Chapter 5
Bleary eyed and not even awake, I felt a firm hand on my shoulder, shaking me. The hand was warm, so I figured it was Grandpa Rome, as he'd always wake me like this. However, it was a completely different story when I opened my eyes begrudgingly.
"Not now, Nonno Rome." I murmured, swatting away the hand. Again it shook me, so I held onto it and whispered.
"Shhh, it's Saturday. No school today."
Then I realized the sound of stifled laughter. "Oh no. It's Toni isn't it." I groaned.
"Yeah. Yeah, it is." Toni said through fits of giggles. "And are you going to let go of my hand?"
"What time is it?" I moaned, using Toni's hand to pull myself up.
"One in the afternoon." Toni laughed. "I think it's safe to say that you slept in."
"Oh shit..." I groaned. "I really did, huh?"
"Yup!" the Spaniard cheered. "And also, I don't know if you get touchy feely in the morning, but you are adamant about my hand."
Looking down at my hand, I see it entwined with his. I feel my face begin to heat up and I know I'm blushing, but I couldn't will my hand to move. Toni stared at me quizzically as I blankly gazed at our hands, and eventually I brought my hand away. The bastard Spaniard began to open his mouth, to which he stopped when I glared at him.
"I'm dead inside right now, you tomato bastard, teasing me will only make me snap and kill a man." I deadpanned.
"Lovino ".I corrected.
"But you said last night that-"
"Ah." I started. "It appears that you've misunderstood. That was last night, and this is this morning. There is a difference."
"Oh. And here I was going to treat you to something." Toni moped.
"Wipe that fucking pout of your face, it doesn't work on me, bastard." I shot. "What could you give to me that I'd want, anyway?"
Toni grinned, and pulled a tomato from behind his back. "Heard you liked these?"
Confused as to who would tell him that, I stared at the delicious tomato. It did look really good...
"OMG!" I screamed as loud as I could, frantically pointing behind Toni's hand. Doing a degree in Performing Arts was really helping me right now. Toni's head whipped around as his eyes widened, obviously convinced by my performance. Quickly, I grasped the tomato and snatched it from Toni's hand, grinning as I took a bite.
As soon as he realized what had happened, the Spaniard immediately began to whine about it, but all I could do was eat the tomato triumphantly with a smirk on my face.
"Lovi! That was meant to be a treat!" he whined.
"So was Rose's trip on the Titanic and we all see how that went" I said ironically.
"You told me you hadn't seen that movie..." Toni muttered.
"Doesn't necessarily mean that I can't make a joke about it." I laughed. "Oh, come on. You're not actually sad, are you?"
Toni pouted miserably.
Sighing, I held out the tomato and shoved it into his mouth, blushing.
"There, bastard. We can share it." I mumbled scratching my cheek with one finger, a habit of mine. Sighing softly and stretching, I left Toni to eat the rest of the tomato and picked up my phone. Feli had told me to call him back yesterday...
Lifting the phone to my ear, I heard it ring once, twice, three times, until someone picked up.
"Hey, Feli, you called me?" I asked.
"Oh, sorry." A deep voice rang through the line. "Feli hasn't woke up yet. I'm Ludwig, his roommate."
"Oh." I stuttered. Damn, I was terrible at talking to new people. My whole body froze up and it felt like I couldn't speak. Flustered, I thought of everything I knew about this guy. Apparently he was tall, stoic, and German. And hot. And Feli liked him. "You're not dating my brother, are you?" Dammit, I didn't mean for it to sound rude!
"Uhhh..." The German sounded confused. "No?"
Shit. Shit. "Oh, well, keep your hands off him, bastard! Oh, um, sorry, uhhh. Tell Feli to call me back, okay bye." I stammered, flustered. I immediately hung up, then stared at the phone in my hand.
"Oh, fuck me!" I shouted, hiding my head in my hands.
"With pleasure." An accented voice said from the doorway.
Confused, I looked up at the new arrival. He had long blonde hair, that looked far from untidy, yet still retained a messy sort of look. The man also had well kept stubble on his chin, which made him look rather handsome. His eyes were a deep blue, and he was wearing quite fashionable clothes.
"Uh. Who are you?" I said defensively.
"Mon ami, calm that pretty face of yours." The mysterious man made his way over to me. "I am nothing more than a humble friend of Antonio's. The name is Francis." Taking my hand, Francis planted a kiss on it, holding it momentarily, before letting it drop.
Immediately, my romance defence mechanism started, used for brushing away any romantic acts that happened to me. It had been both a help and a burden in my love life.
"Look here, bastard. I don't know who the fuck you think you are, but I don't think you're any friend of Antonio's if your first instinct is to greet his fucking roommate before you greet him." I spat. This scum right here could lick my fucking boots because love is bullshit.
Laughing, Francis turned to Toni and spoke. "Mon ami, you've got yourself a fiesty one here."
Pulling Francis in for a hug, Toni laughed heartily. "Amigo, you know I could only be near those who are problematic. That is why we are friends."
"Aha, Toni. You are magnificent.".
"Anyway," Toni laughed. "Where's the other one?"
"Gil and his boyfriend say they're meeting us there. However, I want the Italian to come as well. He seems interesting."
I blinked before registering what he had said. "Me?" I questioned cautiously, pointing at my chest.
Toni laughed. "Yeah, Lovi! Come with us! Me, Francis, Gil and Gil's boyfriend Roderich are gonna go see a movie!" Toni was practically dragging me off the bed.
I sighed. "Fine. Give me like, ten minutes."
Ten minutes later, I stepped out of the dorm room dressed in black skinny jeans, accompanied by a dark brown belt to match my brogues. I had a white, thin button up shirt alongside a dark grey cardigan and a black silk scarf. I had my wallet, phone and keys in my handbag, which yes, was a handbag, I admit, and I also chose to wear my glasses today instead of contacts, and also a beanie.
"Do I look okay?" I asked, pulling on my hair irritably trying to make it look neater as we climbed into Francis's car.
"Mon ami, you look fantastique! After all, only Italians can match the French in style."
"You know, I'm starting to like you." I hummed humorously.
Eventually, we reached the cinema and I saw the boisterous albino and his boyfriend waiting for us. I recognized said boyfriend and then thought to myself: how are those two dating? They're complete opposites!
As we approached, I caught their conversation.
"I swear my dorm is haunted."
"Why do you say that, Rod?"
"I hear weird noises at night."
"Like what?"
"Creepy stuff. I hear screaming and laughter and moaning."
Suddenly, words escaped my mouth as we reached the two. "Are you sure that's not your neighbors fucking?"
A spout of boisterous, loud laughter came from the less posh of the two- Gilbert Beilshmidt. He clutched his side and poked his flustered boyfriend's cheek as Toni and Francis tried to hide their giggles. Obviously they knew Rod got enough laughter from Gil in one day.
"I'm sorry, that shouldn't have been the first thing I said to you." I giggled nervously.
Roderich rubbed the back of his neck. "Ah, maybe not."
Toni piped up. "Okay, so. Lovi, meet Francis, Roderich and Gil- stop laughing. Everyone, meet Lovi. I'm reluctant to call him a friend as he might punch me, so, he's my roomie."
"It's not taboo to call me your friend, you know." I laughed.
"Okay, really? Okay, this is Lovi, guys. And he's my friend, apparently. These are the idiots I get dragged into hanging out with."
"You and me both, friend." Rod laughed, and Gil threw his arm around him.
"Hey, hey Roddy. Hey, Roddy baby. Heeeeey..." Gil whined.
"Can we get popcorn to share? Please? Pretty please? I'll even let you have most of it, babe~!"
"I told you not to call me that..." Rod complained, but I did see him blushing a little.
By this time, we had made our way inside and to the desk to buy tickets.
"Wait, what are we actually seeing?" I asked.
Toni stood next to me in the queue. "Gil's insisting we go see Insidious 3." he laughed.
I swallowed nervously. "Well if anyone pisses themselves it's gonna be me."
Everyone laughed as we purchased our tickets, popcorn and drinks, we made our way to screen 4, where the movie was being shown. I was on the end, Toni beside me. Smirking, he slid his hand down my arm and said, "If you get too scared, you can always hold on to me."
Blushing and flustered, I was about to make a witty comeback when the lights dimmed.
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