➊➏: If Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow...

"It's kind of weird how this town goes all out when celebrating something," Elijah told Delilah. They were decorating for the Firelight Festival.

"Stars Hollow loves to celebrate," Delilah said. "We do Bid-On-a-Basket too."

"What's that?" asked Elijah.

"It's a fundraiser when you make a basket that has food in it and whoever bids the most on that basket, gets to go on a date with you," Delilah explained.

"Don't forget the Movie Festival," said Fran.

"Ugh, I'll pass," Marjorie said.

"What's wrong with it?" asked Elijah.

"We watch the Yearling every. Year," Delilah said. "It sucks. I mean watching the movie every year. The movie is pretty good."

"Good to know," Elijah said.

It seemed like some kind of love-bug hit everyone. Delilah had walked past four different couples making out as she went to Lane. She said, "Quick question, who sang Smoke on the Water?" She passed Lane a strawberry muffin.

Lane took a bite out of the muffin as she thought it over, "Deep Purple."

"And who sang Jumpin' Jack Flash?" Delilah asked.

"The Rolling Stones, why?" asked Lane.

"My dad could play the opening licks on guitar and I wanted to know which band played these songs so I can listen to them to see how much I should be impressed by it," Delilah told her.

Lane looked like she was thinking about it. "It depends really."

"I think I'll be more impressed if he can play a Slipknot song," Delilah said.

"Gross," Lane said.

Delilah was confused, "What do you mean by that?"

Lane turned Delilah to the side so she can see a couple getting really handsy with each other. Delilah averted her gaze, "Yeah. Ew."

"I'm glad you, Samantha, and Matt are PDA friendly," Lane said.

"Yeah," Delilah nodded.

"I kind of wish I had a boyfriend to make out with," Lane admitted.

Delilah looked around, trying to avoid looking at the handsy couple, "You want me to find you someone?"

"Well, since my mom let me out of the house after a while, I think I'll avoid dating for right now," Lane said.

"How's your dad?" Delilah asked.

"Out on another business trip," Lane said. "I swear, it's like he has another family somewhere and that's why he's always gone."

Delilah nodded, "I know the feeling with my dad sometimes. And Matt knows the feeling as well. Except, his mother was the one who had another kid stashed somewhere."

"I think my dad takes off because he's scared of my mom," Lane told her.

Delilah nodded, "I would be as well." She added, "You know, its Dean's and Rory's three month anniversary."

"I know, right?" replied Lane. "It's crazy to think that it's been three months for them. Do you three have anything special planned for the Firelight Festival?"

Delilah shrugged, "Kind of."

"I'm going too," Lane said.

Delilah was surprised, "Really? With who?"

"A future chiropractor," Lane told her.

"What happened to future doctor?" Delilah questioned.

"I think she's losing confidence," Lane said.

"Pretty soon, she'll out of guys to set you up on and maybe then she'll let you pick one out yourself," Delilah said.

"I can only dream," Lane told her. "Besides, it's not a one-on-one thing. We're going with his parents, his grandparents, two sisters, three brothers, and at least one maiden aunt."

"I heard of group dates, but that's just ridiculous," Delilah said, horrified.

Lane nodded in agreement.

Delilah found Lorelai in Rory's room, combing Rory's hair.

"'Oh, we got new coffee makers.' Ugh! What was I thinking?" Lorelai asked.

"Well, you spent a lot of time picking out those coffee makers," Rory said.

"You were proud of them too," Delilah added.

"Oh, yeah, I'm Mrs. Coffee," Lorelai said.

"Ow!" said Rory. "Okay, I'm still attached to the head."

"Okay, sorry," said Lorelai. "I'm a little worked up."

"Mom, it's just Luke's ex-girlfriend," Rory told her.

"I know," replied Lorelai. "I just hate that I made myself look so stupid in front of..."

"Luke?" finished Rory.

"No, Rachel," Lorelai said. "She was standing there, fresh off a plane, and she had no plane hair at all might I add."

"And what exactly is plane hair?" asked Rory.

"You know, it's all big, like the curls that Lila has," Lorelai said.

Delilah took minor offense, "Thank you."

"Got it," Rory said.

Lorelai continued, "And he's staring at her like she's Miss September and she's looking like at him like he's Johnny Depp and I was just babbling like a moron, what is wrong with me?"

"Ow! Ow! Okay, you are now officially off hair duty," Rory said, getting out of her chair. She started touching her hair.

"Aw, I'm sorry," said Lorelai. "I just..."

"No, it's okay," Rory told her. "I just think it's a little early for Dean to see me completely bald."

"Right, that's more a six-month thing," Lorelai quipped.

"So, what's going on with you?" asked Rory.

"I don't know," said Lorelai. "It's just all this love in the air, you know. I miss Max."

"Max?" Delilah asked confused.

"Mr. Medina," Rory clarified. "How did you forget?"

Delilah shrugged.

"And there's just been so much going on with your dad coming home and family stuff and your constant existence..."

"Feeling the love," Delilah said.

"Any time," said Lorelai. "So I haven't had a lot of time to focus on it and I miss Max."

Oh, yeah, now she remembered Max. Why did her mom all of a sudden miss him?

"I know," said Rory.

"I had a dream about him the other night," Lorelai said.

"Really? Dirty?" Rory asked curiously.

"No, absolutely not," Lorelai said, using a tone that said it all. "And when you both are twenty-one, I'll tell you the real answer. Anyway, it's put me in a funk since then."

"I'm sorry," Rory said.

Lorelai replied, "Me too. We could talk about me for years, and believe me, we will. But let's focus on you, the lady of the evening. No hooker reference intended."

"I got to go," Delilah said, leaving.

They walked past stands and Samantha bought Delilah a faker ruby ring, which Delilah liked.

"Ooh, I think they're going to light the bonfire," Matt said.

"You know that takes a while," Delilah pointed out.

"People of Stars Hollow, and our many friends, it gives me great pleasure to preside over out annual Founds' Festival for the thirty-second time." Mayor Porter stated. They clapped. "Many a true love has had it start right on the spot where I stand. And I don't mind telling you that at this very festival, right by this gazebo, is where I met my own true love, Miss Dora Braythwait. We have been married for forty-three years, and it all started right here."

Taylor covered the microphone and there was a conversation between Taylor and the mayor.

"And now my friends, join me in lighting the fire," Mayor Porter announced.

"I'm going to get us some hot chocolate," Matt said.

They got some hot chocolate and took a hay-bale and Matt sat in the middle with his arms around both of their shoulders together as they looked at the stars.

A woman with curly hair took a few pictures of them, confusing Delilah, "This is quite an interesting set-up you three have."

"Oh, we're dating each other," Samantha said.

"Oh, cool," said the woman, "Showing that true love can transcend anything during the Firelight Festival."

"I'm sorry, but I never saw you around before," Delilah told her. "Who are you?"

"I'm Rachel," said the woman.

Samantha frowned, "Luke's ex-girlfriend?"

"You heard of me?" asked Rachel.

"Yes," Delilah said. "I'm Delilah, and this is Samantha and Matt."

"Hi," said Rachel. "If you excuse me, I got some pictures to take."

"Go ahead," Samantha said, waving her off.

Lane walked by with a large group of people and Delilah winced in sympathy for the girl. She looked after Rachel who was taking pictures of another couple. "She kind of has my mom's facial structure; it's kind of weird actually."

Matt and Samantha looked after Rachel.

"She kind of does," Samantha admitted. "Hey, do you think that's why Luke has that crush on your mom?"

"Maybe," Delilah admitted.

"Luke has good taste though," Matt stated.

Samantha suddenly got up. "Let's go."

"Where?" asked Delilah.

"My house," Samantha said. "I just saw my parents and Kathleen arrive. Hurry your asses. We got to get a move on so we don't hear them when they come back."

Lorelai was on the phone when Delilah walked in. She tried to be silent as she can as she tossed her overcoat on the couch. Rory walked in, closing the door. She looked to be in shock and Delilah wondered what Dean did to her. Lorelai looked over and hung up the phone.

Lorelai asked, "Rory?"

Rory looked at Lorelai. "We just broke up."

Lorelai went over and hugged Rory. Delilah was confused, wondering what happened. She had half the mind to go down to Dean's house and demand to know what he did to make them break up on their three-month anniversary, but that had to wait. She hugged Rory from behind.

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