Reflection pt.1

Taehyung's pov

My Boys were driving to our place. I can't believe she was in my arms now. She is so beautiful.

"Is she okay? ". Chan-woo asked me still drivnig the car.

"She is more than okay. Now that I can be by her side to protect her..She will be more than okay". I smiled and caressed her cheek.

"I'm glad we could help you V".

He said as he turned his attention back to the road.

I hope Jungkook is okay. I didn't want to left him behind but I couldn't wait anylonger to have Y/n for myself. She is so gorgeous.

I hope she will forgive me, but she first has to rest now.

"Oh...but what happened to you?" I questioned Jung-yul who's exprssion showed me tht he was in alot of pain.

"Your Girl removed his balls from his body"Chan-woo answered me while giggling.

"She is really strong I swear" He groaned and at some point it made me laugh too.

"I'm sorry for that" I apologized in my name.

I remember: She was always always so strong......

Jungkooks's pov

"Who could have done this to my baby?" I heard a really sad voice next to me talking.

Wait...where am I???

I slowly opened my eyes and   discovered the room I was in.

I was wearing more comfrotable clothes now.

"Jungkook are you awake?"

My mother calmly asked me and touched my head.

I couldn't even response and just looked at my right where Jimin was standing too.

My sister was on the other side, next to my mother.

" Yeah..." I whispered in response, because my headache was killing me.

They helped me to sit up and I touched my head.

"Are you in pain?" Mina asked me very worried and touched my hand.

And I groaned.

"Here take this" Jimin said and gave me a glass of water with medicin in it.

I carefully brought the water to my mouth and drank it,but Jimin helped me to hold it anyways.

I finished it and gave him the glass.


*deep breath*

"Can you explain us what happened?..Who did this to you?" Jimin asked me and looked really sad.

"I....I g-got...into...a f-fight with...s-some guys".

"What were you even doing at this time? We even called Taehyung,but he told me he didn't know where you were. We also tried to call you on the phone but you didn't pick up. That's why we got worried because you always pick up your phone" Mina scolded me..

If she just knew.....

"We were really worried Jungkook. As you rang on the door,we were just about to go outside to look after you. We even called you at your house, but it was the same." Jimin added.

"I'm s-sorry..f-or making you all worried,especially you mum....I...I didn't want this. I'm sorry" I apologized to all of them and almost started to cry.

But for this reason.

My mother gave me a little smile and touched my hand.

"It's okay Jungkook.I'm glad you are here right now and that nothing worse happened to you.
We already cared for your wounds in your face, but I think it would be better if a doctor would check up on you, whether you don't have internal injuries" She mediated to me and I nodded.

"You need to rest now. Let's talk tomorrow,alright?" I nooded as Mina finished her sentence.

"Yes...and thank you".

"You are welcome honey,but please never ever get into a fight again. I don't want to lose any of my kids because of a fight that can be prevented".
My mother said and I just gave her a little smile to show her that I'm okay.

She returned it and gave me a kiss on my forhead before they leaved the room.

I layed back down but couldn't even close my eyes. I don't think I would be able to sleep today.

My heart just got ripped apart, by my best friend with no mercy.And the thought of that makes me really sick and sad.

I want to apologize to her. It's all my fault.

"I hope you will fogive me one day" I whispered as I felt my eyes getting teary.

But I promise you,I'll get you out of their hands. You belong to me and only me. I will get the money to get you out of there and that's for sure.

Y/n pov

"Ugh..." I was still dazed but could slowly opned my eyes.


Where the f am I??

And why is it so dark in here?? I started to panic.

I sat up but couldn't move my hands.

It was in this moment I realize that my hands were tied up on the bed.

"What the hell..." I whispered because I didn't know where the f*ck I was.

I then remembered what happened before.


Was he okay?

Was he still alive?

"Is he still laying there?

Did they beat him up until he couldn't breath anymore?

I had so many question that couldn't be answered.

I tried to break free from the bed when I suddenly heard a voice.

"Oh,oh,oh~ someone is up already?" I immediately stopped moving.

"W-who are you?A-and where am I????" I quickly responsed in panic and tried to look around,but the room was too dark. I couldn't see him.

"Hyung? She's up~"He talked to another person I think as they turned the lights on.

The light was to bright so I had to close my eyes for some second,before  I could open them widely.

This room was larger than I thought.I looked at my hands and they were tied up really tight.

I looked at the 2 person who where standing infront of me until one of them strated to near me. They both were wearing a mouth masks.

I was scared.

What should I do? What do they want?

"W-what d-o you want?" I stuttered as he sat on the bed besides me.

He looked to the other guy and spoke up.

"Just lock the door, if you go out" .
He said and the guy just bowed at him,before he leaved the room and locked it.

What the actually f*ck was going on?

Did he want to hurt me?

Why does he has to lock the door?.

Or did he wanted to kill me?

Or did he wanted to........

No this couldn't be...

But you are laying on a bed what else could it be.

My thoughts were driving me insane right now.

He took of his Jacket and I automatically started to panic.

"Please, don't hurt me.. I swear..I..I will give you everything you want but please don't hurt me in anyway,please." I started to cry again.

He didn't response and just sat down next to me.When I looked him into his eyes I realize that it was the same guy from before who snapped my phone out of my hand.

He starred at me and touched my cheeks. He whiped my tears away and I was just waiting what he was going to do next.

"Don't worry....I'm not going to hurt you in any way. I'll tie you off the bed now, but promise me you are not going to run away in anyway alright? And the door is closed. I'd just catch you up,alright?"

I just nooded.

What choice do I even have?

He finally untied me and I touched my wrists. They were a bit swollen.

"Sorry for that" He said and looked at my wirsts for a second.

I didn't say anything and just glared at him.

"Why did you Kidnapp me?...And what did you do to Jungkook? " I asked him even if I was scared of the response.

He looked me deeply in the eyes and took his mask off not leaving my eyes.

As he finally removed it from his face I was completly shocked.

 Isn't he...V?.

Jungkook so called best friend.??

Who I just wanted to talk with because I coulnd't see Jungkook suffer under their fight anymore?:

Is he the V I'm talking about?

I still remember his face when Jungkook and him saved me from Dylan.

I was very confused.

"You??????".I said in disbelive.

"You are V. Jungkook's so called best friend V right?"..

"Ehmm.. yeah, but-uh"

"Was it your plan to kidnapp me just becuase you had a fight with Jungkook? Is this all for you just a f*cking game?" I questioned him again because I couldn't believe what I was thinking.

"You really just wanted to do a  revenge, right?...Are you serious right now,You almost killed him-".

"Can you please just stop talking about Jungkook and be greatful that I saved your life?"

"What? you and saving my life?for what? ,You almost killed your best friend, MY BOYFRIEND!!!-".

"For God sake Y/n/n he's not your boyfriend but I am!!!! How could you forget about me like that!!???" He raised his voice at me and his words keep reapiting in my head.

 What in the world was he talking about????.

"Yes, you heard me right.t I am your boyfriend........ Kim Taehyung" 





I was lamed.....

Did he really mention the name ......Kim....Taehyung????. The one and only Kim Taehyung.?.

My eyes just widned.

"W-what?" I almost whispered, still not believing him.

"You heard me.... I'm Kim Taehyung... Y-your e-ex boyfriend...w-who you broke up with-" His voice broke at the end of his sentence.

I couldn't talk anymore. Is he really Taehyung I felt in love with so many years ago? Was it really him?

Could this even be?

As I looked closer, he really look similar to the Taehyung I used to know, put he got more Handsome.

All at once the memories of me and him came back.

We were so in love... until one day changed everything.


"Are you feeling better Y/n?" My school friend Ji-eun asked me,because I couldn't come to school for almost 3 weeks. I caught a really bad cold.

"Thank God I'm fine now, what happened in my absence?" I asked her very curiously.

"Nothing much really. We got our Test back and as always you got the best mark from the whole class.I'm so proud of you". She hugged me from the side and smiled.

"Really?? That makes me really happy, you don't know how much I missed you."

"I missed you too.You should have seen Tae. He felt alone all the time,but at some point he acted strange too...I don't know. And he always left the school faster than us.".

"Really?Aww why.? He called me so often at a day.I didn't know he would miss me like that. Anyways, I will talk to him later. I still had no course with him today. But,he's so cute-".

we were walking to our favourite place that  was next to our school. It was a litlle park. It was really beautiful.

"Wait!" Ji-eun stopped me with her arm in my walk.

"Isn't it Tae over there?" She pointed at a person who looked similar to him. 

"Yeah.. I think it is him, what is he doing here alone?,come on" I wanted to go to him, but she stoped me again.

"Wait...Look who is here too" She pointed at the girl who was running to Taehyung. It was Yuri from the neighboring class. She was in a class among us. 

As he finally noitice her, he stood up from the bench and hugged her really tight.

"What in a world is going on?" Ji-eun said shocked.

"I'm suprised myself. They never talked to each other and it wasn't like people really liked her. Everyone can say she has 2 faces and she really liked to show her bitchy side.

They let go of each other but she was stil holding him on his neck and he didn't leave her waist.

I looked at Ji-eun and she looked at me too.

Before I could even react properly, she said something to him and they both leaned in...To kiss each other.

Was I really watching my boyfriend cheating infront of my eyes?.

He pulled her even closer to his body, so she could put her hand in his hair.

I wanted to run. Run away from this Nighmare, but I coulnd't. It hurt so much to even look away. The only thing I could feel right now were my warm Tears that were sliding down my sad face.


I sobbed a bit too loud and brought Yuris attention to me. She opened her eyes and stoppped to kiss My Bodyfriend. She leaved his neck and he turned around. As he saw me, his eyes widden and he automatically leaved her waist.

And as the Bitch, she is, she was smiling from ear to ear.

"L-et's go Y/n.Don't waste your energie in this right now. You don't deserve this." Ji-eun said and dragged me with her.


"But Taehyung-"

"Just leave me alone alright?. Y/n Wait please-". He told Yuri and then called out for me.

He tried to hold me but I just walked on with her.

"Please let me explain" He menaged to come infront of us and made us stop.

I don't know why he had tears in his eyes,although he was the on who cheated on me.

"Can you give us a moment Ji-eun?"

"I don't think she should even go away. She is not the one who hurt me like you".

"Y/n please.. please let me explain it..plesse just a moment."

"I'll be waiting there" Ji-eun said and I just looked at her. She nooded for me to accept it anyways and went away.

"I-I'm sorry.. I know nothing that can explain what I just did. I don't even know why I kissed her...please Y/n please forgive me. I-I-I didn't mean it."

"Are you serious right now? Do you think I don't know what's going on. And even now you are so brazen to lie into my face".

"But I'm not lying I-"

"So you want to tell me that this is the first time you guys met or what?.It seemed too familiar to me for that."

He didn't say anything.

"See? Even now you can't tell me the truth, infront of my face so I don't even want to know how much of your feelings in this relationship were real or not".

"Please don't say that. I'm sorry,please forgive me. I don't even know why I kissed her.The whole time that I couldn't see you.. I got so desperate. I needed you, but you weren't there. I couldn't hanlde your abcense".

"So this gives you the f*cking  right to cheat on me??"

"Of course not, but-"

"Wow.... I never thought I could be so wrong about a person. You are not the
Taehyung that I got to know. You really broke my heart into pieces... You really did. I hope you will find happiness with your new girlfriend. Have a nice day" .

I said and before I would cry more infront of him. I started to walk to ji-eun who was waiting for me the whole time.

"No please don't do that to me,please, Y/n!" But I just walked on.......

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