➊➍: Curse You Donna Reed

Matt, Samantha, and Delilah were laying on the floor together, while Lorelai and Rory sat on the couch. Dean was supposed to show up, but Delilah wasn't sure when though. She was getting pretty hungry.

The door opened and closed, and Dean called, "Hello?"

"Did you bring food?" called Samantha.

"Yeah," replied Dean.

"Did you come bearing pizza?" asked Lorelai.

"Yeah, I'm not an idiot," replied Dean. He walked in the living room, carrying a box of pizza that a brown paper bag on top of it.

"Hey," greeted Rory.

"Hey," Dean greeted back.

"Sit," said Lorelai. "You're missing it."

"What are we watching?" asked Dean.

"The Donna Reed Show," Samantha said.

"The incomparable Donna Reed show," Lorelai corrected Samantha.

"What's in the paper bag?" Matt asked.

"Uh, a salad," replied Dean.

"A salad?" asked Rory.

"Yeah, it's a quaint dish sometimes used to proceed large quantities of pizza," Dean stated. The others looked at him weirdly. "It's...for me."

"Obviously," Delilah said. She had seen Dean eat spaghetti noodles for lunch, with no sauce. She grabbed a slice of pizza and passed it to Samantha, who passed it to Matt. She took another slice and passed it to Samantha, and took one for her.

"So, who's Donna Reed?" asked Dean.

"What?" Rory asked.

"You don't know who Donna Reed is?" Lorelai replied, "The quintessential fifties' mom with the perfect fifties' family."

"Never without a smile and high heels?" asked Rory.

"With perfect make up and a pretty dress when she's spending the night in," Delilah added.

"Hair that, if you hit it with a hammer, it would crack?" added Lorelai.

"So...it's a show?" asked Dean.

"It's a lifestyle," added Rory.

"It's a religion," Lorelai stated.

"My favorite episode..." started Rory.

"Go on," Delilah added.

Lorelai hummed in agreement, "Tell us, tell us."

"Is when their son, Jeff, comes home from school and nothing happens," Rory said.

"Oh, that's a good one," said Lorelai. "One of my favorites is when Mary, the daughter, gets a part-time job, and nothing happens."

"Another classic," said Rory.

"Mine is when Mary has two potential dates to the prom and they found about the other, causing a third guy to swoop right in," Delilah said.

"That one is also a classic," Rory said.

"So, what's this one about?" asked Dean.

"This one is actually my favorite," Samantha said. "The husband, Alex, didn't call to say that he was coming home late for dinner."

"He might as well kick the dog too," Rory said.

"Which one is your favorite episode, Matt?" Dean asked.

"Mine is where Alex starts getting frustrated with everyone and he and Donna decide to go on a picnic and they run out of gas," Matt said. "Nothing happens in that one."

Lorelai shushed them, "She's making doughnuts."

"'...behind in the sugar department'," Donna said on the TV.

"'I guess I was thinking of something else, Mom," replied Jeff.

"'Not that my sugary attitude wouldn't make anyone an instant diabetic,'" Lorelai mocked, imitating the dialogue.

"Mother/daughter window washing," said Rory. "We should try that."

"Yeah, right after mother/daughter shock treatments," said Lorelai. She made up a dialogue, "'You know, daughter, there's nothing more satisfying than washing windows – oh no.'"

In a high pitched voice, Rory asked, "'What? Did I miss a spot?'"

"No, I just had an impure thought about your father, Alex. Funny – I don't know why I had it. It's the second Saturday of the month.'"

The father popped his head in the window so in a very deep voice, Matt said, "'Hey, I just heard you say that you had an impure thought about me.'"

Delilah laughed.

"I must now sublimate all my impure thoughts by going into the kitchen and making an endless string of perfect casseroles,'" Lorelai added.

"While you do that, I will go down to the church because I think that my father had just been possessed by Satan,'" Samantha added.

"You're not even listening to the dialogue," Dean said.

"Why should we? It's fun to make up dialogue," Delilah pointed out.

"Yeah," replied Rory. "Ours is better."

"I don't know," said Dean. "It all seems kind of nice to me."

"What does?" asked Rory.

"Well, you know, families hanging together," said Dean.

"We all hang out with our families," Samantha pointed out.

"My mom and I don't," Matt said.

"Well, I mean, a wife cooking dinner for her husband," Dean continued. "And look, she looks really happy."

"It's a TV show," Samantha pointed out.

"She medicated," said Lorelai.

"And like Samantha said, she's acting from a script," Rory said.

"That was written by a man," Delilah added.

"Well said sister suffragette," Rory said.

"What if she likes making doughnut and dinner for her family and keeping things nice for them and..." Dean trailed off, noticing how everyone was staring at him. "Okay, I feel very unpopular right now."

"You are," Matt said.

"'You know, dear, the first ten years we were married, I was upset when you came home late for dinner," said Donna.

"And you're not anymore?" Alex asked.

"No," replied Donna. "You are no longer late for dinner. You are just extremely early for breakfast."

They looked at Dean.

"Hey, I'm not saying a word," Dean stated.

"I'd hate to see what you think about I Love Lucy," Matt muttered.

"What do you guys think about The Donna Reed Show?" Delilah asked her co-workers.

"It was fair for it's time," said Marjorie.

"It was something that my mom and I used to watch," Fran added.

"I never watched it," Elijah said.

Delilah nodded, "What do you think about the family dynamic? You know, with Donna cooking food for her family and enjoying it?"

"That was fair for its day, but times change," Fran said. "The wives don't always have to cook for their family. The husband can help take of their kids, so it's not always the woman's job."

"Why are you asking?" asked Elijah.

"It's just something that Dean said. He said that it seems kind of nice that a woman cooks for her family," Delilah said with a shrug.

"I wouldn't worry too much about what that boy thinks about it," said Marjorie. "He's still got a lot to learn about life."

"All right," Delilah said.

"Oh, good," said Elijah. "I was worried that Matt had picked up some kind of sexist mentality there."

"If he did, Samantha would straighten him out," Delilah said.

This time, Delilah finally decided that it was time for Richard and Emily to formally her partners. It was going to be weird and awkward, but she needed to pull the damn band-aid off already. If things imploded, they imploded. If things went smoothly, it would be smooth sailing. If they don't approve, Delilah would never speak to Richard and Emily again, which wouldn't be their fault since they would be odd-fashioned.

Samantha wore her nice , which consisted of a gray skirt and a black shirt that had some kind of silvery design on it, and a leather jacket that had the sleeves rolled up. She even curled her hair.

Matt wore regular jeans and a black band shirt that he hid with a blue button down shirt, leaving a few top buttons undone.

"Are you nervous?" Lorelai asked.

"Yup, but I need to get this over with," Delilah said. She was shaking. She didn't want her mother and grandmother to have some giant fight over Delilah's relationship, but this was something she had to do. She knew there were parents who disowned and kicked out their own kids for being gay.

"I agree, let's get this over with," Rory said, looking a little uneasy.

Lorelai rang the doorbell and Emily opened. She seemed a little surprised to see two extras, so she said, "Come on in."

They were led into the living room, and Richard looked up at them. "And they are...?"

"This is my girlfriend, Samantha, and this is our boyfriend, Matt," Delilah said. There were blank looks. "I'm dating the both of them, who are also dating each other."

"When did this...happen?" asked Emily, looking a little bewildered by what Delilah told her.

"A few days after mine and Rory's sixteenth birthday," Delilah said.

"So, all this time, you were dating a girl?" asked Emily. "It slipped your mind, perhaps?"

"Well, I didn't know how you would react to find out that I was dating a girl at the same time as a boy, who's also dating each other," Delilah said. "Some people don't like that kind of stuff."

"And how did you think we would react?" Emily asked.

"Well, she was worried that you would yell at Mom over the fact that she's letting your other granddaughter date two people at the same time," Rory added.

"As long as you all make each other happy, then I'm fine with it," Richard said, glancing up from his newspaper.

Well, that was good; one grandparent down, one more to go.

Dinner was awkward, while Emily was trying to make polite conversation with Samantha and Matt. At least it was going better than Delilah expected.

"So, do your parents accept this little...arrangement of yours?" Emily asked Samantha and Matt.

"My parents are fine with it," Samantha said. "They have a girlfriend of their own."

"Oh," replied Emily.

"My mom doesn't care," Matt said. "My dad took off when I was four. I think my mom killed and buried him in the backyard." Lorelai snorted. Emily and Richard stared at him. "I'm kidding. I don't know where he's at."

Lorelai took a drink of wine, "Mmm. Kick-ass wine."

Emily replied, "How poetic."

"It's got a nice smell – earthy, vibrant, you can taste the Italian feet," Lorelai explained.

Samantha reached over and grabbed the wine glass, from sitting next to Lorelai. She took a drink from it, "That's actually French wine."

Lorelai took the wine glass back from her.

"She's right," said Richard, sounding a little impressed. "It's a Bordeaux."

"Huh," said Lorelai. "What's an Italian's foot doing in a French wine?"

"How do you know that by taste?" asked Emily.

"My parents are big on wine," Samantha asked. "They like to go to wine tasting events. They ran into my science teacher at one. They said she was already drunk and it was weird."

"What do your parents do, Samantha?" asked Richard.

"My mom's a lawyer, my dad's a doctor, and their girlfriend is a dentist," Samantha said.

"What about your mother, Matt?" Emily asked.

"She has a desk job at some office," Matt said, sullenly. "She dropped out of high school for some reason."

"Oh," Emily replied.

Delilah realized that her grandparents seemed to like Samantha more than Matt. It was saddening to see.

"Wait, when do you guys leave for Martha's Vineyard?" asked Rory.

"Ah, we're not going to Martha's Vineyard this year," replied Emily.

"How come?" asked Matt curious.

"Our usual rental wasn't available when we inquired – late," replied Richard.

"We should've just bought a place years ago like I wanted," replied Emily.

"It wouldn't have been prudent," replied Richard.

"Now we have no place to go next week," Emily said.

"Well, there are always other places you could go," Samantha said.

"We always go to the vineyard at this time of year," Richard stated.

"You know, you could always break the chain, Dad. Go to Paris," said Lorelai.

"Yes, Paris!" agreed Rory.

"Impressionists, poodles..." started Lorelai.

"Crème brûlée," added Rory.

"Oh, that's great," Lorelai agreed.

"Impossible," said Richard.

"Pour quoi?" Lorelai asked, "French."

"We always go to Europe in the fall," Emily explained.

"You know, Mom, I heard a rumor – Europe is still there in the spring," Lorelai said.

"I heard that too," added Rory.

"We know that it's there in the spring, but we never go in the spring because we always go in the fall," replied Emily.

"It's getting a little too Lewis Carol for me," replied Lorelai.

"What is so interesting about Europe in the spring?" asked Richard.

"Spring vegetables," Lorelai added.

"You want us to go to Europe to eat a vegetable?" asked Emily.

"No, Mom," replied Lorelai. "I don't know. There's all kinds of stuff. There's festivals and you know – Europe."

"There's Ireland," Matt chimed in.

"Ooh, Saint Patrick's Day is coming up," Rory agreed.

"What is there to see in Ireland?" asked Emily.

Matt stayed silent and said, "Potholes."

"It costs a fortune to travel first class in Europe. We only do it every two years," said Richard.

"In the fall," clarified Emily.

"It's just not in the budget this year," said Richard.

"You don't have to fly first class," said Lorelai.

Richard and Emily stared in

"Coach or business class is slightly less," Delilah spoke up.

"There are deals on the internet," Matt said.

Lorelai looked at Matt and Rory, who were sitting across from her, and Samantha, and Delilah.

"Pass me the potatoes, one of you two," Lorelai said.

"You got it," Rory said.

Matt and Rory grabbed the potatoes and awkwardly passed the dish to Lorelai together. Samantha laughed.

The next day, Matt said to Delilah, "I don't think your grandparents liked me very much."

"Unfortunately, I agree," Delilah admitted.

Samantha looked irritated, "Don't worry, Matt. They'll realize you're a good guy."

"I hope," Matt muttered.

Rory came up to them, holding a bird cage. She looked irritated, "I need you to make me a dress."

That was random.

Samantha looked confused, "What kind of dress?"

"A 1950 Donna Reed style dress," Rory said, "Tonight."

"What do you need that for? You're cat-sitting Apricot," Delilah said, referring to the new kitten that Babette and Morey had gotten.

"I'm not entirely sure yet, but I need a Donna Reed styled dress," Rory said.

"I guess I can make one, I can buy one and fix it up for you," Samantha said, confused. "What is your dress size?"

Rory told her and took off.

"Looks like we're going dress shopping," Delilah said to her partners.

"Oh, look, I think I see Eli," Matt said, before taking off to go to his brother.

"Okay, so tell me what this is about?" Delilah asked Rory.

"I want to show Dean that I can be a housewife," Rory grumbled as Delilah made some kind of appetizer while Rory spooned green Jell-o in a sundae cup, and added whipped cream.

"You don't have to do that," Delilah said. "If he wants a housewife, that's his own thing. You don't have to change yourself for him."

"It might be fun," Rory said to Delilah. "You make Matt and Samantha breakfast and dessert food."

"Yeah, but it's an equal thing," Delilah pointed out. "I'm not always feeding them and we take care of each other, not just one of us. Besides, our relationship is unconventional. They probably would've sent me and Samantha to some kind of nunnery in Switzerland back in the 1950s."

Rory laughed.

Samantha brought over the dress that she managed to fix and helped Rory set up the Dells' house for Dean. Samantha and Delilah stayed behind, because Delilah wanted to see how Dean would react to what Rory had planned.

Rory had spoken on the phone, before she went to greet Dean.

"Does she really have to do this to prove a point?" Samantha whispered.

"She's a very determined girl, you know that," Delilah said.

"Oh, my god," Dean said, sounding surprised.

"Here, let me take your coat," Rory said, taking Dean's leather jacket.

"Uh, thank you," said Dan.

"You're welcome," said Rory.

"Interesting music," Dean stated.

"I'm glad you like it," Rory replied.

"So what's that?" asked Dean, pointing to a plate.

Delilah picked up the plate and Rory took it from, before offering to Dean. "Oh, just some appetizers before dinner."

"Before dinner?" asked Dean.

"Yes," replied Rory.

Delilah decided that it was her and Samantha's cue to leave.

They did have a movie marathon planned after all.

Delilah rang the doorbell to her grandparents' house, but Emily didn't answer the door like she normally would have, after the first ring.

Lorelai rang the doorbell, "Strange." She rang the doorbell again and then one more time. "She normally answers it after the first ring."

"It's kind of creepy, now that I think about it," Delilah admitted.

Lorelai rang the doorbell again and she started knocking on the door.

Emily opened the door, "Lila, Rory, and Lorelai."

"Hey, we thought maybe the doorbell wasn't working," Lorelai said.

"Come in," said Emily, and waved them in.

Lorelai started explaining, "We were ringing it and ringing it and nobody—" Emily headed for the living room, "I guess we'll just come in."

"And that would be the same as were paying for our old place?" asked Emily.

"Exactly the same," a man said on the phone.

"Except for the grounds fee," Richard said.

"Well the grounds fee is higher," replied the man.

"But the grounds are larger, Richard," said Emily.

Delilah looked at her mother and sister as she took off her coat.

They were probably to get a rental to go to Martha's Vineyard.

"I'm just trying to get all the information, Emily," Richard stated.

"All the information is that this is our last chance to go to Martha's Vineyard for the season," said Emily. "That's all the information."

"Emily, Richard," the man on the phone said.

"I realize the position we are in, but this is a business transaction," replied Richard.

"Oh for heaven's sake!" replied Emily.

"Richard, Emily," the man started.

"As a business transaction – one in which money goes out and we receive certain goods and services—"

"And he's patronizing me, how lovely," said Emily.

"Emily, Richard," the man started again.

"I must treat this conversation with the care and devotion to detail I would any conversation that would be considered a business transaction," Richard said. "Kindly allow me to do so!"

Honestly? Delilah would've taken it.

"Richard, Emily, please!" exclaimed the man on the phone.

"Goodness, you startled me," said Emily.

"I'm sorry," the man said. "I just wanted to say that I'm sure we can negotiate the grounds fee."

"Well, that'll be fine," replied Richard.

Lorelai gave her father a thumb's up.

"Good, I'll get into this right now and I'll get back to you," the guy said.

"Thank you, John," Emily replied.

"Yes, we'll talk to you later," Richard said.

"Bye," John said, hanging up.

Delilah could imagine John heaving a sigh after getting off the phone, and then groaning in exasperation.

Richard was grinning rather smugly.

"Careful, Richard," Emily told him. "That canary you ate is going to spoil your dinner."

"What's going on?" asked Lorelai.

"Your mother and I have just secured a spot on Martha's Vineyard," Richard stated.

"Really? That's great!" said Rory.

"I thought you lost your old place," Lorelai replied.

"We did, but this afternoon we found that Arthur Roundtree had died," Emily explained.

"He had been drinking," clarified Richard.

"So we got on the phone and snatched that place up," Emily explained.

"Ah, it's a fine piece of property," Richard said wistfully.

"Much better view than our other place," Emily added.

"The both of you are going directly to hell, I hope you know that," Lorelai said to them.

"Well, at least we'll be well rested," Richard said, before he and Emily laughed.

"Touché," Lorelai said.

"Well played," Delilah said.

"I am so thrilled about this," Emily said.

"I'm glad," replied Richard.

"The three of you must come up for the weekend, it is so lovely," Emily said. "Rory and Lila would just love it."

Rory looked at Lorelai, "Can we go for the weekend?"

"We'll see how much valium Auntie Sookie can lend mommy, okay?" said Lorelai, patting Rory's knee.

"The only draw-back of course is that we had to rent the place furnished and Arthur had dreadful taste," Emily added. To Richard she spoke, "Remember the library, Richard?"

"Oh," replied Richard with a laugh, "Pink and green! Horrible, it's just horrible!" He and Emily laughed about it.

"Well he's dead now, so he got his," Lorelai joked.

"Lorelai, you're being morbid," Emily chided her.

"I'm being morbid?" asked Lorelai.

"Yeah, you two rented a dead guy's house and cracking jokes about his furniture," Delilah pointed out.

"New subject please," Rory cut in.

"Joan and Melissa Rivers here think I'm being morbid," Lorelai told Rory.

"Rory, Lila, what's new in your life?" Emily asked the two teens.

"Nothing," replied Rory. "Just school...homework."

"Aprons," Lorelai teased.

"Do not go there," Rory said, looking like she was having a traumatic flashback to the dress and apron she wore for Dean.

"What does she mean aprons?" asked Emily confused.

"Nothing," replied Lorelai. "I was just teasing her."

"About aprons?" asked Emily.

"Yeah," replied Lorelai.

"I-I don't understand," Emily said.

"It's not important," Lorelai countered.

"Then humor me," Emily challenged.

"Nothing," replied Lorelai. "Rory dressed up in one of Lila's cute aprons the other day and so I was teasing her about it."

"Why did you get dressed up in an apron?" asked Richard.

"I was helping her and Eli over at Weston's Bakery," Rory lied. "And I wore one of Lila's aprons since there wasn't a spare."

"Who's Eli?" asked Emily.

"Matt's half-brother," Delilah said.

"Ah," replied Emily.

"Why don't you tell them about your bird? That seems like a good subject," Lorelai asked Rory.

"Your bird?" asked Richard.

"Yeah, it's for school," replied Rory. "Each of us have to follow a chick through its entire growth process – everything has to be logged: eating habits, sleeping habits..."

"Houdini habits," Lorelai added.

"She got out," Rory explained.

"She ran far," Lorelai said.

"But she lived," Rory added.

"She's a better bird for it," Lorelai said.

"Thank God Luke found her," Rory said.

"Luke found her?" asked Emily.

Lorelai asked, "What?"

"Rory said that Luke found her," said Emily.

"Getting me back for the apron thing?" Lorelai whispered to Rory.

"Sorry," replied Rory.

"Did the bird get loose in Luke's diner?" asked Emily.

"No, it was at home," Delilah said. "I wasn't there for it."

Emily needed clarification, "Your home?"

"Yes," said Lorelai.

"Ah," replied Emily. Lorelai went to get herself a drink.

"And what were you doing when this bird was on the loose?" asked Emily.

"I was watching movies with Matt and Samantha," Delilah said.

Emily nodded, though she looked a little bothered at the mention of Samantha.

"So, Grandpa, when's your next trip?" Rory asked Richard.

"Uh, Madrid – the twelfth," replied Richard.

"Wow," Rory said.

"I think there's a nice edition of Cervantes in it for you," Richard said.

"Gracias," Rory replied.

"What was Luke doing at your house?" Emily asked.

"Oh, look, there's no ice, I'll get some," said Lorelai. She took the ice tray and started leaving.

"I asked you a question," Emily said, getting up to follow her.

"He was helping me find the bird, Mom," Lorelai replied.

"Really?" asked Emily.

"Yes, really," replied Lorelai as they left.

"And how did he know that the bird was missing?" Delilah heard Emily ask.

"She doesn't like the idea that I'm dating a girl, does she?" Delilah asked Richard.

Richard looked at her, "I think she just has to get used to the idea that one of her granddaughters is dating another girl...and dating a boy at the same time."

Delilah slept in late and Rory had to rouse her so they can go meet their mother at Luke's.

Halfway there, they nearly walked into her, but Delilah did notice the cans of paint.

"Hey," Rory greet.

"Oh, hey you two," Lorelai greeted them. She put her arms around their shoulders.

"Jeez, do you think you got enough paint?" asked Rory.

"I know, I tried to tell him," Lorelai replied. "So dinner – thoughts?"

"Let's have some," Rory said.

"How about Chinese?" asked Lorelai.

"Sounds good," Rory said.

"Yeah, that's fine with me," Delilah said.

"Okay, I need to stop at the market and get some fruit," Lorelai said.

"What do you need fruit for?" Delilah asked.

"I think I'm getting scurvy," Lorelai said.

"Really?" asked Rory.

"Yeah, well, that or a cold, but either way, I need some fruit," Lorelai said. They got close to the market when they heard the reeve of a motorcycle.

Taylor left the market as the motorcyclist drove down the road.

"Damn motorcycles!" Taylor ranted. "They're a scourge."

"Yeah!" agreed Rory.

"Yeah," Lorelai added.

"Yeah," Delilah said, looking down the road where the motorcyclist drove down.

"They're loud, they're dangerous," Taylor continued. "We should ban them from town."

Delilah thought that banning them was a little too far. She looked at the fruit and picked up an pear while Rory got an apple.

"Maybe we should set up barricades and ban all unwelcome strangers from crossing the border," Lorelai joked.

"Well," Taylor started. "Well, no, we couldn't do that. That would be illegal."

"Darn laws," Lorelai continued to joke.

Taylor made a disgusted sound as it sounded like the motorcyclist was coming towards the market. "I gotta get away from that noise." He went inside the market.

"Kill me and bury me with that bike," Lorelai said, putting her arm around Rory.

"What is it? A Harley?" asked Rory.

"That is a two-thousand Indian eighty-horsepower, five-speed, close ratio Andrews transmission and I want to get one," Lorelai said.

Delilah thought it was weird how Lorelai knew about motorcycles.

"No," replied Rory.

"Why not?" asked Lorelai.

"You'd die," Rory pointed out.

"Oh, that," said Lorelai.

The motorcyclist stopped at the sidewalk, so they turned to go back to the market.

"Hey!" called the biker, causing them to stop in their tracks at the door.

Delilah turned to look at the biker.

"Hi!" called Lorelai. They kept walking to the door.

"Nice shirt," called the biker. He got off his motorcyclist, "Take it off!"

Delilah was sure that the man sounded familiar. He took off his helmet to reveal that he was her father.

"Christopher," Lorelai said.

"Dad!" Rory exclaimed, tossing the apple back in the fruit stand and running to her father.

For a weird moment, Delilah felt a little dread at the sight of her dad.

"Hey," Christopher greeted, spinning Rory in a circle, hugging her.

"This is great!" Rory said, once she was back on the ground. "What are you doing here?"

Delilah and Lorelai went to Christopher.

"I'm here to see you, Lila, and your mom, who are not saying anything about as loud as a person can," Christopher said.

"Hello," replied Lorelai.

Delilah went and gave a one-arm hug to her dad.

"A word and a hug! Huh. Perhaps there's a phrase in my future," said Christopher. "Okay, why is that man staring at me?"

Delilah looked to see Taylor standing half in the doorway and out of it. "Oh, that's just Taylor Doose. He hates motorcycles."

"He knows all and sees all," Rory added.

"So, um, what's with the just showing up, Mr. Spontaneity Guy?" asked Lorelai.

"Well, my folks are back in Connecticut, so I'm here to see them, and on the way, I thought I'd stop by and surprise the Gilmore girls. Are you surprised?"

"Yeah," Delilah admitted. However, she was surprised in a bad way.

"Oh, the teeniest feather could knock me in the gutter," Lorelai stated.

"So, where would somebody find someplace to stay around here?" Christopher asked.

Delilah started, "The Independence—"

"Stay, really?" Rory interrupted, "You're staying?"

"I'm thinking about it," Christopher replied.

"Stay with us!" Rory stated.

"Um, sweetie..." Lorelai started.

Lorelai started, "I don't think your mom wants—"

"No, it's not that," Lorelai started. "It's just – I'm still surprised."

"Mom, please?" begged Rory.

"Why don't you stay with us for a couple of days?" Lorelai asked.

"Thanks, Lore," said Christopher. "You won't even know I'm there." He looked at Delilah and Rory, "Hey, one of you two, hop on."

"No, I'm good," Delilah said. It wouldn't do well

Christopher gave a helmet to Rory, "Hop on."

"Hop off," Lorelai said.

"Lorelai," Christopher said, looking at her.

"Hop on," Lorelai said. Rory got on the motorcycle and Lorelai shook her head. "Christopher..." They drove off.

"Are you going to be okay?" Delilah asked, looking at Lorelai.

"Yeah," said Lorelai. "Yeah, I'll be fine. Are you going to be okay?"

"No," Delilah said. "I'm going to have to tell about Matt and Samantha, aren't I?"

"Hey, that's your decision," Lorelai said. "Come on, I still need to treat this scurvy."

"I thought it was a cold," Delilah joked.

"It could be both," Lorelai said, as they went into the market.

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