⓿➍: Hanging On For Deer Life
A/N: The 'deer' in the title is intentional.
It wasn't surprising to find Matt at a table in Luke's the next morning, since she, Samantha, and him had agreed to meet there to hang out and eat.
However, it was surprising to see that Matt seemed upset about something. Now that set her on edge, more because who would dare to upset her friend? She had only one guess and no wrong answers.
"What happened?" Delilah asked Matt as she sat down. She put her arm around his shoulders and gave him a squeeze.
Samantha walked in and instantly zeroed in on them. She seemed to smile and then frowned as she went over to them. "What happened?"
Delilah shrugged, "Not sure."
"My mother yelled at me," said Matt. "Just out of nowhere, she just laid into me."
Samantha wrapped one around Matt's right arm, and rested her head on his shoulder.
"She just told me that I was useless and worthless," said Matt. He sounded like he was going to cry.
Delilah rested her head on Matt's left shoulder and with her left hand, she grabbed Matt's hand.
"Ignore that piece of bitch," said Delilah. "You mean a lot to us."
"Yeah, ignore that bitchful mother," Samantha said, taking Matt's other hand.
"Even if you think that it's all true, it's not," said Delilah.
Luke came up to the table with a mug of hot chocolate and set it in front of Matt. Luke seemed concerned at first, but then amused. 'Your boyfriend and girlfriend' came to mind uninvited. Maybe...maybe she should...
No. They were just friends. That was all.
"Thanks," Matt said.
Luke nodded, ruffled Matt's hair, getting a hint of a smile from Matt, and walked away.
In a way, Delilah could see Luke being a good father-figure, judging from the way that Luke got irritated with the amount of unhealthy food that Rory ate and got annoyed when Delilah ate unhealthy food. Luke liked to joke that Matt was his unofficial adopted son, so Luke tried to care for Matt and show him hints of affection, since everyone knew that Matt's mother was, shall Delilah say, a shit-mother, and Matt's father just disappeared overnight. Matt liked to joke that his mother probably killed and buried his dad in the back yard.
Matt asked, "Are you my friends because you pity me?"
"No," said Delilah quickly. It disgusted her how Matt's mother could get in his head like that and made him doubt everything.
"We're your friends because we love and care about you," said Samantha.
"Yeah, we love you," replied Delilah.
Now that she said it, she wondered what she really meant by 'love'.
No. She loved them as friends, nothing more. She joked about marrying both of them, sure, but that's what it was: a joke.
Delilah ordered fries and a fruit salad, which Luke seemed glad for. Samantha ordered a ham-and-cheese omelet with hash browns with orange juice. Matt ordered toast and bacon, with more hot chocolate.
They had to orient themselves to eat.
Dean walked in and looked at the three. He seemed to smile and went to them. "Hey."
Delilah held up a grape, "Want a grape?"
"Sure," said Dean, taking it and popping it in his mouth. "I was wondering how Rory is doing."
"She's doing fine at Chilton. She made an enemy on her first day, though," Delilah told him.
"I still don't get why you're not at Chilton with her," said Dean.
"Its fine," Delilah replied. "I'd rather stay at Stars Hollow High than go there."
Dean nodded, "I just assume that since you and Rory are sisters, one of you will follow where the other leads."
Delilah almost laughed at that. "That may be true for others, but not for Rory and me. We're two different people."
"I can tell," Dean replied, "And it's not a bad thing."
Delilah honestly couldn't see herself in a Chilton uniform, going to Harvard, and becoming a journalist. She couldn't even see Rory going to Hartford, taking business management courses, and opening up a bakery with her.
But then again, does Rory even want to go to Harvard because it was something that their mother had planted in their heads when they were younger. Delilah did have dreams of going to Harvard with Rory, but that had changed when she was ten, when she realized how much she enjoyed baking. Of course there were her grades and no matter how hard she studied, no matter how much Rory tried to help her, she just couldn't quite make it like Rory.
It had pained her to admit to her mother that she wasn't going to Harvard like how Lorelai wanted, and that she was just stupid. Lorelai had hugged her and told her that it was okay and that she wasn't stupid, just average. They had ice-cream for dinner that day.
School was boring. Dean didn't even talk to her in math class, but that was fine with Delilah. In a way, she was saddened that she didn't really befriend Dean. She was kind of excited to have a potential friend, but he didn't seem like he wanted to be her friend.
She voiced those thoughts to her friends at lunch as she passed some leftover pizza to Matt as Samantha gave Matt a pint of milk of chocolate milk.
"Maybe he heard the rumors and got a little freaked out," replied Samantha in a spooky tone.
"Ha!" replied Delilah loudly, earning a few strange looks.
"What a shame too," replied Samantha in mock hurt. "I wonder what they would say if he joined our triad. Would they say that with Matt?"
"I mean...I'm not opposed to the idea of being with another guy," Matt said slowly. "However, I don't think I would enjoy dating a guy as much as I would while dating a girl." Samantha and Delilah looked at Matt in confusion. In a slightly distressed tone, he said, "Yeah, I said all that."
Samantha and Delilah looked at each other and shrugged. Matt's sexuality was his to explore.
Although...Maybe she could explore her sexuality as well.
After school, and after getting home from doing homework (and drinking some wine) with her friends, Rory came at her from getting off the city bus.
"Let's go get chocolate," said Rory.
"What?" asked Delilah confused.
"We're going to the inn," said Rory. "I bet that Sookie has made something delicious that has chocolate in it."
Delilah couldn't beat that idea. "Is it that time of month? Is that why you're suddenly craving chocolate?"
"Maybe," replied Rory.
When Delilah first had hers, she had found that she had really bad cramps that made it hard for her to move without crying or throwing up. Lorelai had to take her to the hospital for painkillers. The second month came, and Lorelai had to take her to the hospital again, because of it. After the third time that Lorelai had taken her to the hospital, a doctor had offered birth control for Delilah to go on. Lorelai agreed, so Delilah would stop suffering, and Delilah had been on it every since.
Although there was a few times that Delilah had stopped taking it to see if she had gotten better. She hadn't, so she had gone back on it.
Delilah took a few of Rory's bags to help shoulder the burden and they walked to the inn.
"What's irritating you?" Delilah asked Rory.
"Tristan Dugray," said Rory.
"Never heard of him," replied Delilah.
"He's the ass that keeps calling me Mary," replied Rory. "He thinks that I have a crush on him and I just don't know how to say it. Paris has a crush on him."
"She sounds like she has low standards," said Delilah.
"You met him. I saw you talking to him on my first day," said Rory.
Delilah had to think very hard on it. "Oh. Oh! That douche?"
"Yeah," replied Rory. "I just want him to leave me alone."
"Again, I can switch places with you and tell him off," replied Delilah.
"No," replied Rory. "I don't want to do poorly for the day."
"I can skip school and visit you. They do allow visitors, right?" asked Delilah.
"Maybe," said Rory. "I doubt Mom would allow that."
"Every teenager skips school for a day," said Delilah. "That's like a milestone in every teen's life."
"Well, I'm not a teen since I never skipped school," replied Rory.
"That's because you're like a mini-adult," Delilah said. She prodded her sister, "You're an adult in a teen's body."
Rory laughed, "Knock it off, Lila."
When they walked in the kitchen, Lorelai was saying, "I'm looking." Then in a mock announcer's voice, Lorelai said, "Oh, behold, in theaters now, the things that read and bakes a lot."
"Chocolate?" asked Rory dropping her bags.
Delilah dropped the other half of Rory's bags as well.
Sookie thumbed behind her, "Glass measuring cups." To Lorelai, she continued, "Lorelai, look look."
Rory went to the glass measuring cup as Delilah walked up to her mother and Sookie. "What's going on?"
"Who's naked?" asked Rory as she noticed the magazine.
"Lucien Mills – food critic," said Lorelai.
"How's his butt?" asked Rory.
"Oh, no," said Lorelai. "He's supposed to do a review of the restaurant."
"I think I remember that guy," said Delilah. "He did a review on Weston's Bakery. I think he called me, 'a lovely, young girl with potential that shouldn't go to waste. Her lemon tart was bursting with flavor. I can tell that it's going to be a delicious signature. Fran Weston has picked a worthy protégé.' But he did leave a glowing review of the bakery though."
"Don't you have that review framed and hanging on your wall?" asked Rory from somewhere in the kitchen.
"I'm not ashamed of it," Delilah called back.
"Let me read the review," said Lorelai.
"Is it – is it good? Is he is he mean? Should I cry?" asked Sookie.
"I think he's nice," said Delilah.
"Here we go," said Lorelai. "'The words divine, delectable, and delirious don't begin to describe the delicious experience of dining at the Independence Inn.' Oh, I'm smelling rave!"
Sookie brightened, "Really?"
"'Only chef Sookie St. James can make a simple salad of hot house tomatoes and assorted fresh herbs seem like a religious experience. Her lobster bisque is worth every sinful cream filled rich sip'," Lorelai continued reading.
Delilah grabbed Sookie's shoulders, "See Sookie? Nothing to worry about."
"See I don't use that much cream. I just use a very concentrated lobster stock and it really make it—"
"Sookie, he's not here," cut in Lorelai.
"Okay, go on," said Sookie.
Even Delilah was growing excited for all the praise that Sookie was receiving. She was a worthy teacher of course.
"'The entrees are as heavenly as the starters. Though the much lauded risotto was perfectly fine, it was the simple handkerchief pasta with brown sage in a butter sauce that sent me through,'" concluded Lorelai. "Sookie this is unbelievable. I'm going to take a page out of Lila's book and have this framed for the dining room."
"Oh, yeah. That'd be swell," said Sookie. "Can I see that again?"
"Yeah," said Lorelai handing the review to Sookie to reread. "So we should celebrate huh?" Delilah looked over Sookie's shoulder to reread the review, feeling proud of Sookie. Lorelai asked, "Girls on the town?"
"I can't. I have to study," replied Rory.
"You know, I should really get started on this shopping list," said Sookie.
"I would, but I should go to the bakery and help out," replied Delilah. "I can invite Samantha to join in at a later time though?"
"Sounds good, but what about the others? Where's 'to hell with it all'? Where's 'Throwing caution to the wind'? Where's – oh shoot – the linen delivery!" Lorelai took off.
"You go girl," Rory said, eating another piece of chocolate.
Delilah had made cookies for them to eat while they watched TV. Rory had stayed in the kitchen to study some more, so Delilah ended up putting a plate of cookies off to the side so that Rory can eat them while studying. It looked like it didn't really work since Rory was still studying and the plate remained untouched.
"News is on," Lorelai called to Rory.
Delilah still wasn't sure why the house was built the way it was, considering she can see her sister in the kitchen from the living room.
"One sec," called Rory.
"Lila made cookies," said Lorelai.
"I know," replied Rory. "She even gave me a plate."
"For our top story tonight, a grisly horrible thing that happened in a small town where not grisly horrible things ever happen," Lorelai said in mock news' anchor voice. "Everyone's shocked. House slides down hill. Liposuction kills, stay fat."
Delilah snickered and Lorelai turned the TV off. "Hey, let's get ice cream. I'm bored."
"I guess," replied Delilah, looking at the time.
Lorelai went into the kitchen. "Hello?"
"Mom, I'm studying," said Rory, even though it was obvious.
"Yeah, but I'm talking ice cream. Can't you take a break?" asked Lorelai.
"I can't take a break right now," replied Rory.
"You didn't even eat the cookies that Lila made," said Lorelai.
"I did so," said Rory. "I had one."
"But when?" asked Lorelai.
"Are you four?" asked Rory.
"No, I'm hungry," replied Lorelai, looking in the fridge.
"Have some more pizza," replied Rory.
"It's cold," replied Lorelai, shutting the fridge.
"Heat it up," countered Rory like it was obvious.
"It's not the same," said Lorelai.
"I agree on that," said Delilah. It was a well-known fact that she didn't like reheated food.
Lorelai turned to Delilah, like she realized that she had another child. "Get your coat on, Lila. We're going to get ice cream."
"Fine," replied Delilah, "Although it won't be the same without Rory."
"If you let me study now, I'll play with you two this weekend," said Rory.
"Promise?" asked Lorelai.
"Yes, we can do anything you want," replied Rory.
"Will you go to the shoe sales with us?" asked Lorelai.
"Yes," replied Rory.
"Will you let me try on anything I want?" bartered Lorelai.
"Yes," replied Rory.
"Will you help me push other people out of the way if they're going for my size?" asked Lorelai.
"I'll even run interference for you and look the other way once Lila starts throwing shoes," said Rory.
"All right, you've got a deal," said Lorelai, leaving the kitchen, dragging Lila after her.
"Good," replied Rory.
"Hurry and get your coat on, we're going after some ice cream," Lorelai told Delilah.
The next evening, after school, Delilah met up with Matt at the inn, who was looking bored out of his mind as he sat on a chair.
Samantha had gone out with her parents and Rory took off to go study with Lane.
"Hey, Drella, do you know any Metallica?" Matt called to the harpist.
"Yes," replied Drella instantly. "What song do you request?"
"My Friend of Misery," said Matt.
Drella started playing the song.
Delilah nudged Matt's knee with her foot, "What's going on with you, Matt?"
"Just wondering where my dad could be and if I have any half-siblings out there that I don't know about," Matt said. "It's pretty strange to think about, since he's a non-entity in my life."
"I know how you feel," replied Delilah thinking of her dad. "My own dad calls us once a week and visits once a year, but even then he's still a non-entity in my life."
"At least it's something," said Matt.
"Come on; rest your head on my shoulder. I know you want too," said Delilah. Matt did what he was told. It was oddly nice comforting her friends after they comforted her. It just felt like an equal thing. She rested her head on top of Matt's. "Yeah, but again, he's a non-entity. I wouldn't be surprised if he has another kid, either."
It was oddly...intimate. Just her and her friend, resting heads together...talking about their dads...listening to the romantic music of Metallica. The only thing that was missing was Samantha's presence, but it was fine.
"Hey, what did I say about Metallica?" asked Lorelai.
"You said nothing about playing Metallica," replied Drella.
"We play Mozart," said Lorelai. "Hey, Matt, Room 200 is requesting fresh towels."
"Again?" replied Matt, lifting his head up from Delilah's shoulder.
Delilah kind of missed it.
"I don't know what they're doing with the towels," said Lorelai. Matt got up to go tend to the towel disappearances. "Lila, let's go."
Delilah grabbed her backpack, "Where are we going?"
"We're going to Chilton," replied Lorelai.
"For what?" asked Delilah.
"The parent-teacher conference," replied Lorelai.
"Oh," replied Delilah. "Okay."
It was obvious that they were late when they walked in the classroom that held the conference.
It was embarrassing, especially having so many rich parents or grandparents looking at them like they just got beamed down from other space or something.
"I'm so sorry, I had this terrible pot-hole incident," said Lorelai. "And – you don't care. Please go on." She walked backwards into the globe.
"Whoa, whoa," the teacher started, reaching over to grab Lorelai's arm, but not actually touching her.
"What in the world?" Lorelai asked, tapping the globe.
Oh, they were definitely getting judged...Harshly, by the looks of it.
"You okay?" asked the teacher.
"Uh-huh, we'll just sit now," said Lorelai.
"I don't think we've met," said the teacher.
Oh, god, they're hitting on each other, Delilah realized.
"Oh, I'm Lorelai Gilmore and she's Lila. I'm Rory's mom and Lila is Rory's twin," said Lorelai.
"Glad you could join us," said the teacher. "Rory is one of our new students."
"How nice," replied a mother. "Now the AP test..."
Lorelai went straight for the coffee and Delilah awkwardly followed.
"Smooth," said Delilah.
"Like you were any better with what's-his-face," replied Lorelai.
Delilah cringed, remembering Jake, her one-week boyfriend. Rory had taken great pleasure in recounting how Delilah had tripped down a few stairs and landed on the ground, ass up for Jake to see. At least she was wearing jeans at the time.
Weirdly enough, he still wanted to date her after that. Maybe he thought she had a good ass or something.
"Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and a camel!" exclaimed Lorelai, getting looked at by the judging parents (and possibly grandparents). In a whisper, she clarified, "This is really bad coffee." She asked, "So, this AP test, what are we going to do about it, huh?" She took a seat in the empty desk.
"Here, take my seat," said an older man that was in front of Lorelai.
"Thank you," whispered Delilah, embarrassed for making the man leave his seat.
"Well the next test is scheduled for next month, um, the 25th, Saturday at seven am," said the teacher.
Delilah was sure that he was Mr. M, something or other. Rory had told her that the teacher was good-looking.
"Ms. Gilmore?" asked Mr. M.
"Uh, where is the test?" asked Lorelai.
"It will be given here," replied Mr. M.
"Here?" repeated Lorelai.
"Right," answered Mr. M.
"Great," replied Lorelai said.
"Great," repeated Mr. M. "Any other questions?"
"Yeah, um, can parents and siblings come?" asked Lorelai.
"What?" exclaimed the same mother who had asked about the AP test.
"Yeah, it's a big exciting test. I just thought – I'm sorry is that stupid?" replied Lorelai.
"No, it's not stupid," replied Mr. M.
Oh, he wants to date my mother, Delilah realized.
"I just though I'd like to see the excitement," replied Lorelai.
"It's a test," said a man that was sitting next to the AP test mother.
"Tests are exciting when you really love the subject," Delilah said.
That apparently shut down whatever judging comment that they had.
"Okay, why don't we get back to the meeting?" asked Mr. M, trying to get the conference on track.
"That's the one who voted for the scrunchies," said the AP test mother.
"Must be a scholarship student," said the woman in front of AP test mother.
"I personally think that you should act mature instead of judgmental. Why don't you allow your children to have the judgmental comments? Or should I say, grandchildren?" asked Delilah.
She heard the man, who had offered his seat, chuckle a little.
Lorelai started, "Lila, please..."
"You know, I think this would be a good time for a break. There's coffee in the back," said Mr. M.
Lorelai took Delilah's arm and practically dragged her to the front, "Please keep the comments to yourself."
"Then they should keep their comments to themselves," replied Delilah.
Lorelai took a sip of her coffee and grimaced, "It – it just keeps getting worse."
"Well, you know, not drinking it is always an option," replied Mr. M.
"That's sacrilegious," replied Delilah.
"Yeah, not in our world," said Lorelai.
"I'm Max Medina," said Max, shaking Lorelai's hand.
"Nice to meet you," replied Lorelai. She nudged Delilah when she didn't say anything.
"Yeah, what she said," replied Delilah, awkwardly shaking Max's hand.
"I apologize for the behaviors of some of our guests tonight," said Max. "It's a tense time for some people."
"The SAT season?" asked Lorelai.
"The waking hours," clarified Max.
Lorelai giggled at that. "Hey, are you this nice to my kid?"
"Yeah, it's easy. Rory's a sweet girl," replied Max. He looked at Delilah. "And I bet Lila would be nice if no one picks a fight with her here."
"Oh, I'm not going here," replied Delilah, almost annoyed. "I saw how thick those binders are and I don't plan on becoming a hunchback at eighteen." It wasn't a total lie, but it was easier than admitting that she was to stupid to go to Chilton.
"Yeah, they are a little extreme," admitted Max, "But that's how our academic studies go."
"How is Rory liking Chilton?" asked Max.
"Oh, she loves it," said Lorelai.
"Really?" replied Max.
Delilah went to sit down, to avoid watching the awkward flirting. She looked at the board that had Shakespeare, Marlowe, Bacon, Johnson, and Webster written on the board. She couldn't help but think that maybe they should study Hemingway as well. But then again, maybe they've studied Hemingway in the previous years.
Whatever was said must've put Lorelai in a hurry.
"Come on, Lila, we're going now," called Lorelai.
"Why?" asked Delilah confused.
"I'll tell you on the way," said Lorelai grabbing her purse.
"It was nice meeting you two," said Max. "And I hope you consider coming to Chilton, Lila. I think it would be an honor to have you here."
"I'll think about it," replied Delilah. She wouldn't, it just felt polite to say.
"Um, keep up the good work," said Lorelai.
"I will," replied Max.
"Don't ever make coffee ever again," said Lorelai.
"I won't, I promise," said Max. "Oh—"
Lorelai almost walked in the globe again.
"Oh, ha ha ha," said Lorelai. "Thanks." She grabbed her purse and Delilah. "Bye."
"Bye," replied Max.
And then they were out of there.
When they walked in Luke's, Delilah spotted Rory at a table with a slice of pie in front of her.
"Hey, backwards baseball hat – new look for you," said Lorelai. "She's eating pie? Did she even eat dinner?"
"You raised her, I just serve," replied Luke.
They went and sat down at the table with Rory.
"Oh, hello, bookworm," said Lorelai.
"Finally," replied Rory. "Where were you two?"
"We were the conference at Chilton," said Delilah. "Mom dragged me along because Matt had to work and Samantha was gone, and you were studying with Lane. I really had nothing to do."
"Oh my god, I forgot," said Ropry.
"It went very well. I was extremely charming. I won the whole crowd over. They made me queen and made Lila a princess."
"So I guess you talked to Mr. Medina," replied Rory.
Lorelai hummed, "Why did you let me whine about ice cream and shoes sales when you had something major going on?"
"I know," replied Rory.
Lorelai had told Delilah about the D that Rory had received later on the drive home, which explained why Lorelai had rushed home.
"I hate when I'm an idiot and I don't even know it. I like to be aware of my idiocy – to really revel in it, take pictures. I feel we missed a prime Christmas card opportunity," replied Lorelai.
"I'm sorry," said Rory.
"You should've told me or Lila," said Lorelai.
"I couldn't," said Rory.
"You're ignoring the girl who gets average grades," said Delilah.
"Yeah, you couldn't tell me or Lila? You tell us everything," replied Lorelai.
"It was to humiliating," said Rory.
"Oh, honey, you once told me that you love Saved by the Bell.' What could be more humiliating than that?" asked Lorelai.
"Seeing those tights that Lila wore in public when we were thirteen?" asked Rory.
Delilah groaned, "Why did you remind me of that?"
"Besides, I couldn't form the words. I couldn't even say it. I couldn't even comprehend it. It was...a D. I got a D. I've never gotten a D – ever," said Rory.
"I know," said Lorelai.
"Not even Lila gets Ds. Even when I broke my arm and couldn't write for a month, I still got an A-," replied Rory.
"That was a different school," replied Lorelai.
"I know. It was Stars Hollow High. A D at Stars Hollow is like an F at Chilton. Its worse, it's like a G or a W," replied Rory.
"So I'm guessing the spelling test didn't go well either?" joked Lorelai.
"A D," said Rory. "I suck."
"You don't suck," replied Lorelai.
"I can't do this," said Rory.
"Listen, a D is bad, okay. But all this talk about 'I suck' and 'I can't do this' and self pity – that's worse. That's not you. You didn't feel sorry for yourself when it took you three months to learn how to ride a bike, and you won't now," said Lorelai.
"Come on, a D is motivating," said Delilah. "Take that and use it to make sure you do better."
"Four months," said Rory.
"Huh?" replied Lorelai.
"What?" said Delilah.
"It took me four months to learn how to ride a bike," said Rory.
"Really? Four months?" asked Lorelai.
"Yeah, you wanna belabor the conversation?" asked Rory.
"All right, forget about the bike. Listen, a D is one grade. It's not the end of the world. You'll catch up, you'll do better. You are of hardy stubborn stock, my dear. If there's one thing I gave you, it's my stubbornness," said Lorelai.
"Please never say 'hardy stubborn stock' again, Mom," said Delilah.
"I'm not stubborn," said Rory.
"Yes you are," said Lorelai.
"No I'm not," said Rory.
"You kind of are," replied Delilah.
"I'm not," replied Rory, definitely proving the point.
"Whatever," replied Delilah.
"Fine you're not," replied Lorelai.
"Thank you," said Rory.
"You're welcome," said Lorelai. "You can do this Rory and I will help you. Lila will too. We will get you through this; now put that D behind you. Now what's next?"
"I have a test on Friday," said Rory.
"Ooh, a test! Great!" replied Lorelai enthusiastically.
"It's on Shakespeare," said Rory.
"Bard with a beard – love it," said Lorelai with the same enthusiasm.
"It's worth twenty percent of my grade," said Rory.
"Just makes life interesting. Now what do we have to do to get you an A on that test?" asked Lorelai.
"Do you really think I can do this?" asked Rory.
"I know that you can," said Delilah.
"I bet you a...dollar," replied Lorelai.
"That's it? That's all my future's worth? One dollar?" asked Roryh.
"Well you did get a D," replied Lorelai.
Rory chuckled as she ate her pie.
On Thursday evening, Delilah had to help quiz Rory.
"The Comedy of Errors – written?" asked Lorelai.
"1590," replied Rory.
"When was it published?" asked Delilah looking at a piece of paper.
"1698," replied Rory.
"Ooh 1623 – close," replied Lorelai, looking over the piece of paper.
"How is 1623 close?" asked Rory.
"I mean, you got the sixteen hundred part right," said Delilah.
"I was off by seventy-five years," said Rory.
"She was the one that said close," said Delilah.
"Well anything under one hundred years is close," said Lorelai.
"What kind of rule is that?" asked Rory.
"A made up one," said Delilah.
"Hey, I'm running the study session here. Okay, Richard the third?" Lorelai said.
"1591," said Rory. Lorelai made a buzzer sound. "Ninety-three?" Lorelai made the buzzer sound again, "Ninety-six?" Lorelai made the buzzer sound once more. "Okay, that's really annoying now."
"It kind of is," said Delilah.
Lorelai made a smaller buzzer sound.
And this was why she didn't want to go to Chilton. She would've flunked right on her first day.
"The sonnets are one-hundred-fifty-four poems of fourteen lines," Rory said to Delilah.
Delilah looked at her notes, "Except for?"
"Except for one-hundred-twenty-six which is twelve lines," said Rory.
"Good," said Lorelai handing Rory and Delilah each a mug of coffee.
"They are written in iambic pentameter," said Rory.
"Except?" prompted Lorelai.
"Except one-hundred-forty-five which is in tetrameter," said Rory.
"You're doing extremely well," said Delilah.
"Really?" asked Rory.
"Not one mistake," said Lorelai.
"Wow," replied Rory.
"How are you feeling?" asked Delilah.
"Nauseous," replied Rory.
"That's because you ate fries and horseradish sauce," replied Delilah.
"I'll admit that it wasn't the best idea we ever had," said Lorelai.
"It was satisfying in the moment though," Rory said. "You should've tried it, Lila."
"No thanks. I'll stick with fries and ranch," replied Delilah.
"Besides that, I think you're going to blow that class away tomorrow," said Lorelai.
"You think?" asked Rory.
"We know that you are," corrected Delilah.
"Yeah," said Lorelai. "What do you say we call it a night and get some beauty sleep?" asked Lorelai.
"You both can go, I wanna review my notes one more time," said Rory.
"Oh, that's okay, we'll stay up," said Lorelai.
Delilah got up to follow Rory into the kitchen.
"Lila, go to sleep," said Rory.
Delilah hesitated and did as she was told.
"Oh my god! What are you two doing? Get up!" Delilah shouted the next morning, trying to shake Rory awake, who was sleeping at the table, but she didn't even budge. "Get up! You're going to be late!"
It didn't work. She decided to make them coffee, because that usually works.
After the coffee was done, she held the pot over them, but it didn't work.
So, she paced the kitchen, trying to figure out what to do, before deciding on what to do.
She went to Rory's room and took out a spare of Rory's Chilton uniform. It was times like these that she was glad she was programmed to wake up early to bake things for her friends. She wrote down explaining what she was going to do, hoping that Rory would understand, because Delilah had read some of Shakespeare's plays and sonnets for fun, and considering the study session that they did with Rory, at least most of it still retained, she was going to take Rory's test for her.
At least, she knew that Rory would most likely get mad for taking the test in her place and demand for a redo since it had been taken by someone else. It was bound to work. Hopefully.
Admittedly, it wasn't her smartest idea. She used Lorelai's phone to call Samantha and explain what was going on and how she didn't really have to time to bake them something for breakfast, which Samantha took it stride and told Delilah that they'll take notes for her.
She was glad that she had such understanding friends.
Then she was out the door.
She wanted to go home as soon as she walked in Chilton. She didn't know what she was thinking by doing this whole 'twin switch' bull. But she knew Rory. Rory would demand for a retest because it wasn't taken by her. It was all Delilah's idea, which was true. The headmaster had to let Rory retake the test because it wasn't taken by Rory.
She had memorized Rory's locker number and combination because she had considered the idea of leaving something nice in Rory's locker at one point, just to cheer her up, but that hadn't happened yet.
So she was slightly panicking sitting on a bench in front of a classroom that she was looking over what little notes on Shakespeare that she managed to take from Rory.
"Hey, Mary," said the blond boy, presumably Tristan.
Delilah chose to ignore him as she read over the notes. It wasn't her name or her sister's name after all.
"Mary, I'm talking to you," said Tristan.
"I assumed that you were talking to somebody else because that's not my name. I suggest that you learn it before you even try talking to me again," Delilah responded, not even bothering looking up.
"Where is this attitude coming from?" Tristan asked, seeming caught of guard by the rudeness.
"It's coming from 'get my goddamn name right and stop harassing me before I report you,'" replied Delilah, looking up briefly to glare at Tristan.
Tristan just seemed confused, but he walked away from her.
Thank god for that. She hoped that he would leave Rory alone now.
She waited to be the last one in class. She was sure that it would've been weird considering that Rory was probably the first one in class, but she didn't know where Rory sat at, since she was sure that there was assigned seats.
She was going to a school for smart people; a place she doesn't belong to, what was she thinking?
That was her problem, she didn't think things through.
There had to be some stipulation. Rory didn't show up, she probably forfeited her right to take the test. That was the thing right, Rory didn't take the test, her sister did. That was grounds for a retake, right?
"Praying to every deity you know hoping to stay in the school?" taunted a girl, who Delilah assumed was Paris, who was sitting in front of her.
Delilah looked at her. "I didn't even know that your ego can get as long as your face, which is a feat that I didn't know could even be possible, but yet, here we are."
Tristan chuckled at that.
Mr. Medina walked in. He did roll call and talked for a few minutes about the test, before passing them out.
Delilah looked at hers and regretted even switching places with Rory.
She needed to do this. She can do this.
It was at least seventeen minutes into the test when the door to the classroom burst open.
"Lila!" Rory yelled as she stormed in. She was mad, but probably at herself and not at Delilah. Well, at least a little...maybe a lot.
Delilah noticed how heads turned to look at her and then back at Rory.
Well...this is awkward.
"Everyone back to your tests," said Mr. Medina. He was looking at the twins, like he didn't know what to do with this situation that he found himself in. "You...uh...Lila? I think you need to explain yourself."
Delilah had to get up to stand next to Rory.
"What about the test?" asked Rory.
"I'm afraid you missed the test because your sister was taking yours," said Mr. Medina.
"I can redo it," said Rory.
At least she seemed to have caught on to the idea.
"I think you both need to see Headmaster Charleston to explain this situation," said Mr. Medina.
"What is there to explain? My sister took my place to do my test for me! I didn't do it! She did! I didn't even know she was going to do this!" exclaimed Rory.
"You both need to go to the headmaster," said Mr. Medina, using a lot of patience than what was probably unwarranted.
From the look on his face, it seemed that at least Tristan finally found the source of why Rory was being rude to him and Paris. It wasn't even Rory.
"It's not fair!" said Rory. "My twin takes my test without my knowledge and I get hit by a deer."
"You hit a deer?" asked Mr. Medina in shock.
"No, she said that a deer hit her," Delilah corrected him. Rory nodded in agreement.
"I've got antler prints on the side of our mother's car," said Rory.
"Losers," Paris said to the blonde girl in the desk next to hers.
"You're the loser for your piss-poor attitude," replied Delilah.
"And you don't insult my sister ever again!" snapped Rory. "What is wrong with you, huh? You already have everything! You already have the grades and the status. What the hell is wrong with you that you have this constant need to be the biggest jerk in the entire world?"
Paris made this face like she was annoyed and clearly trying to ignore how Rory was practically in her face.
"Okay, let's go," said Mr. Medina.
"Huh? What's up? What's up quippy? Why so silent?" Rory demanded.
"Outside – the both of you! Now!" ordered Mr. Medina.
"And for the last time – the name is Rory!" yelled Rory in Tristan's face as she passed by.
Delilah let her backpack drop and smack into Tristan's shoulder as she passed by him.
"Somebody better start explaining what is going on," demanded Mr. Medina as they went outside.
"I took Rory's place because she overslept. I thought I would be able to take her test for her and switch back after it was over and when she showed up," explained Delilah calmly. "She had no idea I did this."
"Rory, I told you not to cram for the test overnight," said Mr. Medina. "You both need to see the headmaster to sort this out." He led them to the office and went inside to talk to the headmaster.
"I'm sorry I stole your place and partially took your test for you," Delilah said to Rory.
"You always wanted to pull a twin switch but I always refused," said Rory annoyed. "You got your wish."
"Just not in the way I wanted," said Delilah. "I did it for you. There has to be a redo because of what happened."
"Mr. Medina said that there were no make-ups though," replied Rory.
"How is this school still open?" asked Delilah, "Tests that count for twenty percent of your grades? These rich people will throw money at someone if their child failed a test that counts for twenty-five percent of their grades."
"You two get in here," said Mr. Medina opening the door.
They got up and walked in the headmaster's office.
"Have a seat," said Headmaster Charleston.
Delilah sat in a leather seat.
"Explain to me what is going on," said Headmaster Charleston.
"I switched places with my sister because she overslept and I decided to take her test," said Delilah calmly. "It was my idea, not hers."
The headmaster looked really unimpressed with that. He looked at Rory, "And what do you plan on doing once it was found out?"
"Demand for a retest because I didn't take it," said Rory.
"Except you know that there are no make-ups," said Headmaster Charleston.
"She knows that," said Delilah. "It won't be a make-up because I partially took the test. She would have to retake it. It's not a make-up, it's not a redo. It's a retake."
Headmaster Charleston looked at Delilah, "And I'm sorry. Who are you?"
"I'm Delilah Gilmore, Rory's twin sister," said Delilah.
Headmaster Charleston looked at Delilah, "You don't go to school here."
"I know," replied Delilah.
"I'm going to have to call your mother to let her know where you're at," Charleston said to Delilah. He looked at Rory, "And I'm going to let her know about your...behavior in class. You two are going to wait outside in the hallway for her."
They left the office to wait for their mother.
It took an hour for Lorelai to arrive.
In that course of time, Paris and two of her friends walked by, and snickered at them as they did so.
Tristan walked up and said, "I should've known that you switched places. Mary—"
"Her name is Rory!" Delilah yelled at him. "Learn it or don't even bother talking to her ever again."
Tristan looked at Delilah, "You must be the Martha to her Mary of Bethany then. You're the aggressive one." He walked away.
"Great, now everyone's going to refer to you as Martha," said Rory. "Someone is going to come up to me and say, 'Hey Mary, where's Martha at?'"
"I think in the bible, she was a cook too," said Delilah. "She wasn't married either, so, I guess I am Martha from the bible. She was passive aggressive to Jesus. So, she's a badass!"
"Now if only we had a triplet who died before being brought back to life. Then we'll be Mary, Martha, and Lazarus," said Rory with a smile.
"He was insulting you by calling you Mary, like the Virgin Mary. He changed it to Mary of of Bethany this time," said Delilah.
Rory nodded, "At least he doesn't know you're full name, or he'll think of you as treacherous woman who would cut someone's hair if they're sleeping."
"As long as it's a source of strength," replied Delilah. They started laughing. "Biblical insults are becoming fun."
"You two, what happened?" Lorelai asked.
Delilah was annoyed by the question, because she was tired having to explain herself.
"I got hit by a deer and Lila tried taking my test for me," Rory explained for Delilah.
"You got what?" Lorelai asked Rory and looked at Delilah. "And you did what?"
"And then I was late and I'm not sure if they're going to let me retake my test because Lila tried taking it for me," said Rory. "They said something about not doing make-up tests, but it's not really a make-up test because I didn't do it, Lila did."
"Oh, no, you're kidding me," Lorelai said.
"Mom..." Rory started.
"Maybe I shouldn't have tried to take Rory's test," said Delilah.
"You tried to do a good thing," Lorelai said to Delilah. "I'll handle this." She turned and walked inside the office.
It was silent but then Lorelai started yelling. Delilah made out a few words about the school being a rathole and she made out the words 'il duche' but that was all that she could hear.
Lorelai left the office and sat down in between her two daughters. Delilah could tell that her mother was frustrated, so they sat in silence for a while. "He says that you can't retake the test. You had forfeited your right to take it by not showing up even if your sister started taking it."
"It was worth a shot. Remember August and April? The boy-girl twins? April was sick so August took her place to take it. Only he got caught and she got to retake it," Delilah said.
"Yeah, I remember that," said Rory, snickering a little.
"How did a boy take his sister's place?" asked Lorelai.
"He dressed in a skirt and leggings and wore a wig," Delilah said. "I remembered he said that he even shaved his legs for it. I think she even took his place once, but she left the hood up on his jacket."
"He did," said Rory. "I didn't really notice it at first, but he was in my chemistry class."
"That's oddly wholesome," Lorelai said. There was silence and then Lorelai said to Rory, "You got hit by a deer?" They looked at each other and Rory got up to led them outside to where the jeep was.
Lorelai and Delilah had to crouch to look at the dent in the door.
"You did. You got hit by a deer," said Lorelai.
"It just came out of nowhere," said Rory.
"You couldn't just hit a wall like other kids and or drive into a café chair like Matt," said Lorelai.
Once, Lorelai was trying to teach Matt how to drive since his mother wouldn't do it, and Lorelai offered to teach Matt. Matt started panicking and drove into a chair that was outside a café. Luckily no one was injured; except for Matt's pride.
"Hey, that was once," said Delilah.
"Can we just go home, please?" asked Rory.
"Sure, jump in," said Lorelai.
Once they started going, Delilah fell asleep in the car.
Delilah was shaken awake, by Lorelai.
"Come on, get up, get out of Rory's uniform, we're going to Luke's," said Lorelai.
"We're home already?" asked Delilah, getting out of the jeep.
"Yeah, Rory wanted to find the deer that hit her, so we had to go on a walk for that," said Lorelai.
"Yeah, all right," replied Delilah. "Did she find it?"
"No, but we had a nice chat," said Lorelai. "She's staying at Chilton."
Delilah nodded and went to her room to change out of the uniform.
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