Save me
(Sorry 😘😁for the late update,but still endjoy it)
Your pov
I'm so glad,I could go out before Jungkook even neared the house.It got really dark outside.
I wouldn't have the strenght to look him in his eyes anymore.
Myself knows better that he would have stopped me, but I had no choice.
I wish and just hope that he can forgive me at some point and understand me ,why I had to do this. Is was not planned to hurt him in any way. It is a situation where you can't decide on the feelings.
You just have to see what's the good for everybody and put yourself behind the others.
I know I'm going to suffer again,but I don't care anylonger. It was dump to think that I would ever be saved,from this pain.
At least everybody will be saved. Jungkook and my mother. That's the only thing that should matter now.
I left my phone on purpose at home,because first of all,I didn't want Jungkook to call me anymore and second,like this they wouldn't locate me.
But what if he sees the messages Devine send me yesterday?
Would it change anything at all?
Could he still save me?
No! I should stop having unnesscasry hopes. It's ridicoules to think of it.
At least I met a person who really cared for me once.
"Thank you Jeon Jungkook..for everything " I whisperd,smiling and looked up to the sky. A tear droped out of my eye.
I quickly whiped it away.
As I looked back down to walk, I got forcely dragged into a corner.It frightened me.
I let my bag fall and my back hit the wall really hard. I could already guess who this person was, because the pain I felt on my back at the moment, just felt like the pain I felt whenI got pushed by Devine on the wall.
"Ahhhh!" I screamed in pain.
This was excacly the damm same strenght.
This person was wearing a mouth mask,but from his gesture I could see that is was Devine.
He slowly took off his mask and never leaved my eyes.
I was so scared at the moment,because I didn't know what he was going to do to me.
I breathed so heavily now.
He suddenly started to smile at me.
"Well, well,well...My lovely Girlfriend Y/F/ are you doing? And why do you looke so scared sweetheart?... aren't you happy to see your beloved boyfriend again?" He said and touched my cheek.
His other hand was on the wall. I was between him and his face was so near to mine.
I didn't want him to touch me so I turned my head on the side,but it didn't help.
"Didn't you missed me?No even once?. You are acting like we don't know each other..."
I tried so hard no to cry,but some tears fell off of my eyes. I thought I would be stronger infront of him,but that was a stupid thought.
I didn't want him to see me cry,so I tried to look down,but I would rather not have done this because now, he roughly hold my throat so I would look up at him.
He's very tall. Maybe a bit shorter than Jungkook,but it was more difficult for me to take his hand away from my throat.
"De-vine please- "
"Please what?!!" He raised his voice in anger, but not so loud for any other person to here it.
"Just tell me little B*tch.. did you have fun in my absence? Fucking this Policeman and thinking there is no tomorrow-huh? Was that fun to you???!!! I hope so,because this was the last time you did such a thing.....
( Don't read this part if it might affect you in any way!!)
"I'm going to destroy you,I'm going to traumatize you more than before. You might not be able to speak anymore,because I'm going to make you forget your name,This is your own nightmare you caused and you will not be able to escape it anymore". He said and let go if my throat.
I was gasping so hard for air.
This is it.
He was going to kill me.
"Because of you,I had to go in jain,just because of you. I'm so glad that my trustful friends helped me out today. if they didn't do it,I would still be there in jail and rot in custody....You should be really pleased that I didn't do anything to you mother...or did I?"
My heart stopped directly when he mentioned my mother.
I looked up at him and he just knew I was scared. This was amusing him.
"W-what d-id y-you d-do to her?" My voice was shaking so much that I stuttered at every single word.
"You want to know it?ok wait" He said and called one of his friends.
" Mark?yeah... my little Princess wants to see her mother, show her to us" He said and turned his phone to me.
The really found her and tied her up on a chair in a cellar and ,someone was holding a gun on her head.
"Mum?" I was so sad seeing her like this.
"She looked at me and said my name too.
Her mouth was tied up too. I can't belive,he really did this to her.It hurt me so much to see her in this state.
My one and only mother. It's my fault she's suffering right now. I'm such a bad daughter.
"Belive me or not,Y/n. It hurts me more to see my mother in law like this,but I have no choice. Like this I can finally have her daughter. Thus you will understand my love for you"
I just ignored what he said. It has been such a long time I have seen my mother. Ohh how I missed her.
"Mum,I'm going to save you I'm going to help you out of there... I-" I wanted to say when he quickly hung up.
"Belive me it's better for our relationship "
" I'm here right now,so please let my mother go"
"Oh,no,no. I decide when they will let her free,but at least you are already here,that means you can be sure that they won't hurt your mother in any way".
"That's not fair"
"Life ain't fair babygirl,but I know we will make it". He said and started to kiss me with violence and force.
"Let go!!" I tried to scream and was hitting him so hard to let me go.
Suddenly a car neared us, it was a police car.
"Oh no-F*CK! come on!!!". He panicked and stopped with the kisses and forcely hold me on my wrist and dragged me with him.
I tried to look back and saw how the police care drove away. They didn't notice us.
God damm it!.
Why does it have to be so dark outside?
We run and run and run untill we stopped for a second.
"Come on, now there.. one of my freind is waiting with a car and our staff. I already have your passport"
"Come On!!!"
He screamed and I just run with him.
I think we run like for 8 minutes untill we reached the place.
"He...will be her in a minute."
Devine said out of breath.
Not even a minute a black Van stopped next to us.
His friend opened the door for us.
"Hop in!!"
"Devine, please think about it again.You can prevent all of this. If the police catches you now,you will stay longer in jail" I told him crying,to win more time, if possible.
"Please let me and my mother go,I promise you I'm not going to tell anybody where you are"
Maybe,just maybe he will let me go.
"Are you crazy, Get the f*ck in now!??"
"Devine,no NO!!!". I screamed when he picked me up and put me into the van.
" let's go" He told his freind and he started to drive.
Oh God..please Save me. Please send someone to save my mother and I.
Oh God please!!
Jungkook's pov
I was driving so fast. I have to find her. Please I just have to. Luckly at this time there are few cars driving.
Suddenly my phone ranged. I quickly picked it up.
"Yes, some of our collegue found a bag near the xxxstreet. They Think it might be from the girl."
"How does the bag looks like?" I asked him. Like this I could identify, if it was hers or not.
"It is a blue bag with 3 red points on each side".
"It's really her bag"
"Oh thank God. We don't know how long it has been there,but it might not have been for so long.
"Okay thank you,I'm just 4 streets away from this street.I-"
"Jungkook we just got a call from our collegue. They said that an old lady just called them and said that she just saw how a girl got picked up by a men and got forcely put in a black van.It didn't look like, she wanted to go eith them. She heard screams outsides and looked out off her window"
"Where,where does she live?"
That means they are still here. I'm so glad they didn't leave the country yet.
I have to be fast now.
They aren't that far away.
"It's xxxstreet nr.8."
"I'm on 4 streets away from it. V call everyone to come to this street I'll hurry up to get there. I will probably need help".
"Ok we will,take care,JK"
"I'll" I said and hung up.
I have to hurry up here.
I drove and drove and drove until...
Out of nowhere.
A car overtook mine and speeded up.
It's a Van... A black Van.. omg Y/n!!.
There must be in this.
I didn't waste any time to follow them, but on another road like this I could try to catch them up.
They shouldn't know that I was following them that's why.I wouldn't even get there if I was following them right behind,so I had to improvise.
This might even coast me my life,but as the Police,we sometimes have to sacrifice our own life to save another one.
Luckly there was no car to be seen at the other road. The Van is big, so it was easy for me to speed up. My car isn't that big,but fast and that's the best on it.
I really managed to catch them up and before he could even noitice my car,I drove infront of them.
It's excactly the same Methode I used for Y/n when we first meet.
The driver panicked and quickly turned his car,so he wouldn't crash into mine. Luckly it didn't happened but now,he lost control over the car and rammed in a a latern. The crash was really loud.
I hope Y/n is fine,but I really hope that I got the right car.
From my car,I could observe how the back of the car got opened by someone.
"Come on now we don't have much time"
As it could get any better. Devine was tugging Y/n out of the car.
So he wasn't driving the car?
It must be another person. I quickly have to get out of here.
Y/n was screaming in frustration and in pain. It hurt me so much to see her in this state.
"Hurry up now, we don't have much time!!" He told her and forcely hold her on her wrist and hair. Is he crazy???!!. Ok I have seen enough.
"FREEZE RIGHT AWAY!!!!OR I'm going to shoot you!!! " I warned himas I was near enough to shoot.
He stopped in his way and leaved her hair.
I'm not someone who likes to shoot quickly but if it was nessacarry enough I would do it.
Y/n pov
The car crashed into a latern.I was so in shook and also to see his friend in an unconscious condition.
"We don't have much time now come!!" Devine raised his voice.
"What?!!You are not serious right now!! We just got a car accident and you are just being selfish again, what is going wrong into your head?!!!We can't let him here like that, he might die!!!"
"I don't care, I just want you to be mine already,now come come!!". He said and quickly pulled me out of the car.
I was so in pain.
He forcely hold me on my hair and wrist. I could see that he was in pain too after the car crash.
The dumbass was limping. I didn't even knew how his freind lost control over the car and why. I couldn't even look back.
But as I heard this angelic voice
"FREEZE RIGHT AWAY!!!!OR I'm going to shoot you!!! "
I just knew that something was going to change this night.
His voice was filled with anger, that I could even feel it.
But as I said:
He was going to save me.
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