Part 18: The King of Berk

Hiccup's eyes widened in shock and fear as he saw the archer fire but his legs were already racing across the platform, throwing him forward towards his father. Stoick was the best King in Berk's history and Hiccup was his son and his subject: both of those would do anything to save his father. So he bit against the scream as the arrow ripped into his flesh and he fell against the King, his face scrunched up in pain. Stoick stared at him in shock and glared at Alvin, feeling his son struggle to his feet.

"I AM STOICK THE VAST!" the King roared and faced his people. "TREACHERY! TO YOUR KING! TO ARMS!" Hiccup slumped to his knees, grimacing and peering at his right arm, the arrow sticking right through the leather armour and skin and muscle. The pain was unbelievable and he felt himself feeling sick. He glanced up and saw the Lords who had sided with Spitelout inch closer to their choice and he realised with a sick feeling that they had fewer allies than his father realised. But there was murmuring in the crowd and there seemed to be a discussion.

"The King!" came a cry.

"Which one?" came the reply and Hiccup groaned. The people of Berkingham could be relied upon to be stupid at precisely the wrong moment. There were many enemies on the platform and his father was dangerously isolated-except for his useless son. And then he saw movement as Astrid lunged forward, snatching her axe from beside the block that was waiting for her and swinging with deadly rage, ensuring the executioner wouldn't kill anyone else. As the man flopped back off the stage, her guards sprang forward, shoulder-charging Mildew aside, grabbing Gothi and speeding to Hiccup's side. Astrid swiped angrily at Eret and he leapt back, missing her axe by a fraction as she stood in front of her King, her axe hefted angrily in her hands.

"STOICK THE VAST!" she shouted. "He has been crowned. He is alive! NO ONE ELSE is King of Berk! To the King!"

A lot of half-drunken faces grew thoughtful at the young woman's angry certainty.

"THE KING!" came the roar and the crowd surged forward.

"Sire-if yer wants ter live I suggest a tactical retreat!" Alvin shouted at Spitelout to see the man already leaping from the platform and sprinting for the main castle, his son a pace behind. "Eh, I knew they had a yeller streak," the Outcast growled and leapt after them, with Savage and Vorg at his back. The Grimborns followed with the handful of Berserk and Outcast guards they had as Hiccup stood, grabbed his bow with a hiss of pain and loaded an arrow, staring up at the bowman on the gatehouse who was lining up another arrow on the King. He fired and the bowman jerked, his eyes widening and he fell from the gatehouse. Then, wearily, Hiccup leapt from the platform, his bad leg buckling and dumping him on his knees again. Fish landed by him and hauled him up as Stoick, Astrid and Ruff all landed by him before helping Gothi down.

"Stables," Hiccup said in a voice gruff with pain, staggering towards the block. "You know the plan!" They followed him, pulling him along and into the stables and bolting the doors. Outside, the shouts of the crowd and the sounds of fighting were starting. Hiccup staggered forward and dropped to his knees as Toothless streaked from the stall and flung himself against his master. "Hey, bud," he murmured, pressing his head against the wolf's. "Just a little tired, that's all." Toothless whined unhappily: he could smell blood which was worrying the wolf. Stoick stared at his son, then crouched by him, grabbing his arm and snapping the fletchings off the arrow before ripping it all the way through. Hiccup screamed at the sudden pain before Gothi jumped forward, motioning the King to unfasten his vambrace and peer at the ragged wound.

"Hiccup?" Astrid asked as she took his other hand, seeing his face white with pain as the Elder probed the wound. He nodded, his throat working against a sudden surge of nausea.

"Glad you're safe, Milady," he murmured and then his bloodless lips lifted in a smile. "And I see you found your axe!" She slid her fingers into his messy hair and gave a soft smile.

"No thanks to you, mister outlaw," she replied gently "I had to do all the work myself!" He cast her an amused glance.

"Hmm. Not that I would believe a Hofferson would actually need rescuing," he teased her.

"Not all of us can sneak in as drudges or seamstresses or ladies in waiting...or did you lose my dress?" she asked him. He winced as Gothi smoothed a sticky paste into the wound.

"Suited Tuff better than me," he admitted with a grin. "I'm more drudge material..." She leaned forward and pressed her lips tenderly against his, moving with urgency as his hand rose to clasp her hair and keep her close as he deepened the kiss. He flinched as Gothi finished her work binding the wound tightly and slowly pulled back. "Can't resist all this raw vikingness, eh?" he teased her. She was blushing.

"I have a thing for talking fishbones," she reminded him. "Auburn-haired, green eyed, one-legged talking fishbones. I may be a bit picky but I have found the perfect specimen..."

"Where is he? I'll kill him..." Hiccup smirked as she hugged him again.

"Don't do anything that stupid again, okay?" she whispered. "I thought I would lose you...and I couldn't do that!" He nuzzled against her neck.

"You know stupid is my middle name," he murmured.

"I thought it was Horrendous," she shot back.

"I thought it was 'reckless and stupid' or just 'trouble'!" Ruff added, grinning. Astrid felt Hiccup chuckle slightly against her.

"My father must have had a really bad day at my Naming," he said in a more relieved voice and felt Astrid brush her lips against his cheek.

"Maybe I should name any children," she whispered. His eyes popped wide and he kissed her neck sensuously. She hummed in pleasure.

"Was that a proposal?" he whispered.

"If I waited for you, I'd be an old maid," she told him teasingly. "I even have a wedding dress..."

"'re Lady Astrid Hofferson...while I'm just an outlaw and a traitor...dishonoured and a complete disappointment," he told her, his voice suddenly growing despondent. She grasped his face in both hands.

"And you're the man I love!" she told him. His eyes widened in shock. "Besides, I believe my father has been declared traitor, my ancestral lands stolen by Spitelout and I am essentially a woman without any land, money or protector. An outlaw and a traitor is a good offer for me!"

"Milady, I am so sorry," he murmured. "It's my fault..."

"Don't kid yourself," she reminded him. "I chose to help you and defy them. I chose you. You are my best friend..."

"Friends forever," he murmured and ghosted a kiss over her cheek. "But even so, I can't see your father approving a marriage to me. I mean...look at me..."

"I see the man who warned me of a treacherous attack and saved my life!" Lord Hofferson announced, closing.

"And I see my brave and loyal son who has done everything to preserve my rule," Stoick added. The two youngsters looked up and both froze: neither had realised their fathers were listening. Hiccup stared at the floor.

"Dad," he said quietly. "There is a problem." The King frowned. Hiccup stared at the floor, his wolf pressed against him. Astrid grasped his hand tightly. "I was publicly dishonoured. They made sure that no one will treat me as anything other than a pariah. The people turned on me, called me traitor and coward and disgrace, a shame to my line and to Berk. No one will accept me now, Dad. I have failed you." Stoick stared at him: Hiccup was right, it was a problem. But nothing was insurmountable.

"First we get the Kingdom back-and then we sort out your status, son," he said calmly. "Now...what next?" Hiccup sighed and his hand tightened around Astrid's.

"Gobber and his group should be securing the Gatehouse so we control the access," he said. "And we need to make sure the stables remain inaccessible so they can't make a break for it..."

"On it..." Gustav said, popping his head up from behind the stall. Hiccup frowned and beckoned him closer.

"Were you eavesdropping?" he asked in a low voice. Gustav looked hurt.

" told me I needed to listen more..." he protested. Hiccup sighed.

"Keep everyone out!" he said, levering himself up to his feet. "Spitelout will have run to the throne room. They'll be trying to escape or dig in and hope reinforcements will rescue them..."

"Drago..." Stoick murmured. Hiccup turned to Astrid.

"If you called Sneaky, would she come?" he asked. She nodded and gave a loud whistle. The little dragon poked her head from under the eaves and flittered down to perch on her friend's shoulder. The young Lady looked at her dragon and gave a small smile.

"What are you planning, mister outlaw?" she asked. The young outlaw drew his sword and headed out the back of the stables-to find Tuff, Nils, Frode, Hoark, Ack and six other outlaws waiting. He led them into the kitchens and through the servants entrances. He paused and glanced around his group.

"They will be in the main hall," he said. "There are two entrances: the main entrance-which will be barred and heavily guarded-and the servants entrance, which I doubt they know properly. They will bar the door and await rescue. We will going in via the servants' door..."

"I suspect Alvin may be more concerned with filling his pockets and running," Fishlegs suggested. "He may be able to be isolated and taken out first..." Hiccup nodded.

"You're with me-Ruff, Tuff, Nils, Astrid-we'll check his office and the treasury. The rest of you-to the servants' entrance but don't attack until I return and confirm they don't have back-up..." Stoick stared at his son and then nodded, sharing a look with Lord Hofferson.

"We can watch and ensure they don't try to get away," he said, "while we can thin their numbers on the way. And you and I need a few words as well, my Lord." Hofferson nodded brusquely.

"As you say, sire..." he said and then paused. "Where is the servants' entrance?" Hiccup grinned and winked to Asbjorn.

"Show them, will you?" he asked and the short, blonde man nodded and led the way. Hiccup turned to his little group. "With me," he said and they set out, taking the lower passages used by there servants. The ways were low and poorly lit but they led to all corners of the castle. Hiccup was grimacing, limping on his prosthesis and jumpy, even with Toothless at his side...but abruptly, he stopped by a small flight of stairs and they paused-then he scampered up and slowly leaned on the door, emerging into the quiet corridor. Hiccup warily advanced, almost reaching the office Gustav had told him Alvin occupied as Sheriff when he heard voices from within and glimpsed the two Outcast guards at the door. His hand grabbed Toothless automatically and dragged the wolf back.

"'Urry yerself up!" Alvin growled from within. "I ain't 'angin' around waitin' fer these idiots ter come and get us! We ain't exactly the flavour of the week, if yer gets me meanin'!"

"What do you want me to take, sir?" Savage's voice oozed.

"Everythin' yer can carry!" Alvin snarled. "I don't see Stoick exactly invitin' us back for tea and cakes and certainly not askin' us to take our pick of tax revenues! Spitelout won't deliver any more money for the assistance we've given 'im. After all, 'e's a weak-kneed spineless yeller-belly who'll roll over the moment 'is brother faces off against 'im. And Stoick will come-because the people loves 'im!" Hiccup waved his group back, his hand finding Astrid's to restrain her. He could see the fury on her face.

"Wait," he murmured. "Give them a moment to have their hands full, Milady..." She gave him a sharp look but reluctantly nodded. He winked to the twins. "And you two...can you set up a barricade that way?" He gestured. The twins shared a glance, grinned and raced off back down the stairs. Hiccup waited for another minute and slowly drew his sword as he heard the two men grunted, then kick the door open.

Alvin and Savage were heavily laden down with bags of coins and chests of loot with their guards also heavily laden and not really paying attention but the outlaws hung back as they staggered down the corridor towards the main entrance...until they found themselves facing an angry pair of yaks. Hiccup peeked round the corner and winced. "Why is it always yaks?" he asked himself with a groan. "And how do they always find the damned yaks?" Alvin opened his mouth to shout for guards but Barf and Belch charged him and scattered his ill-gotten gains while Sneaky flapped over and spat a small fireball at them, setting his beard on fire. The crash of gold and the tinkle of coins scattering was loud in the corridor. And then Hiccup lunged forward, his gang at his heels. He faced Alvin with his sword hovering over the man's chest and the wolf at his heels.

"Those look heavy, Al," he said breathlessly. "Maybe you should leave them when you go..." Alvin scowled at him as Savage found himself facing Astrid and Fishlegs.

"I'm not afraid of yer, 'Iccup!" he sneered. "I've seen yer, remember? I've seen yer screamin' and pleadin' and cryin', boy! I know how weak yer are!"

"And yet I'm not the one running for his life with a pocket full of stolen gold," Hiccup replied slowly, forcing back every memory the words stirred. "You can surrender, Al or you can fight." The huge Outcast rose to his feet and drew his sword, his face twisted into a nasty leer.

"I think I'll fight yer, little 'Iccup," he growled. "Yer can't 'ope ter best me!" Hiccup took a pace back and gave a grim smile.

"Probably not," he said quietly, "but I gave up on hope when you took every last thing from me. So I really truly have nothing left to lose, Al." He altered his balance and raised his sword, the stance and pose those of an expert swordsman and the big Outcast felt the first flutterings of unease. A slight flutter of the hand had the wolf backing away, his hackles raised and eyes locked on the Outcast: the moment he was called, Toothless would attack. But Alvin raised his sword and charged the skinny outlaw. Hiccup ducked and parried, hopping back and readjusting his balance as the big Outcast spun back to him quicker than he would have guessed and hammered at him in wild rage. Hiccup raised a solid defence, noting the man's strength but also his sloppy technique and limited stamina. Then he launched a swift and accurate attack, his blade marking the big Outcast's belly, neck and arm. Alvin roared and threw himself at the outlaw.

Savage lunged at Astrid, aiming to knock her sideways, yet she blocked his attack and spun away as Fishlegs raised his sword and blocked the next attack as Nils and the twins charged the two guards. The Outcast second-in-command leered at Astrid, still in her wedding gown, her veil thrown back and face tight with concentration. She blocked and slashed, eyeing the opponent furiously. Fishlegs kept battering him back until he was disarmed and slammed unconscious. Astrid tied his hands tightly and glanced up to see the twins fastening a preposterously complex lasso around the two guards before she turned to look for their leader. Hiccup was being driven back by Alvin, backing up unsteadily on his prosthetic...until he found himself cornered. The big man laughed and raised his Hiccup dived forward, lithely spinning past his enemy. Astrid watched in shock as he rose to his feet unsteadily and drove the sword into Alvin's back in a lightning swift and accurate stroke. Alvin cried out and stumbled forward, his knees buckling as blood rapidly stained the back of his armoured tunic.

Hiccup stumbled back, his chest heaving at the exertion. He was watching the man stagger and half-turn, his face shocked. The twins were staring in astonishment. Both knew how badly Hiccup had been wounded while Alvin knew the exact measure of his torments, having ordered or watched most of them with a sadistic grin. There was no possibility the scrawny, one-legged, beaten, broken outlaw could have bested him. But Hiccup straightened up and lifted his chin as the outcast gave him a final disbelieving look.

"But 'Iccup..." he breathed. And then he pitched lifeless onto his face. Hiccup nodded.

"Yeah, been told that before," he murmured, staring at the dead Sheriff. "Never stopped me, though." And then his knees buckled and he almost fell, except Astrid caught him, her arms wrapping around him. He hugged her back desperately, his eyes screwed closed.

"It's okay," she whispered. "He's dead." His eyes snapped open.

"And we're still a small band of men, trapped in a castle with far higher numbers of soldiers...and I am not sure how many will rally to their true King," Hiccup murmured. He hugged her hard then slowly straightened up. "Let's go to join my father and end it."

Then sped along the underway, Hiccup looking very pale. Astrid was watching him worriedly. She knew he had barely recovered from his captivity and the strain of facing all his tormentors was stretching his nerves to their limits. Toothless was quiet at his side, running silently, his luminous green eyes scanning the taut face. Finally, they reached the back of the Great Hall and the gang looked up. Stoick's brows dipped as he saw his son. Hiccup nodded.

"Al won't be sending any reinforcements," he said tonelessly. The King nodded.

"There are over a dozen in there including Spitelout, Snotlout and Drago's Envoy," he reported. He looked at his group. They were evenly matched. Hiccup nodded and they readied themselves-then charged, bursting in at the back of the Hall. All eyes looked up in shock and the soldiers raised their weapons, preparing to fight. "SURRENDER!" Stoick roared at them and they ignored him, charging at the King. He and Lord Hofferson surged forward with the outlaws at their side. Hiccup saw Snotlout making a bee-line for Astrid and he moved towards find his way barred by Eret. He raised his sword.

"I know you robbed me and disgraced me," the Envoy growled. "The least I can do is make your life short and painful!" Hiccup ghosted a smile.

"Too late," he replied. "You acted against the rightful King-why shouldn't I stop you?" The jet-eyed man lunged at Hiccup and the young outlaw knew he was in for a fight, for Eret was light on his feet, quick and had a good eye and strong wrist. They clashed strongly and Hiccup felt his arms jar at the ferocious impact. He backed off a pace and hoped he could fend him off.

Snotlout was circling Astrid, a nasty look on his face. "Well, this is awkward, Princess," he commented snidely, his axe twirling in his hand. "You rejected me for that one-legged traitor and we both know I can best you with an axe!"

"Do we?" she asked him pointedly, weighing her axe up. "I recall allowing you to win once I had studied your form." His face reddened and he gave a roar.

"You bitch!" he shouted. "Execution's too good for you!" She parried his blow and began her own measured attack, expertly driving him back.

"But not for you," she told him with a growl and launched a fierce attack.

Stoick and Hofferson found themselves facing the Grimborns, rulers of Hunters' Isle, a Tribe that specialised in hunting the very rare dragons that still lurked in the far north. It was rumoured they had close ties with Drago but had managed to avoid coming directly under his rule-for the moment. Both Ryker-the older and burlier-and Viggo-the younger, smarter and ruler-were accomplished warriors and both faced their older opponents with determination and ferocity.

Spitelout, meanwhile, was making a break for the back door-when he found himself facing the twins. The would-be King drew his sword and gestured angrily. "Out of my way, peasants!" he sneered. Tuff grabbed his pike tighter, his eyes hard.

"I'm sure you don't even remember, but when you stole the throne, you imprisoned all the guards who you thought might not be loyal to you," he said shortly. "Including my sister and I. Now, I managed to get out reasonably easily but you kept my sister here for a few more days...until Hiccup saved her. And in that time, she was very badly treated!"

"So?" Spitelout challenged him.

"Do you think we really need to take you alive?" Tuff asked him softly, charging him. Ruff blinked at his sudden focus. Sure, she knew he could focus-he had come up with much of the crazy plan to free Hiccup after all-but she hadn't realised how angry he was about what had happened to her. Even though he didn't know the details. An unfamiliar sensation-of pride in him-swelled in her chest as she attacked the nearest Berserker.

Astrid was matching Snotlout handily, his technique even sloppier than she remembered. She was careful, making sure she didn't trip over her impractical dress but her eye was sure as she parried and then changed to attack once more, this time furiously slamming Snotlout back and disarming him easily. He opened his mouth to protest when she swept the legs from under him and kicked him in the side before burying the edge of her axe deep into his thick neck.

"So much as squeak and Spitelout will be looking for a new son!" she spat. He took a slow breath.

"Joke's on you, Astrid," he breathed slowly. "Even if they win, I'm still the Heir. The people will never accept him now!" She stole a slight glance at Hiccup and saw him fighting hard against Drago's Envoy. "He's still lost!"

Sneaky and Toothless had decided to join in, the dragon buzzing enemies or spitting her not-so-cute fireballs into soldier's faces while the wolf just attacked and even the bravest man backed away and begged for mercy when a fully grown and ferocious wolf attacked them. Stoick's companions-all seasoned warriors-along with Fishlegs and the others rapidly cleaned up the stragglers, almost a full unit of Berserkers including Vorg, the acting leader of the Berserker contingent following Dagur's death, and then they secured the main door. Then they turned to the last few combats.

The Grimborns realised they were on the losing side and, as one, flung their swords down in surrender. Both dropped to one knee.

"We acknowledge your sovereignty," Viggo said shortly. "We were lured on the false presumption that you had perished. We are not allies-but we would not have actively sought to be your enemies. Stoick levelled his sword at them and narrowed his eyes.

"You may have achieved that in any case...unless you accept a new Treaty with me and Berk," he growled. The two shared a look.

"That...would be acceptable," Viggo sighed in resignation. This time, they had lost the advantage...but there would be other times...

Hiccup wasn't even aware that he was almost the last one fighting until he heard Toothless at his heels. Eret was driving him back and he didn't have the agility or the strength left to defeat the man. He groaned as a slice of the sword bit into his wounded arm and he winced. He staggered back, his stump jabbing white of shards of pain up his leg as he spun and parried, his skills developed over so many hours of practice serving him well against the larger and stronger Envoy.

"I'm gonna chop your other leg off!" Eret sneered and Hiccup swallowed. The Envoy had been there for the amputation, screaming questions in tandem with Dagur at the writhing, agonised prisoner and Hiccup dropped to a knee and avoided his wild slash.

"When?" he replied. "You've lost: your side is defeated, your candidate has been taken and your Treaty is void. If Drago wants war, then Berk will fight him. But there will be no easy invasion and Drago knows that if he is seen to attack one of the Kingdoms of the Archipelago, the rest will unite against him because they all know they could be next!"

"And you have ruined me!" Eret shouted, hacking at the kneeling outlaw. Hiccup felt his arms jar with the impacts. His right arm was seriously painful. "You robbed and humiliated me, you stole the Treaties from my room and you stole the taxes from under my nose!"

"I'm a busy guy," Hiccup replied, gritting his teeth. Eret's boot slammed into his side and tossed him sideways and he barely got his sword up to parry the axe but the backswing slammed his sword away. Another brutal kick slammed his side and he groaned and a third made him see stars. Helpless on his back, panting hard and staring up as the Envoy raised his axe, Hiccup swallowed once and closed his eyes... he didn't see Sneaky zoom in with a furious squawk and slash her claws across his cheek. Eret bellowed and smashed at her with his axe but Toothless leapt to grab the weapon and the Envoy was knocked back a step, but he kicked the wolf away with a pained yelp. Eret gritted his teeth in a snarl as he loomed over the defenceless outlaw.

And then his eyes popped wide open and he froze, staggering forward a step. The axe dropped from nerveless fingers and Hiccup stared up into dark eyes that were shocked and uncomprehending. Then they closed and the man pitched forward, landing heavily on the supine outlaw, Astrid's axe buried deep in his back.

"That's mine!" she growled, "and no one is gonna kill him but me!" She wrenched the axe out of the body and Hiccup struggled to shove the dead weight off him.

"Thanks," he said genuinely, "though that doesn't entirely fill me with confidence!" She grabbed his hand and helped him to his feet, with Toothless whining against his leg and the others inspecting him carefully. She lunged at him and slammed an urgent kiss against his lips. He pulled her close and kissed her back hard.

"It should," she murmured, "because I'm never gonna let you go, mister outlaw."

Spitelout desperately parried Tuff's pike. The twin was backing him into a corner and he was using his sword and the crown-still clutched tightly in his hand-to fend him off with increasing desperation. Tuff's eyes were locked on him and he lifted his pike-and then a huge arm wrapped around Spitelout's neck , a sword biting into his throat. A big hand prised the crown from his grasp.

"I believe this is mine," Stoick growled as Spitelout's sword hit the floor. Tuff took a deep breath and nodded, his sister moving to his side and punching him hard in the arm. He grimaced but didn't make a sound, just nodding seriously at her as he backed away and lowered his weapon. Spitelout spun round, seeing his son taken, his allies captured or dead and his brother triumphant. He gulped.

"Brother," he said in a grudging voice, "I surrender to you, the rightful King of Berk."

A/N: So Stoick is finally back in charge. Of course, it's not going to be quite that simple for our hero...

I was watching Shakespeare's Richard III while writing this and I had to go back and make sure it wasn't too dark!

In case anyone thinks this is implausible (REALLY?) remember it's the Robin Hood tradition that the hero takes the castle with about three men against an entire garrison who seem to be totally unable to fight! :)

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