➊➐: Break Ups and Other Messy Things

"Wait, so what happened?" Delilah asked Rory.

"We broke up," said Rory. "We just broke up."

"But I don't understand," Lorelai said.

Delilah didn't get it either.

"We – we just went to dinner and then we walked by the bonfire, but it wasn't lit so we went to this junkyard and we sat in this car and then – oh god," Rory started.

"What?" asked Lorelai.

"I forgot yours and Lila's meatballs in the car," Rory stated.

"Oh, honey, forget it," Lorelai told her.

"Yeah, it's not important," Delilah said.

"Oh, I can't believe I left your meatballs in the car," Rory said.

"Okay, okay," said Lorelai said. "Come on." They went to sit on the couch.

"After I told the waiter to wrap it up and everything," Rory said. "And everyone was like, 'what do you want with two meatballs?' And I was like 'It's a mother/daughter/sister thing.' And I'm sure he thought I was nuts, but he was so nice and he did anyway and he, uh, brought one of those tin foil swans or duck or some kind of bird and – and then I left it in the car."

Delilah said, "Just forget about the meatball. What exactly happened?"

"He just broke up with me, okay," Rory said.

"That doesn't make sense," Loreali said. "This is Dean we're talking about. He's crazy about you. He calls like twenty-five times a day. Have you seen the cover of his notebook? It's one step away from stalker material."

"I have to go to bed," Rory said. She got up and started going to her room.

"Well, wait," called Lorelai. "Take me through the night step-by-step."

"Why?" asked Rory.

"We just want to know why he broke up with you," Delilah said.

"Yeah, we can to want decipher what happened here," Lorelai added.

"What happened here is we broke up," Rory replied. "He didn't want to be my boyfriend, end of story."

"That is so not end of story," Lorelai stated.

"Yes, it is," said Rory.

"Why would he plan an entire evening, complete with dinner and a junkyard, and then dump you for no reason?" Delilah asked.

"How do you know?" asked Rory, taking a box from her closet.

"We read every Nancy Drew mystery ever written," Lorelai said. "I even read the one about the Amish country, twice. I know there's more to the story than what you're telling us." Rory was throwing stuff into the box.

"Rory, what are you doing?" Delilah asked.

"I'm getting rid of all this stuff," Rory told her.

"What stuff?" asked Lorelai.

"Everything he gave me, everything he touched, everything he looked at," Rory said.

Well, you're going to have to switch rooms because he looked at your room," Delilah pointed out.

"Good idea, you switch rooms with me," Rory said.

"Honey, will you just calm down for just one second?" Lorelai asked, as Rory tossed things in the box.

"He doesn't want to be my boyfriend – fine," Rory said.

"Okay, it will be fine, but—" Lorelai took a shirt that Rory was going to put in the box.

"What?" asked Rory.

"Mine," Lorelai said.

"Oh," replied Rory. She went to her wardrobe.

"Could there be someone else?" asked Delilah.

"No," replied Rory.

Lorelai asked, "Is he moving?"

"No," replied Rory.

Lorelai asked, "Uh is he dying? Did his football team lose a game?"

"He doesn't play football," Delilah pointed.

"It's happened," Lorelai realized. "Did he, um, try something?"

"What?" asked Rory.

"Did he try to sleep with you?" Delilah asked.

"God, no!" replied Rory, shocked.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry," Lorelai said.

"Jeez," Rory grumbled, "I'm not Lila."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Delilah asked.

"Well, you're not giving me a lot to go off of here," said Lorelai. Rory took out the dress that Lorelai made for her, "Honey, that's your fancy dress that I made for you."

"That I wore to a dance that I went to with him," said Rory.

"Hey, that sweater is new," Delilah protested.

"Well, he saw me in it yesterday and he liked it," Rory said.

"At least he's got good taste," Delilah said.

"He said it brought out the blue in my eyes," Rory stated.

"Well, then he's gay," Lorelai stated.

"You're not funny and it goes," Rory responded, put the sweater in the box.

"I'm a little funny and if you throw away everything Dean ever saw you wear, you're going to be walking around in a towel," Lorelai told her.

Rory tossed in the stuffed chicken and Delilah took it out.

"Hey, not Colonel Clucker," Delilah stated. "Rooney Rooster needs his best friend."

"They haven't hung out together in years and the first time Dean came over, he picked it up," Rory said.

"Well, that's not the colonel's fault. He was sitting there, minding his own business and a guy comes in and picks him up. What's a stuffed bird to do?" asked Lorelai.

"I don't want to joke about this, not now," replied Rory. "Here..." She handed the box over to Lorelai, "I don't want to look at that anymore."

"Okay, I'll, um, I'll put it away," said Lorelai.

"No, take it out of the house. Throw it in a dumpster, burn it, I don't care. Just – I want it gone," replied Rory.

"Rory, the break up sucks, but it'll get better, you don't need to get rid of this stuff," Delilah said.

"Yeah, some day, when all of this is in the past, you may be sorry that you don't have some of those things anymore," Lorelai said.

"I don't care," Rory replied.

Delilah started, "Rory—"

"I don't care!" Rory stated firmly.

"Okay, fine, it's gone," Lorelai said.

"Thank you," Rory replied.

"So, I'll take care of this and you go to bed and get some rest. Maybe you'll feel more like talking in the morning," Lorelai said.

"Okay," said Rory.

"Honey, good night," Lorelai told her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Mom..." Rory started.

Lorelai asked, "Yeah?"

"Far, far away from the house, okay?" Rory told her.

"Hey, it sleeps with the fishes," Lorelai responded.

"Thank you," Rory said.

Delilah followed after Lorelai, closing the door.

Lorelai put the box in a hall closet and covered it with a blanket. "Not a word to Rory, okay?"

Delilah nodded, "Okay."

Delilah was rudely awoken by Rory shaking her, "Come on, get up, Lila. We have a lot to do today."

Delilah pulled her cover over her head, "Go away, Rory. It's Saturday."

Rory yanked the cover down, "I made a list of all the things we say we're going to do on the weekend, but never do."

"Mom is the one who says that it's boring," Delilah replied.

"Yup, now get your butt up," Rory told her, dragging her out of bed.

"Ugh, fine," Delilah groaned.

Rory left the room and Delilah got dressed, before heading down the stairs. She stopped and looked at the furniture in the living room. Either she was still half-asleep since the furniture seemed to have moved around, or she woke up in an alternate universe where the furniture moved around or maybe someone broke in and moved the furniture as a prank.

She walked in the kitchen where Lorelai and Rory was at. "What happened to the furniture?"

"Rory moved the furniture," Lorelai said.

"Why?" asked Delilah. "The couch is facing away from the TV."

"The TV was too heavy," Rory said. She looked at Lorelai. "What do you mean by wallow?"

"It's when you get back in your pajamas, go to bed, eat nothing but gallons of ice cream and tons of pizza, don't take a shower or shave your legs or put on any kind of make up at all and just sit in the dark and watch a really sad movie and have a good long cry and just wallow," Lorelai explained. "You need to wallow."

"No," said Rory. "Lila didn't wallow when Jake broke up with her."

"She did so. She ate a pint of ice cream," Lorelai said. "But anyway, Rory, your first love is intense and your first break up even more intense. Shoving it away and ignoring it while you make lists is not going to help."

"I don't want to wallow," said Rory.

"Try it for one day," Lorelai challenged.

"No," replied Rory.

"One day, one day of pizza and pajamas," Lorelai said. "I'll rent Love Story and The Champ, An Affair to Remember, Ishtar..."

"I don't want to be that kind of girl," Rory told her.

Delilah was confused, "The kind that watches Ishtar?"

"The kind of girl who just falls apart because she doesn't have a boyfriend," Rory replied.

"You're hardly that girl. You're not falling apart because you don't have a boyfriend. You're falling apart because Dean broke your heart for no reason," Delilah pointed out. "You're allowed to wallow."

Lorelai nodded in agreement.

"So, I used to have a boyfriend and now I don't. Okay, that's just the way it is. I mean sitting in the dark eating junk food and no shaving my legs isn't going to change that, is it?" asked Rory.

"No," replied Lorelai.

"Okay, I so don't want to go there. I have things to do; I have school and Harvard to think about," Rory responded.

"Honey, Harvard is like three years away," Lorelai told her.

"But now is the time to be preparing for it," Rory stated. "I mean Harvard is hard to get into and I don't know why I even spend my time thinking about anything else."

Delilah said, "Because it's like three years away?"

"It's also because you have a pulse and you are not the president of the audio-visual club," Lorelai added.

"I'm sixteen. I have the rest of my life to have a boyfriend. I should be keeping my eye on the prize right now," Rory said.

"I admire your attitude," Lorelai told her.

"Thank you," replied Rory.

"So, should we rent Old Yeller too or is that just a guy's crying movie?" asked Lorelai.

"I cry during that movie," Delilah responded.

"You're not listening to me," accused Rory.

"I am listening to you, I just – I don't agree with you," Lorelai said.

"I don't want to wallow and you can't make me," Rory accused.

To be fair, other people handle break ups differently, so Rory wanting to focus on other things and just move past it, was probably Rory dealing with it.

"Okay, fine," replied Lorelai.

"Thank you," said Rory.

"So that must be the list," Lorelai said looking at Rory's notebooks.

"Yes it is," said Rory.

"May I see it please?" Lorelai asked. Rory handed a sheet of paper over. Lorelai looked at it and chuckled, "We do not need a garden hose."

"We don't have one," Rory pointed out.

"We don't have a garden either," Lorelai pointed out.

"But maybe if we have a hose, we can grow one," Rory countered.

"Can I see the pen please?" Lorelai asked.

"Why?" asked Rory.

"Small adjustment, small adjustment," Lorelai said. Rory hesitantly handed the pen over and Lorelai wrote something on the list, holding the page partially up so Rory can't see what was being written. She handed the list over to Rory.

Rory took it and looked at it. "Mom..."

"What? It's on the list," Lorelai defended herself. "Don't you have to do it if it's on the list?"

"I'm not going to wallow," Rory stated.

"But I put it after going to the recycling center," Lorelai said.

Delilah was confused, "Why do we have to go to the recycling center?"

Delilah still didn't get her answer even though they walked to Luke's. Strangely, it seemed like all of the residents were out and about. Delilah was bewildered by the sight of everyone.

"What are all these people doing up? It's Saturday morning," Lorelai said.

"Some people like getting up early," Rory said.

"The only things I know who get up early are roosters and serial killers. These people are clearly not roosters, so they must be serial killers," Delilah said. She eyed a man with a popcorn machine warily.

"They're not," Rory said. "They did it voluntarily."

"Really?" asked Lorelai

"Everyday," Rory stated.

"Ha! Jumpback!" Lorelai said.

"Excuse me?" asked Rory.

"Kevin Bacon, Footloose, reaction to the no dancing in town rules is revealed to him by Chris Penn, brother to Sean, sage to all," Lorelai explained.

"I should have known," Rory said.

"Yes, you should," Lorelai said. "I don't know what they teach you that damn school,"

Rory stopped walking.

"What is it?" asked Delilah.

"I can't go that way," Rory stated.

"Why? We're going to Luke's," Lorelai told her.

"No," said Rory.

"You're saying 'no' to Luke's?" Delilah asked.

"You pull me out of bed at six in the morning and then you say 'no' to Luke's? Don't you know how dangerous that is?"

"I can't go that way," Rory said.

Oh, now she got it.

"Reason please?" asked Lorelai.

"We'd have to go Doose's Market, and we might run into Guy-Who-Shall-Remain-Nameless," Delilah clarified.

Rory nodded.

"Right," said Lorelai. "Um, you don't know if he's working?"

"I don't remember," said Rory. "His weekend schedule changes a lot."

"Okay, well, we'll just take the long way," Lorelai said.

"No," stated Rory.

"Why?" asked Lorelai.

"We'd have to go by the school," said Rory.

"Today's a Saturday," Delilah said.

"But on his days off from work, he plays football at the school with some of his friends," Rory explained.

"Well, what time?" asked Lorelai.

It seemed like she was running out of patience with this.

"It varies," stated Rory.

"Okay, well, we'll just go down Peach Street, we'll circle around, you're shaking your head why?" asked Lorelai.

"He lives on Peach," Rory stated.

"Rory, honey, love of my life, you realize you've completely cut us from Luke's where the happy coffee is," Lorelai.

"I'm sorry," replied Rory.

"No, its okay, it's okay," Lorelai stated. "Okay, we'll just um, well, we'll figure something out."

Delilah looked over to see the alley, "At this point, we might as well take the alley."

Rory had them take the alley and she was apologizing as they picked their way through the garbage-lined alley.

"No, this is good," said Lorelai. "This is like G.I. Jane but we get to keep our hair," said Lorelai.

"I just couldn't," Rory said.

"Oh, honey, say no more," replied Lorelai. "Think of this as an adventure; three girls battling the elements, desperate for survival."

"Or coffee," Rory said.

"Same thing," Lorelai replied.

"You know, I bet you can tell a lot about people from their garbage," Rory said.

"Yeah," said Lorelai.

"Think about it, trash is discarded aspect of people's lives," Rory pointed out.

Lorelai hummed in acknowledgment. "It talks about their eating habits, what they read, do they go to concerts, are they responsible, do they pay bills on time."

"Yeah, you do know honey, that garbage doesn't actually talk at all unless it's on Sesame Street," Lorelai said.

"I'm just trying to make a point," Rory said. She seemed interested in the garbage bag.

"That going through people's garbage is interesting," said Lorelai.

"And educational," said Rory.

"And stinky and a little nuts," replied Lorelai.

Rory looked at a shirt, "There's nothing nuts about wanting to know more about human nature." She picked up the shirt to look at it. "Curiosity is how we grow."

Lorelai made a disgusted sound and made Rory drop the article of clothing. "We have to get you out of this alley." She dragged Rory out of the alley.

They entered Luke's through another entrance. It was packed with people.

"Who are all these people?" asked Lorelai.

"Potential serial killers," Delilah muttered.

"It's the six a.m. crowd," Rory said.

"I officially recognize nobody in this place," Lorelai said, "Except for Elijah."

"Hey," greeted Rachel, coming up to them. She was holding a coffee pot and some mug.s

"Oh, hi," said Lorelai.

Rachel handed a mug to Lorelai, Rory, and Delilah, "Coffee while you wait?"

"Oh, bless you," said Lorelai. Rachel poured the coffee. "So Luke put you to work, huh?"

"Yeah, well, I figured if I'm going to be hanging around here for a while, the least I could do is help out?"

"So, you're going to be hanging around for a while...here?" asked Loreali.

"Yeah, I think so," replied Rachel.

Oh, well, that's nice," said Lorelai. She sounded like she didn't think it was going to be nice.

"Yeah," replied Rachel.

"So, where is Luke?" Delilah asked.

"Well, we were kind of up late last night, so I let him sleep in," replied Rachel.

"Sleep in? Luke?" asked Lorelai.

"Oh, believe me, it wasn't easy to get him to agree to it, but in the end, a little sweet talk, a couple of Excedrin PM, he finally caved," explained Rachel.

"Hey, there's seat over there," Rory said, pointing.

"Oh, go, go! I'll be over in a sec," said Rachel.

"Okay," said Lorelai.

They made their way to a table.

"I feel like everyone is staring at me," Rory said.

"Well, yeah, because you've got a banana peel stuck to your foot," Lorelai teased.

"I do?" asked Rory, bending to look.

"I'm kidding," said Lorelai. "Nobody's staring at you."

"They know," Rory said.

"They don't know," Lorelai stated.

"It's probably all around town by now," Rory continued to worry.

"Honey, it just happened last night; it's like six in the morning," Lorelai said.

Rory fretted some more, "Everyone knows that I've been dumped."

"I've been there," Delilah muttered, remembering how everyone stared at her, after word got out about the threesome on her birthday. It was awkward and embarrassing.

"No, we have a list," Rory stated.

"Okay, great," Lorelai said. "I'm going to order us something." She asked, "Any preference? Eggs, French toast, key to the dumpster?"

"I don't care," said Rory.

Lorelai looked at Delilah, who said, "I want the ham, cheese, and bacon omelet, with hash-browns."

Lorelai nodded and went to place the order at the counter. She ran into Miss Patty.

"Oh, no," Delilah mumbled.

Rory nodded, "If the town didn't know they certainly would once Miss Patty had got a hold of the news."

"Rachel said that she and Luke were up all night," Delilah said. "Wonder what they were doing."

"Probably something that will piss Mom off," Rory muttered, loud enough so Delilah can hear.

Delilah nodded, "Yeah. She thinks that Rachel intimidates her, but we know that she's jealous."

Rory nodded, "My head is still a little sore."

"What?" Luke yelled and Delilah looked over.

Rory grimaced, "She's definitely telling Luke."

"Luke would want to know," Delilah said.

Rory rolled her eyes, "Not everyone needs to know."

"I thought when you told Lane what happened on our birthday," Delilah said. She watched Lorelai and Luke, "Ooh, he's irritated."

Rory nodded, "I don't need a play-by-play. I just want to move by past it and forget that it ever happened."

Kirk came up to them. "So, I heard what happened."

"What do you think happened?" Delilah asked.

"You know, I never liked him," Kirk continued. "I don't know what it was, something about the shape of his forehead or his height or the floppy hair style. Actually, yes, on reflection I think it was the floppy hair style."

Lorelai came over, "Hey, good morning, Kirk."

"Lorelai," said Kirk. "I want to express my apologies for not voicing my concerns about that floppy haired jerk earlier because if I had—"

"Oh, you know what – you need to leave now," Lorelai interrupted.

"I cannot go until you accept my apology," Kirk stated.

"I accept your apology," Lorelai said, to get Kirk to leave.

"All right," replied Kirk.

"Okay," said Lorelai.

"It will not happen again," Kirk said, before leaving.

Lorelai said, "Okay."

"Thank you," Rory said.

Lorelai started, "Honey, are you sure you don't want to—"

Rory interrupted, "Don't say wallow."

"Swallow your coffee before you eat?" Lorelai asked, dragging the s out.

"I am fine," Rory said.

"But if you could see the look on your face," Lorelai countered.

"It's the same look you had on your face when you broke up with Max," Rory pointed out, "Did wallowing help you get over him?"

"I'm not saying wallowing will you help you get over Dean. It's part of the process. It's the mourning period. It's a step, an important step. The only thing that will get you over somebody is time," Lorelai explained.

"How much time did it take you to get over Max?" asked Rory.

Lorelai responded, "I'm not sure exactly."

"Approximately?" asked Rory.

"I didn't clock it," responded Lorelai.

Rory asked, "Ballpark figure?"

"A while," Lorelai stated.

"Be vaguer," Rory stated.

"Come on, Rory, she didn't time it," Delilah said.

Luke came up to their table with a coffee pot, "More coffee? Pancakes and omelet are coming right up." He poured more coffee in Lorelai's mug. "Anything else I can get you?"

"No thanks," said Rory.

Luke said, "Hey, I've got some strawberries back there. You like strawberries, don't you?"

Rory said, "Yeah, I like strawberries, but I—"

"I'm getting you strawberries," said Luke. He moved on to the next table.

Rory asked, "You told him, didn't you?"

"No," said Lorelai. "Miss Patty did."

"Mom," Delilah said. "If you didn't tell Miss Patty, who did?"

"I don't know," replied Lorelai. "Numerous sources."

"If you tell Miss Patty, everybody in town is going to know," Rory stated, glaring.

"Honey, people have their own lives and their own problems. I hardly think you and Dean breaking up is the only things on their minds."

"Tell that to Luke and Dean who are fighting outside," Delilah said, seeing the duo outside wrestling.

"What?" asked Lorelai. She looked out the window and spat her coffee back in the mug. "Oh my god!"

"What?" Rory asked and looked, "Oh, my god." She and Rory ran outside, while Delilah watched the scene as she sipped her coffee.

Rory and Lorelai talked to Dean and Luke for a moment. Dean took off and Luke went inside.

Lorelai waved Delilah to come outside. Delilah went outside.

"Hey," Lorelai greeted.

"Hey," Delilah greeted back.

"So where's that list?" asked Lorelai.

Rory was confused, "What?"

"The list," said Lorelai. "We've got a lot to do, missy, otherwise I'm going to be dragging your butt out of bed at six again tomorrow morning. So, where do we start?"

Rory took the list out of her jacket pocket. She unfolded it and looked at it, "Well, need a soap dish for the kitchen."

"Ah, a kitchen soap dish. Quite decadent but what the hell, let's go," said Lorelai.

Rory and Lorelai started heading down the sidewalk.

"Hey, we still have to eat first," Delilah called after them. "And if we're going to get a soap dish, at least let it be in the shape of a flower."

Rory and Lorelai headed back towards the diner.

They spent the afternoon shopping and they finally returned home with bags.

"Well, that was a very successful outing for us," Rory said.

"Yes it was," said Lorelai.

"We got everything on the list except for the brown extension cord," Rory said. She put her bags on the kitchen table.

"Which will be in on Tuesday," Lorelai said.

"So I think that qualifies as a check too," Rory told them.

"Are you happy?" asked Lorelai.

"I appreciate a job well done, yeah," Rory said.

"I can't wait to try the toaster pizza," said Lorelai. She took out two boxes of toaster pizza, "It looks so gross which is usually the mark for a great junk food."

"Beefaroni," Rory said.

"'Nough said," said Lorelai.

"I'm going to go plug in my new wall air freshener," said Rory. "Give me five minutes and then come sniff my room."

"Cheese or pepperoni?" asked Lorelai.

"Whatever," said Rory.

"Both," said Lorelai. "Good choice."

"I'm going to go look for a spoon dessert and put this stuff in my room," Delilah said, taking some of the things she bought.

"Go ahead," said Lorelai.

Delilah went to her room to put her cookbooks up. She did get The Art of French Cooking by Julia Child because her dad forgot to buy it for her. She also got Spoon Desserts! By Lynn Nusom as well. She looked through the dessert cookbook and came down the stairs.

"So I found this chocolate crème recipe..." Delilah started and saw Lorelai and Rory in the kitchen.

"Look," said Rory, holding a flier.

Lorelai looked at it, "Madeline's having a party."

"I'm going to go," said Rory.

"You're going to a Chilton party?" asked Lorelai.

"Yes I am," said Rory.

"Honey, why don't you just stay home and read The Bell Jar?" Lorelai said, "Same effect."

"Lila is reading it and I'm going to be going to school there for the next two and a half years," Rory said. "It wouldn't kill to be social right? What's wrong with that?"

"Nothing," said Lorelai.

"Okay," said Rory. "Then it's settled."

"Um, can I make a suggestion?" Lorelai said.

"Go ahead," Rory said.

"Why don't you see if Lane and Lila can come with you? You know, that way if the socializing doesn't turn out how you planned you got some friendly faces around," Lorelai said.

Delilah shrugged, "I guess I can go."

"Okay, good idea, thank you," said Rory.

"You're welcome," said Lorelai.

"Can I take the car?" asked Rory.

"Yes," said Lorelai.

"Are you going give in to anything I say because you feel sorry for me?" Rory questioned.

"Yes!" replied Lorelai.

Rory added, "I'll make a list."

Delilah found Lorelai in Rory's room. She was putting a necklace on Rory.

Rory asked, "What is this?"

"I thought it would go with your dress and it does," said Lorelai.

"It's pretty," said Rory.

"Yeah, it's really pretty. Here," said Lorelai. "Here is the phone and some mad money. If for any reason you think you're not going to be home by twelve, you call me."

"Oh, we'll be back by twelve," said Lane.

"Hi, call me," Lorelai said.

"Sorry," replied Lane.

"Rory?" asked Lorelai.

"The cornstarch," said Rory.

Lorelai asked, "What?"

"Um, the cornstarch," said Rory, picking up the box that Delilah had given back to her. "The first time Dean kissed me, he – I forgot to put it with the other things. I'll just throw it out."

Lorelai took the box from Rory's hand, "Hey, why don't you let me do that, you guys get going, okay?"

"Okay," Rory said.

"Okay, bye, have fun," said Lorelai. "Ooh, hey look in somebody's sock drawer."

"Why?" asked Delilah.

"Rich people have hilarious sock drawers. Be good," Lorelai said. The three girls left.

They picked up Samantha, who agreed to come. She was wearing black skinny jeans, with a gray shirt with a plaid shirt over it.

It was a major difference with Delilah's blue dress and floral lace leggings.

Matt declined to go with them so it was just a girls' night out.

They walked in Madeline's house after parking on a street.

"Wow, this is unbelievable," said Lane. "My wedding won't be this big."

"Yeah," said Rory.

"This is amazing! People live here?" Lane said.

"I know," Delilah said. "If there are just three people, why do you need a house this big?"

"Yeah, but this is Madeline's house," said Rory.

"Is this what your grandparents' house looks like?" Lane asked.

"No," said Rory.

"It's big, but it's not like this castle-like place," Samantha said. Some guy bumped into her and she grimaced at how the guy didn't apologize.

"I mean there should be a map or a tour guide or Robin Leech or something," Lane continued.

"Hey, Lane," said Rory.

Lane said, "Yeah?"

"Thanks for coming with me," Rory said.

"Anytime," Lane said. "Oh my God, there's a pool table."

"And a deejay," said Rory.

"It's like a teenage Sodom and Gommarah," Lane said.

"What is she talking about?" Samantha asked Delilah.

"I don't know," Delilah replied.

"You came!" Madeline said happily.

"Yeah," said Rory.

"Who's watching the farm?" Louise asked.

Delilah rolled her eyes.

"Madeline, your house is beautiful," Rory said to Madeline.

"Thanks," said Madeline. "It's my stepfather's."

"So, where are they?" asked Louise.

"My stepfather?" asked Madeline. "He's in Japan."

"No, not your stepfather," Louise said. "Prince Charming."

"He didn't come," Rory said.

Louise asked, "Why?"

"His white horse was in the shop," Rory said.

"You guys didn't break up, did you?" Louise asked.

Lane cut in, "Hi, I'm Lane."

Louise looked confused, "As in 'walk down a...'?"

"Yes, exactly," Lane said.

Samantha added, "And I'm Samantha."

"And where's Matt?" Louise asked.

"He's not the partying type," Delilah said.

Two guys came up to them and put their arms around Louise and Madeline.

"So, when the tour of the pool house start?" asked the guy who was with Louise.

"You've see the pool house before," Madeline said.

"Yes, but they haven't seen it at night, right?" asked Louise.

"Right," said one guy.

Madeline started, "But—"

"Madeline, you are not confused," said Louise. "Think. Process. Focus."

"Oh! Bye!" said Madeline.

"Later, Paris," Louise said, walking away.

"No glove, no love," Paris stated.

"Lovely," said Louise.

"They look like they would be part of N'Sync," Samantha joked.

Delilah nodded.

"So, I didn't think you were much of a party girl," Paris told Rory. She started walking away.

"I'm not usually, but I thought I might come by and check it out," Rory said. They followed after her.

"Same exact people you see at school, except now we get to see them dance. So where are your boyfriends?"

"Matt doesn't like parties," Samantha said.

"We, um, we broke up," Rory said.

"Oh," said Paris. "Well, at least you had a boyfriend for a while."

"So, do you know, um, which way would lead us to some soda?" Rory asked.

"Keep up, because I'm not turning around," Paris told them, leading them to a non-alcohol beverage section.

"Wow, you didn't exaggerate," Lane said.

"Paris needs no embellishments," said Rory.

"All this soda is French," Lane pointed out.

"Madeline's mother has a French fetish. She's obsessed with all things French. French wine, French food, French water, French cellulite products," Paris said.

"God knows what she'll do if she meets Michel from the inn," Samantha said.

"Michel?" asked Paris.

"He's the French receptionist," Delilah said.

"She'll have him in a bag," Paris said.

"Look, why won't you answer me?"

Delilah stiffened up at the voice. She knew that voice. Samantha put her arm around Delilah's waist.

"Because you didn't say please," a girl responded.

"Summer," Dugray said. They were right behind them.

Delilah took a green bottle of Perrier water.

"Can we do this later? There's a party going on," said Summer.

"Just tell me what you were doing locked in the bathroom with Austin," Dugray pleaded.

"Obviously doing him," Samantha said.

Delilah snickered.

"Hey, you are my girlfriend," Dugray said to her.

"Ooh, now he's a caveman. What are going to do? Knock me on the back of my head with a club and then drag me back to your Porsche?" Summer replied.

"Summer please," begged Dugray.

"Ooh, good song," Summer said. She turned her back on Dugray and started dancing.

It looked like the player was getting played.

In a way, Delilah felt a little sympathy for Dugray. It must suck, getting cheated on.

"Come on," Samantha said, grabbing Delilah's arm. "Let's go dance."

"Sure," Delilah said, allowing her girlfriend to drag her into the group.

It looked like Summer was dancing with some guy. It really must have sucked.

Then Dugray came in, "Hey Martha, love the leggings, who's your friend?"

Samantha and Delilah looked at each other.

"Who's he talking to?" Samantha asked.

"No clue," Delilah replied.

"You know my friend, Jennifer, Tristan," a nearby girl said to Dugray.

"I'm not talking to you, Martha," Tristan responded.

Martha and her friend took off.

"My name is Delilah," Delilah said. "You might recognize the name since you love biblical names so so much."

"So, who's your friend?" Dugray asked her.

"She's my girlfriend," Delilah said, pulling Samantha close to her.

"I thought you were dating some guy named Matt," Dugray said.

"I am, we're a triad," Delilah said. "As in, Matt, Samantha, and I are all dating each other."

"Mind if I cut in?" Dugray asked, looking over at Summer, who had turned to watch.

"Yes," Samantha said. "Don't you have a girlfriend to chase?"

"Trying to make her jealous is just pathetic," Delilah told him. "You already lost her."

Samantha said, "She was locked in a bathroom with some guy. I say that your relationship is over, since she is dancing with some other guy." She patted Dugray on the shoulder, "Dump her and move on to some other girl. Good luck out there, pal." She gave him a finger gun and a wink. Dugray moved on to go after Summer.

A slow song came on, which was rather strange since it was a party, so there shouldn't be any slow dances, so Delilah and Samantha started to slow dance together. Delilah kept a hold of her half drank water. Samantha had gone to get a bottle of French soda.

"I'm glad that Lane looks happy," Samantha said, spotting Lane with a boy.

Rory went over and talked to Lane, before she came over to them.

"You have about three guys looking over," Rory said.

"They're probably expecting a kiss." Samantha said, "Sucks for them. They're not seeing any action."

Delilah nodded in agreement.

"I'm going to find a quiet place to read," Rory said.

"Okay," Delilah said. "We'll try to find you if we need anything."

"Okay," Rory said, taking off.

Samantha stated, "She's the only I know who brings a book to a party."

Summer and Dugray walked by. Summer gave the two girls a weird look.

"What? Never saw two bisexual girls dancing before?" Samantha asked.

"Do you two even go to Chilton?" Summer asked.

"My sister does," Delilah said.

Summer and Dugray took off.

"She kind of looks like you and Rory," Samantha pointed out.

"Shocker," Delilah said.

Lane came by, grabbed Delilah's arm and dragged her and Samantha over to where Rory was sitting at.

"I have a major problem," Lane told them.

"Did you step on him?" Samantha asked bewildered.

Rory said, "Did you?"

"No, Henry, the guy I've been dancing with?" Lane started.

"What about him?" Delilah asked.

"Okay, so he's really good in school, he's going to be a doctor – pediatrician to be exact, his parents are extremely involved in their local church. He himself helps out with Sunday school. He speaks Korean fluently, he respects his parents and he's also really cute, very funny, and surprisingly interesting," Lane explained.

"Good for him," Samantha said. "Your parents will be thrilled."

"That's the problem," Lane said. "I'm falling for a guy my parents would approve of! They'd love him, they'd go crazy! There'd be dancing in the Kim house! Dancing!"

Rory asked, "Really?"

"Followed by a lot of praying but initially there'd be dancing. This is horrible. This can't happen. I have to stop it. We have to go," Lane fretted.

Rory started, "But uh—"

"No, now! You need to grab your stuff, we got to go," Lane said.

"Okay, yeah, okay," Rory said. "Whatever you say."

Delilah nodded, "Yeah, let's go."

They started to leave, but Henry appeared in front of them.

"Hey," Henry greeted.

"Hi," Samantha said with a smile.

"Henry, hi," Lane said.

To Rory, Henry said, "Sorry I've been monopolizing Lane all night."

"Oh, no, that's okay," Rory said. "I've had her for fifteen years. I'm actually a little sick of her."

"Thank you," said Lane.

"Yeah, you're welcome," Rory said. "Um, we should go."

Henry spoke to Lane, "Oh, you're going?"

Lane started, "Oh, well—"

"Yeah, my sister and I have to get home," Rory started. "We have a very strict mother."

"Oh, wow, sorry about that," Henry said. He looked at Lane, "You couldn't even stay for one more dance, huh?"

Rory started, "Yeah, I don't think that—"

"Yes," said Lane.

Rory said, "Excuse me?"

"One dance would be fine," Lane said.

"Great," said Henry. He took Lane's hand and started leading her away.

Rory started, "But—"

"I'll be back," Lane said, smilingly widely.

"When they get married, she better make you maid of honor," Delilah said to Rory.

Delilah looked at Samantha, "One more dance?"

Samantha smiled, "I thought you'd never ask."

"Really?" asked Delilah.

"No, but let's go," Samantha said.

Rory grabbed Delilah's shoulder, "Let's go."

Samantha was concerned, "What happened? Who do I have to punch in the face?"

"No one," said Rory. "Let's get Lane and get out of here."

They went to find Lane.

Delilah guessed the wallowing process just begun.

Rory grabbed Lane's shoulder. "We have to go."

Lane was worried, "Rory, are you okay?" She turned to Henry. "I have to go."

"Well, wait, can I get your number?" Henry asked.

"Last name's Kim and we're the only ones in Stars Hollow," Lane told him. They went after Rory. "I can't believe I just gave my number to a potential Korean doctor."

"You're a perfect match," Samantha said.

Delilah drove home, while Rory sat in the passenger seat sniffling. Delilah started breathing heavily as her hands shook.

"He kissed me, and I just let him. I thought of Dean—" Rory started.

"Hey, we all do weird things at one point or another," Samantha said.

"I don't know why I just let him," Rory said.

Delilah had to pull over.

"What's wrong?" Lane asked.

"Sorry, I just really hate driving at night," Delilah said. "I just have to calm down."

"Here, let me," Samantha said. She and Delilah switched places.

Samantha dropped Lane off first.

"What did Mom say to do when you're wallowing?" Rory asked Delilah.

"Wear pajamas, eat ice cream, and watch sad movies," Delilah stated. "I think there's pizza somewhere along that."

"Can we go to the market? I want to get some ice cream," Rory said.

"Sure," Samantha said.

They got two buckets of ice cream, while Samantha got a few pints, before they went home.

Rory went to take a shower and change into pajamas.

"Poor Rory," Samantha said. "Why did Dean dump her?"

Delilah shrugged, "She's not saying."

Samantha asked, "What if it's the other way around? What if Rory dumped Dean?"

"She would've said," Delilah replied.

Rory came down the stairs wearing her pajamas. She went and got a spoon for the buckets of ice cream.

Delilah and Rory managed to eat one bucket before Rory went onto the next one. They were watching Old Yeller.

Lorelai walked in with a small smile to find Rory, Delilah, and Samantha on the couch.

Rory looked up at Lorelai, "I'm ready to wallow now."

"Oh," Lorelai said. She sat on the couch next to Rory. She kissed Rory on the forehead a few times, before putting a pillow on her lap and patting it. Rory put her head on the pillow and started to cry. Lorelai picked up the phone and dialed. "Hey, Joe, it's Lorelai. I need a pizza with everything, okay? Thanks."

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