⓿➐: Sealed with a Kiss

By Sunday, Delilah had met up with her friends at Samantha's place, because they really needed to talk about what happened on Friday. Granted, Delilah did tell Rory about sleeping with her two friends. Rory had been shocked about it and then shrugged it off.

So, now she was in Samantha's house. Samantha and Matt were on opposite ends of the couch, although Matt was pretty much cuddling a pillow.

"So, should we talk about what happened on Friday?" Delilah asked.

"We had a threesome," Matt stated bluntly.

"Thanks, Matt, we wouldn't have guessed that's what happened," replied Samantha dryly.

"Sorry," mumbled Matt.

"No, I'm sorry," Samantha said. "I didn't mean to be mean to you."

"Its fine, you weren't being mean. I shouldn't have pointed out the obvious," Matt said.

There was silence.

"So...Friday?" Delilah prompted.

"I enjoyed it," Matt said.

"Me too," Samantha said.

"I did too," Delilah said.

"So, what now?" asked Matt. "Do we date each other?"

"Why not?" replied Delilah, "I mean, the entire town already thinks we're dating."

Samantha nodded, "Yeah."

"So...are we now dating?" asked Matt, looking unsure.

"Yeah," replied Delilah.

"Yeah, we are," replied Samantha.

They just smiled at each other.

Matt joked, "So...anyone up for round two?"

Samantha threw a pillow at him causing Matt to laugh, so Delilah took a pillow, and pressed it against the side of Matt's head. Matt was smiling and laughing about it.

"I'm kidding," Matt said, "Sort of."

Delilah just laughed, because now things were official.

Later, after just some kissing and just being giddy about finally getting together, Delilah told her mother and sister about it. Rory had asked, "What took you three so long to figure it out?"

They walked across the town center, which was decorated for fall.

"One of us has to do laundry tonight," Lorelai said.

"Why?" asked Rory.

"Because I haven't had any clean underwear for three days," replied Lorelai.

"Which means that under your skirt...?" Delilah started.

"Not underwear," replied Lorelai.

"Mom!" replied Rory.

"It's kinda nice, actually," replied Lorelai, teasingly. "Breezy."

"Our role model, ladies and gentlemen," Rory muttered to Delilah.

"How comes you two haven't run out, yet?" asked Lorelai.

"I don't know," replied Rory. "I guess we have more underwear than you."

"That's not true for you, Rory," Lortelai said. "I know Delilah has a lot of clothes, but I know that you have less, Rory. Have you both doing laundry without me?"

"I am," replied Delilah.

"No," replied Rory.

"Rory?" Lorelai prompted.

"Okay, one load," admitted Rory.

"And you both didn't even ask if I had stuff to throw in?" asked Lorelai.

"It was a big load," replied Rory. "There wasn't any room."

"Same," replied Delilah.

"I'm crushed," replied Lorelai. "I'm bleeding. Get me a tourniquet. Oh, no, they're dirty 'cause Rory and Lila wouldn't wash them with their stuff."

"I'll do your laundry," replied Delilah.

"Never mind, I'll do my own laundry," replied Lorelai.

"Good, I wasn't going to do it anyway," replied Delilah.

"I hate doing laundry," Lorelai said. "Maybe I'll just buy new underwear."

"You do that," replied Delilah. "Don't forget to tell Sookie to make soup for Matt, since he has the flu. I'll swing by after school to pick it up. I'm going to the bakery to help Fran and Marjorie set up the bakery before Taylor comes by and nags at them for not being festive enough."

"Right," said Lorelai. Delilah kissed her mother on the cheek, shook Rory's shoulder and took off to the bakery.

"Oh, good, you're here," Fran said. "Now we won't have Taylor nagging at us."

Delilah groaned, "He's like a nagging wife when it comes to festivities."

"Yeah," replied Marjorie.

Delilah picked up the box of decorations and opened it. She took out some decorations and went to put them up.

After, school, Delilah stopped by the Independence Inn to pick up the soup for Matt. Sookie even packed some saltine crackers for him. She stopped by Matt's house to drop off the soup and homework that Samantha had collected for him.

Matt seemed to enjoy the thought of having soup, but grumbled, "what's the point of staying home sick, when you have to do schoolwork at home?"

Delilah had gotten mad when she went to Matt's to get his backpack, and realized how small it was and bare it seemed, because it had a bed, a rug, a dresser, a bedside table, one poster, and a plant. It just seemed so minimalist. Although there was another bedroom, that was far bigger than Matt's, and she felt angry all over again, because her boyfriend was a sweetheart and deserved the whole world.

So, she stayed and talked to Matt for a bit, trying to cheer him up on whatever rumors was going around school, and who she was sure which teacher was banging who, before she left to go to work.

"Don't forget to add the vanilla," Fran said to Delilah, who was making cake batter.

"Right," replied Delilah, getting the vanilla extract down from a cabinet.

The door's bell jingled.

"I'll be right back," Fran said and left the kitchen.

A timer went off.

"Marjorie, I'll get the cupcakes out, please finish the cake batter," Delilah said, putting on some oven mitts to get the cupcakes out.

After getting the cupcakes out, Delilah set them on a cooling rack.

"Lila, your sister wants to talk to you," Fran said, coming into the kitchen.

Delilah nodded, "Okay."

She went out to see what Rory wanted.

Rory had a box of cornstarch with her.

"What's with the cornstarch?" Delilah asked, looking at the cornstarch.

"Oh, here, I stole this for you," Rory said, handing the cornstarch to Delilah.

"You...stole...this...?" Delilah asked slowly.

"Yeah," replied Rory.

In a disbelieving tone, Delilah asked, "You stealing cornstarch, with that innocent girl attitude?"

"That with that hairnet?" asked Rory in the same tone.

Delilah looked at Rory, "So, any reason why you're here? Besides bringing me stolen cornstarch?"

"Sorry, should I have stolen something else for you?" asked Rory.

"No, cornstarch is fine," replied Delilah.

"Dean kissed me," Rory said.

Delilah was surprised, "Really?"

"On aisle three," replied Rory.

"By bug spray?" asked Delilah incredulous.

"I know," replied Rory. "He kissed, so I thanked him, and took off, stealing the cornstarch."

"Stop talking about your crimes," Delilah said. "That's how you get caught."

"I have to go tell Lane," Rory said, "Although I would like to have that cupcake that's in the display." She looked at it, "Make it three, so I can give Lane one."

"All right," said Delilah and went to get her sister the cupcakes.

After getting and paying for the cupcakes, a man, at least Delilah was sure, because she never saw him at Stars Hollow High before, wwalked in. He could be new, like Dean.

"Hi," Delilah greeted him.

Rory was looking at Delilah and motioning with her head at the man and making weird faces. Delilah had to tilt her slightly to look at Rory, who was backing up to the door, and making gestures with her hand, before leaving.

"Sorry, my sister was just being weird – er than usual," Delilah said.

The man smiled, "Makes me wish I had a sibling."

"You're an only child?" Delilah asked.

"Yeah," replied the man. "I'm Elijah Nikolas."

"Nice to meet you," Delilah said. "I'm Delilah. You can call me Lila. I haven't seen you here before."

"I'm traveling right now," Elijah said. "I plan on staying here for a few weeks and I figured getting a job would help out."

Fran, Marjorie, and Delilah had agreed to place a help wanted sign up since Fran and Marjorie were getting older, and Delilah was still attending school, they figured having an extra hand would be a good idea.

"Oh," replied Delilah. "I'll get Fran, she's the owner." She went out back where Fran was icing the cupcakes. "Fran, someone is here for a job application."

"Okay," said Fran. "Here, ice these cupcakes."

Delilah washed her hands and took the icing bag and went to ice the cupcakes.

After that was done and putting them in the display case, the phone rang and Delilah answered it.

"Weston's Bakery, how may I help you?" Delilah asked.

"Lila, are you free tomorrow between eight and nine?" Lorelai asked.

"No, Mom, I'm expensive," Delilah said. "Maybe...is it the fridge repair people?"

"Yeah," replied Lorelai.

"Okay," replied Delilah. "I might be able to wait. And you're not supposed to call on this phone."

"Bye, love you," Lorelai said.

"Okay, just one more time," Lane said to Rory.

"I've been telling you this story for an hour," Rory said. "It doesn't get dirty."

"What story?" asked Delilah, coming up to Rory and Lane.

She hated how she had to dress up as a pilgrim woman. It just felt weird to her.

"The story of how Dean kissed Rory," Lane said to her. "I'm totally living vicariously through her."

"Oh," replied Delilah, sitting down next to Rory.

"She got kissed last weekend," Rory said to her. "That guy her parents set her up with. The one with the Lincoln Continental? What's his name?"

"Patrick Cho?" asked Delilah.

"Yeah," Rory said.

"Okay, Delilah, I want to do a little compare and contrast here. She got kissed on the mouth by a cute, cool, sexy guy that she really likes. And I get kissed on the forehead by a theology major in a Members-Only jacket who truly believes that rock music leads to hard drugs," Lane said. "Which one is clearly better?"

"That's not fair," Rory said. "The Virginity Ship sailed for her on our sixteenth birthday."

Lane looked shocked and looked at Delilah, who nodded. Delilah felt a little embarrassed at her sister for airing that to Lane, but it was bound to get out at some point.

Lane stood up, grabbed Rory's arm, and hauled her out of Rory's seat. "Out of my way, I need to live through Lila now." Lane sat down next to Delilah. "Details. Now. Did it happen in a bush? Did it happen in a hut? I wasn't there, but I want to feel like I was."

Delilah turned to look at Rory, who looked like she was trying not to bust out laughing.

A few people came by in the middle of Delilah recounting what happened on her birthday, and Lane was nodding along. Rory had to go to Luke's for something. She was gone for a few minutes, before she returned.

"Hey, we're home, sorry that we were late," Rory said.

"Fran wanted me and the new guy, Elijah, try to work around the kitchen at the bakery," said Delilah.

"The new guy? The hot guy that came into the bakery after I got home from Hartford?" Rory asked.

"Yeah, he wanted a job because he's staying in town for a while and wanted a job to make extra money," said Delilah. "His name is Elijah."

Rory nodded.

"There's Chinese in the fridge," Lorelai said.

"The singing fridge," Delilah muttered and they went into the kitchen.

Rory took out a container and took another one, passing one to Delilah.

"So...kissed any good boys lately?" asked Lorelai.

"Matt has the flu," Delilah said.

"Who...?" asked Rory.

"...Mrs. Kim," replied Lorelai.

Rory mumbled something that Delilah couldn't hear.

"So, he's cute," replied Lorelai.

"Yeah, he is," replied Rory.

"Can he spell?" asked Lorelai.

"He can spell and read," replied Rory. "How long have you known?"

"Since this morning," Lorelai said. "You didn't think you were gonna be able to keep it a secret, did you? You were making out in the market."

"We weren't making out. It was just one kiss," Rory said.

"Yeah, well by the time that gets to Miss Patty's, it's a scene from 9 ½ Weeks," Lorelai said.

"I wouldn't classify that movie as romantic," Delilah pointed out. "The guy was abusive and she dumps him in the end."

"Anyway, you've known all this time? At Luke's? Here?" asked Rory.

"Yeah," replied Lorelai.

"You could have said something," Rory said.

"Now, funny, I was going to say the same thing to you," replied Lorelai.

"So..." Rory started.

"So..." said Lorelai.

"So..." Delilah added, because why not.

"What now?" asked Rory.

"Now? Nothing," replied Lorelai.

"No? No lecture about kissing a boy?" asked Rory.

"Why? I didn't lecture Lila over what happened last month," replied Lorelai. "Did you kiss wrong?"

"No...I don't think," replied Rory.

"I didn't love the way I found out, but you're getting older," Lorelai said. "These things are bound to happen occasionally. Actually, I think it's great."

"No, you don't," replied Rory.

"Yes I do. I'm thrilled," Lorelai said.

Rory pointed out, "You're completely weirded out by this, aren't you?"

"No, you're crazy," replied Lorelai. "I'm perfectly fine with it."

"You don't seem fine," said Rory. "You seem the complete opposite of fine. Doesn't she, Lila?"

"She seems a little awkward," replied Delilah.

"You're both projecting that on me because you don't want to think that I'm fine when I am, as I have said, fine," replied Lorelai.

Rory and Delilah looked at each other, both knowing her better than that, before saying, "Okay."

"Never been finer," replied Lorelai.

"Got it," said Rory, "You want some?"

"No, thanks, I'm fine," replied Lorelai. She added, "By the way, Luke now knows of your little rendezvous with Matt and Sam on your birthday."

"Along with Lane," said Delilah. "I give it a day before word spreads."

"I give it...two more hours," Rory said.

The next night, Delilah had stayed home to catch up on homework, which she had somehow fallen a little behind on doing.

She heard the door slam shut and someone stomp up the stairs. She wondered what angered her mother.

The door slammed open and Delilah nearly jumped up.

"Mom invited Dean over," Rory said.

"How's that a bad thing?" Delilah asked, confused.

"It's my first date with Dean and it's with our mother," Rory said. "Which by extension, is also with you."

"Oh my god," Delilah said horrified. She couldn't imagine going on her first date which included her mother and Rory.

"I know," replied Rory. "She says that she'll just act like she's not there and I don't know how to act on a first date."

"Okay, first you need to shower," Delilah said.

"Excuse you?" asked Rory.

"You need to pick out an outfit and then take a shower to freshen up," Delilah pointed out.

"Right, right," said Rory.

"Rory? Lila?" called Lorelai.

"Up here!" Rory called. She turned to Delilah, "What kind of outfit do I need to pick?"

"Something that makes you look cute and cool, but also makes you look relaxed," Lorelai said.

"She wants me to take a shower first," Rory said.

"And she is right," Lorelai said. "Come on, go take a shower and afterwards, I'll take a look at your wardrobe to find something for you to wear."

Rory nodded and took off downstairs.

Delilah sat on the edge of Rory's bed as she looked down at the clothes that was laid out.

"Hey, this is good," replied Lorelai. "Add some cold cream and some curlers and let him know what he'll be coming home to every night."

"This was supposed to be a simple night. Watch a movie, eat junk, go to bed feeling sick. End of story. Now I'm supposed to look pretty and girly, which is completely impossible next to Lila, who makes me feel gross and like I have nothing to wear."

"Sorry," Delilah said, feeling a little guilty for making Rory feel like that.

"Do you want some help?" asked Lorelai.

"No..." replied Rory. "Yes."

"Okay," replied Lorelai. "Uh...let's see. We'll do this and..." She looked over the clothes and picked out a red Henley, "All right. This says 'hello, I'm hip and cute, but also relaxed since this is something I just threw on even though it looks fantastic on me.'"

"How'd you do that?" asked Rory.

"What?" asked Lorelai.

"I've been staring at that top for twenty minutes. It was just a top. You walked in and in three seconds, it's an outfit," Rory explained.

"It comes from years of experiencing fashion brain freeze like the one you just had," Lorelai said.

"How do you and Lila do it?" asked Rory.

"What do you mean by that?" Delilah asked.

"This whole guy thing," asked Rory. "I mean I've watched you with Jake, then with Samantha and Matt. All you do is smile at them and talk to them, and they're instantly smitten with you. When you walk away, they always stare after you with wonder. When Mom talks to a man, she has a comeback for everything, she makes him laugh, she smiles right—"

"I smile right?" Lorelai interrupted.

"And then you do the little hair flip," Rory added.

"Oh, twirl. It's a hair twirl," replied Lorelai.

"And then you walk away and he just stands there, amazed, like he can't believe what just happened," Rory finished.

"That's because I just stole his wallet," Lorelai joked.

"I'll never be able to that," Rory said. "Trig, I can do, but boys and dating? Forget it. I'm a total spaz."

"There are some guys out there that are into that," Delilah said. "Just be yourself."

"Yeah, but the talking part, you just get used to. The hair twirl I can teach you," said Loreali, "And the leaving him amazed part – with your brain and killer blue eyes, I'm not worried. You'll do fine. Just give yourself a little time to get there."

"Is half an hour enough?" asked Rory.

"Plenty," said Lorelai. "Dab on some lip glass, clear but fruity. Maybe a little mascara. Wear your hair down and your attitude high."

"Add in some eyeliner to make your eyes pop," said Delilah.

"Mom is like a crazy Elsa Klensch," Rory said to Delilah.

"Oh, thank you!" replied Lorelai. "Come on now, hustle. We got a man coming over."

"What time did you tell him to get here?" asked Rory.

"Seven," replied Lorelai.

"Maybe something happened. Maybe he's not coming," Rory said.

Delilah got up to look out the window.

"Maybe he's just late, Miss German train," replied Lorelai.

"Or maybe he's just talking to Babette and Morey," Delilah said.

Lorelai went over to look out the window, and said, "Oops."

Rory went to look out the window and Delilah walked away from them to avoid feeling cramped.

"They've got Dean," Rory said.

"Wait here," said Lorelai and went outside.

Delilah waited for a moment, and Dean came inside the house. She asked, "Did you have a nice chat with Babette and Morey?"

"Yeah, the nicest of conversations," replied Dean. Delilah suspected he was being sarcastic. "I'm sorry I'm late. I got here like a half hour ago."

"We believe you," Rory said, motioning to herself, Delilah, and Lorelai, who had came back in.

"If you said that you came here three hours ago, we would believe you," Delilah said. "They kept Samantha and Matt trapped for almost two hours talking."

"Really?" asked Dean.

Rory nodded.

"So, Dean, how do you like it here in Stars Hollow?" asked Lorelai.

"I like it. It's quiet, but nice. I like all the trees everywhere," Dean said.

"It's a killer when the leaves fall," Delilah told him.

"Yeah, they are something," said Lorelai. "When Rory and Lila were little, Rory found out that one was called a Weeping Willow, so she spent hours trying to cheer it up."

Delilah looked at Rory who was shaking her head.

Lorelai continued, "You know, like telling it jokes and – No, sorry that was Lila." Dean looked like he didn't believe her. "When they were younger, they were very similar looking, kind of hard to tell the difference from the back, but when facing you, easy to tell apart because of their different colored eyes." She paused, "Would you like a tour of the house."

"Okay," replied Dean.

"Okay," said Lorelai. "So this is the living room where we do our living, and, um, upstairs is my and Lila's rooms, and the good bathroom. And the...uh..." she turned down some picture frames when Dean was busy looking at the ceiling. "Kitchen is right through here, which is where Lila practically lives. You ever heard a fridge yodel before?"

Dean went into the kitchen.

"Thank you," Rory whispered to Lorelai.

"You're welcome," Lorelai whispered back. "Well, you have your basics: microwave for popcorn, stove for storing shoes except for when Lila decides to bake, refrigerator, which is completely worthless."

"Except for when we charge people a dollar to listen to it yodel," Delilah added.

"Interesting," Dean said.

The doorbell rang.

"Oh, I'll get that. Rory and Lila, you both take over as tour guide. Make sure you show him the emergency exits," Lorelai said and went to go answer the door.

"That's our mom," Rory said.

"She's got energy," said Dean.

"Yeah, well, she's ninety percent water, and ten percent caffeine," said Rory.

"More like eighty percent caffeine and twenty percent water," Delilah corrected.

"So, what's in there?" Dean asked, looking at the door that led to Rory's room that was behind him.

"Oh, that's Rory's room," Delilah said.

"Really?" asked Dean. "Can I see it?"

Delilah thought that was a rather weird request. "I'm going to see what's taking Mom so long." She went and left the kitchen.

Sookie was there with a display tray.

"We don't need dessert, Sookie," Lorelai said.

"Oh, everybody needs dessert," said Sookie. "So, where is Rory?"

"With Dean," Lorelai said.

"Dean?" asked Sookie. "Oh, that's right, yeah. Dean is here."

"Yeah, right," replied Lorelai. "Okay, you need to go now."

"Please, I just want one little peek," replied Sookie.

"No," Lorelai said flatly.

Sookie asked, "Okay, fine, so, uh, how are you? How are you doing? How you doing? Are you—?"

"Sookie," Lorelai interrupted.

Sookie noticed Delilah, "How are you doing? Did Matt enjoy the soup I made him? Is he getting better?"

"Now you're stalling by using my daughter," Lorelai said.

"Am I?" asked Sookie.

Lorelai opened the door to let Sookie out, but the pizza delivery guy, Joe, was standing on the other side.

"Hey, Lorelai," greeted Joe as he walked in the house.

"Hey, Joe, what do I owe ya?" asked Lorelai.

"Fifteen even," replied Joe.

"Okay," replied Lorelai, passing the display tray to Delilah as she got the money out. "How are you doing?"

"Awesome," Joe said.

Delilah wondered if Joe smoked pot, because he seemed like the type of guy to do that.

Sookie took the pizza box and lifted the lid a little. "What did you get on your pizza? Did you ask for extra sauce? Because I always ask for extra sauce because sometimes—"

"Sookie, she's already freaked out that I invited him here. If she thinks I'm parading him around in front of all my friends, she'll kill me," replied Lorelai.

Delilah nodded.

Sookie started, "But I'm just—"

"She'll kill her, very slowly and painfully," Delilah said.

"Mom, Lila! Is that the pizza?" yelled Rory.

"It is!" Lila called, going into the kitchen.

"Okay, bye, now go," Lorelai said to Sookie.

Sookie started speaking, "But I just wanted—"

"No, bye," Lorelai said.

"Bye-bye," Sookie said.

Delilah heard the door close and saw Dean and Rory emerge from Rory's room.

"So, are you hungry?" asked Lorelai.

"Yeah," Delilah said.

"Starving," Dean said.

"Where's the pizza?" asked Rory.

Lorelai said, "The pizza's, uh—

"Pizza!" declared Sookie, walking back in the house, "Just bringing in the pizza. Hi, I'm Sookie. I'm a friend of Lorelai's."

"Hi," Dean said, not looking too enthused to meet Sookie.

It was a surprising contrast to how Matt and Samantha actually seemed happy to meet her, as Delilah's partners, and not just as her friends. Samantha even matched Sookie's enthusiasm at re-meeting her.

Even Jake, Delilah's first boyfriend, seemed to enjoy meeting Sookie, even though that relationship lasted a week.

"Hi," said Sookie, "Nice to meet you, Dean. I mean, not that I knew you were Dean. But you do look like a Dean. Doesn't he look like a Dean?"

Delilah watched as Dean seemed to arch an eyebrow and seemed to hold back as a grimace as he forced a smile.

"Yeah, of all the people in this room he looks most like a Dean," Lorelai said awkwardly. "Bye Sookie."

"Have fun," replied Sookie, passing the box to Rory. "Okay." She left.

"Here, um, I'll take that," Dean said, taking the pizza box from Rory..

"Oh, thanks," said Lorelai. "Great. The coffee table's fine."

Dean went into the living room with Delilah following after him. Dean had set the pizza box on the coffee table.

"I swear, my mom didn't invite her," Delilah said, setting the display tray on the coffee table.

"It's fine," Dean said. He opened the lid and looked at the pizza, "Thank God, there's good pizza here."

"Oh, yeah," Lorelai said as she and Rory walked in. "Now we didn't know what kind you liked so we just got everything."

"Everything is fine," replied Dean.

"Even pineapple?" asked Delilah.

"Except that," replied Dean passing out napkins.

"Good, well, while it's hot," said Lorelai.

Delilah had to sit on the ground on Dean's left side, while Rory and Lorelai took the couch. She didn't mind, as long as Dean didn't sit on the ground. Although something about Dean...kind of unsettled her.

She reached for a slice of pizza.

It didn't take long for Lorelai, Rory, and Dean to end up sitting on the ground, eating popcorn.

"Who needs more?" asked Lorelai.

"I do," replied Rory.

"Wow, you can eat," Dean said to Rory.

Delilah turned to look at Dean.

"Yes, I can. Oh, that's bad, isn't it?" asked Rory. She was embarrassed.

"No, uh, most girls don't eat. It's good you eat," Dean said.

"I'm all for it," said Lorelai.

"Let's talk about something besides my eating habits, shall we?" asked Rory.

"Ooh – Oompa Loompas!" said Lorelai.

"Of course you want to talk about your favorite thing," Delilah said.

"I don't think finding them amusing constitutes a thing," said Lorelai.

"No, but having a recurring dream about marrying one does," said Rory.

"Don't even get me started on your Prince Charming crush, okay? At least my obsessions are alive. You have a thing for a cartoon," Lorelai replied. "And Lila, you had a thing for a guy with scissors for hands."

"Edward Scissorhands," Delilah admitted, "And also Winona Ryder...can't forget about her."

"Ooh, Prince Charming, huh?" asked Dean.

"It was a long time ago," said Rory.

"You got over that four years ago," Delilah pointed out.

"And it wasn't the Cinderella one, it was the Sleeping Beauty one," said Rory.

"It was because he could dance," said Dean.

"Yeah," said Rory.

"How do you know that?" Delilah asked.

"I've got a sister," replied Dean.

"So, come on, Dean, tell us some of your embarrassing secrets," said Lorelai.

"Well, I have no embarrassing secrets," Dean said.

"Oh, please," replied Lorelai.

"You've got to have something. You can't be that boring," Delilah said.

"I bet I know one," Rory said.

"What?" challenged Dean.

"The theme from Ice Castles makes you cry," guessed Rory.

"Oh, that's a good one," said Lorelai.

"That's not true," Dean pointed out.

"You at least had to have a mini-crush on Ariel from The Little Mermaid," Delilah said.

"Nah, red-heads don't capture my interest," said Dean.

"Well, I tried," replied Delilah.

"Oh, I've got one," said Lorelai. "At the end of The Way We Were, you wanted Robert Redford to dump his wife and kid for Barbra Streisand."

"I've never seen The Way We Were," said Dean.

"Oh!" said Lorelai.

"Are you kidding?" asked Rory.

"What are you waiting for?" asked Lorelai, "Heartache—"

Delilah added, "Laughter—"

"Communism," added Rory.

"All in one neat package," said Lorelai.

"I'll have to experience that sometime," said Dean.

"You'll like it," Delilah said.

"Next movie night," said Lorelai.

"It's a plan," said Rory.

"I'll get the popcorn," said Lorelai.

"Bring in the spray cheese," said Rory.

Delilah looked at Rory and Dean, "I'll go get the spray cheese."

She and Lorelai went into the kitchen. Lorelai put a bag of popcorn in the microwave and Delilah got the spray cheese. She was going to go into the living room, but was stopped. She turned to Lorelai, "How do you like Dean?"

"He's nice," said Lorelai.

"Something about him makes me feel a bit unsettled," Delilah admitted.

"It might take some getting used to," said Lorelai.

"I hope so," Delilah said.

After the popcorn was done, Lorelai put the popcorn into a bowl and they headed to the living room.

Delilah was going to go into the living room, but Lorelai stopped her and they headed back into the kitchen.

Lorelai passed a cookbook to Delilah and took a magazine for herself.

"What about this one?" asked Lorelai, pointing at a swimsuit.

Delilah looked at it, "The color doesn't go good with your hair."

Lorelai looked at it, "That's a good point."

"Mom! Lila!" Rory said when she came into the kitchen.

"What?" asked Lorelai.

Delilah turned to look at Rory, "I'm trying to learn how to make sponge cakes."

"And I'm trying to find the best bathing suit for my bust size," Lorelai said.

"Well, get back in there," said Rory.

"Why? What happened?" asked Lorelai.

"Did he try to put his arm around you?" asked Delilah.

"He's sitting in there and he's watching the movie and he's perfect and smells really good," said Rory.

"What?" asked Lorelai.

"What's the problem?" asked Delilah.

"He smells really good and he looks amazing and I am stupid. I said 'thank you'," Rory said.

"What did you thank him for?" asked Delilah.

"When he kissed me," said Rory.

"Again?" asked Delilah.

"What? Is he just out of prison or something?" asked Lorelai.

"No, not now," Rory said, "Yesterday, at the store."

"Oh, all right," said Lorelai. "Strike the prison comment. He kissed you and you said 'thank you?'"

"Yes," said Rory.

"Well, that was very polite," said Lorelai.

Delilah nodded.

"No, it was stupid. And I don't know what I'm doing here. You're both sitting in the kitchen. What kind of chaperones are you?" Rory said.

"Me? I'm not trying to be a chaperone. I'm trying to be a girlfriend," said Lorelai. "And I don't know what Lila is trying to be."

"Mom was the one who held me back," said Delilah.

"I'm freaking out here!" said Rory.

"You really like him, don't you?" asked Lorelai.

"Yeah," replied Rory.

"Well, okay, then," said Lorelai, "Just calm down."

"I just don't want to do or say anything else that's gonna be remotely moronic," said Rory.

"I'm afraid once your heart is involved, it all comes out in Moron," said Lorelai.

"Just please come back in," Rory begged.

"Okay, let's go then," said Lorelai.

"Wait. We can't go back in together, though because that would be too obvious," said Rory.

"All right," said Lorelai. "Okay, I'll go in first, then Lila goes in second, and you go to the bathroom."

"Okay, good, tell him I had to wash my face," said Rory.

"Yes, 'cause of all the sugar you ate," said Lorelai.

"Yes! Good," said Rory, "Very good."

"Okay," said Lorelai. She left the kitchen and Delilah waited for a few minutes, before Delilah went into the kitchen.

"Oh, okay," Dean finished sayin.

They sat in silence before the doorbell rang. Delilah went to go answer it to see that it was Samantha, holding a paper bag.

Delilah stepped outside and closed the door. "What's in the bag?"

She was surprised when Samantha put her arms around her neck and kissed her. Delilah kissed her back.

After a minute of kissing, Delilah had to pull away from her girlfriend. "So, what's in the bag?"

"Oh, here, I knitted this for you," said Samantha, taking a red-and-white striped out of the bag.

Samantha put the scarf around Delilah's neck and pulled her in, kissing her again.

So, they stood on the porch, kissing for a few more minutes, before Delilah pulled away again.

"I have to go inside," said Delilah.

"Right," said Samantha. "I have to give Matt his scarf." She pulled out a dark purple . "Do you think he'll like it?"

"He'll love it. He loves anything that you make him," said Delilah.

Samantha nodded, "Yeah. Okay." She peered in through the window. "I'll leave you to your movie night with Lorelai, Rory, and...is that Dean?"

"Yeah," said Delilah. "Dean kissed her in the bug spray aisle yesterday."

"That's a good aisle to make out in," said Samantha.

"What's a bad aisle to make out in?" asked Delilah.

"The condom aisle," Samantha replied.

Delilah nodded, "I'll keep that in mind."

Samantha smiled, and kissed Delilah one more time, before leaving. Delilah walked in her home and went to the living room.

"Cute scarf," said Rory.

"Are you insulting the scarf?" Delilah asked.

"No, it really is cute," said Rory. "It's in a candy cane pattern."

Lorelai looked at the scarf. "It is cute...do you think Sam can make me one?"

"I can see if she can," replied Delilah.

"See if she can make me one, too, please," said Rory.

"All right," replied Delilah said.

Delilah lied on Lorelai's bed, waiting for Rory to swing by.

"So that went well," said Lorelai once Rory walked in.

"Did we humiliate you?" asked Lorelai.

"I don't know," said Rory. "What did you say to him when I went to the bathroom?"

"That you're pretty," said Lorelai, "but Sam was busy with Lila."

"Liar," replied Rory, "Except for the whole busy with Lila thing. We all saw that through the door's window."

"Shut up," Delilah replied, her cheeks burning.

"Yeah...well..." started Lorelai. "At least I don't have to worry about Sam getting Lila pregnant. Although Matt and Dean on the other hand..."

"Hey, we only had sex once and that was on my sixteenth birthday," Delilah said.

Lorelai was surprised, "Really?"

Delilah nodded, "We agreed to take things slow after that."

"Yeah, I'm going to go to bed," said Rory, getting up to leave.

Lorelai sighed.

"Mom, what's the matter?" asked Rory.

"Nothing," said Lorelai.

"Yes there is. Come on, tell me," said Rory.

"Nothing, I just really wanted you to tell me about that kiss," said Lorelai. "I mean, Lila told me about her birthday sex a few minutes after she got home, but you couldn't tell me about a measly kiss?"

"I'm so sorry. I really wanted to, I swear," replied Rory. "I just got scared and—"

"I know," interrupted Lorelai. "I'm not mad. I just wanted to hear about it. That's all. It's no big deal. It's okay. It's one too many Caramello bars. I'm sorry. You both have school, I have work. So, time for bed."

"Okay, night," said Rory.

"Night," said Delilabh.

"Okay, night," Lorelai said.

"Mom?" said Rory, heading to the door. Lorelai hummed. "I know this is lame and totally after the fact but—"

"Start from the beginning and you leave anything out, you die! Where were you?"

"Okay, I was in the aisle where the any spray is," Rory said.

"That's a good aisle," Lorelai said.

"I know," replied Rory. "That's what Lane said too."

"And Samantha," admitted Delilah. "I told her and she said that it was a good aisle."

"What is a bad aisle?" asked Rory.

"I asked her the same thing, and she said that it's the aisle that condoms are on," said Delilah.

Rory started explaining, "Anyway, so he was working and I go into the store and I sort of walked around and was pretending to shop..."

Delilah smiled, glad to be there with her mother and sister.

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