn
R = rainy
Oslo ...
Sn = snowy
4 Which city was the hottest? Which was the coldest?
Which month do you think it is?
96 Unit 12 • Life's an adventure!
Making suggestions
1 Make a list of things you can do in good weather and things you can do in
bad weather. Compare your list with a partner.
Good weather Bad weather
go to the beach watch TV
2 ® Read and listen to the beginning of two conversations.
Complete B's suggestions.
I A It's a lovely day! 2 A It's raining again!
What shall we do? What shall we do?
B Let's B Let's and
We use shall to ask for and make suggestions.
What shall we do?
Shall we go swimming? = I suggest that we go swimming.
We use Let's to make a suggestion for everyone.
Let's go! = I suggest that we all go. (Let's = Let us)
Let's have a pizza!
3 Match these lines with the two conversations in exercise 2. Put them in the
correct order to complete the conversations.
Well, let's go to the beach. Oh no! We watched a video last night.
OK. Which film do you want to see? OK. I'll get my swimming costume.
Oh no! It's too hot to play tennis. Well, let's go to the cinema.
IM listen and check. Practise the conversations with your partner.
4 I lave more conversations suggesting what to do when the weather is good
or bad. Use your lists of activities in exercise I to help you.
Unit 12 • Life's an adventure! 97
How terribly clever!
STARTER 1 Match a question When ... ? Six.
word with an Where ... ? 1991.
answer. What...? Paris.
2 Look at the answers. Who...? Because I love him.
What do you think Why...? John.
the story is? Which ... ? Some roses.
How...? £25.
How much ... ? The red ones.
How many ... ? By plane.
Question words
1 Work in groups and answer the quiz.
When did the first man walk on the moon?
2 ® Listen and check your answers. Listen a 1961 b 1965 c 1969
carcRilly to the intonation of the questions.
4 Where are the Andes mountains?
1 Underline all the question words in the quiz. S Who did Mother Teresa look after?
2 Make two questions for each of these
statements, one with a question word and Who won the last World Cup?
one without.
I live in London. (where)
How many American states are there?
'Where do you live?' 'In London.'
'Do you live in London?' 'Yes, I do.'
1 She's wearing jeans. (what) How much does an African elephant weigh?
2 She works in the bank. (where) a 3-5 tonnes b 5-7 tonnes c 7-9 tonnes
3 He's leaving tomorrow. (when)
4 I visited my aunt. (who)
How far is it from London to New York?
5 We came by taxi. (how)
6 They're going to have a party. (why) a 6,000 kilometres
3 What are the short answers to the questions?
b 9,000 kilometres
0-0- Grammar Reference 13.1 p133
c 12,000 kilometres
3 In groups, write some general knowledge
questions. Ask the class!
98 Unit 13 • How terribly clever!
Questions and answers Listening and pronunciation
1 Look at the question words in A and the answers in C. 2 ® 'tick (âœ") the sentence you hear.
Choose the correct question from B. I â�' Where do you want to go?
â�' Why do you want to go?
2 â�' How is she?
Where To the shops. â�' Who is she?
What A new jacket. 3 â�' Where's he staying?
When did you buy? This morning. â�' Where's she staving?
Who did you go? A friend from work.
4 â�' Why did they come?
Why did you go with? To buy some new clothes.
Which one did you pay? The black, leather one. â�' Why didn't they come?
How We drove. 5 â�' I-low old was she?
How much £120.99. â�' How old is she?
How many Only one. 6 â�' Does he play the guitar?
â�' I)id he play the guitar?
7 â�' Where did you go at the weekend?
â�' Where do you go at the weekend?
Asking about you
3 Put the words in the correct order to make
I like learning do English you?
2 do you night what did last?
How old was Princess Diana when she died?
3 languages mother many does how your
a 33 b 36 c 39
5 What languages do Swiss people speak?
4 last go you shopping did when?
4L,. What did Marconi invent in 1901?
5 football which you do team support?
What sort of music did Louis Armstrong play?
6 come car today school by you to did?
a Jazz b Blues c Rock 'n' roll
7 much do weigh you how?
What happens at the end of Romeo and Juliet?
8 usually who sit you do next class in to?
What happened in Europe in 1939?
9 English want learn to you do why?
Why do birds migrate?
Which was the first country to have TV? 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
a Britain b the USA c Russia questions.
Which language has the most words?
a French b Chinese c English
Unit 13 • How terribly clever! 99
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