⓿➏: The Parties' On
Delilah couldn't worm her way out of the Friday night dinner this time, because Emily had demanded for her to be there.
"Tomorrow our lawyer, Joseph Stanford, is coming by," Emily said.
Lorelai groaned, "Crazy Sissy's dad."
Delilah looked at Rory.
"That's terrible," Emily said. "Sissy was a good friend of yours."
"Mom, Sissy talked to her stuffed animals and they answered her," replied Lorelai.
"Let's just start a new topic," Rory begged.
"Not possible!" replied Emily.
"She said a new topic, Mom," replied Lorelai.
"Everything's a joke. Everyone's a punch line," replied Emily.
"Okay, I'm sorry," replied Lorelai.
"My daughter – Henny Youngman," Emily said.
Richard walked in, "Sorry for that. A little trouble with our China office." He sat down, "Well. What did I miss?"
"I was being impossible and then I turned into a Jewish comedian," Lorelai said.
"Ah, well continue," said Richard, taking his glasses off.
"Thank you, where was I?" replied Emily.
"Some lawyer is coming tomorrow," Delilah offered.
"Joseph Stanford," Rory said.
"Yeah, him," replied Delilah.
"Yes, so Rory, Lila, your grandfather and I thought it might be nice after dinner for you two to go around the house and pick out what you'd like us to leave you both in our wills," Emily said.
"Take a look at that desk in my office. It's a really fine Georgian piece," Richard said.
"Why don't I ever bring a tape recorder to these dinners?" asked Lorelai.
"If you choose to leave me anything, that'll be fine," Delilah said.
"Yeah, anything is fine with me," replied Rory.
"Nonsense, you both should have what you like," Emily said. "So, look around and when you see something you like, stick a post-it on it."
"Okay, you two have officially hit a new level of weird that even I marvel at," Lorelai said.
"You can pick out things too, you know," Emily told her.
"Oh, well, now its way less creepy," Lorelai said.
"Did you hear that Richard? Apparently we're creepy," Emily said to her husband.
"Yes, well, live and learn," Richard said.
The maid walked in carrying a tray with bowls on it.
"Oh, cool!" exclaimed Rory.
"What's that?" asked Lorelai.
"Its dessert," replied Emily like it was obvious as the maid started handing out the bowls.
"Its pudding," replied Lorelai.
"Well if you knew what it was, why did you ask?" asked Emily.
"You don't like pudding," Lorelai countered.
"Yes, but you like pudding," Emily said.
"Oh, I love pudding. I worship it. I have a bowl up on the mantel at home with the Virgin Mary, a glass of wine, and a dollar bill next to it," Lorelai said.
"I've never had pudding from a crystal bowl before," Rory said.
"Put a post-it note on it to claim it," Delilah told her.
"I agree with Lila, put a post-it on it when you're done," Emily said.
After dessert and get a pen and post-it notes, Delilah headed into the kitchen, to claim the cook-books and other baking utensils before heading back into the living room. She looked at a few paintings of some generic landscapes, before deciding that Samantha would actually like them. She stuck some post-it notes on the frames. She also looked at a bookcase that she decided Matt would like to have it. She put a post-it note on it.
"Really, Lila?" Rory said annoyed. "You had to get it before I did?"
"You snooze you lose sis," Delilah said. She looked at an ornate side table that she kind of liked and Rory saw it to. Rory ran over and put a post-it note on it. "Hey!"
"You snooze you lose sis," Rory said.
"Well played, Rory, well played," Delilah told her.
"So what do we think of this?" asked Lorelai, motioning to the amphora vase.
"It's ugly and I wouldn't even hit someone over the head with it if they broke into our home," Delilah said.
"Where would we even put it?" Rory asked.
"I don't know," replied Lorelai. She joked, "The Emily and Richard Gilmore Psycho Museum?
"They said to put a post-it on anything that we want," Delilah pointed out. "I think we can agree that we don't want that."
"So, how's it going?" asked Emily coming into the living room.
"Great, just getting ready for the big day," Lorelai told her.
"Very nice," Emily replied.
"So, um, it's getting late, Mom," Lorelai said. "Unless you've got some funeral plots for us to decorate we should really be going."
"Any special requests for dinner next week?" asked Emily.
Delilah thought about it. "Maybe, my two friends could come? They enjoy spaghetti and meatballs and homemade pizza."
Emily grimaced a little at the choice of food, "Okay."
"Mom, I want to talk to you for a minute, and you two, why don't you go say goodbye to Grandpa..." Lorelai told them.
"Very smooth," Rory replied.
"Maybe you can find something in his office that you would want, like that desk he has," Delilah said.
They left the room and went to the office.
"Did you find anything you want?" asked Richard.
"Yeah," replied Rory. "We did." She stuck a post-it note on Richard's desk.
Richard chuckled, "Good choice."
"Mom wants us to tell you bye," Delilah said.
Rory nodded. Richard gave them both a hug and the two girls left.
"So, how would you both like two parties this year?" Lorelai asked them as soon as they got in the car.
"You couldn't get her to cave," Rory pointed out bluntly.
"No, but she did agree to make the string quartet to learn 'Like a Virgin'," Lorelai said.
"Well, you tried," Rory said to her.
"Well, I promise, Saturday night we'll do it up right at home. A Stars Hollow extravaganza," said Lorelai.
"So, is this party Grandma's having going to be a big deal?" asked Rory.
"Not really. The government will close that day. Flags will fly at half-mast. Barbra Streisand will give her final concert...again," Lorelai said.
"Uh-huh," replied Rory.
Lorelai continued, "Now, the Pope has previous plans, but he's trying to get out of them. However, Elvis and Jim Morrison are coming and they're bringing chips."
"You ask a simple question..." Rory started.
"And you get a strange answer, Delilah finished.
"So, I asked her if it was okay if I invited you both to it on Friday," Delilah said to them. "So, my mom is moving the party on Saturday."
"So you're having two parties?" asked Samantha.
She had a braid in her hair that made her look more beautiful. She was wearing red glittery eye-shadow. Matt's hair was a little messier than usual, but it made him more attractive to Delilah.
All right, she can say that her friends were attractive, but that didn't mean anything.
"Yeah," replied Delilah.
She can say that Britney Spears was attractive, along with Winona Ryder, Charlize Theron, Lucy Liu, Drew Barrymore, and Halle Berry. Also she found Ben Affleck and Ashton Kutcher hot, but that didn't mean anything. They were just celebrity crushes...except now that she thought about it, that was a lot of female celebrities that she found hot.
Delilah met up with Rory at the bus stop. Rory was looking miserable.
"Very crappy day?" asked Delilah.
"Yeah," replied Rory.
"Was it that Dugray douche bag again?" asked Delilah.
"Sort of," replied Rory. "He came to tell me 'happy birthday' and told me to pass it on to you."
"How does he know our birthday?" Delilah asked confused.
"Grandma apparently invited my entire class to our birthday," Delilah said. "He said that your middle name is cute."
"It's Christine," Delilah pointed out, confused, "A very common name."
"I know," replied Rory.
Delilah realized something, "Grandma invited your whole class?"
"Yeah," replied Rory. "Did she invite your whole class?"
"No," replied Delilah. "Maybe she didn't want to embarrass herself by inviting the common folk down at Stars Hollow High."
Rory smiled, "That'll be something to see." She laughed, "The rich mingling with the poor."
"The house will explode," Delilah laughed.
They walked in Luke's dinner together.
"Wow, you both look so cheerful," Lorelai said. She was holding two garment bags.
"I want coffee and she wants hot chocolate," muttered Rory.
"Bad days?" asked Lorelai.
"I used the word 'sucks' so much that it lose all meaning to me," Rory said.
"It sounds made up to me now," Delilah said.
"Well, I know what would cheer you both up," said Lorelai. She unzipped one and pulled out dark green tulle.
"What is that monstrosity?" asked Delilah alarmed.
"Rory's party dress," said Lorelai, zipping the garment bag up up. She unzipped the other one and took out black tulle. She put it back and zipped it up.
"I already had picked out what I was going to wear," replied Delilah. She had picked out a blue skirt, red floral leggings, and that white blouse with flowing sleeves.
"So, are we having a Halloween party?" asked Rory.
"That would be fun, actually," replied Delilah.
"Listen, you two," Lorelai started. "So, I'm shopping today with your grandmother and it's a whole three hours of 'who are you buying that for, Mom? Have you met the twins?' and then finally I talked and she listened and she wound up getting you two something that I think you both are really going to like."
Rory asked, "Really?"
Delilah doubted that.
"Yes, really," replied Lorelai. "And of course she insisted on buying us these dresses but I think I can do something with them to make them better."
She had always told them that she had to make onesies for them when they were babies because she couldn't afford baby clothes.
"Wow," replied Rory. "I've never seen you so cheery after spending time with Grandma."
"Don't jinx it," replied Delilah. "We might have a Friday night dinner that doesn't end with Mom stewing in her anger in the car."
"I do not," replied Lorelai.
"You kind of do," Rory pointed out.
"Anyway, it's been a long time since we got together and didn't end up fighting. It was refreshing. It wasn't exactly fun but I didn't get that shooting pain in my eye like I usually do," replied Lorelai.
"That's great," replied Rory.
"Yeah," Lorelai said.
Luke brought a coffee pot and a tray of pie and a mug to the table. He refilled the coffee mugs and set the plates of pie down. He set a mug down, "Here's your hot chocolate, Lila. I hear that you both are having a party Saturday."
"Yeah," replied Rory brightly. "Mom's famous for her blowouts."
"In my opinion, the best one was when we were eight," Delilah said. "It's because the cops had to shut it down."
"The cops shut down two eight-year-olds birthday party?" asked Luke incredulously.
"They also arrested the clown," Delilah said.
"And Lila bit the clown," Rory said. "She lost a tooth because of it."
"The clown freaked me out," Lila said.
"I don't want to hear any more of this," replied Luke, walking away.
"So, now tell me, why Miss Lemonhead today?" asked Lorelai.
"Nothing," replied Rory. "I-I'm fine. I just got an A minus on a French test that I should have gotten an A on."
"Oh, honey, an A minus is awesome," replied Lorelai.
"Yeah, it's – it's fine," replied Rory.
"Let me see. Maybe w should really embrace the whole tulle thing," replied Lorelai changing the subject. "Go totally modern Cinderella. What do you think? It's your birthday."
Rory said, "Yeah, lucky us."
Delilah was shaken awake.
"Wake up," Lorelai said, shaking Delilah.
Delilah spat out a lock of hair that was in her mouth. "Huh?"
"Move over," Rory said, shoving Delilah over in her bed, to lie down next to her. Rory grabbed part of the Halloween quilt, that Fran and Marjorie had made for Delilah, to cover herself and Lorelai with.
Delilah looked at her alarm clock. It was four-thirty in the morning.
"Happy birthday, little girl," Lorelai told Delilah. Lorelai got in the bed, which was rather difficult because the bed was small.
"I can't believe how fast you're growing up," Lorelai said.
"It feels kind of slow," Delilah said. She knew Rory had heard this same story downstairs at four-o'-three, before they came up to Delilah's room.
"Trust me, its fast," Lorelai said. "What do you think of your life so far?"
"It could be better," Delilah said.
"Any complaints?" asked Lorelai.
"I wish Matt's mother wasn't a bitch to him," replied Delilah.
Lorelai stayed silent, "I'd work on that, but I don't think it'll work."
"I know, she doesn't listen to anyone," replied Delilah.
"I think you look a little older," Rory told her.
"Yeah, I'm so old, I could employ a senior citizen's discount at that clothing store we go to," replied Delilah.
"I think you're a smart, cool kid, and a good best friend to your two friends," Lorelai told Delilah.
"Thanks," replied Delilah.
Lorelai started talking, "And it's so hard to believe that at exactly this time, many moons ago, I was lying in exactly the same position—"
"Here it comes, my origin story," muttered Delilah.
Lorelai continued, "Only, I had a huge, fat stomach and big fat ankles and I was swearing like a sailor—"
"On leave," replied Rory.
"On leave – right!" said Lorelai, "And there I was—"
"Finished giving birth to Rory—" Delilah supplied.
"Finished giving birth to Rory," replied Lorelai. "I was thinking about how much pain I was in, like it akin to doing the splits on a crate of dynamite."
"As one feels after giving birth," replied Delilah.
"And then I felt it..." Lorelai said.
"I was coming," Delilah said.
"You were coming," Lorelai said, "And the doctor yelled, 'Here's the other one!'"
The house phone rang and Delilah picked it up. "Hello?"
"Hey, happy birthday, Lila," Christopher greeted happily.
Delilah forced a smiled, "Thanks, Dad."
"You don't sound too happy," replied Christopher.
"Sorry, it's been a bit of a bad week," replied Delilah, considering how she was trying to figure out her sexuality and if she was in love with her friends.
"Do you want me to sing to you so you can figure out which is worse?" asked Christopher.
Delilah thought about it, "Sure."
Christopher started singing 'happy birthday' to her, really off key. It actually made her smile and laugh.
"How was that?" asked Christopher, after he was finished.
"Terrible," replied Delilah. "I mean, it was at least better than Kevin Smith's from my science class, singing."
"I don't know who that is, but I'm impressed that he sounds worse than that," Christopher responded.
Rory looked over at Delilah as soon as she walked in the living room.
"Hey, do you want to wish Rory a happy birthday?" asked Delilah.
Rory brightened when she realized that Delilah was talking to their dad.
"Yeah, but don't forget to keep a look out for my gifts," said Christopher.
"All right," replied Delilah. "Here's Rory." She passed the phone over to Rory.
"I don't want to go to the party at my grandparents' home," Delilah said to Samantha and Matt.
"Come on, it'll be fine," replied Samantha.
"That was before I found out that my grandparents had invited Rory's Chilton classmates," replied Delilah.
"Oh," replied Matt, "Stuck in a room with stuffy rich people."
"Yeah, it's basically Rory's party and not mine," replied Delilah. Normally she would've been fine with that, but still. Besides, there was tomorrow...
Matt and Samantha looked at each other, having some kind of silent conversation. Samantha gave a slight nod and Delilah frowned.
"Oh, by the way, we both got his for you," Matt said, taking out a jewelry box, "Happy birthday."
Delilah took the jewelry box and opened it. Inside was a bracelet with twelve dozen roses on a gold chain. It was beautiful.
She smiled, closed the box, and hugged Matt since he was closer. Samantha joined in on the hug.
There were a lot of people setting up the party.
"Jeez, Mom," Lorelai said. "Leave some servants for the rest of the neighborhood."
Emily ignored that, "There they are – the birthday girls."
"Hi Grandma," Rory and Delilah said at the same time.
Lorelai looked around, "Wow. You really went all out, huh?"
"Well, I wanted everything to be perfect. What do you think?" asked Emily.
"I think Edith Wharton would have been proud." Lorelai added, "and busy taking notes." She handed the garment bags to Delilah and Rory. "Here, go change."
"Okay," replied Rory.
"Hurry!" ordered Emily.
Delilah and Rory took off to go the bathroom to change.
"Are you dreading this party too?" Rory asked.
"Yeah," admitted Delilah.
"I bet none of my classmates know who I am," Rory said. "They'll probably recognize me as the girl whose twin stole my place."
"I thought I apologized for that," Delilah said.
Rory took Delilah's hand and looked at the bracelet, "Cute bracelet. Matt and Samantha bought it for you?"
"Yeah," Delilah replied.
"If someone gives you twelve roses, they're basically admitting they love you," Rory said. "That's according to Lane anyway."
After getting dressed in the black dress that Lorelai altered, the black floral leggings that Lorelai tossed in for her, and the black floral bow, Delilah went outside, nearly stumbling in the chunky Mary-Janes that went with it.
Rory came out wearing her dress and had a green shawl-jacket thing to go with it.
"Why do you get the prettier dress?" Rory asked.
"You're the one that's getting this whole party," Delilah pointed out.
"It's your birthday too," Rory said.
"Yeah, but it's your party," Delilah pointed out.
"Are you going to do that whole Lesley Gore song?" Rory asked.
Delilah was confused, "Whose song?"
"That song that goes 'It's my party and I'll cry if I want to,'" Rory pointed out.
"Again, it's your party," Delilah pointed out.
Rory and Delilah sat on a sofa together.
"She's drinking cider but it's spiked with whiskey," Delilah whispered to Rory, motioning to a blonde woman who was wearing pearls.
"And he's...." Rory started, angling her head to look, "Is drinking wine but it's spiked with scotch."
"He's drinking...white wine, but he has a flask in a hidden pocket in his suit," Delilah whispered.
"What are you two doing?" asked Lorelai, holding three cups.
"Lila came up with a guessing game on what these people are drinking and if it's spiked," said Rory. "We doubt it really is spiked, but its fun."
"Okay," said Lorelai, sitting down in the chair that was beside the sofa. "In that case, the guy I talked to is drinking a Long Island tea, but it's been spiked with...red wine."
"That sounds gross," Delilah said.
"Here," said Lorelai, passing two cups to Rory. Rory handed one to Delilah.
"What is this?" asked Rory, sniffing it.
"Shirley Temple," replied Lorelai.
"What are you drinking?" Rory asked.
"A Shirley Temple Black," replied Lorelai, holding it out for Rory and Delilah to sniff.
Delilah pulled back, "Jesus."
Rory nodded, "Wow."
"I got your Good Ship Lollipop right here, mister," replied Lorelai. "So, do you two want something to eat?"
"Everything smells funny," replied Rory.
Delilah took a drink of her Shirley Temple and grimaced, "That's rich people food for you, Rory."
"There you two are," Emily said, appearing. "There's some people I want you both to meet."
Rory took Delilah's arm and dragged Delilah with her.
"These are my twin granddaughters, Rory and Lila," Emily said, introducing them to some people.
After some introductions, Rory spotted Richard, "We should say hi to Grandpa."
"He looks busy," replied Delilah.
"Come on," Rory said, taking Delilah's arm in hers and dragged her over.
"Hi, Grandpa," Delilah said smiling.
"Lila, Rory," Richard said. "Gentlemen, these are my granddaughters, Lila and Rory."
A man said, "Happy birthday, Rory and Lila."
They handed them envelopes.
Delilah decided that she liked the party already, since she was getting money. "Thank you."
"I think we should get Dennis on the phone right now," said a businessman.
"Fine," replied Richard. "I've got a phone in my office."
They left.
"Here, put these envelopes in that furry clutch," Rory said to Delilah.
Delilah did as she was told.
Emily came up to them, "Rory, there's a whole group of your school friends in the library. Let's go say hello to them."
Delilah followed after them to the library, where there were obviously kids from Chilton standing around. They looked bored.
Rory said, "I have to go to the bathroom."
It was obviously an excuse to Delilah. She can tell that Rory really didn't want to be there.
"Just say hello first," Emily said.
Rory dragged Delilah along.
One boy looked over and asked his male friend, "Who are they?"
"I think it's their party," the other boy said.
"Oh," replied the first boy who inquired about them.
Delilah frowned and dragged Rory to them. "Hey, I'm Delilah Gilmore and this is my twin sister, Rory. She goes to school with you guys. I go to Stars Hollow High."
Delilah can tell that the guy she was talking to checked her out.
"Sorry for this," replied Rory. "It was our grandparents' idea. We thought it was going to be a party for a few friends and family."
The guy started, "It's not that we don't want to be here—"
"It's that you don't want to be here for some people you don't even know. Especially for one who doesn't go to your school," finished Delilah. "I get it."
"Why don't you go to Chilton?" the other guy asked Delilah.
"Sometimes twins need to be apart," replied Delilah.
Rory nodded. It was easier to say than to say that Delilah was to average to go to Chilton.
"We have to finish our apology tour," Delilah said.
Rory nodded and Delilah turned around to finish.
"Dibs on Delilah," the other boy said.
"She's taken judging from the rose bracelet," said the boy.
"Damn. Why are the hot ones always taken," replied the boy.
After apologizing to a small group of girls, Rory said, "Paris?"
Paris turned around and said, "My parents made me come."
"Oh, god!" replied Rory.
"Otherwise I wouldn't be here," continued Paris. "You believe me, don't you?"
"And it was our grandparents' idea to invite you," Delilah said.
Rory dragged Delilah with her, only to stop when she spotted Tristan.
"Jesus Christ," muttered Delilah. She wondered how long it would take for her to strangle Dugray to death with that tie.
"Oh, coming to greet me?" replied Tristan.
Delilah groaned.
"Hello, Tristan," replied Rory sounding annoyed.
Tristan looked at Delilah, "So, where's my birthday kiss?"
"You don't deserve one," replied Delilah.
Rory held Delilah's arm tighter. Maybe she sensed that Delilah was about ready to commit murder.
"So, I'll give you one," replied Tristan.
Delilah replied, "Only in your wet dreams, which is the only action that you'll ever get from me."
"And I'm hoping to make it a reality," Tristan replied.
"What is wrong with you?" Rory snapped at Tristan. She had that protective tone she used when that boy, Ricky Goldberg, pulled Delilah's hair in the second grade. Rory had kicked him off of the swing telling him to never go near Delilah again.
"Okay, I got to tell you something," Tristan said to Delilah. "I'm madly in love with you."
"How?" asked Delilah. "You meet me like four times and only for like two minutes tops."
"Let's go," replied Rory.
"Rory, Lila, who's your friend?" asked Richard, coming up to them.
"I'd hardly call him a friend," replied Delilah.
"His name is Tristan," Rory said.
"Excuse me?" asked Richard.
"Tristan Dugray, sir," Tristan said.
"Dugray? Are you any relation to Janlen Dugray?" asked Richard.
"That's my grandfather, sir," replied Tristan.
Delilah went over to a different group, however, Paris came up to her, glaring at her. "Are you dating Tristan?"
"No," replied Delilah flatly. "If you have a crush on him, I'd suggest you get higher standards." Paris looked offended, "There are a lot nicer and better looking guys out there who would give you the time of day if you pull your head out of Dugray's ass long enough to acknowledge them."
Paris stayed silent, and then asked, "How about your sister?"
"Judging from the tone she used, she can't stand him either," replied Delilah. "Every day when I walk with her from the bus stop, she complains about him because he annoys her that much. You have nothing to worry about. She likes someone else anyway."
Rory was suddenly at Delilah's side, "Let's get out of here, before he comes over demanding to know everything about Matt, his family, and everything else about your relationship with him."
Delilah nodded, though she was confused on why Rory would bring Matt up, though she appreciated that she kept Samantha out of it. Rory took off with Delilah.
Delilah hid out in a bathroom, suddenly feeling overwhelmed over everything that was going on.
She wanted to go home. She wanted Samantha and Matt there to talk to her...hug her...kiss her and tell her everything was going to be fine.
Kiss her? She wanted them to kiss her, and she wanted to kiss them too.
Well, that proved it. She loved them both.
It was a lot easier to admit it in her head.
Well shit.
"Hey, are you done in there?" asked Rory.
"Y-yeah," replied Delilah. "Just got overwhelmed, that's all."
"Come on out, we're leaving," replied Lorelai.
"Why?" asked Delilah.
"We'll tell you in the car," Lorelai said.
Delilah left the bathroom and they went to the front door. People were already leaving.
"Well, Rory and Lila, I hope you both had a good time," Richard said to them.
"Yes, we did," said Rory.
"Now, I know that your grandmother has already bought you two a gift and signed my name to it. That was part of our agreement when we got married. However, I feel this occasion calls for something a little extra," Richard said. "Put that towards your trip to Fez."
"I want to go to Fez and Lila wants to open a bakery," said Rory.
"Thanks, Grandpa!" replied Delilah happily. She hugged her grandfather, because it felt like the occasion called more for a thank you. Richard seemed taken aback and hugged her back.
"You're both good girls," said Richard. "Happy birthday."
"I don't deserve this," Rory said.
"Fine, hand it over," said Lorelai.
"You girls should get going," said Emily. "You've got quite a drive ahead of you."
"Grandma, we're having a party tomorrow at our house and – I mean, it won't be anything like this but it will be fun and maybe and you Grandpa can come?" said Rory.
Delilah nodded, "Yeah, that's a good idea. I would like for you to meet my friends, Matt and Samantha. I think you'll like them."
Emily looked at Delilah, "I would love to, but I'm afraid we already have plans."
Rory looked dejected, "Oh, okay."
"Have a safe trip." Emily said, "Lock the door behind you, okay?"
Delilah really wanted to know what happened.
"Hey, um, why don't you both go help that guy out there put all the presents in the car?" Lorelai asked, directing them to the guy.
"Okay," replied Rory. She took Delilah's arm and they walked to the car.
Rory explained to Delilah about how she had snapped at Emily for the party being more for herself than it was to Rory and Delilah.
Delilah stopped by Samantha's house because there had been a note tapped to the front door that told her to come, even though it was late.
So, Matt took her hand and led her into the dining room where there was a red cake in the middle of the table. There were only a few balloons and a 'Happy Birthday' banner strung up along the kitchen wall.
"Happy birthday," Samantha and Matt said.
"We know it's not much, but..." Matt started.
"I love it," Delilah told them.
It was true. It was something that they put together for her. It was her party, not Rory's or even Emily's. It was hers. So she loved it even more.
Matt nodded and Delilah pulled back a little to look at Matt. Matt seemed confused, until Delilah leaned in and kissed Matt on the cheek. He did a sharp intake, like he didn't expect that.
Delilah looked at Samantha, who seemed amused, so Delilah leaned it and kissed her on the cheek. Samantha seemed surprised and kissed Matt on the cheek too. Matt kissed her on the cheek too and looked at Delilah. The both of them kissed Delilah on her cheeks.
She reached over and put one arm around Matt's neck.
They were heading into the point of no return, but at least they were doing it together.
She pulled Matt in and kissed him on the lips. Matt kissed her back like he was never going to be able kiss her again. Delilah pulled away and Matt chased after lips, kissing her one more time before letting her go.
Delilah looked at Samantha, who pulled Delilah in and kissed her.
It was a little different kissing a girl. It was gentler and a little bit sticky because of the lip-gloss. Samantha kissed her like she wanted to make Delilah know that she was all in on whatever it is that they had to go on.
Samantha pulled away and kissed Matt.
It was an oddly beautiful sight to see how the two kissed each other and meld together like they fit together, like building a puzzle and finding pieces that felt. She wondered if the other two felt the same way seeing each other kiss.
Samantha and Matt pulled away from each other. Delilah went in and kissed Samantha again.
Matt put his arms around Delilah's waist and moved her hair out of the way, so he can kiss her neck. Delilah pulled away from Samantha, turned around in Matt's arms and kissed him. Samantha came up behind her and started kissing her neck like Matt had done. She broke the kiss and put her arms around Samantha and kissed her neck to, before they turned onto Matt and started to kiss his neck as well. She trailed it up to Matt's neck and kissed him deeply.
The morning light nearly blinded Delilah as she woke up in Samantha's bedroom. She turned her head and looked at the ceiling. Samantha's bra was dangling from the chandelier like fixture from the ceiling.
Delilah looked at the ground, finding her clothes. She was stunned at how far they went, even though it started off innocently with a kiss. She turned to see that Matt was in the middle and Samantha had one arm around his torso, keeping her hand on Delilah's waist. Matt's arm was around Delilah's waist.
At least Samantha had condoms with her from Kathleen giving them to her, as a joke, but at least they came in handy.
She really had to tell her mother about what happened. Speaking of 'mother'...she had to get home.
She really had to get home and moved out from under Matt's arm. Matt stirred and opened his eyes. Confused, he asked, "Where are you going?"
"I have to get home," Delilah told him, as she looked for her clothes.
Matt nodded and asked, "Did you regret having sex with us?"
"No," Delilah said, finding her dress. "I really need to get home." She looked up, "And you really need to get Samantha's bra from there."
Matt looked at it and nodded.
She got changed and considered leaving, but she stopped and kissed Matt, morning breath and all, bye.
When she walked in her home, Sookie was unpacking groceries and Lorelai and Rory were up.
"Hey, there's Miss Sleepyhead," Lorelai said.
Delilah muttered a good morning to her.
"Good morning," said Rory coming out of her room.
"Morning, Popcorn," said Sookie.
"Cute sweater vest," Delilah said.
"Cute bed-head," Rory told her.
"You want some pancakes?" asked Sookie.
"Sure," replied Delilah.
"No, I got to get going," Rory said.
Delilah was confused, "Where are you going?"
"The college fair is this morning," Rory said. "Do you want me to find you a culinary school brochure?"
"That sounds good," replied Delilah.
"You're going to get yet another Harvard brochure and a culinary school brochure?" asked Lorelai asked.
"What do you need another Harvard brochure for?" Delilah asked.
"I just want to see if they've changed the pictures," Rory replied.
"Weirdo," Lorelai said.
"I'll be back in plenty of time to help you decorate," replied Rory.
"No, this is your and Lila's party," replied Lorelai. "You do not work. You lounge and mock those who are. Have I taught you both nothing?"
"Sorry, I'll try to be better," Rory said. "Bye."
"Bye," Delilah said.
"Bye, bye," Lorelai said. Rory was gone and Lorelai turned to Delilah. "All right, tell me, why do you look like you're going to puke?"
Delilah really didn't want to say it in front of Sookie, who was now making pancakes.
"Can I talk to you?" Delilah started, "In private?"
Lorelai seemed concerned, "Sure."
They went into the living room and Delilah went up to her room.
"What's up?" Lorelai asked.
"Okay, so, at the mini-party with Samantha and Matt..." Delilah started.
"Did you three have a fight?" asked Lorelai.
Delilah shook her head, "No, nothing like that."
"What happened?" asked Lorelai.
Just get it over with, Delilah thought. So she blurted, "We slept together. As in taking clothes off, bed rocking sex."
Lorelai looked really surprised at that. "And do you regret it?"
"No," Delilah admitted.
"Did Matt use protection? Did he at least have that?" asked Lorelai worried.
"Samantha's parents jokingly gave her condoms months before what happened," Delilah said.
Lorelai asked, "Then what's the problem?"
"I had sex with two people? At the same time?" Delilah replied.
"Lila, you know I had gotten pregnant at sixteen," replied Lorelai. "As long as you don't get pregnant, then that's fine."
"Okay," Delilah said, feeling relieved over what this whole situation. She had to tell Rory, eventually. And she had to have a conversation with Samantha and Matt over what had occurred.
"Come on, go take a shower before you eat pancakes, you smell," Lorelai said.
Miss Patty said, "Happy birthday, Rory and Lila!"
Lorelai passed a red-wrapped box to Delilah, "Here is yours. Now open it, open it, open it!"
Rory and Delilah opened their gifts.
Delilah had gotten an graphite colored iBook, compared to Rory's blueberry colored iBook.
"No!" said Rory.
"You like it?" asked Lorelai.
Rory tackled Lorelai in a hug, knocking Lorelai backwards on the couch.
"You can take it back," replied Lorelai.
"No! I love it! It's perfect," said Rory.
"Yours is blue, Lila's is graphite, and they have a handle," Lorelai said happily.
"Its way too expensive," replied Rory.
"I know, that's what I told the guy at the store," replied Lorelai. She tugged on Lila's sleeve and she got up to sit on the couch, moving at an angle to allow Sookie to come in. Matt and Samantha followed after her, setting down a cake that had Delilah's face on it.
Sookie said, "Okay! On three 'cause I'm gonna drop it. Okay, one, two—"
Everyone started singing 'happy birthday' to her and Delilah.
"Make a wish," Lorelai said.
Rory and Delilah blew out the candles on their cake.
"All right, everybody, I need your attention, your attention please. This is a very serious moment. Two priests, a rabbi, and a duck—"
"Mom," Rory started.
"All right, I'm kidding. Um, I would like to propose a toast to the two things in my life that is always good, always sweet, and without whom I would have no reason to get up in the morning. My friends, Rory and Lila. Cheers."
"Happy birthday," Babette said.
"And in honor of these two very special girls, I now invite you all to help me eat their faces," Lorelai continued.
The doorbell rang as Sookie passed a cake cutter to Rory, telling her to have the first cut.
"There's something strange about hacking into my own head," Rory said as the doorbell rang again.
"Jeez, who the hell's ringing the bell?" Lorelai yelled, "It's a party! Get your ass in here!"
There were murmurs of agreement and Delilah tilted her head to see her grandparents walking in, looking a little out of place being in formal attire. Lorelai noticed and said, "Or asses, I guess."
Rory definitely noticed their grandparents, she got up, took Delilah's arm, and went to greet them.
"Grandma! Grandpa! I can't believe you're here," said Rory. Delilah nodded in agreement as they hugged their grandparents. "We're so glad you came. Hey, no tie?"
"I thought I'd mix it up a little," Richard responded.
Rory showed Emily her wrist, showing the bracelet that she was wearing, "Grandma, look."
Emily smiled, "Why, it looks lovely."
"And Lila is wearing the headband you got her," said Rory, pointing at the light pink headband.
"It goes good with that outfit," said Emily, looking at the clothes Delilah was wearing, "...even the leggings."
Delilah looked at the red floral leggings.
"I want you to meet everyone," Rory said. She took Emily's hand and led them to the living room. "Everyone, these are our grandparents."
"Hi," the party guests said, waving.
Samantha and Matt looked a little nervous, maybe they were thinking about how they had slept with Delilah the previous night.
"Hello," Richard said.
Lorelai walked up to them.
"Lorelai," greeted Emily.
"Emily, Dad," Lorelai greeted.
Richard said, "Lorelai, you look well."
Miss Patty came up to them, "I'm Patricia LaCosta. We just love your daughter and granddaughters."
Emily smiled and said, "Thank you."
Miss Patty zeroed in on Richard, "My God, you're a tall specimen of a man. Must be all that good air in Hartford." She laughed and walked away.
"She flirts with all the men," Delilah said. "She even flirted with Matt at one point."
Lorelai said, "Mom, Dad, can I get you a drink?"
"No, thank you," replied Emily.
"Oh, no, Mom," said Lorelai, "You're going to need one and I have wine glasses that say 'Holiday Inn' on them."
"Stoli on the rocks with a twist," said Emily.
"Right," replied Lorelai and went in the kitchen.
"Come on," said Rory. She introduced their grandparents to Lane, who seemed enthusiastic to meet them. Delilah had Samantha and Matt come over, though they looked a little uncomfortable to do it.
"Who is your dad?" Richard asked Matt after they shook hands.
"Uh...John Moor," Matt said awkwardly.
"Any relation to Jacob Moor?" asked Richard.
"I don't know," replied Matt. "I don't know any of my grandparents."
"Here, Grandma, have some hors d'oeuvres," Rory said, holding a plate to Emily.
"Okay," replied Emily.
It was time for their guests to leave, when Emily went outside, Rory and Delilah followed after her.
"It's time to go now," Emily said to Richard.
Richard was still reading a magazine, "In a minute, please."
"Rory, Lila, we're going to get going now," Emily said to them.
"Thank you for coming," Rory said.
"Thanks for asking me," Emily said.
Richard closed the magazine, "Ah, lovely party. I enjoyed the reading material immensely."
"So, what's the verdict?" asked Rory.
"I am..." Richard started, taking off his reading glasses, "an autumn."
"Interesting," replied Rory.
"Isn't it?" asked Richard.
Lorelai came out onto the porch, "Hey, so you guys leaving? The mud wrestling starts in ten minutes."
"Good night, Lorelai," replied Emily. "We had a lovely time."
Lorelai pointed out, "And with a straight face, you said that."
"I'd have that chimney inspected if I were you," replied Richard.
"I'll get right on that, Dad," replied Lorelai.
Richard handed Rory and Delilah an envelope each, "For Fez and the bakery."
"But Grandpa, you already took care of that," Rory pointed out.
"Fez is a very large city and owning a business takes a lot of money," said Richard.
Delilah had to hug her grandfather, again, because it was so nice that he was giving them checks to help them out.
They stood on the porch and watched as Emily and Richard left.
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