⓿➌: Smite Me, O' Mighty Smiter
Friday night dinners with her grandparents were still boring, Delilah thought. She would've brought Samantha and Matt with her, but it was a family thing. Her mother had made her put on a dress. She wore a lacy black dress with black lace sleeves. She even put on a silver head band in her hair. She wore a fake pearl necklace and fake pearl bracelet to go with her new red, multiple layer fake rhinestone bracelet. Rory jokingly called it Delilah, Samantha, and Matt's couples' bracelets.
The upside was that the cassoulet was perfect.
"Dinner was lovely, Emily," Richard told Emily.
"Mira does make a perfect cassoulet," replied Emily.
"Who's Mira?" asked Lorelai.
"Our cook," replied Emily.
"Wasn't Heidi your cook?" asked Delilah.
"Oh, no, we let Heidi go months ago," replied Emily. "She had a problem closing things – the door, the refrigerator—"
"The liquor bottle," added Richard.
"Then it was Trina, then Sophia," Emily said.
"Oh, I liked Sophia," Richard cutin.
"You did not," replied Emily.
"I didn't?" asked Richard.
"She was one who sang," Emily said.
"That's right," replied Richard, "Terrible woman."
"And after Sophia we had Anton," said Emily.
"That's right," said Richard. "Anton was the one that I liked."
"I'm sorry, Dad," replied Lorelai. "How do you mix up Anton and Sophia?"
"What do you mean?" asked Richard.
"Well, one is a man and one is a woman," replied Lorelai.
"And your point being?" asked Richard.
"That one is a man and one is a woman," replied Lorelai.
"I have a lot to do in a day, Lorelai," replied Richard. "I don't have time to keep up with a multitude of people that your mother employs."
"But one is a man and one is a woman," replied Lorelai.
"Who cares?" replied Delilah. "There's a person in my school that says on some days, they feel like a boy and some days they feel like a girl. So they wear a dress when they feel like a girl, and wear jeans on days that they feel like a boy."
"Oh, I know who you're talking about," replied Rory. "They were in my chemistry class."
Mira walked in with a cake.
"The dinner was so wonderful, Mira," Lorelai said.
"It's Sarah," replied not-Mira.
"Oh, I'm sorry," replied Lorelai. Sarah left. "Mom! Her name is Sarah!"
"I thought she said Mira," Emily said.
Lorelai groaned.
"Hey, Grandma, these plates are really pretty," Rory said, trying to stop an argument that might break out over the wrong name.
"Thank you, Rory," replied Emily. "They were your great-grandmother's."
"Lorelai the first," said Richard.
"Wasn't Mom the first?" asked Delilah.
"Not in the name," said Emily.
"No, but in so many other things I was a regular trailblazer," said Lorelai. "Just finishing your thought, Mom."
"So, where did the name Lorelai come from?" asked Delilah.
"Lorelai the first is my mother," said Richard. "She's an extremely accomplished equestrian, a distinguished patron of the arts, and she's also world-famous for her masquerade balls. She's quite a woman, my mother."
"She does sound rather remarkable," said Delilah admitted.
"Yes she is," said Emily. "Mira, come cut the cake please."
"Yes, and why don't you bring Sarah out here with you?" called Lorelai.
"So, Lorelai, how are things at that charming little inn of yours?" asked Emily.
"Mm – they're still charming and little. We're just crossing our fingers it doesn't assert itself and become rude and large," said Lorelai.
"There's a huge wedding that's going to be there," said Delilah.
"Really?" asked Emily.
"Yeah, actually there are people coming from all over the country," replied Lorelai.
"Well, isn't that nice?" replied Emily.
"Yeah," said Lorelai with a proud smile.
It was actually a double wedding with identical twin girls. The brides' father was some big shot on Wall Street, and instead of picking some big fancy inn to host it, they decided on Independence Inn in Stars Hollow, Connecticut.
For a minute, it looked like they smiled at each other slightly, before Emily turned her attention the Golden Child, and asked, "Rory, how's Chilton?"
Nope. Not going there. Delilah told herself. She was proud of Rory. She was. She was envious of how much attention Rory got.
"Okay, done with me now," replied Lorelai.
"I'm sorry, was there more to the story?" asked Emily.
"Rory has to join a sport," said Delilah.
"It's a requirement," added Rory.
"Physical fitness is as important as intellectual fitness. So say Plato and so say I," replied Richard.
"What sport are you going to pick?" asked Emily.
"I'm not sure. I'm not really the athletic type," said Rory.
"Mom told her that she should go out for the debate team," Delilah said.
"I told her that it's not a sport," said Rory.
"It is the way the Gilmores play," Lorelai said.
"So, what are you choices?" asked Emily.
Rory said, "God, there's like a thousand of them: basketball, lacrosse, swimming, track, golf—"
"Golf?" questioned Emily.
"Yeah," replied Rory.
"Well, your grandfather is a golf player," said Emily.
"Oops," replied Lorelai.
"He plays every week at the club. He could teach you to play like a pro," Emily said.
Another reason for me to get shoved to the side, Delilah thought bitterly.
Richard started, "Emily..."
"Why, he could take you there on Sunday. It's perfect," said Emily.
"It's not something you can teach in an afternoon," said Richard.
"That's okay," said Lorelai. "Rory can pick something else."
"Why should she pick something else? She needs to learn a sport and Richard can teach her a sport," said Emily. To Rory, she continued, "You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of potential."
"Mom is an executive manager of inn. Grandpa is the executive vice-president of an insurance business. The only difference is the business avenue and positions. How is she wasting her potential?" Delilah snapped.
"Mom, can I talk to you for a minute?" Lorelai asked quickly.
"We're having dessert," said Emily. "And I just want to hear what Lila has to say." She looked at the youngest, as if daring her to continue.
"I know but I'd like to talk to you fast before the sugar sets in and makes me crazy," said Lorelai.
"You are the oddest person," said Emily.
"Too easy," said Lorelai.
They walked away.
Eventually they returned, but for the remainder of dinner, it dragged on slowly, until they were finished.
As they were getting their coats on, Emily smugly said, "I'll be seeing you on Sunday."
"Why?" asked Delilah.
"Rory will be spending the afternoon with Richard golfing at the country club," said Emily.
Rory looked stunned and Delilah looked at her mother.
"It's for one afternoon," said Lorelai.
They started leaving the home.
Lorelai sighed, "Thanks for sticking up for me, Lila. And did you get blindsided, Rory? I'm so sorry."
"It's okay," said Rory.
"I tried to stop it, I swear," replied Lorelai.
"I know, maybe it won't be that bad," said Rory.
Lorelai said, "Maybe it won't."
Rory tried to be optimistic, "Maybe I'll like it."
"Maybe you will," replied Lorelai.
"Maybe you both could come with me," said Rory.
"No," replied Delilah flatly. "I'm going to help set up the wedding."
"Oh, I'm on Delilah's 'you're crazy' team," said Lorelai.
"Please?" asked Rory.
"Rory, we love you, and I'm sure that Lila would take a bullet for you too, but I'd rather stick something sharp in my ear than go to the club with you," replied Lorelai.
"Fine," grumbled Rory.
"I'd rather get stabbed and then pushed in a pool of lemon juice than go with you," Delilah joked.
"I'd rather slide down a banister of razor blades and land in a pool of alcohol than go to the club with you," said Lorelai.
"I'd rather get chased by a chainsaw-wielding naked Patrick Bateman than go to the club with you," said Delilah.
"I'd rather eat my own hand than go to the club with you," Lorelai said.
"I'd rather get killed by Jason Voorhees than go with you," Delilah said.
"I'd rather get my face surgically altered to look like that lunatic rich lady with the lion head than go to the club with you," Lorelai said.
"Mom, would you like me to drive so you and Lila can continue this diatribe?" asked Rory.
"Would ya? Thanks," said Lorelai.
"I'd rather have my skin be turned into a suit by Ed Gein than go with you," said Delilah.
"I'd rather cut off my head and use it as a punch bowl than go to the club with you," Lorelai challenged.
"I'd rather put up with Zack Morris's idiotic schemes than go with you to the club," Delilah said.
"Ooh, good one," replied Rory.
"Drop me off at Luke's, I promised to get dessert with Samantha and Matt," Delilah said to Rory.
"Have them walk you home," said Lorelai.
"And don't forget to kiss them goodnight," added Rory.
"I'm not dating them," said Delilah.
"We know, dear," said Lorelai. "We're just teasing you."
"How about you and Luke, huh?" Delilah asked Lorelai, "And you and Dean, hmm?"
They stayed silent on that. "And why do they have to walk me home? It's Stars Hollow. Who's going to get me? Count Chocula?"
"I always thought Tony the Tiger was sketchy," said Lorelai.
"For me it was Snap, Crackle, and Pop," added Rory.
"Matt hates Lucky the Leprechaun," said Delilah. "He figures that Lucky would lead children to their death."
"That's true," said Lorelai.
"There's Toucan Sam," said Delilah said. "He could peck out eyes."
When Delilah walked in Luke's Diner, Luke thumbed off to the side, "Your lovers are over there."
"Thanks – I am not dating them," Delilah hissed at Luke who chuckled. "I want coffee to go with some chili cheese fries and two slices of cherry pie with a side of vanilla ice cream."
Luke grimaced, "That's really unhealthy for you."
"You asked for it," Delilah stated and Luke grudgingly took Delilah's order.
Delilah went over and sat down with her friends at the table.
"How was dinner with your grandparents?" asked Samantha.
"Same crap, different Friday," said Delilah. "All the attention went to Rory and all the mean things directed at my mother. They only paid attention to me when I said something."
"Of course that happened," said Samantha.
"Why would they ignore you?" asked Matt.
Delilah shrugged. "I'm not a genius like Rory and I'm not going to Chilton like her. I'm average with an average dream of owning a chain of bakeries."
"You're exceptional," Samantha blurted out and Matt nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, don't compare yourself to your sister. You're a great person and they're just blinded by her. You're your own person, and you're amazing the way you are," said Matt. He put his hand on top of Delilah's hand. Samantha reached over and put her hand half on top of Matt's and half on top of Delilah's.
Delilah looked down at their stacked hands. Her left wrist with its red bracelet. Matt wore a multiple layer of purple leather wristbands, and Samantha wore a stack of light blue bracelets.
Her friends were there for her. They were making sure that she was okay and were comforting her. It made her love them even more.
Luke came up with the food, so they had to remove their hands, which surely looked strange to outsiders.
"Your blackberry cobbler and hot chocolate, Samantha," said Luke, as he handed on the plates. "Your hamburger and soda, Matt. Here's your chili cheese fries, pie, ice cream, and coffee, Lila."
Matt and Samantha looked surprised at the junk food that Delilah ordered.
"Thanks, Luke, you're the best," said Samantha.
Matt nodded, "Really you are."
"The very best," Delilah added with a smile.
Luke didn't look happy with the amount of junk food that Delilah ordered, but he left anyway. At least walking home would burn all the calories that she's going to devour.
"Are you sure that you don't want to go with me?" Rory asked Delilah before Rory left.
"I'm going to help out by setting up the wedding," said Delilah with a shrug.
As much as she wanted to be there for Rory, she just didn't want to be there. Yeah, it was surprising that their grandfather remembered that she loved reading the newspaper comics, but she was sure that Richard would prefer to have Rory instead.
"Okay then," replied Rory and left.
"To me, you are the teacher in the Charlie Brown cartoon," Michel finished saying to Lorelai.
Matt had walked up to the front desk and Lorelai looked at the teen. "What is it, Matt?"
"Miss Lorelai, I was wondering if I can get a job here, like as a cleaner," Matt started.
"Don't you have a part-time job?" asked Michel.
"I was thinking of quitting there," replied Matt.
"Is it because Lila comes by?" asked Lorelai.
"Well, no," replied Matt. "Delilah says that she wants to be a baker and she told me that Rory wants to be a journalist, and I thought—"
"You would take over the inn one day?" finished Lorelai.
"Is that too weird?" asked Matt.
"Yes," replied Michel. He looked to the side, "Oh...dear."
Two male twins walked in with suitcases.
"Are they the grooms for that wedding, Miss Lorelai?" Matt asked.
Lorelai started, "No, that'll be too—" The twin brides ran into their lovers' arms. "Weird."
"You kept this from me on purpose," replied Michel.
"It's like an episode of the Twilight Zone," said Matt, feeling like he was in some kind of trance. He knew there were guys out there who had twin threesome fantasies, but the scene in front of him was ridiculous.
"I was thinking that it was a snooty Doublemint commercial," Lorelai replied.
"Just let me know when the midgets and clown cars arrive," said Michel, trying to leave.
Lorelai went to grab his shoulder. "You have to get them all settled in."
"Let the boy do it," said Michel. "He wants a job here."
"That's all you," Matt replied.
"I'm not talking to them," said Michel.
"Yes, you are," said Lorelai.
"I'm not talking to them nicely," replied Michel.
Lorelai shook her head and turned her attention back to Matt, "You want to work here, right? Follow me." She started leading him away from the front desk.
"Yes," replied Matt, following after Lorelai.
"Only part-time," said Lorelai. "You're not allowed to drop out of school though."
"Fine by me," replied Matt with a shrug.
"By the way did I tell you that Rory is out golfing with my father today?" asked Lorelai, putting her arm around Matt's shoulder. It was a little weird because Lorelai was at least taller than him (he was 5'8) because she was wearing heels.
"No," replied Matt confused at the sudden change in topic.
"Well, she is," said Lorelai. "It was my mother's idea. One minute we were having an excruciating family dinner and the next she's manipulating Rory into spending her Sunday with my father at the country club. I can't talk about it anymore. It's making me too upset. Tell me something happy."
"My mother gave me an orange slice which is the first bit of of food she gave me in eleven years," Matt said.
Delilah found her mother in the lobby, who was speaking, "How did everything work out?"
"Do you have children?" asked Mrs. Shales.
"Two daughters," said Lorelai. "They're twins too."
"Mom! Where do you want this tulle at?" asked Delilah, coming up to Lorelai.
"Speaking of daughters, this is Delilah," said Lorelai. "Delilah, this is Mrs. Shales, the mother to the brides. Mrs. Shales, this is Lila."
Delilah nodded at Mrs. Shales, who seemed taken aback by how old Delilah looked, like she was expecting a young girl, not a teen. She said, "Nice to meet you, Delilah."
"Likewise," replied Delilah. "I would shake your hand, but..." She held up the box of tulle.
"The tulle goes along the porch railing," said Lorelai.
Delilah nodded, "And I heard that the guy with the swans is showing up soon." She took off with the tulle and went back outside.
"She said that it goes along the porch railing," Delilah said to the others. She started adding tulle along the railing.
Lorelai came outside and looked over everything. "Okay, I need more tulle here. I need the feeling of a major tutu, okay?" She looked over, "Oh, uh, hey, Gary, Gary! The ribbons go on the chairs, okay, not on the trees. Didn't Sam tell you?"
Delilah looked over to see that Samantha was tying a ribbon on the chair.
There was honking from the geese and Delilah looked to see a man pushing a trolley with swans in cages. It didn't look like there were twenty swans.
Lorelai went to greet the man and Delilah went to add more tulle to the railing.
Michel was talking to another person.
"Michel!" called Lorelai.
Michel looked like he didn't appreciate it and went to see what Lorelai wanted.
Lorelai spoke to him, and Michel asked, "So either one beast of terror or another?"
"What the hell is he babbling about?" asked Drella.
"He's afraid of the swans," Lorelai said to Drella.
"Of course he is," said Drella. "He's French."
"Swan and geese are closely related," said Delilah. "And geese are very aggressive, so it's no surprise really. I've been chased by a goose, so there's that."
Michel talked to the guy with the swans, "Okay, I'll take you to the pond."
"Thank you," replied Lorelai.
"But stay far away from me," Michel added, leading the swan guy to the pond.
"Can't stand the talk – love to watch the walk," said Drella obviously checking out Michel.
Delilah really didn't know how to respond to that. She looked at her mother, who too, looked like she didn't know what to do with that information.
After a disaster with larvae that swarmed into butterflies early and Matt apparently got hit on by an older woman, it was time for dinner. Lorelai marched Delilah down to Luke's diner where Rory was at.
Lorelai said, "My god – this day. The swans, the tulle, my head...Luke, Lila requests nachos, no guac and I need the largest cheeseburger in the world. Let's break a record here, mister." Lorelai looked at Rory, "So, the wedding is an nightmare. We got these ten boxes of creepy larvae that are supposed to swarm into beautiful butterflies on the wedding day. They swarmed a little early!"
"Is that a golfing hat?" asked Delilah finally noticing the golfing hat that Rory was wearing.
"Yes, and Grandma gave it to me," said Rory.
"Oh, now, that's just mean," replied Lorelai.
"It's kind of cute. I could do without the gaudy colors though," replied Delilah.
"Here, you try it on then," said Rory, taking the hat and holding it out to Delilah.
"I'll pass," replied Delilah.
Rory set the hat aside.
"So, Rory's Golfing Adventure," said Lorelai. "Tell us."
"It was fine," replied Rory.
"Oh, honey, I brought you some of Sookie's chocolate cake to make you feel better," replied Lorelai, sliding the cake to Rory.
"It really wasn't that bad," said Rory.
"Sounds about right," said Delilah. "You and Grandpa always seemed to get along when we ate dinner with them on Easter and Christmas when we were younger. I remember you two having discussions when we were ten."
Lorelai turned to Luke who was behind the counter and said, "Luke, am I mistaken or did that sign on the door say 'open'?" To Rory, Lorelai asked, "So, where were we?"
"Me golfing," said Rory.
"Right – go," said Lorelai.
"Okay, well, uh, by the end of the day I could even hit the ball. Sometimes it wasn't my ball, but the intentions were good," said Rory.
"How did you hit someone else's ball?" asked Delilah confused.
"Well, either way, good intentions and no physical exertion whatsoever is what the game of golf was built on. So, um, did you order?" asked Lorelai.
"I'm not hungry. I had a big lunch at the club," said Rory.
Luke walked up with a pot of coffee and filled up a mug with coffee, "With all the other devastators of our land."
"Luke, I'm really sorry, I-I didn't know," replied Rory.
Luke filled up a mug of coffee for Delilah and continued on.
"You had a big lunch at the club?" asked Lorelai.
"Yes, it was quite good," said Rory.
"Quite? What's with the 'quite'?" asked Lorelai.
"What do you mean?" asked Rory.
"You don't ever say quite," said Lorelai.
"I've said quite plenty of times," replied Rory.
"You're turning in a rich person," joked Delilah. "You stepped in the club and now they're holding you prisoner."
"Whatever," replied Lorelai. "So besides the 'quite good' lunch you had, what else happened?"
"Nothing," replied Rory. "We played, I met his friends, I took a steam."
Lorelai took a drink of coffee.
"You mean steam bath?" asked Delilah. Rory nodded, "They have steam baths there?"
Rory nodded again, "Yeah, I sweated out all my toxins and I stole a towel."
"Probably the only illegal thing you ever did," replied Delilah.
"Besides that, you it sounds like you really had a good time," said Lorelai.
"I did," admitted Rory. "I wish Lila came along though."
"I probably would've bogged it down," said Delilah.
"You had a good time?" asked Lorelai.
"Really," said Rory.
"Really?" asked Lorelai.
"Really," said Rory.
"Really?" repeated Lorelai.
"Really," repeated Rory.
"I'm getting dizzy," said Delilah.
"I agree, new word," said Rory.
"Sorry – I just – I'm surprised," admitted Lorelai. "I thought you were gonna be bored."
"Me too," Delilah said.
"I was kind of surprised too. I don't know – it was pretty there and Grandpa and I talked a lot," said Rory.
"You talked? Really?" asked Lorelai.
"You're doing it again," replied Rory.
"Sorry," said Lorelai. "You talked?"
"We talked about Fez," said Rory.
"And he thought it was a hat," said Lorelai.
"I told him about backpacking trip," said Rory. "He thought it was a great idea."
Lorelai looked caught off guard at that, "Wow," She seemed a little sad, "So you really had fun."
"Yeah," replied Rory.
"That's great," said Lorelai. Luke served Lorelai the cheeseburger and curly fries, along with the nachos for Delilah. "That's really, really great."
Rory snatched a chip from Delilah.
Delilah said, "Hey."
"I thought you were starving," said Luke as he put the check on the table.
"Things change. Move on," replied Lorelai.
Luke took off and Delilah wondered what it was that was bothering Luke so much.
"Does this hat really look bad on me?" asked Rory as she put the hat back on.
"No," replied Lorelai. "I think it looks kind of cute."
"Could do without the colors though," said Delilah.
Delilah served ten champagnes and three mimosas. She was done with being a waitress, but it was just a little longer. So she walked over to her mother, where she was talking to Mrs. Shales.
"I'm so glad it turned out the way you wanted it," said Lorelai.
"Oh, you have no idea. They just told me they're going to share a condo in Tucson. Arizona! That's hundreds of miles away!" said Mrs. Shales happily.
Delilah blinked in slight horror. She liked to think she was close to Rory, but having husbands who were twins...having a wedding the same day at the same time...and sharing a condo...that was to much, even for her.
She needed to tell Rory to hit her if they were getting that creepy with each other.
They were at their grandparent's house.
"Oh, good, you're here," said Emily when she opened.
"Hey," Lorelai said, holding a white box.
"Hi, Grandma," said Rory.
"My goodness, what is that?" asked Emily. She was smiling.
"We brought dessert," said Lorelai.
"Really? How thoughtful, what is it?" asked Emily, looking in the box.
"Blueberry shortcake," said Lorelai.
"I've never heard of blueberry shortcake," said Emily.
"It's a specialty in Stars Hollow," said Delilah.
"Why is it already cut?" asked Emily.
"It's left over from the wedding," said Delilah.
"It was at the inn," clarified Lorelai.
"Yes, I know where the wedding was," replied Emily, closing the lid and looking at Lorelai.
"Oh, sorry," replied Lorelai. "You were just doing that staring thing."
"You brought us used dessert?" asked Emily.
"It's just left over," said Delilah.
"Yeah," said Lorelai.
"How nice," replied Emily. "I'll just put it in the kitchen next to my half-empty box of Cheer." She started leading them to the living room, but she passed the box to a maid.
Lorelai whispered to the twins, "She's in a good mood tonight."
Delilah nodded, glad because her mother and grandmother weren't arguing with each other.
"Can I get you a drink?" asked Emily.
"Uh, white wine would be nice," said Lorelai.
"Coke," said Rory.
"Make that two Cokes," replied Delilah as she sat down on a chair.
"So, Lorelai, did Rory tell you all about the wonderful time she had at the club?" asked Emily as she poured a glass of water.
"She sure did," said Lorelai.
"Your father was simply flying all week. She really charmed him," said Emily.
"Ah, well, if anybody could, it would be her," replied Lorelai.
"I mean, in this age of MTV and one hundred television channels, who would've imagined that a young girl could still get a thrill spending a simple afternoon with her grandfather?" asked Emily.
Now it seemed like she was simply rubbing it in Lorelai's face that Rory and Richard had a good day together.
"That wine would be real good right now, Mom," said Lorelai.
Delilah kind of agreed.
"I think we should consider getting her a membership at the club, don't you?" asked Emily.
"If she wants, sure," said Lorelai.
"I mean, to have a place to go where she can socialize, that's very important to a young girl," said Emily.
"Well, now especially that the crack den is closed down on the corner, all her really good friends are gone," said Lorelai. Emily tilted her head to the side like she didn't understand the joke. "What do you think, Mom? Should I pursue the career in comedy?"
"It's just very interesting the way thins turn out, isn't it?" asked Emily.
Delilah guessed that it did.
Richard walked in, "Oh, you're here. Lorelai."
"Dad," replied Lorelai.
"Lila," greeted Richard, looking at Delilah.
"Grandpa," greeted Delilah.
Richard looked at Rory, "Rory, I have a surprise. Not only did I find that copy of Mencken's Chrestomathy we discussed, I also found a first edition of his memoirs as well."
"You're kidding?" said Rory.
"It's in my office if you'd like to see them," said Richard.
"Oh my God, I totally would," said Rory.
"I'd like to take a look at those myself," said Emily as she passed a wine glass to Lorelai, before they left the sitting room.
Lorelai took a drink of wine and looked at Delilah. "You can go, if you want. You have no obligation to sit here with me."
Delilah moved to sit next to Lorelai, "I'm good. I don't even know what Chrestomathy even is. Besides...I'd rather be here and talk to you than be there and have nothing to offer."
"You have plenty to offer, Lila. Don't let them make you think otherwise," said Lorelai. She put her arm around Delilah's shoulders and pulled her close.
Delilah rested her head on her mother's shoulder, "Even if I'm average?"
"You're not average. You're brilliant. In your own way," said Lorelai.
"It's just that Rory outshines me," said Delilah.
"You both shine in different ways," said Lorelai.
"You're exceptional," Samantha's voice came to mind.
"Yeah, don't compare yourself to your sister. You're a great person and they're just blinded by her. You're your own person, and you're amazing the way you are," Matt had said.
"Yeah, we do," said Delilah softly. If her mother and friends believed it, then that was good enough for her.
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