Dean's POV
"What the Hell is that supposed to mean?" I ask Cas. "It means Deano... That Jo is growing her wings." Gabe -- The smartass -- said cockily. "Nice to see you too Gabe." I said and Gabe smirked and turned back to Sam. "So why can't we leave?" I ask. "Because it would be too painful for Jo. She can barely walk on her own and I think being cooped up in a car too long would make her sick. Plus the wing process is very messy and bloody but don't tell Jo that." Cas says the last part in a whisper.
I let out a sigh. "I suppose we could stay a little longer. How long is this gonna take?" I ask. "Well Cassie's wings took around a week to grow in. Mine took around two since I have three pairs of wings..." Gabe says trailing off. "So what I'm hearing is... We'll be here for a while." Sam says finally. Both angels nod and I walk over to my daughter.
I place a gentle hand on her shoulder as to not wake her. "Hi sweetheart." I whisper to her. She doesn't wake up. "She'll be out for a while. Since her wings are using all of her energy to grow, and her body is trying to create grace with what little she has. There is a small chance she won't make it through the process alive." Cas whispers and my heart stops.
"What you mean to tell me is that our daughter, might not live through this?" I say, voice cracking in the process. Cas nods slowly, fighting back tears. Gabe and Sam looked equally upset. No one said anything for quite some time.
"It's been a great reunion really." Gabe says. "But Cassie and I have mandatory plans." He finished. Cas and Gabe flash out and leave Sam and I to watch Jo.
It wasn't until around an hour later that Jo started to wake up. I let out a relieved breath and rush over to her. "Dad?" She says quietly, not aware of her surroundings. "Your father left to go do something with Gabe. I hope it's ok if we take his place." I say when I reach her.
She looks over to me and smiles the widest I've seen in a while. "Daddy! Uncle Sammy! You're home!" She exclaims. I wrap her in my arms, careful of her back. She climbs into my lap and wraps arms around my neck.
"Where's the love for Uncle Sammy?" Sam says with a pout and his famous puppy dog eyes. I let out a chuckle and push Jo over to him. She rushes over and jumps onto him. Sam lifts her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. "I forgot how tall you were." Jo says with a laugh. Sam laughs and places a kiss on her temple.
"I really missed you guys." She says once I walk over to them. "I thought I'd never see you again." She says choking back a sob. "Come on Jo. You can't get rid of us that easily. We're the Winchesters! We've died and come back!" I say enthusiastically. It wasn't until Sam's face falls I remember what Cas had told me earlier.
"Anyways..." Sam says awkwardly. "What do you want to do now that we're back?" "Honestly?" Jo starts. "I want to watch Netflix and just hang. But not Netflix and chill. Cause that would just be weird." She says not looking at either of us. "Sounds good to me!" I say.
Sam sets her down and she rushes over to get her laptop, only stopping twice to catch her breath. Sam and I look at each other worriedly. Sam sits down on one of the beds and I go over to help her. I sit her between Sam and I, the laptop resting on her lap. I reach over to the bedside table and grab the brush that was sitting there. She was busy going through what to put on.
She and Sam finally decided on Twin Peaks. As she got comfortable, I started running fingers through her hair until the braid thing was out. What? I raised a girl... I picked up a few things. I then proceeded to brush her hair out so it wasn't a complete mess. Sam looked to me amused.
Throughout the show, Sam and I were both asking questions about the show and she wouldn't tell us the answers. I asked her how her back was feeling and she told me it was fine. Which was a total Winchester lie. I knew she was lying, because she didn't want to get up.
After an hour and a half of the first episode, Sam and I were still utterly confused. "Who ends an episode like that!?" I exclaim. I flop down on the bed and Jo lays on top of me. Sam had gotten up to get something to eat. "Are you scared?" I ask her quietly. She rests her head on my chest and lets out a sigh.
"Of course I'm scared." She whispers. "Wouldn't you be?" If only she knew. "So where is Dad and Uncle Gabe?" She asks. "I'm not sure. They said they had 'mandatory plans'." I say running fingers through her multicolored hair. She just hums in response and gets off of me. "I'm going to attempt to take a shower." She says and grabs some new clothes from one of our bags. "If you need anything just yell!" I shout after her.
Jophiel's POV
I have been trying to get my sweatshirt off for five minutes now. It hurts to even lift my arms up. So I hesitated. "D-Daddy?" I said quietly. Nothing. "Daddy!" I shouted a little louder. There were quick footsteps, then the door opened. "What's wrong?" Dean asked in a panic. "I need help." I said blushing.
Dean calmed down and smiled down at me. He kissed the top of my head and handed me a towel. "Here. Wrap your chest up in this." He said turning me around so my back was to him. Dean's back was to the mirror so there was nothing awkward. This entire thing was awkward... But you get the idea.
I manage to get my arms out of the sleeves, then slide the towel up the front of the sweatshirt to cover my boobs. That's a fun word to say. Boobs. Boobs. Boooooooooobs. I'm such a child. ;D
Dean helps me take off the sweatshirt and kisses me on the head again before walking out and closing the door behind him. I then proceed to take my pants and underwear off. I felt refreshed as the hot water hit my skin. I ran my fingers through my hair and then remembered my stomach.
I looked down at the huge, nasty scar that covered my entire front torso. I ran a gentle finger over it and cringed at the memory. I then proceeded to shove those thoughts down and continue with my shower.
When I was done, I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my hair, and dried off my body. I got closer to the mirror and turned around to look at my back. The bumps had turned into blobs and were moving frantically underneath my skin. I resisted the urge to puke, and got dressed into a new sweatshirt and some leggings.
I walked out on wobbly legs, and collapsed a few steps in. Footsteps rushed over and it was Sam who picked me up and set me on my feet once more. "Whoops. Careful there." He said softly. I buried my face in his chest and he carried me over to the bed. Dean fell asleep watching TV so he was passed out on the bed. I let out a tiny whimper as Sam set me down.
My eyes were half lidded and I instantly curled into Dean who jumped awake. He calmed down when he saw me. He brought me to his chest so he was laying on his back and I was on my stomach. He ran fingers through my hair and whispered how much they all loved me and how good of a job I was doing through all of this.
And soon... I was asleep.
Castiel's POV
Gabe and I had been talking. That we shouldn't move around so much. That hunting should stop until needed. We went out house hunting and bought a house that we knew everyone would like. We would be filling the inside in the next few days. We would tell everyone what our plan is when Jo finally grows her wings. Besides. Jo has friends here. Real friends. And I would just hate to take that away from her.
When we got back to the motel, Jo was asleep on top of Dean. He was also asleep. Sam was at the kitchen table with a lap full of Gabe. I rolled my eyes at my brother and took off my trench coat. I then laid next to Dean, who instinctively pulled me closer with one arm.
Over the next few days, Jo's wings were growing rapidly under her skin and she was in more and more pain. Gabe and I had filled the house with the new furniture and were now in the motel 24/7 to help Jo. I have decided to write down what has been happening to Jo for further studies.
The bumps on Jo's back were increasing in size and were preventing her from walking too much on her own. Dean is mostly the one to help her, otherwise it is me. Sam and Gabe spend time with her when she is awake, and don't protest on anything she wants to do.
Every time she wakes up we try to get her to eat or drink something but she refuses it half the time. She claims she is nauseous and just wants to sleep. She only gets out of bed to go to the bathroom. and even then she needs to stop to catch her breath.
She won't let anyone help her because she is a Winchester after all and feels the need to prove something. I have learned this fact about all Winchesters and have shown signs in it myself on rare occasions.
-Castiel Winchester
The bumps are taking a shape now. They are very large and I can assure you that they are going to hurt when we make the incisions. We haven't told Dean or Sam about that yet as Dean would, 'freak out' as I sometimes hear Jo say.
Jo is being really brave about all of this and soon her walls will break down and ask for help. I am surprised she has lasted this long without help and it worries me slightly. To me this is a sign of giving up and I don't like it at all.
-Castiel Winchester
Jo has stopped answering her phone entirely. The ringing noises only made her wake up and finally she just turned it off entirely. She is sleeping more and more and it's worrying Dean quite a bit no matter how many times I tell him that she is fine. We got her to eat a little bit of a burger. She ate a quarter of it before she said she was full.
-Castiel Winchester
Jo will not let Gabe or I apply the wing oil to her back. The bumps on her back are almost done growing so that means her back is very very sore. She still hasn't eaten very much, no matter how many times we tell her to, she just won't eat. Gabe has already sent Jensen home a few times this week.
He comes to drop off her homework and tries to see her, but she hasn't left the bed, only to go to the bathroom. So she doesn't look the greatest.
-Castiel Winchester
Jo' friends keep coming over to visit. We finally had to let them in because they were being too loud, yelling at Dean to let them see her. Dean didn't quite like being yelled at so he went out to the car.
After they left, I heard a gunshot and went outside to see Dean with his handheld pointed at the sky. I ushered the boys off while Dean calmed down.
-Castiel Winchester
Balthazar and Anna have stopped by to check on Jo and collect Gabe to help out in heaven. That left Sam, Dean and I alone with her. Gabe was the one who normally got her to eat at least something. But with him gone she hasn't eaten a thing all day.
Her face is looking paler and paler and she hasn't spoken in a few days and it's worrying Dean to Hell.
-Castiel Winchester
Gabe has returned and tells us everything is now resolved in heaven. Jo still refuses to eat even though Gabe has returned. She only sleeps all day and gets paler by the minute. Balthazar has stuck around to help out if anything goes wrong.
-Castiel Winchester
Dean's POV
On Sunday night, Jo started whimpering in her sleep. She woke up and screamed. Everyone was at her side in seconds. "You have to do it now Castiel. It's only going to get worse." Balthazar said holding her arms to keep from thrashing about.
In the next second Anna and Hannah appeared. "We're here to help." Anna said brushing a red hair from her face. We backed off a bit and Hanna turned Jo to face the wall. Jo, Hannah, and Anna were pretty good friends so they were familiar faces to Jo.
Hannah slipped off the sweatshirt and pressed a pillow to her chest. Gabe walked over and handed over a belt. "Have her bite down on this." The belt was folded and placed into her mouth.
Castiel held his angel blade and placed a hand on her back. I was standing off to the side with Sam holding me back so I wouldn't mess everything up.
Soon Jo let out a scream as a bright blue tinted light appeared from her back. It stopped for a second then when Castiel made the second incision, Jo screamed louder and her eyes lit up a bight blue. I tried to get to her but Sam held me back. He dragged me into the bathroom and closed the door, locking it from the outside. I was stuck in here alone. I couldn't hear anything outside of the bathroom so someone must have put up a sound barrier.
I don't know how long I waited, but it seemed like an hour. When Sam came to come get me, I was sitting in the bathtub curled up in a ball. "What are you doing?" Sam asked. "I've been in here for an hour. What do you expect?" I asked.
"An-An hour? Dean, you've been in here for eleven minutes." Sam said smirking. I made a face and pushed past him. Jo was asleep on top of Cas, and was now wearing nothing but a bra on her upper torso. And giant wings shot out from her backside.
They are white in color, with blood caked in the feathers, and were bent in awkward positions. "What's wrong with her?" I asked. "Since they are new they have to take time to heal. Nothing to worry about. What we have to worry about is to make sure she is sleeping and not... You know." Gabe says. I shoot him a glare and walk over.
I place two gentle fingers to her neck and check her pulse. I let out a sigh of relief when I feel one. "It's fine. She's still with us." I say quietly. All the angels, and Sam let out a relieved breath. Cas rested a hand on my shoulder and I placed a hand on top of his.
Sam handed me a shirt for her with holes in the back so we could fit her wings in. Cas helped me with putting it on her. He waved a hand over her wings and the blood was taken away. "I'm surprised they are white." I said.
"In a few days her wings will change color. They won't be white forever. They will most likely be a darker color since you were a demon Dean, and Castiel's wings are black with some navy mixed in." Hannah says.
"How come we can see them?" I ask. "Since they are new, they need time to grow more. And until Jophiel can control her grace, they will be visible to the human eye." Anna says.
"We should really be going. We hope that Jo is ok, and the move goes well." Balthazar says disappearing with Hannah and Anna.
"What move?" I say to Cas. "Well..." He says. "What move Castiel?" I say more assertively this time. "Gabe and I have bought a house. We thought it would be better for Jophiel to stay in one spot instead of moving constantly." Cas says looking down at Jo.
I let out a sigh. "I just wish you would have discussed this with me before doing it." I say. "Gabe and I wanted it to be a surprise. Just as them getting married was going to be a surprise." Cas says.
"Oh come on Cas! Just cause your surprise was ruined, doesn't mean you have to wreck ours!" Gabe says from the other bed. I laugh. "Congrats guys!" I say genuinely happy for them. Jo starts to move around, and all attention is on her again.
She opens her eyes and looks down at her shirt. "Was this all just a dream?" She asks. "No honey. It's real. But you have your wings! And they look great." Gabe says. She and Gabe always had a special bond. "Oh." She says quietly and rests her head back on Cas's chest. She remains awake.
All of a sudden, Castiel's wings appeared. I was very surprised but didn't say anything. Cas wrapped his wings around Jo, and his feathers meshed with hers. She seemed to calm down though, which was a plus. I looked over at Gabe and his wings are visible as well.
"It will help Jo to fully understand on how to move them. She can already see ours no matter what, but it's better this way... Trust me." Gabe explains.
Over the next few days, we all tried our best to help Jo back on her feet. She didn't sleep as much luckily and she was starting to get her appetite back. Sam and I were starting to move things into the new house and I have to say... It was pretty nice and we were planning on moving in soon.
Today she was with Cas, who was helping her groom her wings. "So Sam. When are you guys having the wedding?" Jo asks, stretching her wings a bit. "We're not sure yet. But sometime soon. We were wondering if you could be a bridesmaid?" "That would be great!" Jo says happily.
"Could my friends come to the wedding?" She asks with the puppy dog look. "Sure Jo. Anyone in particular you want to escort you?" Gabe asks her. "I'd have to think long and hard about that one... But at the moment I'm thinking Ben." "Sounds good hon." I say planting a kiss to her temple.
"I'll call Jo (Harvelle) and Charlie to take you dress shopping sometime this week." Jo nods while Cas ran a special brush through her wings. When Cas was done, Jo's wings curled around herself and she smiled. Sam handed her a hot chocolate which she gladly accepted. She took a sip and her wings shook then fluffed up, raising above her head. She giggled and continued on drinking. When she finished, Cas started teaching her about more angel stuff.
Jophiel's POV
We were going to be moving into the new house today. We were originally waiting for my wings to change color, but I told the others that I felt too cooped up so we went today. The house was relatively close to school, but I would still need to be driven.
Dean covered my eyes with his hands as he led my up to my new room. "Ok Jo. Are you ready?" I nod and he takes his hands away. My walls were blue and green, and my very own queen sized bed was in the corner of the room. There was a desk with my laptop sitting on top of it, and a giant chest which I'm assuming weapons are going in. There was a giant chair hanging from the ceiling which could easily fit two people. A TV on my dresser which was in front on my new bed. A giant vanity mirror was on the other side of the room and even though I probably won't use a lot of make-up there... I'd definitely be doing my hair there. "Thank you guys. I love it." I say turning around and giving Dean and Cas a hug.
"We can add more things later. We are just starting out and I have to admit it feels really nice to be in a real home again." "Maybe now we can get real TV stations eh?" I say smiling. Dean chuckles and Cas and him walk out to let me explore a bit.
I grab my laptop and go sit in the chair hanging from the ceiling. I go on Skype and call Misha, Jared, Ben, and Misha since Samandriel didn't have a Skype. I put a large sweatshirt on to cover my wings since I still can't control my grace properly yet.
"Hey guys." I say as soon as everyone is on. "Jo! How dare you leave us at school! How fucking sick were you!?" Misha exclaims. "Um... Really bad but I'm good now. And I have some awesome news! I live in an actual house now! So I'm going to be sticking around after all!" I say and everyone seemed really happy at that.
I talked with them until I fell asleep, and I fell asleep talking to them since they were still talking to each other.
Castiel's POV
I went up to see Jo since she hadn't come downstairs at all since we got here. I found her asleep in the chair with her laptop in her lap. Her friends were still talking to each other so I picked up the laptop and said hello to them before turning it off. I set it to the side, then picked up my daughter and put her into bed.
I kissed her forehead and tucked her in. It was her first night in her own bed and I'm sure she was going to get up at some point to sleep with one of us. That is why Dean and I got a king sized bed. Jo wasn't used to sleeping on her own because always had a bed buddy at motels which normally ended up being Sam. I turned off her bedroom light and closed her room door. "Goodnight Jo."
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