Yes! Finally, chapter 2 is up! It took me forever! 1600 words!!! The video is the voice of the old woman you will read about in the chapter.
"Admit it, we're lost," Ordered Tino as he stumbled on the snow.
"Oh, be quiet will you?! We're not lost! We just...lost the direction we're going to..." Mathias replied as he looked around.
"So...we're lost..."
"Shut up, already!"
-Somewhere in East Germania-
"Round zem up! Make sure zey are all accounted for! Sir Russia might be here zoon!" A Russian Captain ordered as he squinted his eyes pitifully towards a captured Germanian soldier. He then sliced his sword through the poor man's throat as the body fell into the now rapidly turning red snow.
"Vat are you doing?! Vee aren't zupposed to kill zem!" A young Corporal exclaimed as he looked away from the Germanian's body, its skin now starting to turn black with cold.
"Argh, shut up! Vee can do vat we want with zem! It iz not like Sir Russia vill find ou-" The Captain was cut off by the sound of a sword piercing slowly through his chest.
"Find out....vat?" A tall man slowly asked as he got closer to the Captain's ear.
"Oh, Sir Russia! I zot you vere" The Captain questioned as he now fell to kneeling on the cold snow.
"You disobeyed my orders, Captain...and now...vee vill demonstrate vat happens ven you disobey my orders..."
-West Scandinavia (Norway)-
"Are you sure we are heading east?" Asked Tino, staring at Mathias.
"What makes you say we aren't?" Countered Mathias as he stopped walking to look at Tino.
"Oh I don't know....maybe because we have already reached the sea? We couldn't have walked that fast to make it all the way across Scandinavia."
"He has a point, Mathias..." Agreed Lukas. There was a storm coming...and they all knew it right when they tasted the air. It was not a rainstorm or a sandstorm; it was a snowstorm. A huge blizzard was coming, and they had to act fast. But what could they do?
There wasn't really that much resources to use to build a shelter, and they did not have much more cloth to keep them warm. They started to look for trees and animals. They had not eaten much after Britain (England), Scot (Scotland), and Charles (Wales) had been chasing after them. Ireland had once been part of the pirate group...until he decided what they were doing was wrong, and broke away.
He had not gotten away easily. The trio of pirates had been holding on to the Northern part of Ireland for weeks now. That was what the Nordics have been trying to do; help Ireland with N. Ireland, until the pirate trio chased them off to Scandinavia.
"Lukas!? Tino? Berwald! Where are you guys?!" Mathias called out in the blizzard. He could not see anything five feet away from him. He called out for hours, but there was no reply. After two hours, he was ready to give up, but suddenly, a light...a glow, showed in the distance. It got bigger, and bigger, until Mathias saw that the warm glow came from a lantern. It was held by an old, small, woman. Her hair was grey with white streaks coming down on her long wavy hair.
"Come. You need to get out of the cold. Quickly, before you freeze to death." She ordered as she lifted Mathias from the snowy ground, and led him to a cave. It was warm, with woven furniture and a large fireplace in the middle of the whole room.
"Wh-What is this place?" Mathias asked the old woman.
"Hahaha," her laugh was worn out, but soft and kind, "Why, it is my home. Come, come, sit." The old woman gestured her hand towards a woven chair made out of straw. She suddenly walked to the entrance of the cave and peeked her head out to the snowy weather. All there was, was snow. The harsh blizzard blew ar her hair.
She made sure no one else was outside, then came back in.
" Jeg befaler dig at forsegle denne indgangen!" She ordered the wind with certainty. Then, suddenly, a green glow appeared at the mouth of the cave. Rock slowly formed in the open entrance; and as it did, voices, whispered softly a language Mathias could not understand.
"Dit arbejde er gjort ! Væk med dig!" She ordered once, and just like that, the glow was gone. She then slowly walked towards Mathias as his eyes went wide. She did not need to crouch to reach the same height as Mathias while he sat down. She was very small, yet her eyes shone as if not to underestimate her. She peered her eyes at Mathias.
"Why...have you come back, Mathias?" Her face was stern but for a second, there was a hint of sorrow in the tone of her voice. How did she know his name? Who is she? What does she mean by 'Why have you come back'?
"What? I have never seen this place or you in my entire li-"
She asked again, "Why, have you come back?" She looked angry yet scared of something...but what? She silently gave a questioning look at the confused Mathias. She was curious of why he did not recall her. The old shaman held her small, gentle hand to Mathias' s cheek.
"You do not remember...why?" She asked Mathias, taking her hand away from his cheek. He stood silent, "The war...The deaths...They came to kill us all." She tilted her head, "They came...they came to destroy your village."
Mathias backed away from her. A sudden shock of pain came into his head. He fell back, wincing from the pain.
"Steady! Steady, now!" A soldier with a uniform that looked all to
familiar ordered others. A horse neighed savagely as it kicked its
front hoofs in the air. Fire amd burning houes filled the
backround. He saw himself, fighting with men against others
who wore gray uniforms. They fought hand-to-hand combat
with swords. A black horse arrived as a man with silver hair
jumped off it, his violet eyes filled with hatred.
-End of Flashback-
The old woman looked at him from the other side of the fireplace, "Your companions remember...why is it that you cannot?" Mathias felt another shock of pain.
It was the same setting as the last flashback. A baby was heard, crying, until it was silenced by a sword held by a man in gray uniform. Mathias found himself mounted on a white horse, charging at the unmounted Russians. He looked to both his sides and saw Berwald, on the left with men with black and red uniform, and Lukas on the right with men with the same colored uniform. They were all charging at the invaders as dead woman and children were seen on the ash covered ground.
-End of Flashback-
"You were the leader of your country...the soul of your men...the reason they had to fight against being conquered. But, it was not meant to be...they fought for you. For you to live." The shaman looked at the ground as she sat on a chair. By now, Mathias's head was pounding with pain.
Everything still looked the same...but something was off. He could not move and found himself lying on his side on the ground. As he looked around, the men in red and black were on the floor, motionless, as well as horses. Broken banners with a flag of red with a white cross filled the ground. The man with silver hair and violet eyes walked slowly to ours towards him, two men in gray followed behind him. A sudden battle cry was heard from millions of voices. The alarmed invaders and Mathias looked at a snowy mountain from which the battle cries came. Men with horses poured down the mountain as if it was an avalanche as Mathias saw two types of flags they carried, one of red with a blue cross with a white outline, and one of blue with a yellow cross. It looked almost identical to the broken banners he saw on the floor...but with different colors.
The silver haired man looked quickly to Mathias. "I vill be back in due assure." And with that, he and his men rode off until they disappeared into the horizon.
-End of Flashback-
"No! I do not care what you say! You have the wrong guy!" Mathias exclaimed as he began to tremble.
"Mathias...look down." She ordered calmly. He did as he was told and looked down. To his surprise, he wore almost the exact same uniform as the men he fought with had, but there was a difference. He had a cloak, and an emblem stichted on th he right side of his was the flag with red and a white cross. 'So...if I am who she claims...and I must be, I failed my men. I failed them all...their families...I failed them.' He thought as his heart began to ache.
"They knew...your companions knew what happened...they remember. Why did they not tell you?" She asked a as she stared at the fire. The woman looked up, only to see Mathias gone, and the entrance smashed open.
"Oh, must remember. A darkness rises...a wrip in the balance. They are coming once must be ready." She was talking as if Mathias was there, as if...somehow, the wind would tell him.
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