Part 9: An Afternoon Out
"You are sure?" Alvin asked the spy. The man nodded, certainly.
"The traitor, Hiccup Haddock, was seen consorting with Lord Hofferson following the theft of the taxes," he reported. "He handed over a chest. I believe it contained stolen tax revenue. And I felt it was my duty as a loyal citizen..."
"Can it!" Alvin snarled. "You report because I pay yer well!" The man cringed at the fierce tone as the Sheriff paced back and forth. Then the man gave a nasty yellow grin. "It's perfect!" he announced gruffly. "Now we 'ave a perfect excuse ter attack that treacherous Lord 'Offerson and dispose of 'is feisty girl!"
"We have other problems," Dagur announced, entering the room lazily, a small green Terrible Terror in his grasp. The creature whimpered as the Berserker maintained a cruelly tight grip. Alvin glared.
"What?" he scowled. Dagur waved a small roll of parchment that the dragon had brought. Dagur gave his manic laugh.
"Things are about to get a lot more fun, Al!" he said. "Stoick's escaped!"
Astrid had been practising what Hiccup had suggested and was paying far more attention to those round her. That wasn't always the most enjoyable experience, what with Snotlout's extremely questionable personal habits, Alvin's apparent aversion to soap and Dagur's penchant for extreme violence but she discreetly watched them all. But her attentions were not just reserved for the main players but all the others within the castle, from the drudge who sneaked in to scrape the ashes from the fire in her room all the way up to the elegant and unobtrusive Lady Heather.
Undaunted, she headed for the stable to check with Stormfly and go for a ride. She hated training in the castle because she was always watched...always judged. There were always disapproving eyes, reminding her that a Lady does not use an axe or ride like a warrior or threaten her prospective suitor. She huffed, shifted the axe across her back and walked confidently into the stable.
The lad glanced up, grey eyes recognising her. He dipped his scruffy head, overlong jet hair half-concealing the features of an early-mid teen. He gave a small respectful bow then turned back and continued brushing her coat. Astrid was please to note that she was looking in excellent condition. She glanced at the boy and watched him stare carefully at the floor, trying not to meet her eye or appear disrespectful.
"I've seen you around the castle," she commented, lifting her axe and inspecting the blade. "But you usually hang around the Great Hall or the offices of the Sheriff. Why are you in the stable now unless you're hiding-or watching me?" Her eyes narrowed. "And you're Heather's little brother, aren't you? Gustav?"
Gustav's eyes widened in shock and he bowed his head. "Um, yes, Lady Astrid," he mumbled. "But-but I'm n-not watching you. That-that would be treason..." Astrid stared at him and saw the faint longing in his eyes as he stroked the spirited mare. Then she gently took the brush from his hand.
He stared up and started. He knew he could be cheeky to his sister and treat Hiccup almost like the brother he never had because they cared for him. But around the more powerful people in the castle, the boy was servile and respectful. He knew he was worth nothing and not many people liked him-or his sister. And he knew Hiccup had caught Hel for bringing them into the castle and insisting they were given a home. Gustav stared at the straw-strewn floor and recalled the day the young Prince had been caught, hiding the two orphans in the castle, the way they had been restrained and the fourteen year old boy had been marched in front of his father. The way Hiccup had bravely stood up for them against his father, had pleaded for their lives and a place in the castle-and had accepted a terrible whipping for his transgression. Gustav winced. The boy's strangled screams had been pitiful, but the brutalised boy had still staggered to his feet and faced his father with courage and demanded his friends' safety. Gustav knew he could never match Hiccup in bravery but he could protect what Hiccup held dear: Berk...and Astrid.
Astrid rapidly flung the saddle over Stormfly's back. Her strong hands deftly fastened the girth and adjusted the saddle slightly Then she smiled at the boy. "Get on her," Astrid invited, inclining her head to the mare. Gustav looked up, hardly daring to breathe but the young Lady nodded and took the horse's head, as the boy scrambled up onto her back. His hand hesitantly patted the silky neck and a slow smile crossed his grimy features.
"Thank you," the boy said and Astrid opened her mouth to speak when a hand grabbed the boy's bony ankle and hauled him from the horse.
"What do you think you're doing?" Captain Vorg of the Berserkers snarled and loomed over the boy, He lifted his sword, still sheathed, to beat the lad and then Astrid stepped out from behind the mare.
"What I commanded him to do!" she said coldly. "I needed him to sit on my horse so I could check her gait as I walked her. Last time I rode her I felt it was a little off. Gustav is my young groom and I would be grateful if you would stop impeding me!" Her eyes glittered and Vorg stepped back from the boy, slamming a kick into his side before the lad could protest before turning away and stamping from the stables. The boy started up, breathing hard.
"Thank you, Lady Astrid," he murmured, his grey eyes twinkling in gratitude. Achingly, he got up: he was used to hard knocks. He walked to her and took the bridle, looking momentarily serious. Then the boy leaned close. "I know that Sheriff Alvin and Lord Dagur are planning to attack your father at Scauldron Bay. They have evidence from a spy that Hiccup is stowing his loot there, implicating your father as a traitor." Then he froze as an axe bit into his throat.
"My father is not a traitor," Astrid ground out in a tone that would freeze lava. Gustav gulped.
"Their words, Lady Astrid!" he whispered urgently. She stared at him, then fumbled in her belt and pressed something cold and round into his hand. He held Stormfly still as she swung into the saddle and then she nodded to him.
"I'll expect you when I come back, Gustav!" she called and trotted out of the stables. Only then did the boy open his hand-to see a silver half-kronor. He gaped: it was rich reward for such slim intelligence. Then he closed his fist and made to find his sister: she would know what to do with the much wealth. But he pressed himself back into the stall as Snotlout raced by, shoving his own groom away from his new horse and flipping himself into the saddle.
"ASTRID! Princess? Wait Up! I'm coming!" And he galloped after her. Gustav ducked back into the stall and hid his smirk. He was sure that wherever Astrid was heading in such a hurry, Snotlout was definitely not welcome.
She had accelerated up the hill and directed her horse straight into Raven's Point Forest, galloping hard up the path and direct towards the cove. Her eyes were glittering with her rage at Hiccup for his reckless and selfish actions. She would teach him to endanger her home and her father...
So she didn't noticed as a pair of hands reached down and dragged her unceremoniously from the saddle.
"Afternoon, Milady!" Hiccup said in her ear, his hand tight over her mouth and arm firm around her as he pulled her into the canopy. "Tuff?"
"Yeah-you get the girl and I get to be the girl!" he protested as he leapt from the next tree and landed on Stormfly, kicking the mare to a canter as the sounds of hooves closed. Astrid struggled but Hiccup held her even tighter as Snotlout galloped up, saw the blond shape on the horse and waved.
"Wait, Princess-it's your Snottykins!" he shouted and accelerated after the receding Stormfly. Astrid stiffened.
"mflghst!" she exclaimed against Hiccup's hand. He craned his neck and removed his hand.
"What?" he asked.
"Really? He can't tell the difference between me and...him?" she snapped. Hiccup made sure she was secure on the branch before releasing her and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
"What can I say? Not the sharpest sword in the armoury!" he shrugged.
"And my weedy brother does look like a girl from the back!" Ruff added from the next branch. Hiccup sighed.
"Astrid-Ruffnut. One of my most trusted-and, that really isn't what I meant...erm...gang!" He blushed slightly. "Definitely gang," he added. Astrid allowed herself to smirk. Surprisingly, this was the Hiccup she remembered from her childhood-the stumbling, blushing, stammering runt-not the confident, cocky and somewhat reckless young outlaw he had become.
"Are you two...?" Astrid asked, allowing herself to smile. Hiccup's cheeks scorched!
"Eep....I mean, no..." he began, casting Ruff an irritated look. The female twin was almost falling out of the tree laughing.
"Nah-he's not boyfriend material for me!" Ruff admitted, wiping her eyes. "Too scrawny. I prefer something to get my hands on! Hmm...blond, solid, almost as clever as Mr Blushing here and..."
"...named Fishlegs," Hiccup realised and cast her a thoughtful look through his own embarrassment. He hadn't realised his friend carried a torch for the shy former clerk. To be honest, there was no way he could have predicted this...but then who could? All Hiccup knew about matters of the heart were that they couldn't be forced, they tended to involve really painful amounts of embarrassment and that the girl he loved was currently smirking a few feet from him and probably wouldn't have touched him even if he was still the Prince. Ruff inspected the ground.
"Yeah..." she sighed then brightened up. "Can we go and rob the would-be Princeling, boss? Can we? Can we? Can we?"
"What do you say, Milady?" Hiccup asked her with a small smile. Astrid folded her arms.
"Why did you kidnap me?" she demanded. Hiccup sighed.
"Oh, maybe to stop you leading Snotlout directly to our base?" he suggested sarcastically. "Look, I know my cousin is as dull as a sword used to chop down a tree but even he can follow a straight line!" It was Astrid's turn to blush and she face-palmed.
"Sorry," she murmured, then recalled why she had been in such a hurry. "But we do need to talk!" He heard the steel in her tone and nodded.
"When we're back at base," he promised her gently. "Meanwhile, shall we participate in my favourite pastime?"
"Robbing Snotlout is your favourite pastime?" she asked him incredulously. He gave a nonchalant shrug.
"What can I say? Diary's been a bit empty recently...what with my being declared a traitor!" There was a sudden bite of bitterness in his voice with the last three words and he leapt from the branch, landing agilely and stalking away. Ruff sighed.
"Bravo, Lady Astrid," she said quietly. "Look, he hides it really well but it's hit him badly because he feels he's completely failed the King. He's had everything he had and worked for stolen from him and he feels ridiculous levels of responsibility for it all. He barely sleeps and risks himself all the time when he doesn't need to. He's a good guy and he's helped and saved every one of us in the gang. But the only times when he looks happy is when he's with Toothless-and when he sees you. I think he would do anything for you-so please try not to abuse that. Or I will have to come and chop you up with your own axe!" Astrid stared at the girl in shock. Ruff grinned. "And if you tell anyone about this, no one will ever believe you!" she added and leapt down after Hiccup. Astrid blinked and then followed her.
The outlaw met them with a lopsided smile. "Sorry," he offered. "Guess I'm still a bit touchy about Spitelout stealing my Dad's throne." Astrid offered a slight smile.
"Actually, I wanna see Snotlout robbed as well," she told him in a playful voice. "You have no idea how tedious he is when he's trying to court you!" Hiccup shuddered.
"Urgh, no," he said and pulled a face. Behind him, Ruff made vomiting noises. "And I could've done without that mental image. Thanks Astrid!"
"You're welcome!" she grinned at his sarcastic rejoinder. Then he turned and grasped her shoulder gently.
"But you need to keep out of sight, Astrid!" he told her sternly. "You cannot be associated with me. It would put your family and lands in danger!" The words rekindled the anger in her breast and she nodded curtly, though her lips thinned and his brow furrowed at the sudden anger in her eyes. "I know you don't like it," he told her, misinterpreting her expression, "but you have to see sense!" She nodded once, pulling away and not trusting herself to speak. Then he turned and led them through the undergrowth. He had advised Tuff which way to take Snotlout but whether the twin would do as asked was a very different matter. They found the broad oak the gang had used before and scrambled into the branches then waited.
Astrid found herself inspecting the Outlaw with care. Hiccup was perched on his haunches, his hands supporting his weight as he leaned forward, green eyes inspecting the road. His feathery auburn hair was a little longer than usual and his face was tense. Then his lips lifted as he caught the edge of the echoes of approaching hooves. Then Tuff galloped by, his face frantic.
"He's gaining!" he panted as he drew to a halt. "And he'll realise I'm not her!" Hiccup motioned and Tuff leapt from the saddle, burrowing into a huge clump of bracken. Then Snotlout cantered up and wheeled to a halt by the panting Stormfly, his eyes searching for Astrid.
"Oh, Princess-you know you can't hide from me!" he called in what he thought was a seductive voice. Hiccup sat on the branch, his legs dangling, then grinned at Astrid and rolled backwards, landing agilely by Snotlout's bridle and grabbing it firmly.
"Nor would I want to," Hiccup replied smoothly. "Afternoon, Snot. Glad to see you getting some healthy exercise!" The bulky jet-haired young man glared at his cousin and fumbled for his axe.
"Your powers of recognition are improving," Hiccup shot back and then shook his head, his forest green gaze flicking up to show Ruff covering the rider with her bow. "Now put the weapon down, Snot. I don't want to hurt you."
"The feeling's not mutual!" Snotlout growled through his teeth. Hiccup sighed.
"I know we had our differences as children," he began. Like beating me up all the time, he added silently. "But to steal the throne and try to have me murdered in my bed? That's low, Snot!"
"You know what's low?" Snotlout sneered. "Having some wet-behind-the-ears Prince rule in the King's absence with his Council rather than getting the brother in?"
"Spitelout has as much experience of ruling as I have-but I had the same Advisers that help my father rule all the time!" Hiccup snapped back, his eyes glittering. "Your father has been pampered all his life, done nothing for himself his entire life...except beget you. And that was only because no one else could!"
"And yet I am twice the Heir you were!" Snotlout sneered.
"Certainly in size," Hiccup admitted, "though you're way behind in training, intelligence, strategy..."
"Our strategy had you at the block!" Snotlout snarled. Hiccup stiffened and was silent for a moment. He breathed hard for a minute and blinked twice, visibly forcing himself to look back at his cousin.
"Yes," he said quietly. "Something I hope you never have to experience!" Snotlout leaned forward, his expression nasty.
"Did poor widdle Hiccup feel all scared and fwightened as he was about to have his head chopped off?" he taunted. Hiccup grimaced and jerked on the bridle.
"Off!" he snapped and Snotlout swung from the saddle. "Now strip!" Snotlout opened his mouth to protest but Hiccup had drawn his sword and the older boy reluctantly began to remove his clothes. Hiccup's sword flipped up his bulging purse and tossed it up into the tree to the unseen Astrid but he never took his eyes off Snotlout as the young man stripped down to his skivvies. "And the boots!" Hiccup insisted. Snotlout glared at him with hatred.
"I'm gonna watch you scream for this!" he promised. Hiccup gave a thin smile.
"Yay! Full house!" he said sarcastically. "It's only taken eight months to get all of you swearing bloody vengeance on me!" He took a step forward, the tip of his sword hovering over Snotlout's heart and the bulky boy froze. "Tell me why I shouldn't kill you now, Snot, and remove my rival for the throne?" Snotlout swallowed, his face pale at the low, angry tone.
"Because you're not a murderer," he said quietly. "You're not a traitor. You're too weak!" The last word was spat with venom and Hiccup flicked the boy's stubbly chin up and dug the tip of his sword delicately into the flesh.
"No, it would be easy and weak to murder an unarmed opponent in his underclothes," he said coldly. "Just as it was weak to send crossbowmen to my bedroom to bury three bolts in my heart while I slept!" He nicked the skin under Snotlout's chin. "But I don't kill the helpless, the weak and the unarmed. I leave those crimes to you!" He jabbed his sword at the boy's naked chest. "Now-GO!" And he swatted the boy's backside as he walked away to hurry him on. Tuff scrambled out of his hiding place as he vanished down the hill, limping and shouting threats and an impressive selection of curse-words.
"Is he gone?" he asked and Hiccup nodded, poking at Snotlout' clothes, weapons and boots.
"Get these to Gobber and make sure the clothes and weapons go to those who need them. Distribute the money and stable the horse with the others," he said calmly. Ruff leapt from the tree and grinned.
"Bags the horse!" she called.
"Hey-I saw it first!" Tuff protested.
"You got to ride Lady Astrid's!"
"So it's still my turn!"
"Look-this thing could carry Snotlout so it can definitely carry both of us!" Ruff offered and her twin grinned, bundled up the possessions and leapt aboard. "You okay, boss?" she asked. Hiccup sheathed his sword and nodded. He gestured to Astrid and she tossed the purse to the twins.
"See you back at camp!" he called and then offered her his hand-but she jumped and landed agilely on her horse. He managed a smirk. "Milady!" he commented.
"The next words that leave your mouth should be complimentary, Mister Outlaw, or I'll have to start chopping bits off you!" she told him. He smirked and leapt up behind her.
"Wouldn't dare," he sighed as she kicked the horse to a gallop and took them back to the cove. Astrid felt him warm behind her, felt his lean shape move synchronously with her, his grip on her waist just enough to stabilise himself against her and far too comforting for her liking. She knew he was an excellent horseman-they had competed hard as children and she knew he had put in hundreds of extra hours to make sure his father wasn't disappointed-so she knew he was safe if she accelerated. She hit a fast gallop and felt him tense, his breathing accelerating. She loved the freedom of riding and having him close was an added bonus. The ride to the cove was all too short and she felt herself feel disappointed as he slid from the saddle and offered her his hand. She grasped it and slid down opposite him.
"Now what was on your mind, Astrid?" he asked mildly.
She punched him hard in the face.
He went down with a crash, completely taken by surprise and crying out in shock. He rolled away, pressing the heel of his hand to his split lip and cursing.
"Thor and Odin! OW! What the Helheim was that for?" he exclaimed and scrambled up.
She punched him again and he went down again.
"ASTRID!" he protested, still pressing against his bleeding lip and nose. He stared up at her and read absolute fury in her eyes. He swallowed and paused. "If I get up again, will you just punch me?" he asked. She nodded angrily, her fists balled. "I think I'll just stay down," he said thickly. She advanced on him as she heard the sounds of steps closing on her. Hiccup glanced up, shocked and in pain but she saw him raise his hand and motion his gang to stay back. He was breathing heavily. "Please just tell me why?" he pleaded. She continue breathing heavily and glaring at them.
"You bastard. You've put my father and Scauldron Bay in danger!" she snarled. "Alvin knows!" Hiccup groaned and collapsed back onto the ground. staring up at the sky.
"Can you give us a moment?" he asked the gang. Gobber nodded to Fishlegs and the three men who had raced up in response to his cry and they withdrew. Astrid was still breathing heavily and glaring at him. "If you want to hit me again, you can," he sighed and just lay there. She loomed over him, her balled fist drawn back and he closed his ashamed green eyes-and then he felt her land on her knees by him. Warily, he opened his eyes-in time to see her fist fly into his shoulder. He yelped loudly and winced.
"Why did you endanger him?" she demanded.
"Because he's about the only one I can trust," he admitted with a sigh, rubbing the shoulder. It would be a big bruise if he wasn't mistaken.
"I left him half the northern taxes we heisted," he admitted slowly. "And I told him that he could redistribute them to his people or keep them in trust for the ransom that will be demanded for my father. Because I known sure as Hel that Spitelout won't lift a finger to get my Dad back. And the rumours I have heard from the sailors in the port are that he's being held in Meathead lands. But there is no talk of a ransom, no announcement, no appeal to the people to save their King. Spitelout wants him to rot." He sighed. "I should've kept the loot here but we never keep anything here. We give it all back. And I didn't want Spitelout and Alvin claiming I was lining my own pockets."
"They already claim that!" she reminded him, tearing absently at the grass. He warily sat up, gently touching his bloody lip.
"If my Dad hears, he'll think I've betrayed him," he sighed.
"You don't think your own father will know his own son well enough to understand you would never betray him?" she asked him. He sighed again.
"He's Stoick the Vast. I'm a fishbone. He never shows me he's satisfied," he told her heavily. He scuffed the heel of his boot along the ground awkwardly. "And I've disappointed him before...been disobedient..." His shoulders slumped.
"Like Toothless?" she smirked. Hiccup nodded.
"Yeah-no one wanted him," he sighed. There was a growl and the wolf, which Astrid had watched run up to his beloved but distracted owner, flung himself onto the young outlaw. His face creased into a smile and he was pushed to the ground again, a long tongue giving him a thorough licking. "Except me, bud!" he assured the wolf, laughing and pushing him off. The wolf deliberately collapsed on him and he groaned. "Yeah, you win...stupid wolf..." he grumbled playfully and reluctantly scrambled up, pushing the heavy body aside. Astrid grabbed him and he flinched but she pressed her lips to his battered face and his green eyes popped wide for a moment before closing as he deepened the kiss, his hand cupping her head and keeping her close. When she broke away, she was still breathing hard but for very different reasons and her heart was pounding in her chest.
"Um...sorry," she apologised quietly and he nuzzled closer to her.
"You're forgiven Milady, because I did break my word," he told her forgivingly. "I promised to protect your father but instead..."
"You did what needed to be done," she admitted and kissed him again. This one was much longer and more heated, hands digging in each others hair and lips urgently exploring the other's mouth. They only broke apart when Toothless yipped and the sounds of panting and running feet broke through their own private world. Hiccup regained his breath and sighed, nuzzling against Astrid's face once more and then finally looking up to meet Gustav's panicked expression. Immediately, his calm shattered.
"What is it?" he asked, rolling to his knees, his hand still twined with Astrid's. Gustav leaned forward, panting, his eyes flicking over the two and looking almost betrayed. Then he took a gasp and nodded.
"Alvin and the Northern Envoy, Eret Eretson, are leading men into the forest to kill whoever they can find!" he panted. Hiccup paled and stared at Astrid.
"There are hundreds of displaced villagers hiding in the forest," he murmured. "They'll be massacred..."
"That's not the worst!" Gustav gulped. "Dagur is leading his Berserkers north to Scauldron raze it to the ground and execute the traitor, Lord Hofferson!"
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