Town and country words
1 Find these words in the picture. Which things do you usually
i f nd in towns? Which in the country? Which in both? Put the
words into the correct columns.
wood park museum church cathedral farm bridge car park port factory field theatre
night club lake village hill mountain cottage building river bank tractor
2 Complete the sentences with a word from exercise 1.
1 Everest is the highest in the world.
2 The Golden Gate in San Francisco is the longest in the USA.
3 The Caspian Sea isn't a sea, it's the largest in the world.
4 Rotterdam is the busiest in Europe. Ships from all over the world stop there.
5 The Empire State in New York was the tallest in the world for over 40 years.
6 A church is much smaller than a
3 Write these words from exercise 1.
/wod/ /'Otat3/ /fu:m/ /'vilid3/
'fAtori/ /'kntid3/ /fi:ld/ /t13:t.f/
T 10.7 Listen and repeat.
4 I)o you prefer the town or the country? Divide into two groups. Play the game. Which group can
Continue the longest?
Group 1 A walk in the country Group 2 A walk in the town
Continue one after the other. Continue one after the other.
SiI went for a walk in the country and I saw a farm. S1 I went for a walk in the town and I saw some shops.
S2 I went for a walk in the country and I saw a farm S2 I went for a walk in the town and I saw some shops,
and some cows. and a cathedral.
S3 I went for ... S3 I went for ...
80 Unit 10 • Bigger and better!
Directions 2
Listen to the directions to the lake. Mark the route on Inc y 0 Q
snap. Then fill in the gaps.
'Drive Park Road and turn . Go
the bridge and the pub. Turn
up the hill, then drive the hill to the
river. after the farm and the lake is
right. It takes twenty minutes.'
2 ®' ' Complete the text with the prepositions. Listen to Norman
talking about his drive in the country. Check your answers.
along down into out of over past through under up
Norman drove
the garage,
the roadand,
the bridge.
Then he drove
111„ the pub,
the hill, and
the hill.
I N Al--2�
1c Next he drove
O O Z a the river,
� ,,{1'',
�0 8
t hhd eege,
and the lake!
6wvi i f
3 Cover the text. Look at the pictures and tell Norman's story.
4 Work with a partner. Student A Think of a place near your school. Give your partner
directions, but don't say what the place is!
Student B Listen to the directions. Where are you?
Unit 10 • Bigger and better! 81
1 1 Looking good!
Present Continuous • Whose? • Clothes • Words that rhy me • In a clothes shop
STARTER V 1 Look around the classroom. Can you see any of these clothes?
a hat a coat a jumper a shirt a T-shirt a dress a skirt a jacket
a suit trousers jeans shorts shoes trainers boots t
2 What are you wearing?
1,111 gearing byre jeans )�nr're ��earnr a dress.
What is your teacher wearing?
nd a 10111t, T Blurt.
Tellthe class. i
Present Continuous
1 Look at the photographs. Describe the people.
• is tall • isn't very tall • is pretty • good-looking • handsome
Who's got...?
fair hair eyes
Becc-a's got dark hair and brown eyes.
2 What are they doing?
• is smiling • is cooking
• is talking • is standing up
• is writing • is playing
• is laughing • is running
• is eating • is sitting down
3 \VVhat are they wearing?
Rudis wearing a brows: T-shirt.
82 Unit 11 • Looking good!
1 Am/is/are + adjective describes people and things.
She is young/tall/pretty.
2 Am/is/are + verb + -ing describes activities
happening now.
Complete the table.
You learning English.
He/She sitting in a classroom.
We listening to the teacher.
This is the Present Continuous tense. What are the
questions and the negatives?
3 What is the difference between these sentences?
He speaks Spanish.
He's speaking Spanish.
lop.* Grammar Reference 11.1 and 11.2 p132
Flora and Toni
Who is it?
1 \Vork with a partner.
Student A Choose someone in the classroom, but
don't say who.
Student B Ask Ye'slNo questions to find out who it is!
Has she.tot fair hair?
2 Write sentences that are true li)r you at the moment.
I 1/wearing a jacket
I'm not wearing a jacket. I'm wearing a jumper.
1/wearing jeans
I/standing up
I/looking out of the window
We/working hard
1/chewing gum
Tell a partner about yourself.
Unit 11 • Looking good! 83
Who's at the party? Whose is it?
3 ® Oliver is at Monica's party, but he doesn't know
anyone. Monica is telling him about the other guests. Listen 1 Find these things in the picture.
and write the names above the people.
a baseball cap a bike a football roller blades
trainers a dog sunglasses a radio a skateboard
an umbrella flowers
4 Listen again and complete the table.
Present Continuous Present Simple
Harry He's sitting down and He works in LA. 2 ® Listen to the questions. Complete the
he's talking to Mandy. answers with his, hers, or theirs.
Mandy 1 Whose is the baseball cap? It's
Fiona 2 Whose are the roller blades? They're
George 3 Whose is the dog? It's
Roz and Sam Practise the questions and answers with a partner.
Then ask about the other things in exercise 1.
5 Work with a partner. Look at the pictures of a party from 3 Give something of yours to the teacher. Ask and
your teacher. Don't show your picture! There are ten answer questions about the objects. Use these
differences. Talk about the pictures to find them. possessive pronouns.
mine yours his hers ours theirs
In my picture four
people are dancing.
84 Unit 11 • Looking good!
who's or whose?
1 Choose the correct word. Compare your answers with a
1 I like your / yours house.
2 Ours / Our house is smaller than their / theirs.
3 And their / theirs garden is bigger than our / ours, too.
4 My / Mine children are older than her / hers.
5 Whose / Who's talking to your 1 yours sister?
6 This book isn't my / mine. Is it your 1 yours?
7 'Whose / Who's dictionary is this?' 'It's his / him:
8 'Whose / Who's going to the party tonight?' 'I'nm not.'
9 'Whose / Who's dog is running round our / ours garden?'
2 T 11.3 Listen to the sentences.
If the word is Whose? Shout 1! If the word is Who's? shout 2!
What a mess!
3 IM The house is in a mess!
Complete the conversation.
Listen and check.
A is this tennis racket?
A What's it doing here?
B I'm tennis this afternoon.
The Present Continuous can also describe activities
happening in the near future.
I'm playing tennis this afternoon.
We're having pica for dinner tonight.
4 Make more conversations with a partner.
I these football boots? / John's / playing football later
GRAMMAR SPOT 2 these ballet shoes? / Mary's / going dancing tonight
3 this suitcase? / mine / going on holiday tomorrow
I Complete the table.
4 this coat? / Jane's / going for a walk soon
Subject Object AdjectivePronoun
5 this plane ticket? / Jo's / flying to Rome this afternoon
I me my mine
6 all these glasses? / ours / having a party tonight
You you
He his
Check it
She hers
We us our 5 Correct the sentences.
They them
1 Alice is tall and she's got long, black hairs.
2 Whose ... ? asks about possession. 2 Who's boots are these?
Whose hat is this? 3 I'm wearing a jeans.
Whose is this hat? It's mine. = It's my hat.
4 Look at Roger. He stands next to Jeremy.
Whose is it?
5 He's work in a bank. He's the manager.
3 Careful! 6 What is drinking Suzie?
Who's your teacher? Who's = Who is 7 Whose that man in the garden?
041- Grammar Reference 11.3 p132 8 Where you going tonight?
9 What you do after school today?
Unit 11 Looking good! 85
What a wonderful world!
1 Look out of the window. What can you see?
Buildings? Hills? Fields? Can you see any people?
What are they doing? Describe the scene.
2 These words often go together. Match them.
Can you see any of then in the photos?
shake clouds
babies roses
sunny hands
starry trees
blue day
red night
white cry
green bloom
flowers of the rainbow
colours skies
3 Read the song by LOUIS Arnistrong.
Can you complete any of the lines?
Many of the words are from exercise 2.
4 ® Listen and complete the song.
What do you think?
Make a list of things that you think arc
wonderful in the world. Compare V()[11
list with a partner.
86 Unit 11 • Looking good!
what a w
I see - of green of green
red r ed too
I see them see them me for me and you
a and think to nd I think to mysel m yself
whata wonderful w f orld khwm�
I see of blue
and of white
the bright day
and the dark night
and I think to myself
what a wonderful world.
The of the rainbow
so pretty in the sky
are also on the
of the people going by.
I see friends shaking
saying, 'How do you do?'
They're really saying
I you.'
I hear cry
I watch them grow.
They'll much more
than you'll ever know
and I think to myself
what a wonderful world.
Yes, I think to myself
what a wonderful world.
Unit 11 Looking good! _97
Words that rhyme
1 Match the words that rhyme.
red list white beer
hat mean near wear
kissed shoes night
green said
that hair
rose flowers
whose bought
short half ours pay
2 Write two of the words on each line according to the sound.
Vowels Diphthongs
l /e/ red said 5 /a:/ I /al/ white 4 /ea/
2 /x/ 6 /u:/ 2 /ia/ 5 /au/
3 /t/ 7 /n:/ 3 /et/ 6 /ao/
4 ; i:/
T 11.6 Listen and check.
3 Can you add any more words to the lists? Practise saying the words in rhyming pairs.
Tongue twisters
4 ® 'longue twisters arc sentences that arc difficult to say. They are good
pronunciation practice. Listen, then try saying these quickly to a partner.
1 Four fine fresh fish for you
4 I'm looking back,
To see if she's looking back,
To see if I'm looking back,
To see if she's looking back
at me!
5 Choose two tongue twisters and learn them. Say them to the class.
88 Unit 11 • Looking good!
In a clothes shop
1 Read the lines of conversation in a clothes shop. Who says
them, the Customer or the ,hop i' istant?
Write C or SA.
a â�' Can I help ,You? 9A
h â�' Olt yes. I like that one much l)Ltk. (,,in I try it on? C
c â�' £39.99. How do you want to pay?
d â�' Yes, please. I'm looking for a shirt to go with my new
e â�' Blue.
f â�' Yes, of course. The changing rooms are over there.
g â�' OK. I'll take the white. How much is it?
Ii â�' (:an I pay by credit card?
i â�' What colour are you looking liar?
j â�' No, it isn't the right blue.
k â�' No, it's a bit too big. Have you got a smaller
I That's the last blue one we've got, I'm afraid. But
we've got it in white.
m â�' Well, what about this one? It's a bit darker blue.
n â�' What about this one? I)o you like this?
o â�' Is the size OK?
p â�' Credit card's fine. Thank you very much.
2 Can you match any lines?
What about this one?
Do you like this?
No, it's not the right blue.
3 Work with a partner and put all the lines in
the correct order.
Listen and check.
4 Practise the conversation with your partner. Make more
conversations in a clothes shop. Buy some different clothes.
Unit 11 • Looking good! 89
Life's an adventure!
going to future • Infinitive of purpose • The weather • Making suggestions
STARTER 1 How many sentences can
10 you make?
when I was a student.
I'm going to Florida next month.
I went to Florida in a year's time.
two years ago.
2 Make similar true sentences
when I retire.
about you. Tell the class.
When I grow up ...
1 Rosie and her teacher Miss Bishop both have plans for
the future.
Read their future plans. Which do you think are
Rosie's? Which are â-ºMiss Bishop's? Write R or MB.
1 I'm going to he a ballet dancer.
2 0I'm going to travel all over the world.
3 0I'm going to learn Russian.
4 0I'm going to learn to drive.
5 0I'm going to open a school.
6 0I'm not going to marry until I'm thirty-five.
7 0I'm not going to wear skirts and blouses.
8 0I'm going to wear jeans and T-shirts all the time.
9 0I'ni going to write a hook.
toI-I'm going to become a TV star.
® Listen and check. Were you correct?
2 Talk first about Rosie, then about Miss Bishop. Use the
ideas in exercise 1.
Rosie'c going to be a ballet darâ-ºcer.
She isti't going to ...
Which two plans are the same for both of them?
They're both going to ...
90 Unit 12 - Life's an adventure!
3 ® Listen and repeat the questions and
ansWers about Rosie. Questions about Rosie
1 With a partner, make more questions about Rosie.
Is she going to be a ballet (lancer?
'T'hen match them with an answer.
I Why/she/learn French and Russian?
1Vhats slitgoing to do? 7 -ravel all over the world.
2 When/marry?
3 How many children/have?
4 How long/work?
• 5 What/teach?
1 The verb to be + going to expresses future plans. Answers
Complete the table. a Until she's seventy-five.
h Iwo.
I c Dancing.
d Not until she's thirty-five.
He/She going to leave tomorrow.
e RecaLlse she wants to dance
in Paris and Moscow.
2 ® Listen and check. Practise the questions
What are the questions and the negatives?
and answers with your partner.
2 Is there much difference between these two sentences?
I'm leaving tomorrow. I'm going to leave tomorrow. Questions about you
11111,* Grammar Reference 12.1 p133
3 Are you going to do any of these things after the
lesson? Ask and answer the questions with a
I watch 'F V
Are you going to watch TV?
Yes, I mn./No, I'm â-ºtot.
2 have a coffee
3 catch a bus
4 eat in a restaurant
5 meet some friends
6 cook a meal
7 go shopping
8 wash your hair
9 do your homework
4 'MI the class some of the things you and your
partner are or are not going to do.
Were both going to have coi
in going to catclr a bus, but Arma
isn'I. She's going to walk hone.
Unit 12 • Life's an adventure! 91
I'm going to sneeze! Infinitive of purpose
We also use going to when we can see now that 1 Match a country or a city with an activity. \Vhat
something is sure to happen in the future. can you see in the photographs?
S What is going to happen? Use these verbs. Holland visit the pyramids
Spain fly over the Grand Canyon
have sneeze win jump be late kiss rain fall Moscow see Mount Fuji
Egypt see the tulips
Kenya walk along the Great Wall
India watch flamenco dancing
07 China take photographs of the lions
d% i t Japan sunbathe on Copacabana beach
the USA walk in Red Square
Rio visit the Taj Mahal
I It 2 You
2 Miss Bishop is going to visit all these countries.
She is telling her friend, Harold, about her plans.
Read their conversation and complete the last
Miss Bishop First I'm going to Holland.
Harold Why?
Miss Bishop To see the tulips, of course!
3 1 4 They
Harold Oh yes! How wonderful! Where are
you going after that?
Miss Bishop Well, then I'm going to Spain to ...
Listen and check. Practise the conversation
with a partner.
5 She 6 He
1 With the verbs to go and to come, we usually use
the Present Continuous for future plans.
I'm going to Holland tomorrow.
X I'm geing te Se to Holland tomorrow.
She's coming this evening.
X She's this evening.
7 He 8 They 2 Do these sentences mean the same?
I'm going to Holland to see the tulips.
I'm going to Holland because I want to see the
6 Put a sentence from exercise 5 into each gap.
I Take an umbrella. The infinitive can tell us why something happens.
2 Look at the time! for the meeting. I'm going to America to learn English.
3 Anna's running very fast. 0-0- Grammar Reference 12.2 p133
4 Look! Jack's on the wall!
5 Look at that man!
6 It's due next month.
7 There's my sister and her boyfriend! Yuk!
8 '0h dear. :\aatt 'IilkN. %'nLI!
Listen and check.
92 Unit 12 • Life's an adventure!
1 Work with a partner. Student A is Harold, Student B is Miss
Bishop. Ask and answer questions about the places.
Harold Why are you going to Holland?
Miss Bishop To see the tulips, of course!
Harold How wonderful!
2 Talk about Miss Bishop's Journey. Use first, then, next, after that.
First she's going to Holland to see the tulips. Then she's ...
Why and When?
3 Write down the names of some places you went to in the past.
Ask and answer questions about the places with a partner.
Why did you go to England?
Fell the class about your partner.
4 Write down the names of some places you are going to in the
future and do the same.
When arc you goiâ-º>�? !n two weeks' tine.
Check it
5 Tick (âœ") the correct sentence.
I â�' Is going to rain.
â�' It's going to rain.
2 â�' Do you wash your hair this evening?
â�' Are you going to wash your hair this evening?
3 â�' She's going to have a baby.
â�' She's going to has a baby.
4 â�' I'm going to the Post Office to buy some stamps.
â�' I'm going to the Post Office for buy some stamps.
5 â�' I'm going home early this evening.
â�' I'm go home early this evening.
6 â�' I opened the window to get some fresh air.
â�' I opened the window for to get some fresh air.
Unit 12 • Life's an adventure! 93
Living dangerously
1 Match a verb with a noun or phrase.
have sick
win an accident
feel in water
float top marks
get a race
2 Which of these sports do you think is the most dangerous?
Put them in order 1-6. 1 is the most dangerous. Compare
your ideas with a partner and then the class.
â�' skiing â�' football â�' motor racing
â�' windsurfing â�' golf â�' sky-diving
3 Look at the photos of Cleni Quinn and Sue Glass. Which of
their sports would you most like to try? Why?
Work in two groups.
Group A Read about Clem. Group B Read about Sue.
Answer the questions about your person. Check your answers
with your group.
I What happened when he/she was a child?
2 What job did he/she do when she/he grew up?
3 How did he/she become interested in the sport? Clem Quinn was always interested in
4 Why does he/she like the sport? flying. When he was five, he tried t(, !I\
5 Does lie/she think it is a dangerous sport? by jumping off the garden shed with i
6 Does he/she teach the sport? golf' umbrella, but when he grew ill) h,.
7 What are his/her future plans? didn't become a pilot, he became a taxi
driver. Then 20 years ago he did a
8 When is he/she going to stop doing it?
parachute jump and loved it. He
9 These numbers are in your text. What do they refer to?
decided that being a taxi driver in
5 6 20 100
London was a lot more dangerous than
4 Work with a partner from the other group. Compare Clem jumping out of a plane, so he moved to
and Sue, using your answers. the country to learn parachute jumpin;
and sky-diving. He is now a full-time
teacher of sky-diving. He says:
'I love sky-diving because the world
1 Group A You are Cleni. Make questions about Sue. looks so good - blue sky, green fields,
I Why/not like driving? white clouds. You float through the air.
2 Why/Julian Swayland take you to Brands Hatch? it's like floating in water. You can see
3 Why/do well on the motor racing course? forever, all the way to the French coast.
4 Why/stop motor racing? The views are fantastic. You can forget
all your worries. People think it is
5 What/do next year?
dangerous but it's very safe. Football i,
Group B You are Sue. Make questions about C.leni. much more dangerous. Footballers
often have accidents. When did you I, ,t
1 What/do when you were five?
hear of a sky-diving accident? Next Jul.\
2 When/do your first parachute jump?
I'm going to do a sky-dive with 1 00
2 Why /move to the country'
people from six planes. That's a record.
3 Why/love sky-diving? I'm never going to retire. I'm going to
4 What/do next July? jump out of planes until I'm an old
2 Work with a partner from the ()ther group. Interview each man.'
94 Unit 12 • Life's an adventure!
Sue Glass had a car accident when she
was eight so she didn't like driving.
When she grew up this was a problem,
because she got a job with a car
company. Then six years ago she met
Julian Swayland, a racing driver, and
she told him she was afraid of cars. He
wanted to help, so he took her to
Brands Batch, a Grand Prix racing
circuit. He drove her round corners at
100 mph and she loved it. Then she
heard about a special motor racing
course. She did the course with five
men and was anwved when she got top
marks. She says:
'I think I did well because I listened to
everything the teacher said. I needed to
because I was so afraid. The men often
didn't listen. The best moment was my
first championship race. I didn't win
but I came fourth. I beat 20 men. I love
the excitement of motor racing but it's
a dangerous sport and I'm always very
frightened. In fact I stopped doing it a
year ago, because I got so nervous
before each race, I felt really sick. I'm
not going to race again, I'm going to
teach other people to drive. I'm going
to open a driving school next year.'
Unit 12 • Life's an adventure! 95
The weather
1 Match the words and symbols.
sunny rainy windy snowy cloudy foggy
Which symbols can the following adjectives go with?
hot warm cold cool wet dry
2 [M Listen and complete the answers.
'What's the weather like today?' 'It's and
'What was it like yesterday?' 'Oh, it was and
'What's it going to be like tomorrow?' 'I think it's going to he
The question What ... like? asks for a description.
What's the weather like? = Tell me about the weather.
Practise the questions and answers. Ask and answer about the weather
where you are today, yesterday, and tomorrow.
3 Work with a partner. Find out about the weather round the world
Student A Look at the information on this page.
Student B Look at the information from your teacher.
Ask and answer questions to complete the information.
What was the weather
like in Athens?
Athens ... S 18
Berlin ... R 7
Bombay ...
Edinburgh ... C 5
Geneva ... . -
Hong Kong ... S 29
Lisbon ...
London ... R 10
Los Angeles ...
S = sunny
Luxor ... S 40
C = cloudy
Milan ...
Fg = foggy
Moscow ... Sn
R = rainy
Oslo ...
Sn = snowy
4 Which city was the hottest? Which was the coldest?
Which month do you think it is?
96 Unit 12 • Life's an adventure!
Making suggestions
1 Make a list of things you can do in good weather and things you can do in
bad weather. Compare your list with a partner.
Good weather Bad weather
go to the beach watch TV
2 ® Read and listen to the beginning of two conversations.
Complete B's suggestions.
I A It's a lovely day! 2 A It's raining again!
What shall we do? What shall we do?
B Let's B Let's and
We use shall to ask for and make suggestions.
What shall we do?
Shall we go swimming? = I suggest that we go swimming.
We use Let's to make a suggestion for everyone.
Let's go! = I suggest that we all go. (Let's = Let us)
Let's have a pizza!
3 Match these lines with the two conversations in exercise 2. Put them in the
correct order to complete the conversations.
Well, let's go to the beach. Oh no! We watched a video last night.
OK. Which film do you want to see? OK. I'll get my swimming costume.
Oh no! It's too hot to play tennis. Well, let's go to the cinema.
IM listen and check. Practise the conversations with your partner.
4 I lave more conversations suggesting what to do when the weather is good
or bad. Use your lists of activities in exercise I to help you.
Unit 12 • Life's an adventure! 97
How terribly clever!
STARTER 1 Match a question When ... ? Six.
word with an Where ... ? 1991.
answer. What...? Paris.
2 Look at the answers. Who...? Because I love him.
What do you think Why...? John.
the story is? Which ... ? Some roses.
How...? £25.
How much ... ? The red ones.
How many ... ? By plane.
Question words
1 Work in groups and answer the quiz.
When did the first man walk on the moon?
2 ® Listen and check your answers. Listen a 1961 b 1965 c 1969
carcRilly to the intonation of the questions.
4 Where are the Andes mountains?
1 Underline all the question words in the quiz. S Who did Mother Teresa look after?
2 Make two questions for each of these
statements, one with a question word and Who won the last World Cup?
one without.
I live in London. (where)
How many American states are there?
'Where do you live?' 'In London.'
'Do you live in London?' 'Yes, I do.'
1 She's wearing jeans. (what) How much does an African elephant weigh?
2 She works in the bank. (where) a 3-5 tonnes b 5-7 tonnes c 7-9 tonnes
3 He's leaving tomorrow. (when)
4 I visited my aunt. (who)
How far is it from London to New York?
5 We came by taxi. (how)
6 They're going to have a party. (why) a 6,000 kilometres
3 What are the short answers to the questions?
b 9,000 kilometres
0-0- Grammar Reference 13.1 p133
c 12,000 kilometres
3 In groups, write some general knowledge
questions. Ask the class!
98 Unit 13 • How terribly clever!
Questions and answers Listening and pronunciation
1 Look at the question words in A and the answers in C. 2 ® 'tick (âœ") the sentence you hear.
Choose the correct question from B. I â�' Where do you want to go?
â�' Why do you want to go?
2 â�' How is she?
Where To the shops. â�' Who is she?
What A new jacket. 3 â�' Where's he staying?
When did you buy? This morning. â�' Where's she staving?
Who did you go? A friend from work.
4 â�' Why did they come?
Why did you go with? To buy some new clothes.
Which one did you pay? The black, leather one. â�' Why didn't they come?
How We drove. 5 â�' I-low old was she?
How much £120.99. â�' How old is she?
How many Only one. 6 â�' Does he play the guitar?
â�' I)id he play the guitar?
7 â�' Where did you go at the weekend?
â�' Where do you go at the weekend?
Asking about you
3 Put the words in the correct order to make
I like learning do English you?
2 do you night what did last?
How old was Princess Diana when she died?
3 languages mother many does how your
a 33 b 36 c 39
5 What languages do Swiss people speak?
4 last go you shopping did when?
4L,. What did Marconi invent in 1901?
5 football which you do team support?
What sort of music did Louis Armstrong play?
6 come car today school by you to did?
a Jazz b Blues c Rock 'n' roll
7 much do weigh you how?
What happens at the end of Romeo and Juliet?
8 usually who sit you do next class in to?
What happened in Europe in 1939?
9 English want learn to you do why?
Why do birds migrate?
Which was the first country to have TV? 4 Work with a partner. Ask and answer the
a Britain b the USA c Russia questions.
Which language has the most words?
a French b Chinese c English
Unit 13 • How terribly clever! 99
Adverbs and adjectives
Order of adjectives/adverbs
1 Are the words in italics adjectives or 1 Put the adjective in brackets in the correct place in the sentence. Where
adverbs? necessary, change the adjective to an adverb.
I Smoking is a bad habit. I We had a holiday in Spain, but unfortunately we had weather.
The team played barfly and lost the (terrible)
match. 2 Maria dances. (good)
2 Please listen carefully. 3 When I saw the accident, I phoned the police. (Immediate)
Jane's a careful driver. 4 Don't worry. Justin is a driver. (careful)
3 The homework was easy. 5 Jean-Pierre is a Frenchman. He loves food, wine, and rugby. (typical)
Peter's very good at tennis. He won 6 Please speak. I can't understand you. (slow)
the game easily. 7 We had a test today. (easy)
4 1 know the Prime Minister well. 8 We all passed. (easy)
M 9 You speak English. (good)
y husband's a good cook.
5 It's a hard life.
Teachers work hard and don't earn Telling a story
much money.
2 Complete these sentences in a suitable way.
I It started to rain. Fortunately ...
2 Peter invited nle to his party. Unfortunately ...
1 Look at these sentences. 3 1 was fast asleep when suddenly ...
Lunch is a quick meal for many people. 4 1 saw a nlan with a gun outside the hank. Immediately ...
(quick = adjective. It describes a noun.)
3 ® Look at the picture and listen to a elan describing what
I ate my lunch quickly.
happened to him in the middle of the night. Number the adverbs in
(quickly = adverb. It describes a verb.)
the order you hear them.
2 How do we make regular adverbs? What
happens when the adjective ends in -y? olseS
3 There are two irregular adverbs in â�' quickly
exercise 1. Find them. â�' quietly
F1 slowly
04op. Grammar Reference 13.2 p133
â�' immediately
â�' carefully
â�' suddenly
2 Match the verbs or phrases with an
â�' fortunately
adverb. Usually more than one answer is
possible. Which are the irregular â�' really
get up slowly
walk quietly
work early
run fluently
speak carefully 4 Work with a partner and tell the story again. Use the order of the
speak English easily adverbs to help you.
pass the exam hard
do your homework fast/quickly Check it
5 Each sentence has a mistake. Find it and correct it.
I Where (toes live Anna's sister?
2 The children came into the classroom noisyly.
3 What means whistle?
4 1 always work hardly.
5 Do you can help me, please?
6 When is going Peter on holiday?
100 Unit 13 • How terribly clever!
Describing feelings
1 Match the feelings to the pictures.
bored tired worried excited annoyed interested
2 Match the feelings and reasons to make sentences.
Feelings Reasons Some adjectives can end in
both -ed and -ing.
bored I'm going on holiday tomorrow.
tired we have a good teacher. The book was interesting.
I am worried because I worked very hard today. I was interested in the book.
excited I can't find my keys. The lesson was boring.
annoyed I have nothing to do. The students were bored.
interested I want to go to the party but I can't.
3 Complete each sentence with the correct adjective.
I excited, exciting 3 annoyed, annoying
Life in New York is very ... The child's behaviour was really ...
The football fans were very ... The teacher was ... when nobody did the homework.
2 tired, tiring 4 worried, worrying
'I'he marathon runners were very ... The news is very ...
'T'hat game of tennis was very ... Everybody was very ... when they heard the news.
4 Answer your teacher's questions using adjectives from exercises I and 2.
Ejivo:r like doing exercise 2% No, we didn't. It was very boring!
Unit 13 • How terribly clever! 101
A story in a story
1 Think about when you were a small
child. I)id your parents tell you stories?
Which was your favourite storv? 'Jell
the class.
2 Look at the first picture. Who do you
think the people on the train are? Do
they know each other?
3 • Read and listen to part one of
the storv.
4 Answer the questions.
I Who are the people on the train?
2 What does Cyril ask questions
3 Why does the aunt tell the children
a story?
4 What is the story about?
5 Do the children like the story?
6 Why does the young man start
7 Which of these adjectives best
describe the people? Write them in
the correct column.
quiet noisy badly-behaved tired
worried bored boring annoyed
he people on the train were hot and tired. A tall
voting mats sat next to three small children and
The aunt
their aunt. The aunt and the children talked.
When the aunt spoke she always began with 'Don't ... I.
When the children spoke they always began with 'Why
?' The young man said nothing.
The children The small boy whistled loudly. 'Don't do that, Cyril; said
his aunt. Cyril stood up and looked out of the window
at the countryside.
'Why is that man taking those sheep out of that field?'
he asked.
'Perhaps lie's taking them to another field where there's
The young man
more grass,' said the aunt.
'But there's lots of grass in that field. Why can't the
sheep stay there?'
102 Unit 13 • How terribly clever!
5 The young man tells the story of a little
girl called Bertha. Look at the pictures.
What do you think happened to Bertha?
'Perhaps the grass in the other field is better.'
Why is it better?'
The young man looked annoyed.
'Oh dear,' thought the aunt,'he doesn't like children.'
'Sit down quietly, Cyril. Now, listen, I'm going to tell you
all a story.'
The children looked bored but they listened. The story
was very boring indeed. It was about a very beautiful
little girl, who worked hard and behaved beautifully.
Everybody loved her. One day she fell into a lake and
everyone in the village ran to save her.
'Why did they save her?' asked the bigger girl.
'Because she was so good,' said the aunt.
'But that's stupid,' said the girl. When people fall into
lakes, it doesn't matter if they're good or bad, you run to
save them:
'You're right,' said the young man, speaking for the first
time. 'That's a ridiculous story.'
'Well, perhaps you would like to tell a story,' said the
aunt coldly.
'OK,' said the man. The children looked interested and
he began.
Unit 13 • How terribly clever! 103
Catching a train
1 ;
n is phoning to find out the times of trains to Bristol.
Listen and write in the arrival times.
Notice we often use the twenty-four hour clock for
7.00 in the morning = 0700 (oh seven hundred hours)
2 ® Ann is at Oxford Station. Listen and complete
the conversation. Then practise with a partner.
A Good morning. (I) the times of trains
( 2) Bristol (3) Oxford,
B Afternoon, evening? When (4) ?
A About five o'clock this afternoon.
B About (5) . Right. Let's have it look.
There's a train that (6) 5.28, then there
isn't (7) until 6.50.
A And (8) get in?
B The 5.28 gets into Oxford at 6.54 and the 6.50
( 9)
A Thanks a lot. I M i •
3 Ann goes to the ticket office. Put the lines of the
conversation in the correct order.
â�'IA Hello. A return to Bristol, please.
â�' A A day return.
â�' C How do you want to pay?
II A OK, thanks very much. Goodbye.
â�' C Here's your change and your ticket.
â�' C You want platform I over there.
â�' A Here's a twenty-pound note.
â�' C Day return or period return%
â�' A Cash, please.
â�' C That's eighteen pounds.
A Thank you. Which plat(urnn IS it'
m Listen and check. Practise the conversation
with a partner.
4 Make more conversations with your partner. Look at
the information from your teacher. Decide where you
want to go. Find out about times, then buy your ticket.
Unit 13 • How terribly clever! 105
Have you ever?
Present Perfect * ever, never, yet, and just • At the airport
STARTER % 1 Match the countries and flags.
A ustralia Brazil France Germany Great Britain
Greece Hungary Italy Japan Canada Spain the USA
1 2 3 4 5 6
8 9 10 11 I
2 Tick (âœ") the countries that you have visited.
1 l lAlrl lA'I '�r11.'+! ' re, CUSS
♦OSC MIIE f1AlIO11Al I•Al1w CAl 11 U3r'.'A /'( ' i1 �RN4 ,ny'
., rrr�WWr «Iw��A w�rwgr'w.r.rM «r'A 1J.
r.*WNt rr. +I/M1
Present Perfect + ever and never
1 IM Read and listen to the sentences.
'I hen listen and repeat.
I've been to Germany. (I've = I have)
I haven't been to France.
I've been to the USA.
I've never been to Australia.
I haven't been to any of the countries!
Work in groups. Tell each other which of the
countries above you have or haven't been to.
Have you been to any other countries?
2 IM Read and listen to the conversation.
Practise with a partner.
A Have you ever been to Paris?
B No, I haven't.
A Have you ever been to Berlin?
B Yes, I have.
A When did you go?
B Two years ago.
106 Unit 14 • Have you ever?
3 Write down the names of four cities in your country or another country
that you have been to. Have similar conversations with your partner.
4 Tell the class about your partner.
Alarm's been to Berlin. (Maria's _ Maria has)
She went there two years ago.
But she hasn't been to Perris. / (She's = She has)
She's never been to Paris.
1 We use the Present Perfect to talk about experiences in our lives.
Have you ever (at any time in your life) been to Paris?
2 We use the Past Simple to say exactly when something happened.
When did you go to Paris?
last year.
I went there two years ago.
in 1998.
3 We make the Present Perfect tense with has/have + the past participle.
Complete the table.
11 I ";\ 1' E S T
been to Paris.
4 Write ever and never in the right place in these sentences.
Has he been to London?
He's been to London.
04o- Grammar Reference 14.1 p134
Past participles
1 Here are the past participle's of some verbs. Write the infinitive.
eaten eat made given
seen taken won
met driven had
drunk cooked stayed
flown bought done
2 Which are the two regular verbs?
3 What are the Past Simple forms of the verbs?
4 Look at the list of irregular verbs on p142 and check your answers.
Unit 14 • Have you ever? 107
The life of Ryan Present Perfect + yet and just
1 [M Listen to Ryan talking about his life and tick 1 Rod and Marilyn come from Christchurch,
the thine he has done. New Zealand. They are on honeymoon in London.
Before they Nvent, they made a list of things they
wanted to do there. Read the list below.
lived in a foreign country
worked for a big company
stayed in an expensive hotel
flown in a jumbo jet
cooked a meal for ten (or
2 Marilyn is phoning her sister Judy, back home
more) people
in New Zealand. Listen to their conversation. Tick (âœ")
met a famous person
the things she and Rod have done.
seen a play by Shakespeare
driven a tractor
been to hospital LONDON
won a competition
Things to do -
• go to 6uck1ngham Pa/awe
2 Tell your teacher about Ryan and answer your
• see the Houses of
teacher's questions.
• have a boat ride on
the River Thames
• go on the London Eye
• walk /n Hyde Park
• go shopping in Harrods
the Grown Jewels
How long did in the Tower of Londo.
he live there? • travel on a
doub/e-decker bus
• �o to the thf,.7t�'c'
3 Ask your teacher the questions and complete the chart.
Have you ever
°'B =,�li?�ln,nGi��â- iii_iii
lived in a &131; l
rorei n ioi iii ,v? • T�. � : : 11
� _1' _-Fes!}nH .t:� � d m�''
4 Ask a partner the questions. Tell the class about
your partner.
108 Unit 14 • Have you ever?
I've just done it
1 Complete the sentences.
1 Have you the Crown Jewels yet? 1 Work with a partner. Make questions
2 We been to the theatre yet. with yet and answers with just.
3 We've just a boat ride on the Thames.
2 Where do we put yet in a sentence? Where do we put just in a Have you done the washing-up yet?
3 We can only use yet with two of the following. Which two?
â�' Positive sentences
â�' Questions
â�' Negative sentences
I do the washing-up
â-ºâ-º Grammar Reference 14.2 p134 2 do the shopping
3 wash your hair
4 clean the car
3 Look at the list with a partner. Say what Rod and Marilyn have
5 make the dinner
done and what they haven't done yet. 6 Meet the new student
7 have a coffee
They've travelled oil it double-decker bus. 8 give your homework to the teacher
9 finish the exercise
They haven't seers the Crown Jewels yet.
Check it
2 Tick (âœ") the correct sentence.
Listen again and check.
1 â�' I saw John yesterday.
â�' I've seen John yesterday.
2 â�' Did yoti ever cat Chinese fod?
â�' Have you ever eaten Chinese food?
3 â�' Donna won £'5,000 last month.
â�' Donna has won ±.5,00(1 last month.
4 â�' I've never drank champagne.
â�' I've never drunk champagne.
â�' Tom has ever been to America.
Tom has never been to America.
( â�'I Has your sister yet had the baby?
Has your sister had the baby yet?
7 â�' I haven't finished illy homework
â�' I've finished my homework yet.
8 â�' Did she just bought a new car?
Has she just bought a new car?
Unit 14 • Have you ever? 109
How to live to be 100 Joyce sews
1 Who is the oldest person you know? How old is he/she?
Joyce Bews was 100 last year. She was born
What do you know about their lives? Why do you think
and grew up in Portsmouth on the south coast
they have lived so long? Tell the class.
of England, where she still lives. For many
2 These words are in the texts. Write them in the correct years she was a dressmaker, and she didn't
column. marry until she was 65. Her husband died of
pneumonia ambulance driver engineer heart attack lung cancer only 10 weeks after they married.
lung cancer rheumatic fever secretary dressmaker It was then that she gave up smoking. Joyce
has had only one Serious illness in her life - she
jobs Illnesses
had pneumonia when she was 20. She has
lived in Australia and America. She lived in
Australia after her husband died, and she went
to America when she was 75. She has just
returned fi-onl a holiday in Spain with her
niece, aged 75. She says: Till not sure why
3 Read the introduction. Are similar facts true for your I've lived so long. I've never exercised but I'\e
country? always eaten well, lots of fruit. iMty youngest
brother has just died, aged 90.'
How to live to be 100
More and more people are living to be 100 years
old. There are now 4,400 centenarians in Britain -
10 times more than there were 40 years ago.
Professor Grimicy Evans of Oxford Llniversity
believes that future generations will live even
longer, to 115 years and more. Here are the stories
of three people who have lived to be 100.
4 Work in groups of three. Each choose a different
person and read about her/him. Answer the questions.
I What jobs has she/he had in her/his life?
2 Where does he/she live now?
3 Which countries has she/he been to?
4 Did he/she marry and have children?
5 Is her husband/his wife still alive?
6 When and why did she/he give up smoking
7 What do you learn about other people in his/her
8 Has she/he ever been very ill?
9 What food does he/she like?
10 What exercise does she/he like doing?
5 Work with your group. Compare the three people,
using your answers.
What do you think?
• Why do you think these people have lived so long?
How many reasons can you find?
• Would you like to live to be 100? Why/why not?
110 Unit 14 • Have you ever?
Alice Patterson-Smythe was born just over 100 years
ago in Edinburgh. She now lives in Norfolk. She drove
ambulances in the First World War, and worked as a
school secretary until she retired. She has been a widow
for 25 years and has three children, six grandchildren,
and I I great-grandchildren. She smoked quite a lot
when she was a young girl but she gave up when she
was 68 because she had a heart attack. Her nineties
were the best years of her life because her millionaire
grandson took her on his aeroplane to visit Tokyo, Los
Angeles, and Miami. She says: 'I love life. I play golf
once a week and do Latin American dancing, and I cat
lots of fruit and vegetables. We are a long-lived family -
my mother was 95 when she died.'
Fommv Harrison is exactly 100 years old. He's
.i retired engineer. His wife, Maude, died 14
v cars ago. They had no children and now he
lives alone in his flat in Bristol. Tommy has
smoked all his life. First he smoked cigarettes,
about 10 a day, but 40 years ago he changed to
a pipe. He has only been ill once in his life, and
that was just before the First World War, when
he had rheumatic fever. The only time he visits
his doctor is to get a certificate to say that he
can still drive his car. Every day he has a full
English breakfast - bacon, eggs, toast and
marmalade. He has only been abroad once, to
France during the war. He says: 'I still go
dancing and swimming but I don't want to live
for ever, perhaps 12 more months. My father
lived until he was 99.'
Unit 14 • Have you ever? 111
Leaving on a jet plane
1 [M Close your hooks and your eves and listen to a song.
What is it about?
2 Read the words of the song. Choose the word on the right which
best completes the line.
Leaving on a jet plane
All my (1) are packed, I'm ready to go, 1 bags suitcases
I'm standing here outside your (2) 2 window door
I (3) to wake you up to say goodbye, 3 hate want
But the dawn is breaking,
It's early morn',
The taxi's , 4 here waiting
He's blowing his (5) 5 horn trumpet
Already I'm so lonesome
I could (6) 6 cry die
Chorus So kiss me and i1 for me, 7 laugh smile
(8) me that you'll wait for me, 8 tell say
(9) me like you'll never let me go, 9 love hold
'Cos I'm leaving on a jet plane,
I don't know when I'll be back again.
Oh babe, I hate to go.
There's so (1°) times I've let you down, 10 much many
So many times I've (11) around, 11 played walked
I tell you now
They don't mean a thing.
Every (12) I go, I'll think of you 12 time place
Every song I sing, I'll sing for you
When I (13) back 13 come go
I'll wear your wedding (14) 14 ring dress
3 Listen again and check the words. Sing along!
112 Unit 14 • Have you ever?
At the airport
1 \Vhat do you do at an airport? Read the sentences and put them in the correct Order.
â�' You wait in the departure lounge. â�' You check in your luggage and get a boarding pass.
â�' You board the plane. â�' You go through passport control.
L. YOU get a trolley for your luggage. â�' You check the departures board for your gate number.
YOU arrive at the airport.
2 [M Listen to the airport announcements and
complete the chart.
3 Listen to the conversations. Who are the people?
Where are they? Choose from these places.
• in the arrival hall
• in the departure lounge
• at the departure gate
• at the check-in desk
4 Complete each conversation with the correct question.
When can we see each other again?
Did you have a good honeymoon?
Did the announcement say gate 4 or 14?
have you got much hand luggage?
I A Listen! ... BA 516 to Geneva. That's Our flight. A Rod! ,Marilyn! Over here!
B B Hi! Judy! Great to see you!
A I couldn't hear. I think it said 4. A It's great to see you too. You look terrific!
B Look! There it is on the departure hoard. It is gate 4.
A OK. Conte on! Let's go. B Fantastic. Everything was fantastic.
A kVell, you haven't missed anything here.
2 A Can I have your ticket, please?
Nothing much has happened at all!
B Yes, of course.
A Thank you. How many suitcases have you got? 4 A 'There's my flight. It's time to go.
B Just one. B Oh no! It's been a wonderful two weeks.
A And I can't believe it's over.
B Just this hag. A I know.
A That's tine. B Soon, I hope. I'll write every day.
B Oh ... can I have a seat next to the window? A I'll phone too. Goodbye.
A Yes, that's OK. Here's your boarding pass. Have a nice flight! B Goodbye. Give my love to your family.
• Listen and check. Practise the conversations with a partner.
5 \\'ork with a partner. ,Make more conversations at each of the places.
Unit 14 • Have you ever? 113
Unit 1 2 Goodbye, tNtareus. I = Isabel C = class D = Dorita
Goodbye, Bianca. Have a nice day. 2 1 Good morning everybody.
Thanks, Marcus. See you this evening! C Good morning, Isabel.
see p6 Yes, at seven in the cinema. 1 I low are you all?
3 1 fello, 270899. C Fine.
Hi, Flora! It's me, Leo. I low are you? Good.
A I Iello. Sir name's Richard. What's your Not bad, thanks. And volt? OK.
name.: Very well. I low are the children? I I low are you I )orita?
B Kurt. They're fine. D I'm fine thank you. And you?
A Where are you from, Kurt? I Very well. Now listen everybody ...
B I'm from Hamburg. Where are you from? M = Marnic D = Dorita A = Annie
A I'm from London. Unit 2 3 M Bye. Dorita. I lave a nice day.
D Pardon?
® see p7 A 1-lave a good day at the school of
® Keesha Anderson English.
J Listen carefully! I A What's her surname? D Oh, yes. Thank You. Same to you.
I He's from Spain. B Anderson. M What's your teacher called?
2 What's her name? 2 A What's her first name? D My teacher called?
3 They're from Brazil. B Keesha. A Your teacher's name - what is it?
4 Where's she front? 3 A Where's she from? D Ali, yes. I Ier name's Isabel.
I le's a teacher in Italy. B London, England. M And is she good?
4 A What's her job? D My teacher good?
® see p9 B She's a journalist. A Yeah. Isabel, your teacher, is she a good
A What's her address? teacher?
Yasmina B 42, Muswell Hill Road, London N III 311). 1) l.)Ii yes, yes. Very good, very nice.
\Iy name's Yasmina Kamal and I'm it student. 6 A What's her phone number:
I'm 19. I'm not married. I have one sister and B ()20 8863 5741. ® sec p 18
two brothers. I live in a flat in Cairo, Egypt. I 7 A I low old is she?
want to learn English because it's an B Twenty-eight. T 2.8
international language. 8 A Is she married? I That's live pounds fifty, please.
B No, she isn't. 2 Look, it's only twelve pounds.
The alphabet song 3 l-lere you are. Twenty p change.
\ 0 C [) E F G T 2.2 see p13 •1 Pizza is three pounds seventy-live.
II I I K L \1 N O I' 5 One hundred pounds for that is very
L M N O P Q R S 'I T 2.3 see p14 expensive.
1. M N O P Q R S I 6 Nine pounds fifteen, not nine pounds fifty.
U \' \V X Y Z JM Adjectives
I hat is the English alphabet: I I Ic's old. She's young. am seep 19
2 It's easy. It's difficult.
see p lo 3 It's new. It's old. T 2.10 In a snack bar
4 It's fast. It's slow. I A (;ood morning.
• Telephone numbers 5 It's lovely. It's horrible. B Gaud morning. ('an I have an orange
!,8_2 947 6 They're hot.'I'hcv'rc cold. juice, please?
894-I 5033 7 'they're cheap. They're expensive. A 1-lere you are. Anything else?
(12 (I 7:997050 8 Its small. It ' s big. B No, thanks.
A Ninety p, please.
T 1.10 What are the numbers? ® seep 17 B Thanks.
I I lello. 01913 786 499. A 'T'hank you.
2 %Iy hrother has four children. Dorita in New York 2 A Ili. Can I help?
3 1 have 10 stamps in my bag. I) = Dorita 0 = Orlando B Yes. Can I have a tuna and egg salad,
4 Hello, extension 4177. I DI lello. \1y name's Dorita. please?
5 I live at number 19. O1 [Clio, I )orita. I'm Orlando. A Anything to drink?
(; ( ;uodhve. See you at five. D Where are von from, Orlando? B Yeah. A mineral water, please.
O I' m f rom It a ly , f ro m Rome And you? A OK. Here you are.
® Everyday conversations Where are you from? B I low much is that?
I I Iellu, extension 3442. D I'm from Argentina. A Four pounds ninety-five, please.
I-lellu, Marv. This is Edward. How are you? O From Buenos Aires? B 't'hanks.
I'm line, thank you. And you? D Yes, that's right.
I'm OK, thanks.
114 Tapescripts 1.1 - 2.10
Unit 3 2 AOnly two letters for you this morning, T 4.3
Mrs Craig. I \Vhat time do you go to bed?
BThank you very much, Mr McSporran. At I I o'clock.
see p20 And how's Mrs McSporran this 2 Where do you go on holiday?
morning? 'lb Spain or Portugal.
AOh, she's very well, thank you. She's 3 What do you do on Sundays?
I "he's a scientist. I Ic's a doctor. busy in the shop. I always relax.
2 Alison conies from England. Bob comes 3 AA glass of wine before bed, my dear? 4 \\r hen do you do your homework?
from England, too. BOh, yes please. After dinner.
3 She lives in a big city, but he lives in it AHere you are. 5 Who do you live with?
small town. BThank you, my dear. I'm very tired this My mother and sisters.
4 She works three days a week. He works 16 evening. o Why do you like your job?
hours a day non-stop. 4 AHello Mr McSporran! Because it's interesting.
5 He speaks to sick people on his radio. She BGood morning, boys and girls. Hurry 7 I-low do you travel to school?
s p eaks three lan g ua g es up, we ' re late. By bus.
6 She loves her job and he loves his job, too. ACan I sit here, Mr McSporran? 8 Do you go out on Friday evenings?
7 She has a daughter. He isn't married. CNo, no, I want to sit there. Yes, I do sometimes.
8 She likes skiing and going for walks in her BIle quiet all of you, and SIT DOWN!
tree time. He never has tree time. I[M Listen carefully!
M I What time is it? What does she do on Sundays?
® Questions and answers It's five o'clock. It's eight o'clock. 2 Do )vu stay home on Thursday evenings?
Where does Alison come from? Cambridge, ft's halt past five. It's half past eleven. 3 He lives here.
in England. It's quarter past live. It's quarter past two. 4 What do you do on Saturday evenings?
What does she do? She's a scientist. It's quarter to six. It's quarter to nine. 5 I read a lot.
Does she speak French? Yes, she does. It's five past five. It's tell past five. o, Why don't you like your job?
Does she speak Spanish? No, she doesn't. It's twenty past five. It's twenty-live past five.
M I Favourite seasons
It's twenty-five to six. It's twenty to six.
T 3.4 Its tell to six. It's five to six. I Al Wheeler from Canada
I Where does Bob come from? England. WVe have long, cold winters and short, hot
2 What does he do? fie 's a doctor. am see p27 summers. We have a holiday home near a
3 Does he fly to help people? Yes, he dues. lake, so in summer I go sailing a lot and I play
4 Does he speak French and German? No, baseball, but in winter 1 often play ice hockey
he doesn't. Unit 4 and go ice-skating. My favourite season is
autumn, or fall, as we say in North America. I
® is it true or false? love the colours of the trees - red, gold,
I Philippe conies from Paris. Bobbi Brown's weekdays orange, yellow, and brown.
2 Philippe lives in London. My weekends are fast and exciting. My 2 Manuela da Silva from Portugal
3 He works in the centre of Paris. weekdays are fast and domestic! I have two People think it's always warm and sunny in
4 He speaks English very well. sons, Dylan 7, and Dakota 5. Every morning I Portugal, but January and February are often
5 lie's married. get up one hour before them, at 6.00, and I go cold, wet, and grey. I don't like winter. I
6 Keiko lives and works in New York. to the gym. I come home and I make usually meet friends in restaurant and bars
7 She speaks French and German. breakfast, then I take them to school. On and we chat. Sometimes we go to a Brazilian
8 She plays tennis in her free time. Mondays I always go shopping. I buy all the bar. I love Brazilian music. But then suddenly
9 She isn't married. food for the week. I often cook dinner in the it's summer and at weekends we drive to the
10 Mark works in an office in Moscow. evenings, but not every day because I don't beach, sunbathe, and go swimming. I love
I I Ile has three sons. like cooking. Fortunately, my husband, I)on, summer.
1 -1 1 [e likes playing football in his free time. loves cooking. On 'T'uesdays and Thursdays I 3 Toshi Suzuki from Japan
M I Listen carefully! visit my father. He lives on the next block. I work fix Pentax cameras, in the export
Every afternoon I pick up the kids from school. department. I don't have a lot of free time, but
I She likes her job. In the evenings Don and I usually relax, but I have one special hobby - taking
2 She loves walking. sometimes we visit friends. We never go out photographs, of course! I like taking
3 He isn't married. on Friday evenings because I start work so photographs of flowers, especially in spring.
4 Does he have three children? early on Saturdays. Sometimes, after work, I relax in a bar near
5 What does he do? my office with friends. My friend, Shigeru,
Questions and answers likes singing pop songs in the bar. This has a
® Mr McSporran's day
B = Bobbi special name, karaoke. I don't sing - I'm too
I A Hood A ternoon. Can I have two ice-
AWhere do you work? shy!
creants, please? BIn New York.
BChocolate or vanilla? ADo you like your work?
A One chocolate , one vanilla p lease BYes, I do.
BThat's £1.80. Anything else? ADo you relax at weekends?
ANo, thank you. BNo, I don't.
AWhy don't you relax at weekends?
BBecause I work.
Tapescripts 3.1 - 4.5 115
I[M Who's who? Unit 5 2 Ray and Elsie from Toronto
Ni = Manuela I = Jane Elsie Our house is quite old, about lilty years
F = Manuela's friends old. It's quite near to the city centre. We
I M I Iello, everybody! 'This is Illy friend ® Questions and answers have a living room, quite a big kitchen
lane from England. A I, there ,t te'levision' and three bedrooms, but the roost we all
F I-ti! B les. there is. love is our family room.
Hello! A Is there a radio? Ray Yes, there's a TV and it stereo and a large
Hello lane! B No, there isn't. comfortable sofa in there, and some big,
I Hello. Pleased to meet you. A Are there any books? old armchairs. We love sitting there in
M Sit down here, lane. B Yes, there arc. winter with the snow outside.
Thanks. A Ilow many hooks are there? Elsie Our children aren't at home now, they
F Do you like the music, lane? B 'there are a lot. both have lobs in the LISA, so most of'
J Yes, I do. Is it American? A Are there any photographs? the time it's lust Ray and tile.
F No, it's Brazilian iazi! B No, there aren't. 3 Brad from Malibu
M Conte and have a drink, Lut.. My house is fantastic. It's right next to the sea.
® Description of a living room My neighbours are Very rich. Sonic of them
T = Toshi J = Ann Jones
2 T Mrs Jones! I-low• do tout dog I licit. arc three people in the living room. A are famous filet stars. In my house there are
I How do you du? man ,std a woman on the solo and .t little girl ten rooms, five are bedrooms, and everything
T Please cone in. You're from our office in the arnichair.There's a radio on the coffee is white, the floors, the walls, the sofas,
in London, aren't yolt? table and a rug under it. There's a cat on the everything. I also have t swimming Pool, a
J Yes, that's right. rug in front of the fire. There are a lot of cinema and an exercise room. I live here
T Welcome to Tokyo! Do you like our Pictures on the walls but there aren't any alone. ]'ill not married at the moment. Nly ex-
headquarters here? photographs. There are two plants on the wife is French. She lives in Paris now with our
I Yes. It's Very big. I-low many people floor next to the television and single flowers three sons.
work here? on the small table next to the sofa. 4 Alise from Samoa
T About six thousand people. Do you ® Helen's kitchen I live with illy family in a house near the sea.
want to see our offices? We have an open house, ... er ... that is ... er
I I = Helen B = Bob . our house doesn't have any walls. I-louses
A=AI M=Mick H And this is the kitchen.
3 A \\'hat do you want to do today, \lick? B \Imm, it's very nice. in Samoa don't have walls because it is very,
M Ooh, I don't know. What do you ... very hot, but we have blinds to stop the rain
H Well, it's not very big, but there are a lot of and sun. Our house is in the old style. We
A Ali! Do VOL] like sailing? cupboards. And there's a new fridge, and a
M Yes, very much. I sometimes go sailing cooker.'lhat's new, too. have only one room for living and sleeping. so
in Scotland but not very often. it is both a bedroom and a living room. We
B But what's rut all these cupboards? have rugs and we sit and sleep on the floor.
A OK - so today it's sailing and fishing on H Well, not a lot. There are some cups, but
the lake. there aren't any plates. And I have some Asking for directions
M Fantastic. I love fishing too - we go knives and forks, but I don't have :Illy
fishing a lot in Scotland. A f.xcuse tile! Is there a chemist near
spoons! here?
I[M Everyday conversations B Do you have any glasses? B Yes. It's over there.
H NO. Sorry. A Thanks.
I A I tit sorry tin late. The traffic is had B Never mind. We can drink this champagne
today. from those cups! ('beers! 2 A Excuse me! Is there a newsagent near
B Don't worry. Conic and sit down. \\e'rc. here?
on page 2-. What's in Pierre's briefcase? B Yes. It's in Church Street. Take the first
2 A Excuse Inc. What s in illy briefcase? Well, there's a street on the right. It's next to the
B Yes? newspaper - a French newspaper - and there's nlusie shop.
A Do you have a dictionary? a dictionary - my French/English dictionary. I A Oh yes. Thanks.
B I'tn sorry, I don't. It's at home. have sonic pens, three I think. Also I have it 3 A Excuse me! Is there a restaurant near
A That's OK. notebook for vocabulary, I write words in that here?
3 A It's very hot in here. Can I open the every day. And of course I have Illy keys, Illy B There's a Chinese one in Park Lane
window? car keys and my house keys. Oh yes, very next to the bank, and there's an Italian
B Really? I'm quite cold. important, there are some photos of my one in Church Street next to the travel
A Oh. It doesn't matter. family, my wife and my daughter and there's agent.
Illy mobile phone. I ring my home in Paris A Is that one far?
4 A Excuse me! every night. That's all I think. I don't have any B No. lust two minutes, that's all.
B Can I help you?
A Can I have a film for mt r,tmrr,t, stand" and illy address book is in nn, hotel. -1 A Is there a post office near here?
B How many exposures? B ('to straight ahead, and it's on the left,
A Pardon? ® Homes around the world next to the pill),
I Manola from Lisbon A Thanks a lot.
B I tow many exposures'
I live in the old town near the sea. It is called
A What does'exposures' mean
B Flow many pictures? 24? 36? 40? the Alfama. I have a very beautiful flat. There's
A Ah! Now I understand! 40, please. Iust otu• room in my flat, one Very big room
with one very big window. My bed's next to
the window so I see the sea and all the lights
of the city when I go to sleep. I live alone, but
I have a cat and I'rn near the shops and lots of
friends come to visit tile. I love illy flat.
116 Tapescripts 4.6 - 5.6
Unit 6 Directory Enquiries Listen to Mattie
Operator International Directory Inquiries. I worked from (..00 in the morning until
i Which country, please? 10.00 at night. Sixteen hours in the cotton
J What can you do? Operator And which town? fields and I only earned $2 a day. I sure hated
.1 she can use a computer. Operator Can I have the last name, please? that job but I loved the poems in lily head. I
h We can't understand the question. Operator And the initial? really wanted to learn to read and write. When
c '(an dogs swim?' 'Yes, they can. Operator What's the address? I was sixteen I married I lubert, and soon
d He can ski really well. Recorded message The number you require there were six children, five sons, then a
e I can't spell your name. is (1(16198 4681 133. daughter, lily. I tubert died just before she was
f ( .um you speak Japanese?' 'No, I can't.' horn. 'chat was sixty-live years ago. So I
On the phone looked after my family alone. There was no
Listen and repeat I A Ile•llo. time for learning. but my children, they all
an speak I Tench. B I Iello. Can I speak to to, please learned to read and write - that was
(an you speak French? A ['his is to. important to tile. And when did I learn to
Yes, I can. B Oh! I ii, lo. This is Pat. Is Sunday still read and write? I didn't learn until I was 86,
No. I can't. OK for tennis? and now I have three books of poems.
A Yes. That's lute.
Listen and complete the sentences B Great! See you on Sunday at tell, then. ® Questions and answers
I can speak French, but I can't speak Bye! I A \\'hen did she start work?
German. A Bve! BWhen she was eight years old.
2 He can't dance, but he can sing. 2 A Hello. 2 AWhere did she work?
3 'Can you cook?' 'Yes, I call: B Hello. Is that Liz? BIn the cotton fields.
4 They can ski, but they can't swim. A No it isn't. I'll just get her. 3 AWho did she live with?
5 We can dance and we can sing. C Hello, Liz here. B 1 1er mother and sisters.
6 ('an she drive?' No, she can't.' B I Ii, Liz. It's Tom. Listen! There's a party 4 AHow many hours did she work?
at lily house on Saturday. Can you BSixteen hours a day.
Tina can't cook. Can you? come? 5 AHow much did she earn?
Well. there are a lot of things I can't do. I can't C Oh sorry,'lom. I can't. It's illy sister's B $2 a day.
drive ,1 car, but I want to have lessons soon. I wedding. 6 AWho did she marry?
can't speak French but I can speak Italian, my B Oh, never mind. Perhaps next time. BHubert.
mother's Italian, and we often go to Italy. My liye! 7 AWhen did Ilubert die?
mother's a really good cook, she can cook C Bye! BSixty-five years ago.
really well, not just Italian food, all kinds of SAWhen did she learn to read?
food, but I can't cook at all. I just love eating! 3 A Good morning. Barclays Bank, BShe didn't learn until she was 86.
What about sports? Er ... I think I'm good at Watford. How can I help ,You?
quite if lot of sports. I can play tennis, and ski, B Good morning. Can I speak to the T 7.6 Listen carefully!
sometimes we go skiing in the Italian Alps, manager, please? worked
and of course I can swum. But Musical A I'm afraid Mr Sinith isn't in his offl e ,it lived
instruments - no - I can't play any at all - no the moment. Can I take a message? started
I'm not very musical, but I love dancing! Of B Don't worry. I'll ring back later. married
course I can use a computer - all my friends A All right. Goodbye. loved
,wall. B Goodbye. hated
IM Listen and repeat looked
It %%,is Monday yesterday. We were at school. Unit 7 died
\\,is it hot??' 'Yes, it was: visited
\\'L-re you tired?' 'Yes, we were., ® Mattic Smith cleaned
Charlotte's party \lattie Smith is 91 years old. She lives alone in
K = Kim M = Max Atlanta, Georgia. She starts her day at 7.30. Listen and repeat
K Were you at Charlotte's party last First she has a bath, next she cleans the house, had
Saturday?? and then she sits outside on her verandah and began
M Yes, I was. thinks about her past life. Then she writes came
K Was it good? poems about it. went
M Well, it was OK. did
K Were there mam people.: ® see p52 left
M Yes, there were. FT-7-33] Listen and repeat got
K Was Henry there? studied
M No, he wasn't. And where were von? \\'11y looked became
weren't you there? worked won
K Oh ... I couldn't go because I was at loved lost
Mark's party! It was brilliant! learned bought
11 Tapescripts 6.1 - 7.7 117
Simon's 1990s C I lappy New Year ! Listen and repeat
What do I remember of the nineties ... er ... 6 A Thank goodness! Its Friday' I recipe 6 worried
well, I left school in 1994 and I went to B Yeah. I-lave a nice weekend! 2 chat 7 delicious
university. I studied graphic design - it was A Same to you. 3 shy 8 sandwich
really good. I had a good time. Then after 1 funny 9 machine
university, in 1997, 1 was really lucky. I got a ® Listen and answer 5 lace 1 0 century
job immediately. A job with Saatchi and I Did you have a nice weekend?
Saatchi, they're an advertising agency in 2 Did you get any Valentine cards? Everyday conversations
London. Soon after that, 1998 it was, I met 3 Congratulations! I A Why didn't you laugh at my joke?
Zoe, she's my girlfriend. She has a good job, 4 1 lappy New Year! B Because it wasn't very funny. That's
too, and we bought a flat together in 1999. 5 Have a nice weekend! why!
The only sport I like is football, so I 2 A Mello. I Iello. I can't hear you. Who is it?
remember when France won the World Cup B It's me, Jonathon ... IONXI"I ION! I'm
in 1998. Brazil lost in '98 but they won in '94. Unit 8 on my mobile phone.
I remember when Tony Blair became prime A Oh, Ionathon! Ili! Sorry, I can't chat
Minister in 1 997, that was just after I started now. I'm in a hurry.
at Saatchi and Saatchi. Oh, and I remember IM Inventions
3 A Good luck in your exams!
Bill Clinton and all the problems he had in his JEANS
B Oh, thank you. I always get so nervous
last years in the White House. And the Euro - "Iwo Americans, Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss, befirre exams.
eleven countries in Europe began to use the made the first jeans in 1873. Davis bought
Furo in 1999, but Britain didn't. cloth from Levi's shop. He told Levi that he 4 A Mmmmm! Did you make this
Oh yes - and of course I remember Princess had a special way to make strong trousers for chocolate cake?
Diana - she died in a car crash in Paris in '97 workmen. The first jeans were [)Inc. In 1 935 B I did. Do you like it?
and millions of people came to London fir jeans became fashionable for women after A Like it? I love it. It's delicious. Can I
her funeral. I was there. I can remember it they saw them in Vogue magazine. In the have the recipe?
really well. 1970s, Calvin Klein earned $12.5 million it 5 A Conic on,'liminiy. Say hello to Auntie
week from jeans. Mavis. Don't be shy.
T 7.9 Listen and repeat B I lello, Auntie Mavis.
walk 7 work A Scotsman, John Logic Baird, transmitted the
listen 8 war first television picture on 25 October, 1925. T 8.6
3 know 9 island The first thing on television was a boy who Love on the Internet - Debbie and Per
4 write 10 build worked in the office next to Baird's workroom Debbie I'm really quite shy. I find it difficult
5 eight II resign in London. In 1927 Baird sent pictures from to talk to people face to face. But I
6 farm 12 daughter London to Glasgow. In 1928 he sent pictures find it easy to chat on the Internet. I
to New York, and also produced the first met Per there about a year ago. It was
T 7.10 Listen and repeat on a chatline called'the Chat Room.
colour TV pictures.
horn 5 knives He was so funny.
' _ bought 6 wrong Per But I'm only funny on the Internet!
Felix l-lofman a 29-year-old chemist who
3 world 7 cupboard Anyway, we chatted on the Internet
worked for the German company Bayer,
•1 answer 8 Christmas for a year, we exchanged hundreds of
invented the drug Aspirin in March 1899. 1 le
c-mails and some photographs. I
® Special days gave the first aspirin to his father for his wanted to phone Debbie but ...
arthritis. By 1 950 it was the best-selling
I A [gh! Work again! I hate Monday Debbie I said no. I was worried. I didn't want
painkiller in the world, and in 1969 the Apollo
mornings! it to end.
astronauts took it to the moon. The Spanish
B Me, too. Did you have a nice weekend? Per She didn't even give tine her address.
philosopher, Jose Ortega y Gasset, called the
A Yes. It was brilliant. But finally she said OK, I could
2nth centurv'The Age of Aspirin.
2 Happy birthday to you. phone, so I did, and we spoke for an
Happy birthday to you. JM Negatives and positives hour. It was very expensive! That was
Happy birthday, dear linnm\, I wo t iermans didn't make the first jeans. six months ago. Then she sent me
Happy birthday to you. Two Americans made them. her address and ...
Debbie that was three months ago and
3 ADid you get any Valentine cards? 2 Davis didn't sell cloth in Levi's shop. He
one week later, there was it knock at
BYes, I did. Listen to this. bought cloth from Levi's shop.
the door and I knew before I opened
Roses are red. Violets tire blue 3 Women didn't see pictures of jeans in Site
it, Somehow I wasn't worried
Y ou are my a Vli entne magazine. They saw them in %'hgue.
any more. I opened the door and ...
And I love you. 4 Baird didn't send pictures from London to
Per and I stood there with some
A Oooh-er! Do you know who it's from? Paris. He sent pictures from London to
flowers ...
B No idea! Glasgow.
5 Felix Ilofinan didn't give the first aspirin Debbie lots of flowers. Red roses.
4 A Congratulations! Beautiful . and ...
B Oh ... thank you very much. to his mother. Ile gave it to his father. Per and well, we fell in love and ...
A When's the happy day? 6 A Spanish philosopher didn't call the 19th Both .. and we got married last Saturday.
B Pardon? century, 'the Age of Aspirin'. He called the
A Your wedding day. When is it? 20th century, 'the Age of Aspirin.
B Oh! We're not sure. Perhaps sonic time see p62
in June.
5 AIt's midnight! Happy New Year
BHappy New Year !
118 Tapescripts 7.8 - 8.6
Love in a bottle - Rosa and Vincent 8 The third of October, nineteen ninety- T \\'hat do you like then?
Rosa I love the sea. I like walking on the nine D well, I like ... er ... I like chocolate and
beach. One day, it was five years ago 9 The thirty-first of May, two thousand chocolate biscuits ...
now, I was on the beach and I stood 1 0 The fifteenth of July, two thousand and T Yeah! I really like chocolate. Everybody
on something, it was a bottle, a green four likes chocolate.
bottle. I could see something inside. 1) Yeah'
Sonic paper, so I broke the bottle, it I• What's the date?
was a letter but ... I The fourth Of larlUarv EM see p67
Vincent ... but you couldn't read it ... 2 May the seventh, 199
Rosa No, I couldn't. You see it was in 3 The fifteenth of August, 2001 I[M Questions and answers
English and 1 couldn't speak English 4 AIt was a Friday. I Would you like a cigarette?
then. BNo, it wasn't. It was a Thursday. No, thanks. I don't smoke.
Vincent You can speak it well now ... ANo. I remember. It was Friday the 2 I)o you like your teacher?
Rosa No, not really, but anyway. I asked a thirteenth. The thirteenth of July. Yes. She's very nice.
friend to translate the letter for me. 5 AOh no! I forgot your birthday. 3 Would you like a drink?
We couldn't believe it. .\ man in BIt doesn't matter, really. Yes, please. Some Coke, please.
America - he wanted a wife, but the AIt was last Sunday, wasn't it? The
letter was ten years old. t rtet hiihNovem bth ere thitith re 4 Can I help you?
Vincent And I still wasn't married! t+ AHey! Did you know that Shakespeare Yes. I'd like a book of stamps, please.
Rosa But I didn't know that. Anyway for a was born and died on the same day? 5 What sports do you do?
joke I wrote and sent a photo ... BThat's not possible! Well, I like swimming very much.
Vincent And now, I couldn't believe it. I got AYes, it is. He was born on April the h Excuse tile, are you ready to order?
this letter and a photo. She looked twenty-third, fifteen sixty-four and he Yes. I'd like a steak, please.
beautiful. I wrote back immediately died on April the twenty-third, sixteen
and we wrote every week for six sixteen. I[M Listen carefully!
months ... and we spoke on the I Good afternoon. Can I help you?
phone and ... 2 1\'h' o s your fa vour it e writer?
Rosa and finally I flew to America and Unit 9 3 What would you like fir your birthday?
we net face to face. I was very shy 4 I)o you like animals?
but it was good, very good and now 5 Here's the wine list, sir.
I[M Food you like (' Have some ice-cream with your
Vincent ... now, we have three children. We D = Daisy T= Tom strawberries.
have a house by the sea ... D I don't like tea.
Rosa We're very happy. You see, we both T Oh, I do. Well, sometimes, with sugar. But T 9.5
love the sea! coffee's horrible! I AGood afternoon. (.an I help you?
D Yeah. Disgusting. I don't like wine or beer BYes. I'd like some fruit, please.
am Ordinals either. 2 AWho's your favourite writer?
first T Well - I don't like wine but I like beer. My BI like books by John Grisham.
second dad has beer every day after work anti 3 Awhat would you like for your birthday?
third sometimes I have a bit. BI'd like a new bike.
fourth D Beer! Yuk! But apple juice is nice. I really 4 ADo you like animals?
fifth like apple juice. It's delicious. BI like cats, but I don't like dogs.
sixth T ,\imnun! Yeah, it's delicious and it's good AHere's the wine list, sir.
tenth for you. Apples are too! I love all fruit - BWe'd like a bottle of French red wine.
twelfth apples, oranges, bananas, strawberries. 6 AHave some ice-cream with your
thirteenth D Yeah. OK. I like fruit, but I hate all strawberries.
sixteenth vegetables, 'specially carrots. BNo, thanks. I don't like ice-cream.
seventeenth T Yeah, vegetables are disgusting. Er - but
twentieth not all of then(, - I quite like peas. I= Going shopping
twenty-first I lamburgers, chips, and peas. Morn! B = Barry MP = Miss Potts
thirtieth That's one of my favourite meals. MP Good morning. Can I help you?
thirty-first D Yeah - hamburgers, I like. Chips, I like. But B Yes. I'd like sonic orange juice, please.
peas - yuk! MP Er ... sorry. There's apple juice but no
Dates T My very favourite meal is spaghetti. orange juice.
The first of April Spaghetti, then ice-cream after. Yummy! B what's that then? Isn't that orange juice?
April the first Or yoghurt. I love strawberry yoghurt. MP Oh, yes. So it is! My eves! Here you are.
2 The second of March D Ice-cream - OK, yes. Yoghurt, no! B Thank you, and some milk, please.
March the second Spaghetti - yes. I like all pasta and pizza! MP Sorry. I sold the last bottle two minutes
3 The seventeenth of September But I don't like it with tomatoes or cheese. ago.
September the seventeenth I don't like tomatoes very much and I hate B Oh, dear! What about some coffee?
4 The nineteenth of November cheese. MP Yes. I Jere you are.
November the nineteenth T Mninini! Pizza. The best. But ... you can't B Thanks. That's orange juice, coffee ... er
5 The twenty-third of tune have pizza without tomatoes and cheese. and ... er ... it kilo of apples, please.
June the twenty-third D You can. MP I don't sell apples.
6 The twenty-ninth of February, nineteen T You can't! B You don't sell apples! That's strange.
seventy-six D (:an! What about cheese. Can I have some
7 The nineteenth of I kcentber, nineteen T Can't! cheese?
eighty-three D Well, I can. I don't like cheese at all! MP I don't sell cheese, either.
Tapescripts 8.7 - 9.6 119
B You don't sell cheese! That's amazing. Sally 4 A Madrid is more expensive than Rome.
Now, I want some pizza, but I'm sure you Well, shhh! But my very, very favourite food is B No, it isn't. Madrid is much cheaper.
don't sell pizza, do you? chocolate. Chocolate anything, I love it. 5 A The buildings in Rome are more
MP Oh, yes I do. What would you like? Pizza Chocolate ice-cream, chocolate biscuits, modern than the buildings in New
with mushrooms, pizza with cheese and chocolate cake, but especially just a big bar of York.
ham, pizza with sausage, or pizza with chocolate. Mnmmnt! 'terrible, isn't it? Go on! B No, they aren't. They're much older.
tomatoes? Have some of this! My friend brought it back 6 A The Underground in London is better
B Wow! Can I have ... er ... sonic pizza from Switzerland for me! than the Metro in Paris.
with cheese and tomatoes, please? B No! The Underground is much worse.
MP Oh, sorry. I forgot. Usually, I have pizza Polite requests
but not on Thursdays. Today's Thursda , I Would you like some more carrots? T 10.3 Mel's got a better job
isn't it? Yes, please. "They're delicious. Tara \Yhy did you leave London? You had a
B Yes, it is. Minim ... OK, ... er ... OK, 2 Could you pass the salt, please? good job.
forget the pizza. What about bread? I Yes, of course. Here you are. Mel Yes, but I've got a better joh here.
don't suppose you have any bread? 3 Could I have a glass of water, please? Tara And you had a big flat in London.
MP Yes, you're right. Do you want tizzy or still? Mel Well, I've got a bigger flat here.
B Pardon? 4 Does anybody want more dessert? Tara Really? I low many bedrooms has it got?
MP You're right. There isn't any bread. Yes, please. I'd love sonic. It's delicious. Mel Three. And its got a garden. It's nicer
B Tell me. Do you do a lot of business? 5 How would you like your coffee? than my flat in London and it's cheaper.
NIP Oh. yes sir.This shop is open 24 hours. Black, no sugar, please. Tara But you haven't got any friends!
B Really! What do people buy? 6 't'his is delicious! Can you give inc the Mel I've got it lot of friends here. People are
NIP All the things you see. recipe? much friendlier than in London.
B Mmmm. OK. That's all for tile. How Yes, of course. I'm glad you like it. Tara But the country's so boring.
much? DO von want help with the washing-up? Mel No, it isn't. It's much more exciting than
MP That's £5.60, please. No, of course not. We have a dishwasher. London. Seacombe has got shops, it
B Thank you. Goodbye. cinema, it theatre, and a park. And the
MP Goodbye sir. See you again soon. EM air is cleaner and the streets are safer.
B I don't think so. (an I have a cheese sandwich, please? Tara OK. Everything is wonderful! So when
)Cl. Of course.That's £1.75. can I visit you?
My favourite food 2 Could you tell me the time, please?
Marian It's just after ten. T 10.4 The biggest and best!
Well, I love vegetables, all vegetables - I eat 3 Can you take me to school? I That house is very big.
meat too - but not much. I think this is %%-by I Jump in. Yes, it's the biggest house in the village.
like Chinese food so much. There are lots of 4 Can I see the menu, please? 2 Claridge's is a very expensive hotel.
vegetables in Chinese food. Yes, Chinese is my 1-tere you are. And would you like a drink Yes, it's the most expensive hotel in
very favourite food, I like the noodles too. to start? London.
an you eat with chopsticks? I can! 5 Could you lend me some money, please? 3 Castle Combe is it very pretty village.
Graham Not again! How much would you like this Yes, it's the prettiest village in England.
Now in my job, I travel the world, and I like time? 4 New York is it very cosmopolitan city.
all kinds of food ... but my favourite, my 6 Can you help me with my homework, Yes, it's the most cosmopolitan city in the
favourite is ... er ... I always have it as soon as please? world.
I cone home ... is a full English breakfast. \\'hat is it? French? I can't speak a word of 'Ions Banks is a very popular film star.
Bacon, eggs, sausage, mushrooms, tomatoes, French. Yes, he's the most popular film star in
and of course toast. I love it, not every day but 7 Can I borrow your dictionary, please? America.
when I'm at home we have it every Sunday. Yes, if I can find it. I think it's in my bag. 6 Miss Smith is a very funny teacher.
Mmmm! I'd like it right now - delicious. Yes, she's the funniest teacher in our
Lucy school.
Unit 10 7 Anna is a very intelligent student.
Oh, no question, no problem. I know exactly
what niy favourite food is. Pasta. All pasta. Yes, she's the most intelligent student in
Especially spaghetti. Pasta with tomato sauce the class.
T 10.1 Listen and repeat 8 This is a very easy exercise.
- and I like it best when I'm in Italy. I went on
The country is cheaper and safer than the city. Yes, its the easiest exercise in the book.
holiday to the Italian lakes last year. The food
was wonderful. The city is noisier and dirtier than the
country. T 10.5 Listen and respond
Gavin The city is more expensive than the country. That house is very big.
er ... Till not sure. No, I know what it is. hr city is more exciting than the country. 2 'l.iridge's is a very expensive hotel.
Nly ... favourite ... food is Indian food. Friday 3 Castle Combe is a very pretty village.
night I like to go to the pub with friends from T 10.2 Much more than ... 4 New York is it very cosmopolitan city.
work and ... have a few beers, ... er ... no, not A Life in the country is slower than city 3 him Hanks is a very popular film star.
too many, ... and after we always go to an life. 6 Miss Smith is a very funny teacher.
Indian restaurant and I have a chicken curry B Yes, the city's much faster. 7 Anna is a very intelligent student.
with rice. It's the best! I like it more than 2 A New York is safer than London. 8 This is a very easy exercise.
chips! B No, it isn't. New York is much more
dangerous. T 10.6 A musical interlude
3 A Paris is bigger than Madrid. (t/11-t•,• rrrrr:i, excerptsl
B No, it isn't! It's much smaller.
120 Tapescripts 9.7 -10.6
T 10.7 Listen and repeat ® who's or whose? 3 If a dog chews shoes, whose shoes does he
wood I \\"ho's on the phone? choose?
theatre 2 I'm going to the pub. Who's coming? 4 I'm looking back,
harm 3 Wow! Look at that sports car. Whose is it? To see if she's looking hack,
village 4 Whose dictionary is this? It's not mine. To see if I'nm looking back,
factory 'there are books all over the floor. \Vhose li, we if she's looking back at me!
cottage are they?
field hWho's the most intelligent in our class? GM In a clothes shop
church 7 Who's got my book? SA = shop assistant C = customer
a I )o you know whose jacket this is? SA (:an I help you?
T 10.8 To the lake C Yes, please. I'm looking for a shirt to go
Drive along Park Road and turn right. Go • What a mess! with my new suit.
under the bridge and past the pub. Turn left A Whose is this tennis racket? SA What colour are you looking for?
up the hill, then drive down the hill to the B It's mine. C Blue.
river. Turn right after the farm and the lake is A What's it doing here? SA \\'hat about this one? Do you like this?
on the ri,;ht. It takes twenty minutes. B I'm playing tennis this afternoon. C No, it isn't the right blue.
SA Well, what about this one? It's a bit darker
T 10.9 A drive in the country ® What a wonderful world blue.
\\r11. I Brume out of the garage, along the road, I see ores of green C Oh yes. I like that one much better. Can I
and under the bridge. Then I drove past the Red roses too Irv it on?
pub, up the hill, and down the hill. But then I I see them bloom for nme and yon SA Yes, of course. The changing roosts are
drove over the river, and then - it was terrible And I think to myself over there.
- I went through the hedge, and into the lake! what a wonderful world. Is the size OK?
I see skies of blue C No, it's a bit too big. I lave you got a
and clouds of white smaller size?
Unit 11 the bright sunny day SA That's the last blue one we've got, I'm
and the dark starry night afraid. But we've got it in white.
and I think to myself C OK. I'll take the white. I low much is it?
® Who's at the party? what a wonderful world SA t 39.99. l low do you want to pay:
O = Oliver NI = Monica The colours of the rainbow C Can I pay by credit card?
O Oh dear! Monica, I don't know any of so pretty in the sky SA Credit card's fine. Thank you very much.
these people. Who are they? are also on the faces
M Don't worry Oliver. They're all very nice. of the people going by.
Can you see that man over there? He's I see friends shaking hands Unit 12
sitting down. That's Harry. I-le's a saying'Ilow do you do•'
musician. He works in LA. 'they're really saying
O Sorry, where? 'I love you.
M You know, LA. Los Angeles. I hear babies cry Rosie
O Oh yeah. I watch them grow. \\ hen I grow up I'll] going to he a ballet
NI And he's talking to Mandy. She's wearing a They'll learn much more dancer. I love dancing. I go dancing three
red dress. She's very nice and very rich! She than you'll ever know times a week. I'm going to travel all over the
lives in a beautiful old house in the country. and I think to myself world and I'm going to learn French and
O Rich, eh? what it wonderful world. Russian because I want to dance in Paris and
M Yes. Rich and married! Next to her is Yes, I think to myself Moscow. I'm not going to marry until I'm
Fiona. She's drinking a glass of red wine. what ;+ wonderful world. thirty-five and then I'nm going to have two
Fiona's nmv oldest friend, she and I were it children. First I'd like a girl and then it boy -
school together. I= Vowels and diphthongs but maybe I can't plan that! I'm going to work
O And what does Fiona do? Vowels until I'm 75. I'nm going to teach dancing and
M She's a writer. She writes children's stories I red said I'm going to open a dance school. It's all very
- they're not very good but ... anyway, 2 hat that exciting.
she's talking to George. He's laughing and 3 kissedlist Miss Bishop
smoking a cigar. He's a pilot. He travels the 4 greenmean \\'hen I retire ... ? . er well ... er two
world, thousands of miles every week. 5 laughhalf things. First, I'm going to learn Russian - I
O And who are those two over there?'I'hev're 6 whoseshoes can already speak French and German. and I
dancing. Mntnum. They know each other 7 short bought want to learn another language. And second,
very well. Diphthongs I'm going to learn to drive. It's terrible that
M Oh, that's Roz and San. They're married. I white night I'm 59 and I can't drive - no time to learn.
They live in the flat upstairs. ' _ near beer Then I'nm going to buy it car and travel all over
O So ... er ... that's Harry and Mandy and 3 they pay the world. Also I'm not going to wear boring
er ... its no good, I can't remember all 4 hair wear clothes any amore, I hate the skirts and blouses
those names. 5 rose knows I wear every day for school. I'm going to wear
6 ours flowers leans and T-shirts all the time. And when I
® Listen to the questions return from nmy travels I'm going to write a
\\ hose is the baseball cap? ® Tongue twisters hook and go on "I'V to talk about it. I'm going
Whose are the roller blades? 1 Four fine fresh fish for you. to become a TV star!
3 Whose is the dog?
2 Six silly sisters selling shiny shoes.
Tapescripts 10.7 - 12.1 121
® Listen and repeat 2 A It's raining again! What shall we do? front door and went into the living room.
A Is she going to he a ballet dancer? B Let's stay at home and watch a video. Then they came upstairs to find th e.'It's all
B Yes, she is. A Oh no! We watched a video last night. right now, sir; they explained.'We turned the
A What's she going to do? B Well, let's go to the cinema. television off for you:'
B 'I raveall over the world. A OK. Which film do you want to see?
T 13.4 see p 102
® Questions about Rosie
A \Vhy is she going to learn French and Unit 13 ® see p 104
fM Catching a train
B Because she wants to dance in Paris
and Moscow. ® A general knowledge quiz Trains From Oxford to Bristol Temple Meads.
2 A When is she going to marry? I When did the first man walk on the \londav to Friday.
B Not until she's thirty-five. moon? I lere are the departure times from Oxford and
3 A How many children is she going to I n 1 969. arrival times in Bristol.
have? 2 Where are the Andes mountains? 0816 arriving 0946
B Two. In South America. 0945 arriving 1114
4 A How long is she going to work? 3 Who did Mother Teresa look after? 1040 arriving 1 208
B Until she's seventy-five. Poor people in Calcutta. 1 1
A What is she going to teach? 4 Who won the last World Cup?
B Dancing. France in 1 998. ® The information bureau
5 How many American states are there? A = Ann B = clerk
It's going to rain 50. A Good morning. Can you tell me the times
Take an umbrella. It's going to rain. 6 How much does an African elephant of trains from Bristol back to Oxford,
2 Look at the time! You're going to be late weigh? please?
for the meeting. 5-7 tonnes. B Afternoon, evening? When do you want to
3 Anna's running very fast. She's going to 7 How far is it from London to New York? conk hack?
win the race. 6,000 kilometres. A About five o'clock this afternoon.
4 Look! lack's on the wall. He's going to fall. 8 How old was Princess Diana when she B About five o'clock. Right. Let's have a look.
5 Look at that man! He's going to jump. died? There's a train that leaves at 5.28, then
6 They're going to have a baby. It's due next 36. there isn't another one until 6.30.
month. 9 What languages do Swiss people speak? A And what time do they get in?
7 There's my sister and her boyfriend! Yuk! German, French, Italian, and Romansch. B The 5.28 gets into Oxford at 6.54 and the
They're going to kiss. 1 0 What did Marconi invent in 1901? 6.50 gets in at 8.10.
8 'Oh dear. I'm going to sneeze. The radio. A 'thanks a lot.
Aaattishooo!' 1 I What sort of tnusit did Louis Armstrong
'Bless you!' play? At the ticket office
Jazz. A I lello. A return to Bristol, please.
® Why are you going? 1 2 What happens at the end of Romeo ane! C Day return or period return?
MB = ,Miss Bishop H = Harold /olio? A A day return.
MB First I'm going to Holland. Romeo and Juliet kill themselves. C How do you want to pay?
Ii \\'hy? 1 3 What happened in Europe in 1939? A Cash, please.
MB 'lb see the tulips, of course! The Second World War started. C That's eighteen pounds.
H Oh yes! I low wonderful! Where are you 1 4 \Vhy do birds migrate? A 1-lere's a twenty-pound note.
going after that? Because the winter is cold. C I-lere's your change and your ticket.
MB Well, then I'm going to Spain to watch 15 Which was the first country to have TV? A Thank you. Which platform is it?
flamenco dancing. Britain. C You want platform I over there.
16 Which language has the most words? A OK, thanks very much. Goodbye.
The weather English.
A \\'hat's the weather like today?
13 It's snowy and it's very cold. ® Listen carefully! Unit 14
A What was it like yesterday? I Why do you want to go?
B Oh, it was cold and cloudy. 2 Who is she?
A What's it going to be like tomorrow? 3 Where's he staying? see p 106
B I think it's going to be warmer. 4 Why didn't they come?
5 1-low old was she? see p 106
® Conversations about the weather 6 Does he play the guitar'
I A Its a lovely day! What shall we do? Where did you go at the weekend? The life of Ryan
B Let's play tennis! Yes, I've lived in a foreign counts. In Japan,
2 A It's raining again! What shall we do? ® Noises in the night actually. I lived in Osaka for a year. I enjoyed
B Let's stay at home and watch a video. It was about 2 o'clock in the morning, and ... it very much. I loved the food. And, yes, I have
suddenly I woke up. I heard a noise. I got out worked for a big company. I worked for
X *C of bed and went slowly downstairs. There was Nissan, the car company, that's why 1 was in
A Its a lovely day! What shall we do? a light on in the living room. I listened Japan. That was two years ago, then I got
B Let's play tennis! carefully. I could hear two men speaking very another job.
A Oh no! It's too hot to play tennis. quietly.'Burglars!' I thought. 'Two burglars!' Have I stayed in an expensive hotel? No,
B Well, let's go to the beach. Immediately I ran back upstairs and phoned never - only cheap hotels for me, I'm afraid,
A OK. I'll get my swimming costume. the police. I was really frightened. Fortunately but I have flown in a jumbo jet - four or five
the police arrived quickly. They opened the times, actualIv. Oh, I've never cooked a meal
122 Tapescripts 12.2 -14.3
for a lot of people. I love food but I don't like Leaving on a jet plane Conversations at the airport
cooking, sometimes I cook for me and my \Iv bags are packed. I'm ready to go I AListen! BA S 16 tot,cncv a. I hat's our
girlfriend but she likes it better if we go out I'rn standing here outside vour door, (light.
for a steal! And I've never stet a famous I hate to wake you up to say goodbye BDid the announcement say gate 4 or
person - oh, just a minute, well not stet but But the dawn is breaking, 1 4?
I've seen ... Cr... I saw a lantous politician at It's early morn' AI couldn't hear. I think it said •1.
the airport once - Oh, who was it? I can't The taxi's waiting, BLook! 'there it is on the departure
remember his name. Er ... I've only seen one Iie's blowing his horn. board. It is gate 4.
Shakespeare play, when I was at school, we Already I'm so lonesome AOK. Conic on! Led's go.
saw Romeo and Juliet. It was OK. I've driven it I could die.
2 ACan I have your ticket, please?
tractor though, I had a holiday job on a farm
when I was 17. I enjoyed that. Good news - So kiss me and smile for nme, BYes, of course.
I've never been to hospital. I was born in 'Tell me that you'll wait for nme, A'thank you. I tow many suitcases have
I told me like you'll never let me go, you got?
hospital, 01 course, but that's different. Bad
news - I've never won a competition. I do the 'Cos I'm leaving on a jet plane, Blust one.
lottery every week but I've never, ever won a I don't know when I'll be back again. AAnd have you got much hand luggage?
thing Oh babe, I hate to go. Blust this bag.
There's so many times I've let you down, AI hat's line.
A honeymoon in London So many times I've played around, BOh ... can I have a seat next to the
M = Marilyn I = Judy I tell you now window?
M We're having a great tine! They don't mean a thing. AYes, that's OK. I lere's your hoarding
k'll inc about it! What have you done so Every place I go, I'll think of you pass. I lave a nice flight!
tar'. Every song I sing, I'll sing for you 3 ARod! Marilyn! Over here!
M Well, we've been to Buckingham Palace. When I cone back BI Ii! Iudy! Great to see you!
That was the first thing we did. It's right I'll wear your wedding ring. AIt's great to see you too. You look
in the centre of London! We went inside terrific! l)id you have a good
and looked around. Flight information honeymoon?
have you seen the I louses of Parliament British Airways flight BA 516 to Geneva BFantastic. Everything was fantastic.
vet? hoarding at gate 4, last call. Flight BA 516 to AWell, you haven't missed anything here.
M Yeah, we have. We've just had a boat ride Geneva, last call. Scandinavian Airlines flight Nothing nmuch has happened at all!
on the River Thames and we went right SK 832 to Frankfurt is delayed one hour. 4 AThere's n»' flight. It's time to go.
past the Houses of Parliament. We saw Flight SK 832 to Frankfurt, delayed one hour. BOh no! It's been a wonderful two
Big Ben! 'T'hen we went on the London Air France flight 472 to Amsterdam is now weeks. I can't believe it's over.
Eye. That's the big wheel near Big Ben. boarding at gate 17. Flight AF 472 to AI know. When can we see each other
That was this morning. This afternoon Anmsterdant, now boarding, gate 17. again?
we're going to take a taxi to Hyde Park Lufthansa flight 309 to Miami is now BSoon, I hope. I'll write every day.
and then go shopping in I larrods. boarding at gate 32. Flight 1.11 309 to Miami, AI'll phone too. ( ,oodbye.
loniorrow morning we're going to see the now boarding, gate 32. Virgin Airlines flight BGoodbye. (,ive my love to vour family.
Crown Jewels in the'l ss'er of London. to New York, VS 876 to New York. Please wail
\Vow! You're busy! And what about those in the departure lounge until it further
big red buses? I lave you travelled on a announcement. l'hank you. Passengers are
double-decker bus yet? reminded to keep their hand luggage with
M Oh, yeah we took one when we went to them at all timmes.
Buckingham Palace. We sat upstairs. You
get a great view of the city.
Tomorrow's your last night. What are you
going to do on your last night?
M Well, we're going to the theatre, but we
haven't decided what to see vet.
Oh, you're so lucky! Give my love to Rod!
M Yeah. Bye, Judy. See you soon!
Tapescripts 14.4 -14.7 123
Grammar Reference
Unit 1
1.1 Verb to be 1.5 Plural nouns
Positive I Most nouns add -s in the plural.
I and I'm=Iam stamps
Ile lie's - [leis cameras
She is She's - She is
It from the USA. It's = It is 2 If the noun ends in -s, -ss, -sh, or -c/t, add -es.
bus buses
We are We're = \Ve are class classes
You You're = You are wish wishes
they They're = They are match matches
3 If the noun ends in a consonant + -y, the y changes to -h's.
country countries
amI party parties
he But if the noun ends in a vowel + -y; the -r doesn't Change.
key keys
is she
day days
Where it from?
} Some nouns are irregular. Dictionaries show this.
child children
are you
they person people
woman women
mall men
I'm 20
I'm 20. 1,144 ' it- 1.6 Numbers 1-20
NOT �.
I'm 20 years old. I one
2 two
3 three
1.2 Possessive adjectives
4 four
5 five
6 six
What's your name? What's = What is
7 seven
8 eight
9 nine
This is our house. 10 ten
your II eleven
12 twelve
13 thirteen
14 fourteen
IS fifteen
1.3 Question words
16 sixteen
What is your phone number? 17 seventeen
Where are you from? 18 eighteen
Flow are you? 1 9 nineteen
20 twenty
1.4 a/an
1.7 Prepositions
Where are you from?
It's a newspaper.
magazine. I live in a house in Toluca.
What's this in English?
We use an before a vowel.
It's an envelope.
English dictionary.
I'm a doctor. r(or.
NOT "m I-1
I'm a student. I'm rnt.
124 Grammar Reference 1.1 -1.7
Unit 2
2.1 Verb to be 2.4 Prepositions
Questions with question words Answers This is a photo of my family.
is her surname? Anderson. It's good practice for you.
What is his job? He's a policeman. I'm at home. My mother and father are at work.
is her address? 34, Church Street. I'm at l.a Guardia Community College.
is she I'm in New York. I'm in a class with eight other students.
\\'here are you from? Mexico.
I live in an apartment with two American girls.
are they
Central Park is level in the snow.
Who She's Patrick's daughter.
How old 'twenty-two.
f ions nnn It is an ice-cream?? O TIC pound 50p.
1es/No questions Short answers
he Yes, he is.
Is she hot? No, she isn't.
it Yes, it is.
You No, I'm not./No, we aren't.
I Are they married? Yes, they are./No, they aren't.
m not I'm not = I am not (I inn r'+)
lie lie isn't = He is not
She isn't She isn't = She is not
It from the States. It isn't = It is not
We aren't = We are not
YOU aren't You aren't = You are not
They They aren't - "They are not
2.2 Possessive 's
My wife's name is Judy.
That's Andrea's dictionary.
2.3 Numbers 21-100
21 twenty-one
22 twenty-two
23 twenty-three
24 twenty-four
25 twenty-five
26 twenty-six
27 twenty-seven
28 twenty-eight
29 twenty-nine
30 thirty
31 thirty-one
40 forty
50 i f fty
6 (1 sixty
i0 seventy
80 eighty
90 ninety
100 one hundred
Grammar Reference 2.1 - 2.4 125
Unit 3
3.1 Present Simple he, she, it 3.3 Prepositions
I The Present Simple expresses a tact which is always true, or true tier She lives in Switzerland.
a long time. She goes skiing in her free time.
He conics from Switzerland. In the evening we have supper.
She works in a hank. A nurse looks after people in hospital.
2 It also expresses a habit.
She likes going for walks in summer.
She goes skiing in winter.
He never has a holiday. Get on the bus.
Positive Ile lives on an island in the west of Scotland.
He He collects the post from the boat.
She lives in Australia. He delivers the beer to the pub.
It lie drives the children to school.
At ten we go to bed.
Have is irregular. She has a dog. NOT she here..
Ile likes listening to music.
Negative I le speaks to people on his radio.
Ile She's married to an American.
She doesn't live in France. doesn't = does not
There'sa letter for you.
Ile makes breakfast for the guests.
Question He writes fora newspaper.
he Ile works as an undertaker.
Where does she live? 'hturists come by boat.
it Its about (.3t).
Yes/No questions Short answers
he in Australia? Yes, lie does.
Dues she live No, she doesn't.
it in France? Yes, it does.
3.2 Spelling of the third person singular
I Most verbs add -s in the third person singular.
wear wears
speak speaks
live lives
But go and do are different. They add -es.
do does
2 If the verb ends in -s, -sh, or -ch, add -es.
finish finishes
watch watches
3 If the verb ends in a consonant + -y,, the }v changes to -ivs.
fly flies
study studies
But if the verb ends in a vowel + -y they does not change.
play plays
4 Have is irregular.
have has
126 Grammar Reference 3.1 - 3.3
Unit 4
4.1 Present Simple 4.3 like/love + verb + -ing
Positive \Vhen like and love are followed by a verb, it is usually verb + -ink'.
I like cooking.
She loves listening to music.
We start They like sailing very much.
They at 6.30.
4.4 Prepositions
She starts She gets up earl' on weekdays.
It 1 le plays football on Friday mornings.
They never go out on Friday evenings.
Where do you go on holiday?
He lives on the next block.
lie hates watching football on television.
Do you relax at weekends?
start at 6.30.
She gets tip at six o'clock.
She doesn't She gets up early in the morning.
It We go out in the evening.
I le takes photos in I the) spring.
I Unit 5
When they start? 5.1 There is/are
he Positive
does i she is a soli. (singular)
it I 't'here
are two books. (plural)
Yes/No questions Short answers
you No, I don't./No, we don't.
Ilu they have a camera? Yes, they do. isn't an armchair. (singular)
he Yes, he does. aren't any flowers. (plural)
Does she like Chinese food? No, she doesn't.
I it Yes, it does. Yes/No questions Short answers
Yes, there is.
Is a table?
No, there isn't.
4.2 Adverbs of frequency there
Yes, there are.
0'% 50% I OWN) Are any photos?
No, there aren't.
never sometimes often usually always
I These adverbs usually come before the main verb.
5.2 How many...?
I usually go to bed at about 1 1 .00.
I don't often go swimming. How many hooks do you have?
She never cats meat.
We always have wine in the evenings.
5.3 some/any
I sometimes play tennis on Saturdays.
2 Soiiietirnr: and usually can also come at the beginning or the end of Positive
a sentence. There are some flowers. some i- plural noun
Sometimes we play cards We play cards sometimes. Negative
Usually I walk to school. I walk to school usually. There aren't any cups. rear' + plural noun
3 Never and ,,Brays can't conic at the beginning or the end of a Question
sentence. Are there any hooks? any + plural noun
No"l N I gm iio !he the -
I Grammar Reference 4.1 - 5.3 127
5.4 this, that, these, those 6.2 was/were
\Ve use this and these to talk about people/things that are near to us. 114rs/tvere is the past of run/is/are.
I like this ice-cream.
I want these shoes.
We use that and tlwst'to talk about peoplc/things that aren't near to us. was
(lo you like that picture on the wall? in Paris yesterday.
Who are those children outside? We in England last year.
You were
5.5 Prepositions
It's the best home in the world.
The front door is at the top of the steps. I
There are magazines under the table. wasn't
at school yesterday.
There is a photo on the television. at the party last night.
There are tsvo hirtures on the wall. weren't
The cinema is on the left, opposite the flower shop.
The bank is next to the supermarket. Question
The bus stop is near the park.
-There is a post box in front of the chemist's. was I?
\Vhere we?
Unit 6 were you?
6.1 can/can't
)es/No quest ions Short answers
Can and can't have the same form in all persons.
There is no du or does. e h he No, he wasn't.
Con is followed by the infinitive (without to). she at work? Yes, she was.
you at honk? I Yes, I was./Yes, we were.
\\e re
could/couldn't they No, they weren't.
Could is the past of can. Could and couldn't have the same form in all
persons. was born
('arid is followed by the infinitive (without to),
Positive was she
I Where - - born?
I I C, She/ It were You
\Ve call swim. they
You I was horn in Manchester in 19811. NOT rrn in 1 980.
Negative 6.3 Prepositions
I They were in England in 1998.
I-le/She/It NOT Ile Joe. of earn dance. I was at it party.
We can't dance. Yesterday there was a party at my house.
You Can I speak to you?
-Thct She sells pictures for S I0,u1 ).
She paints for two hours until bedtime.
What he/she/it do?
Yes/No questions Short answers
you No, I can't./No, we couldn't.
Can drive?
she Yes, she can/could.
they coo k.? Yes, they can/could.
NOT I )o you can drive?
128 Grammar Reference 5.4 - 6.3
Unit 7
7.1 Past Simple - spelling of regular verbs 7.4 Prepositions
I The normal rule is to add -ed. She thinks about her past life.
worked started She died in a car crash.
If the verb ends in -e. add -il. He was tired of politics.
Iived loved People were afraid of her.
2 If the verb has only one syllable and one vowel and one consonant, Politics was the love of her life.
double the consonat. Who is the card from?
stopped planned She worked from (,.U)) until 1 11.1)1).
i Verbs that end in a consonant + -r change to -iei/.
studied carried
Unit 8
7.2 Past Simple
8.1 Past Simple
The Past Simple expresses a past action that is finished.
I lived in Rome when I was 6. Negative
She started work when she was 8. Negatives in the Past Simple are the same in all persons.
The form of the past Simple is the same in all persons.
Positive Ile/She go out
We didn't see Mimi last night.
I You watch 'I'V
He/She/It They
We to London in 1985.
I'hev ago
Negative ten nears
We use didn't + infinitive (without to) in all persons. I went to the LISA two weeks ago.
i it month
didn't to London.
go 8.2 Time expressions
the twentieth century
Question 1 92.1
We use did - infinitive (without to) in all persons. in the I991)s
1 the evening/the morning
you September
did he/she/it go?
Where 1 11 October
they Oil Christmas I)av
Yes/No questions Short answers Sunday evening
you No. I didn't./No, we didn't. seven o'clock
she like the film? Yes, she did. at weekends
they enjoy the party? No, they didn't. night
'T'here is list of irregular verbs on p142. 8.3 Prepositions
What's on television this evening?
7.3 Time expressions I'm on a mobile phone.
I We spoke fir an hour on the phone.
night Some people try to find love on the internet.
We didn't laugh at his joke.
last week
month There was it knock at the door.
year "today's the third of April.
yesterday afternoon
Grammar Reference 7.1 - 8.3 129
Unit 9
9.1 Count and uncount nouns
Sonic nouns are countable.
a book two books
an egg six eggs
Sonic nouns are uncountable.
bread rice
Some nouns are both!
Do you like ice-cream?
We'd like three ice-creams, please.
9.2 would like
Mould is the same in all persons. We use would like in offers and requests.
He/She/It 'd like a drink. 'd = would
They 1
Yes/No quest ions Short answers
Yes, please.
\Vould he/she/it like a biscuit?
No, thank you.
9.3 some and any
We use sane in positive sentences with uncountable nouns and plural
,�e.r There is are b bread read
I some on the table.
T there here are oranges
We use some in questions when we ask for things and offer things.
Can I have coffee, please? (I know there is some coffee.)
Would you like grapes? (I know there are some grapes.)
We use any in questions and negative sentences with uncountable nouns and plural nouns.
Is there water? (I don't know if there is any water.)
Does she have children? (I don't know if she has any children.)
I can't see rice.
There aren't people.
9.4 How much ...?andHowmany ...?
We use lion inuilr ... .with uncount nouns.
How much rice is there?
F here isn't much rice.
We use Hon nuanv ... . with count nouns.
How many apples are there?
There aren't many apples.
9.5 Prepositions
I've got a book by John (,risham.
Help me with my homework.
130 Grammar Reference 91 - 9.5
Unit 10
10.1 Comparative and superlative adjectives 10.3 Prepositions
'the country is quieter than the city.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
The house is ;(t metres from the sea.
One-svllabie old older the oldest Everest is the highest mountain in the world.
adjectives sale safer the safest Ile spends his time on the banks of the river.
big bigger the biggest' She ease out of the garage.
hot hotter the hottest'
He drove along the road.
Adjectives noisy noisier the noisiest They ran over the bridge.
ending its -p dirty dirtier the dirtiest I walked past the pub.
Adjectives boring more boring the most boring He walked up the hill.
with two or beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful Ile ran down the hill.
more syllables The boat went across the river.
Irregular good better the best The cat ran through the hedge.
adjectives had worse the worst Ile jumped into the lake.
tar further the furthest
Adjectives which end in one vowel and one consonant double the consonant.
You're older than nle.
New York is dirtier than Paris.
Prague is one of the most beautiful cities in Europe.
10.2 have got and have
Hale got means the same as have to talk about possession, but the form
is very different. We often use !cave tot in spoken English.
have got have
Positive Positive
You You
We have We have
They got a cat. They a cat.
a garden. it garden.
lie He
She has She has
It It
Negative Negative
You You
haven't don't
We We
They got a dog. -[hey, have a dog.
it garage. a garage.
He lie
She hasn't She doesn't
It It
Questions Questions
any money? they any money?
got have
a sister? a sister?
he he
Has she Does she
How many children have they got' I low many children do they have
Short answers Short answers
Yes, I have./No, I haven't. Yes, I flu./No, I don't.
Yes, she has./No, she hasn't. Yes, she does./No, she doesn't.
The host of both le,e12',Ind lim e \ 1! is had.
Grammar Reference 10. 1 - 1 0 3 13 1
Unit 11
11.1 Present Continuous 11.3 Whose + possessive pronouns
I The Present (mtinuous describes an activity happening now. Whot% f asks about possession.
She's wearing jeans.
Subject Object Adjective Pronoun
I'm studying English.
I me ntv mine
2 It also describes an activity in the near future.
Yuu you vote' vuurs
I'm playing tennis this afternoon.
Ile him his his
lane's seeing her boyfriend tonight.
She her her hers
Positive and Negative We us Our ours
They them their theirs
I am
Ile mine.
She is yours.
Whose is this book?
It (not) going outside. hers.
\\'hose book is this? It's
We Whose is it?
You are
11.4 Prepositions
I read in tied.
is he/she/it \%'e've got this jumper in red.
Where going? I-cc's talking to Mandy.
are you There's it girl with fair hair.
they I'm looking for a jumper.
I always pay by credit card.
Yes/No questions Short answers
Are you having a good time? Yes, we are.
Is my English getting better? Yes, it is.
Are they having it party? No, they aren't.
Spelling of verb + -ing
I Most verbs just add -wigs
wear wearing
cook cooking
hold holding
2 If the infinitive ends in -e, drop the -e.
write writing
smile smiling
take taking
3 When a one-syllable verb has one vowel and ends in a consonant,
double the consonant.
run running
11.2 Present Simple and Present Continuous
I The Present Simple describes things that are always true, or true for
a long time.
I come from Switzerland.
He works in a bank.
2 The Present Continuous describes activities happening now, and
temporary activities.
Why are you wearing it suit? You usually wear jeans.
132 Grammar Reference 11.1 -11.4
Unit 12 Unit 13
12.1 going to 13.1 Question forms
I Going to expresses a person's plans and intentions. When did Columbus discover America?
She's going to be a ballet dancer when she grows up. Where are the Andes?
We're going to stay in a villa in France this sunmier. Who did she marry?
2 Often there is no difference between goiut to and the Present Who was ,V lother'leresa?
Continuous to refer to a future intention. How do you get to school?
I'm seeing Peter tonight. What do you have for breakfast?
I'm going to see Peter tonight. What happens at the end of the story?
We also use going to when we can see now that sometltin", sure to Why do you want to learn English?
happen in the future. How many people are there in the class?
Careful! That glass is going to tall! How much does she earn?
Positive and negative How far is it to the centre?
What sort of car do you leave?
Which newspaper do you read?
He/She/It is
have a break.
stay at home. 13.2 Adjectives and adverbs
You are
I'hey Adjectives describe nouns.
a big dog
Question a careful driver
am 1 Adverbs desLrihc verbs.
She ran quickly.
is he/she/it lie drives too fast.
have a break?
When going to
we stay at home? To form regular adverbs, add -1t• to the adjective.
are you Words ending in -i' change to -i!t•.
Adjective Adverb
\\'ith the verbs to go and to come, we usually use the Present quick quickly
Continuous for future plans. had badly
We're going to Paris next week. careful carefully
b e and Tim are coming fir lunch tomorrow. immediate inunediately
easy easily
12.2 Infinitive of purpose
Some adverbs are irregular.
The infinitive can express why a person does something.
I'm saving my money to buy a (:I) player. Adjective Adverb
( = because I want to buy a (:I t player) good well
Were going to Paris to have a holiday. hard hard
( = because we want to have a holiday) early early
fast last
I'm saving my money l it to buy a Cl) player.
I'm saving my money k+I 'Attr a Cl) player. 13.3 Prepositions
What's the story about?
12.3 Prepositions \\'hat happens at the end of the story?
I'm going to Florida in a year's time. The train leaves from Platform 9.
lie's interested in flying.
She's good at singing.
She was afraid of can.
\\'hat's the weather like?
What's on T\' tonight:'
There's a filin on Channel .1.
\\'hat's on at the cinema?
Grammar Reference 12.1 - 13.3 133
Unit 14
14.1 Present Perfect
I The Present Perfect refers to an action that happened some time before now.
She's travelled to most parts of the world.
Have you ever been in a car accident?
I1 we want to say when these actions happened, we must use the Past Simple.
She went to Russia two years ago.
I was in a crash when I was 10.
Notice the time expressions used with the past Simple.
last night.
I left in 1990.
at three o'clock.
on Monday.
Positive and negative
I've been = I have been
You You've been = You have been
We We've been = We have been
They (not) been to the States. 'I hev've been = They have been
Ile I le's been = lie has been
She has She's been - She has been
It It's been = It has been
Where they beat?
has he
Yes/No questions Short answers
I lave you been to Russia? Yes, I have.
No, I haven't.
ever and never
\1'c use ev r in questions and never in negative sentences.
Kaye von ever been to Russia?
I've never been to Russia.
14.2 yet and just
We use lust in positive sentences. We use yet in negative sentences and questions.
I-cave you done your homework yet?
I haven't done it yet but I'm going to).
I have just done it (a short time before now).
14.3 been and gone
She's gone to Portugal (and she's there now).
She's been to Portugal (sometime in her life, but now she has returned).
14.4 Prepositions
She works for a big company.
I lamlet is a play by Shakespeare.
Brad and Marilyn are on honeymoon
\\'ait for me!
134 Grammar Reference 14.1 -14.4
Word list
Here is a list of most of the new Unit 1 teacher it /'ti:tfa/ hamburger it /'hienlbs:ga.%
words in the units of New telephone number it happy adj /'ha pi,
Headway Elementary. apple n /'a:pl/ telat.itit nnnth / here adv /lea/
toil = adjective bag it /b,eg/ thank you "O.egk ju:' here you are /'hta ju: a:/
ady = adverb because cent; /bi'koz/ thanks 0,egksi hi that
con; = conjunction Brazil it /hro'zil/ the USA it 'e1, ju:es'et/ holiday it /'hnhdet/
Opp = opposite brother it 'br.\t)a/ this (hook) ldis/ horrible adj /'Iu\rabl/
p1= plural ticket it "tikit, hot adj 'hot;'
camera it /'kirmora/ how much? adv !,hart 'm.vtf/
prep = preposition children n pi /'tfildran; want r \'nttt.
prop = pronoun where adr vve t' how old? ads, -' ,hao 'cold/
cinema it /'sutanta husband it !'hnzbond
pp = past participle country it /'knntri' your pron j.):'
n = noun ice-cream it "aiskri:m:
v = verb day it /dei/ identity card it at'dentiti ,ku:d/
infntl = informal dictionary it 'dtkjonri/ Ireland it /'atal.ind
doctor it 'doktt Unit 2
(!S = American English journalist it /'d3s:naltst'
Egypt it '1:d31pt accountant i /a'kaontant/ love itA\v/
England it "tgyland t
address it /a'dres/ lovely adj /'Invli!
evening it /'i:vtug/ age it 'etd 3/
extension it !tk'sten f:mn menu it /'menju:
American adj %a'mertkan.' mineral water it itii ral %vxta
tine adj taut, anything else /'Cll[Olq 'CIS'
morning it !'maauq
flat it Alm/ apartment it )'pu:tmant
France it !fru:ns' Argentina it :u:eFan'ti:na mother it
Irom prep lfrnmi at home 'at haom new adj /nju:'
Germany It !'d53:1113ni! aunt it runt' now adv nai
goodbye lyod'hai/ big adj /bty2 nurse it na:s
have t' !hiev/ boyfriend it i'h,)ttrend; old adj /,old
hello 'ha'Iao,! brother it 'br.0,i' orange juice it 'nrmd3 ,d3u:s/
her pron h.<:/ cake it 'keik; pardon? pu:dn
house it 'haos' Can I have ... ? !,ka n at 'hiev! photo it 'f.)otao
Hungary it h,\ggari/ Can I help? J.en ;it 'help pizza it pj:tsa
international adj /,inta'nxfnal/ cheap adi tji:p,' please pli:/.-
Italy it tali chicken it /'tftktn/ Poland it 'paoland
Japan it d3a'pienr chips it pi /tfips;' policeman it 'pa'Ii:sntan/
chocolate it 'tfokllt/ pound it paond
job it /d3nb% practice it 'pricktis/
coffee it 'kofir
key it /ki:/ coffee bar it 'knfi bu:/ price it prits
language it /'hegywid3/ cold adj ' k. old' salad it s:elxl
learn v /It:n/ college it /'koltd3/ slow ctrli slaw'
letter it !'let./ dancer it %'du:ns.)/ small adj 'sntaa/
live v lliv/ daughter it / dxta, snack bar it "snick b(i:/
magazine it /m.ega'zi:n/ different adj 'dtfrant' snow it, v /snao/
married adj /'mierid/ difficult adj ''dtlik ilt! Son it lsmil
mte pron /mt:/ drink i ,drink' soon adv 'su:nl
Mexico it /'meksikao/ speak t' spi:k/
easy adj ''i:zir
my pron !mad subway it US 's:\hwct
egg n /ey/
name it /neon/ exciting arlj ik'sattii surname it 'ss:netm
newspaper it "nju:speipa/ expensive adj tk'spensiv' Switzerland it ''switsaland'
nice adj mats! fast adj /l i:st! tea it 'ti:!
not had adj injntl !,not 'lied/ tuna it /'tju:na/
father it !'fux>>
orange it /'nrmd3/ first name it !'f_t:st netm/ uncle it /'nnkl/
postcard it ''paosku:d' French adj /frentf/ understand v /, nda'stiend
friendly adj ''frendli/ use v /ju:v
Russia it /'rAf,1'
girl n /g3:1/ who? pron /hit:
see you v iiifin! /'si: ju:/ wife it 'watt',
sister it !'sista/ girlfriend n :i:lfrend/
good adj/god write v raw
Spain it /spelt'
stamp it /st.emp grandfather it /'ilrenfu:C Voting adj /j,\gi
student it /'stju:dant/ grandmother it 'q nennt:\J-'
Word list 135
Unit 3 r'' i,l n pi III l)l Unit 4 ,II.r a clk
perhaps achy ;p,'h eps learn r ila:n
a little udj /, '11t1 petrol it ''petrol a lot prott 'lot leisure activity it
afternoon it ,ua't,'nu:n pilot it ''patl,v after ad,' .'u:h ''le;alrl a k'uvati'
ambulance it ',emhju:lins plane 11 pleln; always adr ''.:lwei long adi Intl
architect tt 'u:krtekt. play v ;plot; Autumn tt make r nteik:
Australia It n'Stredi post it paust, bad ad; 'h;rd, meet i' nti:t'
barman it 'hu:m,n" postman it /'p,osnt,n bar it %hu:' near why nw
be quiet r hi: 'kwai,t PLII) It "PAW baseball it 'bcishxl' never adr 'seta'
beer it bta' radio it !'retdt o; beach n hi:l f news progran me it
before prep !ht'f,:/ school it /sku:l/ block it /hlok/ 'gju:z ,pr'iogra:m/
biology It hai'nl,d3i' scientist n "sawntistl boring atlj ''hxru) next adj /ncksv
boat it boot' sell r sec brown adj brawn
of course ',v 'kxs:
breakfast it 'hrekf,st serve I' S3:y' bus it /bAS/ often a,h' of 1bftin/
busy adj htii shop it J'np� buy r /hat-
only adj ''aunli
but Conti hnt: , hat shopkeeper it 'fopki:po, called pp k,:ld, open 1• Iopml
centre it sent, sick adj 'sikr car it 'ku:
city it 'siti sit down r sit 'dawn/ chat t• tfcet pardon? "pu:dn'
parents ?I /,/ 'pe,t',ttls,
clock it kink skiing it 'skiiii Chinese udj 'tfat'ni:i
pop sung it 'pup snq/
collect t' ;k,'lekt small udj sntxI,' colour it 'k.sl,/
conic 1' ik.hm speak 1' ispi:ki come r k.hnh! Portugal it 'pxtlogl
day it 'del summer it s.%ni, computer it /k ini'pjti:tx reading it 'ri:diq:'
deliver r dt'lly, supper it 'snp,i computer game it really?
design v /di cam taxi driver it ''txksi druv,i k,m'pjua, getnti red adj red'
do the accounts 1' television it"leEivl3n' cook t' huh relax r rt'lieks/
du: Oi: ,'kaonts' tennis it 'tents, dance r du:ns sailing it i'sciltq
dog it dog that's right '(Vts 'rail; different adj 'dllr,nt/ say r set'
drive it draw there adr oc, dinner it 'ding season it ''si:zn:
end it end thing it /On) do t' �du:; short rrdj fxt
every day Itdf' e% I'l 'del tired adj 'taiad domestic adi d,'mestik shy adj J'ai,
too aci' Stu: smoke 1' snt,uk,
Excuse ntc 'tk'skju:z 'mi: don't worry t• d utnt 'n sri
tourist ri 'iit,rist sometimes adr :'s.untalmz
fireman it 'fai m n early aci '•3:li/ special adj 'spc.(l/
town it 'taoll especially acv !t'spefali'
tlv r flat translate r 'treni'Ieit Spring it ;sprig;
thing doctor it Ilaiiq 'dnkt, every day adr ',cvri 'del start v /stu:t'
football it Toth.-)a undertaker it '.sndMeik,, Excuse me tk'skju:z 'nmi: suddenly ath' ."s,sdnli
free trots ,t fn: t: im vanilla adj -v,'ntla/ export department it sunbathing it 's.snhcdhq
walk ii, t' ts:tk 'eksp,:t dt,puarn,nt, sunny adj 's.siii
German adj 'd3a:n1,n
get up r get ',p watch n, r hunt f exposure It ik'sp,u3a swimming it /'swtnttg
glass it gluts' week it /wi:k/ fall (= autunuh) it US !fxl: take r 'teik;
go v gat), weekday it 'wi:kdei, family it 'I"wnnli' take photos r"tetk 'I,utaoz'
go to bed r goo t, 'bed wine it 'wain' famous adj 'Icons fat's OK 'il,cts,o,ket'
guest n vest: winter it"watt,, fantastic adj f:en'tiest1k then adr iOeti;
help r help work v ,%%,3:k favourite adj 'Irtvrit r t affic it 'tref'ik
hospital it hnspal world it ',ya:Id film if lilnt tree it ylri:'
flower It �'l1ao„
house it haws usually atlj ju:3'li/
food it fu:&
Ilow's (Ann)? adr hit,,/ tirrtunatcly adr 'Ixtf,n,tlii visit 1' !'vu/it/
hurry up r ,h.%ri '%I)
friend it /trend/ warns adj 'lyxm'
interpreter it in'tasprit,
go out v ,g,o 'aot/ weekend it ''wi:kend
island it 'ail,nd gold adj ig,uldr wet adj wet:
language it 'Ia t1g%%Id•-, grey adj fyreti What does ... mean?
late udj lest gym it id.-pun/ writ d.v ... nits
like v talk what time? 'ts•nt 'taunt
headquarters it pl hed'kw,:t,z
listen i' lis,n what? 'writ:
here adr dim"
look after r Iok u:ft, hobby it ''hohi when? 'wen;
love r l sv where? wc,,
hour it au,;
stake r neck how? ace' ihaur why? '\%al
a r tan it mart window it 'sstnd,o,
I'm sorry :um 'sori'
stoney it "nl.\Itl ice hockey it 'ais hoki year it ji,
music it .ntju:iik' yellow aci jel,ui
ice-skating it "acs ,skean),
never adt, nevi interesting uci 'intr,sug:
non-stop adr non strip interview it ''tnt'sju:/
north it n,:t) it doesn't matter it 'd.vnt 'next,
office it i r lls iogging it 'd3ogiri
only aci ',onli kid it kid
ordinary aci ',:d mri:
136 Word list
Unit 5 mirror it "miry Unit 6 until conj ;ntt'ul
mobile phone it ntaohail 'faun/ use r ;ju:zl
address hook it a'dres bok, modern ad_i 'mtdan; bedtime it "hedtaun/ very adr !'veri/
air conditioning it most of the time between prep /bi'twi:n/ very well adr veri 'wel/
'ea kan,dtfntg: 'ntaost av Oa 'W1111, bike it /batk%
was born r hvaz 'ba:n/
alone adi a'laoll neighbour it netha brilliant all 'brilianti
armchair it : vnitfea% newsagenll's) it 'n ju:zeid3zinUs)/ wear r iwea%
at the moment ant, can't stop t' ku:nt 'stnp, wedding it !'w•edtt)
notebook it !'naotbok, Canada it kt nada/ well adr "wel
:rt'a 'maomant open r ")()pan( check v "tfek:
bank it bxgk over there nova 'deal chess n tfes, yesterday adr /'jestadet-
yesterday evening tub'
bathroom it "bu:Orom., park it pu:k concert it 'knnsatr' jestadet 'i:ynnj/
beautiful adj 'bju:utl party it •"pu:ti conversation it kmnva'setfni
bedroom it 'hedroni, passport it /'pu:spa:t, do homework v ,du: 'haontwa:kj
best adj best pen it 'pen, eye it 'ati
blinds n pl 'hlaindz, picture it 'piktfa
bookshelf it 'bukfclf- fall in love t Ga:l in 'Lsv/
both haoO, plane it ipletii family n ''f:cntalii
briefcase it 'bri:fkeis plant it plant feel t' fi:l
bus ticket it "hns tikit plate rt plen football it ''1'otbxl'
cat it k:et quite (big) adr /kwaui genius it /'d3i:11ias;
CI) it si: 'di:; rain t• reml hear r hta
champagne it f:ern'pein rich adi !rnf: her pram iha:,
Cheers! tftaz right adr (app left) 'raft, his prop %htzi
chentisu'si it 'kenust(s) room it rutty,ru:m/ hour it /aoa/
clock it kink rug it irngi house it ihaos
cockpit it 'knkpit, sandwich it )'sienwtd3; initial it until
coffee table it 'knli ,tethl/ second /'sekandi Italian adj t'ueltan
comfortable adi 'k,tntftahl, Section it i'sek jn/
cooker it 'koka shelf n Pelf/ Japanese adj !d3:epa'ni:z,
cup it UP shop it fop know r !nao,
cupboard it "kshad. sofa /I Soot") large adj 'lu:d3%
0 dishwasher it "dijwofa spoon it spurn last month adr Iu:st ntunOi
door it .'da: stop (bus) it stop' laugh i' lu:f,
downstairs arh• ,daon'steaz' steps n steps� little adj "Irtl'
emergency exit it stereo it steriao manager it /'rna ntd3ai
t'nia:d3ansi eksn supermarket it /'su:pa,nut:ktu message it "ntcsich,
swimming pool it !'swtnuq ,pu:l;
everything prart 'evrt(hg/ now adr 'nao
exactly adi, 'iq'z.ektli thanks a lot ''Oaegks a lot,
toilet it 'tatlat' our prop !aoa,
ex-wife it eks'wait',
top it top, paint r /petnt
famous adj "fennas pianist it /'pianist
fantastic adj f:en'ta stik% upstairs air ;,np'steaz,
piano n ipi'snao;
far adr To: wall it waa! poetry it %'poo itri'
0 film star it 'film ,star; washing machine if Portuguese adj ,pa:tfo'gi:z/
i f re it Goa !'wnfuj ma,fi:ni poor adj px
i f rst t i:st practise v pr:ektts
first class adi 'fa:st 'klu:s
flat it ll:et question it 'kweslfan
flight attendant it really adr "ri:ali
'flan a,tendant require r rt'kwata'
floor it fla: sad adj ;sed'
fork it 13:k save r 'sets,
fridge it fridy sea n ;si:
front door it fr.silt 'da: see r 'si:'
garden it "yu:dn sell t' ,sell
grandma it "yrenno> Spanish adj !'spteni
how many? /'hao 'nteni spell r 'spell
spelling it "spelul
just ( = only) MIS, %da.sst/ spend t' spend'
key it ki: style it stall
kitchen it 'ku f to sun it is,sni
knife it nail swim r "swim
lady it 'leidi their pram dea'
lamp it la:ntp think r '(Itgk
left oh' (opp right) left today adr la'des
living room it 'In ti) rum travel r 'tnevl
lots (of books) Ints
Iusunv it Iskfari
Word list 137
Unit 7 marry v start Unit 8 take i teek
midnight n !'midniut/ term It /ta:mi
advertising agency it million ''mdjan/ (3 years) ago adv /'I q o/ them prop /deny
i'a dvataiztq erd,-ltansi! moon it !mu:n/ (coffee) break it lbreik/ throw t' /Omo/
afraid adj a'frcid.' Mother's Day It !'mndaz dev arthritis it /u:O'raitis/ transmit v Itr:enz'nutf
after that adi, u:fta 'OO:et need v /ni:d aspirin it /':esprin/ trousers n pl !'traozaz/
agree v )'gri: New Year's Eve ,nju: jraz 'i:v' astronaut it /'xstranxt/ true adj /tru:/
army it 'wmi nineties n pl 'naintiz true love it ',tru: 'Inv/
banana it iha'nu:na/
at night adv at nail own v /aon! beach it /hi:t f / vacuum cleaner It
bath it 'hu:O' pardon? /'po:dn' bestselling adj /'best'sehp/ /'v:ekju:m kli:na/
become v bi'knm/ personality it l,p3:s3'nxlati blue adj /hlu:/ watch v nvmJ/
begin v hi'gm/ poem n p ionn/ bottle it /'hntl/ way it /weli
birthday it 'ba:Odev politician it /,pola'tlfn' boy it /bar/ women it pl !'wmun/
bomb v bom/ politics is /'pnlatiks' chat v /tjet! workmen it pl
build v bald' present (= birthday) it !'preznt' chatlinc it !'tfxtlanl "wws:kmen', 'ws:kntan/
businessman it i'hlzntsni en/ president it 'prezidant/ chicken it''tfikin workroom it "w:i:krom/
buy v bay prime minister it clock it 'klok/ worried adj 1'w.vid'
capital adi /'kiepitl.! ,prawn 'nnnrsta- cloth it !klnO/
car crash it ka: kriej problem it ''prnblam company it !'knmpani/
century it sentJari/ read r ri:d couple n pl "k,lpli
chemistry it kemtstri/ remember v n'mentba/ date it idea/
child it tfaild resign v /'rizam' delicious adj idi'lifas/
Christmas it 'krismasi same to you /'sent to ju:, drug it /drag/
%kan,gra�t f u'ler f nz: sit 1' /sit/ c-mail it /'i:rneil/
cotton field it 'kntn fi:ld slave it /slew/ exam it iig'zxny
create v /kri'eit. sleep v /sli:p/ face if /fees/
soldier it !'saoldya/ face to face 'fors to 'leis/
die v /dai/ soon adv "su:ni
dinner it 'dnla fashionable adj /'fief nahl/
still'( 1' /stu:t. fax it if:eks;
earn v !3:n! strong adj /strnly fisherman it !'f i f antan;
Easter nay it 'i:sta del/ study v 'stndi! funny rtdi ''l' ni!
education it /ed3o'keiJn.' subject (school) It /'snbd3ekt/
end v -end sure adj -foal, /f,):1 get engaged v ',get nt'gcid3d'
Furo it 'joaroo survive v /sa'valy, get married v get 'mierid%
event it event go to a party 1, i,gao to: a 'pu:ti'
tear (+ cry) It !tea' good luck! /,god 'Ink-
everybody prof 'evribndi terrorist it !'terarut green adj /gri:ni
tarns It /fu:m/ thank goodness O:egk 'gndnes/
farmer it /'fa:ma Thanksgiving it 'Oagks'givti1 in a hurry ',in s'hnri/
fight v fart theatre it /'Olola incredible adj !ut'kredabl/
finally ark faulali think v Otpk internet it /'uttanct%
first ( next) adv 1'3:sl tobacco it ,ta'h:ekao, invention it /ut'venfn/
funeral it ''Iju:naral/ together adv /ta'geda/ jeans n pl /d3i:nJ
great grandparents n pl tomorrow ads' 'ta'nlurao' joke it /d3auk'
,greit grienpcarants, twill it /twill/ leg it !leg/
grocer it groosa' university it / ju:nt'v3:sati/ mobile phone it /'ntaohail 'faun/
grow v grad Valentine's Day it 1110011 n /mu:n/
Hallowe'en it h:elacr'i:n% !'v:elantautz del/ mouth it hnaoO/
happen t' hiepn, video it /'vldiao/ nervous adj /'113:v.S/
hate v licit, war it Av.):/ nowadays adv 'naoadeiz/
have a holiday v !,hev a 'hnladev wedding day It /'wednj deli painkiller it !'peinkila/
horse it hxsl widow it %'widau/ philosopher it 'fr'losafal
immediately adv i'mi:dratlir will v /wily phone call it 'faun ,k.-):I/
important adj %un'p i:t,)nt,' work hard v /,w3:k 'hu:di produce v 'pra'dju:s/
independence is /indi'pcndans/ wrong adj 'roq/ public holiday it
iron adj /'aran/ !'p.shhk hnlader/
kiss v lim, recipe it /'resapi'
later adv ''seta record (for music) it 'reka:d/
leader it 'li:da ride v !raid/
leave v /li:vr rose n /ride'
life It /lief send v isend/
listen v i'Iisni
little (money) ''litl/
look v /lokr
lose v 'lu:r'
lucky adj "lnki/
138 Word list
Unit 9 part (ol the world) it 1-1(1:1 Unit 10 the Underground it
pass (= give) r pua iii 'nndigraond'
it bit it i bt pasta it'p:estl art it u:t; top ten (music) udj ',top tell
all sorts n pl '..:I 'sxts pea it pi: blues (music) it p1 'hlu:z travel it i'tr:evl
anybody prom enihodi petrol it 'petrol bridge it brtd;y unfriendly ndj ul'frcndli
anvway tidy eniwel pick up v ptk \p building it /'htldtty village it "vthd3
apple juice it 'iepl ,d3ti:s pocket it 'pills-it busy adj "bizil ,.vutl
away from adt' a'wel frame poor adj poi , p,): wood It
car park it 'ku: ,pu:k%
bacon it "betk.n! possible ndj pns�hl carnival it 'ku:nnl
bag it h:egr potatoes III)/ pi'tettiu/. castle it 'ku:sl,
bar of chocolate it rice it rats cathedral it 'ka'Oi:dral,
'hu:(r) o% tfoklat right now adr raft 'nao/ church it 113:11
beer it hi.) salt it sxlt salt clean udj kli:n
birthday it 'h3:Ode1 sardine it su:'di:n cosmopolitan udj
biscuit it 'hlsklt sauce It s.1:S ' ,knzm,'pnlttan
black (coffee) adi Nick sausages it pl snsld,-,v_ cottage it "knud3
borrow v hnrao, shopping list n 'fnpti) list/ country (not the city) it "k.sntri
buttlc it hot( south it sa(IO cousin it 'k vin;
bread it bred still water it sul 'ssxt cultural centre it
carrot it 'k:erat str:wvberrv it 'str):hari 'k,sltj' r,l senta
central adj 'sentr l sugar it fui), dangerous ndj 'denuf3uas!
cheese it t f i:/ table it 'telhl dirty odj 'da:ti
China it tfano terrible adi 'terabl, empire it ''Cnlpat i
Chinese adi tfal'ni:/, toast it 'bust expensive odj Ik'spensiv;
chopsticks ,t p1 't jnpstlks' together odi• ta'get
cigarette II stq."'ret tomato it 'ta'nlu:t o/ factory it "f:ektri
control r kan'trlol transport I, tr:en'spxt/ field It liad
course (of a meal) Ir k,):s typical odj "tlplkl found (a university) v found
curry it 'k.sri garage it 'q:ertd3 ,
lrgetable it '\ed3tobl
dangerous odi 'deintk).iras garden II 'qu:dn
washing-up rt ,wnftq %p gateway ii 'gettwcl
depend I, depend wonderful ad) 'w'sndofol
group it gro:p
dessert it dl'/at
disgusting atli dts'q lsIlq soglutrt it'ingm hedge It hed3
easily adr 'i:/ali hill it till
egg It elf hotel it hai 'tcl
either ollr' tuft- hymn it hint
environment it In'�:uranm,nl immigrants n pl Inllgr,nls
especially i'spefali intelligent ndj in'tehd3Ln1
farm r fu:n1 library it "Iathrari'
finger it ltrtq mixture it :'nukstjo,
fish It of mountain it "nlauttitn
fizzy water it 'fi/i 1v a� museum it nlju:'/1an1
for example f:(r) g1'zu:nlpl night club it 'nail kl lh
foreign adi fort ii
noisy ndj /'matr.i
fruit it feu:t
full adj fol orchestra it t'xkistrx
glad adj glad:: passenger it "p:esnutw
popular adj 'pnpjol i
ham it hem
port it /pxv
herring it herlq'
pretty udj 'pntil
history it 'htstari
horrible odi hnrahl quiet adj !'kwalw
human odj hiu:nl,n, restaurant it 'restront
hungry odj h.\Ogri river bank it i'rivi baaik
land it land rock group It "rok gru:p'
main (meal) adj mein safe adj 'seff
meal it 1111:1 ship it /1111,
meat it nli:l small udj s111a:L'
milk it milk song rl "Sol),
money it 'Ilvxlii' spices n pl "spatsvl
mushroom it "Ill.\1rom stand t' 'sl:etld
street it stria'
noodles it pl "nu:dlzi
tall adj !txl/
north it n:1:Oi
Word list 139
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