⓿➊: One of Us. One of Us.
The town had decorated Stars Hollow with the yellow daisies that Max used to propose to Lorelai. In Delilah's opinion, there were way more than one thousand daisies that Max used.
Rory held a bouquet of daisies. She said, "You should get married in Italy."
"No, not Italy," Delilah said. "Do it in Vegas by an Elvis impersonator."
"All the way from home, same topic," Lorelai said. "And I don't want to get married by a guy who died on a toilet."
"That's a myth. He was found on the floor," Delilah pointed out.
"Besides, there's tons of stuff going on in the world," Lorelai said.
Delilah asked, "Like what?"
Lorelai replied, "Balkans."
"That was ages ago," Rory said, "Read a paper."
"Ugh, they make my hands black," Lorelai told them.
Delilah asked, "Is that your reasoning on why you don't read the Chilton newsletter?"
"She should walk down the aisle to Frank Sinatra with a huge bouquet of something that smells really good," Rory said.
"Pot roast," Lorelai replied.
"We should have plates so we catch the pot roast when you throw it," Delilah joked.
"And you should wear a long veil with your hair up," Rory continued.
"Ugh, I'll take any other subject in the world for two hundred, Alex," Lorelai stated.
Rory asked, "Why don't you want to think about this?"
"Because I haven't made my mind up about the 'yes or no' part, so I don't want to start fantasizing about dresses and flowers or doves and tulle until I do, so please change the subject," Lorelai told Rory.
"And it's not like they have to get married right away," Delilah told Rory. "Most engaged people go years without getting married before they do."
"I think the bridesmaids should be able to pick their own dresses," Rory added.
Lorelai asked, "You know how on All in the Family when Edith would be yapping about something and Archie would pretend to make a noose and hang him or shoot himself in the head?" She mimed hanging herself.
Rory replied, "Yeah?"
"I don't know. Something about this moment just made me think of that," Lorelai asked.
"Fine, I'm done," Rory said. "I'm taking these to Lane."
"Okay," Lorelai said. "Meet us at Luke's."
"Oh, get me a paper please," Rory told them.
Lorelai held up her hands, "But my hands!"
"Have Lila get one for me then," Rory called back to her.
Delilah said, "I have to go. Fran has some new recipes to try out."
She took off to the bakery.
There were table arrangements of daisies on the outside and inside tables, when she got to the bakery.
"So, what are you going to do for extracurricular activities? You're going to need to put something down if you're going to Yale," Eli told her as Delilah mixed cake batter.
Delilah knew what about the extracurricular activities. It was something her school counselor had told her to have when Delilah decided to go to Yale. The school counselor had told her that working part-time was good, but she needed a few more activities.
"I was thinking about joining the math club, it's competitive. I'm not entirely sure about the other stuff yet," Delilah told him. "I really can't do much because I work here."
"There are things you can do during summer," Eli told her.
Delilah nodded, "Can you hand me the vanilla extract?"
Eli got the bottle and some measuring spoons, "Did your mom answer the marriage proposal yet?"
"No," Delilah told him. She knew that it seemed like the entire town was holding their breath for an answer.
Eli asked, "Will she tell Luke?"
"Eventually," Delilah replied.
"You don't seem too happy," Eli pointed out.
Delilah shrugged, "Growing up with her..." She really didn't want to say it, "I don't think she wants to get married; especially not to Max. I mean, it's pretty weird. They were together for a few months, broke up for another few months, and got back together a few months ago, and now he's proposing marriage."
"Yeah, that's a little weird," Eli admitted.
"How's that strawberry filling coming along, Eli?" Fran asked.
Eli looked at the saucepan with the mixture. "Oh, it's coming along great."
Fran walked over and glanced in the saucepan, "a little more sugar and it'll be ready to be refrigerated."
"Yup," Eli said.
Delilah wondered how her grandmother would take the whole marriage proposal that her mom was definitely stalling on.
On Friday night, Lorelai had parked outside Emily's and Richard's house. Rory and Delilah got out of the jeep, but it looked like their mother got back in the jeep.
Rory went around to the driver's side and asked, "Are you okay?"
"Fine, I'm just tied to the emergency break," Lorelai told them.
Delilah looked at her, "How did that even happen?"
Lorelai got her purse untied and said, "Okay, I got it. Let's go." She closed the door and then said, "Oh, my coat."
"You don't need one," Delilah said.
"Yeah, it's pretty warm out," Rory said.
Lorelai got the coat, "Yeah, well, it tends to cool off the minute I get in that house."
Rory asked, "You good?"
"I'm good," Lorelai said. She held up her arm, "My keys."
"Mom," Rory said.
"She's stalling," Delilah told Rory.
"I know," Rory replied.
"I'm not stalling, they're in the ignition," Lorelai told her. "Okay, I got 'em, let's go."
"Any more things that you need to use to stall on?" Delilah asked, "A treasure hunt? A trip to the beach? A body stored in the trunk that needs to be buried?"
Lorelai looked at her, "Ha, ha, you're funny."
"You even got 'lost' coming here," Rory told her.
"I took a wrong turn," Lorelai said.
"Six times," Rory pointed out.
"Well, my self-preservational instincts at work ladies and gentlemen," Lorelai said.
Rory started, "And then the coat and the keys and the—"
"I got stuff on my mind," Lorelai told her.
Rory asked, "Max stuff?"
"No, stuff stuff," Lorelai replied.
"You're lying," Rory pointed out.
"Rory, knock it off," Delilah said. "She just wants to avoid the topic and she wants to stall on the answer and she doesn't want to tell our grandparents about it because they'll get pissed about it."
"But, she always makes us tell her what we're thinking," Rory said.
Lorelai rang the doorbell. "Yes and the lesson we have learned from that is you two should never become spies." She pointed at Delilah, "Especially you."
Delilah rolled her eyes.
Emily opened the door. "You're here. Richard, they're here." She was happy.
Richard shouted, "Wonderful!" from another room.
"Come in, come in, come in," Emily told them.
"Uh, no," Lorelai said.
Emily asked, "Why?"
"Because you're scaring Rory and Lila," Lorelai stated.
It was a little off-putting although Delilah preferred off-putting over Lorelai's stalling. Delilah walked in.
"Well, Lila isn't scared, so you two, get in here," Emily said. She dragged Lorelai and Rory inside by their arms. "Scaring them, you're so silly sometimes. Let's get you a drink. Put your coat down. Oh, and are you hungry? I had Antonia make some Roquefort puffs. Antonia, bring the puffs! Come, sit down, sit down. Richard!" She really was in a good mood.
Richard shouted, "Say nothing until I get there!"
Emily shouted back, "Well, hurry up!"
"Mom, what's going on? Ooh, the nails, the nails, the nails," Lorelai said. Emily seemed to push Lorelai onto the couch. Rory and Delilah went to sit with Lorelai.
Emily asked, "So, tell me what's new with you girls?" She had gone to get a bottle of wine and a wine glass.
"Uh, nothing," Lorelai said looking at Rory.
"Hey, Grandma, what about you?" asked Rory, "Did something special happen?"
"Well, as a matter of fact," Emily started. She went to stand in front of them, "Oh for goodness sake." She called, "Richard, damn it!"
Lorelai asked, "Mom, why don't you just tell us what's happening now?"
"Oh, all right," Emily said. She sat down in a chair, still holding the bottle and glass. "I can't wait for your grandfather any longer. Well, you know, I'm very good friends with Bitty Charleston, the headmaster's wife."
Lorelai hummed.
"Well, we had this little arrangement where she keeps me apprised of all the goings-on at Chilton. You know, she tells me all the gossip on the students and their parents, and any piece of information I might find useful. Well, this afternoon, she called to tell me the class list just came out and Rory has finished in the top three percent!"
That was it? She expected a little more.
"Lila and I know," Lorelai said.
"You do? Well, who do know at Chilton?" Emily asked.
"Um, Rory," Lorelai said.
"Oh," Emily said.
"It wasn't definite, but I had a pretty good idea," Rory said.
Richard walked in, "Rory, wonderful news. You finished in the top three percent of your class."
"Oh, yeah, Dad, J. Edgar Hoover over here was just telling us," Lorelai told him.
"What? I told you not to say anything before I got here," Richard told Emily.
"Well, you took too long," Emily said.
Delilah said, "We already knew that she made it in the top three."
"It's a simple request," Richard said to Emily.
"Just hang up the phone," Emily replied back.
"Okay, good news either way," Lorelai stated. "Let's all agree on that."
"I am immensely proud of you, Rory," Richard told her.
"Yes, we knew you could do it," Emily said.
"Oh, we certainly did," Richard said.
Delilah looked at the ground. Sometimes it sucked being the average one. The only accomplishment she did was her improve her grades quickly enough that the school principal had given her a gift card to The Cheesecake Factory. Sure, Lorelai and Rory were happy for her, but not quite as happy as they were when Rory made it to the top three percent.
Emily said, "We have to celebrate. Next week, we will have a special dinner."
"Grandma, all of your dinners are special," Rory said.
"Well, this one will be extra special. We'll make all your favorite foods, and you can invite some of your friends," Emily told her.
"There's an excellent chance that presents might be involved," Richard said.
"You guys do not have to do this," Rory said.
"We most certainly do," Emily countered.
"You start late, have to catch up, and by the end of the year, you've overtaken everyone," Richard said, "A true Gilmore."
"Through and through," Emily said.
"Dinner is ready," an older woman said.
"Thank you, Antonia," Emily said. "Shall we?"
"Ah, ah, ah, ah," Richard made a disapproving noise, "after the top three percent in her class."
"Well, thank you very much," said Rory.
"Uh, just go ahead and start without me," said Lorelai. "I got to check in at the inn. Michel's there by himself, people could die."
"Well, hurry up," Emily told her.
Delilah wasn't all that hungry. Sure, she was glad for Rory, but it made her realize that she didn't have any accomplishments under her belt.
"I am extremely thrilled about this," Emily said. "Do you think you'll get a certificate?"
"I'm not sure," Rory said. "Hopefully I'll get a gift card for The Cheesecake Factory like what the principal gave Lila.
Emily looked at Delilah curiously, "Why did you get a gift card?"
"He gave me a gift card because of how I quickly improved my grades," Delilah stated. There. That was her accomplishment.
"Well, they certainly should give you a certificate or a plaque or something. I'll talk to Bitty about that tomorrow," Emily said changing the subject back onto Rory.
"I can't wait to tell Tellman McCabe about this," Richard said.
"Oh, Richard," Emily sighed.
Richard continued, "Oh, he's always bragging about that simpleton grandson of his."
"William is a lovely boy," Emily said.
"His head is shaped like a football," Richard said.
Delilah immediately of Arnold from Hey Arnold! that she used to watch when she was eleven-years-old.
"It is not," Emily said.
"If he fell asleep in the park, someone would try to punt him," Richard said.
Delilah snickered.
"Tellman is a very dear friend of yours," Emily said.
"Yes, he is. And one should always share wonderful news with one's very good friends," Richard said.
"You just want to brag," Emily pointed out.
"Well, I think I have a right, don't you?"
"Well, goodness you'd think you were the one who finished in the top three percent of your class," Emily said.
"Well, it was my genes, I get to claim a little responsibility," Richard said.
Rory nudged Delilah, who looked at her. Rory looked at Lorelai, who nodded.
Rory screamed, jumped up, and ran over to hug Lorelai. Delilah went to hug Lorelai as well.
"Oh!" exclaimed Richard.
"Goodness," Emily said, turning to look.
"I just spilled on my shirt." Richard looked at them, asked, "What are you doing? What are they doing, Emily?"
"I have no idea," Emily said. "Stop that you three!"
"Sorry," Lorelai said.
"Yeah, sorry," Rory said.
Emily asked, "What is going on?"
"Uh, I'm just really jazzed about this whole three percent thing," Lorelai lied.
"Yeah, really, really, jazzed," Rory said.
"So jazzed," Delilah added.
"Yeah," Lorelai said. She hugged Rory and Delilah. They were more excited screaming.
"Don't even try to understand, Richard," Emily told them. She yelled, "Antonia, please bring some club soda for Mr. Gilmore's shirt!"
"She finally said yes?" Samantha asked Delilah shocked.
Delilah nodded, "Yeah."
"And here, you were thinking she's never going to answer," Samantha told her.
"It seemed like she was stalling," Delilah defended herself. However, something didn't sit right with her. She wasn't what it was yet.
"What's that look?" Matt asked her.
"They're having a party on Friday, to celebrate Rory making it to the three percent," Delilah told them.
"Ah," Samantha said.
"They said friends can be invited, but I doubt that they were talking to me," Delilah said.
"Don't worry, your grandparents don't like me either," Matt joked.
"You're funny," Delilah told him.
Matt shrugged, "My mom hated me too."
"Because she's an idiot," Samantha told him.
"But at least they like you," Delilah pointed out.
"And just like you two, they have good taste," Samantha joked. She kissed Delilah and then Matt.
Lorelai yelled up the stairs, "Its movie time, you three, stop making out and get down here!"
"We're not," Delilah yelled at the open door.
"That's what I told my parents when your father and I totally were," Lorelai said. "So get your butts down here." Delilah rolled her eyes, "And I know you rolled your eyes." Delilah looked at Samantha and Matt. "Stop wishing death on me, because you're stuck with me for life." Samantha was trying to hide a laugh.
Delilah had to get up so they can join Rory and Dean downstairs for the movie.
"Hey," Dean greeted her.
"Hi," Delilah replied. She was trying to be nice, because of Rory.
Rory asked, "When is dinner ready?"
Lorelai asked, "Do I look like a timer?"
"I thought you might have set one," Rory replied.
"Silly rabbit," Lorelai said.
"Timers are for kids," Rory finished.
"Just look out for the smell of something burning, that's your timer," Delilah said.
Lorelai looked at her, "I say ten minutes, we're therpe."
"I'll get us set up," Rory said.
Samantha asked, "So, what are we watching?"
"Oh my god, a classic," Lorelai said.
"Everything's a classic for you," Matt said.
Rory said, "It's The Joan and Melissa Rivers Story, starring..."
"Joan and Melissa Rivers as themselves," Delilah said.
"A mother and daughter torn apart by tragedy," Lorelai stated.
"Suicide," Rory added.
"Not getting The Tonight Show," Lorelai continued.
"Mean boyfriends," Rory added.
"Identical noses," Lorelai continued.
"You'll laugh, you'll cry," Rory added.
"Because you're laughing so hard," Lorelai continued.
"You'll actually want to die at some parts," Samantha added to Dean.
"And in the pivotal scene where a very distraught Joan gets locked out of High Holiday Services because she's late, I will be forced to rewind it and play it over and over about it four thousand times," Lorelai added.
"You'll never be the same," Rory said.
"I'm still not the same," Matt added.
Rory left the kitchen and Delilah followed after her to help set up the living room.
"I think Max has found a perfect wedding ring for Mom," Rory told her. "Of course, Max overheard her barking when I described a ring. I tried telling him that it was you, but he wanted to know your opinion, and I couldn't even hand the phone over because he knew it was Mom."
The next Friday, Lorelai, Rory, Delilah, and Dean stood on the front porch of the Gilmore house.
Lorelai rang the doorbell and Emily answered it. She smiled, "Well, hello there!" She looked at Dean and didn't sound too happy, "Well, hello there."
Rory asked, "Grandma, you remember Dean, right?"
Emily still didn't seem happy, "Yes, I do, nice to see you again."
"Thanks," Dean started. "Uh, your house is great. It's huge. I've never seen a house this huge before."
Emily smiled, "Well, thank you. So few people bother to notice the hugeness of the house anymore."
"Mom, it was so nice of you to tell Rory to invite a friend tonight, seeing as this is her night. That was really nice of you," Lorelai said.
"It was my pleasure," replied Emily.
"Good," Emily said.
"Well, don't just stand there. We have a celebration to attend. Come in, come in," Emily said.
They walked into the living room and Delilah sat on the couch.
Emily asked, "So, what would everyone like to drink?"
"Uh, well, I'll have a white wine and Dean'll have a beer," Lorelai said.
Dean exclaimed, "What?"
Lorelai joked, "Corona, right?"
"No, I don't want a beer! I don't drink beer. I'll have a water or soda or anything. Or nothing. Not beer. Never beer. Beer is...beer's bad," Dean said, fumbling his words like.
Emily obviously knew it was a joke, "Relax Dean, that's just Lorelai's little sense of humor." She passed a glass of wine to Lorelai, "You're very cruel."
"Well, yes, keeps me young," Lorelai said.
"I'm just going to sit here and stare at my hands," Dean said.
"That's what I do," Delilah whispered to Dean.
Emily asked, "Soda, Dean?"
"Please," Dean replied.
Emily asked, "Rory?"
"Oh, I'll have a beer," Rory joked. Emily and Lorelai laughed. "I'm sorry, Dean, we're not laughing at you." Emily passed Delilah, Dean, and Rory some drinks.
"Oh, wait, I think I was," Lorelai said, raising her hand.
"I think I was a little too," Emily added.
Richard walked in. "Oh, Richard, there you are. Come join us."
"Hey, Dad," greeted Lorelai.
"Grandpa, hi," Rory said, looking at Richard. "This is Dean." To Dean, she said, "Dean, this is my Grandpa."
"Hi," Dean greeted, "Sorry, uh, hi." He got up to shake Richard's hand, who was currently holding a book.
"Hello," Richard said.
Dean was offering his hand, "It's uh...it's nice to meet..."
"Does everyone have drinks?" Richard interrupted, walking away from Dean. Dean whispered something to Lorelai and Delilah looked at Rory, who looked awkward.
After awkward small talk, they went to the dining room, where Beefaroni was being served.
Delilah didn't particularly like Beefaroni, like her mother and sister. It looked like Richard didn't know what to make of Beefaroni either.
"Grandma, I can't believe you found the recipe for Beefaroni," Rory said.
"It wasn't easy," Emily said. "Antonia thought I'd gone insane."
Lorelai started, "Well..."
"No one needs a comment from you," Emily snapped at her.
"No, I was just going to say, what's the secret?"
"Well, let's just say it's not beef," Emily said.
"Oh, okay, I'm done," Lorelai said.
"Me too," Rory started.
Emily asked, "Dean, would you like some more?"
"Uh, no, I'm fine, thanks," Dean said.
"Well, then, I guess it must be present time," Emily said. She got up to get something from the cabinet.
"You didn't have to," Rory stated.
"Oh, yeah, Mom, you didn't have too," Lorelai said. "Unless got something that'll fit me and Lila too, in which, good going."
Emily ignored her and she handed Rory a wrapped box, "Here you go, Rory. Congratulation, we're so proud."
Rory smiled, "Thanks, Grandma." She looked at Richard, "Thanks Grandpa."
"Now go on, open it," Emily urged.
Rory said, "Okay." She opened the box and Delilah awkwardly crossed her arms and averted her gaze, looking at Richard, who was just staring at Dean.
Delilah wanted to say something to Rory, but the questionable beef seemed to glue her jaw shut.
"Oh, pens," Lorelai said, "All yours."
"I think the top student deserved the top tools," Emily said.
"Thank you so much," Rory stated, "Really."
"Uh, uh, well, pens are very nice, but I just bet there is a fabulous fancy dessert just sitting out there in that kitchen of yours," Lorelai said.
"As a matter of fact there is." Emily said, "Twinkies."
Lorelai asked, "What?"
"Well, Rory told me that was her favorite dessert," Emily stated.
"Emily Gilmore, you are one classy broad," Lorelai said.
"Antonia, please bring out the Twinkies," Emily said.
"I can't believe I just heard you say those words," Lorelai said.
"Well, don't get used to it," Emily retorted.
So, Dean, where are you planning to go to college?" Richard finally said at least.
Dean seemed startled, "Oh, uh, well I..."
"Geez, Dad, start off with 'what's your favorite baseball team' or something," Lorelai stated.
"I don't know yet," Dean replied.
Richard asked, "You don't?"
"No, not yet," Dean said.
Richard asked, "Well, what kind of grades do you get?"
"Richard, please, don't grill the boy," Emily admonished him.
"I'm not grilling the boy, Emily. It's an easy question." Richard took on a nicer tone, "A's, B's, C's?"
"I get a mixture actually," Dean answered.
"I need to go to the bathroom," Delilah said quickly, getting up. She left the dining room and went to the bathroom.
She closed and locked the door. She grabbed the countertop and forced herself to blink back tears.
It was Rory's night. She earned her position at Chilton. She was a month behind and somehow managed to claw her way to the top. It just sucked not having any accomplishments to make them throw small dinner party with her favorite food and dessert.
If she did have something, they probably wouldn't be impressed because Rory had done it first. The only thing she had gotten was improved grade and a stupid gift card to show for it.
She rubbed her eyes, not caring that she smudged her eyeliner. She was just tired of the blatant favoritism of Rory. She didn't know why she was needed at these stupid Friday night dinners. She wasn't going to Chilton. She didn't have to be there. She skipped one dinner and Emily demanded for her to be there. Sometimes it just hurt being overlooked for Rory.
She washed her hands and left the bathroom. She came back to the dining room.
"Rory," Dean started.
"You don't even know him," Rory told Richard.
"I know enough," Richard replied.
"No, you don't. Dean is incredible and he's special to me and I bring him here and you attack him," Rory snapped.
"I will not be spoken to like that in my house," Richard replied, glaring.
"Richard, here, give her the book," Emily said.
"This family has standards. You live up to them, and you should expect that everyone that you spend time with live up to them also," Richard was speaking to Rory. "You are a gifted girl with immense promise and you should learn very early that certain people can hold you back."
"Grandpa, stop it! You cannot treat Dean this way," Rory told him.
Delilah really felt like she missed something.
"I'm sorry, excuse me, I have to work," Richard stated, before leaving the table.
"Grandpa!" Rory looked at Emily, "Thank you for the dinner and the gift, Grandma, but I really think we should be going." She put her napkin on the table before leaving.
"Thanks," Dean said. "Sorry." He followed after Rory.
Delilah was still a little bewildered by what happened.
"Am I crazy?" Lorelai said, "That's supposed to be us, right?"
They went back home, the drive being an awkward silence.
As they got out of the jeep, Lorelai asked Dean, "Well, want to come in and have some dessert? You never did get your Twinkie."
"Uh, no thanks," Dean said. "I think I should get going."
Rory asked, "Are you sure?"
"Yeah," Dean replied.
"Okay, well, Dean, all I can say is that tonight, you officially became a Gilmore Girl." Lorelai asked, "Feels good, huh?"
"One of us. One of us," Delilah joked.
"See you later," Lorelai said to Dean. She took Delilah's arm, "Meet you inside." She dragged Delilah into the house. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," Delilah lied. "It was a nice dinner until Grandpa started in on Dean. That was brutal."
"You missed most of it," Lorelai told her. She tossed her a Twinkie.
"He wasn't that cruel to Matt and Samantha," Delilah muttered. She knew it was because they didn't see her as they saw Rory.
"I know," replied Lorelai sadly.
Delilah went to her room, leaving the Twinkie on the table. She really wasn't that hungry anymore.
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