Chapter 22: A Southern Nation
Alabama. The 22nd state is known to be the prime example of the Deep South. Rarely does he change his mind, stubbornly sticking with tradition by the skin of his teeth. Even his neighbors ask him to open up more. Without a doubt, he's proud of his heritage, especially when it came to the South.
Following South Carolina's decision to secede from the Union, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas held their own conventions and seceded from the Union. A few days after their secession, they held a meeting at Alabama's house in Montgomery. Together, they built their own national government and constitution. It was the beginning of the Confederacy.
"So, that's about everyone, right?" Alabama asked the five seceded States who all sat around the short, rectangular table.
Sitting at the front of the table, Alabama was the host for this convention. Honestly, he was hoping for someone else to host this meeting, but everyone else thought it was a good idea for him to serve as the capital of their new nation. Thus, he had no choice, but to host the Southern Conference. It didn't help he was the only guy at the meeting. Even so, at least he wasn't dealing with those Northern bastards.
On Alabama's right was South Carolina, the first State to secede from the Union. With no regrets, South Carolina was looking forward to this meeting for quite a while. Although dismissed to host the new capital, her fiery personality was ready to spout her own ideas without holding back. For once, she can talk freely without a Northern rat telling her to pipe down or call her ideas idiotic. With her fellow Southerners, she hopes to prove she was better off without the Union.
On Alabama's left was his neighbor, Mississippi, who chirped happily to having this meeting. Never once did she like the Northern States. She found them domineering, even cold-hearted to her say during their meetings together. Always scolded and told off, she had enough of their rude demeanor. She was quick to join South Carolina's path toward secession. Also, she didn't like the new boss of the Union; that's another reason she seceded.
Sitting next to South Carolina was the third State to secede from the Union: Florida. The only reason she joined was to protect her economy. For years, her beginnings were poor until joining the Union. Thanks to their help, she was allowed to grow and become stable. After the recent presidential election, she grew worried of her economy getting ruined. Even though she agreed to join her fellow Southerners out of the Union, she still had her doubts on their whole plan to create a new nation. For now, she'll stick by them in the hopes of preserving their way of life.
Across from Florida was her neighbor and the fifth State to secede, Georgia. The Peach State had her reasons for leaving the Union. Ever since the American Revolution, she had supported the nation in the hopes of creating the perfect utopia. Yet, her fellow States refused to respect her, still looked down upon as the daughter of debtors. What put her on edge were their attacks on her lifestyle despite doing nothing to them. For years, she dealt with the hatred. After all this time, she had enough of their whining and left the Union according to her own free will.
As for the sixth member to secede from the Union, Louisiana sat next to Florida looking rather doubtful. The dark skinned lady was the only member to reluctantly join her Confederate compatriots. On one hand, she denounced slavery and wished to side with the Union. On the other hand, she understood her economy was at stake and the will of the people. Between the White elites who control her versus the freed Blacks who she can relate to, her loyalties were absolutely torn. In the end, her decision didn't matter. Her boss ordered for secession, thus she left the Union. Despite her sympathetic ties to the Union, she's considered a full member of the "Seceded Seven".
But wait! That's only six members. Where's the seventh?
"We seem to be missing someone," Georgia mentioned the empty seat on her left.
A few whispers were chattered regarding the missing member.
"Where the hell is Texas? It's already ten minutes past noon!" South Carolina voiced in a loud, irritated manner.
"Actually," everyone's eyes look to Louise, "Tex isn't coming."
Simultaneous gasps echoed around the table.
"Really? Are you sure?" Missy asked.
"Why in the world isn't she coming?" Georgia questioned.
Louise shrugged. "She said she's still conflicted on the whole thing."
"Conflicted? Does she have feelings for America and those Northern rats?" she snarled.
"No way! She's on our side, right?" Florida questioned.
Louise lowered her eyes. "I don't know. She told me she won't send any delegates to the convention. At least for now..."
Heaving out a sigh, South Carolina muttered, "Whatever. Forget the Texan. Let's hurry up and start this meeting."
Everyone's eyes fell on Alabama, waiting for the host to start the first session of this convention. Alabama stared at them in return. For about ten seconds of silence, no one said a word. Not even Alabama who was waiting for someone else to speak, completely forgetting he's the host of this meeting. Soon, his silence got on everyone's nerves after enough waiting.
"ALABAMA!" South Carolina slammed her fist down on the table, startling Alabama out of his seat. "Hurry up and start this meeting already!"
Alabama got back in his chair. "What? Am I suppose to say something?" he gumbled.
Florida shook her head disappointed. "You gotta be kidding me..."
"You're suppose to be the host of this convention! Didn't you even prep for this meeting?" Georgia scolded him.
He scowled. "It's not like I wanted to host this stupid meeting!"
"This meeting isn't stupid! The reason we're having this conference is to form a new nation. Unless you prefer being a Union mutt, get your act together and stop stalling this meeting!"
Alabama made a giant groan like a child being told what to do. "Fine! Quit your yapping," he grumbled. He looked back at the table who all stared at him. He cleared his throat. "So... We should get started creating our own nation," he stated the obvious.
South Carolina scoffed, "No shit, Freckle Face! Why do you think we're here? To have a square dance around this table."
Alabama glared at her. "As I was saying, we should create our own nation. So, uh... Does anyone know how to create a nation?"
Everyone turned to each other in disbelief.
"Is this guy serious y'all?" Louise looked to everyone for an explanation.
"Oh, bless your heart," Georgia sighed.
Seeing the dissatisfied faces of his fellow Southerners, Alabama turned red, both out of embarrassment and anger. "It's just a question!" he lashed out.
"Come on, y'all," Missy stepped in to defend her neighbor, "Alabama is doing his best, so don't be too harsh on him."
"Missy, no offense, but we gave him two weeks to prepare for this convention," said Florida.
Louise sighed. "Do you have any suggestions at least? Like, a legislative plan? Anything?" She looked to Alabama for an answer.
Alabama shrugged. "I don't know. Can we go home now?"
"Go home?!" South Carolina immediately stood up from her seat and grabbed Alabama's shirt collar. "Listen, dimwit! I came all this way to create a nation! I'm not going home after waiting ten minutes to hear, "I don't know you." Ya hear me!"
"Don't lay a finger on me, damn it!" Alabama pushed her off him.
And the Southern Conference began with a brawl between Alabama and South Carolina while everyone watched in dismay.
Echoing out a groan, Georgia shook her head in disappointment. "I can't believe I'm stuck with a bunch of idiots," she grumbled to herself. "You know what, forget this!" She stood up from her seat.
She stomped over to the front of the room, pushing Alabama and South Carolina to the side who stopped their fighting to look at the Georgian.
"As one of Original Thirteen, I vowed to create the perfect world for my people. For our sake, I'm placing myself in charge of this convention," she declared. "Anyone who disagrees with my leadership can leave. If you do leave and return to the Union, you'll regret it," she warned.
Like the eyes of a ferocious tiger, Georgia hungered for control of this meeting. Having been through enough hardship, she was trained to be tough if she wanted to earn herself respect. No one in the room didn't argue with her declaration. Even South Carolina didn't argue with her while Alabama breathed a sigh of relief, pardoned from doing the hard work. He returned to Georgia's former seat without a complaint to his name. Thus, Georgia unanimously became the hostess from this point onward.
"So, what's the plan?" Louise asked Georgia.
Georgia gave a second to consider the question. "... In order to create our own nation, not only do we need to build a national government, we need to come up with a constitution."
Alabama gave her a strange look. "A constitution? Aren't we copying the Union?"
"Of course not! If you paid attention, all countries have their own constitution. If we were to lay out our own constitution, we'll be able to set up an official government. Then, we'll be able to form our own nation."
"So... We are copying the Union? " Missy questioned, slow to comprehend the plan.
The Georgian pinched the bridge of her nose, muttering curses to herself. "... No, Missy. Never are we ever going to copy that Union toilet paper," she calmly spoke between her teeth. "Our own constitution will have its own rules, our rules. This constitution will be written by us, applied only to us. In summary, we'll create our own rules that'll apply to our newly created nation."
Everyone nodded in agreement. Even Missy agreed despite not getting the gist of it, not wanting to get on Georgia's bad side. After fetching some parchment paper, everyone voted for Louise to be the sole writer of their constitution, seeing as her handwriting is the fanciest and neatest among them. With a quill pen and a nearby ink well, Louise got ready to write their ideas down. The "Seceded Six" gathered at the front table, conversing among themselves in anticipation to what's being written.
"Hey. Isn't that the Preamble we're copying?" Florida pointed out.
Louise stopped writing, making an awry face at Florida. "I don't know. I'm only writing down what they're telling me." Louisiana pointed to Georgia and South Carolina, putting the two Originals on the spot.
"Oh please! Like I do such a thing!" South Carolina dismissed the accusation.
"Are you accusing us for treason or something?" Georgia threatened Florida who easily backed off from the fiery inferno of the two red-heads.
"At least put some originality into this," she suggested.
"How am I suppose to do that?" Louise asked her friends.
"How about changing a few words?" Missy piped in.
"Like what?"
She shrugged. "I don't know." Missy pondered before exclaiming, "I like religion. Let's put God in this one. That way we're recognized as the good side."
There was a moment of silence for everyone to consider Missy's suggestion. I mean, most of them practice religion. God seemed cool to mention in their national constitution.
"Okay. How about this?" Louise started jotting down a sentence. "...invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God... How about that?" she asked for everyone's opinion.
Receiving everyone's nods of approval, Louise kept writing whatever the two eldest States said and kept what Missy said in the back of her mind. After writing for an hour, she finally finished...the first paragraph.
"What now?" Louise asked everyone, unsure where to go from there.
"Well, we need to come up with the branches of government," spoke Georgia as she pondered over what's written. "As much as I don't like the Union, the Constitution was...ingenious for the most part..."
Missy cocked her head. "So..."
"We'll make some adjustments to fit our needs. For now, let's apply some of the basic things from that constitution to ours as the sturdy foundation to our nation."
"Okay, boss." Louise gave a curt nod as she continued to write again.
"So, we're basically remaking the Constitution?" Florida sounded unimpressed.
"Do you want to do this yourself then?" Louise held out her quill pen.
Florida shook her head. "N-Not at all! It's just... I wish we were more creative."
Georgia softened her eyes, placing a hand on Florida's shoulder. "Don't fret. This is only a draft. We can change parts we don't like. For now, we need something on the table. It's better than nothing," she assured her neighbor.
She softly smiled. "If you say so."
"Just make sure everything doesn't look like the Union's," said South Carolina. "I don't want them to accuse us for plagiarism or something stupid like that."
"I'll make note of that." Louise nodded.
For about a month, the Southern Convention continued with all six Southern States gathered together to write the Confederate States Constitution. Arguments popped up here and there, however, such arguments didn't last for long. It took a long time. Lots of writing left Louise crying from a cramped up hand. Even in the South, the February cold festered among them. It was difficult, but they were determined. All it took was a quick reminder of the North, getting them riled and warmed up.
Soon, a month passed. This was the fruit of their hard work:
"We, the people of the Confederate States, each state acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity - invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God - do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America."
Louise read the preamble to the room, receiving a moment of silence from everyone as they processed the beginning in their heads. No one didn't think it was a good constitution. It was a GREAT constitution!
"That was the greatest preamble I've ever heard! Out of the two preambles, I prefer this one!" Missy chimed with joy as everyone chattered in satisfaction to the newly created document.
"I agree. This one is much more to our standards." Georgia nodded with a smile brimmed with confidence.
"With this one, I get more power and control instead of relying on some dummy to decide for me," South Carolina giggled. "Screw big government! More power to me and the people!" she cheered as everyone chanted along with her.
"Should we print copies and send them over to everyone?" Louise suggested.
"I don't know. Wouldn't they know more of our plans?" Florida questioned, referring to the Northern States.
"Actually," Georgia concurred, "If I'm correct, not all of us are here."
"What do you mean?" Missy cocked her head.
"The rest of our Southern brothers and sisters had yet to secede from that wretched Union," Georgia noted. "More than likely we'll get ourselves mixed up with the Union. When that happens, we'll need all the allies we can get."
Everyone gave a short nod to this fact.
"You're right," South Carolina agreed. "I'm still disappointed they hadn't seceded yet, but I'm willing to give them a chance so long as they admit our righteousness in this whole ordeal."
Florida chirped. "Okay then! Print these copies out and send them to everyone. I guess we can call it a day then."
"But wait," Louise interrupt, "We should all sign the document, so everyone would know we created and approved this constitution. That way they'll know it's authentic."
"Fair point," she agreed, "How should we sign it then?"
"With a pen. Duh!" Missy giggled.
Florida rolled her eyes. "I know that! I mean, who's going to sign first?"
Everyone looked to each other around the room, wondering the same thing.
"I think we should sign according to when we secede," South Carolina was the first to suggest the idea.
"You mean you're going to be the first to sign," Georgia grumbled.
"Then, how else should we sign it?" She huffed, "Give me some credit! At least I have the brains to secede first before everyone else followed after me."
"So, by order of secession then?" Louise questioned.
Everyone reluctantly agreed to this rule.
"That's settled then. I'll sign first." South Carolina, with a gigantic grin, grabbed the quill pen and wrote her name down at the bottom of the document.
"Don't make it all big now. Leave room for the rest of us." Florida hovered over her.
"Yeah, yeah," she mumbled before finishing the last touches to her signature.
After South Carolina's signature followed Mississippi's and Florida's own signatures. When it was Alabama's turn, Florida wanted to hand him the pen, however, he was nowhere to be seen. Then again, everyone rarely saw or heard from Alabama. Did he even show up to this session? Or, any of the sessions of this convention?
"Where's that tar-eating bastard?" Georgia questioned, eager to sign the document after him.
"Is he late again?" Florida asked everyone in the room.
The five Southern belles searched the room, finding Alabama nowhere in sight.
"Over here!" Missy called, pointing under the table.
Every Southern lady looked underneath the hickory table. Sure enough, they found Alabama taking a deep, afternoon nap with a jug of whiskey curled up next to his chest. Throughout most of the sessions, Alabama left the women to do all the work. He ate, drank, and slept somewhere in the room while they were busy making the constitution. For an entire month, he didn't bother listening to their conversation. Nor did he interject his thoughts on the matter. He basically loafed around until the end of each meeting. Recalling Alabama's lack of participation, seeing the Yellowhammer State sleeping like a log underneath their feet, the women weren't pleased in the slightest to see the lazy bum do nothing once again.
The first to react was Georgia. Calmly, she asked Missy and Louise to grab the document, ink well, and quill off the table. After they did that, she didn't hold back from releasing her rage toward the Alabaman. With the kick of her foot, she flipped the entire table, exposing his sleeping body. Shockingly, Alabama was still out cold. He did wake up when South Carolina kicked him in the butt.
His eyes popped open as he shouted in pain. "YooOOoowwl! What the heck is that for?!" He rubbed his butt while groaning in pain.
"Stop lazing around!" Georgia yelled into his ear. "Hurry up and sign this thing!"
Louise gave Alabama the document while Missy lent him the quill. He sleepily yawned, squinting at the fancy cursive that was scribbled on the paper.
"What's this?" he asked without a clue.
Everyone's jaws dropped to the floor.
"You're kidding, right?" Florida uttered in disbelief.
"No. But really, what is this?" he repeated.
"You mean... After spending nearly a month... You really have no idea what we were doing..." Louise was ready to bring her sassy mouth into this.
"Nope." He shook his head, unperturbed by the spitfire that was heading his way.
Just as everyone was about to curse him out on his laziness, Missy stood in their way, getting between her Southern sisters and Southern brother.
"We can't fight now," she genuinely said with softened eyes.
As infuriated as they were at Alabama's lack of participation, Missy had a fair point. If the South was going to survive, they mustn't squabble over silly arguments anymore. A common enemy united against their values and existence is hovered over their heads. This is the crucial time for them to unite if they wanted to defend their lives and beliefs. For the South, they need to put aside their differences and cooperate as one.
"... Just sign the paper," Georgia muttered before letting go a tiresome sigh.
As mad as she was at his laziness, she can't afford to lose anymore friends. Nor can she make anymore enemies.
Once the table was flipped right back up, Alabama went ahead and signed the constitution without a complaint, not wanting to get into anymore trouble. His signature was followed by Georgia's and Louisiana's. Now that the constitution was signed, it was ready to be enacted.
"It's settled then. There's no turning back now." South Carolina stared at her fellow Southerners in a solemn manner.
What they were doing is audacious. Not only have they left, they created a national government and a national constitution of their own. What happens next is new territory to them. For sure, it's not going to be peaceful. That's for sure.
"How about Texas and the other Southern States?" Florida asked.
"For Texas, she's welcomed any time," Georgia exemplified the cowgirl. "For the other Southern States, we can't trust them just yet. In given time, they'll change their mind. But until then, they're a part of the Union. We cannot accept them if they had yet to secede from them."
No one argued against her logic.
"So, are we free to go home now?" Alabama gave a yawn, ready to leave for the day.
"I have stuff to do at home. I need to get my guns ready to defend my house," South Carolina muttered, her eyes ready for battle.
Georgia nodded. "Alrighty then. Be careful. You may never know when they'll act," she warned.
Missy chirped as she skipped over to the door. "Okie dokie! I guess this is goodbye then!"
"Yeah. I guess we'll see y'all until the next meeting." Florida followed after Missy.
"I'll be sure to get Texas to come to this next meeting! I swear!" Louise went after them.
"Finally! This convention is over!" Alabama felt relieved after spending so many days attending these boring meetings despite having to do nothing while there.
"Wait!" Everyone looked back at Georgia before they left the room. "We may have created a constitution. But that doesn't mean this is the end to our problems." She stared sternly at every member. "Stay vigilant. Don't lose focus. And," she paused, "fight for the Confederacy!" She raised a fist into the air.
Everyone mimicked the gesture. "For the Confederacy!" they chanted.
The Seceded Six left the building in a good mood, cheering proudly to the start of a new nation. There were no regrets. There were no thoughts on going back. There was only salvation and freedom in their sights. They were eager to break out of their shackles, and let their Southern Pride burst out without the fear of being suppressed. They were anew with vitality, ready to strike out on the world, ready to make history.
"Is this...the United States Constitution?" Texas wrinkled her nose seeing the Confederate States Constitution for the first time.
"Of course not! Like we would do such a thing! I-I mean... It's our own constitution that we came up by ourselves!" Georgia completely denied the accusation.
"Who do we think we are? Copycats? Hahaha!" South Carolina laughed it off.
Tex gave her Southern friends a weird look.
"Come on, Tex! Unlike the Union's constitution, this one has God in it!" Missy proudly pointed the sentences out from their constitution.
"I swear to you, Tex. This is a masterpiece. After all, I wrote most of it." Louise smiled.
"I helped out, too!" Florida mentioned.
Texas gave Alabama a skeptical look. The man only gave her a shrug. "Yep," was all he said.
After going through much turmoil, Texas gazed at her friends, unsure if they were serious with the final draft. Then again, she thought, it's better than nothing.
"Where do I sign?" she sighed.
Everyone in the room cheered to another State joining their ranks, becoming a part of a new nation. The Confederacy. The Confederacy. The Confederate States of America. It was a great beginning for the South. Away from the tyranny of the North, the South shall rise again!
~ Bonus Scene I ~
Massachusetts paced around the room as the rest of the members of the Union watched him rant. They, too, were surprised by the news. They recently got a copy of the Confederate States Constitution to see what the seceded States wrote. Most couldn't believe what they were reading. Almost everyone, particularly the Original Thirteen, were gaping in shock. They were all disapproving of the document.
"Did... Did they just..." New York held a hand over his head, unsure if the work was real or just a rip-off of the U.S. Constitution. It was definitely a rip-off of the U.S. Constitution.
"For a bunch of Southern farmers, this is pretty ballsy of them," Connecticut muttered, still comprehending the changes they made in comparison to the original.
"Ballsy, but stupid. What were they thinking when they wrote this?" New Hampshire made a disappointed sigh.
"I'm offended by this piece of garbage," Pennsylvania huffed upset, recognizing the parts they copied, making them worse in her opinion.
"Garbage? Garbage has more originality than this pile of shit!" Massachusetts shredded the document into pieces before throwing the scraps into the nearby fireplace.
"I knew they were ill-educated, but this is... This is something..." New Jersey was close to vomiting what's left of his lunch seeing certain parts that were obnoxious to his eyes.
"Now, now, brother. No need to rip the rest of the copies up just yet," Maine tried to reassure her older brother from causing anymore destruction.
"Traitors! This is against American principles! How dare they plagiarize our beloved constitution! Those Southern nitwits have another thing coming when I see their faces again!"
While the New England region were up in their criticism on the Seven States that seceded, little did they listen or notice the rest of the Southern States that stayed.
"Outrageous! Unacceptable! Those degenerate, bigoted, un-American deserters aren't going to get away with this!" Maryland was nastier than ever before. Despite being a part of the South, she didn't want to be grouped with those Southern traitors. For that, she chose to defend her credibility with her patriotic gestures, debasing her former, Southern comrades while staying loyal to the Union.
As for North Carolina, she was the complete opposite of Maryland. Without uttering a word, without her twin to bicker with, she was quiet during the whole meeting unless asked to speak which even then was short and emotionless. She was the only one who knew of her twin's plans to secede, yet she didn't tell the Union. Between the Union and her Southern friends, she was torn over her loyalties between the two sides. Recalling her sister's last words, she didn't want that stuck-up brat to be right. But with everyone on edge, she hoped this ruse was a bunch of nonsense, and that sooner or later they'll come back. They'll come back, right?
Nearby, Tennessee and Kentucky were whispering to themselves. For the first time in his life, Tennessee showed concern on the matter while Kentucky remained indifferent to his friend's concerns. "I don't know..." Tennessee muttered. Kentucky only gave him a shrug in response. Unaware to them, Ohio was eavesdropping on their conversation. Ohio had yet to rat them out, but he was aware of the South being known to stick together. With seven out of the Union, who knows who else is going to betray the Union.
No one seemed to have noticed or cared, but Arkansas was nowhere to be found at this meeting. Arkansas wasn't a part of the Seceded Seven who left the Union. Even so, he's still a part of the dirty South. Considering he had yet to show up at this emergency meeting, everyone had probably guessed where his loyalties lie.
For the eldest among the Southern States, Virginia remained unmoved by the hateful criticisms of her Southern friends. Behaving as usual, she sipped her herbal tea and ate her biscuits without a complaint. There was some suspicion on her as she, like any Southern State, relied on slavery and favored states' rights. But considering her record as a patriotic intellectual, no one questioned her faith. She was still with them. For now at least...
With D.C. absent due to a severe headache, Delaware was forced to lead this conference. His attitude on the whole conflict wasn't as vile as the Northern States, but he was nevertheless upset by what the Southern States were doing.
'This is insane...' he thought sadly to himself.
Exhaling a tired breath, Delaware raised his voice. "Everyone! Settle down!" What's left of the United States of America settled down in whispers, their attention turned to Delaware at the front of the room. "As everyone has guessed, we'll need to take action in response to this," he said with a determined look on his face.
They thought it was a bluff until now. This was treason. It was a declaration of war. The Union was being threatened with division. The United States versus the Confederate States. Relationships will crumble and sides will be picked. A dark storm is brewing, ready to rain down blood and tears in the process. The question for the every State: will everything turn out for the better, or will everything turn out for the worse?
~ Bonus Scene II ~
"Stupid Georgia. Think she's better than me," Alabama grumbled.
After dealing with his female colleagues for many days, Alabama was finally free of their bickering. Even then, he's still holds the Confederate capital. He'll have to work twice as hard, two jobs he knows will be a pain in the ass. He wasn't looking forward to it at all. Yet, it would seem he doesn't have a choice. Free from the Union, but not free from work.
He groaned.
Just as he was coming up on his home, he stopped in his tracks upon meeting the eyes of a young man sitting on the front steps of his porch. This young man wore a gray suit, his hair all the more recognizable to Alabama who gritted his teeth.
"The hell are you doing here?" Alabama stomped over to the blonde haired man. "Go away! I'm not going back to the Union! Force me, and you'll be sorry!"
The stranger cocked his head. "The Union?"
"Don't play coy with me, America! You and those Northern pussies think you're better than me! Think ya can control me! Well, guess what! I'm a part of a new nation, so scram before I shoot ya for trespassing me property!" Alabama literally spat at the man's face.
The stranger calmly wiped the spit off his strong cheek with a handkerchief in his chest pocket. Then, he stood up from the porch, hovering over Alabama's shorter body. His steel gray eyes were stern, cold yet collected in front of Alabama. It was then Alabama realized his mistake.
"America?" the stranger chuckled in a dark manner.
Without warning, he grabbed Alabama by the collar of his shirt. Alabama gasped as he tried to fight back, but it was no use. The man was stronger than him. The stranger forced Alabama to meet his mean face, looking square in the eye.
"Never. Ever. Compare me to that Union cocksucker." He pushed Alabama onto the ground.
Alabama scampered to his feet, backing a few steps away from the strange, yet powerful man. "Who the hell are you? You're not Alfred..." He shook his head.
A devilish smirk grew on the stranger's face. "Indeed, America is a part of my name. But no, I'm not America. I'm nothing like that clueless bastard." He approaching Alabama, lending out his hand. "I'm the Confederate States of America. Call me the Confederacy."
~ Bonus Scene III ~
Dear sweet Alabama,
We decided to move the capital to Virginia now that she's a part of the Union. Anyway, see you later at the next meeting.
From your lovely neighbor, Missy
"Gosh, darn it! Girls are stupid!" Alabama crumpled up the message and threw it on the ground.
Welp... At least he doesn't have to deal with capital duties anymore.
+ The Confederate States Constitution was created on March 11, 1861; it was later adapted on the March 29th that same year. The men who signed it came from the Seceded Seven (the first seven Southern states to secede from the Union): South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Texas. More Southern states would later secede from the Union and pledge their allegiance to the Confederacy.
- Compared to the U.S. Constitution, the Confederate States Constitution is basically a copycat. The only key differences was the wording, the mention of the Almighty God, and the emphasis of states' rights and slavery. To be frank with y'all, I read a bit of the Confederate States Constitution, and its tone was... something.
+ On another note, some of the reasons the Confederate capital was moved to Virginia include encouraging the border states to join the Confederate cause, a strong infrastructure and ample amount of supplies to sustain the state during the war, a large population of white, military-aged men, and a political move to show defiance and strength against the Union.
+ Looking back on this chapter before publishing it, I realized Alabama wasn't mentioned a whole lot, so I apologize to those who were looking forward to seeing Alabama. Then again, my Alabama OC isn't like other Alabama OCs. Most Alabama OCs I saw were much kinder and more heartwarming than this lazy, ill-behaved lad. Either way, I'll be sure to include more of him in future stories to come.
Feel free to vote or comment any thoughts on Alabama or the chapter here.
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