➊⓿: Forgive and Forget

It was time for the annual Christmas pageant preparations. Lorelai and Samantha had to adjust some of the dresses that were really old since the dresses where worn during the first pageants, so it left Delilah to work at Weston's Bakery, because she really wasn't interested in the pageant. Rory and Lorelai still were arguing and it was giving her some anxiety, especially since she wasn't sure who was in the right or wrong.

"I need your opinion on something, Eli," Delilah said to Elijah.

"What is it?" asked Elijah.

Delilah explained the argument Rory and Lorelai had after her grandmother left. It had been a shock to Elijah when he found that Lorelai had been sixteen when she got pregnant, but it did explain to him why Lorelai looked young though.

Elijah looked like he was thinking, passing Delilah some holiday decoration.

"Okay, so I know all about that first kiss thing, so I'll assume that because she found out from someone else instead of her own daughter, I think a bit of trust chipped with Rory. I mean, you told your mother about the threesome you had with Matt and Samantha, right when you got home, so I think she trusts you a bit more there," Elijah explained. "She's known Matt and Samantha for a few years, so she trusts them way more than Dean. It's highly different with you. If you're not with Samantha, you're with Matt. If you're not with Samantha, you're with Matt. God knows where Dean will take Rory. You're on birth control and she's not. It's highly different with you because she trusts Matt to not get you or Samantha pregnant."

"But nothing happened between Dean and Rory," Delilah said.

"Yes, but its parental fear," Elijah said. "Sometimes emotions override logic. My mom would go out of her mind with worry that I'm dead in a ditch somewhere, if I was ten minutes late getting home. Realistically, she knows your sister didn't do anything, but stress from her mother who criticizes every single thing she does, and worry for where Rory might be will override logic."

She guessed that made sense and it made her feel a little better. "Thanks, Eli."

"No problem," replied Elijah. "Glad to help."

She went to talk to Matt about it, while she shopped for Christmas gifts, because she wanted his opinion on the argument and to get a gift for Samantha.

"I think Elijah is right," said Matt. "Trust me, having a mother who picks at something that you've done 'til you're on the ground crying and begging for forgiveness is the most stressful thing ever. No wonder your mother freaked out like that."

"Yeah," Delilah said. "That's what Elijah said."

"He's a brother-figure to you, isn't he?" asked Matt.

"I guess," Delilah muttered. "He's a good person to talk to because he doesn't really know them that well so he's not that biased"

"I get it," replied Matt. "Sometimes it's better getting an outside perspective."

"How do I get Rory and my mom to make up before Christmas?" said Delilah.

"Do something to get them to get pissed off at you?" asked Matt.

"How do I do that?" asked Delilah. "I can't stay out all night, Rory already did that. I don't think having a 'pregnancy scare' will do. That'll be mortifying."

"Get arrested?" asked Matt, "Something so minor that you won't get thrown in the slammer, but will end with in handcuffs."

"I'd rather not have an arrest record," Delilah said.

"All I can think is that you skip the Christmas dinner," said Matt.

"If I did that, my grandmother will yell at my mother and it'll be worse with drama," said Delilah.

"Well, the drama with your mother and Rory will sort itself out," replied Matt. "It always does."

"I know," said Delilah. She paid for a bracelet that she was going to give Samantha and they stepped outside.

"I should probably get home," said Delilah. "I need to wrap up the gifts and get ready for the Christmas party at my grandparent's."

"Yeah, okay," said Matt. "Have fun with that drama."

Delilah scoffed and Matt chuckled before he pulled her into a kiss. Delilah kissed him back.

They kissed a few more times before she had to pull away. "I have to go."

"I know," Matt said. Delilah kissed him two more times, before she headed home.

Friday rolled around, so Delilah got dressed in a red dress that had black straps, and some beige colored thermal leggings.

Lorelai had told them that she wasn't going to go with them.

"I wish you'd change your mind," Rory called from the kitchen

Delilah was examining the presents by the door.

"It's not my mind that needs to be changed," Lorelai called back from the couch.

"I don't think she meant it," replied Rory.

"Oh, she meant it," replied Lorelai.

"Well, maybe she thinks she meant it at the time, but I bet she won't mean it later when I show up there without you," replied Rory.

"And without a map to follow that reasoning I say, 'Take a hot it's cold outside'," replied Lorelai.

"You just want to hold a grudge," said Rory.

"Yes, it burns more calories," said Lorelai.

"That's not true," replied Rory.

"Have you met Vanessa? How else do you think she stays skinny?" Delilah said, "She doesn't exercise and she definitely holds a grudge against Matt because she got pregnant with him."

"Yeah, how else do you think your grandma got those legs of hers? She's not exactly a Stairmaster gal," Lorelai added.

"Mom," Rory said.

"Never saw her on the running track," Lorelai said.

"Okay," replied Rory.

"I don't remember the country club organizing a Tae-bo class," Lorelai added.

"Fine, forget it," replied Rory. "Should I put your name on Grandma's present?"

"Yes, sign it 'The inn keeper, formally known as her daughter'," Lorelai said.

It was nice seeing them finally getting along again.

"You know what I think?" asked Rory, coming into the living room, carrying a present with her.

"What?" Lorelai asked.

"I think you're acting a little immature," replied Rory, setting the present aside and putting on an overcoat.

"I'm not acting," said Lorelai.

Delilah rolled her eyes.

"Well, what about the apple tarts? You wait all year for those apple tarts," said Rory.

That was a good one. It was know that Lorelai really loved the apple tarts, even making a song about them.

"I can live without the apple tarts," Lorelai said, getting up.

"You ate five of them and made up songs that states otherwise," Delilah said.

"That's true," said Rory.

"Oh, you know what? You two have to go, you're late," replied Lorelai, holding out some keys to Rory.

"You really won't come?" asked Rory.

"What, I'm sorry, is somebody speaking? Couldn't be Rory or Lila, they're already half-way to Hartford," said Loreali quickly.

"Fine, we're going," replied Rory, picking up the present and walking out the door.

"Drive carefully," said Lorelai. "Watch out for ice. And bring me back one of those—"

Delilah closed the door, but she did plan on bringing some tarts back to her.

With a minimum argument over the music on the radio, they made it to their grandparents' house in one piece.

"Rory, Lila, come in, you both look lovely," said Emily.

Delilah thought that it was a strange thing to say considering they were wearing overcoats.

"This is from me and mom," said Rory, holding out the present.

"This one is just from me," said Delilah, holding out the smaller present.

"Well, aren't you two thoughtful? I'll just put it under the tree," said Emily.

"You know, Mom actually picked it out," said Rory as they followed after Emily.

She was definitely trying to mend the fence between them, Delilah realized.

"Rory, Lila, do you know Holland Prescott?" asked Emily.

"We met her last year," said Rory.

"Holland, look who's here," said Emily, looking at Holland.

"Hello, Rory and Lila," said Holland, as Emily led them into the sitting area.

"That's not my proposal," said Richard.

"Yes, I know," said Alan. "Henry toned it down a little."

"Henry did! Henry is a toddler!" exclaimed Richard.

Delilah had to remove her overcoat as she listened to her grandfather and co-worker argued.

"He thought your take was a little conservative," said Alan.

"And a moron!" said Richard.

"Richard, be very careful. This man may be our boss one day," said Alan.

"Oh, that will never happen," said Richard.

"All right," conceded Alan.

"Why have you heard something?" asked Richard.

"Richard, Alan, look who's here," said Emily.

"Hello Rory and Lila," said Richard.

Delilah wondered if her grandfather was okay, because he was looking a little red-faced. She held onto her brown handbag a little more tightly. It had to be the alcohol or him getting worked up, she reasoned.

"Hi," replied Rory for the both of them.

"Where's your mother?" asked Alan.

Delilah started, "Oh, she's—"

"Over by the apple tarts, I assume," said Alan.

"Lorelai couldn't come tonight," said Emily.

"She couldn't?" asked Richard.

"No, she had to work," said Emily.

At least that was believable.

"Ah, speaking of which, I'm going to give that man a call," said Richard.

"Richard, you're getting yourself all worked up," said Alan.

"As long as I've been with this company, it has been run by gentleman. Revising a man's work without so much as a phone call would've been unheard of!" said Richard.

Delilah and Rory glanced at each other.

"It's new world out there, Richard," said Alan.

"Oh!" replied Richard.

"Please, stop all this shop talk. We are here to celebrate," said Emily.

"I'm going to call him," said Richard.

"Richard, it's past midnight in London," Alan pointed out.

"Oh, even better," said Richard, walking past Delilah.

"Grandma, could I talk to you alone, please," said Rory.

"You need something to drink," said Emily.

Delilah went to the table with the apple tarts and took one.

Rory had three drinks, including a red one. She walked over, "Here, pass this to Gigi. And this alcohol-free eggnog is for you."

"Thank you," said Delilah. "Why don't you give Gigi her drink?"

"She'll try talking to me and you know how she drones on and you're the one who makes facial expressions that clearly show you're not interested in keeping the conversations going, so you have to give Gigi her drink," Rory rushed out.

"Fine, only because you're my sister," Delilah grumbled, took the red drink and headed over to Gigi.

Delilah ate two apple tarts and managed to snag three apple tarts, placing them in the brown handbag for her mother.

After that, it was time to eat, which meant that pretty soon; it'll be time to leave.

"Emily, you've out done yourself yet again," Gigi said to Emily.

"Yes, I can't imagine the hours you spent slaving over a hot stove," said Alan.

"You're teasing me, Alan," said Emily.

Delilah wished she stayed at home.

"It's delicious, Emily," said Alan.

"A compliment for my chef is a compliment for me, thank you, Alan," said Emily.

"I for one would like to know where Henry is at this hour. Probably gallivanting around London like a bull out to stud," said Richard.

"Richard, please," said Emily.

"Well, how is he supposed to negotiate the contract tomorrow morning if he's been out at all hours with some cheap tramp?" asked Richard.

"Knowing Henry, she wasn't cheap," said Alan.

"This is a wildly inappropriate dinner conversation especially in front of two young ladies," said Emily.

"You should hear the conversations that Lila has over food with Matt and Samantha," Rory muttered.

Delilah could have kicked her for selling her out like that.

All heads seemed to turn to look at her.

"We discuss horror movie deaths," Delilah replied.

Richard started pulling at his tie, "Is it unbearably hot in here?"

"It's a little warm," Delilah said.

"Richard, don't loosen your tie at the table," said Emily.

"So, what are your plans for the Christmas holidays, Rory and Lila?" asked Holland.

"I'll probably just be hanging out with my mom and sister," said Rory.

"Yeah, same," said Delilah. "Probably hang out with Matt and Samantha, too."

"Oh, it's such a shame Lorelai couldn't come. She's always such a kick," said Gigi.

"Lorelai wasn't feeling well, so I suggested she stay home," Emily lied.

"It is hot in here," said Richard. "I'm going to lower the thermostat." He left the table and Delilah watched him.

It wasn't that hot in here.

"Poor thing," said Holland. "What's wrong with her?"

"She has a touch of the flu," lied Emily. "Richard forget the thermostat!"

"I thought you said she was working?" said Gigi.

"Well, she was supposed to work but then she caught the flu so on way or another, she couldn't have made it."

"I'm going to check on Grandpa," said Delilah, getting up. She wanted to make sure he was okay. He seemed red-faced all day and now he was overly hot? Maybe he was coming down with something.

"Grandpa?" Delilah called and noticed that he was on the ground. "Grandpa!" She ran over to check on him. He wasn't moving.

"Lila! Richard!" called Emily. After a minute, Emily called again, "Lila! Richard!"

Rory was the one who called and left a voicemail for their mother, so now Rory had to be the dutiful older twin and try to comfort her, while they waited for any news. Delilah felt like she was in shock. She had found her grandfather on the ground having a heart attack. So, Rory sat in the chair with her arm around her shoulders, while Emily went to go get some answers on what happened.

Delilah watched the nurse walk away.

"Hey, I'll be right back. I'll see if she has any answers," Rory said to Delilah and went to go see.

Delilah chose to keep sitting, feeling uneasy about the whole thing. Rory came back and looked at Delilah, "I have to go get Grandpa a paper, The Wall Street Journal or Barron's. Do you want me to get you a coffee or something else to drink?"

"Coffee will be fine," Delilah said. Rory nodded and went to go get the things.

Rory took off when the nurse came back and Emily started in again.

Delilah started getting a headache.

"Mom!" called Lorelai.

Lorelai came in with Luke in tow. That was strange.

Emily, Lorelai, and the nurse talked for a moment, before the nurse left.

Luke sat down while Lorelai and Emily left. Rory returned and handed Delilah a cup of coffee.

"Where did Grandma go?" asked Rory confused.

"She and Mom went through those doors," Delilah said.

Rory looked over at the doors. "Is that Luke?"

"Yeah," said Delilah.

"Come on," said Rory, going over to Luke with Delilah following.

"Hey, Luke," Delilah said.

"I gave your mom a ride. We weren't on a date," said Luke.

Delilah thought that was a strange thing to clarify, because she was sure that her mother and Max were dating. Confused, she said, "Okay, then?" She sat down on one side of Luke, while Rory took the other side of him.

"She and your grandmother just went back to see if they can find a doctor," said Luke.

"Did they find out anything else about Grandpa?" asked Rory.

"I don't think so, but give your mom a couple of minutes back there; I bet she finds something out," said Luke.

"Thank you for driving her here," Delilah added.

"You're welcome," said Luke. He looked at her, "Hey, are you okay?"

"I found him on the ground," said Delilah. "He wasn't moving and I just stood there, staring at him."

"Hey, it's not your fault," said Luke. "You're just a kid; it was a terrible thing to find. It was shock."

"Well, I felt like I was watching him die and all I could do was stand there and just watch," Delilah said.

"It's not your fault," Luke said again.

"I don't want him to die," said Rory.

"Well, you tell him that when you see him, okay? People like to hear that," said Luke to Rory.

Lorelai came in through the doors.

"Mom!" called Rory, getting up to go hug Lorelai.

Delilah went to hug her two.

"Hey, you two," greeted Lorelai. "Hi."

"It was horrible! It happened so fast," Rory said. "Lila was the one who found him."

"That must've been so horrible for you, Lila," said Lorelai. Delilah nodded. "They're about to bring him out of the big testing room any minute, so just hang in there, you two."

"Where's Grandma?" asked Rory.

"Kicking some patient out of the room with the good view," said Lorelai.

"Are you kidding?" asked Delilah.

"No, but I hope they get him unhooked fast, otherwise he's going without the life support machine," said Lorealai.

"So how long before they bring him back?" asked Rory.

"Who? Grandpa or the guy with the life support?" asked Delilah.

Rory rolled her eyes, "Grandpa."

"Very soon," said Lorelai.

"I'd like to do something," said Rory.

"Like rollerblade?" asked Lorelai.

"Like get some coffee or make phone calls or do something that isn't standing here waiting," said Rory.

"Okay, got it," said Lorelai. "Well, as partial as I am to the phone, I'm voting for the 'get coffee' idea."

"Okay, good," said Rory. "Luke, tea?"

"Ah, peppermint preferably," said Luke.

"Want more coffee?" Rory asked Delilah.

"No," replied Delilah.

"I'll be right back," said Rory, walking away.

"Hey," said Lorelai. "He's going to be fine."

"I was just getting to know him," replied Rory.

"I know," replied Lorelai.

Rory started, "I don't want him to—"

"He's not," Lorelai cut it. "Go get your coffee."

"I'll go with her this time," Delilah said.

"Come you stupid coffee machine," said Delilah, trying to get some coffee while Rory got some peppermint tea for Luke.

"Maybe you upset it by insulting it," replied Rory

"I am not flirting with a machine just to get it to work," Delilah said. "You're smart. Maybe you can fix it."

"I am not taking apart the hospital's coffee machine just to fix it," replied Rory. She got some soup.

"I was just joking," Delilah grumbled.

"Hey, do you have two quarters?" asked Rory, looking in a vending machine.

Delilah was confused, "Yeah, why?"

"I think I see some Pez in there," Rory said.

"Oh, here," said Delilah. "How did this coffee machine jam anyway? It worked earlier, right?"

"It did," said Rory, getting the package of Pez out. "Let's go."

Delilah stayed still and Rory looked at her, "What's wrong now?"

"Do you think...Luke and Mom were out on a date?" Delilah asked.

"No," replied Rory. "Luke even said they weren't."

"Do you think they want to?" Delilah asked.

"Maybe?" replied Rory, "But she's seeing Mr. Medina. At least, I thought they were seeing each other." She thought about it, "Do you think...Luke is step-father material?"

"I mean...maybe? He kind of looks like a step-father though," said Delilah.

"You know, I could look for the twins," said Luke.

"No, that's okay," replied Lorelai. "I'll do it."

"I thought so," said Luke. He looked at them, "Hey look, it's the twins."

"The coffee machine was jammed so I got us some chicken soup and some Pez," said Rory.

"I was just coming to look for you two," said Lorelai

"Is everything okay?" asked Delilah, worried.

"They just brought Grandpa back up," said Lorelai. "He's in room 202."

Delilah felt relieved.

"Well, come on," said Rory.

"You two go ahead, I just – I have to make a call," said Lorelai.

"Well, hurry up," said Rory.

"'Year end optimism in recent earnings reports, have pushed shares of the telecommunications giant about sixty-five dollars,'" Rory read.

"Oh, rubbish," said Richard.

"'However, some experts say that the stock is dangerously overvalued,'" Rory read.

"Ahh. Hmm," replied Richard.

Emily came into the room with some pillows. "Well, how are we doing?"

"We're done with the front page of the Financial Times and all of The Wall Street Journal," said Rory.

"And I fell asleep three times," said Delilah.

"Very good progress," said Emily. "Rory dear, why don't you save the rest of the paper 'til later, hmm?"

"Okay," said Rory. To Richard, she asked, "If I hug you, is it going to hurt?"

"Pain is part of life," replied Richard.

Rory and Delilah had to hug him for it.

"They like you," said Emily happily.

"Well, they have good taste," said Richard.

"Can you two excuse us for a moment?" asked Emily.

"Sure," replied Delilah.

They left the room and Delilah noticed that Luke was still sitting in the chair beside the room.

"Where's Mom?" asked Rory.

"Looking for coffee," said Luke.

"What are you doing?" asked Rory.

"Staring at my shoes," replied Luke.

"Okay, carry on," said Rory. "I'm going to find Mom."

Delilah nodded and Rory went away.

Delilah sat next to Luke. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Lila," replied Luke.

Somewhere along the wait, Delilah had to use the restroom and when she came back, Rory and Lorelai were back, along with Emily.

"There you are. Where have you been?" asked Emily.

"Coffee hunt," said Lorelai.

"I just wanted to use the restroom," Delilah replied, confused.

"Anyway, what's going on?" asked Lorelai.

"Your mother called me an idiot," Luke said to Lorelai.

"Wow, you must've sucked up good," said Lorelai.

"Well, I'm going to go wash my face," said Emily.

Looks like it was time to go back to the restroom, Delilah thought, and led Emily to the restroom.

It turned out to just be angina, which meant that he was fine, which Rory told their mother over.

"Yeah, yeah," said Lorelai. "I think it was those financial papers that really did the trick." They chuckled. "So, um, Luke's gonna take you two home, okay? I'm going to hang out here for a while."

Going home sounded nice.

"I'll stay too," said Rory.

"Yeah, me too," said Delilah.

"No, go, call your boyfriends," said Luke. "Talk mushy to each other and then spend an hour arguing over who's going to hang up first."

"You are gross," replied Rory.

"I'll call you both later," said Lorelai.

"Okay, well, tell him goodbye for us. And tell Grandpa that we'll come back tomorrow," said Rory.

"Okay, I will," said Lorelai. "Bye."

"Bye," said Rory.

"Bye," replied Delilah.

"Okay, walk fast and look straight ahead," said Luke.

That was a weird thing to say, but okay.

On the bright side, at least everyone seemed to have made forgiven everyone.

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